Listowel Standard, 17 Jul 1903, p. 4

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BICYCLES. T have a few 1902 Model Bicycles that I am selling from $10 TO $15 Below the List Price. Iffyou wanta Bicycle your chance isopen for a ---- 1903 Models for $30 and J. A. | HACKING ~ Ghemist and Druggist. Agent G, T. R. And Canadian Express. ListowelStandard FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1903. Fisher is a Lightweight. The Conservative party recently brought down a resolution censuring the government for its neglect of Can-. ada'e interests in respect of the South African cattle trade. The Britieb war department hus been purchasing large numbers of cattle in the United States, and Canada, ultnongh she sac- rificed navy men in the late war, was ignored. Hon. Sydney Fisher, the little Minister of Agriculture; the criticism of the opposition by a declaration that he had vainly protested against' Canada being overlooked. Evidently Mr. Fisher is a lighter weight than even his worst enemy thought him. The resolution which be helped to vote duwn was referred to by the British press, and immediate attention was given to Canada's claims by the Colonial office. ln lesa than twenty-four hours the effect of the opposition's move was felt. It did more in one day than little Mr. Fisber accomplished iu months, with all the prestige of a Cabnet Minister and the backing of the government of the premier colony of the empire. The result of the resolution, which was opposed by the cattle breeders' rep- resentative in the government, will be thousands of dollars in the pockets of Capadians. Thousands of dollars, which should heve been spent in this country, are in Yankee banks. If the farmers had been properly represented by their minister, who was negligent enough to takea trip to Jepan at e timd when he should bave been at his post, the United States would never have received orders which should have oome to Cavada. To Influence By-Elections. Sending Garbled Heports to Three Conatituencies. Toronto, July 10.-- Orders bave been issued at the Parliament buildings to maintain a rigid silence regarding the bumber of reporte of the Gamey-Strat- ton investigation printed -for circula- tion. About 1,000 copies of the evi dence were printed, and this contains the addreeses of couosel and the find. ing. There were thousands of the find. ing of the commission printed, as well as the addresses of counsel. These are being mailed to every voter in the constituencies where bye-electiops are to be held. 'The total number of re- ports of the fodivg is a Government secret, The King's Printer said to- day that the order fur the printing of the evidence bad not passed through bim, bat had beev given by Mr. Jobp Auld, M. P. P, for sonth Essex, under instructions from the 'Printing Com- mittee." Will be A Candidate. 4 Mr. Miscampbel! Will Again Run for : the Boo, Toronto, July 10.-- Mr. Andrew Mis- campbell, who hae been living in To- ronto for some months becaure of the continuance of ill bealth of Mrs. Miscampbelt, who met with a serious accident a year ago, left to-day for Sanit Ste. Marie to take ap his per- manent residence there. e campbell will undoubtedly be the Oon- servatiye candidate at the coming by-election in that riding. =: e A Conservative. Picnic, Monster Affair to be Held in To- ronto Next Montb. » Toronto, July 10.--Ata large meet- ms of local Conservatives to- night it as decided to hold a monster picuic in acme ees the end of August, with prominent Coneervative speakers from all parts of Canada. It is hope to continue a campaign through the the province, The threw year old daughter. uf Mr. and Mrs. Oourad Fisher' of Berlin died on Tuesday afterpuon of last week from the effects of being ---- was carrying a pail of boiling water, The little girl rau agsinat the bucket and received the scalding contents ov- er its body. The chest and back were terribly scalded and Tuesday the little eufferer was taken with on that caused its deatb. a is onptian' for the yo Fe x Mr. Fisher is soriaped at Pthe 'Shents foundry, ve been let for cottages Contracts b gt Woodstock tor av asylum for epilep- » tice. ' ' fects. ,Peith, Wellington, Huron, Wterico and Grey. The weak: "of f the Redistribution Committed 