J, LIVINGSTONE. J.W. Scott & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES: Listowel, Palmers' and Clifford, also with 3 A. Helovend | Mount Forest and Shelburne. A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS. BOUGHT and SOLD, payable im ali partaof the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allowed. A large amount of private funds to lend on arm security at 4% per cent., with privilege of repaying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scorr & Son. TOWN COUNCIL. The regular ew ofthe Town Council was hel onday evening, 6th inst., Stieewers present, Mayor Hay in one chair, and saneaitinrs Woods', Meyers, Prueter, Feather- stone and Pelton. Minutes of pre- vious a age read and confirmed. drew the counoil"s atten- tion to bbs poor state of Mr. Delph's health, and that was a case worthy of assistance Mr Bamford, director of 'the Public Lib- rary, appeured before the council, or u grant of $75 to meet expenses ea ae the library to its new pre r.. Blewett addressed the council » Mr. "Hay, had offered to vate Bills pommmts tee considered it. bat Mr. Hay did offer to agree to Lighting for municipal, commercial purposes, which was. very different from the un ited way in which the Bill passe Mr. Blewett handed ip the follow- ing as the written opinion given by Macdonald, Shipley, Middleton Donald, Barristers, of tained by the Electric Light Bill he Mayor and Counci) of the Powe of Listowel. Re By-Law No. 391. Dear Sirs: The effect of the legis- tion of the Session just closed, with respect to this By-law, is in our o inion to authorize the Municipality in question, time acquir- ing the other pivat tT the Company. In our opinion the the Municipal Act generally referred to the Conmee clauses do not apply to where the Municipality is ac- quiring a plant pursuant to the pro- visions with the , but only to cases where the Municipality is driv- en by the clauses in question to ex propriate such a plant witbout the panction of u former agrtement. { seems to us that, upon the ur- bitration which the By-law provides for, and the machinery for which is bow provided, the arbitrators will be at large under the provisions of the by-law, and will not be bound, or entitled to apply the provisions o the clauses to which we have reter- red. The necessity for the legislation 1s we think, manifest. The charter of the Company enabled the Company to of y to acquire the the former business, The provisions of the clauses to which we have refer- , would appar- ently. have required the Municipality before acquiring or ma z use of the electric light plant, to acquire @iso the gas plant under the siping ions of these clauses. ob- viated by the legislation, whieh spec- ifica a es the ucquisition of the one by itse There was, furt ther, a necessily to provide Prcontgr ag? | for the arbitra- tion in case the Company declined = concur in b arbitration. Act as originaily drawn provided for this, but © unnecessury to the Bill as fin- the Legislature passed a gener- al Act applying to afl arbitrations, which viate the diffioulty pre- viously existing The sil! as originally framed pro- d to enable the Municipality to the muni- cipality by electrio plant under t -law would utes' squire, as incident to. wer which the opponents of desired to have ereniring the denied, to depend upon the terms 'By tow Haat it may be becend in our pe ay the com- ing the ct. make use its carr Tor ommore mercial . purposes of me ner Toran Aesers ESTABLISHED 1872. - HED OFFICE. :. HAMILTON. J. TURNBULL, Vieo-Pres: & Gon: Mgr. LISTOWEL BRANCH ESTABLISH- D 3! YEARS. DIRHCTORS : HON. WM, GIBSON, President. JO PROCTOR, GEO, ROACH, A. B. LEE, JOHN S, HENDRILE, M. P. P. GEV. RUTHERFORD. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgri H. 8. 