! -f 3 1 ret | BUY . YOUR SCHOOL. SUPPLIES AT HACKING'S. ListowelStandard FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1908. MR. MacLAREN'S SPEECH Onthe Grand Trunk Pacific, Advocates the Improvement of our Waterwaye aud Terminals With a View to Secnring Better Freight Rates for Ontario as Well as West- ern Farmere Mr. MacLaren, of North Perth, re- gretted he could not reply to the pre- vious speaker as he had not under- stood whet he said, He readva resolu- tion from the Beraktona Board of Trade advocating assistance in the way ofa reasonable subsidy being granted to | the Grand Trunk Pacific. The loco- motive firemen and the conductors and brukesm2n of the Grand Trunk had put themselves on record ina similar manner, bnt neither bad appreciated the enormous scheme tho Premier had sprong onthem. He believed in fur- ther assistance in the we:t. Proceeding, Mr. MacLaren said he was fully in accord with a plan to build all the railways that are necea- eary from the head of Lake Superior into the great wheat fields, dairy fields, and ranching fields of Manitoba and the North- West, and on into the fieh- eries and mining fields of British Ool- umbisa. But instead of epending or becoming liable for all this money now he proposed to spend one-tenth of that in building at our great lake ports elevators and warehouses, and to deepen and widen and fiz up our capals and River St. Lawrence routes. The country had elready spent about $85,000,000 on waterways, and w stop now to go on with another grea expenditure before finishing what ai- ready had been partly done ? He was surprised that more of the Ontario members had not said something about relief for the farmers and mauuf ctur- ers of Ontario, They all knew thet the rates of freight on almost every- thing produced west and north of To- ropto were very high, and if the water ways from the head of Lake Ontario were utilized, and if the Government would assist by building or assisting some of the companies who had char- ters to builda railway from Colling- wood to Toronto, a distance of 72 miles, it wouldrelieve matters. It was all right to ship grain and other goods from the head of Lake Superior to points on Lake Huron, but every one those ports should be properly equipped with warehouses,cold storag ta and elevators of the latest i i a oeel style, such as are used in Da- Iuth, Chicago, Buffalo, New York, ee and other import- ant American poi! Mr. Maclaren dealt briefly with the cost of transportation. Lf the people of the United States had paid Es bigh freight rates last year as the people of Oanada did, they would have 00, 000,000 more than they did, or enough to build a couple. of trans- continental railwa The ate on cattle from Sercebo to Portland was 28ete, and from Chicago to Portland, 500 miles farther, 28cts. From Ohi- cago to Montreal, 25 cts, and from Perth County to Montreal, 33 ots, or 8 centsmore, The United States ship- ped «" cattle to Europe every year. If they paidas high rates as the Ceendiane aid | the treight would have cost them upwards of 000 more than it did. If better elevator facilities were provided at Lake Sna- oer the all-rail haul would be avoid- ed, and with the shorter hau! the quan- tity of rolling stock necessary would be greatly lessened. - o od NO RELIEF OFFERED, The right hon. the Prime Mi ister said they could wait. Who could not wait for this callie ? There was no one to wait, But the great mann- facturers and producers of onr older and thickly settled parts of this great Dominion could wait, and even whe this great road was built through thie to-be-inhabited land, it would not re- r and an hy furniture,oar coal, iron, Give the low retes now PEFEEE £ oF routes, and then, and not fill then, would g be shipped by the all- Osnadian route, R. R. Gamey at Milverton, Attacks the Two Judges--Doenies That He Would jams Position as oo ag f Mines Vader Conser- val Milverton, Aug. 27.-- "I would not take position in the Conservative or any other cabinet were it i to me 'said Robert Roswell Gam- ey's ad- The man from Manitoulin said the allegation that he is seeking the -- of Minister of Mines is abso- lutely false. "I have brains enough to make a good living onteide of politics," said Gamey His sine or not deal | largely eo leper He said that ould n take advantage of his soutien, to Fi liver an address -- Loy agen --_ ne would be please 'occasion that . * ailing oe called. After a glowing eulogy of New Ontario, Mr. Gamey briefly indicated his right to criticize Sir John Boyd and Justice Faloonbridge, not as yr rene us commissioners in ticular case. That right was one which only death would take away. He admitted that the commissioners were right, ao- cording to the evidence, in reporting as they did upon the question of Strat- ton's paying him cash, but he differed from their finding as to- the dismissal of the protest and the giving of pat- ronage, The commissioners