Paper | J. LIVINGSTONE. J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES : Lntewe, Palmerston Clifford, also w: . A. Halstead, Moun Forest and ly A General Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all partsof the DOMINION, UNITEU STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. - Current rate of interest allowed. A large amount of private funds to lend sol torr as security at 44 per cent., witt pe privilege of repaying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scorr & Son. Robbers Slay in Cold Blood Murderous Hold-up in Wick- ed Chicago. Two Killed, Two Wounded--Street Railway Employes MercilesslyShot Down Without a Moment's Warn ing. Chicago, Aug. 30.--Without a word of warning, two men were killed and two others wounded by hold-up men at the barns of the Ohicago City Rail- way Company at an early hour to-day. The shooting was done by three men, who escaped afler securing $3,000 Three of the men who were shot were: working in the cashier's office, and the r was a motorman, asleep in the outer office. The men in the office were shot before they were aware of the robbers' presence, and the motor- man was killed as he was rising from a bench where he had been asleep. The dead :--Frank Stewart, assistant clerk in the cashier's office, shot through his body while standing at hie desk ; John R. Johnson, motorman, shot through head. Injured :--Wm. B. Edmond Rieg, clerk, shot in the left thigh while at his desk, will recover ; Henry Biehl, shot in head, will recover The robbers took no chances, bat disposed of all the of position of the employes before they entered the of- fice, Choosing the time when the employes were busily eugaged in bal- ancing up the receipts of the night just after the last conductor bad turn- ed in bis money and had left the barns, the robbers suddenly appeared at the receiving wiodow and began shooti' The first intimation those inside fhe office had that avything wos wrong waa when they heard the ehots. The firet bullet fired struck Stewart and he fel! to the floor with. outaword. Bichl and Edmund, who were sitting near Stewart, turned to see what was the matter, but before they could leave their chairs they were rendered helplees by the well di- rected bullets of the :wbbers. Jobn- sop, the motorman, who was asleep on a bench in the outer office, hearing the noiee, ry ba to go to the as- sistance of mpavioor, but was shot _ killed hefeas he could get on his fee' Making sure that all opposition had been removed, the robbers then broke open the door of the cashier's office with a sledge hamm-r and secared $8,000 in bills, which was lying on the desk. They made their escape. Four men were arrested th ee hour« after the robbery on suspicion of be- ing implicated in the crime, but they have as yet not been identified. GOWANSTOWN. The harvest in this vicinity is abont done, and some have their fall wheat sown already, whils others are busy threshing. Mies ©. . Forbes, of Listowel, is en- to 'teach in the sixth line school = the cape year with an increase 'the former teacher leaving to go to Normal at Toronto, which starts io Y cpreniber and Juste a whole year now, » Mise. Hoitsman, of Michigan, ban been visitiig amony ber frivnds on the 6th line, and aleo ber mother in Tav- istock. = learn that Mr, Sam- lor: - - $ 1,700,000.00 ESTABLISHED i872. HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON, J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres, & Gon. Mgr. LISTOWEL ae ESTABLISH- ED.31 YEARS. DIRWOTORS ) HON. WM. GIBSON, President, JOHN PROCTOR, GEO, ROACH, A. B, LEE, JOHN S, HENDRiE, M. P. P. GRU. RUTHERFORD, J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H. 8. STEVEN, asst. GEN. MGR, 8, M. WATSON, Inspector. caedabeaer se ARTMENT. Deposits of a opwande ee and i ce iS current rates princi; let yea une and Ist December. * No