'was continued at Ottawa on Thureday and Friday of last week, the following being the decision arriv- ed at in respect to Perth and aeehior: ing counties : THE PERTHE, Mr, MacLaren addressed the com- mittee regarding the two Perths. He rt, ge meets Easthope should go into Sout The aia members proposed. a divieion according. to the bound- aries of the provincial constituencies. Mr. MacLaren contended that the two ridings would be somewhat one- aided in the matter of population, North Perth being under this arrange- ment nearly 9,000 more in popula- tion, the aearen being North 29,256, Sonth 20,615. kel pis proposal was adopted as fol North Porth "Pownshipe of Wallace, Elma, Mornington, North Eastbope, Ellice, Listowel, Milverton and Strat- ord. Sonth Perth--Townsbips of Blanch- ard, Downey, South Easthope, Fallar- tov, Logan, and Hibbert, St. Mary's and Mitchell. WELLINGTONS, Wellington North inclndes Minto, Arthur township, Luther West, Maryborough, Peel, Gara, Harriston, Mr. Forest, end Palmerstov, Clifford, Arthur Villsge and Drayto Wellington South, the Townships of Pilkington, Nichol, Formosa, Erin, Guelph Township, Puslinoh, Guelph City and Elora, Erin Village and Fergus. WATEBLOOS, Waterloo South will comprise the eee of Elmira, New Hamborg, Ayr, the town of Galt, the townships of Wolesley, Woolwich. North Dam- fries and Wilmot Waterloo North--The towns of Ber- lin and Waterloo, the township of Waterloo, the villages of Preston and Hegpeler. THE HURONS, Huron East--Grey, Howick, Turo- berry, Morris, Wawanosh E., Wing- ham, Blyth, Brussels, Wroxeter. Pop. ulation 19,227, Huron West-- Ashfield, W. Wawa- nosh, Hullet, Goderich, Clinton, Pop- ulation, 19,712. Huron South -- Stanley, Hay, Step hen, Usborne, Tuckersmith, MoKillop. Seaforth, Exeter, Heneall, Bayfield. Population, 22,881. THE THREE GREYS. As to Grey, the Liberal proposition places St. Vincent ond Meaford in North Grey. The Conservative pro- position was to leave them in East The Liberal . would di- livan in North Grey. proposition, carried. vide the county as follo Grey, Narth--Township of Derby, township of Keppel, tuwnship of Sar- cries, ship of Osprey, township of Artemesia, township of Holland, town of Dundalk, town of Thornbury, town of Markdale, Pop- ulation 23,663. Grey, South--Townebip of Norman- by, township of Beutinok, township of Sullivan, townehip of Glebeie, township of Egremont, township of Durham, village of Hanover, Popula- tion 21,053. NIAGARA FOWER, Recommendation of Convention Held at Berlin. Berlin, July 10,--A --A conference was held yesterday to consider what ac- tion should be taken under the re- cently passed Provincial Power Act. E. W. B. Soyder of St. Jacobs pre- sided, and among those present were: Mayor Butcher, H. L. Rice and Jas. Maxwell of St, Mary's; Mayor Ham Colonel White and Ald. Qar- or Eden, . oa Hagedors, W. H. Breithaupt, M. DeBus, Berlin; E, W. B. Soy- der St Jacobs; Mayor Maxwell and S$. Chance, St. Thomas; 8. J. Cher- ry, Preston; Peter Brisk, Bridge- rt, . ' Mr, Snyder addressed the méeting.- He outlined the scope of the bill and said he had interviewed the power companies, one of which claimed to be able to deliver power in a year, and it was now up tothe municipalities to get together. The bill, 'he said, gave these options: . For the municipalities to devel- op, transmit and distribute power, through a commission appointed by justices. 2. To buy the power at ite source, transmit and distribute, also under a similar commission. 8. To buy power delivered at their limits and distribute it among the consumers. case the =a etpalty will elect its own sion. MR, _BNYDER's es Under clauees and 2 maniéipal corporations will are to rf their own financing, and it a question if they are ready to do ev. It seems they are bardly ready for this step. Per pean be thought it best to ower aod do the distributing. "~ Snyder gave some interesting figures gleaned from the engineer's report made to the N -- Commission, He 'claims that mission of electricity by duplicate lines can be 'made at' $3,600 2. mile. To reach all these western oor oorpora- tions about 200 miles would nave 3 to be sovered. This would mean of $720,000, Add Pe that boat $160, 000 for right of way, and the total cost will 'be close