Listowel Standard, 5 Feb 1904, p. 1

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> Miia Mal te te ee a Listowel toa 8 VOL. XXVIL--NO. 52 wea | 'Walter Bros. » Listowel's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Store. een ae a ¥ Rit tht et -- ea ae ee ee Stock-Taking is Completed. a a Se EUS tl ae aE a a ee ee | ee We are proud to say we have-had a 'very suc- cessful year, Our buying and selling has proved beneficial to us,and to every customer who found his way to this store. We are now ina position to , offer you > GREAT REDUCTIONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Customers coming to town Se en ae ee a eee FRIDAY Fair Day, SATURDAY --CR THE-- --e a } . y j Will make no mistake by making it thetr busi- ness to call and see what they can buy for Sa Oe ld 2 good ee ee Hats for.... $1.00 1.00 2 good pairs of Shoes for ......... 20 yds. of good Flannelette for.. 12 lbs. of good Coffee for 3 wool Undershirts for..... errr 3 pair Drawers for............... 4 pair Lace Curtains for it ee ee te te ee All heavy Goods, Overcoats and Furs to be cleared out AT COST. 'WALTER BROS, SIGN OF THE ELEPHANT. ; se cme conidia aanlatna, at | -G 1 i= , 4 j |. vi LISTOWEL METHODIST CAURCH. J. H, Orrvgs, . SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH, 1904 ll a, m.-- Rev, John MoDengall, D. D. and Pastor. . 7 p.m.--Rev, John MoDengall, D, D. and Pastor. Love feaut at 108 m --) hol Lord's Supper at close of morning se! Bl amie all who desire to worship w TOWN TOPICS, Good perty for sale in town for or scubsaes for farm, Apply to N. Sd Show the boys you sppreciate their good playing by aan: the game to-night, Boy Waytep--To learn ~ ate busi- ness. Apply to R. T. Kem Mre. T, A. Mason 'nd son Jamen, of town, were renewing scquaiotances on eee and Sunday in Wallace. tors from the West willdo well to call Fe Seaton, Listowel's tailor and men's furnisher. measores kept for reference. Verily thie is the winter of our dis- ' content, the like of which we hope ne'er to see again.--Shakespeare down to date. Mr. B. Witter offers either one of his red brick houses on Wallace street for sale _-- & rough cast-house, in firat-class re pair. Mr. Benjamin Jarrett of Calgary, Alta., arrived in town on 'Tuesday visit friends io and around Listowel for @ month Come tuo the New Bakery in Welch's old stand for the best Home-Made Bread ani Buns, Zcrerico Bros., Main 8! Fe = The ice harvest is nowon. What's the matter with starting a soow har- vest? The "crop" ie an inexhaustible one. Mr. K. MacDonald, sepracmntiog the Basle Courier, spent part o} dayainet week in town in the interast of that jou Mr. Frank Nichol and Miss Laura Nichol! have been the guests of their aunt, Mrs. D. Watson, Elma street, for the past week. Bs wea Mra. Morton Elliott of Var- ue spending part of their honey- 'ate 8 Listowel, the gueste of their sont, Mrs. W. L. Kelle. Mr ©. J. a see Church, and teach » limited 2 of Christ will receiv; pe The Brant Board of Health he¥e appointed Dr. Tatham of Oargill as their Health Offeer. The Board have shown good wisdom in giving the Dr. this appointment as he isa very efficient pbysician.-- Bruce d, al en aly | -- -- i Robert Thompson | | People's Cash Store | Great Sale of AND | Heavy Clothi Furs | ing. ; } This is an 'opportunity which comes to you just once a year. you these f.nest productions of the makers at prices, which in the end. Every garment is guaranteed first class and we are \ make them the cheapest. We offer } ) determined to clear out every Fur Garment and Overcoat during the next four ) weeks if possible, MEN'S FUR COATS. : roe © cows aera. s MG Hawe Te Yaw we .¢ BRocsian Oi Catt oats, 23.00, 25.00, 1 Wallaby CO 'WOMEN 8 FUR J AOKETS, } { rachan in the long, medium and © hort lengths[23,00. eat en i 1 Bochanan Jacket... Renee SMALL FURS My et in Sable, Mink, Sable, s maartste Seal and Lamb, the price ranges from 1.25to .... ersian Lamb Colnttets 3 60 CReewe coeeee weeees recast rovtas does Tandiee' Cloth J ackets af less than cost, { ¢ OVERCOATS. f te) for Men or physi in all sizes and styles to suit everyboy. { verogats Be enwinE ranging Psa Hyd ZO QO ik haaaas Ewenmcsa sew Koaees Tose vee } Come and Have a Look at Our Remnant Tables l f Highest Price paid in Caeh or trade for all Farm Produce. } R. Thompson, Sign of } Golden Lion pros | tps Count {ied oreet Secgat Gaa ied at fan' ee i 6 Th to-night, 'ue _W..M. Bro' mM. D., an at the GrandOe el, Listowel, on Tuesday Feb, 9th, from Gem. w.6 p m » for conaui- tation in Eye, Nove and Throat Mise Mary". Feulkoer of the Mornington returaed home trom