Ne t \ J. LIVINGSTONE. J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES: Listowel, Palmerston and Clifford, a ae -- A. Halstead, Mount Forest and 8 A General | hasicing Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all partaof the DOMINION, UNITEU STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowed. arge amount of priv ' funds to lend poe 'arm security at 43% per cent., with privilege of mien annually, Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scorr & Son. FIVE HUNDRED: LIVES WIPED OUT. The Little Town of Heppner, Oregan, Destroyed by a Cloudburst. So Suddenly Did th the 1e Flood Come That People Were Unable to Escape ious the Awful Rush of Water, Which Oarried Everything Be fore it--Two Hundred Bodies Recovered. Portland Ore., June 15.--Five hun- dred people lost their lives ia a cloud- buret that almost entirely destroyed e town cof or aia Oregon, ut 6 o'olook lat nig Heppuer is fhe counts seat of Mor- row co out 1,250 in- , aD - "habitants. All the selaavash and tele- phone wires are down, and no ac- curate information can be <hesioot bat the estimate of loss of life is based on the most reliable reports re- ceived np to to-night. A report from Ione, 17 miles from Heppner, is to the effect that 300 bodies have been recovere messenger who arrived at Ione said that a wall of water 20 feet high rushed down into the gulch in which Heppner ig situated, currying every- thing before it. 'The flood came sud- denly--so sudden that the inbabitants were unable to seek places of eafety, aud were carried down to death by the awful rash of water. Almost the entire resident por- tion of the town was destroyed, bat some of the business part, which is on higher ground, escaped. Huge boulders weighing a ton were carried down by the current, and many people were killed by being CRUSHED AGAINST THE ROCKY BLUFF. Early in the afternoon a thunder- storm occurred covering a wide re- gion of country. Later a heavy rain storm set in, many of the small streams overflowing their banks in a short time. Bridges were swept away like straws, As soon as possible after the flood had subsided the work of relief was commenced by the citizens of the town. Dozens of bodies were found lodged along the bends of Willow Creek, and in several places they were piled over one another Up to 2 o'clock. this afternoon 200 bodies had been reccvered almost within the city limits. Hundreds of horses, cattle, sheep aud hogs that had gone in nae the creek bottoms for water pe: FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE DROWNED. The Dalles, Ore,, June 16 --A tele- phone message from Lone states that the latest find in the rnins of Heppner indicates that the loss of life will be much greater than was at firat sup- pose The casualty list will foot up 500, and many of the bodies will never be recovered. One hundred and fifty of the best residences were swept from 6 + sigieen Mr. and Mrs, Alex. H. Guun, for- merly of en Out., were among the drowned Hog Cholera in Bruce. Herd of 195 Brought From-Hesex Had | 0 be Destroyed. London, Ont. dass 16,---Government Inspector Tennant bas returned from Ripley, where be ordered the destruc- on.of 126 hogs ted with cholera, notified, the ba of 8 shipment. of 302 are er quaran' and it is expected they * will be destroyed. HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. | DIRBNOTORS: reyabla atall points in Canads and the Taito Sta gicacscs Great aetna and the Continent of bought and De tures at Farmers notes unted. Agents in United States. Now York : Hanover Hasoual Bank and Feursh National Bank. Boston ; International Trust Co. Baffalo: Marine Bank it Buffalo. Detroit; troit National Bank. Chicago: First Nolicnai Agents ip Great Britain. Nations! Provincial Bank of England, Limited. Travellers are notified Hamilton and its without or trouble in any vert of the world. B FORSAYETH, Agent, Listowe. ATWOOD BRANCH open Mondays, Wedresdays and Fridays. ATWOOD, 6s Frances Fullarton of Newry left last Fridsy for a two months' vis- it in 'Loronto. Our local G. T. R. agent, Mr. J. H. Moore, sold sixty-one tickete for Owen Sound last Friday. About 65 persons took in the excur- sion to Kincardine on Monday, Mr. L, Pelton and John Roger, who were up north on a fishing tour, re- turned home last week, well pleased with their trip. Wn. Cogblin of Manitoba is visiting his mother and brothers in ~ around Atwood. r, Wm. Nichol, who died sudden- iy was buried Friday last, when o number of his fetende and relatives followed the remains to the Elma