oe wyouwanr (| FIRST-CLASS © "MEATS RIGHT 1 'PRICES : _ "STEVENSON THE CITY BUTCHER ALsO : Aon of 265 FRESH GROCERIES | Soe of all kinds always on band. ) proportion -- tion of 100 school children in 8, J. STEVENSON, Wallace Bt. | in the department +e ee ' but three a in a mixed : echool of of Morphy & Carthew, pen dle ng iat: BARRISTERS, SOLICITUKS £0. pg : girls, af Mowarise 'Public ned Commissioners. Money a . ML B. Monrar "5. M. Cantaaw "Sow _-- ant; it on, dusty ca ma the Blewett & Bray. This' ing Hon. of pe robes ERS AND SOLICITO @ source of various ite es, the oracles Publicand Graeyan _ horny mterial of the nail (keratin) 4 or at least emetic. This ee 3 gent Pee Benton | nail-biters are often attacked by inter MONEY TO LOAN AT 4 f-2PER CENT, | tinal troubles, . y 8. Ruewest. Gro, Bray. b. A. "Various means have been propoged at to cure children of this mania; mgny ne wares ing Be va a fhe Sao a bitter ce like aloes J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. or winine, but thie is not always ef- es Barrister, Conveyancer. "The goswere of penholders, whory it MONEY TO wei at 4} PER CENT | hae not thought necessary to degor- fice, Main 8t.,' . Foster, Dentist. ate with a Greek name, are yet nipre Brant odtceit Atwood every Weduosday. numerous than the 'onychophage@' In one echool 38 per cont, yere rll gage ris' may 59 out wf 207 ab tie food of peahodiers sian pite ae : flabee & Makins, thelr nails These two bets czilete BARRIST: CITo: one another, eater fargly aah, eR EOes, Oe ® pemholder-eater and vice versa. Selteltore for The Merchants Bank. 'A habit of gnawing hair hes ' BERATFOBD, ONT. hitherto ly observed except J.P, Manger, K. C. J, Maxima, . , , the same tastes ag their lower brethren, for . have Tepor zx of the -- in w tumors have been found OR. W. M. BRUCE, consisting wholly of fregments of wood DENTIST and hair collected in . cavity L.D.8.; RC.D.S., Ontario; D.D.S. Trin Cal: Thus Dr, Jacobson has published in vemlty, eoronte, Pou Sane "Medical News' the case of a young gir) 'Office w.| of eleven who was @ rer Guore, Entrance by same stairway ss] bite off the ende of her alr, and whose . Rutherford, Main St., Listewel. storash te '0 tings. to re Thos, Fullarton, sf i E : 5 ATWOOD OXT., thread-ea Let us 'T have : ust o the following case of a TSF E of Mariose Siete ee oee ee young girl of teen, 2 dressmaker . ancing done on reasomabloterms Money tol 'ho der my care for a slight { disposition, when the nurse told me thiet the pa her time in gnawing at her uw, four o R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, rong in the previous September, being in th: AGENT forthe London cashire Fire and 1 she had eaten a patel arent pe rf " alto Money te Coun ia whole fichu in less thana month' . . . nterent. Conveyancing of all descriptions don observ: is lated; the y terme. habit of gnawing cloth or thread is cer. tainly very frequent emong workers with the needle, but it has not yet received sufficient Cae ---- it fe ey have ven troubles L. O. L. No, 370, Listowel a ats ila Meets in Orange Hall first Friday in "The meni mee te & Oe biting jas each month. Members are requested to| category of those in ttend all meetings and visiting brethren | eat odd kinds of food, or ie ily invited. or fous. supulive to the normal taste, our bik ar | digeetion Nevertheless, the specialists tare - . them particular study believe pl Hoy stomach is not the cause G. T. R, TIME CARD and thiat are rather due to psychic Gisorder, may even be h tary Tap ere Lstere santa ce wate 5, | Sat E Care? tore Det Baron, "aot : 2 Sire rd. Passenger, 845 .t.; Passenger 2 p.m; to find among the ancestors or friends of ar Paimersion. Mixed, 11.52 a. m; Passen- ---- -- 4 aor -- =~ pRiNCARDINE AND PALMERSTON. P44 ve eakt that the biting 'habit is a nev- pger, 7 52a. m.; Mixed, 11.00 symptom, the remedy is at once ef a. Mixed £45 a m.; Passenger, notic 12.4 p.m. ; Passenger 7.45 p been Amateur Photographic 5 Artist Proofs, ANEW PHOTO. Call and see it. A NEW LOT OF upplies at C. A. LEE'S PHOTO STUDIO. CENTRAL All Business Colleges