} e ; be Listowel's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Store + WALTER BROS. The Popular Place to buy your Winter Supply. Grand Furs and Mantles. Saturday Morning ~~ ada. "JACKETS to be cleared at Jowest prices. MENT, which has won a reputation superior to any other in Listowel, has 2 antles. } We will place on Sale GO FUR JACKETS at prices that wiik make your heart glad. These Jackets were bought from the best Furriers in Can- Every garment is guaranteed. extremely good values FOR THE COMING WEEK. Black and grey Dress Goods, reg. price 5oc., to clear at..eeue $ 22 8 lines, all woo! Goods, all shades, reg. price 75c., to clear at .378 500 yds. of best 12%c. Print, to clear at ..........-+-. se +605 1000 yds. of Flannelette, to Clear at... cc. cscsceneereeees 05 50 pairs of Ladies' longola Kid Shoes, regular price $2.50, at 1.59 50 pairs of Ladies' and Children's Slippers, to clear at.eeeees «15 Ladies and Gentlemen's. Underwear, from ...-. 18c. each to 2.25 Wool Blankets, good value at $3.25, Saturday.......+e0.-4. 1-95 Wool Blankets, good value at 4-50, Saturday weeseesseee os OQ Wool Blankets, Bec value at 5.00, Saturday ..es.....-ee00 3-50 Is alive with Bargains. DUR GLOTHING DEPARTMENT We have a few more Rain Ccats to clear at $1.39. What we want of you is to come and see for: yourself. Highest Prices Paid for all FARM PRODUCE. i cage _WALTER«s BROS: Another consignment of LADIES' CLOTH. Our DRESS GOODS DEPART- » ) | 'Robert Thompson Look for the Golden Lion Store when you intend to purchase your Dry Goods Ete. GREAT NOVEMBER SALE. DRESS GOODS sopury pue sinj Overcoats for Men and Boys tylt ---- BLM LLM EMME OP Ladies' and Gent's Unileiwear Highest prices paid iu Cash or Trade for Butter, Eggs, Dried? Apples, Poultry Mee." -R. Thompson Sign of © s Golden Lion. -~ Ves --> Le a ee ee a ae | | | to end of present } tell your friends. ae Mr. F. G MeDow retarped from. the; bis famil "to, on Tueeday~ evening with bim. Mre, - Gunther's -- friends will be pleased to see her ba again with her health fully restored. our sacks for sale, at 5c, each Apply at Welch's Bakery TOWN TAXES. Town taxes for 19039 ure now pay able at the office of the Callec On be added for costy of collection. NO Case BIX £ For Sate Cugar.---A pia .@- Apply at office "tave organ, slightly used of Piano Co Mr. John Klapp of the boundary east returned home on Saturday from Manitoba, where he was sojourning for the past six months with bis sop, who is settled on afarm there. He brought some fine specimens of elk and moose horns home with him. For Boe, Frankford», Headcheess, ete, t Wright. Also fresh aud cured meats always on han Mrs. Wil]. Harris - little daughter da of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. an Mrs. E, Uoghlin, bound east. They propose leaving shortly for Moore Jaw, N wh they of Mr. Wm. Ooghtin, of Marsey, Man., is slso the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Coghlin. ee --For 25 --_ of 16 inch. Beech and Maple wood, to be deliver- Scheol. Tenders left with ABBERNER, Sec'y H. 8. B day with plente-poen mont and her condition is reported to critical. Bhe is at Aa mother's band 12th con. ims. Lost --On Nov. 7th, a lady's gold watch, figured, with .. ~-- in the tack. Find ill please leave ita: Mrs, A. Lee'a_mi laart store, Main street, and reward. Listowel High School football team went over to Harriaton A. Saturday afterngon and played 6 gam with the Harriston H. S. oh whioh resulted somewBat divevegeny for the visitors, score being 6 .to 0 in SA ee ai boys, and ' 'nekt, at 8 olslock, to erran "Mr. J. HE Guather retard to sown from bringing Mta. Gunther and famile % t the | they will aoabtlese reat by | 7 experience. ex-M.P.P., os, Mi = aay leaving Morniogtop, and by gd fe ort and- w he Listowel Oonser + tion will be beld in the clab room, Cainpbell's block, on Tuesday evening ge for ea representation to attend the "anuual mostiog of the North Perth Conserva- "Association, at. Milverton, on : Wednesday 25th imst., and for other business. All Conservatives are in- vited to be present. For Saue.