oaieadiill a Vibdray. siyypl th "the = imbue a Re pie ae SHOSESSSSSOS, re MMU ICE ON THE -FARM,. Plaio, common everday itor ara More than can be used, the winter ard none at ail on hand It will allarinte (Pain covery in t acs and tain Bakny we akite available a greater variety and abundance of food al less cost. in time and money, add to the social amenities of life by providing refr -- cool drinks and deliciots ice ms, ices and other frozen delights of the cuisine. t have ice? No pond, lake To get an extra finish, give trem two weeks before billing a trife beef suet with the ration. If you have it, give skimmilk to drink and green cut bore, not over ore ounte per head per day. This feed and confinement will cause the fowls to take on flesh rapidly. . EGGS THAT PAY. Profit depend upon ci;cumstances. | The hen that lays the largest num- ber of eggs docs not always give the greatest profit. Onc dozen eggs in er stre 2 -- where you live ? Well, what at? You can have a bet- | ter cares of ice from the water in your homer Sither mabe a pond and cut from its frozen surface, or, better etill, provite 20 boxes, | tu butter frkins, or any other re-! caption with flaring sides. that are! firo one and Water tight and about 1/ cubic foot capacily. After thorough- | ly clganving, Fl! the tybs with pure | wait, ani Ict nature do the resi. The 20 tubs will contain about half! a ton of ice when a solid. To empty the tubs he a cauliron of water' and dip hea into the hot water for a mincte or two, when the fre cake can he slid out. In this way a store of tive tous of oh: can be had in ten days' time. 9 'Th use. of more t will occumutate a) larger quantity in the same timo. | for family use all cea and ral y at all times ke "re be kert ? Teoadity | enough. An ine ome "eatin feet in- | ide of a barn or a shed, o he | north sive away f:om direct rays of | the will held five tons with ped neveseary+ protecting envelape. n| inissyre 1Ox10x10 feet will hota ten (ocs. Suit the dimonsio the sive of tke ike cak calcula ating | ove et a e top, bottom and sides to be f in with sawdurt. = ieleete: ; be inade common rough boards ith | i straight edgoe, and lined insi'e with | two or three-ply waterproof payer to e@ it air-tight. Spread ore foot of dry sawdust | over. the floor a:d set in the rei cakes; fitting them «lose together. | sife walls and fill it In wi dry | Sawdust, packed snug, as tte ice is | placed. Break joints as o:e layer . of cakes is placed above another. Coser over top with rye straw or | aS hay The ° opening into! closed after af is not avaiianie, slough hay. through a feed chopper for filling in, bottom and side walls, but use long fibers on top. Tee froven from good drinking wa- ter is always wholesome. When froz- en in manner described above, it ma, net be clear blue icc. The air and | gheos in the water often cause ite to be cloudy, or to contain small freely | t a low temperature. | Te lear. "So he usiurei that your f.¢ is as gocd or better than the water and stow ay good sup) ly for next summer's ure Tie materials for a ten-ton inl s- mie may Cost 0 to $25, but as they will last about 20 years, if -- | put together, their average cost sear will be about $2, ineluc ing yerest. ---- | {ATION FOR DAIRY COWS, | 1 give a good flow of milk in the carly | part of the milking period, when fed a liberal amount of one of these ra- tions; it indicates that she is not atapted by mature to be a dat-y ani- mal and she should be disposed The heavy milkers rations are to be increased, and reduced for lightor milie:s. In erry! up these rations it is Cesigned that the cow given pratically all of "eee roughness she will eat, and then sufficient grain is aiced to furnish the necessary amount of ai meal material. Olover ~ Pounds Bran COA neces. scence: * Olover hay -- » Qats ... ... = Co: " Clover hay . = 7 Corn and cob "meal Se 8Bto1ld0 "* Gluten or cottonseed 9 Pr] a or cowpea hay . 