were not only prejudiced, biased and willing to believe one aide rather than the other, but they made statements in their re- port which were absolutely untrue. Speaking of particular sections of the report, the man from Manitoulin de- olared that the commissioners had gone out of their way to deliberately mis- represent incidents, A Strong Candidate. The Blyth Standard cays:-- "Tufor- that Dr. T. isholm, of Wingham, will be the next Conservative candidate in East Huron. Dr Chisholm is a strong man in Wingham and adjoining townships," The Advance agrees with Bro, Bradwin (who by the way is a good Liberal) that Dr Chisholm is a canis candidate. So far, however, Dr. Chisholm has not détinitely comitted himself. This we do know-- that the Conservatives of East Huron have had him in view for some time, and would be delighted to bave him definitely an- counce his candidature, They would loyally rally around him in their best ef- forts to place him et = head of the a pelt. We hope yet to hav announcing that Dr. Chishotm will yield to the freely expressed de-ire, and become the candidate for the Con- servative party in East Huron, That hs would make a very strong candidate py olga acknowledged, -- Wingham va The Great Western Fair, 'The Western drawe near again with every prospect of maintaining or sur- passing the high average of success and proficiency attained in the past few years. The volume of entries is such that the capacity of every depart- ment will be fully taxed. While it is needless to tell patrons of the Weaterp that the quality of the exhibits in all Agricultural lines will be the highest that harvest conditions can show, as an Agricultural and Live Stock Exhi- bition it is generally conceded to be second to none. It has become almost iadinpemeehis & to the farmers of We t- ern Ontario, an educational factor highest development. 1 reason why this year's ex- hibition should make a new record in patronage is the general diffasion of Prosperity which marks 'the growing ti ork is more plentifal among the laboring classes and wages higher than for yeare, while the farmers sre enjoying high prices for nearly al' their products, combined with Taitly abundant crops. Naturally all are in acheerful frame of mind and have more money to spend, eo that the Fair should profit correapondingly, and -- will. The farmers will be re thao neually well repaid for the sueaane thie year. eal the firet time exhibite from several took-growing states across the border. These have boldly challenged compar- ison with Canadian stock and will prove an interesting addition to the splendid exhibit of live stock for which the Western ie famons. Visitors will also find great improvement in other departments. Machinery hall and Implement bnildinge will again take ou their old time activity. Leading man- ufacturers from the U. 8, and sume of our own manufactnrers have secured large spaces and will show large. lines of their goods in motion, A tial list of the attractions was given in a former article, more have sind: 0 added, sufficient to eay that the a that money can procure has cured. The Bombardment of pring one ehould miss this auth Fair, as no trouble or expense wake it th - best that bas been. mation from areliable source tells us|. in all that relies to husbandry in ite. spared to} pone ny ot and, the bridge, five of the cars were aaven off the track, The auziliary crew from the track. Brakeman out to flag ol ex) train. coming from Stratford, and run over" by the express train and killed. 'Manitoba Harvest, The ---- Pacific C Report -- Bain Oauses Delay--A Fair 7 Winnipeg, Aug 80. 80.--The Canadian Pacific issued on Saturday ite first crop report since cutting has On the Souris, Estevan sat Arcola séotione only 25 percent. of the wheat is cut, and the delay caused by rain was one week. Threshing will commence at the end of next week. On La ~-- and Napinka sections rain has frequent, but not heavy, and po caused on the average three daye' de- lay ; a little over 75 per cent. is cut, and threshing beg#n Saturday, and will be general bar week, On the Minnedosa section the rain delayed cutting tuo to iene days. East of Minnedo a 90 per cent. if - avd threshing begins this wee' bush- els in expected. West of Yorkton half out ; threshing begins Monday, yield 20 to 25 bushels. At Hamiota very little is cut ; only started Friday on account of heavy rain ; 20-bushele ex- pected, ° Naming the Baby. (Llustrated Bits.) They talked of Medora, Aurora and Flora, Mabel and Marcia and Mildred and Ma Debated ti the ha - Helen, Honora, milla and Phyllis and i They thought of i a, Estella ja; Considered Cecelia, Jeanette and Elline, Alicia, Adela, Annette, Ara' And _ and Eunice, Hortense aad as 8 One liked "Theodora, another Lenora ; Some argued for Edith and some for Elaine, For Madeline, Adeline. Lily and Laura ; And then after all they decided on Jane, WALLAOE, Counctz.