wyouwanr sds Weltew arranted Obfi ee eg eee oer ae ary "FIRST-CLASS MEATS | at wtuug pra, t net owt [FA Ls AA | NG HIV: IPRESSI X the ages : : RIGHT | oe 'PRICES - Aug. 29 a ee ee. tage addrening nse | a a ; af STEVENSON ber tage eae Is produced on the minds ot the Farmers iio aU = g HE CHOICE STOCK THE CITY BUTCHER ng isos fx 8 coup Gee anes sen have. 'used . "Tailor, A ny pier whe cots dae : ve premises "FRESH GROCERIES Srsseeee| GILLING & MARTINS _ | Next to my Grocery Store of all kinds always on band. flare Snoddy---who has beens ae M And having decided to go out of vimmmo toon [ae ceee| BARM IMPLEMENTS. _Ipry coops end BOOTS & SHOES, used this fest... Morphy & Carthew,: a atring of fine-tooth combs with three. : Ina few days we will commence a "bannistens, soLtorTuns 6 emt tee wend tego Large orders have already -been placed for our! - GENERAL CLEARING OUT SALE Solicitors for the am ccount-boo eu te manne ; 5 » Nowacioe Public and Commissioners Money | in which educated girls turn the pages Both stocks being new and up-to-date in every way it will MB. Monrnr J. M. Camisew when they write letters--the fourth an opportunity to secure very and fat t en, to fill ' Kotaroe Pablicaga Convey SOLIGIZORS, as 'Smythe Link Brown Qn nt Sih . tr : en? ee -- ee ee = Mone: 2, Seucltors fo for Seott'n Banking House and Ont. | pherre' and 'stm ones as 'Jaymes Bldg & Loan Assoc oughnes;' and to spill considerable of it . Muney TO LOAM AT 4 <2 PER CENT. over into the saucer, as it were, when . Main Street FB. Ruewerr. Gro. Bray. B. A. | ghe didn't happen to know the customer's 7 a = ust aon er rs mos ominent peculiarity, an t go 7 Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Prat. Thus, we have a hevtidesions a, to a phlegmattes man whose hair Barrister, Conveyancer e Office, Main St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. tobeone to a lame man, and so forth;: Branch offioein Atwood every Wednesday. together with several items th 'SOLD ON GREAT BARGAINS MERIT/TJp-to-Date Grocery: ng stranger who said he'd be around to ; Bi settee Tak, Se 3 BUILT ON 8, ehe scen je w store wi Mabee & Makins, heliotrope, made eyes at the clerk till he [N/ Iw. give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry eines: -- ':. == pens ceo rok wesacaae bo Seclined to HONOR Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price. Any quantity ee done te Lane have any axle-grease, yellow calico, or . of broken Sets. 3.P, Masts, KC. ©. 5. Maxone |" ity cots aint what tt Csids be; I carry a full line of Groceries, which will be sold'at . | Phat Aittle clerk bad indigestion, any- . act ms -- a mar; Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. ~ gion about sixty different aor sorts of pro- _ A 'kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. DR. W. M. BRUCE, feted that at b thirty et 20 ein ; ere not in the least like- ' ENTIST. t anything they dont have to JAS. ARMSTRONG. EDS,RCDS, Ontario DDE Tenty Unt io py cartes g fay don't tare to: | They contain every feature in implement making. } Strangers folke 'tint pation sep Built to stand the enduring test of years to -------- rom aid stant te roome over W. shears; lame men, and worthy old lidies gpeate Sore, MainSe, Listowel, stairway a8] with warte; and any self-respecting} come. IF UALITY CO NTS WITH YOU s6sTH ANNUAL Jones would fight me for calling him 'Joughnes' In consequence of al of} WH OAN. INTHREST YOU. Call and leave WESTERN FAIR, LONDON, { don't know but I've becom Thos, Fullarton, © -- | miNfonaire