Listowel Standard, 30 Oct 1903, p. 1

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eS . . VOL. XXVi.--NO. 38 -- - LISTOWEL, ON edicliamnicls esvgn taakehiaabpniahl WALTER BROS. j-# BARGAINS! Ba ora irs BARGAINS Saturday and Monday, OCTOBER 24TH AND 26TH, ILL be days of special interest to every man or woman who will visit this Vv store. Never were we better equipped for a Genuine Sale than we are now. Every degyrtment, every table or counter we look at is loaded with ; must be cleared out.: oaded with Goods which A Sn Te "hn "en tom py She tn te tp tn te pte ce ee a a a a aD READ THE LIST . 8 VEBEVESVESSVAECVB opieesdsecheourss eueeenweewened Ladies' black Roman Satin Waists, reg. prices from $1.25 to 2.25, sa i Ladies' black Roman Satin Skirts, a dices from $1.25 to $:, sale Site - Ladies' wool Fleece Undergarments, reg. price 65c., sale price - Ladies' wool Fleece Undergarments, reg. price 4oc., sale price . Ladies black Worsted Hose, all wool, sizes 8 to 10, reg. goc., sale price. Ladies' black, Oxford, gray, blue and brown Dress Goods, reg. $1.25 for... 25 short, tight fitting Coats, reg. 6.50 to $8, sale price 7 36 pee Eiageety, regular price 12%c., sale price an 20 Men's ready to put on Suits, all sizes, $7, 7.50 8 * pri 100 pr. odd Pants, ail sizes, $1.25, sale hci ° . and - sale pes 25 pairs odd Vests, all sizes, regular price $1.50, sale price 50 pairs of split Leather Boots, suitable for Boys and Girls, for. 12 Ibs. of Green Coffee, best quality, for . - 1000 Ibs. mixed Tea, in package', regular price 5oc,, sale price ...... The above are but a few of the many things awaiting you here. Wh? re busy . Whit ooki and placing your wants many ot! =r lines not put into ortal wilt swim into ¥6 fan. satel ie _ Our Dressmaking Department is a vital part of our business. All work guaranteed". we bagi ee es ee sea vee e eee se ee ne sea ewer atee ee eet OOO e ee ae ae sion ame M3 q | --_----- --eFe Ye IRobert Thompson , People's Cash Store i _---F We Make a Specialty of Young Men's Clothing. a good appearar.ce means a great deal. } ef For the past few weeks we have : been making large preparations a for FALL TRADE. We can safe- ° ly say we are offering some ex- { cellent values and feel that we; can satisty the most fastidious. { Ses Ss Young Men Be Wise a z° { Single and Double Breasted Styles fromd to $12.50. { ~ Overcoats! * Overcoats to fit all kinds of men in medium length or long, { % whichever acoat wit hangs more gracefully. ranging from $4. ) A Fall Line for Boys and Youths from $2 75 to 12 00 u prefer. a more snug fittin 50 To Overcoats! a | me No where in Listowel can you secure collar or with a back that e by expert makers. Prices {f bam All m $15.00. ie , 39 Raincoats for Ladies and Gentlemen, To be Sold at Less than Maaufacturer's Prices. Bring along your Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Poultry Etc { Highest prices paid in cash or trade. ~ of R. Thompson, Golden Lion. f -- ss a | ee Sign of pa Jen Gloves and at ne enter Lieto i 3 1. O. F. has been: the interest of the 9 Buy Weston'a Bread t Mre. FP, Bogers Cl pumber of her lady: Home on Friday afterz _ Over $1000 worth of go job prices, to be sold cheap Mr. W. Ey Binning: recovered from his re is able to be down to fi The sole ageno; e han Ballard = -- Mr. Fred. Heinbeckér spending a few days ; in-law, Mr. Wm. 8: east, Ladies* rubbers 35c., é Frank is attached to.the Keatnarge, one of the largest warsbips of thé.U. 8. Navy. a For Bologna, Krankfords, Headeheese, etc, try Wright. Also fresh aud cured meats always on hand. On Wednesday evening last, a emall party was entertained at the residence of Mx. and Mrs, Uhas. Walker by their daughter, Miss Ruby, in honor cf Misa Eva Wilson of Moorefield and Miss A. Stewart of town. For Sate.