Ti i VLEUSSS STACKING SMALL it ns have been ter how -- small grains are Ss more or less - ger of their bang injured by dash- ing rains. The shocks must stand long en- ough so that the grain is thorough- ly dry before it is put into the bin. However neighborhood want to thr dhock, it is almost inp to get a nmchine at the --_ time fells of _ are ed = by being left cnatacian., en safest plan, therefore, is to stack and then thresh as soon as possible, In choosing a site for stacks, be governed entirely by circurmstances. ° If a barn or shed is available for|conymonly puts them off their feed.| idle freigtts. Manitoba willfeed| Hogs -- avy, but: subject to the control of the Gover- ¥ ; "land put in a layer of potatoes one storing unthreshed grain, angi it is| While everything coming' from the! i8 stcarly at $22 for cams of shorts the @ingand was fairly active and | rij ouncil ar the a Com- pany in Kansas City ee inch decp, sprinkle with salt and practically safo there, use it by all!) kitchen should be made use of, its! and for bran, secks included, pilD are unchanged, wit casi-| nfission, but on tke Go Se | Bact es lage y & pper and dot with butter and on- means, shelter is not available, | receptacle should be kapt clean. Toronto phaed Siang 5 ing, at $65.75 per cwt. for) section of the lino the nat | ce lati i n and parsley and then make rtack where the stsaw may be util-| Take it all down to the pons while! Barley Is etcatly at 48c for No.) Feats and $5.50 for Hage and|to be cut down to a figure that will otal money in renin en other layer with seasonings. Seal lvad to bost advantc as shelter 2 on ' | 3 extra, and 41c fcr No. 3 emst or| fats, Sows are quotdd a tol prevent the ey fyom paying the United States is $2,375,943,! folie tupaot milk and wo: levi ui Lge er| fresh and feed at once; nothing can a hei : the past ps add t el and feed for live sto "In many | be gained by delay, and nruch may | Widdle freights, 4.25. the anrtual 1 BP pee a eg uring the past |tapiespoons of flour dissolved a sections of the west, the straw is Buckwleat -- Is stoady at 4le for! Mxport cattle, axtra Othe railway compumics ejyear of $126.552,7 little cold milk; pour over the po- either burned or atacked in the field, , No. 2 east and 40c micpile frei choice... ... 1. ... $4. 20. %. a6 5 | Branted rurming rights prec "he An apparatus is being placed in } iat oeg and bake in o hot oven until whee it may rot and be plowed un- MULLAH LOST 1,000 MEN Rye -- Ls steady at Sle to S2e for 4.70 Winnipeg-Moncton section. is {s/position on summit of Pike's | iy, potatoes der, In this cause the wheat may be _' : No. 2 east. 4.60 to bi - ae ge pr in ea pipes ig aioe hed heat rao ec el Horseradish "Rance: hie mance, Js " sic 'prea 1 : a Corn -- Is steady, Camada is Oo mnt, an n c of failure to/drawing down clectricity from cf) ene WHERE bedcigebica War Office Receives News of Bri quoted at 4%: for car lots west: Am-| Infe ior' cow 275 te arrive at frienxily underates ing. |heights above. lecaarhan con berate eae et decide whether you _ . tish Victory. cricun i8 qpwted at 59¢ for No. 8} put.thers' aaa tots 4.60 4.75 jal asics will t Carpets which have been on the \your tablespoons of grated horse ri rou roun A despatch fro London says:| mived and 50kc for No. 3 yellow, ice te PT, 4.50 svbject, of cour, to the | floor of the adjusting room in the jj.) ' > table 6f fine stack will probably withstemd the ' hich the G d Trunk P ; ish, one rounding tablespoon of "ffects of dashing rain betier than The Wer Office on Wedherziny re-| an the track, as ed fair to good 4.00 4.30 rights webic' at aTON n ®-/United States mint for six years |opacker crumbs, o level. teaspoon rick iiearer, Heke on more| ceived a despatch from Col. Roch-} Oats -- xe 'Tyce for) Good cows... 1. Bo. 2500 3.7 ci poseere a8 bee and operat-| have yielded $9,000 to a treatment | or gait, a tablespoon of mixed m realy ade piel are quite popular | f0Ft, ome of the British officers very Xo. 2 wirite, high freights north and/ yoy do. . wa 2.50 3.00 Lars of the line. fo {tard and a pinch of pepper H "man ™ tio . ; Ao Derek i witl the ---- force in » at 32c middle freights, artd; gulls, export, heavy 3.75 4.25 MATERIALS TO BE CANADIAN. A2 _000 ft. ofl well has been tapped | all together add one-half cup of 7 rehwent it ts the Selene police Somaliland, which says the Abys-| Bie vast. Nv. 1 white are quotad edium .