--A-1 200 farm on 12 con. in the township of Elma, good soil, well fenced and good buildings, large bank barn atraw-shed ow brick house, will be sold on easy terms at good valre. Aleo acres close to Listowel. Apply to J. W. Scott, Listowel. Mr. Jobn Hepples. travelling sales- man for the Sove Perfume Co., Toronto, was in sei on sine a few days this week. He was alao visit- ing bis mother, Mrs. Jacob Heppler, Dodd street. He intends apaning the 'winter in Florida. Mr. Wm He pler of the Calomet Tire Buber 0o., hicago, was also the guest of his mother ea few days, Will. will also epend the winter in Florida. Mr. A. B. Gives, Patent Solicitor, office in town, and can time at room in r. Gives bas this Mr. Wm. Bell, Division atrest, who: has been confined to his home for the past nine weeke, has been removed to the Stratford Hospital, as he was not getting any better, and as his little son Dave met witb a very painful accident in getting his leg broken and arm . also bie little daughter Minnie with a aprained knee. Mre. has ber bande full of trouble at present. We hope to bear of their speedy recovery. A very unique niche in the history of things dramatical is filled by Anug- tstus Thomas' pretty play, "Tbe Baorg- lar." No play ever written ban s0 co plete a sway upon the feelings that actuate the bnmen being No prettier story ever told. No dramatic teaching mors profound. It appeals to all classes, from the fashionable elite to the leas wealthy people. No Madison Square Theater success will live long- er in public estimation than 'The Baorglar." At music hall, Listowel, Saturday night, 21 inst. Sootat Evenine. -- The ladies of Rnox Ohurch entertained the High School studeots with a social evening ju the echool room of the church on Monday night. There was a larce at- tendance and a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. J. O. Clark, classical master of the H. 8., acted as chairman aod gave erecital. Mrs. J.8. Meyers and Miss Boy played a dnet, and Mr. T. L. Hamilton and others aleo ocvntri- buted to the interesting programme. we were provided by the oa --A charming, instruc- ive, e play is "The Burglar," to tof urday night, 21st inst., pa Bes 'Meat eat Listowel. Tt a- Madison oar partcofe seaso: has the country vith. @ratifying success. Even the blase theater-goer, as well as the hardened stoic, are sascsptible to bre, § emotions as they see a d perate burglar softened by a ebild reading. and the little one's tiny fin- gers straying among their heart strings fin a icochas a hidden, but tender chord, and makes it thrill to the sweet music of humanity. We are _-- to aotiee by the = pectin ve Leonards Observer, of which ~ been kindly for- 7 us, the continued success of the Rev. H. W. Jeanes, Vicar of 8t. Andrew's, Hastings, senet, former- ie ene OGbrist Ohurch here. At '0 was oa second day. In proposing a vote of thanks, the Vicar's warden spoke in high appreciation of the services of Mr. and Mré. Jeanee. During the time the Rev. gentleman had been a- m them an immense deal of had done, end it was a pleasure . Soe thom to _kuow oo congrega- Es up their residence in Stratford. hee ions to their. 