Listowel Standard, 17 Jul 1903, p. 7

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fhough * ficial to her, and so kept her from ~ DOULD NOT SLEEP, oN ACCOUNT OF HEADACHES AND PAINS IN THE SIDE. eee "Sad Condition: of: Bright: 'Little ir Until Dr. Wil- Pink Pills Came to Her Rescue, young girls, foentoasly of featth, st obleigh, Eaton Corner, Que, 'of health pleasure in ol/t-of-door play. Buxidenty, However, ghe seemed her on- grew thin and rest would be bene- whool, but instead of regaiming her dtrength whe Pilla. After a couple of weeks, the of this medicine was de- eral ae ee realy ereeenest her h honestly believe had it pe been for Dr. Williame Pink Pills, our ---- would not Have recove health and strength, and I shalt always heave a good word to say for this Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will cure ari from i sipelas, rheumatierm, a, peia, orig "paralgata 8trXVi- ments v MARY AGAIN SIGNALING PROF. LOWELL THINKS HE HAS PERCEIVED SIGNS. ' Require a Flag as Big as. Ireland. Is Maers inhabited by intelligent beings who are trying to signal us? This question is again brought to front by the announcement that the Planet--has just observed 5 * prilliant projection from the edge of the disk. The brilliant uaaetantions of has read "The War of the Worlds" ag ~_e shuddering slightly when that just such a oeohekon indicated the ommencem . of that terrifying in- vasion. be reassured. 5- ronomers wil tell us that, how- ever realistic Mr. Wells sto ory scem- ed, it i that mankind should ever have to a and no one wh theory is equally impossibie. In- deed, one can hardly go so far as to say that it is entirely inade- quate to i rojection, though the improbability of its ing intended ur notice and pro- du by i siderable. nomers admit that the existence life somewhat akin to our own Mars is highly probable. the nature of things, there is no ground for supposing that the earth should be the earth beyond which may be true, able 19 io ail bi the that ordered wh 8c ana see if all the planets are but cooled and hardencd portions of the saine ori- ginal nebula, the real marvel would th Pink Pills for Pale ltama Ont. for .f writing d to the Pr. Wil Medicine Company, Brockwville, LEARNED BY SCIENTISTS. Length of rays does not affect the chemical activity of a although it determines their rof. Lodge surimises that tho pro- cess of disintegration of atoms into electrons, of which they are made up, may constitute the evolution of the chemical elements. The Gjoa, with the magnetic pole expedition, has seiled for Greenland, and will attempt to pass north of the Ameri continent to Behring will take the party near tho north pole. . professor of ex- perimental at Cambridge, Pugland, s umbia university, cetved its degree of do vor of sc, e, that teachers of science in the Unit- _ receive smaller salaries nD ypeumon's js essentially a ase of ated, germ polluted, and awewaatad atunosphere. Con- sumption, while also a communi- cable germ disease, has all scasons for its own, Animal foods, judged by bulk Bisco as a wh more cconomical. nish more than six-tenths of the pro- tein and nine-tenths of the fat of the vy experiments of grent accuracy Prof. Babcock has shown that half a ton of tee weighs more an the water obtained from melting that! quantity of i Therefore the | wolght of n body increases as its temperature falls. WHAT A MOTHER SAYS "It gives me great pleamure to say a goot ware for Baby' 5 Own Tab- the age of two months my baby was greatly constipntedl. He could not digest his foad amd acreamed roost in the Tablets he hus been well io gtowing splendidly." Such is the testi y of Mre. raig, ret strect, Tor , and thousands of other mothers speak in a wimilear str Summer is here and mo should take special pains to guard their little ones against illness, At at gun against and oo by he' bgt e Baby's Own Tablets Keep y may nave ee ssing Th Medicine Co., prockville ----_4+--_---- ONE FOR THE MAGISTRATE. in Engiond <= a romarkable head of hair. He is rather proud of his possession has no intention of parting with it at present. Not long ago a local ne'cr~do-well hearing of t cident occurred. Th exceedingly impudent, interrupting the witnesses and insulting all who had anything to say to or against him inaliering the case proved, th stipendiary turned to the