Yotkton, foun e abe epent the past the best 7 Zonsaxicc Bios. Welch's old stand. Mr. W.H. Martin of New York, son of the late tin, 'was in town over Suoday. pumereen friends here were pl to see bim looking well. $ The sjoareed avnoal meeting of the Oausdian Chair Co., of Lis- towel, porn ee Il be held in the om- are ae thie Friday evening as 8 o'oloo Miss Draper, formerly of the teach- ing staff of the Ldstowel Public Scho>l, ie spending a» few. weeks with friends in town She is the guest of Miss Kidd, Main street. Mr. A, Maodonald bas olosed his clothing aud geut's furnishing store on lace street, the balance of the stock haviug been shipped to his store in Stratford. The Penetanguishene Herald thinks that if the Grand Trunk could put ite assenger coaches ou runners 'and ite locomotives on efowshoes mich trou- ble with the weather would be avoided. The Listowel Burnitare Co., Limit- ad, will hold its anooal meetiog in the mpavy's office 'on Wednesday vext, lob inst., at8 p.m. The factory has bed a su ncoesefal Year, and a good show- ing ie looked for. Mr. Wo. Bradley, who has carried on a grocery business here for many years, bas closed his store, and we are mcery to ares is in financial difficul- es, The stock, we understand, has been sold to Vandrick Bros, Mr. Wm. Hess, head of the Hesa Forniture Co. of Bracebridge, spent Sutarday and Sunday in "eg -- guest of his daughter, Mre. H. B. Mor- phy. The Bracebridge factory is one of the most complete furniture factor- ies in the Dommiou, and is run by mani vomongsr.--}), \; Watson, anc ivneer 'Pieh,: to,at- and Asan band travelion knowing the "value of panda, I will be able vo give iny customers satiafaction. ere left at d or ner office, or with Frank Watson at ih grocery store, will be A pt attended tu. DN. Brnin conldn't very = see hie shedow on Tuesday, hich was Oandlemas day ; pevertheless it is not safe to bank on an early epring. It is just possible that his bearebip pre- ferred bybernating in hie hollow tree antil this Alaskan wioter is past fore coming forth to make his wea- ther observations, Merrinas Cancetuep, -- The North Perth Farmers' Institue meetings have been oancellei forthe winter, owing to the blockade. An attempt was made to hold a meeting at Gowanstown on Tuesday afternoon. Abont twenty farmers were present, and one apeaker, Mr. Elliott of Galt, was ou hand and delivered an address on How to main- tain the fertility of the soil. The even- ing meeting at Listowel, also the meet- ings for Atwood, Milverton and other pointa, were cancalle The remains of the late Oliver Ham- mond, son-in-law of Mr. Adam Hess of Palmerston, were brought to Ligto- wel on Tuesday afternoon and interred in Fairview cemetery, the funeral bav- ing been held until the arrival of de- oeased's brother from Regina, N. W. T. Mr. Theo. Hess of Chicago was aleo iu attendance at the funeral. Mrs. Ham- mond has the sympathy of ber Listo wel friends in ber bereavement. A more extended notice of Mr. Ham- mond's death is given under Palmer- ston news in another ocolamn, Soup His Baxery.--Mr. Wm. Welch has sold ont the bakery business to Mr. H. Zurbrigg . Femecvion, on his brother, Mr, M. Zurbrigg of Wal- lace. The business vit be continued ander the name of Zurbrigg Bros., nd as Mr. Henry Zurbrigg is an ex- perienced baker, the new firm will po doubt give good satisfaction to their oustomers. Mr. Welch, who has re- cently beep promoted to the position of inspector for the Exoelsior Life Ins. Oo., will give bis attention to his insurance business and to auotioneer- ing. DearH or Ma Gtonce Avens.-- After f some months with stomach Orange In politics he was a Con- servative, on Sunday ; service at the house at |. O'slook, Interment at Fairview fun- eral will be vonducted by the Urangemen ap The.interment iook place ago | brethren in celebrating at fee and cake. Orches- tra in attendance. oF Miss Inwixn--Op Satar- any, 80 80th ult., Mies Martha Victoria Irwin, daughter of Mra. David Irwin, Albert street, passed away io her 85th he She hed been in poor bealth or *ome months, suffering from a can- pion growth in her throat, which medical skill could not snocéssfully combat. Her death was a happy re- lease from suffering. The deceased waoasister of Mra. James Davidson, town, and of Mr. Wm. Irwin, prioter, Toronto, The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to Palmerston ceme- tery. SvoorsarcL Sare.