females, no delays in drawing money. ARMERS B peeiNes® B aa = of Frama ers iscount: e notes collected and advances made thereon. COLLECTION DEPARTMENT has every facility for making prompt returns at low- est rates, DRAFTS bought and sold on t of the world, ' "y me CORRESPONDENTS all parts o! of Can- ada, United States By 'Great Britain. BANKING BUSINESS of all kinds trans- on most ae! terms. Corres- 1 | Oe solici ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. B FORSAYETH Acont, Lis PEFFERS. Mre. H. Herman of Hamburg is spending a few daye with friends er =a e. Mr. RB. Hurst leaves for Stratford this week, where he will continue his atidios at the Collegiate Institute. iss 'reeborn an L. Mo- Clay left -- Friday for Fort William. Miss reeborn returned home on Monday after spending a few days at Owen Sonnd, Mies L, Tait is 'at present visiting friends apd relatives in this vicinity. Mi vish spent Sundey with Miss Waddell, Mre erk and family leave this week for their home in Cleveland. CARTHAGE, A number from here attended the garden party at Mr. T. Alexander's on Monday evening and report having spent an enjoyable evening Threshing is the order rf the day in this vicinity at present. Quite a number of onr citizens rai tended the picnic at Milverton Jas Thursday, at which R. R. i k a cv iJ Some from here intend taking in the Toronto Exhibition next week. The brick-work of the new North Mornington Church has been isa oreditto Mr. Fritz. The roof has been put on and the floors are being put in at present. MOLESWORTH. Mrs, A. Wright and two children, of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. etrong's. Mrs. W. Smith and two children, of Strathroy, are visiting at Councillor oKee's. Robt. Farrell and men are putting on the roof on H. Armstrong's new house. Stewart Rros. are out with their im- proved threshing outfit. They charge 2c. a busbel, and can cut the straw or blow it out without cutting it. Tbey are doing good work, Ezra and Mrs. Riehm, of London, were visitiog Mr. aud Mre, Chas. Lep- pard last week. Mise Belle McIntoeh hage a paralytic stroke, and ber recovery ia doubtful. Harvesting is nearly ius. We may expect an early winter, as Jimmy Brown is through harvesting. Offers to Sell Stonehenge. Slr BGmund Antrobus has, through Lord Wémved Fitsmaurice, Chairman of the County Counell of Wiltshire, made a de- Muite offer to sell Stonehenge and eight stand that they will be the atl on. nome years ago Mair amund to spo nae of Stonehenge d AK, 'aores ee FT 000 to stones sta: one one Who ts willing to oer that price, an the ous which they were being subjected pro without any reverence for the a danger of falling h event of anybody being Injured thereby he mie te held. financially responsible. , how to his was said that SRASOCD, O8 attitude. It Stonehenge had lain open to all the w States pea tata! The too, it: was pointed out rand anything in stan eae ine those as pub circles far from h ion in the vast, Ané Public but Witwise mn of eultare inter ewise men of culture inter- Ssomnmaantie 'Tana with object a of testing in the courts und's T"Eocioce 'thear with a wire fence © with a wire fence. H. ADELINE SMITH, SOPRANO SOLOIST AND VOCAL INSTRUCTOR, ¥ ~ 3,000,000.00| Will be | to start teeching again 'on | < ptmny hed Rea Th. be VOICE DORVELOPMENT A SPEC- ARTY. ; $22,000,000.00 | Reserve * HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Ontario, Quebec, Mani- Branches in 3 ee oe ane Territories, and AGENTS 1 pas Ape ec ig par ra Bank be di for letter monny may be be pened fer franafar by Yoio LISTOWEL BRANCH. VINGS BANK DEPARTMENT -- Deposits ware sesL id danenk baad to principal twice a year. SPECIAL attention given to the discounting of Farmers' notes. DRAPES 7 SOLD, <>. at all points in DEES Senet at a at Bank in ny QRDERS fe $10, 80; 10 to $20, oes $20 10 #00, 20 R. ARKELL, Manager. Bails