prisoner and asked:-- "Have Pan any remarks to make?' "Yes have," responded he, flip- pantly. "Your hair wants cutting!" There w: an audible oe in court, which developed into a roar as witty wtiecaiiacs "So doos yours, my fricnd. Three months," 'Before - the laughter had=subsided "the prisoner was in tho cells. "Pa the boy, spoking. x ba his "book, 'what docs a ee ae er "Neually, eo : a cated Tbe ithe from behind be not that life should exist on oth- planets, but that it should have on a earth alone. miu +] to produce similar 'man is too apt to think that an -exceptional interest and merit attach te the inconsiderable planet that | has had the honor of bearing him, | Tf, then, we must assume the pro- east that there are 'other worlds the ours," other sentient beings within the limits of our system, where are we to look for them? LIFE ON MARS. Every argument points to Mars as the most likely place. The outer planets are too far from the sun for such life » know or bacteria could live with any ' clotted aoe refuses to con- lized society of typhoid sdwohter is almost certainly still in a state of red-heat, one might as well try to live in a Dutch oven as where Mercury swims in the sunbeams. The minor planets, | disiceted me mbers of a "planet In was are barred by our know- | pons even the rgest of them can vestiges of an atmos- | \eeene, while 'the 8 Urr ones | ill-provided with gravitating jthan an ordinary man's jump wou | Mo is signaling, we must wait for take him away into a olor nea that can be twisted Into lit would be rash, perho to asscr meanage, it as clementary as that life without an atnicnphers is e "one », three'? which Mr. j\impossible, but we cannot conceive ; Tesla once found arriving from outer jit. ace on his wireless telegraphic re- There romain, then, only our two cehver What we have recently h (nearest: neighbors, Mars and Venus, 'learned of the possibilities of wire- seomu to say tha Doda 'as the possible homes of such like less telegrapby, or of that stiM sub- a Pills will cure any form of jas we can imagine to exist in con-|tler form of radiation which Kidney Complaint or eny disease |ditions not tvo utterly unlike our ;¥aguely perceived in the phenomena t disordcred Kidaecys, jown. ,of telepathy _ eS _ There are grave difficulties in the 'ence, suggests that when ars tries - of xtudying Venus from this |in carnest to communicate with us BEHAVIOR OF CROWDS. yoint of view, and attention has it Wilf not be by mere heliography -- P Deon concentrated on Mars, where | flag wagging." We aro daily 4 Study f Those of Britain and 'some eminent astronomers believe 'getting wireleas messages from the Japan ithat they have found evidence for the |Sun. why should not a sentient being xistence of intelligent beings p ' Sen one from Mars some day? | Th capes pepe aeenee evidence is rather thin, biKting "mainly in the demonstratio that ars is suited for the ence of life pe fied than our oWn--its pressure is probably not more than two or three) pounds to the squ corres- meeAlgnt to a barometric reading of ve or #ix inches of merecury--but still conceivably adequate to su port life that had been developed in it, though a man transported thither or a Martian suddenly brought hith- er would cqually be unable to sur- vive without a diving costume. WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN, proved not only by spec- observations which mots x {containing water vapor, but by the gular waxing and waning of the white patcheca of snow that sur- 'Sir Hobert Ball Says it' Would: H. G. Wells have familiarized us all eigh with the possibilities of life on Mars, the firing of a huge gu the eart ay be put out of court it It is with less certainty, however, that we can decide that the signal More than half the battle in|! cleaning greasy dishes is in the planet's surface, by Mr. Lowell of lin on the appear to be duplicated. the wish to sce them is father the observation. tive evidence tions on Ma of sentient life on Mars, it other dearly them, planets, just like Mars may be a signal to our size of such a t signal for |ceive it seems to bar the posal bli ity te its artificial nature SIR ROBERT. BALL savs that signalling from Mars the earth would need oa just been observed is due some twenty - atmosphere, according to the 5 con- | But on | prev ious, and