8TEVEN, asst. GEN. MGR, H. M. WATSON, Inspector * se BRANCHES se t ear, ist June and lst Decem ities, no delays in drawing money. f responsible farmers mates collected" and advances ein thereon. COLLECTION DEPARTMENT has every facility for making prompt returns at low- eat rates, DRAFTS bought and sold on any part of Id. the w CORRES nall parts o ada, United States ed "Great = ia ' BANKING BUSINESS of all kinds trans- acted op most favorable terms. Corres- pondence solicited ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. B FORSAYETH, Agent, Listowel, plant acquires the right to make such use of it as the Company might have made. Yours truly Macdonald, Shepley, "Miaaeton | Toronto, June 29th, 1903. : H. Hemsworth, President, an er the eet of the Lis- Wallace Agricul- license money, $ tment, public school grant, Oe, total 8 'st. Paid out during 2, bank, 10, 891.81. = read and referred to , Sarnia, tor 8 inch a Hawkins, do, §! at teaming Co., $1.10 ray, . gravel, cinders, etc., $54.10; Meyers eeve Ww sikee, half cost for work on grader, $5.25. for granolithic 5, He for car lumber $120.67 $30. read from M to pay $50 Petitions for grapolithic walks on both sides Elma Street east of Wellington Street and on east side of Victoria street east, read anf referred to pe- titioners for further signatures. On motion the clerk's repor' Te grano- lithio walk on west side of Havelock Strect was referred to Court of He- vision to meet Zist, ac 4 wits R. for reut Le ceagnd for weigh scales, 50c., or- Report of Finance H yagi pay- nd D . Oo Il- ing boo re sewerage by-law vote, $14\, Wm. Bright, R. O,, making roll, posthyge, ete., $12.75; account of John Stubbs, for services as agent at poll re sewerage by-law, $2, not recom- mended. Total umount paid out to July Ist., $8,673.64, report adopted. On motion of rs. Meyers and Prueter the following uéco were 8.88, Meyers Milling BIS.R6 do $7.60. Listowel Gas & Stentvis Light Co., 68ce, Report of Fire, Water and Light Committee tr aera payment of fol- wing accoun jutta Percha & Hubbe r Co. ; Bell Telephone Co., $1 ; Gus & _ otrie Light Co., coul for engine, $5.80; for on Ce lighting, $278.52; Meyers "Millin water for June, $160; Gas & Winsixie Lght Co., coal for town hall, $81 ; Macken- zie, Milne & Co., $196.04; W. A. Gray freight and cartage on pump, $4.20; G. N. W. palserayh Co., 50c; Bell Telephone Co., $1.10; tender of W. E. Street sprinkling, at yer day, recommended to be ac- eepted, less than full day to be com- puted at 30c per hour. Report stat- ed that Engineer Davis had been paid $100 on account of servioes and that Mr. Joseph Harvey, contractor, for the two wells, has completed his con- tract and had been released by the engineer. Mr. Harvey's account for the two wells and extra work in con- motion the report was adopted. The Mayor read report of special commit- tee appointed to visit the furniture and chair ieee The report says that they had pon inspection of the furniture 't factory that every- thing there was in first-élass shape and that the company was employ- ing a considerably larger number of hands than called for in the agree- ment with the town. Concerning the Canadian Bent Chair Company, they had found the plant and build- ings in splendi:| shape ar d everything scemed to be running smoothly and entirely bea tions of the ment appear te fully complied with ere as to num hands employed 'The Seemnitine were of the opinion that it would be smpting the Company exospt school an "= et axes, --s y J. 8. Meyer . Pelton 5 the Chair. ms Boora Works be i neruotee te close Ss walk on west Dodd stree, if aatistictory ar- rangemente for safety are not agreed property owners 'ted. Petition for street from -Raglan Street to railway track was Our fe ale and coun re foaded. Goods and this ere gest i oo a in all departments. 'It will pay you to call on us, Women's stylish Shirt Waists, bby ON, ack Sateen, Linen | SILK SHIRT WAISTS. ; We have nerees lines of high- |: class goods, regular $7, reduced to From Se, and: upwards. $4.50, ; 'CORSETS. MUSLINS Special value in dumamer Corset And all kinds of Wash Goods EMBROIDERY AND LACES: reduced to about half price. Now|. Special value ia ali kinds of Em- is your opportunity to get the| broidery and Laces. bargains. PARASOLS. New Belts and Ties, new Col- | "A great reduction in pee and ars and Gloves. fancy Parasols. SPHOCIAL VaLuUs Im. Men's Summer Suits, Men's and Boys' Shirss Men's ans Boys' Balls n ig ~ ge babe "th ome of Ae --_ Linea ts, Sweaters, Shoes,-Hosiery. _ Hundreds: of other ns. favies you to our store. JI.M -SCHII BEIN. 