Seay Sha ma! x . ~ SOP Be Ss ATER EGE Ta Useful Christmas Gifts. BUY YOUR a" XMAS PRESENTS Early and you will be sure of a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. Fur Rufis, Stoles and Caperines from...... wTTTeT Men's Suits from -«- - seeee cesses s1.50 up. - Gauntlets, Caps and Gloves from.......++++.+es005 +. «50 Up. Ties, Collars, Ways' Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, fancy Collars, and fanéy Belts from......--. ++ esses cece eee 25c. to 2700 Suits for Boys from.......----+++++e0-- ...$1.75 to 8.00 eeoew eases e ee sees ewes 4.50 to.22.00 Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, all prices. ) OVERCOATS. Another consignment of Overcoats just to hand for the holiday trade, which will be cleared out at low prices. OUR DRESS-GOODS DEPARTMENT Is offering special values. Table Covers with napkins to match. We wish-to make this the banner week of our business career, price. 7 te We have a magnificent display of Table serv, Many other lines will be reduced to half We extend to all a HEARTY INVITATION to visit this store sometime between now and CHRISTMAS EVE. PHONE 33, "2ND FLOOR---ALL WORK GUARANTEED. elite pea hint : o2ee Nip oe wt mee sh BROS SIGN OF ELEPHANT wong teat .---- --s* --- -- Robert Thompson People's Cash Store . | Xmas is Just Around the Corner. You will have to hustle to do your Christmas shoppi the Gulden Lion is the place to come to doit. ot choice things to pleaze everybody, fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, lovers, sweethearts, boy or girl, and This store is full The following are only a tew ot the many bargains here:-- } Greatest rye ever offered in lace Curtains, 150 pair to be sold regardless of cost. $5,00 pair for .50; $2.50 for 1.25, etc 300 vide. wW rapperette, regular 1253, WOW 2... eee ce ce eee ce tees teeter cen e cee eee 3 y 500 pounds Rock Candy, 3 Ibs for... Kes aeteewsree 3) } 200 yds. Habit Cloth, 38 inch suitable foe ladiew® or Children' 8 = or eoktets . (keane a888 19 . Bibs. mixed Nuts. 2.0... ..eeee ce cee cece eee cece eee nee cet es tenner cee e ees bs) 29 pairs Flannelette Blankets, white or gray ... ... % 4g Ibs new Currants ......- 2.20: .- cece ee cine eee nee nett eet nee ees een ee ener eee nee p<) Mf Chalidren's Jackets from Te to G28, 12 large sweet oranges ee or ae eT ae me eer ee ee 2 U7 Ladies"Cloth Jackets. all ne v 'anil latest styles must be sold, from $2.40 =F -- 8 cans British Columbia Pink Salmon for.....0 0-20 fee ee cee tee 25 1000 Hdkfs. all styles from 2c. to. ' t 1 25 3 Ube. now raisins fot, ......... 2-6-2 66 ceeeee ce eee ee ce tees cee scene eee bi} Largest assortment of Ties « or . Ladies" or Santen to be found in Listowel from 10c to 7% j 12% Ibs. Green Coffee. ...... ; ; ; 1 90 400 pee. Ladies' Kid Gloves, 1 and 2 'Dome fastnere all the new shades for Xmas, from T5e to........ 17% 2 bottles union mixed pickles ...... 0.2... .......... 25 j 27 men's and boy's dark grey Haglunette Overcoats the iatest style, sizes #2 to 46 to be sold for. ..... 5 Sih Nothing makes a better present than a good Fur-- Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets, Storm Collars Etc, in Sa? ble, Astrachan, Seal, Stone Martin. - Bring along yuor TURKEYS, also DUCKS, CHICKENS, BUT- TER, EGGS ard we will pay 'the 'highest price in cme or emmoad [ R. Thompson, < Solas oe - Sign of ----4 DA DEC. 18 1908. cake eho Obarek- Suna; hold its snpual. Chri ment on Tueaday ev Rockers and Parlor Mise Mena ..Gatel Hawkins attended the assembly at Stratfor ord he night. St Broadfoot's. B, B. Sarvis offers ree 7 and Onesie on eae Rvouke, Walter Bros, store'. sili be open every night until 10 \Fiock up to Christmas, in order te@uccommodate Christmas a. For Pearl Brooches, Cre Pins, call at Bartley's. ets Mrs.