of "Length Chasers." In view of the talk about the immense of canvas on the Reliance and the outed amees M will be interesting to lea ee i. ittle ---- Schiesbetl-tike Wo squa' eet of canvas aloft Wien | aie ts s Canine bs a aiigntly quartering bre Charles Ww my schtsgnat '= rith of tise . = n, writing ese "Len Chasers," as they are known fn ong --"They are extraordin- ent? her. There are five Bhat dt 4 2 feet. Th et jar in a road, shallow boa , to carry most '@ are, I ap- @ 22-footer 18 --44 feet outboa: "One need hardly ro vena that to handle antic of si ts necessary, a0 traordin- . the sails e grown 3 kill seem to have rep © company inet x9 development. these all extra ary a form ike th Ty fore BP-fo0 handle: a Pik fea 73 foot "spinnaker er boom, shove It f ck of the sp naker, ran 'up et aA 'tho usand square feet mind, a put into wybich at the wrong For the Farmen Over-feeding renders the horse slow, pod and predisposed to disease, and, e, what is wanted is so to feed horses that they shall be in cogdition for work. conetem: horse in excess of his requirements for the repair of waste and the mainten- ance of condition is food--and, there- fore, money--wasted, and thus indi- vidual requirements, which vary in horses as in men, should be carefully studied. All Looking to Canada. The Australian pastoralists have suffered such tremendous losses owing to the prolonged drouth of the past few years that many of them are turn- ing their eyes fo Canada as a more Suitable field for agricultural opera- tions, An illustration of this is fue nished im a recent letter from Mr. Rob- ert Cefidwell, Chairman of the Coun- cil of Agriculture of South Australia, to Mr. J. A. Ruddick, chief of the Dominion Dairy Division, who was formerly Dair Commissioner for New ealan Caldwell says :--"I "e ould be greatly obliged if you could upply me with your opinion of te that the Dominion Government are opening up for settlement, and whether you consider the prospects for settlement are equal to what obtain im New, Zealand. Perhaps the de- partment have literature on hand that or informa ° - i » < 3 rm w EQ5a = w a < a 5 Fy 3 a do not care about the prospects of farming that obtain at the present time in Australia. If inducements ed, they might turn their attention to the gtain lands of your great North- we We have had a ----- of disastrous seasons, but gloom cloud seems to be lifting, as. the pre- m: to obtain rain by artificial meane." Hen Oil For Incubators, An extraordinary step in the artt- ficial incubation of eggs is the --_ Lendon thet "something," =~ nord a which, : of fi ma moisture, and an ethereal tance 0 acetic r, with a little dust or: dirt constituents si hen are rtant factors ha 4 secured a quantity of the} Leech pales hat' a are worth sell- 6% One 'Door East of Post Office J and As prices Bas YOUR" Sibel TODAT ny tae tae vee 4 ENKINS. Geo. Keith of Gotham thresbed 250 bushels of whest from five acres of land, SIRTHS. Jounstox,--In Howick,on Aug. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs,.A. Johnston, 4 son, Graixcer,--In Howick, on Aug. 8th, Mr. and Mra. Wm, Grainger, o 'isuahter, DEATHS. » Verru.--In Listowel, on Saturday; Aug- ust "oth, Mee Seer Delph, aged years and JUDGE'S COURT OF RE- VISION. TUWNBSHIP UF WALLACY. Notice is hereby given that a Court will Ontario Voters' 21st Day of September, 1903, at two o'clock P, M., to bear and deter- mine the several co ots of errors and omissions in the Volare List of the Mauni- a of the Township of Wallace for man rsous having business et the Court are ce reread Lo attend at the said time and Paeied the 29th day of Augnst, 1903, R. G. RUBERTS, Clerk of Wallace. GRAND TRUN DOFIINION INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION RAILWAY SYSTEM Listowel to Toronto and Return Tickets oa sale daily until September 11th. $2.25 Good