--Mr. 0. W. Cos- ens' auction sale of farm stook, eto., which took place on Monday on the farm, lot 84, 2nd conceesion Grey, was highly snocessful. In spite of the cold day there was a good crowd of buyers present and bidding was epirit- Horsea went from $75 to $150, dairy cows from $36*to $47, young cattle fetohed equally good prices, and the farm implements also sold well. The vale realized abont $1,600. Wn Welch was auctioneer, and the expeditious manner in which he weld- edtbe hammer and the good prices epeak well for his ability in that line. be Dest or Mz. Jonn Herneninaton. +On Friday Inet Mr. Jobn Hethering. too passed away at his home in Glad- atone ward, in hie 61st year. He bad been iv bis usnal health up to a couple of mooths ago, when he received a slight stroke, from the effects of which be only partially recovered. A second attack followed some two or three weeke ago, since which he had grad- ually grown worse until the end came. The deceased waso noxtive of Lanark county, and had been a resident of Listowel for about twenty-five years, daring most of which time he had fol- lowed his trade as a carpenter. He was aD tndustrioas and good living man, and was member of the Bap. tist Church, in 'Wiieh he took an active interest. @ leaves a wife aud grown to Fairview cemetery. Sonu Reorran.--There was a very fair attendance at MoDonald's Masic ball on Monday evening, considering iog the severe weather, and it is not over-atating it to say that the andience wae much pleased with the excellent entertainment provided by Mies Ade- line Smith aod the "outside talent" who assisted ber in. her song recital. Miss Smith, whore soprauo voice is always pleasing, was in excellent voice and savg with more than her uenal fervor and sweetness. Of her several vambere, 'Angels' Serenade" and "Spring Song," with violin obligato, were especially impreesive. Mr. Ar- thor Ostler, violinist, treated the aadience to some very fine music, which was thoroughly appreciated. It was his first appearance in Listowel, and the impression which be made was certainly favorable. Mies Robertson, -» Rave Feveral well rendered piano selections. Misa Monteith, of Hamilton, and Miss Newccambe, ac- companiete, contributed not a little to the artistic and well conduoted pro- gramme. TO CELEBRATE 12TH JULY IN LISTOWEL. North and South Perth County Orange Lodges so Decide at their Annual Meetings. Considering the almost blocked roads and rongh weather, the attend- ance at the anoual meeting of North Perth County L. O. L., held here on Tuesday, was good, representatives being present from the three diutricte comprising the Oounty lodge, namely, Eima, Wallace and Mornington. County Master Thos. Crnickshanke was present and opened the meeting short- ly after 10 o'clook, when business was proceeded with. The election of offi- cers resulted in the re-election of near- y all the old offloers, as follows: County Master, Bro. Thos. CUraiok- sbanks ; D. O.M., Bro. 8. 8. Rothwell; Reo. Seo'y, Bro. Wm. Graham ; Fin. Seo'y, Bro. Roland Wilson: Treasurer, Bro. Wm. Welch ; Chaplain, Rev. Bro. C. 8. Buokland ; D. of C., Bro. Joseph Walker ; Lecturers, Bros. Wm. White and Adam Strong. After hearing the report of the local committee having the celebration of the Boyne Anniver- sary in hand, the Connty Lodge un- animouely decided to celebrate the coming 12th July in Listowel. While the lodge was iu session a telegram was received from St. Mary's stating that the OGounty L. O. L. of Sonth Perth bad accepted the invitation sent them and would join the North Perth towel. The local lodge has met with excellent success in securing funds to meet ex- penses of the celebration, over $200 baving already been eubscribed. Some of the Connty and District lodges of rater ia - Wellington are expected to join oslebration here, which pr ois be on a larger vosle than any previous 12th. Listo- wel has been noted in the past for making things -- for the Orange bretbrep, and the demonstra- tion will be no exception. 'All will be AGAIN BLOCKED. Train Service Once More at a . tandstill, After the experience of a week ago, aud the railway lines having all been opened again for traffic, it war hoped that they would be kept open for the balance of the winter. But all calculations appear to be wide of the mark in thie altogether exceptional winter, The great depth of snow when forced off the tracks by the enow- plows hed left a wall on either side pearly all along the lines, and in many places the banks were from "four to eight aud even ten feet high. Satar- day and Sunday's storm filled thear ap agaiv, and notwithstanding efforts which the G R. bas been making to keep the lines open with snow-plovs and moyel engines, it bar been unable todo so. No sooner has the snow-plow gone through than the snow rolls