-- The municipal Council of Wallace met at the town hall, Gow- anstown, on the 8th of August, pureu- ant to adjournment, all the members present, the Reeve in the chair, The mivates of last e read, and on the correctiun of an order i in favor following accounts were considered : Swe Schade, shovelling gravel, 50c. ; bert Driver, half cost gravelling & vr, plank on oulvert, rg, rage plank, $22 ; bell, shovelling gravel, ee } william Felker, plank on two bridges, $3 ; do., repsiring culvert, $1 ; Joho yun, gravelig concession line 4, $9 ; Ed. na, 1 dey on road grader, $7, do., gravelling concession line 4, $23 89, do.,balance of account, being a new order instead of one made July llth, now cancelled, $160.40 ; Eri Srigley, i day hore gravel, $1, do., 1} day working on hill, $1.50; John Kroft, half cost Selling tow wu. line, $20.80. Moved by Burns and Demman, that the foregoing accounts he paid--Carried. The Treasurer sub- mitted bis estimates, and the Olerk presented Trustees' requisitions from . 8. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 9, 11, 12, and U. 8. . 870 was introduce d to levy r County, teatchi, Sinking Fund and School purposes. Moved b: ee and Kock, that By- law No. 370 as read three times be passed and cetad -- Oarried. Moved by Burne and Demmaa, that the Olerk is instructed to interview the County Councillor in regard to County rate of 1903--Oarried. Co, rate, 19-10 m., Tp. rate, 1 1-10 m., Sinking F. 8-10 m., General Sch. rate, 1 mill in the $. The Council ad- journed to meet on September 12th, . R. G. Bonesrs, Olerk. is 9) a Insurricrantty Par Letrers,--It doesnot seem to be generally known that the weight of a re allowed to be sent fron to Great Britain for 2 cents must aa "teseal ounce. A great letters are sent to Great Britain invufficiently paid. The result is the persone receiving the letters in Great Britain get stuck for double the deficiency. For example, on aletter over halfan ounce in weight, with ed a 2-cent Canadian stamp affixed, th person in Great Britain receiving ics is atuck for 4 cents, which is not upt to make the sender popular. To other words, you can, for 2 ceuts, send a letter to any part of Ganada or. United States, up to an ounce weight, while for 2 cents you can send a letter to Great Britain only up to half an ounce in weight. It should also be remembered that Canadian postal cards, whether souvenir or private postal -- if sent to Great Britain, or to foreign countries (other than the Unit- be Btates, ) _ a 2-cent ~~ othsr- ronto. aere te three vacancies at of Edward Hanna,were adopted. The |' tron f2 its» a eas A maar fone We -w Seca year, "ma the receipts 82, Saree Sat of sen all of which is atfally sub: ted. -C. Preuter, Obairmen Estimate <a laa for 1903. ee of Wow a aT 00 a eS 54 Deficit from former years, £268. 74 Exemptions an 7m sa ds, ie Oounty rate, .. 2... Me 905 00 otal. san ee 'nes ase "33, 742, 93 Estimate Reoeipts for 1903. 'Lacense Fund, >. 719 34 Public Schoo} grant, $26 00 Wallace School tax, 55 00 85 08 3700 40 00 60 00 25 00 DCs ... 20 00 7 & 'Garthew, 135 00 38 tall on cae en 20,571 98 9 Is on 29,000, ... .... ... 261 00 Delt _-- . 1,407 61 fad ---- ~ 23,742 93 ELMA COUNCIL. The a Council pf the Township of Elma met in the Az. --_ Atwood, = oi 24th Auz- + members all nt, minutes of nas mecting read abrg signed. poh by Mr. Bell and Mr. Corry, that C elly and Nicholson be paid $371, bal- amos t finally pasged. Carried. (rates as H _ ia 10 a in #; (Tp. rates 2 1-2 mi - and B. 'Railway Act ui: & astiord and H. M ed by Mr. Bell and Mr. 'Bae that Morphy & Carthew be paid $200 on acct. of Stewarrt drain casts. Carried. Moved rs by i = ment of the @ollowinz accoun' Curtis $14.70 srevel i J. Bz. nanan pacer gra- Machan $4.60; Seiler $2.20, wravel ; grav J. Maxhan $9, es J. Dace: $7.30, gravel ; edd82, repairing bridge, 'Trowbridge Millen $5.87, geome 8. R. ont 6., Con. rep. 'oa vert; a. Hiles $4.50, tiling culvert and draw- ing gravelG. J. Hatherly $3, zra- velling 8. R. 10 and il, con. 12; A awerence 75 eleaninng award drain. G. R.; A. MaFarlane 75e. re- G. Humil- (pairimg culvert, con. 17; ton 50c. bridze, G. R.; rep. culvert, ecn. 4; C. Gordon $4, culvert oon. 2; Zilliax & Sareie 33, ile; J. MeRae $5.68, plank; J. Val- lance $1, rep. culvert, oan. 40; D. G nderson $16 Sean, Drainage >; and A., aa ae $40, lumber. Council adjour to «meet Sept, at 10 o'- T. Fullarton, Clerk. Buicuter Lrrenature.