exist- | that there In the first place, Mars |ing that what YOSKESSCR an atmosphgre more rari- | ® Signal from Mars, though it would jection to the signal more natural to these there is no use in t Mr. possi- pres- old, with success. This consists mainly in the apparently regular change { certain features of the which is attributed and others to the ac- hese see in oa best telescopes as a network Martian surfacc, which at certain season' of the year Some observers maintain that they are simply an optical delusion--that If, then, we assume the probability is an easy step to suppose that its inhabi- tants may wish to communicate with as we should A' to communicate with Hence it is often supposed that any remarkable appearance ad- The chief difficulties in thus | ~ gigantic flag the size of Ireland or an electric light ae big as London. There is no grea aggeration in such a cale ulation. Probably the projection which has to sun- light striking a cloud at a height of injles in the Martian ceived explanation of similar obser- thogry is that' I Tedee of physics, which tells us that |no intelligent message has been sent, con- ions are is no ground for suppos- Lowell saw was tions to vince, on sia, ackis by enjoy Ps ° re- eral throughout of Ruesie. of British T soap you use, If it's Sunlight Soap Soccer! it's the best; a Si t--t ; lapan tea drinkers try "Salada" Ganen tea, att a ; = round the Martian poles. In other Ba BITS. physical respects Mars is essential- as ly similar to the earth, wd it re leints of "Fen. of Russian quires no great stretch of imagina Cong Peasants. ; tion to seo how the human consti- . : tution could be modified to live A doc r, residing in the there, Russian Provines' of Trhernigov, So far "the -- of life on Mars | writes that the.indescribably dirty confines itself t i gg of the Ru ssian it extremely difficult to cure ghetr wounds and illnesses, a eer i a particular characteristic of many perienced, A peasant was wound that would not heal, and became nec to t of skin from another par essary the slice of skin required,» but when he came to put it ag a disinfect- ant solution find, that it "aimotvale Closer amination -- him tit dirt, which had 'becuse the peasant's body as to wa r answer that twenty or thirty | nfistinguishable from it have not. Hence we arv entitled to ie same doctor wis obliged consider, at least as a working hy-| hundreds of cases to the dirt pothesis, the theory that these sin- off bis paticnts, and scrub nee marks are due to some vast them violently with a herd brush icul 1 upera- and soda and water beford he could and has had ence in freveral other par confirms these statemfnts, euffcring from a t er * doctor, vitch, who resides in the rame pro medic} 8 case W h ox~ to ex- n was brag h He > 6, #8 a e, om child- of wore next td the skin 1 | M.! &chmule- 'beams of teak p! horisontaity the one -- the other, their onds reating on two npillare of Tmo: eno c omry and large upright teak posts, t end of the ecigttcent c ry, r superintendence of the reigning King. 7 flow's This f We offer Ono Hundred Dollarn Reward for any case of Uatarrh ae cannot be eured by Hall's Catarrh , BF. J. CHENEY & vo, "To ledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have knows. 5 Yr. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, ve him tly honorable wail ee ly business transactions and a, able to carry out any obligations m by ther frin WEST & ERUAX, Wholesale Draggists. Toledo WALDING, MINNA é MARVIN, Ownoleasie Dru -- sts, 'Seledo, s Catarrh Curo olreckiy upon 'he bleed sen free Sold by ali drv. Mall's Family Pills are Golding (who has given his sent)--"I h know tho will get in my -- Man--" Well--er-no know the exact rradive "bak as ne eas I can find out it's in the telat borhood of $25,000 con- BINDER TALK, Bonw of the ban gb features of the Massey-Harri nd FOLDING DIVIDERS. or nuts to unscrew. You care a spring on the vider and unhock 'the inside one to fold them. A youngster can do it ) experi. of and that the conditions; described | SICK TWO YEARS BOUT WAS CURED + DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CREDIT- THER Cc- ° vations made four or five times with-| John Ball, a Quebec Bricklayer, in the last generation. ut if the Tells How s Troubles Vanish- i artians ie really 7 i advanced ed When He} Tried the Groat n enyincering as to be ab O car ry out treigntion works on the vast Canadian K °y Remedy. scale that the canals imply, they Quebec, Julf 13.