in = like ours is a eee - H want = gets "CLASS posi- fied, then get Gra' the FRST-oLass ausness | fs ent ihre tn BE CAREFUL ! Are not alike. A school with a --_ to patronize. Ri "Bee there, am eg in Presi ent me I Hut crowd had gathered to greet ag That's dn old- stage coach." --"Life," Had the Advantage. The Kansas papers tell a story | of an vis: se ba reside velt's visit is the occasion for telling | it and, had it happened to ve amused him beyond anything els his ent: ip. . Hayes was en- ged in a speec xing amd hand- shaking tour. At chinson a large utchinson at the time was on ig a cattleman pe sah of intoxicating liquor. it all abo EDUCATION. gra y approached the President who was standipg on the lo step of Oftentimes students come hundreds of | his car and shaking hands with all who miles ey to wena ~ Naat Our | came. As "Bill" ear, bm esi- Catalogue is 'Enter eat resched ore. erseged bie by the shook it '0 said :-- WwW. J. BLsorr, MM friend, I am delighted to see you." Principal. @ t, pard," said Bill wet b'gosh, yer got the advantage 'of NEW AND Up-to-Date Stock of . Wedding and WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELERY. Large essortment of The old White Star liner Britannic, i d voysges between New Xe York and Liver- peek She a: Seared about 1,800,000 | P miles, or he Engage- grees Rings, Solid Gold 1 | discard the Krag-Jorgensen. Bring: in. "your 'cast iron now We can NOW. Gillies & Martin. Listowel Foundry and Machine Shop. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all descriptions of CAST IRON. READILY ASSURE YOU That you will receive one-half more for your Cast Iron than from iron Peddlers: A SPECIAL PRICE Paid for OLD MOWERS, BINDERS, PLOWS and nove | HORSH-POWER CASTINGS, also all other cast: ia fu lings. CASH or TRADE. =3|DON'T WAIT, BRING IT IN Ten Cars Were Destroyed. tous Results at Princeton. * Woodstock, Aug. 30.--The Grand Trunk Bail way, at Princeton, was bl:cked for several hours early to-day Jj throngh a rear-end collision between two freighte, which occurred about midnight. A regular freight, had puiled in on the main line track afterwarde receiv ordera to take switch to let another train pass, and while backing up to make siding at Prioceton, was pitched into by a speo- ial freight train of perishable goods, and her ten cars were smashed, took fire, and were destroyed, A brakes- mun, named Barrow, of Stratford, who was sent down the track to flag aod place the semephore against the incom- badly burned by oil, explosion of an oi The fireman and engineer of the ipcomin jumped when within sixty yards of the wreck, accident is saii to bave been caused b. the engineer of the incoming train not seeing the order of the brakes- man of the regular freight train. The through passenger trains this morn- ing were sent around by Stratford. Auxiliaries from London and Strat- ford were sent to the scene of the wreck, and by two o'clock this after- noon the track was cleared for trains to pass. a5 His Honor Judge Klein ot Walker- ton had occasion the ing ~~ to go to » building in that town, jar. tholomew Glynn was enegied a ho3 of bricks up aladder. "Good-day M Glynn," said the Judge. "Good. day *anewered Mr. Glynn, ae you be carrying bricks up that ladder all day?" " "cried the Judge. "No,yer Honor," answered Mr. Glyan, "I do be coming down half the time," The United States army will be re armed with an improved Springfield rifle, the authorities having decided to 7 =. onor,' The discovery of fossile in a block of St. Mary's buildinz stone recalls oy fact that the Horseshoe quarries in y's area continual rource of sash | in thie line, A recent find was & magnificent pair of Lorne, measuring 20 inches, and another of a fish. Freight Trains Collide With Disast- F WE TH AN K NTLEMEN OF LISTOWEL. BRDOCQED £8BO8O84080'8O820Y which | Returns made to the O. P. R. show |: that about 11,000 people went west on | harvesters' excursions, 7,000 less then | last year The compavy haa decided sions Ontario supplied 6,- 262 ; = © Provinces, 2,700 and x Quebeo, ~ Edith White tormer wife of