---The Editor of the Canadian Magazine in the Sep- tember number complains that Cana- dian writers aré prone to be scholarly and dall, The accusation is true iv the main, as Qanada has produ only one notable aye Yet this partiouler igsue of the n Maga zine contains much bright ceniliae, ras : ciem. Jane Jo well in her article "A Sofa's Beminis- cences," breaking away from the ordin- ary style of story telling. Harold Bonide aleo invests his two historical in- cidents with hew flavor, as does Gorden Smith in his more pretentious article describing "The Romance of Beal Aeide from the particalar merfte 'ot atyle and brightness, the chief article of the -- ie '*Preferen- tial Trade in its Relation to Oanada tbe the receiver abr gets| first. Mr. Boott pays the "atuok" bee double the Pe gp a high compliment in this the case of letters ineufflelcutly tale. Teak Blewett's 'On the Ponoka id . ts 8 somewhat unusaal vein, bat is a delightful story. The The rumor is circulating in Stratford | il of uumber are very that His Honor Judge mn is mark. fair. ; é y ed by the Minister of Justice for early promotion tothe High at. To- tw: ill Give You An A tite. nal, to be very Pee and inspiring all who may atte: Nerviline Cures Every Pain. This ia the testimony of os read in medicine everywhere. The new Pope rises early. morping recently he had finished ihe maes at aix. t that hour he and fishing in the cnpeee bing aud creations, Although he has played the role of prisoner of the Vatican but a few days, the Venetian Pope laments to his friends the loss of.the grand la- goons of the city of the Adriatic, and the 'aii nites joys of Alpine climb- ing New York Tribune : -- +g tor McMu!len seems to be a of American invasion, and thinks os ae licy to avert it is to hurry up the building of a pew Pacific railroad far north, which the incursive Yankee can reach only on snowshoes. Asa senti- nel, Rome's goose was a mudhen be- side McMullen, whose squawk is heard all over the Dominion, but it is only a sqeeet ants no discourse of reason, asured even by unexacting Can- adian standards, expressed in its rasp- ing and unsolicited cacophonies. FALL FAIRS, Guelph ma, Maryborough, Moeneetiont New Hamburg.. « Woudstock Wiarton Mildmay re Teeswater.......... Young Plants Eve farmer knows that some plants grow better than others. Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong. And that's the way with children. They are like plants. Same same care but some grow big and strong while olers ay small and weak. . Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Child weakness often means starvation, not because of lack of food, but because the food does not feed. Scott's Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of weak- ness and failure to grow-- Scott's. Emulsion seems to find it anc st t the matter right. Gestt & Sra Sasa van Toreato; Oxtara BATHS | BATHS | It is in general too little thought of, if dune, not used with pi s B i} ps once or twice during ms -- . in a streams, as none. at all. We cheat bards teth the whole year ign once or twice every week, dy wo want keep our 5,000,000 little small. <xpenbe if <"FURKO VAPOR BATH gst youre ; which does not he palace,and spent a couple of hours | new, nat to-day On Our SELL . 'DinecT FROM THE OLD LANDS Sat. '<~ GRAY, BERNIE 2@& co. + _ We have just opened out A MOST MAGNIFICENT RANGE Of New Dress Goods composed of all that is and up-to-date. thing of the charm of new goods if so look through our stock which four weeks ago were in Glasgow, Would you know some- Counters IN LIsTOW EL. Importing Direct from the [Makers Paying spot Cash, SELLING FOR GASH ONLY enables us to LOWER Than any other houses. OUR HIGHEST AMBITION is to sell ie RELIABLE GOODS We never disappoint you. GRAY, BERNIE&CO. Agents. for Buttericks Patterns and Delineator. Groceries, Provisions, Phone No. 64 THE GLEAN GROGERY STORE --IF YOU-- WANT TO.SAVE MONEY _ IN DOING YOUR SHOPPING m= BUY YOURS Fruits, Flour and Feed, etc., from the Clean Store. GOODS ARE ALWAYS FRESH, AND PRICES ARE LOw. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT Of fine CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, which will be sold at CLOSE MARGIN. Also received a fine assort- ment of CANNED GOODS. A call will convince you that this is the place to do your shopping. Highest prices paid for all Produce. NICHOLAS KROTZ, Next door to Thompson's old Stand, Main St, Confectionery, Crockery, CLOSE FIGURES IN~ FURNITURE. ave you Main Street, Listowel Is up-to-date: in every particular. Night and Sunday calls is pete attended to at cottage East Furniture is either a good investment or a bad one ; it is about as easy to make a mis- ltake as itis to make a pur- chase. We believe in calling a spade a spade every time. This time we have a special an- nouncement to make, and you won't go astry if you give it special attention. Je are loking« Handsome COUCH for $7.75. What we have to say about them can be said in a sentence : n make, material and cost they defy ss sarin H seen them. 'OUR UNDERTAKING DEPT, Charges moderate. ublic School. A, BROADFOOT. NEWTON LARGE, BARITONE. Riek Sisson CULTURHDE, Breath Control, Tone-production and Development of the Natural Voioe. AGEMENTS so" CONCEAT . tr: ry Stadio adjoning Dr. McDowell's reception room Chas. 8. Dearling, PAINTER AND DECORATOR PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY sib a SAY ni i? SB