--(Spoctal).--One ought to be capable of making such | more roemar cure has in signals; if money as no ject, | marked up to/the credit of Dodd's feven a terrestrial engineer could ar-| Kidney this city. J range a system of electric lights that | Ball, bricklaysr, of 67 Litt would send a flash as far as Mars. plain street, © man cured. In- The second and moro powerful ob- | tarviewed re nding the matter he ing the comparative cheractcristic Japanso ponent occasion, was furnisi¢d by _ the recent fertivitics which 14) and * apan's oO be highly unscientific to deny the = get - ot "Oaadn Possibility of such i Rxhihi ; The Kobe Chronicle is very com | Mmentary to Ce . " de- ' 3 clares: '*Probab. there is no HOW TO PROVE HIS DEVOTION. ountry in the on there such Tie (just been refused)--"Then life | good order, politeness are has no further charm; I shall kill| ation for others and myself.' corum lai as in Japan in this She--"' By poison?"' matter ' is gen He--' 'Probably.' orally conspicwous by its reseysat She--"Well, you'll excuse my and tioning it, but brother Jack "has just opencd know, and the poison of him? Jt devotion to me. He still lives. en- LContiel poor Jack, and prove your his German colleague are gen | the rurel ae There are millio Russians who nerer was a change of linen art ever ' draught or Said Then: "Ho, ho, you're on the shelf, / 'ers. his two, the latter is un more impressive, and it i# Semmable of a gather rare concomitant." Tho Kobe Chronicle does not like Th which His Majesty, the Japan, is naturally seems somewhat to w 's. But miles an inc veniences to honor their soworeign, though diametric opposite n expression, spirit is identical. e English: enjoys way of bes crowd u aiticas than has the a oe me the gp cc crusbing, and cr g of westem people." tl A WARNING. Be careful how nd go to 'i Pe otienan settled wr the migouneadly the or of by his subjecta strange the feeling of In easily and properly. The Dividers ere very rigid in their working pos- | itions, and remain at whatever langle they are folded over the cen- veyor canvas. FLOATING ELEVATORS. --They literally float. The grain cannot i ttick or choke in the Maseey-Harris elevator, no matter how much it is bunched. SIMPLE KNOTTER. -- cagnnis of henaitng crops under all conditions of wea- ther or land It will pick up tang- fed or laid grain and lay it neatly on the table It also handles long or short grain with splendid suc- "ROL, LER BEARINGS throughout to lighten the draft and make the work casy for the The beasts know when they are hitched to a Massey-Harris--it runs so easi- _---_+--_----- "What course should a lawyer pur- sue When called on to defend a man whom he knows to be guilty?' ask- ed the = of the New Lexing- ton applica Rigen ees ceratched answered: course,"* ot! ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT he -Chenee 'ate aauhie, 7 'p # by use of one tre. ine © $0 ost 7 wonderful blemish Cure ever tT have ae said the industrious book-agent, volume is 'dally helpful to business men. alas certain it would benefit you if "Can't you mention any business man it has bencfited?" broke wee one in the office chute, "Su There's me, for in- stance. I get. a big commission." Minard's Linlment Cures Dandruff Old Farmer (tending threshing ma- ) chine, to applicant for job)--"-ver done _ Ans threshing?" Applicant (modestly}--""f am the father of seventeen childron."' Lever's Y-Z (Wise eer Tisinfect- _ Soap Powder is better than oth- er powders, as it is both soap exrd | disinfectant. Elderly pang (lecturing on tem- perance)--'And argued with my husband for le long years at last induc hi pledge. joy that I per my arms round his neck and k him.' Voice from the Audience (seriously)--' 'Serve him right" Batideck, June 11, 1897. f. C. RICHARDS & CO. Deer Sirs, MINARD'S LINI | MIEN' is my remedy. for NBURAL GIA. Tt relieves at once. A. 8. McDONALD. ws "Well, Charles, I'll this time; and it's M for- give you tear it up, amnar-- y, Charles?' Charlies >i mee it will do for the next Wins' ee Bums, ete. Visitor--'You don't mean to tell me --_ you have lived in this out- sy.' "Nei c . That' 8 -- T seed it." For Gree tea. Years. rife ame Svar eas Sat Fite pertecs 3 aa eae sara a baile Winslow's. Soothing CEYLON Black Tea. Capital, $150,000, TORONTO OFFICE : 71 Victoria OFFICERS AND oIRECTORS President.