- B00 3.50 view of the' Government con-|at Santa Barbara, California, that | sweet cream ahd bring to the oo ) the what nod ks, | Sivians on May lst, after a series; at A4c anst tise) ae 75 3.00 | structing the castern section of the |spouts forty barrels a minute. fifty jing point. Serve the saute hot. * ar? st es nti Vi mu ing of forced marches, struck the M Oatmeal -- stendy at $3.50 for) Feqters, short keep. 4.40 4.60 |railway, the Grand Trunk Pacific }feet above the top of the derrick, Sauce Tartare --Mix ane tabient n tack. podersk have . baer 'emit mann Myllah's forces near Jeyd -- cars of bags 'and ve 65 for barrels um... 00 4.40 !Co iny have reduced their capital | mane osm popular of reti ; of mixed invstard, ont level ronan. "a Thia is westicveali be ured by Duild.| ing them at dawn anal killing 1,00 the track, onto, antl 25¢| do High Bee we 3.60 4.00 |from $75,000,000 to $45,000,600, an gener Count Huclsen Hues- | 5 sugar, one lovel deaspoon on walt ing a fin shock in the cniter of the | SPearamen, and capturing almost all| mm: re_for--kroken lots. tockers, cliwoice 3.50 09 | Phe couwuins, as en evidence of iler, has said that spirits-are bad | ing g pinch of cayenne. Stir in the apet whero the stack is to stand their cattle and sheep and 1, ,000 | Ivas -- Ate quiet. A lot of No. 2]. Go INO ee oe 2.75 8.00 'good faith, will deposit $5,000,000 j and beer is worse, because it cOUuSCS | Libeaten yolks of tivo ¢ = add one Continue setting hunidies iipen it, | Carne ls CoL Rochfort acids that} swbd to-dmy) at 62c high feeights cows, cach™....25.00 50.00 lin the Hank of Montreal in cash or | fatigue reates a thirst For Rais alive ai} ana ines akbaencas gradually vloping them i ei he eg have Fe tually | jeer' weet, ak oy are re ewes, por cwt 3.75 4.0) pproved As far as pos- !the Satdive he recommends water, cof- of vinegar alternately. When the . ; closed to the Mullah all the water-! od a c jeust an oc muddle or ewt,. 2.75 3.00 rial d the con-|fee and tea - pica gore ae id ing pluces south of the Gerlogubi-| fights, 5 ss Te wech wk. - 2.50 3.50 eae whe inaterial . he be Canadian _ ee " smooth apa yrae add one ' . i ;) Galarli line, aml he hopes they will = = - 2.50 4.25 | . WANT TO TEACH. rounding tablespoon of c opped cap- tare being always taken that most eRe .p 1 manufacture The Government have ers and chopped pickles and ope tea- Mf the bundles do not touch the | £90n be in contact with the British COUNTRY PRODUCE. - 0.05%) made a point of stipulating that { ; juice Serv ; around und : | forees and thus be able to co- Miata, | Butter -- The market ntimucs| d@*each .. ... ... 0 10.00 | erever it could be done, the arti- | Minister of Faucation Besiaged by ausice with brotied thieken: Sted fish : py pri 75 : , When the founstation is comptes! M10, mtg aurait of the Mullah,' stvads; sal prices are unchanged mee, WE eC STS 8.08 (ice tha | anton inte construction | tom 5 meas ae chi + or is 1 n ates eceijrt a comlinue enti, t OC . _ - vied i ook after ix to hy the fact that he is "crossing a| there good demand for good t, 'pee ewt .. 5.50 0,00 - bt be sega oa es inte. | A despatch from -- says: Creamed "Poached Put always kept ligh ard solid. Do thi i Waterless part of the cauntry The | merk. | ¢ 208) 4.25 A * nation aad (the d di crore must be Hon. Richard: Marcourt iy receiving } jenough Ona ee ee . ovine hy lavie vextre courses of bundles, Colerel's desgratdh was dated June} Creamery, prints .19¢ to 20r. | jA majority o © aoe ne Ma? unusunlly large number of letters ;pan to nearly fill it. Lay in some hs A ing Mack' l fo th ot chews 14th. } do' sulu's .. ww. .. 