in two shor 'week, ripe Oe your order now at SEPTEMBER 11TH TO iSTH. 1903. ATWOOD ONT., I look at them the ot , I'm dead sure I am going over re hate hili to the ENTRIES CLOSE SEPTEMBER 10TH, e . An exhibition of merit. Bigger and better than ever. A splendid array of e attractions-- Tony Ryder's celebrated troupe of performing Monkeys--Balioon [Sore of Marriage Licenses, Commissioner in oh B. Deeds, Mortgages, Leasoe and all mv rhouse. Day before yesterday seems q yanbl Mon veo tolend. | like rl me, to-diy is last Fri- ® e day, and right now is we.'c after next. I am continually erage things in my mouth, mistaking for my watch: R. G. Roberts pocket; and, at Bmee, I wake up in the ascensions, a parachute drop from a parachute, and the best <?ymnasts, Aerial SHIPLEY, own. ' sight tee the impression that 1 am my -- = or to bags a ~--_ eee comates with 'The Mi . ' ° mbardment o exandria,"a great triamph of modern pyrotechny. GENT fer London Lancashire F; "All ali, an t th n i i i i AS Re AEE] 9 yl abiead of met" If then te Listowel Fou nd Machine Shop. on aaa Mzaine 0" Special rates over all lines. Prize liste and programme Bterest. Conveyancing 0 all descriptions done gone ons m there, -- - wifes, ' - . af OF SPP ¥ a B easy to n > lve me @ co on oO Cc rtshoré,~ St amen tiee Netley... matt Fe book, "Game aed cad ee : Lt.-Col. Md M. Ga President. am Secretary, - pa a wey tag PERECECEUVTEED CEREES DECESEUSVESLEOU ROP L. 0. L. No. 370, Listowel] ! P guess Ueely TH I'll be be bles using --: Quee I neariy froce to death in Marios \ 4 . NEW TOCK oF! in Meeta in' Orange Hall first Friday in « catielioas I piled all my overcoats and rugs $ e ENTIRELY | Make up Your Mind , exch month. Mem are r - : ---- ray have a S... fh d ¢ sy meetings an isitin rethren J : > ; 4 ordually invited) Gaphank-On-The-Hump Notes I ie ee ee ene r $| Pure Drugs TO ATTEND a. WILLOUOBBY, W. R. elect By Our Special Correspondent. oo unt ee on 4g THE GENTLEM EN OF LISTOWEL. ; aS AD Lis. OWEL Ms --s been purely . - LUD "There is quite an epidemic in our] \¢ them in story-booke, but supposed | @QVeneneureses aeeeeceevececed| and Chemicals. C A, redo of a appetite and toadstool ta, like the Phoenix and . A y 5 G. T. R, TIME CARD ars. rye Pita be Deegan." Now t koow that they exist, sS* short words we cdmit, but if you realized how we feel when we GZZZ Z Yip' pe esc men Seat | Tn "eile possi thie Seek ana thes nih btn in ews velo Sp a ie agit sre en Oe een ee peed eal 1 eri re STEATFORD AND PAL RSTO For | tales are longer. bedrooms, in these vault-like Spanish tailoring establishment in Canada was ever treated more kindly by the pene et nen Seat yOu, trlends, ths expert fisnermen from | hotels, I bless the man who invented buying public than we have been this season we would like to know R. A. HUNTER having FALL TERM For Palmerston, Mixed, 1153s. ms Faree- | © nd ang. garme ag in with short strings | jwarming-pans. - ion me se whe the particulars. Why, we have had some men wait over two months acquired the sole interest, w! BEGINS emcee ee AND PALMERSTON. For Ae cantoak hen been compelled fas cla, Your Totals cues th nen the for a suit, and they all seemed to be good natured over it, at least they|in future attend to the wants amt Pessnger 4: er xr to va --~ » fo a echo for the Welkin 2 ve you, with a bone-searching said many kind things and complimented us on the quality of our] o¢ his Customers personally. SEPTEMBER IST, 1903. For Kin ixed 6.45 a. m. ; Passenger, | House, t of a severe attack 6f -- "ag 3 trom the sone fi floor under _ stock, and our way of doing business. We appreciate it and thank all Family recipes a specialty. 