'NEW AND " | IMPERIAL BANK | Ur 'o-Date Stock of OF CANADA. Capital (pald up) - $2,988,896.00 WATCHES, CLOCKS and Reserve - - - 2,686,812.00} JEWELERY. T. R. Merritt, F zi un "Genera Wilkie, Vice Large assortment of HEAD OFFIGE, TORONTO, | Wedding and En - Branches iL ne ae 280, and ee ee 'Solid Gol Id toba, th t British Dolerabia, ee tes, Gents' Vest AGENTS 1N GREAT BRITAIN--Lloyd's Bank Chains. spiny Stapler gaat aa move Ts. or ster by letter cable to 'f of Canada. 4 ENI KINS" "MERCHANT TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER. Will give a cash discount of 10 Per cent. off regular cash prices ' On his entire stock. This means a real saving of 16 cents on every dollar's value. A discount amounts to nothing unless the original price is right. All that is asked here is a reasonable legitimate profit, which every reasonable pur- chaser should expect to pay. The prices have not been marked up in order to leave a regular profit after deducting 10 per cent. If you mistrust this all in- voices of the goods are at your disposal. The only reason for making these statements is because some claim to have been mogued in this manner by others, Therefore you are not asked to accept a word. See for yourself if you are one of the doubters. SHARING PROFITS WITH YOU MEANS 10 per cent. off a B10 Suit isesssecceseeeseeees$ 500 1o per cent. off a $15 Suit is... ... cece eee ee eeee 13-50 10 per cent. offa $20 Suit is...........0see0e++ 18.00 10 per cent. off a $25 Suit ise... . ee eee eee eee) 22650 ee A CLEAN COMPLETE STOCK __---.--_-ih. Of 'from head to foot" Furnishings will please you. Neckties, unsurpassed, Hats, newest shades and shapes, Caps, the latest, Buchanan, Mrs. Robert Knox and Mies N. MoFarlaue. They took the seine Manitoba to Fort William. - 8 Langrill . from wes sister 6 wedding, last Thu We are pleased to note ae anise the appointments of house surgeons to Grace Hospital, Toronto, was Mr. George E, Wilson, formerly of At- wood. Dr, Wilson is a graduate of ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ~ ere ard. BRANCH. ~° Shirts, latest American patterns, Underwear to produce comfort, Suspenders, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT -- Deposits W . S. BARTLEY, the best made in Canada, Gloves, all sizes, grey and tan. Sox, black and fancy, alti abiding the natty goods, and Straw Hats at . SPECIAL « attention given to the distounting of - Watchmaker and Jeweler, Farm Ss avaliable a all} potate is Wallace street, Listowel. e e @ Canada. United States and Euro: [ey rices "MONEY ORDERS issued 'payable. at any Bank in Canada, Rates--Under $10, 3 $10 to is » ] eCcCla earl n e #31, 100 ; 090 t0 $80, 190 LISTOWEL MAKKETS. R. ARKELL, Manager. | July 6, 1008 | Harley ale ee . 3 on Call and inspect prices and compare values. The place is ; Pean ra " 46 inst. By-law No. 435, prohibiting | Hay per ton 700 8 00 ; . th iding { bicycles on the side- | Bra: do 18 Ly O D E f P walks mi cond and passed, the pen- Storie, too lbs eet ne oor ast O ost 1Ce. alty being fixed at $1 for each of- 9 eal go 2 55 2 50 ! (38; providing "for the 'purchase of | Buderpe:.®. "ig MERCHANT TAILOR, the Livingston lots for waterwesis Pou tove per bag, ee 18 : an - purposes, was introduced, read an en 8 500 500 , . cemet, Council adjourned to 2ist. | $769 Kina, . 13 | 9 MEN S FURNIS HER ] inst. . 'ood, long, 6 00 7 00 Wood short 200 200 sed 6 50 7 CG Live Hogs 675 6 00 im ¥ - ATWOOD. 5 00 700 ; There were quite a jarge nomber of -- a _ oo - __ 7 Elma people left for Manitoba and the Northwest last day. Those = = Si ~ left were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. oT i , Mr, rge Gordon, Mra. = rom Hews Smith, Mrs. Pickerell, Mrs. wt James Buohaoan, Mrs, iam 8S. NOTICE QUIT SALE. Toronto University Medical College. PEFFERS. The picnic held in Mr. Jonea' bush on Monday Jaet was largely attended it Having i served with notice to vacate the premises we now occupy on or before the First Day of August, has forced us to do something, and that in a hurry. so we will COMMENCE #& GREAT NOTICE TO QUIT SAbbE which starts on What we purpose doing is to get rid of our goods, and proved to be a grand success, The program, which was both long and interesting, seemed to be mwnoh en- joyed by all present. Much oredit is due to Miss Weir and Mise Gunther of Milverton, who