18e to 19¢ OWN UP BY DYNAMITE. resident = in ca ai 'lof late from Englishmen of all ages, |muffin rings and break an cgg into olhing c and for mm m. eee, BWI Ts Ras GS KDe It Gi bice 15¢ § Be | Hays is to be President of the com- } |who are anxious to come out ° jeach g Boil three minutes or and having the man who pitches OFFICERS NOT PRISONERS. airy b. Tolls, ahvic c fo 1 ! d Mr. Wa ight Vic i from the vee if alate throw the General Manging, tthe British com o wh, good to choice 15t to 154c orge Railroad Building Goes pany, an r sAWwrig' cil | Canada and teach school. "I think," | possibly four, but not longrr, and 1 0 : jen . 5 - : , dh ' bundles on the cearter of the stack, mander in Sina itiead East ice de i grace oF Ee oe hipeodnas nag it saan i eben uly {Seid the Minister, "that thie indi-/take up carefully to as not to break Cood stackers do not step on nhe has tele raphed to the War OMev dimm .. $ ve DBE fo Dic Ni Tall [ve oe A cates that ithe interest In (Censdian | "the oe ut eeeh Roig an See iauvilon ite (80 carter course, Thi dist rediting the reports thet sree (es Leow pee ut hanged, despatch from } ingore aoe 8 Lord Hoth nit, the head ot = © affairs is widening in Britain. Most t | slice of toast. Ma a sauce from leaves them joore They will sett al British office Se: POT BS th a atightly gaxier tone. Large ~The Gorge Electric Railway |great financial nhouse--Lord Welby, | of my corresportents are graduates | on cup of scalded milk, one ~half lev- ave n joc 5 settle | cra ritish officers are 4 MS di m and promenade, situated |Sir Charles Rivers Wilson and Mr. | of iversit { the how- |el o and two mom than the busidles the conter! the Mud Milled : 'The gen-| 2% quoted je per lb. and le of a university them, how ais nen nents will chape foie ard, | H nea ae a nee pel eh s Sul ltwins at 1 Way between the G. T. R. | Arthur Smithers. ever, in search of a position, devotes | level tablespoons of butter. on maine = Guier Jaye et fl re | Fa a, ae 7 'ay he ard. Aa MR Té Vad -- h bridge and the Whirlpool, | Mr, Hays and his associates are in two or three lines of his letter to | With salt and aig a pour over _ tao sg eros varently the only foundation for the) Quoted unchanged at $1.25 fer car 'he b the i {carne in the desire to begin con-/explaining his scholastic standing, |the eggs and toas parsley is IMPERVIOUS TO WATER, ears Ok torah 'iteek in Same 1 the truck here and at $1.43 by Mr. 2, push tho work to put it required three or four pages |liked, add a slethe 'hapeen fine to When these two points arv cureful- lland was the gossip of Somelis, | t° $1.50 for petatpes ont of store. fancy goods \vomplotion as rapidly as possible. to describe his athletic attairments." | the sauce. Iy deoked after and attostion is give tack ved in Jibutil, Abyssinia w stocks from the south r EF. Bue enormous force of men will be --_+--___--_ Whole Rect Selad.--Wash new beets en laying the outer course » of rbe: sntly inapnify-| about steady at $4.75 to $5 bushment, was put on, and the work begun simul- PREHISTORIC MAN. but be careful not to cut them. Cook humlles so the, will not slip oO a from Rerbe ee Ri aca mace fy 4, rel n d i sday Ty prone tancously at atteen piel points -- boili wat til the ski will wtack is ertainty. Of mola Sp the old Plunkett afleir The ee ee an observation |hetween the Atlantic and Pacific. |Wonderful. Di Made i alist off #0 iy. Cut off o ito ark is a certaimty. Cou tory bears Bi its refutation, as| &t about $1 y pe ade in/slip off readily. Cut off the stem and snaoother looking, and in reality al , nied hay r) Rides | About |Construction will be 'under control Montana. oop out the centre, leaving the bot che natives three whites, who | otter stack, can . be made with); 04 survived: tip disaster, arrived! pears bo «tut : fp in thelof a somunission appointed by the t in the form of a little cup. Pare anual. . bundles than the large] at Rorbera June 19. As Berbera! for all purposes, Poorer q | on |Government, 80 'fi ton-| A .déspatch from Big Timber, !and chop one cucumber aa} with oats than wheat or rye, is only three hours from Aden, the! ate selling barlly, as they come in | t young / lady attend- | Winnipeg section is concerned. Mont., says: Wonderful discoveries of ts after they are cold. Or cover When the stacker begims to "draw! news, if correct, would have reach-j Competition with a large qu ty _ng Miss Lydia most modern appliances will be used, fossils and bones of pre-historic men |the beets with Vinegar an In, this nmgast be done pradually no! ad Lontion the same day. of badly saved hay tlvat is still in to, Ont., jan nd an eflort will made to com- | an animals are being made in the/jicg chest over night before ig thas the water will be turned -- off) the hantls the farmers who siup-! he waiting for a car to take jplete the lino within from three to|Fish Creek country by Prof. Pour a French dressing over the raontily, consequently egin before PETER'S CROWN. ply the street market No. 1 hay her home at the Falls. The |three and a half ye ars. The Grand! Farr and a party of students from |cymber and set cach beet on lattes the stack spews too great a height is hare to get, and the demand for! promptly telephoned the main} Trunk Pacific Company are to equip Princeton University. The remains |joaves, 'Have a little parsley chop- af it makes unnecessary wor to 4 | it fA go wt there its lbtthe 'Toy | office at Niagara Falls, N* Y., and {te line with rolltines stock, and they | of a city belonging to the stone a very fine and sprinkle over the piteh it to the tap of avery igh | French Jewelers | "Are a About { last season's of this The | notified them that the station was! undertake that there will be no de-| Were found almost complete The |top of the cucumber. piel ; Winn the top has | ruling prices are $9.50 to $10 for' on fire. The answer came buck: 'ficiencies in that regard. Those who | Skeleton of a man nine fect high, and "pate Cottage Pudding.--Cream one- tha Fe" Th tener GF titania het ac, f Geepetch from Paris says: The | 1 and $7 to $8 for poorer qual- Rs out of the place, and run up!know how fully the needs of the |another skeleton, somewhet smaller, |yaif cup of butter, add one cup of wr it. ayer of prairie hay ¢ new King 'af Se through his | ities for car lots on the ack he the tracks as far you can, or you|public are met by the present Grand was found near by, probably that of ar, onc well beaten egg, one cu eye ara Be pieces on top and pro- brother Prince A a, who is a}, Baled Straw -- Continues plenti- will be blown up.' She seized her | Trunk management are satisfied that ;® Woman. . lk, a sal 5 of salt es Teds a ie 'ireatila i kee vie tke resident of this has ordered a at it, Sis the eee a mig hat and j mel on to the track /the requirements of the, situation, ------------ four cups of flour in which six level Mack [oni va kin " watae & Phin FOrgCOUS éfown (ron Ww wellknown i © iote he track here are|running like a decor towards the'so far as rolling stock is concerned, KILLED = SISTER. teasp20 baking powder have however, 19 seldom priei al con. Parisian firm of jewelers. The firm, | meaty at §5.par ten. on she was about 300 | will be fully met Accident at oung |Dbeen si oo = sequently tunish the top by carefully though appreciating the great hon- BUFFALO QRAIN MARKFTS ial the track a ay mie com POST-OFFICE ACT. Ww Shot Dead ©\chopped dates. Bake in long shal- breask ime and placrng the Jongest OF, IS in a quandary, us they have " <acae a ' : explosion took place, the fla Laks Ottawa, July 3.--Sir William Mu- oman: ic CEs low pans and serve with Uquid bunihe, which should be selected! had no intimation as to who will Buffalo, July 7, -- Flour steady. 