LISTOWEL'S LEADING DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. HOUSE. _ New Goods -- Goods are crowding in upon us daily, we are in a position to show you New snnyehtinge and everything you wish to see in the following lines: Mantles and Furs. Ready-to-Wear Clothing : A Specialty. Our Dressmaking De- partment SEPTE -MBER R. 1ST te os under the mpaegemeete of, MISS RD T --s wes Dress Goods * Trimmings | ' Le Seo SIGN « oF ELEPHANT. - i wel 4, # ' . = x 1 Robert Thompson a PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Oy WOCESREESEEE STE SEF SOF HSS STATS UVVSATGVE Ee DRESS GOODS FOR FALL. = am bb 6 4 le BOBS BB SVUVESTTSEVETSE FETVFABHB E have always been note: for having the Best and Most Stylish Dress Goods in town. But this Fall we are showing a larger and more U{/P= See our's before purchasing elsewhere and be convinced for yourself. . OUR STOCK COMPRISES % Friezes, Corded Velvet, * Homespuns, Plain, fancy Zebeline, @ Cheviots, Fancy T'weeds, 2 Amazons, Flecked Cheviots, Satin Cloths, Vecunias, Venetians, Ondule, Mohairs Hopsack, ; Knotted Voiles. Bouch, etc. J WE also carry a large stock French Flannels, Delains, fancy Satin Cloth, Finitelaines, f° :¢: cree and Bedford Cords, which are the correct materials for this fall. f .#¢ HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR | BUTTER & EGGS. } 1eeneudnbinnanwanudens . ROBERT THONESON SIGN GOLDEN 'LION. ~ ~ SI SGI SO eee emer es areas BROS ORD $ | TO-DATE. STOCK than ever before and our prices speak for them- selves. 2 of novelty Fabrics for Waistings comprising :-- Canvas Cloth So? 1 Howard is Mire. Jerome Merrill, while Sector and kissing a -pet horse, at. .Ni nslernige ye, had both bee lipe bitten off. A ye ee Dae | eee manage, Mr. AL. Mi MolIntyre. Hing et He ae >| Mrs, Gibson - a. ace Thomas, of ts ie ae t Now York ba ac bn 'the guests for OV : e i oon W. Gibson, i H.W, Be Ay Pastor. | resided in "tows, having. ie formerly ' sUNpa Wet, 1900. bout lanes yours years ag é AP Zor | eats. gener. 3 A ; Mr, J. H. MoDonald, manager of Strangerg, ee ms the opera house, has had the gg = Sate plays booked with him': Sept. pa ar ag" pr rab (Gains ar ST eston's trele; 29th, Get. your t ms ¢ Snell Nov. 7th, Merchant of Wright basal ened goad rm 1f you web be 'goto: Wri t now looks as if the U. 8. cup de- i ine saad ~) ate agi fender Reliance will enoceed in ho!d- Tuesday: ue tlag gut aod Shamrock it in the | 2 nigga, Se < x. , ' amroc D -}. Mise Olata 4a the} Srettwo races, y's race she guest of Mis aS crossed the ine 1 minute, 18 seconds "Boy wa E. ber ie Ap' ahead of Lord pton's craft. Bis'#.Gee. ; Mr. Wi8. R. Cameron, _travelling [Mra ty ~ze. | Passenger agent of the North- tartied to 1's yer érn Ry:, was in town thia week looking it Goblets A up business for the new road, which 'hes "te ais has some six hundred miles of its main line from Port Arthur to Grand View, besides several branch lines in Mani toba, vow in operation. Mr, and Mrs. Chambers of Hamiota, Man., were the guests of Mre. Cham- bers' sister, Mrs. R. BR. Hay, Dodd *tetreet, for a day or two this week. They have just returned from a trip down. the 8t., Lawrence, preceded by av outing iu Muskoka, and will leave shortly for home. Garpen Party.-The Sunday School Farnishing ------ of North Morn- ington Chora hold a garden fa on Friduy aie this week on grounds o 2 W. T. prot of Elma. Smith, the Listowel Male Quartette end Master Howard Large are nounced to take part in the program. Mise Howard of hs ge will have charge of Mesers. ros. "'meking 1 tpaigpecne this. eeason. dress the. and mantle donner, the Be Bien for sey- "| to a & ; Her odes wil . Oo. - . , Wi 5 : chains. sojourn. r aye Wi hes been much improved Mr. George Ziltiax, ai muy the greater part of which nt sold his hotel in Hanover, 'has pur- | bis brother-in-law's, Mr. R. Jobnston, Ghased 3 & hotel basinesas * Cringerille, ranch near Qn'Appelle. Mr. and and is now in possegsion bengiey and family have gone to Oar- ~ Mr. and Mra R. A, Chimie returned e° and rail trip to Muskoka and Parry Sound. Mr. and Mts. H. B. Morphy and famil onl Mr. and Mrs, 8. Bricker have returned to town alter enjoying a pleasant outing in Muskoka, "For Bologna, Frankfords, Headcheese ete., try Wright. Also fresh aud