15 to 200" Gers, es 9 to12 ° Alfalfa or ' cowpea c " Br seeses " Coin silage a Clover hay of Corn " Bra " Coin silage Alfalfa or cowpea ee , « . ¥ te:-- No. 1, $9.50 to $10.50 ran : : o he nenigtomrallgerertgg = ishet gine 3 $8.5 50 to 89; sin nl po ia See The Imperigh troope om, thi siment, nesed ces 2' drawers forced and $67.50 stolen in $8; clover, $7 to $7.50 per ton in car | . Engi , 250 Cotte mont the Interval between the agent's ce- lots. j2 _ B00. mer Fy paiture and t'e electrivian's aniivel Beans--Choice primes, ° to men; Royal pepe ee, > POULTRY FOR THE MARKET. ic ' > + an ; 5 is stated that ~ wi a year good frame on ting wr ime ky "| raldtonn pane pag m -- -- w eh ie ea. ee = bevmeationed i equipped. with tough muscles, d | the office in the darkness. The with-; Provisions--Heavy Canadian short = slat of at Teast 1,000 men. It is per by extra feedirg of corn te }¢rawal cf the agent facilitated their! cut pork, $19.50 to $20; light short pra stated that 500 men of a_ line "has given th t he considers a| work consicerably. No arrests have cut, $18 to $18.50;- American sho ment will be station at Esqui- perfe.t 8 yellow' skin 'under- | been made, cut clear, $17 to $17.50; American|meit and 500 men at. Winnipeg Said witk layers of fat and ~ 4 fat backs, $18 to 18.50; co some other Western igs ternal cooBy ese . AID BRITISH COTTON. lard, 8¢; ian lard, 8c to 8 ; iin Spek gmall porcentage cf irds found * kettle rendered, 10ic; hams, 11jc ~~ 3 on the , say age yor 'Grant war & xe ropes in the 18; bacon, 14¢; fresh killed abattoir CANADA'S FUTURE,. bens are on a range. fonly by Run it; ®% ' agviculturists, mechari winter, at thirty cents a dozen, per- dozen. The sum ceived is tle same but it costs less to produce ore doz en eggs than it does to produce two dozen, and although the same amount of morey is received in both cases, yet the profit is not what is Ge:ived in the, gross sum, but that which is produced above the cost; hence a hon-is profitable according to the season during which she lays the greatest number and the prices tle eggs may cost nothing if BRADAWL KILLED FREAK Dined on Pois ons--Paris Green nad ugar Were Alike. A despatch from*New York says :-- Tarry Beno, a well known museum freak, who has exhibited himself at Coney Island, "* the Columbian Ex- position, and at street fairs all over the country, has su ccumbed at last tto the effects of his diet of poisons ec able him to recover. His fatter was an Feyptlan, and his mother 'lish. r since his birth, sacgla, Fla, 33 years ago, been remarkable in 'complete immunity pain, and because of th reveral of the senses which are found, green, gar, and he could distinguish their color. Beefsteak eggs were the same to kim, so far as taste was concerned. and he fro- quently surprised phy: deiaus by din- ing veal various poisons and smoking cigar for dessert, without any ill- ate res: Iting ee COMING TO CANADA. BREADSTUFFS, Toronto, Dec. 15.--Wheat--Is steady at 77c for No, 2 and white cast freights. Mani- toba wheat is steady at-90c for a 1 hard, 854c for No. 1 northern, 83$c for No. 2 northern at Gonteing Bay ports, and 6c more grinding in trans: Flour--Is steady at $3.05 for cars of 90 per cent. -- wheat patents in buyers' bags e: and west. Choice 'ands a "Te to 20c higher. Manitoba is stcady at $4.55 to $4.- r and 45c oa or low freights to New York. Rye--Is steady a> east or west. 52c for No. 2 east amd 6lc w - 21c to 22c Pggs--Fresh eggs Many English 6 Counties Are Se. d-) ng "migrants | oe from London sa f= | different parts of Canida. parties comprise in addition to! ad The or tempted by the progpert it better | | wages in Canada Mf thove enrigrat- | jing to Canada last ye 000 out | of 250,000 were from Fnyland. The Expra:s, referring to te Yorkshire movement, ays :--"They | are the pick of our people; they will have 8 of homesicknesa, but er hatred of | w A mecting of the British Wom mer Envyigration Asaociation was keld Mn Tuesday to consider the best means | cf drafting Leniomcleg worke:s for Can- ada in response to dofinite offers from Montioal. Toronto and Hamil- ton, ------ EXONERATE COMPANY Jury Returns Verdict on Explo- sion at Newmarket. A despatch from Newmarket says: --The adjourned inquest enquiring in- to the death of John Agnew, one of the firernen who met death at the United Factories, Limited, here, on the 18th of November, was brought to