12.4 p.m. ; Pansenger rT.45 p ronchitie; and "cad Rolle Hollar has accepted of h Ww - tha position, 'Rolle bas gained consider: you rm ie aad E.. pe one th. = those who were so lenient with us, and assure you that we will reci @ Courses--,Commercial and Short . | able elocutionary experience by takin procate in the only manner left open fpr us, which is to give you bright mt ig Send for College Journal, A NEW LOT OF pert in "eens Pte dramas; Tad wit 4 ward doorknobs of the og Pio. | new stylish goods at fair prices, and our best service thrown in. R A. Hunter. ©. A. FLEMING, A. L, McINTYRE, loubtless make a splendid echo. tel occupied only by invali st" No--you ° a a : in Not to be outdone by his competitor, y resident. : Amateur Photographic the enterpriat ing landlord of the Tanner oS Coty a M AGKENZIE BROS. Model Tailors, A. MacDonald's President, Sceretary 7 ouse has secured the services of Mr. a wae Laurence Scanlon, the popular singing yg pat tater been to bed Store, Wallace Street. Listowel = S$ lies at = comedian, as Tyrolean yodeler, to add to with thea, a oo aerial upp - the weird charms of the Lover's Leap, Ti the la cities of Northern Eu- oo J. Gabel, : we me at the qucets ol the Tanner Me the ¢ Ianlords pore De oT Sash and Door Factory. ICIAN AND JEWELER C. A. LEE S opp who contemplates remaining un- ae bt ." thay soi imag ser SPEC lA 30 DA 18 | OPTic A e 0 of the theatrical season, , 4 PHOTO STUDIO. | has kindly eoteented to assist the heed. Genera, Lucerne, on Se ee = BAMFORD BROS. : Listowel. -- . waiter in emergencies, and will at all = fo Not so im the smaller = Artist. Proofs times superintond the transportation 'ot | Heating evstema Not. so Ia the smalle | A Good Time Piece fe to and from the station. eee ee tke Lac een Builders and Contractors ack Bw' segonaunce that te | caloctmate fowls slow mmer OOdGS A NEW PHOTO. | poorback House, which in the past has | "Morbumate sow Ais Pole is ® is a Faithful Servant. bad a great deal of trouble with drunken 60 I m Shek fhe ; . are prepared to contract for the erection of : somewhere around the Mediterrenean, d ifi- Call and see it. in te, has at last secured a first- hen I look back the lapse of aileuens of buildings. Plans and spec class hermit, in the person of Professor and when I loo ore ae . catioas drawn, and eatimates furmahed on Schwartrenschnitze!, This gentleman has | Voss to Jimmy -- and o |: application. bad nearly thirty years' experience in hical heterodoxies, 1 have « fellow- AT THE eae his profession, and brings recommenda for him SASH, DOOR FRAMES, tions from -- resort o- In some of these hotels you occasion- : ' Fall Term opens ie edit ca it | Mae a Seager acres | WOOLEN Mill Store BLINDS, a ere | ' bas a splen repariaire of legends for | the hotel--to see the ape ong wa: . sco. BAS September | Ist. ie entacteiomune af viettore . The pro- in ae ae of ye - CONSISTING Or etc., * bo -- 'Breryeing tn i oor? warm don: : Sa ry leaving their gloves on the , . : : iug tine will be give mpt attention and / AS <a = 4) ds and prebistorio relics, and they are Ae ee a rae tow. | Men's and Boys' unlinéd Tweed Suits at Special Reduced | patie oi ee ORKMANSHIP 3U4R- i. S '| native of far-off Pomerania, where, we | @ end packages there. ho the dinin & Prices. , ANTEED. enderetand, all the best hermits come ager the waiters put dishes of food o Men's and Boys' Summer Coats. GENTRA!. 