cured meats always on hand. Mrs, Olayton and the Misees Clay- ton entertained a large progressive euchre party at theit porns "Sherwood villa," on Phursday evening of last wee. «| The splendid rain.on onday night was mach needed, and 4oming after moet of the harvest was will do in. caloalable good to @a and root crops, Mr. J. J. Stewart 'having his frame -- removed tojthe lot which he has purchased on} the corner of Wellington aod ejteets, and in- tends bricking it * Maines & Priya. "Listdatl 'Foundry, ep repairs for almostany kind of plo a Pen Plows, "ene ills, ache Hills, Advance, » Butter. field, Waterloo, Frost Word Sylvester, Sean Blips vad eit lab Baie 0 inson slides toh pe abe le Several care of stock aye been shipped thia wesk wel sta- tion, inclu end lambs, "Mr. Joha Soott Leslie were the ger, late of the has ptrobased a MP. Yoke Wolsh, formerly of Petrolea, is the new proprietor of satitn Hotel. Norick. ~all : debts accounts to the , enim William 5 call a the -- Telephone" sibecribers, hindi? call at the office an pay zine te, 89'a8 to have the @turn ye ea gill to spend a week with their daugh- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Tatham Taituess Oontr. -- A company of gypsiee passed through town on Fri- day last having with them something in the way of a freak, it being a colt without a tail. Evidently pature never provided it with a caudel appendage, there being no bone where the tail should be. It is a yearling gelding, and but for the want of a tail isa prom- ising looking animal. Vorsas' List Apreats.--Abonut 170 appeals against the town voters' list have been filed with the Clerk. The Conservative list includes 15 to add, 28 to strike off, and 6 changes in de- scription. The Liberal list is made - of 47 to add, 41 to strike off, and changes, A unumber of the appeals rts been duplicated by both parties. The Judge's court, to deal with the appeals, will be annonnced shortly. Bia Sauz or Export Oatris. -- Mr. T. H, Rolls of the Grand Central has sold his entire lot of export cattle, 59 head in all, to John Scott, for the neat sum of $4,000, being almost $68 abead. They are three-year-olds, aod are expected to average 1, Ibe. They were fed by. Mr. Rolle on his fine ferm east of thea corporation, aud area splendid lot of exporte. Mr. Scott will not ship them for a week or wo yet. Mr. J. H. Gunther was called to on pabantey last, owing to the | serious illness of Mrs, Gunther, who | has been on a vieitto her mother there. . Gunther. has undergone two oper- ations at the Preabyterian Hospital of Chieago, and her condition is consid- eréd critical, though the doctors in attendance hold out encouragiug hopes of her recovery, t hope may be realized is the earnest wish of her mavy friends in town, who deeply regret her serious condition. Mr. J. H, Keller, M. A., of Sher- : brooke, Quebec, spent a few days this : the bus without avail, the Mrs. _ Winteringham, an a Indy eighty 8, ani of gn age, fiving en lot A as it was discovered t she had taken the poison antidotes we applied, d coming on Mrs. Winteringham been a resident of Logan for many daughters. Under ths heading of "Window dis-| re oods Review for August pays a high- ly complimentary tribute to a Listowel boy, Mr. B, Mr. O. J. Halliday at Chesley. The Baview, in the course of its lenghty descriptive article, prononnces the window display of satin dress goods as being beautiful ; it made an impress- ion, and oot only did that, "it teouskt before the public in an attractive way the satin dress goods--it advertised it and advertised it well." The idea wee originated and carried ont by Mr. Alexander. Burcuars tk Moryincton,--The honse of Mr. John Watson, township clerk of Mornington, was entered by burglars Sunday night. Mr. Watson and the hired girl were the only oc- cupants of the residence. The girl heard the noise of the burglars' entry and gave an alarm, but the burglare had fled ; no trace of them could be found. The most serious loss is to Mr. Watson's son, who is to leave ina few days for the North-west. He left his grips packed at hie father's house while staying with friends. These were found emptied of the con- tents, outside the house. Examsnation Resuuts.