a Ag ter hearing evei Harry Trtritt, engineer, at his dence. Tre n their stated that they were unable the evidence to arriv rea | from at a conch the explosion, o the man- agement of the factories or any of | their employcs. --_4----_---- STATION ROBBED. At 5.30 and found ee just outside the station d been cut Later Verdict | Thieves Secure Temporary Absence} f the Agent A despatch from Brantford says :-- Between 5.20 and 5.30 on Wednesday afternoon tre T., H. and B. station in this «ity was robbed of $67.50 in the abreme cf Station Agent An- crews. At 5.20 the electiic lights went ut sudderly at the station and the agent proceeded up town ta: j Steady at $1 724 to $1.75 per of good quality | continue scarce and there is a heavy j ports a ligher next weok, The pnives of exporters ranged f:om . ducks and turkeys. eights on track heré are quoted at) uN $6.15 per cwt., and the farmers' ve quoted at t 86. | aled Hay--Tho market continues | aunt and quict, and the demand = is light. Car lots on track here are! quoted unchanged with an easier ten- | de $9 per ton. f Baled = Straw--There is hardly enough straw offering bere, and there is a little better fecling to trade. Car ! ts on track here are quoted about } lo steady at $5 per to MONTREAL MARKETS Montreal, +, 9.---Grain--Manito- ba wheat is quoted at a further de- cline, owing to higher freight charg: | es land imebte tank being apart. | ; is quoted at 7T74c, : | 754c, and No, 3 bs Tie) --| | ' store Fort No. 2 white oats, 8 oats. store, 44c to 34} low No. 2 : (reights west for a are ] 284c; No. 2 peas, 52c; rye, 52c; No 2 barley, 42c. Flour--The range on Manitoba flour | }is now pretty wide. ents range | from $4.60 to $5, and strong bak- lersf $4.30 to $4.50; winter wheat patents, $4.15 to $4.50; straight rol- | lers, $3.90 to $4; to} $3.65; straight rollers, in bags, $1.- 190 to $1 95 \6 >, and extras in bags, $1.- to 7 * Feed--The demand is fairly active rm. ags, $18; shorts, | ; Ontario bran in bulk, $17; shorts, $18.50 to. . $24 to $28 per ton, oats Was steady The market $6. am hogs in car lots, $0.25 to $6.40; live hogs, 5c. Eigge--Camiled 'selected i nd is very light, exporters $4 No. 1 {TRADING "HARKS es The Ruling Prices tn Live Stoct nf ~ gma Breadstuffs, - * Jte Buffalo, W. Y¥., Dee. 15.--tiout Firm. Wheat-Spring dull; } Londo n, Trade in 'pulla was quiet, and prices cf the ght and mecivm ani-|to the owner. ere were tor the really good stu \lonver gtates of cattle were A ae tle agp f Uc 'reg'ected We iw t « re t 1 1 14 jc t pan; Trere are al tillery her hat -- $4.15 to $4.25 for strong bak-| par ; pees included, on the track To-/uary, 31s ron sa, f.dr.t., steam pasgage,:198 64; Millfocd--Ia monde at $17 for cars|prompt, 19s 3d; "December, 'January, of shorts) and $14.50 for bran in s 3d. bulk cast or middle freights. Mani- heen werp; Dec. 15.--Wheot, spot toba is steady at $20 for cars of |quict; No. 2 red winter, '17fr. Corn shorts and for bran, sacks. in-|--Spot atts American mixed, 19{fr cluded, Toronto freights. 9c. lour--Spot Minneapolis, 26fr. Barley--Is dull No. 2 is quoted | 8c. at 40c. No. 3 extra at 38c, and No Paris, Dee. 15.--Wheat, "tone quict Bor feed at 36c east or middle|at 20f 70c for yng 80c freights west. or March and ur--Tone Bu ae steudy at 44c for quot at 28f 80¢ iow Decentyer _ and No. 2 high freights west or nofth,|27f 95c for March and June. French country markets ® quist. CATTLE ) MARKETA. Toronto, Dec, 15.--Busdness In but- Corn--Is steady. Canada is quoted | chers' cattl was not grite 50 good ; t 46c for cars of new find now Am-j to-day, but prices soomed to be orican at 50}c for No. 3 yellow on staat maintained, Several loacs the track Toronto. Old American is| were left unsold. Sheep end lambs quoted at 534c for No. 2 yellow, 53c | cold well at previous quotetions. The for No. 2. mix iow, | run was 65 cars, contaiging 1.321 and 52c for No. 3 mixed on the track | cattle, 1, -- sheop and 1gmbs, Toronto. hogs, and 36 calver es . Oats--Aro steady at 28c for No. 1 In butehers descriptions tere were v 3 pao logs were strong, and the t prices would or tre Hoya iment came to Hall . 2 mix- Bar O.f.,; Sie? 