-D. Lamont sot @eaghter, of Toronto, are visiting aber mother's, Mra. J. Stevenson, D on street, and will remain for the ats atdScarf Pinys, Sideboards and Ex. Tab! ) &t Christmas prices at Broadfoot' Miss Sipes of pms f oO was the gnest of Miss Mena GatiBaiast week, roed to Stratford a hort visit previous tg leaving mt ome. © 2. Jenkins For wear, Gloves and j Nok " 2 Gren, _ Hoozar RS : Frank R Conklin is "the is the only dra.natic reader § he is a good one. 'The High School closey -toxday f the Christmas holidays. :' The Pub! 'School will close oan ot. carly nest week. The schools will reopen du Monday, 4th January. Good milk cow for sale. Pollock, Elm street, Mr. W. G. Blaoghter, principal of the Public School, and Mrs. Slaughter were called to Forest last week-bythe death Mrs. Sloughter's mother, who passed away after a short iilness, Fols one." He n Canada, and Apply to J. W. For Christmas presents, call McDonald, who bas reccivéd o large oon- aignment of Japanese and China. The tissne paper io theshow window of Wright's restraunt canght fire on Monday eveniog while the gas was be- ing lighted. It was extioguinhed be- fore much damage was done. Acrate of Toilet ware tQ@ beasold at §2 " set of ten pisces, until 1s6 January, at H. McDonald's. Mr. R. T. Kidd, of Kidd Bros., and Mr. Wm. Buckle, trainer, returned to town last week from Bomon, alter dis- posing of a large string of high-class drivers and saddie horges.- nampa . and sok Satie Organs at The Tidhten Ohurch Sunday School | will hold thefr annual Obristmas tree entertainment in the age 3a Christ. mas night, beginning Os daiaeas Bilver collection. All believe ixi wae That is Fi ree tt 2 = ment, and it comes at popular Rev. Dr. one is to ocon spot =A eo 'vil 'matiety you that Gold- ® entertain- th. inat. } Miss Helen del Students' ;. Weddesday op Pianos ot abe, who the Methodist pulpit here | wi ppection with the } the tance School a aqoareteary. All- are wel- Sha arrived, Sek eat of ag fruits, . Mepea 5 who you the above line. A look "Hall 'is the place for these «tesa hand cutter for sale cheap. BB. Cxvzcn. Orzxixne.--The new Pree- byterian Church at North Mornington will be formally opened on Sunday Dee. 27th. Bev. Dr, McKay of Toron- to willbe the preacher. On- Monday évening followings tea meeting will be held, for which an unusually good rogramme is announced. The Tillie quartette of Stratford will take part. Having to move out of the store in two weeks, B. B, Sartis will give low prices on ianos and U: Listowel stores have a Ohristmas like appearanoe, many of the windows being decorated and filled with Christ- Now that the storm is over, a brisk Obristmas trade is look- ed for, Santa Olaus oan certainly find an abundance of good things to. gladdeo the hearts of little ones and big ones at the 'Listowel stores, When ered bear one of Frank R Conklin's makes wish programa you could hear them all. "ahet is because it ig so inimit. | ably rendered. On} before Christmas. New GE . Orange Supper held under the anepices L. 0. No. 630, within the next week or. two, will re- ceive first consideration. Kindly send in renewals at once and securé a copy subscriber: will-elso receive the Holiday Number until the edition is exhausted. (3rvine UP = GexeRaL pa --_ USTN m, think it is onigtaie, but "eis t is the = a nn -- sping, cat =. es have mo Yells dethied to Read obildren, : ge now get rid of all yard goods by Ist M inl ives ome day. ains cometous; J."M. ScHinBEr. Anauican Youna Pzorue's Associa- Tion.