--The results of the July Departmental lea! pe are being published in the loocai pers. The following shows the nk ing obtained by some of the schools in this district : Brussels Public School passed 16 Junior Leaving, being all the candidates who wrote--a remark- able record certainly. Durham Pab- lic Schoo] passed 16 out of 18 Junior Leaving candidates. Mount Forest High School 5 Senior Leaving, 17 Junior Leaving, and 4 Matri ok. tion, Kineardine High School pa sed 1 Senior Leaving, 17 Junior Gy wd 6 Junior ulation, 8 4 i a =. Ba oa omy are a atte im, and her a od co oy lighting, aud they ve the cont ence the farming community, having rodded 718 builiings. There is a cheap rod being put up by a who ito calling themselves Lig 4 a- gents, which is acheap class of rod, and whi L, & C. A, MoIntosh will put up for 12 cts. per foot, complete, but will not give any guarantee from the Hamil- ton Brass Manfg. Co. for this class of rod. USTIFIABLE Homicrpz.--Oharles Is- mand of Detroit, formerly of Listowel, was acquitted by a verdict of justifiable homicide for the unintentional killing of Arnold McLeod, the invader and wrecker of his home, The Detroit --_--. gave full particulars of the occurrence. The cause which led up to the por was the alienation of Ismond's wife's affections by McLeod, Ismond surprised the guilty couple one night at his home, when MoLeod, who was much the larger and stronger map, turned upon Ismond, and getting him down, was pounding him with murderous intent, when the latter, who ie a barber, drew his scissors and stabbed Moleod in the neck, the lat- ter dying ae immediately. Ismond is a nephew of Mr. Fred. Sharp of this town. Furnrrvre Factory Onanaes.--Fol- lowing the recent changes in the per- sonnel of the management of the Listo- wel Furniture Co., other changes have since taken place. Mr. Albert Wahl has bought noe his interest in the Company from Fred. Johnston, = has resumed ra position as mana- Mr, g has bought Mr. Foerch's stock ana interest. change, we understand, is also in con- templation, whioh will be an import. } ant acquisition to the concern, and will place the business on a still better footing. These changes have all been made with the atmost good will of the parties concerned, and go to show that the practical men at its head have every confidence in the stability and future of our Furniture factory. Mr. Johnston has returned to Wingham and resumed the management of the Bell fac An event of interest in the newspaper world in Toronto last week was the occupation by the News of their new building at the corner of Yonge and Adelaide streets in that city, The years. She leaves four sone and two nae! in towns and Nas " the Dry} Woodst oer igh 'bu Yalan y night, a Mr, F. ee newly ras a Grand Warden na I a: 0. 5 a beaqaet a lington hotel by the I ooal Oddfellows, i in bonor % his attaining that distinguished and tendered at forty mem- e order eat down to a splen- - got up in the Abtington's Afterwards Bro, Ez, bere of aia spreeit 'Ferhane ck ~ _-- and eT ~ toasta. e Gran veral d Lodge was responded to by i J. R. Oliver of ock, and Bro. . Logie. The. Professions were coupled with the names of Bros. W. M. Brace, W. W. Nichol,, Geo. Spotton and T. L, Hamilton, who replied in neat speech- es. The toast of the guest was then proposed, which brought Bro. Blewett tohis feet, who replied in, effettivs style, and expressed his gratefaineas to his brethren for the honor -which they had done him. Short speeches - followed from Bros. Inzlis, Porter, a recitation. The evening altogether -: was most pleasantly spent, pasay Exutsit.--The Morris, Feild, Rogers Oo. shipped this week their ex- nibit of pianos for the Toronto Exhibi- tion, The exhibil sae fourtéen uprights and one "baby " Four, ps the uprights are No. § 35, largest selected mahogany, antique oak and selected walnut, and are very hand- some. The balance of the uprights are Nos. H. and 25, and are principal- from general stuck. 