back on the track and blooks it up again. Monday night's train for Kincardine reached here a-, ba atonly got as far as Wingham when it wan etalled. It was Wednesday evening before it got back again to Listowel. The Owen Sonnd train got through to Stratford Tuesday afternoon. These have been the only traioa through here for the past three days, and the prospects for traffic be- ing resumed for another day or two are pone too bright, the storm Tues- day night and Wednesday iuoreasing the difficulty. While the blocking of the mail and passenger trains is a great inoonveni ence, the suspension of the freight rervioe is adownright hardship. er- chants are running short of supplies, 'the stock of ooal oi] iu town being al- most exbauated, while sugar, meal,etc., are also getting low. The coal deal- eare fortunately have ocnowiderable yer on hand, but the wood supply ia de- pendiug entirely upon the farmers, with very little coming in over thr couutry roads, which are iu mapy places two and-three feet higher than the fences, and a single track at that, making it almost impossible for teams to pass each other. To look for a thaw uoder present conditions would, it is feared, be a change from very bad to infinitely worse. PIANO CO. ANNUAL MEETING. Name to be Changed to Morris Piano Company. The annual gene. a! mee of, th sbarctioldens of va! Rpeiing Feild Ro Co., Ltd., was beld in the Company's offices on Tnexday eveniug, eae Qod, at eigbt o'clock, Mr J. W. Scott, President of the Oom- pany, occopied the chair and called on the Secretary-Treasurer, who present- ed the annual report of the Directors. The adoption of the report wax moved by the President, who spoke of the sound fioancial standing of the Com- pany, and stated to the rbarebulders thut the board bad oe as Gereral Manager Mr. C. Thornton, whom he felt quite eatiofied would prove that the jadgment of the board iu engaging him had not been misplaced. Mr. Thoroton was well-known to the trado and thoroughly conversant with the piano business, and wonld, no doubt, carry on the business tu the satixfav- lion of the sharebolders, He alxo spoke of the epgagement of Mr A. E Windsor, of Pittsburg, Pa., as factary- superintendent, who was a thoroughly practical man in the maoufactaring department, and that, with every facil- ity for the conducting of the business, he had vo doubt regarding the suc- ceseful fnture of the Company. Io ~ 5 gre of the Vice-President, Mr. pbell, r. B. F. Brook seconded the wr edoption of the repurt, and spoke very hopefully for the future of the Company under the pew management, Mvsere, A. St. George Hawkins, J. Seburger and T. L. Ham- ilton also spoke of the good fnaucial position that the Company was in, aud of the satisfactory appointment by the board of the General Mauager and Superintendent. Mr, Tbornton, the Geveral Muvuger, was called apoo pi the ou t excellent plant and eqnipurent, ay stated that he had po besitation re- garding the success of the busioess, The shareholders carried ont the recommendation of the Directors to have the name of the Company chang- ed from the Morris, Feild, Rogers Co., of Listowel, Ltd,, tothe Morris Piano Co., Ltd. The election of Vireotors for the next year resalted in the old board being re-elected ; W. BSoott, D. D. Campbell, Brook, T. L. Hamiltoao, J. Bebnrger, Dr. Nichol, aod D. L. Scott. At the meeting of the board beld afterwarda, Mr. J. W. Soott was elvoted President, and Mr. D. D, Campbell Vice-Pres- ident. HOCKEY. Listowel . Juntors Defeat London and Head of District. London Hortons aod Listowel team came together io the frat ronud of the Janior O. H. A. matches on Friday night laat in the Listowel rink, with o result very similar to all the hockey games played here this winter, the home team doing nearly all the ecor- ing and the visitors barely escaping be- ing shut out. The ecore at helf time stood 7 to 0 in Listowel's favor, and fiuished 16 to 2.. The Hortons put up a bard fight, but a t stand Listo- wel's rashes. The home team has alao improved areas ia ite combination work and puts up a geme that ehoald jand itin the floals. Friday night's weloomed 'and plenty 'of room and provision provided, -| bad cut over the eye, Mr. Heyd of nto was inted official referee, bot his train did vot-reach here antil. the game wae well advanced, a bix place war taken by Mr. J. Se Mey. ere. Following was the line up + Londun-- Goal, Reynolds ; point, Young ; cover-point, Evans ; forwards, Carruthers, Abrabam, Arthore, Powell, Listowel -- Goal, panes Point, eyers ; cover-point, wards, Taylor, Hacking, "rook. Hay. The return game with the Hortung was tv have been played at London Wednesday night, but owing to the blockade on the railway had todpe oall ed off. As London is out of the That Listowel baa the district wor shown by th: standing of the teams : - To 'on. Lost. pi Listowel..,.....,... 