'to 65c.-| Then Rye--Quiet; No. 1, bate: EUROPEAN GRAIN MARKETS. Dec. 15.--Wheat on pas- Sage quict, but steady. Corn on pas- sage, more offering. Wheat--Parcel No. 2 hard, December, 288 cel No. 1 northern "Manitoba; Jan- 44 ornate e Ode: , deep into his skull eralygis wag|No. 2 white are quoted at 27$c mid- the diract cause of his ceath in the | dle freight and 27c bid high freights | butchers' r? perating . the valves | | City Hospital, in Karsas City, the | wes elon ee then onc Sate ut | 'last bradawl having been a trifle too Gaimeni-te steady at $3.50 for | Steers aud belpers "c.f . long, enter se Peal ain. His con-|cars of bags and $3.70 for areal on on hago on sell for | stitution, we as it was b § doses cf strychnine and other ie. ace pene te ee ewe eae cctane, ger itt ene ee jones strong cnough to kill a coven , 0 Eee ot eee le! Bvdinaer dics ts dade eke Ke Poas--Are -- at 62c for No. but-he-s' * and e xport cows for pale ; s Vv weak, Too many of 20c at these for tho. damand have Secu |e aie 19¢ brought forward, and the market is |) 16$¢ 17% little congested on that account | Calves of choice veal qnalitv were | 16c 18¢ (4, demand, but the bulk pf these of- | 11c fered wore too young to Bult the re- | poor 10c 12c .qij.ements of the trade. The valves | Cheese--Continucs quict. Quotations were stro at $8.50 to $5.50 per: are steady at tljc for twins and llc} jewt. In a few cases $5.75 und $6 | for large. ald. r be 1 | lat 23c for strictly fresh gathered,| Cholco bitchess', svitable to the 2ic for ordina fresh gathered, 19c | wants ofthe trade, sold at Rood | to 20c for cold Storage, and 20c for figures, seferal Iots being dispose of | limed. at $¢.25 4:50 agit, ned, Potatoes--Continue unchanged and | Was paid fi a load ee ce arm fairly active, Cars on tho track here | were outsdd} the comm a nkely for | are quoted at 65c to 70c. Potatocs) jtie. and wonld i ago Sette | fout of store sell at 75c to 80c. rting. The a en wR Lord a, Shows What She Do Now, *| Mo "That there is room in Canada for an immonse development of th Palainig inate ustry will. readily be ad- country we "al- most entirely free from the ravages of those diseases which i ere 80 seriously with the profits-of the/Th sheep grower in 80) °o I " we grow i not available, roughage can usu and bran are* overywhere convenient grain feeds, while and be a also be provided in many locali- Unfortun: which may partially check by maintaining large flocks of sheep. It is said that 85. cent, of common weeds are readily eaten by sheep, sequently we find, as a general rule, that a sheep farm is a clean Sheep teouteve like all idee livo -- growers should-start out with duction of mutton for t foreign markets, with wool-growing merely as a side line. Tho breed chosen should be one adapted to THE PURPOSD IN VIEW, as well as one for which the farmer has a liking. In addition to this, it must be @ breed suited to the con- ditions of soil and climate prevail- ing in the locality. As a general rule the heavier breeds do best on mewhat lowlying or go el land, the lighter breeds prefer up- Connell in his excellent work on res 'ricultural Geology. fa purebred | uld buying was slow, and that in con- choose a popular breed or one ak COUNTRY PRODUCE. requence they lost money In 8 few ing in papularity, in order to be rea- _--Hanei instances. 'sonably sure of smand for his session Toe at oe cresuleon x A fas nquiry for feecers an'l . stock. Whether the flock pure- the turnipy taste is responsible for | Stockers "eonteaned, and beyers seid bred or grade, a knowledge of the very light percentage of really they would have taken on © than | anatomy of the sheep, and of the me- , alu neld stea choice lots. Quotations all round | ¥®5 oftere: Values he' y- _ 'thods of treating common disorders of sheep will prove of decided value Teadass of Gusiph Stock" Stew) ~| Jas. and con- | H. {BAIR} BUILDING CROWDED. || "gays: A lg a: ** eae Sh Pen,'" by John. Campbell, Woodeltie' a leece of Wool,".by David Rae, Guelph; "Pedi , What is it? DAD "H for Market," a Prof. G. E, Day 0.A.C.; "Requ ts of a Hog Pen, W. : ark, Canterbury, England; 'Selection' of Breeding Sows and