--At a meeting of wr young peo- ple of Christ Church, held on Decem- ber 7th, it was decided. te organize an Anglican Young Puople's Association, the following officers being ele ted : President, Miss Pp. Beverley Bamford. It is the intention of this iation to carry on literary work, in the way of debates, etc,, and at "the meeting held on Monday evening last the winter's program was drawn ap. It was also decided to have a social evening on Monday, January 4th, to which all persons interested are invited. AepornteD To Furcvus.--Mr. Wm. Godfrey, who resigned his position as G. T. RB. agent here some months ago pall to overwork and poor health, hes fully regained his health, an3j latterly has beep in the employ of the Company as relieving agent. A vacancy having occurred at Fergus, be hes been offered and has aocepted the position of station agent there. He left yesterday to assume his daties, His family will remain in town for a short time. Mr. Godfrey's host of }-{rieads here wish hin every snocess, as a continuance of good health, thongh regretting to lose so good a citizen. Surrzr at Arwoop.--The of L. Atwaod,- eg _ LISTOWEL HUE Chaka. Onvacst on San-| - Oux Horspar Nuwsen--The Stand-|°veniog. Mise Beckett ia gifted wit 360 bate nd December 20th, a: "tollows ¢ 8 a.| ard's illustra' Holiday Number is| a Sweet natural voice male eit Pore Se a ane » Holy Oommiinion. 11s, m,,Morn- | now regis for ype mpi and will be | capable of filling any sonecert. hal. Ly suxsiy, 4 Pe, 10 ing Prayer ad Senge q vel: gent free to all paid-in-advance snb- Shonld she retarn to' Listowel ite the? (5: ars cHURUE A 'on i The sector will | soribers, The edition is limited, which near fatare she shonld' meet witha a k = sie 3 pase ceri ray on | will prevent ue from giving a iy" earty weloome. A sumber of: ingtra-." ll kaart DD. fea Day at 10.30:a, m. all our patrove. Those who have al- |'mental selections were given py. pupils TP, mie Ber.. Re Ds Dy ae Selby we acting a ready renewed for another year, and | of the High School, Mise Edna' Leg > ol ee out our "tage: gomiee peta 3 Bo any rn fog those who renew their aubsoriptions giving piano solve, = Misses Schinbein and Béatrice Tat thar, es Misses Anna MoGillivray and Grace Rogers, playing duete, their instra- @ a mentation being very creditable. Miss Newoombe was accompanist, a position which she filled with grace and ability. Srasie2 Buaxep.--The 'sound of the fire alarm at four o'clock inthe morn- - ing at this inclement seavon is by no none cheering. Fortunately the fire' ueeday moroing was not ay serious as sold ; yet it was eerions evough in the: loss snstained by Mr. George Ament; Wallace street, sbose stable-and ogn- tents were destroyed. The latter ine. cluded a good cow, a lot of hens, two or three tone of bay, besides-togls. and. otber articles stored in the building. His loss altogether is fully $800, and the insuranos only half amount. How the fire started is a m » there having been no light or fire near the building. His neighbore, Mr. N. Ham- mer and Mr. J. Goldiner, were the first to eee the fire, bat the building was Ke far gone to eave auything when ey arrived on the scene, A circum- stence which may have some connec- tion with the fire and possibly furnish a clue to ite origin is that Mr. Ham- mer's stable was visited the aame night gud four hens etolen. This fact gives some ground for the euspicion that the re was ceased by chicken thieves, either accidentally through lighting mstohes, or intentionally. An investi- gation should be made. WALLAOE. - On account of the unfavorable wea- ther the Shipley schucl concert hag -been postponed indefinitely. The following resolation = condol- ence has been passed by L. O. L, No. 832, Edwardaville : To George Ash, Esq., Wallace. Dear Sir and Brother :--The..officers and members of-Loyal Grauge No. 832, District Connty of North-Perth, desire to ex- Ledge of Wallace, in the | press their heartfelt. spares, to> you ' FoustmsxtTa Th , tarach anata :. § the a = ronto, i pistes «3 to spate at onsh ser- vice, On the Monday evening follow- be ae Dr. Thomas will deliver one of his mous lectures, entitled, "Days in a Bey Life." TexpEeRs Wantep,--For inch. and Maple wood, ed at the itary h School. Tender | ae with C, Taspeaxen, Sec'y W. Cunistuas Decoration,-- Mr, 8. 