'depa¥ture they werd' Seen tew days, this young winter dieappeare, in" in age y N f. Lng, one * = fp ai Aes- | AS eth ve his Toronto, wi 4 "Sean Valjean "Viotor Hugo's -- noted charact Those who hay hedrd him a "that for two beers udiaence Wea rearet Mr. Gpeer's home to him--for sending in his = so a a lecturer as vayine Party Rervuns. --Mr. L. Sotto, D.L.S., and party of assistants returned home Iaet week after spend. ing over six mooths surveying in the Northwest. The ;oung men who ac- companied Wr. Boltou from town were A. K. Bricker, Alvie Danm, Bruce Ronald and Thos. Kay, all of whom are back jooking well after their long vutiog. The district surveyed by the Bolton party covered ten townships in _ Battle river country. Oonsiderable time was also taken in traversing the Battle river, which is very hep ne and muddy. The season was ap exception- ally wet one, which hindered the seas & @ progress and was the chief dis- ort encountered. The territory warvercl which lies to the south of the arr colony, ia well adapted for ranch- ing, and will doubtless rapidly fil! up. H. es _Lirrenany. --The students of aS ton Mus Direotar ; Erestive Ooms ay Districk. A. Tassie, G. w. Eliiatt, G. Aus! 'Iq -- A. Simpson, L. Thowtilsin.: Critic A. Perrin; Prog iL. igen rc McGillivray, 5. Hurdie. Fhe Soci A publia per with the fos wine ditorial Tree rd, Morton Scolt Editer-in-Chief, H. rag tia \G. Hay, M. Sherman, Assaciate Editors. FAREWELL SERMON. Un Sunday evening last Rev. A. J. Saunders preached his farewell ser- men in tbe Baptist chureb to « large attentive audience, His "tam pot ashamed of the The choir render- de- for Moosejaw, N. W. takes char; of a fine new oburo wbieh was built this year ata cost of eee Lonany evening the members of the Baptist Church held a Thank Offering Service which the majority f the congregation attended, A short program was -rendereed at the close of which the mombers of the congregatian presented Mr, Saun- ders with an -- and a_ beauti- ful pastor's Bibl Mr. Saunders made a suitable reply thanking the rs for their beautiful present which he had not expected to receive. r os it lumeh was then served after they all ee "God be with you till we meet aga kun Hunrers KRervrn.--The Lis- wnat Atwood desr bunting party re swans bome last week after iaviog ten days' successful. hunt iu the sorthert wilde. Mesars. J. Living- stone, J. A. Hacking, G. 8. Kidd and A. St. Geo. Hawkios from town, Jao. Sanders, J. Klump, D. Graham and. Wm. Buchanan from Atwood, and G. Keith and G. Melrose from Britton, comprieed the party. For the past few years the vicinity of Bala, iv Muskoka, has been the hanting grounds of the Listowel and Atwood party. This year a change was decid- ed upop, the hunters going to Hali- burton ins e latter preserve was reached by G. T. B, Hunters' Special to Hunteville, and from thence by boat over Fairy avd Peninsu lakes and Lake- of- Bays to Dorset. The hunting grounds are located a few miles inland, around Hardwood, Har- vey and Orozier lakes, in MoClintock towuahip, the thickly wooded uplands around these picturesque lakelete be- ing se muc and breeding ground of the red deer as is the Algon- quin Park, which lies only a few miles tothe north. Exceptionally fine wea- -- om - ther ge comfortable quarters at the E. W. Lockm ranch o party's mean, the aud clever guide, added to exprienoed enjoyment of the outing. mbined with For healthful r the excitement of tha chase it ic doubt- eoreation co: tion w by w Rev. Mr. Seance' cally Panda on. thie | fol if any Broa of Ontario ouffere the 'of ' wish bin mleqnal of the the worth much to the pent-up denizens pe the cities -storm that has e tobs during. x week or two -of ed in be "Weather may esfely be looked for}musio hall on Thureday night of fast AE. DR. Lica ER, oF TORONTO |} fde of Muskoka and Haliburton, aod « a Wortalie ween in| eo as tv mbt cause any invigorating air and party also had Kidd of the' Arhn doe home with him, and came ye nearly getting a big buck as well. Company. -- The of Aberdeen, MeDonald's very week, under the auspices of the Mait- Jand Star Athletic Association, and de- lighted who were present. Miss Barnett, the leading soprano, well