St by J Grisdale, Ot- tatva; " " by Winners in the dairy cattle: --Short- horn edie 4 and 5, am, Suveibern helter, under 36 C. Graham, Ailsa Craig; 3, L. ede ee Ayrshire cow, 36 is and o 1. and J. Me- wa; 3, Dyment, Clappinson 'Ayrshire 'hei- fer, under 86 months--1 and 3, J Clark, Ottawa; 2 Dyment, Clap- cow, 36 months . Rettle, . Rice , Currio' s Cros- Holstein heifer, under 36 Jas. Rettic, Norwith; 2, D. Ede, Oxford Centre; 3, 4, and 5, Geo co, Curric's Crossing. Grade cows, 86 months d over--1 . McDougall, Guelph. heifer, under 86 months--1, Alex. McDougall, Guelph; 2, P. D. Oxford Centre. Holstein cows, and over--1, 2 and 4, | Jas. Rettie, Norwich; 3, Geo Currie's Crossing. Holstein under 36 months--1, Jas Rett sal 2, P. D. Ede, Oxford Cen- tre and 4, Geo. Rice, Currie's Scale CARCASE COMPETITION. In the dressed c se competition awarded as 'p orrest: Ss In starting a flock, only healthy, obust ewes should be sclected, and! all of them d owe the farmer is crossing some special purpose and does not intend to retain the progeny for | i breeding. Each year the ewes should | | ibe carefully weeded out, only the jen joing retained; too many Canadian | farmers in the past have followed ex- "a actly the opposite course. allowing | buyers to pick out the best specimens | and retaining only the cull females | By following the aya-| it knows that the prese ofa in a lot of animals ciwayal b Proves an obstacle to a sale at a remunerative price: therefore great paing should be taken to have the 'flock of 'other aatmate, should be attach- ' their houses in every c to al- exercise. o much confinement overwarm. illy-ventilated or draft- stables is fatal to success with eep. On the other hand, ble quarters, ding, plenty of pure water and a ficiency of salt will go far to en- re their successful wintering and istrong crop of lambs in thesgor ing. ry careful attention must given lambing time, but at other sea- 8 capa aig little time need t in 1} ng after the flock, few lots ar coming fo but 150 ie, - they are generally in poor condition. ear : 1,000 te ue e YNIFORMITY GOOD QUALITY. | Prices are steady at Tic to 8c per | en 90 1, $4.20 fat um Good, comfortable, roomy -- she /P und for chickens, ce to 9c for | 4, * o $3.85; cq n, $2. weit ae for the cold and ~oome | | ducks, Jc to Be for geese, 10¢ to 12¢ | are necessary. These need | for turkeys. and 6c to 6$c for old be expensive, eo should be, fowls. | fn ventilated, free from drafts, and! Dressed Hogs.--Car lots of select | gf uated on dry ground. A large ls yard, art from that occupied | nfortunately, there which tend praising , the wholesale adulteration lines of eve! growin ntton sheep in many districts which otherwise well suited to the busi- iss. That Icgislation is necded to tect the sheep breeder from these Is can scarcely be doubted. ay SEVERED ARTERY. nflishman Commits Suicide ,of Va ' cabin, H. Dedels, and So ,Ga Three grado or cross dressed j care. 1, , eros and Son, ' Streetavitlc: 2, Currie, Morriston; '8, A. E. mincte. and Son, Galt; 4, SCORES PERISHED. Further Details of Disaster to Greek Steamers. ' _ despatch from Patras says :-- Ver disastrous was tho collision which took plue Greek ti Assos, j-lving between the Piraeus and Krav a is alleged that, reck wii channel cites to the port The 'ced the acs nite os "ihe Pylarus in tke the stern almost immecéiately. Fhe large lors of life first report- thirty-five in number--h est news, and it possibly does not exceed twenty, although it #3 diffi- cult to obtain a correct list third-class passengors, are not book- d before Several ter of St aura, Doncan, is amo the lost. 