8. Jenviogs, florist, has a fine lot of Christmas holly and material wreaths ; also a choice lot of palms, primroses and other plants gnd flow- ers suitable for Christmas decoration for houses, churches, offices and stores, He also supplies cut flowers--carna- tions, roses, paper-white narcisis, etc. A small outlay in decorations will add to the pleasures of the Christmas sea- son. Diszases of THE Eve se maya dy Brown, Specialist, diseases o 'will be at ee Geanent hotel, Listowel, on Tuesaday Dec, 22. Eyes teated and glasses capplieds ""@ Yours 9--12. I. O. F. Orricens,--At the last re- gular meeting of Court Listowel No. 19, 1.0. F., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Court Deputy, B. Witter; Uourt Physician, Dr. Dingman ; Chief Ran- ger, R. Stainton ; Vice OC. B., Geo. MoD owell ; Reo. Sec., 0. Fi ford ; : is Moorehead : Andi- tors, N. Krotz aud A. Sg G. Hawkine. A Goop Compasy.--Blair's Broad- hard It ty the Bdde tl the beat comedy oom- pany: that bas vimted Listowel for some ae end was deserving of a house. They remained over antil i Mootay evening, bat eaguin struck e : night and a not much better ate noe. okey RY abel ~with ; Lee has ved another edi- teem ee ee ee es iF. and sat aha cra beck of the Town ol fon, on apeosick ogg aging) ape aes " the es Sas wa eee nay De | oe ae a no . mare than a reader fete. ets ~ KwAs Onnmn.--Wateb for Wright & -- Sipe See cutbe exhibitionand a on : A convention ofthe L Liberals of North E ses Thareday wil, wall will incinde Perth ia called to in MoDonald's | aiy carcasses of me beef as shown music halon' Wednesday ent. $08 Or. at the Guelph fair, all two and three to select ® eandidate r olds, five of them having been fed for the Commons, providing « "victim by Mr. Geo. Lalie 0 of the 2nd oon. PN 5 tae "and one fed by Mr. Hevey, 3 a, - Yrankfords, Heade town ; aleo ten, hogs and several lambe, br ~ Apo" trésh-qhd" cured besides fowl, cured. meats, sausage, begs? 6 SSO It will be the finest display dg ere. lor bgt >] The daily snow storms have blocked meals up-stairs: "s Rev. land and H. B, Mir Mr. Thos. Magwood of Stratford, an Rev. Mr. Penhalfof Atwood, were ~ principal epeakers. Oounty Master Cruikehanks ably filled thechair. The supper netted over $50 after all ex- penses were paid. The lodge is to be cougratulated upon its success. Taxes Weir Pam In --The town tax collector's office did a veritable land office business during the past week or two, something over $21,000 in taxes being paid in, out of a total of $22,837. 6r on the roll. As there is abont $500 exemptions to come off the latter sum, the balance of aupaid taxes is uot much over $1,000, and the greater part of this wilf doubtless be paid in this week. Considering that the taxes are unusually high this year, the taxpayers have done remarkably well. Mr, Tabberner's illness having prevented him from attending to his duties .as collector, his office has been very Sfficiently looked after by his daughters, Misses Tabberner. A Wesx or Stonm.