5 2 arid Stratford ..,.. weve § 8 Woodstock . 4 : 3 London (Hortons) . 2 4 Ingersoll 4 NORTHERN LEAGUE GAME TO-NIGHT, The second game in the Northern League will be played in the rink here to-vight between the Kincardine Inter- mediate O. H. A. team and the fast Listowel JnniorO. H A team. Every citizen sbould avail themeelves of the opportunity of seeing the fastest gume of the season, Admission 15cte, Gallery 10cts extra, Cer ee me A STRANGE EXPERIENCE. Was John Doig Drugged and Robbed ? He Drove from Fordwich to Listowel Two Weeks Ago, and After Sell- ing Hie Horse, He Disappeared, Torviog Up Nive Days Later in a Semi-Conscious State and His Money Gone, Thie seldbburbeod bas been con- siderably excited uver the strange ex- pericooe of Jobo Duig of Fordwich, rou of Mr. Andrew Doig of Howick, who to all appearances was droge aed and robbed while away from home. Ou Tuesday, 19th January, he drove to'Listowe! aud sold his horse \o Mr, Henry Zion of Wallace, who ee him $76 io cash, the traveaction akivg plice iv one of the town hotels, itr. Zino ct the time told Doig that he could take the bores bome and he would go to Fuordwich aud get him, Doig, bowever, said tout he inte ded woiug back by traia aod would leave the outier "did, com', beiug left with Me fens Bubinson. Duig remuioed io town that night, -toppivg at the Gravd Central, aod in the morving took the bns for the station, He was all right aud peer ly sober when he left, and had hig money with him, considerably over & buudred dollars, he baviog had quite a som ou bim wheo be left bome, Toe train fur Stratford waa the onl train unt that duy and he ie believed 2 8g a ----* rough, --yeti~ to bave got aboard it, although it was gviog in an opposite dircction to his home. In explapativo of hie boarding the traiu for the south, be had said -- something to Mr. Zion abont going | to Galt, and it is supposed that when be left here he intended to go there, bnt that he reached Galt is somewhat donbtful, Nothiog definite is _yet kuowo of bis whereabonts for nine dayx after he was last seen here. On Friduy morving of last week, betwoen 2 und 3 o'clock, he turned up at his brother's home, Andrew Doig, who lives a mile ar two westuf Molesworth. Wheo let in be was in a stupor and nuable to give auy explanation of his condition, or bow he got there, As he remained in @ semi conscious stata, his brother came to town on Friday for a physiciau, aud to make enquiries abont him. The family had become very anxious over his long absence, and the condition he wae-foavd to be in on his returo did not allay their avxisty. In the opinion of bis medical attendant he had been duped with Bae probably morphine, and as hie mopey wus all gone it ia supposed that be bad been robbed. He 19 thought to have been under the iofluencs of the drag for some days before he turued up, and bas remained in about the same cundition up to the present, At times he talke incuberently, and appears to fear being locked up some- where. Jo bis mutteriugs be bas said sumetbiog about Surnia and Wyoming, wheuasked bow he reached bis brother's place, he said he got off the train at Listowel and waiked there. This, however, is doubted, as itis not oon- sidered possible that he could bave wale abont eight miles in his etupified condition. It ie thought more prob- able that be was driveu to bis broth- er's, and if so, by whum ? Evidently by some person who is acquainted with bim and witb the neighborhood, It is hoped that be will eoop regain his senses and be able to clear up the mystery surroundiog hie strange ex- perience. Mr, Doig had a new pair of shoes, number sixes, and a christie stiff hat with bim on returning to bie beother's, which may help to unravel' the mystery. ~PEFFERS. Mr. and Mre. J. Whaley of Milver- ton visited Mr. Jobn Freeman's McKioley, who underwent ab operation aoleprt time ago for the remaval of » oancer, is, we are pleased to lrarn, impruriog rapidly. Owing to weet fever our echoul is closed at present, Mrs. Hy. Prffors bas. retarned home after npevdiug a few days with ber mother, Mrs. Hamiiwa of Carthage. mishaps ar two of the Hortons ra cari ; Brook aleo got a Kincardine Loteratediate O, GW. A. team vs Listowel Junior O, H. A. team: at rivk to-night. the gaine 'should be cancelled for cot *

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