'ing reached several hundredweight of lock" s bill (6 increase the salaries of | A despatch from Halifax says: By | 8auc urine ra inet EN l@ liaval ar , i Wheat, spring higher; No. 1 North-| dynamite stored by the Gorge R. R. : ; , ° 3 aa 3 "nO cogstraction of the pay for the Royal ornament, and it os ke oO. 1 d, 88%c; winter d i Th ain classes of post-office employ-jthe accidental discharge of a gun on stack. As oaoorule can sheafs as known that the Servian treasury ofierings: nominal nt B34c for ple .under the" building. © les, and gencrally improve their con-| Tuesday Morse Balcohn of Laurence- THINGS WORTH KNOWING. from shocks are best for this is absolutely empty. Prince Arsene, | ™ ite, > rel. ot c shock of the explosion was heard for | ations of service, was passed with}town, Annapolis County, shot dead} For cleaning woolens and velvets purpose At imtersals of 2 or 3 when ordering tie n, said no-, 4 cia. Rhicl No. 5 con miles around, buildings on both sides The bill| his sister Annie, aged 25 years. Bal |] have found cornmeal dampened feet along the lay insert slender | thing about the money, except that) - he Oats. No 3 white, 43c: No. the river ---- Sei! also provides: for a decrease of post-|colmr had loaded the gun to shoot |with gasoline to be Very effective. sticks 3 by S feet Jong, to keep the the crown must not cost "over 875.- 9 hiixed, 39}c. 'Barley, western shaken by an earthqua ha. shed age rates from 4¢ to $c a pound on crows, in passing into the! Lay the garment on a paper spread Nunkiles in place Wate the stack j OW) and must be delivered within GM-rod 5 2¢ to 58e. ve, No. 1, j timbers and debris from tho wree within 300!kitchen the weapon was discharged, lon a table, put a teaspoonful of the Gurig a stormy period and af any | three weeks. A sketch designed by Bic asd. Canal freights higher: buliding 'were blown in a = ' miles-of the point of publication. It}and the charge entered his sister's' meal on a soiled place, framiles are blown og, see that they [the fling's cousin, Prince Bodijar eat 4]c, conn demand vats 38¢ ect above the bank. F widre A 7 is estimated that the bill will entail | back, causing instant death. His |around and around vigorously, with are put back at once. accompanied the order is rush New 'ork people gathered on both sides of the | 1 additional expense to the Post-| wife, who was standing near, had a!q picce of knitted underwear. order for a Royal crown has greatly -- "lig hee ta car gine ee eee office Department of between $50,000 | narrow cscape. seems to "take hold" of the dirt . serstyae . nmused Parisians. Hitherto there} FUROPEAN GRAIN MARKNTS. ie ouliding burn to e . and $75,000 a year. --__4--------_ better than anything else. Cle im GROW TURELDYS _ been a oo ed ings te mon-| 7 iveryoul, July 7. -- Wheat an pene " id ds at Sts aide. re BUTTER-MAKING, BRITAIN'S REVENUE. thus until the garment * aercagily The s . 5 -larchs, and neither K jlan nor , . a A 'i n -- 7 ing af 'uratps 1 pdvacate the Bro | King Alvxendee t oKe crown at| net quiet: mt Ma atoudaisd Califor loss to the building and promenade Pe isher's bill to prohibit the peturns for Past Quarter Show work which you will find . 8c ° . kt as ar conta c ' : { f imitat . ure that to my knowledge there is their coronation ceremonies. The nia, Dee. Ad to Gs 4$d; No. 2 red! Vil be $9,000. af butter, anil the waking of "pro: Decrease of $3,420,840. Cornmeal very slightly dampened he nie en Shet itunshes: 'so | Ara S12 ac pace ga i a i winter, 68 Ad to Os 6 No. 1) SALES OF WESTERN LANDS. jcess" butter, was also passed, with} A despatch from London says: The and salt added, akes * vey a cheaply, abundantly and in so short ' made Servian court jewelers are rak-| Northem Manitoba, 6s to a the addition of some unimportant! revenue returns for the quarter end- cleaning mixture. Don't make it wet = bees to lurge & quantity ot hu- ing their wits to find ives es get Gad: uture quict; July, 68 48d. ¢ Pp Rm. Returns for Year Show | amendments presented by Mr. Fishér. 