upon "$1,000,000, The engineer who gave these designed the successfal- 0 line met eres 85% hurse- a The Redistribution as 'it Ag es sipelities into a'group. § i. COMMITTER NAMED, a Kiel i r information and to.take the ne- mani , Herald Excursion. Dates July 18 to "20, From Stations Between Pobmecate: and Granton. The Stratford "Herald's 'avnnal boat and rail excursion to Sarnia and De- troit is announced for Monday, July 18 to20, The excursion will be rno on the same lines as last year, a fast early morning train to Sarnia, and the luxurious White Star steamer thence to Detroit. The Sat- urday morning epecial train's starting point ia Palmerston and the the round trip fares and leaving time aoiffen was anthorized fo | She a mittee. of sevep to ge }- Couns --The 'hassel 'met at D nelly's:hall 'on Measay. the 6th of Ju y. M © the Reeye aud 'and Gib- Pan acconht from Patterson, Ellis & Wheliban bi which was laid over cn account of the absence of Mr. David- son, else a letter, from the Minister of Education in regard to .e} Jot 11, con. 11... The Reeve . was authorized to is- eue the following orders : son $ do, $10 $2.50; T. Albreeht $2750; A. Zehr $12; W Burke $1.50; J A Robin- 28;. Sche Scott. Grey. The Conservatives wanted Snl- |. to buy the | tr reached at 8.30 a. Tickets on the oataae sre valid only on the special train as above, but are good to return on apy regular train within the time limit or on the home on Monday evening a The 28th Regt. Band, he Btecitord, bas been iuvited to accompany the excursion and has accepted. Thia will add to the pleasures of the trip, thie band being known as @ high class musical organization. The White Star steamer leaves Sar- nia promptly on the arrival of the epecial train Saturday morning, and the afternoon boat from Detroit on Monday is due at Sarnia at 9.05 p. The round trip fare for the boat trip is 75 centa, valid for the three a the whole length of Perth County, and the Hefald's excursions being always admirably managed, the prospecta are that even more people will take this outing then patronized it last year. The Herald's special jtrain is composed of standard -- while the White Star steamers among the very finest on fresh oi in the wor Farmer Sues Railway. ~ For Loss of Barn by Spark from Engine. Aoting on behalf of W. 0, Brown, of Tillsonburg, Messre. McKay & Mahon, of Woodstock, have issued a writ for Stuart Tilton, a farmer residing one mile east of Michigan Central Railway station at Tilleouburg, against the M. C, R. Company to recover unstated damages for the loss of a bern and its contents by fire, alleged to have been started by an engine ranpipg on the compapy's property. The railway company is charged with negligence. Mr, Tilton's barn is aitnated a short distance from the railway t(ravk aud once before bis burn was destroyed by fire, claimed to have been caused by a tocomotive. On that occasion he re- covered damages from the railway company. Elmire in Line. Will Join in Extending Guelph Junction Railway. A prominent citizen of Elmira writes the Guelph Mercury ay follows :-- 'Ip our council meeting fast even- ing the projected scheme of the exten- siou of the C..P. R. from your city to Goderich was bronght op and we find that Elmira ia ative to thoir interest, and both Board at Tradeand Coancil. are williug to join bands with you in assisting in the putting it through, We certainly wonld like to have it tonch Elmira. Thies place is now on the road to growth. Now, if you would like to have a oii come own from here aed mevt any of your People we certainly will pater them and do what we can ubitedly. Kindly" let us hear from you at an early date." Justa Cold in the Head. Bat if ---- by another cold, or extra exposure, in liable to result oy Ne Maygioe Usher, the free-for-all in pad poednn site Thureday, has been so Mr. RK. .T Smith, of Torgntes ie. 'te purchaser, and - the price is return apecial which leaves a for the Sores that won} from nearby stations to be ae fol- 4 ae an $4.50, do. $1.50 ; J Baster lows': G Hewit $150; B'Jolnston $3; E Sioniey Ohild- Wood 8: J Riddell $5) E Boyd $2.75; a, Adults. ren. | yy p $3; 0 t $5; 1 Lang. Palmerston ......-- 5. '00 . 65 ford qos Roe a iv iL Bex a6; Gowanstown........ 