Going Sept. 1, 8,5, 9 and J 1th All tickets valid returning on or before Sept. 15th, * Labor Day ar ak 7th. Single = for 9 trip, Detroit and Pt. Huron, "ich., asp. end Buffalo, N. ¥., Western Fair, London, nea t. Le & _ $1.80 Listowel to on and sp Ls ig 12th et 8th inoluate re. $l 1.45 RK Sept. ary atid 17th, all tickets valid oe return uotil Sept. 23rd. H arvest Excursions 828s TO B40 To points in Manitoba,' Aaaiaiboi, Alberta or Good going Sept. 15th, valid returning until Nov, 30th, good going September 29th, valid for retare unti Nov; 30th For fu formation .and tickets apply to OWA. HACKING, TOWN AGENT. way ae HARVEST EXCURSIONS Will be run on paler BER 15th and 20h; returning ob ne Aig nda ER 16th a nd 36th vely, 1903. GN Apis i ReTU RAT FARES TO Town of Listowel, Court of Revision, Re Voters' List, Notice is hereby given at a Court of Revision will be held, pursuant to on 18ST, 1903 at eleven o'clock "| ren's. Jac' ys ret elon Es, "Four of our er get lines, 'Dress Goods For September. Our Dress Goods are now com- plete in all = _ we afe show- ing one of the ever brought to Listowel ay ae any tote and our prices New sacar ie tia in all colors, new French Voiles, Silk yYand. Crepe de Chin French Broadcloth, French enetians, | Cheviots, Ho k, Zebelines, Fancy: Waist Goods, Homespun have, we invite you to our store and see our lines. We always did lead and we are ing to lead this Fall in Jackets. ou can always rely on getting the right thing here, J. 0 Ladies' and Children's Jackets and Ca ist Dress Goods, 2nd 3rd Ladies' Skirts ea Wear 4th Skirts Ready-to-Wear. oat Department speaks for tself, we are. showing the most teadyone Skirts for the money. Clothing Ready to-Wear. We cannot say too much about our Clothing, when you buy your next Suit or tee you them equal to any order- ed work. New Shirts, New Ties and Col- lars, New Hats. M. SCHINBEIN. LISTOWEL MAKKETS. pb. m. to hear and determine the = de complai ints of errors and o } sionain the Voters' list of the Muni- a = said time and the Court are er = attend, | pla at Listowel this third day of WM. BRIGHT, Clerk. Se ptember, 1903. t. 3, Wheat, per bushel ....... seepeee + Barley, an a mo! Oats, 2 Peas, 15 Hay per tor 700 80 ran, 18 0 horts, ° 23 00 Flour, per 100Ibs. . 195 200 Oatmeal, - 253 250 meal, . 264 250 Butter per fp 2 6 Eggs, per dor. i 13 toes per bi Ly 60 Hides por 100 bs 600 500 Sheepakins, 30 OC t«#65 Wool per 133 (OS Wood, long, 600 700 Wood short 200 206 Ho; 650 7 00 Live Hoge 575 600 Lamba, . 200 300 Beot 600 700 Children Cry for CASTORIA. sos | House and Lot and Fur- niture For Sale. Corncr Division and Inkerman -- a. comfortable frame ho ing town this R c anyone wishing a desirable p ri or any furniture, AVID C. KON. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Bargains Continued. TR. GRANT & Co. here to do business, and b eet AT ta usiness we are bound to do. ZINN'S OLD STAND, WALLACE STREET. 4 We are delighted to know that our many old customers have called to see us at our new home, and all appeared delighted at the manner which they were treat- ed, and more particularly at the BAFRGAINS they. were offered. We are Good Goods at RIGHT PRICES for the same quality. EVERYTHING GOES AT BARGAIN PRICHS. J. R. GRANT & CO. DEALERS IN BANKRUPT STOCKS. Will always command a ready sale. OUR DKESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is right up-to-date, and at about one half.the price you have generally got to pay eS '| Stoves, Furnaces, Pipe, Valves, Strand,Gar- den Hose, Wash Machines, Lamp Goods, Dairy Sup- plies. } Our full line of Furnishings. Estimates -- and Canadian Coal PEO wm 40. Coal Oil and ZILLIAX & SARVIS. achine Oil, FILLIAXS &SARVIS LEADING STOVE & TINWARE DEPT. , Fittings, Gauges, WN Packings, GALT AN D INSPHCT iven on Heating, Plumbing,Steam and Gas Fitting. dM " Repairing promptly attended to.