did their parte so artistically. | rs. F. Berk and family of Oleve- | Jand, Obio, are spending a few months visiting friends aud relatives in this vicinity. Quite u number from bere purpose taking in the Orange celebration at Palmerston on the 13 Our teacher, Miss MoTavieh, bas re- turned to her home in Stratford, where she willepend the summer vacation. Ve have not advanced tne price of our tol Amter smoking Bobs, Currency, and Fair Play Ghoiine tobaccos are the same size "9 h spony to the consumer as formerly, We lso extended the time for the vederapeion ot Snowshoe tags, to January lat, 1904. Tux Empire Tonacco Co., Limited, usina a position that we are | DEATHS. Atkinson of Strnetsville, to Miss Clara Godd rd, d Godda SSNS AE NE Dress Trimmi we have an Gramma. Ro PPELL.--At the residence of Half Their Value. It is left Mr, ite e Gabel, Wallace, on bau 8th, . Dierlamm, Mr. tachle\ erie, to Miss Carrie 'Rappall a Waterloo STRAYED. Shirts at just half price. Came into the premises of the ee od, Wallace street, Listowel, o: -- July 5th, 1 sow, Owner can have sam property and paying charges, NICHOLAS HAMMKR.- Listowel, July 7th, 1903. CLOTHING for Men a Bo out of sas #0 talk OV when Notice to Dog Owners. Any person quaint or bar after the 20th July, without be Table to SATURDAY, JULY 4TH, Dntil The Bud of The Month, When we have got to move out. BANKRUPT STOCK. We have added largely to this stock, and to-day we havea Full Line in Every Depart- ment. This "Notice to Quit" having come on us quite unexpectedly, and with a heavy stock on hand, it places THIS GREAT SACRIFICE SAL E In order to clear off the stock in a hurry ; but What will be Our Loss will be Your Gain, and as we have had a very successful sale so far, Corsets, all sizes and qualities, at sale prices. stock is exceptionally heavy in this Department, and into the prices right 'up to the hilt. LADIES,BE ON HAND AND MAKEY OUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLEWORK MEN'S WEAR. Every article in these Gents' Fancy Cam Ties and Braces all at half price. esi ---- soni of GRO te short and our stock ' large Stock must he: sold out. Come, and help us out, - Desig i in Bankrupt & Stocks. And continue the same We have had wonderful success with our sale of the W. & J. THOMPSON forced to make we can and will offer you now greater bargains in every line of goods than Gee, daughter of hole: erga nog you have ever been offered before. If we were to quote you prices, you could hardly believe them genuine, in her 2rd year, the rductions are so great, but, nevertheless, such is correct.- atic nhirhiond = $0 25 to $0 40 Ladies' Black and Colured Chock Hove for.... ==... $15 | $0 40 to $0 50 Fanoy Waist Patterns £06 oo... ose ee ceseocceesenes ..$0 20 ' ATKINSoN--Goppaxp.--At th id f to 0 40 Black an 01 in Prints for ............ ai 5 0 75 to 1 00 Colored Embroidery for Waiste for .... 0 ...... cece ee suee 0 20 1 the bride's 7 mere Listowel, ou Jal; 0 25to 0 40 Black and Colored Ladies' Cloves i ee 015 1 50to 2 50 Laos Flouncing for..... ...... peeeece sevuceeeveuees .. 0 50 8th, by Rev. © H. Buckland, Mr, J Black, White and Colored Laces of every descripton at half their value. In ' and in order to catch every person we have marked them down to Less Than Che ods Department to tell the most weonderful tale in values, styles end cusilics 4 as we are anxious to make a clean sweep of these goods we have put the knife We will give you the best and most stvlish goads at almost any old price, for we must sell. endless variet ts to the Dress Go: | i a 4 a « e goods have heen cut to pieces. bric Shirts all at half price. oe our bargains all through. For: example, Gents' $1, $1.25 and $1.50 White Dress Gents' Coilars, latest styles, all at half price. Gents' We ha:ve yet left a good assortment of REA DE -- arc requiring such, now is an*®pportunity for making money. You may think it a little have a lot on hand and must = oo mi, and this is A ye GOLDEN OP ORTUNI TY. ERIES have always been kept on hand. Prices, you know » SO that we must make hay onie the sun shines, and in the next THIRTY DAYS our and we will see to it that you are lors of money ahead. _ JOHN R. GRANT & CO. Corner Main & Wallace Sts, Listowel. el