5.08 60 .80 H Taylor $14; HB Kerr $11.70, Listowel ......... 5.15 is -80 $2.75, do, $23.50, do. $9; G ba Ai Britton er Creare 5.24 or -80 $101.50; & Wileon $30 950; B Freemee Wewtow..« =. sri 5.85 1.35. .70 | $16.80; J-Quering $36.80 ; J Lytle Milverton......... 5.4 L 35. : a 60; y tackty $18; 5 3 Ones Tote. Brunner a oe © Mosser $1,20; KjLintick $7.75; EB tratford 6.10 a4 65 Boyd $14.80; Lee ng $2; A illard Bt Paoli vscaevense 6.18 7 .60 $38.25; 8. Jacobs $15; J Keith $26.25; St. Marys.........- 6 23 er - 7 Reilsote $16.15; J Basler $31; A Gravton .......... 6.44 ; Beggs $1. The council adjourned to Stops sre made at all stations up} moot again on the first Monday in to Granton, from. whichva, direct rub August, Trustees' requests mast be is made to eerains which vis to be in with the Clerk betore the first of Anogust. JuHN hid saicheoe 'Cherke Never Bay Die. Yon may be weak, miserable, nervous, sleepless, pe a onigoon ar ( hg poer, and 'ou despa Never until 7 =e "Perreeons, the aint womderful blood maker, nerve strengthever and brain invigorator, nes up the whole system, You can eat anything and digest it If you use Ferroze You leep well. Yo quickly, strength ag daily, ina short time you're well, Ferrozone, which you can obtain at eed drug stores. W. 8. Wallace of Alliston, after fir- wife and mother-in-law, placed tbe re- volver in bis own mouth, and fired twice. He will recover. Mr. Jobo Sheridan, a Brookville car ter, found over a thousand dollars in bills nud:r a stairway. The money ir supported to be part of the contents of a registered package containing $5,000 stolen. pagom the mails in May Jast. The fonrteen-year-old adopted eon of James Dangerfield of Sparta blew his own head off while climbing over a fence with his gun on a shooting ex- pedition, Werviline Cures All Pains Nerviline isa combination of the most in th -subduing power to five drope of any other, For eu Rheumatism, Pain in the back, its action is mya an certaiu. Sure ta cure. Your mey back if you do no! find i! #0, raat sell it -- Jadge Armour died in London on Saturday. . "Ta, ha!" laughed the railway magnate, Hehe his mail. What is it?' street railway fal ban 4 e tsta nch of complaints about the service," explained the first , but it is signed 'A Patron of enty Years' Standing.' "--Judge. rs Whree-year-old Jack had pulled a first street who was going "Here's a funny ---- the second farge bunch of nasturtiums hi andmother's yard, although strictly --_---- to touch the flowers. Court-martial was with judge advocate. ees she said, "who pulled grand- gua's flowers?" 2 cad. ccomabeneriee the beauti- e fellow replied: "Kathleen" rah Cap sister). grandfather, a rather stern sti: and a great stickler for 4 "i a man, 'and say 'I did it' " th « beat expression of rele! ask ried cried o " h, yes, grandpa d ae r¢ ght)--When I was two years ol eacher--Yes. jJebeayeAnd, when I was four and was eight; was be twice as old as ttainly: d now I'm eight and he's Ned once and a half as . T Jo! twelve, old as rem Teacher Yes. Why ? Johnny--Well, how long will it a me to catch fp' to him ?--New Y imes, ij 4 ing a couple of barmiees shots at his promptly arrived with Mr. Brodrick at their head. s a lane was made to the cen- d ter of attraction, after the Riot Act had been read and a volley of blank charge The cause of the disturbance was then ascertained and located by a picked body, a undreds, of ae ers cory psihegeasliers, and led Mr. S eeeietatte at I 7 Saath f the earl eighties worn "(lightly on the right) by pre and very self-possessed youny of some twenty springs. uch a heroine had not been seen since Darling, and special TS Were aghast at the audacity of the incident, while eir ,» Who urchased what they supposed to be latest cos- tumes, were in despair. Farther details must be looked for e The Feline F French, n Paris felt card ng the thee bp ciel of a Buia' Pest <. or the cheere of an more worthy ahoos than It wes at the cricket match, their _ 6 eS ee orishog H parted his coat- likewise. ee ou He She--Oh! dearte; 'ates. darling! Another there's Mr. j back from their Secapenee, | too-- why, they haven't been away a week! ey were married after us; and her hat tl She--I'm eure her siste } 'No ball! She--Her sister trimmed that---He--Ha! that wes a close shave. Trimmed that hat. He--Bray ought to pile up the runs. Sh t het oe gee e--Dearie, I've sl ra She--I think we'll Fo. poorer is too dull. He (trying te look pleasant)--Very w CONTINUE who are gaining fiesh and strength by regular treat- Scott's Emulsion hould he In hot weather; smaller dovo qnd a ue cool my} milk eae It w el Y ) 7 which is attached v6 fatty pron du heated seabon. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. { Toronto, Ustaric, 'gor. and $1.00; all druggists. ae "BATHS | It is in general too little thought of, and if done, not used with profit, for the There re eople who never take a bat unless ps once or twice during the summer F days t iu running streams, But so --_ om is as good € BATHS | - all expense, m get 2 FURKO VAPOR Bare CA which does not take- uj 4 feet square. Almost a Foom enough to set this Cabinet in, and * will nip took yom 6 Or 7 cents to get 'ko bath,, which if Sight. will drive ont any sickness Poy wishing to.try these a i "on BPE a Rood bath Main street, Listowel for ¥ a ra BIGGER VALU for our July Sale, worth 15¢. only 9c. terns, Sale, only 32 in. wide, 8c. 575 yds, Printed Mustin, per yard 3c. to pieces only Victoria July Sales, only 40 pairs Men's Pants, only 9g8c, 25 only Ladies' { RC REAT JULY SHED . ON" SATURDAY We commence our Great July Sale, giving VALUES SURPASSING ANYTHING * Ever before heard of in town, 65 only Ladies' White Night Gowns, samples, two alike, for our July S Waterproof Coats, $3.00, July Sale, only $1.98. 6 only Silk Waterproof Coats sold the world over for $10, our July Sale, only FALL GOODS ARRIVING We must have room, we will have room. ES THAN EVER Note a few of our special prices. 120 Black Sateen ---- worth $1 and $1.25, on y 75°. 98 only Black Sateen Skirts, worth regular $1.25 and $1,50, for our July Sale, only 98c. 1200 yds. fancy Dress Muslins, all new patterns, to 25c. pertyard, our July Sale, 2000 yds. Print and Sateen, fast colors, all new pat- worth ro and i24c., July goo yds. Print, & clear-up lot, a big snap, worth from 6$c. to 7$c., for our July Sale, per yd. only 5¢, light colors, to clear only 5c. Lawn, a'! perfect goods, no Sale, only half price. worth $1.40, July Sale, worth 2.50,to $7.50. LISTOWEL AND GRAY,BERNIE&CO. OWEN SOUND. THE GLEAN GROCERY STORE Just Received A LOT OF NFW CHINA DISHES. Corned Beef, Chicken Ham, Dry Beef, Libby's Corned Devilled Beef, Lobsters, Beans, Apples, Plums and Pe Always have on hand Tea Sets from $3.50 to... Dinner Sets from $6.50 to.. Toilet Sets from $2.50 tO eeeeseeeee coves NICE LINE OF STONE AND GLASSWARE. Also a fine assortment of CANNED GOODS, such as : serene 10.00 and Tongue, Libby's Chipped Beef Hash, Devilled Chicken, Shrimp and Finnan Haddies. Also Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Baked | Bega, Pork and aches, Milverton and tanta! Flour and Feed. Highest prices paid Phone No. 64. NICHOLAS KROTZ, for all Farm Produce. Next door to Thompson's old Stand, Main St. CLOSE "FIGURES IN FURNITURE. Have you Main Street, Listowel _ Furniture is either a. sated 'investment or a bad one ; it "is about as easy to make a mis- 'pur- take as itis to make a chase. We believe in calling "a spade a spade' every time. | | This time we have a special an-------~ 'nouncement to make, and you "won't go- astry if you give it special attention. We. are yy offering a Handsome CQUCH for $7.75: What we have to say about them can be said in a sentence : In make, material and cost they defy comparison. seen them. OUR UNDERTAKING DEPT. Is up-to-date in every particular. Night and Sunday calls promptly attended to at cottage East of Public School. A. Charges moderate. BROADFOOT. boundary fence line Oliver Richardson shot and fatally wounded Kdmand Matthews, a read nelahhor, 'in Col- chester South. The United 8 "ee wilt spply to th® Privy. Council for leave appeal ot Quebec. es ae Aea result of aa old feud over al Chas. 8. Dearling, PAINTER AND. DECORATOR , PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY work guaranteed, Charges | witieass _ Orders teft at Porter's But- Satan Caron's judgment asain the | cher Shop will receive prompt attention. extradition of Gaynor and Oren uow.| Shop over Mamet ere ee a Street. AS

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