--The past week is believed to have broken all previcus December records for continuous storm and cold, yesterday being the firet day since Thursday night of last week that has approached any degree of mildnesa. the roads badly, and have pat a damper ov Christmas trade. The train service, which was anything but satisfactory before the storm, has been quite ** ont of sight" since, and might be out of mind " as well, considering . that any: where from three to five hours jate bas n tH@usual thing, With come trains eanested. It is to be hoped the storm is now over, and that people will be able to' getto town to-dp their Christmas shopping. The ptiblication by the Toronto Newn on Saturday Iaet of a. boliday. number consisting of 52 fall sized p: es was a unique accomplisbigent, Thie lished in Canada. It was too big'tven = the mammoth Hoe sextuple press The News recently installed, and wih will not print more than 48 pag- ev. Over 14 tone of paper was cousumed in the issue, an evidence of the rapidly growing eiréatetion g The -- At the popular price of @1 a e News now fuds ry way into tn | a of Canada. os is not eo mach the price of the paper, however, which Aa giving The iews such a lead over ae itself, All who have not seen The News in its new dress ehould write to Toronto for a sample copy. Standard is clubbing with The News at $1.85 for both re, o would be without nat daily and local week- | ty at thst price ? Hieu Scmoor Concert. --There wae evening. Anne Beckett, announo- ed aga bry! ef the concert > the pria and -enoored ra, ¥ i betog beens Meo" Sedo on Belt a the Lodge, . is the largest one-cent paper ever pub- | lo p11! bereavement in- thé death..¢ ottall 3 ee os Sa , aro with: ti Siar, co Anazr, Master ; Tose Bansertt, tsar Master; Joux B retary, Dated at Edwardsville the 16th day of December, 1903 --_-- GOWANSTOWN. Tne Mennonites of Brothereton eon- claded five weeks uf protracted nieet- ings on Sunday of iat week, The Rev. O. Krauf of Hanover paid his old friends in Wallace a visit last week and condacted the W bight psy at Brothereéton. Mr, H. M, Schiubein, who bas been - visiting friends in Obicago, hes taken a potition and will remain there in- definitely. Mrs, B. Greer, who met with a pain- fal accident a week ago Thursday by having a koittiog needle penetrate her leg, has entirely recovered. A yaloable horse belonging to . Bender took sick with paralysis of the kidneys on the road near bere on.Mon- day, aod was taken info the hotel stable, where it died ou Saturday. Mesata, H. Hemsworth an Nickel 'attended a mesting of the di- rectora of the North Perth Farmers' Jostitute at Milverton era J. A ,sublic meeting the North Perth Farmers' Fnstitute will be held bere in the Towovbhip ball on Feb. Jad, at 2 o'cluok, The epeakera will be Mesars. BR. S. Stevenron of Ancaster aad F, A. Gneoaey of Queenston. TOWN . f WEST. News of the. "feath of Mre. Clyde came as a surprise to many, she having been sick but shoft'time, 'The a eral took placg.on Friday last to so = 'old cometerg,'and-wae-largely. sn Mr. Clyde family bave the. gs pes of the @Rtirs comm his sad bereavement. She leaves ? hus- baod and five children to mourn her se, Mr. 8 E Smitb, our able Conacillor for Wallace, with the help of a few of bis. neighbors, bas hanled home a good- ly pile of wood from the third of Wal- lace sch use at home. 'e having what the ofd eettlers call = wold fashioned winter, Steady sleighiog has prevailed sings the mid- dle of November ; but the' last week has oold and stormy, which hes made the roads bad in some places. CHRISTMAS HERE. - Your wants will be supplied at Gunther's store, which is filled to its fullest capacity, and many of the handsome goods cannot be shown for want of space. In or- der to move thes: Christmas pres- ents a special effort will be mede- for the balance his year to peat out these g a prices. Come early and aake your selections + ee Sas pee -is at its best. ur store, pen every ee until 10 0'clock. rion one desiring @ . Calen- for 1904 can have same by "Comin" through gta aud "Swoet Bye-and-Rye" were the gems of the © calling at Gunther's a