--A-1 200 acre farm on 12 con. in the towaship of Elma, good soil, well fenced and good buildings, large bank barn, straw-shed and brick house, will be sold on easy terms at good value, Also 100 acres close to Listowel. Apply to J. W. Scott, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. George Bray arrived in town ot Monday night from New York, where they spent their wedding trip. We join with Mr. Bray's many friends in bidding Mre. Bray a cordial weloome to Listowel. Cuivussine Orrer. --$1.10 will secure the Standard to end of next year (1904) and the Family Herald and Weekly Star, or the Weekly Mail and Empire, to end of present year (1983.) Kindly tell your friends. The first touch of winter made its appearance on Monday, when-there was a light snow fall and a cold, bluetering wind. However, it was but the fore- runner of Indian summer, which has now eet in, and which we could staod a couple of weeks of very enjoyably. 'The return of Hallowe'en will, it is the oom- ance past. vide the children with indoor samuse- ments: will k them off the street on Hollowe'en ? 7 Captain and Mrs. Shatp took their farewell at thé Sunday-évening mect- ing of the Salvation Arty, They have been transferred to Paliterston, Capt. Sharp wishes to thank the many kind friends who have contributed to mak- ing their stay in Listowel a very pless- ant one Mr. D. H. Marshell has sold his fifty scre farm on the Elma boundary east to Mr, Abel Tindell, and has pur- chased Mr. John Adama' 100 acre -- a, at & for| land of a line, and had been OT. 30, 1903 'A. St. Geo. Hawkins, Eiitor & Proprietor. tie, B, B. Edmunds of the fs. - Ea Pétion doring |< y¢ns, W. B. TOW NESEND pos = Apsapen: e } On Wednesday, ar 2st day ot &. J. Hamilton, 4 had bie |'tober Frances, A. Ayers wi a burned in-Ju st, raieed ., Townsend, South Bend Ind. 'died : a fo. 4auh eet Ss 'at the age of 25 yeara 4 @ two weeks' holi- Re : 'Toronto is circle of friends 'in their bereavement. The faneral es place on Friday afternoon to Fairview cemetery. tewel, Sho w 4 where shé lived w t el with until mine years ago AUCTION SALES. oe ai ; stock, for : ell, lot 63, con. 1, Elma. Sale at lo'clook. T. FE, Hay auctioneer * l o'clock sharp. T. BE. Hay auctioneer, ie hen she. came to .Listow her + pe patents, She was married to W. E. C, P.R. Engineers Reach Town. '. Convantion.--The . Townesend en years ago and lived , ool is having e holiday day | jn Lendon for five years, when they | _ Engineer Davis and hie ataff of as- "f@8ay, Principal 8! a | nOved to (Ia. .6he leaves | sistants, who are surveying a line for pat i. , , Ms J. a Dv. nan, G. Melrose, G, 8. Kidd, J. bing, G. Keith, 0. A. St. G, Hawkins. sbrother, of Toronto, also W. Climie ~ who are now up north, us- intend ~hunting io the of. Bays district, and anticipate a) weddi 5, 8, expected to join, the party in «They outing and plenty of game. 'known cattle buyer of Listo- out of fown for several days of eek, and some of the Toron- 'buy cattle, and hinting votes they were after, some these two cir- Tt is now learn- -bere'ere putting ge together. be the fine ecenic prodaction of "Fhe Merchant of Venice," at Music Hall, on Saturday Nov. 7th, when Mr. Elmer Buffham will appear as "Shyluck," eaprosted by Miss Anna Lovering as "Portis," and a select company of players. This is the largest and best company playing Shakespearean Oom- edy now en tour in Ontario. The cos- tumes are magnificent, and all special scenery, making the production com- plete in every detail. will be on cale at Livingstone's drag store, and the prices have been placed at 250., 35c,, and 50c,, so that all van attend. Resicnep.--The resignation of Rev. A. J. Saunders of the Baptist Ohurch The tions for the past three and a half years, and his ministry has been successful, as well as he being personally held in high esteem by both congregations. Hie resignation, therefore, came ag & surprise. Daring his residence in town Mr. Saundere hae taken an active interest in promotiong whatever tend- ed to the good of the community, and his departure will be regretted by our citizens generally as well as by the members of his church, We under- stand that he is likely to go to the Northwes LU. Reswents Inx.,--Mr. Richard Strong, the aged postmaster at Gowanstown, who has been in feeble health for some time, had a paralytic stroke the beginning of last week, and has since been very low. He is in his eighty-third year, and is one of the pioneers of Wallace. His kindly pre- fence has eared him to everyone and it is the, wish of ail that he may be spared ' dWhile. Mre, John Cham- ney of the Znd concession is also very low,'and very