'ing June 30 were $172,054,575, a --just a few d s of water from t mus for succeeding crops, writes Mr. some guarantee for their Work, OF | no winal; September, 6s 2d to 6s 000 Creary registered a vi orous | deere ase of $3,420,840, compared - cue Saas "worked take Jobn Van Loon, While [ sell large to learn if it would be against court | 974 value. Com, upot quict; mix-! $4,500, Increase. hat an Shadi a of a Winni ee firm ith the Corresponding period in | Saucer half full of me quantities of them, they are always etiquette to send the costly head-! or American, per cental, new, 4 A getraten from Winnipeg says: prot vrocese" butter makers. A Mr. 1902. The chief ee showing in-| Don't use meal on dark goods. > 4S oa humus crop rd ofton | gear to Helgrade C D H lid to Ss; futures quiet; July, 48, The C. P. R. land "department closed | 1, a3 wolated out that it would lereake are customs, $3,840,000 ana | Many kinds of white silk and satin tim out to be a naomey cr by dis- ae ames leet to 4s Sid value: Saptouiber, 48 its hike' year on June h its joo oa . "g eat oxport t. hea innil selei raph $450, 000, ; and various light colors wash well poring of thew in the market. I find) MARCH OF ARMY WORMS. | 6d vuluc; October, nominal, Flow, 'receipts exceeding by about $4,500.- taicy interests for the ie o rhe Principal dee ni were excise, |With white soap." 'Try a small piece ae oe on wi | Minreapotis, 218 3d_ to -- ar pak those of the year preceding, emd- | on6 'firm, and the bill went through $1, 3m and eagerly and in- | first. smell farm consisting of about 30) Column 150 Yards Wide and Three) fom, July 7. -- --'ing June 30,. 1902 Whe inékeaae in lon _ 4 gh, gal 's; 950.¢ F Alcohol will clean dark red wool oe tone merry are bo Miles Long vat «oon passage casy rm white,itotal acreage sold was corresponding- wiht aay Sppek ns. [oem Maes . goods that soap and water would ate mmer or is Bown to t | quaict for red, parcels No. 2) Cal-j] eer » 2 MBAR HE AN \ nips of -- Varictics amd some A despatch from Tac ze | ants chib, 6d. Corn' j; "i hoes un million acres. ieee 'tan * os oniaouiibe sas, GRASSHOF! > RAIDS. ie ironing ribbons instead of plac- times scarlet clover seed is mixed gton avs: A mtenty host of | on © fla f Americem, dull! : : *2 Ps passage fam or Aur that of the year 1903, endi J 7 ing the ribbon on the ironing board in. rmy worms in a solid column, 150 | (4 Danubian, Weather in E | 30. The acuinty nice en ot June | Export of Live Stock From Mont = Devour All Feueation and ing cueing thu inn Olek Ape aver It sometimes ocrmuys that an un-) yards wide and nearly three miles | ano aod warm, forecasts warm. -\ are even more fdvorable. The total, "Tea! Went up 100 Per Cent. Animals Starve e surface the results will be more expeatedly large crop is raised where|jong, is marching through Walla! giish country wheat markets quiet acreage sold has increased nearly| A despatch from Montreal says:! A despatch from Butte, Montana, |satisfactory if the ribbon is drawn none is looked for. The past fall,| Walla County. Tuesday morning | Antwerp, July 7. -- » @%! onothird over that of June, 1903,1The exportation of live stock from | says: Prof, Coolley, of the State Ag-|from under the fron. structive treet. ey ee "A Oliver Dwitt, a Dry Creek ee ' quiet: No. 2 red winter, 1641 sy but notwithstanding the average |the port of Montreal since the open- | ricultural 'College at Bozeman, has| The life of stockings is not ended our vicinity, hundgcsia of acres of met the uriny emerging fro nee hives rysot American wae a. 6c. Flour, | price paid per acre has gone up over |ing of navigation has increased over | returned from an investigation of the | when the day comes that our feet re- 20 w } : t , Harvet's wheat field, about five miles sist pug ari se If a dolar, last yoar's pri be- | 100 per cent., as compared with the | grasshapper-ridden district about | fuse their ae ann opel throw them Yoher crepe -- pagel Sonn bead He tried to turn some of band Paris, July 7 Jul = ee ing abqut $3. r acre, while this | corresponding period = year. So | Forsythe He says that the insects|away. They are and easily metows, and vines of all descrip-| ya no ee bed = lo "a Fe 7, 221 40e Figur year's averages about $4.07. big |far this season 72 vessels have car- | have devoured everything in a strip | cleaned they i fine sink or lamp tions suffered likewise. In our own! [pee a ne noah crnened the rel bee Tg naict: July. 4; Novembe j proportion of this _ is between | ried live stock, the caxrnants num- | seventy miles long and fifty miles clothes, and holders. n for case ten acres of co moy | OUCH Oat Aad no ¢ 4 F Battleford and Edmonton. ber being 44,595 head of cattle, 6,-/ wide, and tha s a consequence of ;sponging woolen goods they are boa were killed outright. The eaice ate wo ae | rom ae Fehr set 50e- come parca canned 777 sheep, and 144 horses, as com le ir cin range conditions are 'cially nice, not leaving any lint. sowing of this entire ficld to pe . noni gd and -- ae Ors qnrets ePuckinc TWENTY PEOFLE DROWNED. parod with 20,348 head of cattle, 8,-| very ser says that the} This little formula is what I - in time ard long before the killing |'%*¥ ¥! -- MARKETS. . 277 sheep, and 237 horses 1 lnins are eaten sath cattle that! ways use to battle against moths 'rost occurred progucod a truly cnt cases, and are like caterpillars. The CATTLE Disastrous Cloudburst in South- |; resent increase of shipments is| have starved to death as a result of /and carpet bugs: One-half pt. alco- derful crop. ranchers aro alarmed for their ger-| qoranto, July 7. -- Trade in ntost western Part of Texas. due to the embargo against Ameri-|the grasshopper waids. hol, 1 oz. = of cedar, and 2 oz _ Tho result I logk for next year. den truck and wheat. lines was fairly good at To- oe tch from San Antonio, |°2" e¢ from the s of Port- camphor gum.--(M. N. C. This field with ite heavy crop of | ie GCA BouER. ronto Cattle Market today, but ao thay men A cloudburst on Thurs. |/#"4 8" ston, and the special fa-| JAPAN SENDIKRG PROTEST. Sprinkle Sour on a t where owpeas vines, supplemented with} AR. MAN slight weakness was apparent in tthe | T day visited the southwestern scction cilities as -- reduced insur eee orosen - been spilt. It will ab- merwn) tons of decayed turnips an ------: poorer grade of cattle aad in| Cay aati the daath .|Fates from Montre Objection to Russia's Action in| sorb the ke up and renew the wifl not only make an ideal Sandbagged Her Victim and Made cen and hogs. ices a , of Texas, causing th of sev , flour ain .. oil is all out of the field los dni vegetables but will Rich Haul. lwowever, appeared to be pretty well 'ral persons ahd a heavy property ---- ® Manchuria. oy 'ate despa the} MUSIC KILLS MOSQUITOES. 7, carpet. grow a large c any kind ata! A despatch from Milwaukee, Wis unin ted with the axteption 1 f life can be obtained, as the a = . despatch to the London Dally | purn chairs upside ives and wash couyraratively sonal gad for en-! gave' . wife lower grad s' cattle," which oss 0 Causes Paralysis--Selectmen of Mail from Tokio, says it is reported jine cane seats with soap and wa- riching the soil. The have : : " that Japan is sending a protest to jtor then dry in the open air. It's followed in growing somettiog be- Brookline Experimentixi. Russia reg: ng the latter's acflo' surprising how 'the canes will tight- sides wees on the soil 1) bem a A despatch from Brookline, Mass.,|{m Manchuria. It is also stated a are not broken any. source of a gre deal of sutisfac- says: selectmen of this town| Great Britain and Japan are If you have some enke, either slice, og 7 ithe ere -- teruity -- are experimenting with a plan for | ending a gunboat to the Yalu River cut or in a "chunk," that is be- _ need of the secrets of raising good memories Pe sage . ¢|to watch the Russians t ginning to dry out, put it ie a tgetab music notes. The ee ee vessel ¢ cover, a ------ ¥ being made by the town bacteriol : will do, wring a napkin lightly out A FEW POINTERS. "Ther ical laboratory under Supti Myhen RATS HAVE PLAGUE. of hot water, d it over the top. . " It has been @iscovercd that a certain P ut the Hid on tightly. { left The farm shou oaptfactiur- Many Died Whi Arriv- Pp ing establishinen " estinia' an ina caw of musical vibrations will : 'a sae on 7 hus over night, the cake is pretty : . hness. 