'baby grand" isan exact duplicate of the original, which was shipped to Win- nipeg afew months ago, aud which has been pronounced by p'ano experts to be ahead of anythin of the kind yeb attempted in O:nada, and has the further distinction of being manufac- tured in its entirely, with the oxeertiee of the action, in this country, Mr. Rogers of the Listowel piano works being its designer and builder. Alto- gether the exhibit will prove a most ~ interesting one for visitors at the Ex- hibition. Owing to the rush, the Company were ciatis to show the ex- hibit here before shipping. Mr. W. R, Dunn, manager, will have; ge of the exbibit in Toronto. The ' pany have also shipped six pianos ; toe Sherbrooke and six to Thr = ae Quebeo, Expibitions. % Be MV EY a 6: ai 7 Oommerce staff, Tate: tered-two cactoes 'and : Speed River to their canfp, thr from the city. Messrs. M i6 Beck were preceding the other two by. about fifty yards, when the former heard a splashing in the.water. They called back to ascertain if their oom- panions were safe, and the answer came, "Yes," immediately followed by the words, "No, no." McKenzie and Beck swiftly paddled back, bat on reaching the spot were, in the dark- ness, unable to find any trace of the men. They = ar to the city and gave the a The chief of police, with ---- Greenway, W. Johnston, and H. Cull went to the spot, and after searching for over an hour, recovered both bod- ies and had them téken to Tovell's undertaking rooms, Both men were very popular. and of exemplary habits. They were sboxt 21 years of age. Frank Maddock was the only son of Mr. G. Maddock, of - Tilleonburg. Bradley's home .is in: Mount Forest. A Mile in Two Minutes, Lou Dillon -- Holds World's <Trot- g Recor Reading, Mass, Av Aug. 24.--Before « great crow of sprctatack at the local track to-day, Lou Dillon trotteda mile in 2 minutes and broke the world's re- poe The weather and track condi- tions were practically perfect when Millard Sanders, driver of the Dillon mare, brought herout. Two pacemak- er', Peggy from Paris and Oarrie Na- we, were used. On the first score" Lou Villon made a break jast before reaching the wire. On the second at- tempt the word was given. Driver Tanner kept ie. 4 from Paris directly in froot the peor less chestnut -- ale McCloy laid . trotted in 1.00 8-4. Around the turn to the three-quarters pole the pace quickened, the third quarter beiog _ in 80} seconds, Then came the raster and faster came the leader forward se usual, whi wi enety in the interests of that Company,, and } latest and most serviceable mechanical | -uoner and right with him trotted the appreciated during - - | expects to be established permaryently aad in every line has been in-| handeome Lou Dillon. To the amaze- ger's unay absence. . in the letter country. His sala:ty is | stalled b; The News, Aor Men ® Hoe | ment of all, the Jast quarter was com- $5,000 per anno m, pang press. This. is the largest pleted in 29 seconds, thus making the If the fear of a war with ti United newspaper prees in Oanada, and it has} nije in 2 minutes flat. States ie the best argumetl Senator} Dzare oF Hewnx Gresxn. -- "Me 6 ty of 48,000 12-page papers per | The announcement of the time caus- -$9"| MoMullen can offer in support of the eng? Srey who lived on the $rd{hour. An invitation im extended "to | o4 the thousands of spectators to jump Grand Trunk Pasific, the potent, | line Wallace, but who been stay- | all News readers--in fegt to all Exhibi- | ¢, their feet with cheer after cheer. gtave and ere na! ught to | ing with his. marri ter meat} tion visitora to the city--to call an Lon Dillon was apparently as fresh prveteciic --w¥ Fergus for some time past, died: af the | inspect The News b -- _ plant. | at the finish as though she had 2 awe: latter's home after several wee! ts' iil- | The mammoth press seen been out ofall ble exercise. all} ness. Tho remeins were brough + here | operation between 3 si 50 *olock each | ors eaid he ealy jeved that 'tore taail-to'| and the funeral took place on W edaes- } afternoon. The Hens sexire season ol he will drive the day morning to Fairview cer setery. | towel on the evening train ee tte face te LBe or better: 'tas poe coneeese wee EE yeens of og e endjto. The local agent is J. H. Ganther ; vicinity many } from w. be | years. Gus' eae, residing ". Port 4 obtai obtained. Kyoto to The - The fra ca Lapher fn from. Borla } and 'oront vi pam rink eotric Railway. was run ingtend | Huron, bao Geneitets, one. "Being § Toe 0, ring ple" copi of to Gall 9a Ba aa Miata icn Gabel and Yale, and Bro. Norton gave*--