little hope is held out for her recovery. [Mr. Strong died yesterday at 12 o'- clock. The funeral will take place to- morrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2 0'- iock. Interment at St. Paul's ceme- tery, Shipley. Service at Oburcb. The funeral will be conducted by Wal- lace District L. O. L. Dearn or Mrs. Auex. Kawngpy oF Watriace,--On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Kennedy, beloved wife of Mr. Alex- ander Kennedy, for many years Coun- cillor and Deputy-reeve of Wallace, away at the family residence in the 2nd concession, in her 68th year. Her heslth had not bee . deceased wns a. sister of Mr. Joseph Oumber- ts being in .attend- eaohers': Oonvention ip ; « o. ae -- dnthe~Higt School, ison to-1 jie Ayers of Listowel, Mrs. A. E . programe fora paper on "The a History." Mise ne w aland two half-brothers W. H. Bean, 'pare going from Atwood and Listowel: " Reserve seats |+ 'taany important changes have taken M Alberta, N.W.T 48, RLDDOLS--OSBORNE. ._ A very, pretty ce Wedne- Sphurch, in the wedding of Miss Vi ola Osborne, daughter of Mr. borne, of this tawn to Mr. W. OV. crysanthemums. The writi . Mr. Anderson made a suitable reply, thanking the trustccs op bebalf of the section. lt was first planned to have o par- ty at the home of Mr. Alexander, but ount of the accident to Mrs. Alexamder it was deoided to i quietly B L. Schnei- der. The address was as fellows. Mr. J. Anderson Dear 8ir ir. We, the trustees and rate payers of every happiness and blessing may et- tend you in your new sphere of labor. In parting with you we feel we are losing net only a kind and faithful teacher but one who has shown to us is your daily life the simeerity and Christian character. that you place, the efficiency of the school bas been raised and the number of pupils who have passed the entrance and leaving examinations has surpassed all expectations, and has proved to us the devotion and thoroughness of your work. Nor can we forget your thoughtfulness towards the smaller scholars of the school who bave re- Seotion No. 2. Wallace. behalf of Trustees and Rate Payers 8th October, 1903. Louis Schnieder. DIED FROM HER INJURIES. Mrs. John Alexander of Wallace, the Victim of a° Runaway Accident, Succumbs. Mre. Alexander, wife of Mr. John R. Alexander of the 2nd concession Wallace, who was terribly injured in a runaway accident about three weeks ago, died on Monday night. She just left home when the accident hap- pened. The horse which she was driv- ing becoming frightened from some unknown cause, ran away, upset- ting the two-wheeled vehicle into the ditch, Mr. Alexander being thrown out on her head, causing concussion of the brain; her right arm was also badly fractured. She never fully re- gained consciousness after the accident, bat continued to grow woree until death came to her release. The sym- pathy of the community has been by the sad accident and its fatal ending, which has deprived Mr. Alexander of a loving wife, and his four children of a tender mother. The deceased was-a daughter of Mr. of Trowbridge, Alexander 'Alex church event took dnesday afternoon in the U. A. Rid- dols of Drayton. The officiating oler- Re J. G. Comfort, pas- tor. The ceremony was beautiful but half pas was decorated with very great great the proposed extension of the 0. P. B, frcm Guelph to Goderich, were within, three miles of Listowel morning, and were expected to town last-night. The route taken in .| the preliminary eurvey Elmira an acton, coming west through Mornington and Elma about a mile sonth of the boundary, and entering the town on the south side. It is quite likely that other sarve; through the town will also be m with a view of finding the most suit as well as the m 4 r=] 2 = way of Blyth. It wonld of course be premature to wt [eonclnde that the road will be built this way, but everything ecems to fav. or the northern route as the best, it being the shortest and most direct, cheapest to build, easiest way to enter Goderich, as well as assyring a greater q | amount of traffic than any other route north of the main line of the G, T. R. We are glad to report that Lorne Gamble is recovering after his recett illness. Mr. H. Boyd of the Listowel High School spent Sunday under the pare ental roof. . Mr. A. Perrin of Listowel visit friends here on Sunday. R. J. Moore has sold his 50 acre farm to Mr. F. Ceiling for a good sum, TROWBRIDGE. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore left last week for a short visit in some of our northern towns, r. Geo. Rowell has returned home from London. We are pleased to see Geo. and to hear that his father, who has been ill, is recovering. Jack Frost is making the farmers think of the fruit and root harvest, which will soon be gathered in. Miss E. F. McCormick is visiting frievds in Brussels this week. Miss Pear! Tucker of Milverton is the guest of Miss Mabel Tughen. Miss Inez Whaley, also Mr. John Pfeffer of Milverton, spent Sunday at Mr. H. Moore's. Special services are being continued this week. Mr. Eli Moore, undertaker, of Brus- sels, Sundayed under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs, R. Seaman spent Sun- dey with Mr. and Mrs, J. Vines of this place. . Mr. W. McCormick is remodeling and cementing his stables. Mr. Jas. Porterfield, contractor, has the job. The contractors are again at work on the school. We hope it will eoon be completed. ; Squaw winter put in an appearance in earnest Monday morning. We are hoping now for Indian Summer. Mr. R. and Miss May Dally spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Mill- nae of Brussels. of Listowel. Adams will reside near or in the vil- lage. Quarterly meeting will be beld in the charch here next Sunday. At Wartburg on Sundsy the frame . Samuel Moore, a far- roof ablaze. smith shop was rung, and willing hands aided in the work of saving neighboring bnildings. The Post Office aud Mr. Ehgotz's store were at times in great danger, but fortunately the wind wae in a favorable direction. All the contents of the house were saved, but the building iteelf ip a compléte wreek... There was a insurance} London, Ont., is much outbreak of exercised over ap scarlet fever and diph' ' esterday reach. is by war of . Thureday, Nov. 5--Auction sale of meet : ae cows and other oe ; Pieeday, Nov. 17--Auction sale of horséey: >" dairy cows and other farm stock, also @ 7 days. ° \ large quantity of farming machinery, im- | Mrs. Towresend was the daughter fine | oe Mr. und Mrs. Geo. Ayers, of Lis- - i me s and men's rubbers 500; at Bafl an returned} worker in the cause of the eburch The statistics of the amotnt of Mr, Geo. Loree, who bu a tan I { me-| and has endeared herself thetreby | freight bandled in aud out of Listowel ing in Fordwich, has retuy oe a 9 ontiog"' The | After tha ceremony there was 4 Fe- | for the past year have been prepared having accepted a posi Meskuke Meck Sane eglen mA the eas iene Laren for the-C, P. R. company, and the i 2 - ? an » an dhe happy sos eas . Listowel Furniture Comp ted as the sia of bis T cre tne recipients of much goer ae pei tg ings oe ee 200 fi = tulation, and many e a . : Pec flour sacks | fos Wie i useful presents. The bappy couple jeft ceeded by any towp of the same size Sg Sy fuj anniversary 8¢T- | 4, the evening .train for to|in Canada. . Three other good towns Mr. BR. G. Wr: af the Knox ge some of the eastern cities. are also on the northern ronte, and police force, is" e _inst, a has The bride's going away gown W no better farming section cat be found the guest6f his. see ee Soy a een af gee ---- Leer or any where. ith these facts before "Geo. We ' 4 aD solae | with velvet ose pe them, thereis good reason to believe | - Mr. and Mis ; ike Methods R, tirch ee a ge Ferd Chisago Tes that the company will decide upon thé - mp 4 ah v- Drayitop. nor te. . Lot Shae s}p-0 PRESENTATION _ : * 4 me very On Tuesdaygeth of October, the} - .. OARTHAGE, - 3 bse : i Sale Se ee' | axe Organ, | rerer ial : ; ' r| of Pisa Co: "S '| 30 and were - in the bis- | Thomas- ie at S Mr. H. W.'Frank-of the wy, [tory of the (oharch.' jucrative position, The seoretary, MPLPOeye eS Sp is visiting at the home of | er, | "epee ao Weaton ~ Rhe L. Sohnieder presentéd Mr. Anderson |' ~ Bertha McLaughbli ot" Mre ank, event of the local theatrical prelions will with a fountain pen and a fancy | visifing-her sister, Mrs. A. Joh oe

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