de- SeFvés the title of the Soottish Night- ingale, her rendering of Scotch songs being wingome and musical to a de- gtee that captivates her pemeate The illustrated song, Ap was sronptisenls fine. Malcolm, pianist and vocalist, Mies Jennie Thomson, violinist, sleo clever artists. The Kinemato- graph pictures and stereoptican views of Scottish seenery were an entertain- {ment in themselves This excellent company may retarn to Listowel, when they should, and uo donbt will, draw a crowded house. ,COUNCIL MEETING. Au adjourned meeting of the coun- cil wus held on Monday meurbers prusent, Woods, Meyers, Prueter and Pelton. in the absence of the Rng iy Ji. er, that Wm. y Pelion --_ tbe chair,--Carried, Mored 'vods, seconded by Meyers, that tbe report of the com- mittea on Fire and Light Laeger the chairman of Fire and Light $100 be rescinded uy said motion was our- ried at last cheating of this connoil ty dan the ¢nd of November, 1903.--Car ried. Mayor who arrived on thé Stratford train, took his seau at the board. ng BL ae from 38, eevee le {@au- og, $1.05; W. A. $27.7 On tien the #ccounts off Ww. and Basset "Bhe Gartshora Tho pipaon Co, to in- vaiee for pipe, $2,859.40. " Memipenr oN ote orks. RP. wien S19 ft ft. "Io faivs 'i 18c, 8¥3. 42; 1633-f mains ut 15c, 22008; 9985 iti iene at. 13c, $1291.55; 1104 ft. 4 mains mick $19085 ; total, being chadeat by eae Bs oy . P being ¢ op Ns Railway in the tawn of Listawel--~ by C. \Pructer, seconded by, tration Listowel and Wallace filed and that oe paid $8.25.--Oarried. The finding rT the ener nors 23st s G. 'Raberts, B Brook ang Inspectar Irwin was us grip do determing t it is advis- abige to dissolve the Listowel Umon Public School Section, and we do therefore determine and award. 1, That the said) Listowel, Union Puvlic School Section we di ssolved ed by uwtaching therefrom, Lots 25 and 26 in. the ond Concession of the e. irwin be : Lots 26 pod | 26 in the Se- cond Concession of 'uhe Township of Walisce, heretofore ® jportiow of the Listowel Union Public School Section, be annexed to School Section No. 2 in thet Township of Wallace. 3. That the owner of said lots having expressed his willingness Lo waive all claims so drawn from the Listowel Union Pub- lic Sehool Sectio That the saat s of this Arbitra- tian which are $16.50 shall be borne and paid us follows, that is to say by tbe Municipal Council of the Town af Listowel eight dollars und twen- ty five cents, { the Municipal council of the Wallace , eight dollars und twenty-five cents, the same ta be paid ta jthe said William Lrwin on or before the fifteanth dry of Decem- ber 1903, SURVEY COMPLETED. cP. R. Engineers | Have Finished Work. 4 o Guelph Herald of Nov. 11: The engitecers engaged io lay- ing a allan ling on the propos- ed erich extension have completed their survey and returned to the city. On Saturday they reached Brussels, where, a few days previous, the engi- ueers from Goderich bad aleo ended their line, and the two were connect- ed, This morning the work of per- mauently laying the line was oom- menced, and Engineer Davis, who is in charge, informed The Herald that they would complete their work about January 15th. The engineers from line from that place to when this is dove will to lay the line permanently from God- erich to Brussels. The C.P.R. are bound to build their extension, in conformity- with a 1eeolu- tion, which was received by the G. J. R. directors from President Sbanugh- nessy. The resolation was adopted at a meeting of the O. P. R. directors on Monday. The conditions are that the G. J. B. company will grant the --_ of way, which they have agreed to di The O. P. R. are laying two pores, ranging from five to ten. miles apart, friction for the G. J. the right of way. BR. in securing snoceas, | gton brought bone him, unnecessary ~