Zohn W. White, ea en division of th the foterbetionsl nut to run any more harvesters' --_ ' THE e : pease SSCCVCETVETVSETS 2OFEFS O6E0O8E87E88082F7 e 1X short words we admit, but if you realized how we feel when we express them it would not be neccssary to say any more. If any tailoring establishment in Canada was ever treated more kindly by the buying public than we have been this season we would like to know the particulars. hy, we have had some men wait over two months for a suit, and they all seemed to be good natured over it, at least they stock, and our way of doing business. We appreciate it and thank all those' who were so lenient with us, and assure you that we will reci- procate in the only manner left open for us, which is to give you bright new stylish goods at fair prices, and our best service thrown in. MACKENZIE BRO Store, Wallace Street. Model Tailors, A. MacDonald's SPECIAL 30 DAYS CLEARING SALE Summer Goods. AT THE <= Woolen. Mill Store CONSISTING OF Men's and Boys' unlined Tweed Suig at Special Reduced Prices. Men's and Boys' Summer Coats. Youths' washable Blouse Suits, at regular prices 75¢. $1 and $1.25, Sale Price 55c., 75c. and goc. Men's Summer Undershirts at 25¢. Ladies' Summer Vests "at §c., and 25c. Special Values, Ladies' Cotton Hose at 5c. a pair. 8c., 10c., 12$c., We have also about 30 Ten's & Boys' Ready-to-wear 'Suits. Which we OFFER. AT COST. B. F.BROOK. 20¢c, FAVOR: us WiITE- A CALI, "Tailor, Iam ee Main Street. of 'Feeds, Linings, 'etc., from -- & Co., Merchant my. stock of Dry ones in the ve ptemises Next to ay Grocery Store And having decided to go out of DRY GOODS and BOOTS & SHOES, In a few days we will commence a 'GENERAL CLEARING OUT SALE, . Both stocks being new and up-to-date in every way-it will be an opportunity to secure very ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS, T.S. GEE, GREAT BARGAINS AT TRE Up-to-Date Grocery: of broken Sets. a margin. Iw. give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price, Any quantity I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be sold" pat Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS. ARMSTRONG. seTH ANNUAL WESTERN FAIR, LONDON, SHBPTEMBER 11TH TO 19TH, i808. ENTRIES CLOSE SEPTEMBER 10TH, An exhibition of merit, Bigger and better than ever. attractions-- Tony Ryder's celebrated troupe of performing ascensions, a parachute drop from a parachute, and the beat Artists and Acrobats to be had. Fireworks each evening,concludinug with "The Bombardment of Alexandria," a great triumph of modern pyrotechny. Extra trains and Special rates over all On application. Lt.-Col. W. M. Gartshore, President. A splendid array of Monkeys--Balloon Gymnasts, Aerial lines. Prize lists and programme J. A. Nelles, Secretay Pure Drugs and Chemicals. ENTIRELY NEW STOCk of! R A. HUNTER having ind thi d limented us on the quality of our |2°quired the sole interest, will ee ' por i an | in future attend to the wants ot his Customers personally. Family recipes a specialty. R. A, Hunter, Make up Your Mind a eto. - don Listowel BLINDS, = ed on short notice. line will be given CLASS WOR. ANT Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders = and Contractors are prepared to contract for the-erection of re a of buildings. Plansa: oas drawn, and estimates tenbbed on spaliention. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, Planin® order. Kyerything inthe build. rompt ele MA anaes EED Charges Moderate. Bamfcrdad Bros. TO ATTIEND 7-445. OWEL? 72 fu td tiitlL Hig' FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER IST, 1903. Commercial and Short 1, Twe Courses--, hand, Send for College Journa C, A. FLEMING, A. L, McINTYRE, President. Secretary BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts _ and Wagons' in the vehiole line, as we can learn, The farmers 4 The Kincardine Review says:--So far minent not join, and Ofer to work at = talk J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. A Good Time Piece is a Faithful Servant. PATENTS [PROMPTLY 51 = 2) if turers ond Rugineers. * Children c aS CAST chia. =