cemetery. He leaves behind him a eorrowing family of six sons and two daughters, Walter in the Northwest, James, William, Wesley, Wardell and Lorne, of Elma, and Nellie and Mrs. Robert Cunningham of Atwood, The family huve the sympathy of the com- muvity, as their mother diet only a- bout a year ago. DORKING Satorday's rain proved a great boon to the farmers, greatly increasing the hay and root crops and largely benefit- ing the other crops. Mr, A. Solaway, our new merchant, has pow a large stock of goods on hand, which he is retailing so as to suit his many customers, who are pleased to see the old stand again a hosinees centre, Mr. P, Bappre has the cement wall beneath his barn finished, and the tabling will soon be well under way, when he again will be able to give ample accommodation to the travelling public, of which he bas always acquir- ed a good share. Mr. Milner had a very successful barn raising last _ end has now a very fine b; esringy completion, which when finished will rival any on the 13th. It is progress with Mr. Milner. In the evening following the raising hie friends and neighbors were entertained at a dancing party, he having erected a spacious platform for their disposal, The Schoo! Trustees having let the job of fencing the Sehool grounds to Mr. Starr, may well be satisfied with the new structure, Mr; Starr has proved himself to bes very efficient | Workman. The school property looks Pmuch the better for it. and Mrs, ote, | at aie Jno, Mewhi "President ' D,B. Wilkie, Vico aad General Manger. "HEAD OTs TORONTO, 2. nae | Bias orth West eer se a in Toronto last w Miss Winnie MeDonala' is visiting = Ay Arthur, Teresea McDonald is holidsy- ~ Ie a Barrie, the guest of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, i Pe pn spent a few days at Mr. E ugh- lin's, last week. Mr. Long, Glenallan, visited at Mr. -- '8, last wee! Adams spent Sunday nney's. oe Cassel a0 @ very _tainable bere ba Wednesda: r. Edward MoLeaghfin i is ill at srhaneet, suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. lung = which was the cmes of his dea Alex, Chambers, while working on' farm at Ielington, was killed by: astray rifle bullet. We have not advanced tne price of our tobaccos, ba, Tne Eure Tosacce Co., Limited, DEATHS. Spxans.--in Listowel, on zane 17th, Wil- liam Spears, aged 52 yea AMENT.~-In grin on Friday, the 12th of June, 1 Albert Harold, infant son of Andrew und Minnie Ament, W. S. BARTLEY, Watchmaker and Jeweler, has opened up in A. Zilliax's former stand, Wallace street, A New and Up-to-date Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELERY. Also a large assortment of SILVERWARE. soda %, vee eEORGE ROACB a0 Lombard eee pe eens 4. T. WOOD, M. P. Ww. , NW, M. FP. oe oc J. TURNBULL LISTOWEL BRANCH. H. 8, STEVEN, Asst. Gen-Mgr. rin i ee HM, WAZRON, Sanpyoien, | aT ed nd tect aliel pa ehonat ay ° amnnoual » Attention given to the discounting of Gorrie. Niagara Falls RAFTS SOLD, available at all points fz Beaeevie, Barto 8t. O wie ain Gated Sate ot er payable re Biyth cat End OwenBound '| Banke Doder il, S05 $10 Ch i wate Fort Rowan: $, Wo: 99 16:40), 180. hd arvis ort Elgin R. ARKELL, Manager. Listowel Bimcoe Lucknow Southampton Danville Midland perentc Gnaeby Mitahett, Vingham Fs ey ------ social dance = 1 of +s MANITO: given by an 2, iley sere BF ' randon Miami * Kolard 1 Thursday last to their friends, aed i "SIX PER CENT. ge Gorman. sian clone ora everybody present enjoyed-the even- Pee concer agli ak Hamicta Pium Coulee Winnipeg Dg. his Com » fon the Btock the gh gor oan" Ex.| Mre. Ed. Byron has returned from sath Jane ie tanh, bas thit aley a 'os ree rach = Seaketeen: i 'Tho mas, where she was visiting clared, and th : nt She SH COLUMBIA. Fomare. office -of- =i sé wide ¥. Mr. 'Thompson, West Lorn ford, on spd. after Blo -- rs meinen spending a few weeks as guest ay ot ah a AG Bank: and ed : se ARS naectved tad intarest slowed st terest added to | Byron, Thursday, the 2d Day of Setacapal in May and Moverber each ye Mes. Jus. Conolley of 8 a 1s $4 Phess Spas xk jpecial Deposits 'st current . rate of interest. _| visiting at Mra. T, Conolle: rete 1) Snewe eee! Me, A, Boling ped nent . few days Syratford, June, 1908. t COURT OF REVISION. TOWN OF LISTOWEL: . The first si of the rt of Revision - the Get ling of wh Qaert meld in the uncil Chamber, T own Hall, on Tucaday evening, 'June 16, '03, At = ts te o'clock. The ent Roll isin my office and open ty faepes eotion, WM. BRIGHT; Cleric, Listowel, June 1, 1903. LISTOWEL MAKEETS. fant. The deceased was. born in Nor- : « * vai, Halton county, and was about 47 2 al , years of age. His father, Mr. Alexan- 60 7 der McLaughlin, is living in Morning- Pigag/" eaaaonnin 18 ¢ ° ton. Five brothers and two sisters | Shorts, 20 00 also survive him. The foneral takes | Blot, per 10gtbe, 1218 place on Friday afternoon, Corameal, do 250 260 Butter per B. °18 -17 Pektes per tng, 8 100 Major J. J. Mason, for many yeare | Hides per 100 Bs 500 5 90 a prominent citizen 'o milton, and Speopaling : ; 3 He Grand Secre of the Grand Lodge, Woot dong: . _ 600 700 A. F. & A, M., died Monday morning. Dressed Hogs, | 72 73 He was 61 years of age. He -- been ere . 