'Sanwa $e Ing--not to heat STRATFORD, ONT. Mr, Depeyater-Slamm's orimson | them, but using it merely aa a able | Youths' washable Blouse Suits, at regular prices 75c. $1 and| Charges Moderate. SCORES OF RUSINESS COL-\ 4Sye, ' Tornado," and Farmer Joe) | have noticed," however, that they never $ Sale Price 55¢., 75c. and goc. a watch or a clock we guaranter Jawkins's brindle bull, "Belshazzar," met | beave the eo-called "warm" dishes there 1.25, i Bamfcrd Bros. accurately, and LEGES pn the beldge which spans Bump's Brook, | --perbmps they fear they ae poe Men's Summer Undershirts at 25c. it te go ely, quarantes Have applied to us for our graduates, to | Dopsyster-Slame pe gcse gc soap Sar thee amine we hot ther ¥| Ladies' Summer Vests at 5c., 8c., roc. 12$c., 20¢. it to keep a-going accurately. neh 06 teschers in their schools. | This is suing the other for damages to his | The landlords of these cold hotels dis- and 25c. Special Values, J. GABEL ' BEAT CHOGL to attend. "Thouanis ot | Bry eaectinan, Sho bare sued' both | Sova" Brery san ban his week plas | Ladies' Cotton Hose at 5c. a pair. BUGGIES ! Hie. "Write for our handnome sllogue | Klee or abeQras dalare aad eetysis | age nape, ue lendord o's big bot 3 le oO an ofa . ' w. J, ELLIOTT, sont, She onnl of the work onl musteseh | Oter went ctten, opents bail of SD Uso We have also about FOR oo Pr incipal. ix 7 trying to keep the servants from sa pucivens ond siler yyssoemian tre | a 9 | Top Buggies, -- mreann stl eee ee, 30 Men's & Boys' | "oe, | ; a tou ] oad Carts ' NEW AND Fre ote Hiram st dn Civering around « fide stoves to see | and Wagons: t 1 A charch boyootiod? | the servant enter, take out « key, and the vehicle line, : : Up-to-Date Stock -Of| pret feet same masoo--vew vee, the | uniock the coal as 2 see the tre an Re ady-to-we ar wae Bike time tg buys as have a. large rf WATCHES, CLOCKS and dove tg on eller, ~ eae or three float a bol rey the ee san woes a will pear ' JEWELERY. shap darin' bis last huwrs!--"Puse." se i tae pint we ols bin 'and J. Fong " iy eatifed -- of | then ¢o see Ses hantnes Loman eink | S u its. ~ MY ee Pee oo ; ' back into thelr overcoat collars, and: - . -- Wedding and Engage- wish they were "back home in God's HORSE ESTRAY. sion poncho special metion wees chen 4 t Rings, Solid Gold oe en county" -- lecpenatl - ever too newspapers distributed throw eee cal ty eaten of SETS an thete eiiaven witch thas cold hotels. drive 4 Which = : Came into the preemie. Ky the apr a Bracelets, Lorgnet- while beothing. If disturbed at night and broken | once sew én o Lovaahion bebel oe dnty nigned, lot 39, on Wi ; ' t in reat by a sick child suffering and crying eset hereelf in fro f the stov: ad 17th July, a Slack an pen small tee, + tes, Gents' Ves wilh pap sy Octane beets prone cegeeea. Pe | PS cows rwith her bal |. OFFER A [ ' COS' ['. 3 ¢ owner is Foyuested to prove property, > 7 PN se tr ee a emo 4 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. -- | SSfivicat 'te Gann, risa ntarmaton | Kenge tnlee that she Shea fiah 2 US WITH: A CALL, |-------- 3 r % ue Tiel Winslow's Soottng: Syrap" for chlldres | this intimate tollet in ter own | A WOE' ¢ - f. 7 W. S. BARTLEY, | tint ipteeus i tntieteaea Se oe. ae say tae a taal ee Children Cry for Chiidren Cry for Pe Seeeegeess=| -- B, F. BROOK RIA. veins wi ocr, ere svalegereeoes! = OB, F, K. | CASTORIA.|CASTORIA. 4, saat wattcs wet Listowel, gator "ine. ULOW's GoorEiwe SACP. tay ment a . 2% ee FS gone ye | Gey ae