1 not: cause mosquit: eilles. ure+to "ret to ite first fres Bigs we oS te Se |S aa EM, Se] yt pe, tee Mebaaiee rel ie Sonam tT is in i note ar . s France, from apy one part, such as 'ow ait one. coat in raising | rest, the insect, in flight, but it will| Faicwos Ayres, mrrived.on, have if wrapped in" damp cloth. it, then selling both tow foedor to} ar san GFW oateous copatcaction weil lak Sth ot aie Colgan bleane, The ---- ee of: ge c ction of jext of_ Pp : The reat Prati on motierate : tions: 'The most valuable ord Furope , Where many people * -- good can gather their own feel cheaper : : than amy one else can do it. LEADING . : As farming lands advance in price ' a mish ming on. c a eee ori |The Ruling Prices in Live Stock never will pay. and Breadstuffs. - Mud splitting narrow tires - on a - tage Sell very heavy ah BREADSTUFFS, " * | gent conditions of bad roads. Wide . tires act as rollers othe} MTanonto, July 7. -- Wheat -- The roads, whi he marnow tires out}. is less active and -about channels to hold wai No, 2 white are en parts coated with paint or lin- red| seed oil _ . SOUR SWILL BAD FOR SWINE. { the chief reasons why some Pig. po pati fail to secure the suc- i Siggheoss enjoy is becanoe, Shs kitchen refuse is allow- fed. mist ungine that everything a pig will eat is r iam. ro greater need, nor does his system call for food strongly acid, than a man would have for pickles at every meal, There is no more Finca ig ae ent in p of all ages : conan "rapid and unprofitable oem: than swill, It keeps young pigs thin. i flesh and! oiling, amd for older ones, and brood = sows in partioular, c for b's afloat Fort William. No. 1 bard is quot- cd at 86 and No. 1 nortf per cont. patents in buyers" Jags are quoted by local exporters at $2.80 cast or mi&dle dima 'Choice brands are held 15c¢ to higher. Manitoba 'frau is cunay at $4.40 for cars of Hb.ngarian pat- ents ard .10 for strong bakers', begs | inchrded, on the truck, 'o- reMilifeed al Ia ostenty. Cars of Tuce- to $50 and Lambs'-- The, ram of- fing 'was Leavy, but' the dem was godd and all were sold. Pri ccatinge : + foe export culls and Pan 50 to "ts. 25 for 'seeing lambs. rile Culves -- Trade wus dull and the dcemantl for Calves whs ligkt. Prices} are wrohanged at 4$c to Sic Ib., or $2 to $10 eac aad ka DOMINION PARLIAMENT GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. Mbe mmin features of the Goverx- ment's policy in connection with the praposdd ' railway line "haive tion. The ------ will garantee construct n the case of cruise secti ee will be 75 per cent. of actual cost of struction but is mat to ex $18,000 a mile. e Government d for this distance the L erie will also be 75 per cent. of the ual Gost up to a' myapimum of $30.. a mi The rates to be FLASHES FROM THE WIRE The Very Latest I Items From All Parts of the Glebe. "DOMINION, &- The same 'or|Shipments made by the rtment of Sarealate. = the G. made Ww Only ns Ry members annual mecting of the Hamil- ton Board of Trade. H. }month of June of $226,366. n, ne pers ornado Tuceday ay. The United States Packing Berry was fined $ Magistrate Jelfs, of Hamil- om|ton, for selling , pyear-old boy. [4 5 & o bf] had = -] to r"~ = ° 4 20 and cigarettes to a 18- ee for cheese . R. has h the ©, gi R. rned out . Kitson t year, an incre FOREIGN. ons Jost their lives in a Lake, Minn., GOOD THINGS TO EAT. | ee Salad.--Have Rye: lettuce oni one teaspoon of lemon porting ersiad., & saltspoon each of white pepper mustard. Mix all well together and stir in graduaily two table and a half pounds of fish. m occas- rocag ane when the fish is done take i , for overdone fish at has a disngreeable 'wooly taste. Gar- nish ith parsley and serve = egEe § Petata | scallop. --Measure a cups - of'sliced raw potato, two chdpped onions, a, level tablespoon of finely chopped parsicy, two level teaspoons f butter. Butter a pudding dish