'The reported suicide of the nd officer, who was in charge of the vs is Auge ea confirmed, Greek Government has sent d other assistance the bo ships being held for an investigation. --_4----_--_ ORDERED A MURDER are Italian Penge them Foiled i On Scheme A despatch from Rome Panic :--One of the strangest of crimes had a most dramatic solution ns | Thuraday morning. young m a millionaire of Milan, the Chevatier Angelo Verchio, an or- gaiiver of sporting shows, to his villa, outside of Milan, on the pre- text that Beretta examine sume . ol: jictures. Once there Beretta was seized and bound and obliged, with a revolver pointing at his bead, to make a will leaving his fortune to ppear. . Thursday it was learned that echio had committed suicide poting. ae DRINK AND MURDER. pasles Are Fast Destroying Esquimauz. despatch' from Ottawa says :-- Hquor obtained by.tte Esqui- ie the yen of many murders ot a ecason Pp two oe three being killed ear, The following.is the list. of prize- wr ilsa |formally abandoned a outpost li 0 Pylarus = cs facilities. a ee Farts of the Globe, : "Mai Roig ta da, t apanese was hanged at t. Vancouver oa Praag within = empire. The treasury at Ottawa recoived $29,166,903 during tke five months ended Nov. 30, an increase of $3,< 262, 328, over the samo period last . M. 8. Flora which went ashore last week on Denman Island, B. O., been- floated and taken to Ea uimalt graving dock, The Northwest Mounted Police has on the Dalton trail, as a consequence of the award of the Alaskan Boundary T 27 & Groat Northern Railway of ces will remove its lead o from Quebec to Montreal, and tha ire agement of the road and ita subsidiary companies wiil be cir- ected from the latter city. FORBIGN- The King of Italy has givon $2,- 000 for the relief of the Macedorian arg A party of French pa: liementarians -- eri it Washington, and a et mevicans may return the wiry thres per cont, of tha Italian nation cannot read nor write. Sal- aries of Public ocnoct Saati de not averago $160 jury in Cadillac, Mich. found Mrs. oning her brother, John she was sentenced to life imprison ment. Goncral Macarthur of the United ad i officially asked for an plana A thief 'hurled a stone ers the Kostk lai window cf B. H. wel- lery stove at St. Louis, 7 tray of diamond rings, vetoed at $6,000, and escape Three men were Killed, one was hurt and Boston and New Y¥ were seriously shaken up Sunday in a rear-end col 'ision The commercial treaty between the United States a ma, soon to be signed at Washington, will it is ox- d, add _ ons of dollars to American tr Miss Ki'cen. 'Sine lair, of Sullivan, Ind., wh was ov erpowered iy unruly pupils, tied to a log trough laced for two hours in a pond being above ce, wore o rants fer assault and battery acclant six children a ANOTHER WINTER FAR. Will Be Held in the Eastern Patt of the Province. The success of tho Provincial Win- ter Fair in the West has aroused 60 much interest throughout the agricul- 'anal community of the province that has been decided to extend the te by holding a similar exhibition n the Eastern portion of the Prov- thi urpose the Ontario it has in ce. For P 4 pro- vided $3,000 to be spent in holding a show Kee the east during the com- ing win An mtuitinn run along the line of can be done with proper The City of Ottawa has decided td for will be ample cattle, Sheep and swine, in the main room with special stab- ng wait will do their part cal lectures ling properly heated for dairy cat- tle. al for cooling and eee the dresse care x try will have ac- commodation in a eC ighted ex- hibiting room in tho second storey. While no cfort will be spared to ako _ the exhibition in all Gepart- as large as pos- lecture res, breeding, feeding and ee live stock and poultry. These be be a tae with live ahingie essed 2s. This course will be followod in all departments. is is the main object of holding the exhibition--the dissemination of practical information t is these features which have made the Guelph show what it is and it is these fea- tures -- will make the castern show of tical value to the agri- aig Senne in that portion of the province. The prize list and classification as arranged last year will probably be use prizes are append large to induce exhibitors to pre; for the exhibition, and it is oved that as Many as sible in the eastern portion of the province will take sufficient interest in the show to > se in a the exhibition is held will me to the exhibition the manage- having delivered to them by national experts in the particular department they represent. maaan. TEE sh Econ omic Asso. atin emigration For robelling mn , 36 Sepoys in Cabul have been put: to death In on all the troops aw The