5.75 6 0 an invalid for months, sufferi Beef.' ~ puseaig ma oe io. @ ae 2 & "TE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER HEARO OF | f EVERYTHING MUST CO REGARDLESS OF cost GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE, The above headlines are only copied. THE F. ACT is "JENKINS" cannot afford to sell Goods to make a business of losing money. So for the next "Sy six weeks will share profits with you, giving a oe * CASH DISCOUNT ~ of 10 per cent, off regular cash prices. This means a genuine discount, as the Goods have not been marked higher in order to throw off 10 per cent. There fore the values here will compete with any of the Big Values ever offered. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. FIT AND FINISH GUARANTEED. $9.00 NET FOR A $10 SUIT. | $18.00 NET FOR A $20 SUIT $13.50 NET FOR A $15 SUIT | $22.50 NET FOR A $25 SUIT EVERYTHING IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS subject to 10 per cent. discount for Cash Only. Hats, Caps, oe ig Collars, Neckties, Underwear, Sox, Sweaters, Rainproof Coais and Umbre A complete Stock of bright new Goods. You can be salted "hacks "are invited to call and inspect prices and compare values. The place is One Door East of Post Office. J E N KI N MERCHANT TAILOR, an 9 MEN'S FURNISHER. You eat ? * CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. ie Tax & SARVIS ' HEADQUARTERS FOR SCREEN _ DOORS AND WINDOWS. - J. M. SCHINBEIN: Listowel's Greatest Store. 4 Main St. @@ | SILK SHIRT WAIST SALE, 7 All our Silk Shirt Waists reduced to cost and some below Stoves cost, in Prints Blue and Fawn. R A GREAT MUSLIN SALE. mera Here is where you can find the. right thing and all kinds of Hollowware high class Muslin. Muslins from 5c. upwards. Granite Goods a o ; - , a | Special value in al! kinds of Parasols. ane So NEW BELTS, NEW HOSIERY, NEW TIES, NEW_HATS, Cc | . NEW SWEATERS, SHIRT WAISTS, NEW GLOVES, reamers W SHIRTS. ou Nililaele lr ar | We 'ae just Ssctesa the finest lor of Screen Doors and Windows spect. Bthe manet. Calf and In Phone 40: Repairing promptly sinaded to. Gas and Steam Fitting, Plumbing,etc We have opened u this sr a lot of fine goods tor Hot Weather Wear. Special Sale in . SUMMER CLOTHING Ready-to-wear. Try us for Clothing. J.M. SCHINBEIN. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. --_--_--_--_- e+ -~ -- All work in tho--~ REPAI G line promptly and neatly done, at ~Teweet prices, eo guaranteed, him a W. S. BARTLEY. " ee Give The Great Sale of the year NOW GOING ON. have resolved to wind-up our stock com it is to th Goods here. Esoantry. produce. - on hand GREAT BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Staples, Hats, Caps and Clothing. As we Save you money to attend this sale, osed mostly of Staple Goods to yet rid of <and your advantage and ours to pulcnage your CLOTH ING. ' Our stock e this line is very pe-vo-datas sade by -the a ers and because we i L them very che sci "will ; oe. go at this Seine tcp | : Nice clean stock of, aes entire | business in Listowel it will We have a well assorted GROCER. (: @ "Alh our 3ew Sateen Print, former price 25c: to 40c., now going at 17¢. ' Weer - Embroideries. 'for Ww aists,former price 75c., going at 25c. - fr ie > Underskirts, usually sold at $1. 50, going at 85c. each. = am -. Men erred east going at less than half price. we my at ay hy, : _We still have some good lines 'Teft in this Department which we will clear at almost y *, -own price. RANT. & CO' ae ¥. & .& J. THOMPSON' S STOCK. Greater Bargains than ever are now being offered. All Spring and Summer oods are now: amarked down below wholesale cost, we must get Pid of them so price will not stand in cut has been given to the Dress Goods of whi RCE NT. to buy these goods. the'. way. ich we have a splendid assortment. It will pay you 'This is a good opportunity tor a ca to secure a fashionable hat for very little