--R, L. Joynt, Eaq., M.P.P., Toronto. Vi residents.--D. W. MeKer- cher, Barrister, Winnipeg; R. A ne, Exsq., .. M.P.P., To- ronto. Scc. A. E. Howey. Directors --John Small, Esq., Collector of Customs, Toronto; Chas. Young, M.P.P., Winnipeg: E. Mo » Esq., Junior County Judge, Toronto; NR. ' Esq., Winnipeg; Andrews, Esq., Winnipeg; A. E. Howey, Esq., Winnipeg; J. J. rebank, . Toronto; ' . East, Esq., Barrister; 'Toronto; E. Campbell, ges eal co Comprny's lot» are situated in the cres, those . Will cost the pharehol dere: Tews rfco'. There isa jon a grewth of the tity of the ¢' we Feizbty do lars ad for lots areund the ny were offcred a substan The oom mps adv: ne: in acreage on thelr 4 Neeley acne put decided kp gabrdlv ice oud eu survey foh fs south-west. Fit foot s reels rity Croste 'efor increasing pro: Inge and rpoody re'urne, youn nce JunsYnd, offers hyve been hogs a from three manufacturing firms ne of them fiating that they hater' ARE OFFERED iN THE Great Prairie Investment Co., Divided tute £0,000 shares of $5.60 "= Street putelrs fup sixty hon if their offer is accep' ted. leas Tre. deal of it w.ll average ten veryone who bu will share eqaal' i por' the % shares he! the imvestor, Any number of shares 62.4 Bhares are Hing yersdly. principally te are re Winnipeg people, so that you w will eee investment, Fpeculation, but a rare bora Write for prospectus and letters from ietgh oun who hare Inve: tigated this pro- -- = J. J, Borobank, 71 Victoria street, Toronto. All ates payablo on account of stock should be :nade payablo to the order of the Trusts and Guarantee Co., No. 14 King St., West, Toronto. STATEMENT OF ) ompany has ee 4,500 building lots, 25 feet. Total frontage nd 500 feot. Com 'nostimate on rent v ralvon cf the land frets U0 to $10.00 per foot ( ote lgneet ont, This wo would verage dver Nivagement ter the Pasaing year, approximated at 110,00 000 00 pen Profit balance to Company ...-. 6227, 500.00 Painters' Think of eyery good point a perfect Paint Bruah should have and you'll have a mind picture of OECKH'S FLEXIBLE BRIDLED The bridle can be easily removed and r --is not affected by water, oil or paint on a pivot and thus keeps the bris SOLD BY ALL DEALERS Thoughts BRUSH "Works " Victoria" EDDY" ho "Well, you tell the children . gor can't 'fall ee quietly they'll have to stop i Minard's Linlment et Relienes tual ae "Mr, Geyser, Why do you wear that bad hat?" "Because, my dear sir, Mrs. G. vows sho will not go out of the house with me until I get a new one."' PLAN NOW FOR SUMMER TOURS No matter where you are going, if in the United States, write to Fred. Lac oa "New -- t to all-resorts. et Would-be Cyclist--"I thought you said that after twelve lessons of an hour cach I should know how to ride?" Cycling Instructor--"'So you would, sir, if you hadn't spent the best part of. thy time on the ground."' "_--_--e Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere on and as A school caught boys watched it, school said, cuthuatantioally, companion: "Johnny, don't wish it was ours?"' DENVER AND COLORADO. On June 30th to July 10th inclu- bash will sell round trip passengers California. returning. All ticke should read via Detroit grea' ash route. corner fling Wabash Agent, son, District | Northeast streets, '+Little Comet" Father (trying to read)--"'¥V whe Se Seson Ye ok Mand terrib} cket in the teat" e ven hes- Mothor""One rt the cnalees, Rs ter, England, -- of having been fell down irs." licensed for 550 yi PATENTS 13 Sz = FEATHER. ER DYEING Cummiome post, le per ox. the best place BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 08, Georgian Bay's Pavorite Summer Hot:l: | THE BELVIDERE PARRY 80' THE 8 SANS SOUCI MOON RIVER P. Write tor JAMES K. PAISLEY, Grand Usion Hotel, OTTAWA CAN, to Lives: Bominion Line Steamships Mone Aland to Liverpool ia Quacas: If eclentifc prin olps the patent inflated s-coess, It hoids oan p' M ap Ave, ORANGES We have Mexicans, California Navels, Valencias, and Sevilles, Go. is rit , Toronto, Write _ ° LEMONS WE he . Wecan also handle your Fk hee Egee, Poultry, | produce to advan- BAN n | Garload every week.

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