Listowel Standard, 5 Feb 1904, p. 6

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« he Dine. "comparis son with t Tee _ RVERYDAY 4 AILMENTS. 'Almont Invariably the Result © of Poor Blood or Weak Nerves. -- Iiqour health is sa egae ,» ho this varie should interest you. Auk atty doctor and he tell you that most of tho hich en and case athe trguble may only be making a owing itself in a tired feeling, a derangement of the diges- tion, perhaps an occasional headache or a feeling of nervor . These toms are too cn feilowed by a complete breakdown of the kh th. In 'such .cases* there sis medicine which wili bring back henlth und quickly as Dr. Williams' nds of weak and owe -- their increased Theso strength as Pp. Pil w od health and to this medicine. pills ris se new, rich red bl attered nerves. is Seg whole secret of the wonderful | Ruccess of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis. sors is a bit of strong proof. Mrs. . Clark. sr., Boston, Ont., ys :--"I suffered o groat dea! from @ coniplication of troubles; rheuma- tism, liver trouble and pains about heart all adding to my misery, Pili ams eee a tr inl, rine with the fiamns' Pink on the wrapper '. coubt "send direct Dr, mailed at 50 cents a box or six post | boxes for $2.50.. 50. TICKS OF F THE HB PENDULUM pega OF THE DIFFERENCE TY THE sOUNDS. * 'Berlin Psychologist Tinds There I eason for ?@.:ythinic Beating. Tick-tock, that familiar sound nc- companying the eine of the pe dultun of every clock § "been made the subject of an inveresting investi- gation Rosenbach, a Berlin psy hologist. While studying the pe- culiarities of the sounds produced by the pulsations of the human heart the irregularity of the heart, heats and their prenounced rhythniie char- neler suggested to the observer a the clock's -- tick- oc ek. lic fet abo to ascertain the cnuse of the iene in the ticks of the pendulwm, but neither »: Hentists nor layinen, neither clock-makers nor : _Sonteary to the general opinions, | ettok"' sound is not higher than yrs "tock," but lower. In some stances, fi ' y | large clocks, terval is nearly a quart. The illusion which the **tic! to be of a higher tone than the '*tock" *. by the fact that the former is sharper and more accentuated than the creel shorter duration in produc "tick" than in the "tock" which caused by the vibration of a larger part of the cog, struck at an obli- que angle. "T" PRECEDES "0." Not satisfied with DAving at Inst ascertained the causes of the differ- 'ence in er acoustic eropectiog of the **tick'" a} the "tock,"' Dr. Rosen- 'bach desired to find out why the sounds accompanying the beats of the pendulum by common usa is no noticeable difference in the 'length of the beats of the pen- dulum, there isno rhythmical reason | for beg sinning with the "lick" instead the "tock.' oT he const anes that it AROS TIEAL OE camo to the word combita- tio tick-tock is simply an imita- tive. onomatopoetical expres.ion, coin after the manner of many tilar words in different languages. pret ge bes era that mg geen sou n pit a pat, tit for tat, tip ptop, r riftratt knick- knacks, teviktrack, pickpocket, sing- song. GREATER EFFECTIVENESS, ogical reason a tl opinion that the order was dictat by considerations of a physiological and psychological nature Tie tieves. that. the syllable with the "i" sound is placed first, because the eoispinadion in that order is easier to. pronounce and 2 es eh greater ee effectivene The "i be ing of a more eaplonive = acter is i Tat for the "'a" o and for that reason is selected as thn vowel of the accentuated first syllable. That in pronouncing the combina- tion the ick s given a higher tone than the 'tock,' although, ac- | cording to the sounds of the clock's pendulum, of which the word is imitation, it should be the opposite way, is accounted for, in osen- bach"s opirien net only by the gen- eral illusion that the "tick" of the pendulum is really higher than the "tock," but-also by the desire t make the first s) able acoustic ally as effective and incisive as possible. os BABY"S DANGER. Ti fact that se-calle] soothing medicines put children to sleep is no " - HARMONY IN FLOWERS. Bonquets for. "Every Little Cere-' mony in Jupan. AYS which are Sacreteay prohibited esthetic custom. A writer tells the flower customs : There are ehh atyles of ee Babine has a name, and ing flowora Serre o earning. which to put flowers or twigs are of infinite variety, and harmony between the vase and the flow is one of the There is and for gach circumstance, happy o and for the ceremonies which are an it would be - sorloue mistake to use| the wrong The place sine a bouquet should kakemono or painting .which orna- ments every well-furnis] ed room in a The : t of gees ver is not h or "to chance: but BE sae about it ib governed by artistic laws. There are certain Lah which are used }- er fete-days rtain others egra part of Japanese life, and for which |go¢ years before There are Wane 'Witnesses ites Mrs. Adams' and Cure. ~ She Surely Hod 1 Riignt's Disease in its Very Worst Stages. And Just as Surely was Complete- ly Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Burk's Falls, Ont., Fe Feb. a 'S --Lrs. omus Adams, Gonine. wood, whose ps a are ous 1c covery pistes Bright's 'Disease in worst stages has caused a sensation in he medical world, is well known in. Burk"s Falls. she resided here removing to Collin wood, and it that she was. stricken with the ter- rible disease that sweeps so many in- to the grave Mrs. Adams has many friends still liv: ving in Burk's Malls, and they well e should a" ween the pic-) Thus, before | every painting by the famous arcist | Yoemmei, who loved ¢hrysanthemums ; should be placed a vase of these | owers. Pe is not consider hag! beg taste to! of flowers. | Thres fect in a rospedthal distance | from which to admire it. Appro- bation should be expressed in a low voice, simply and quietly, the color of the flowers beg first touchod upon, and dilflere' ressions being suited to different. tints, . eet MARVELS OF RADIUM. Distinct , Types celia From the Substan The interest in the strange proper- ty possessed conspicuously by such substances as uranium, thorium, and radium of giving off spo ontaneously radiations Uiat penetrate solid bor- ies and ¢ photographic plates | is kept at a high pitch i Three by freqrvent ; a observations and discoveries. BE. Rutkerford,. of McGill Univer 'sity, Montreal, has enumerat~ ed three distinct types of radia Hon | emanating from the substances question. The first be calls. the atpet® ha rays, which consists of flights of | material live electric very high velocity; the heta rays, apparently the vacuum tubes, and the which are very In -nddition, stances fourth emanation, be matter the gaveous stx »ieun be carried along by air atreams. --4---- -- DIDN'T SELIEVE. That Coffee Was in Real Trouble. Some people founder around = and take everything that' recommended to them, but finally Gnd out that cof- owners of clocks were able to five . him the desired information. Some pce Resear a sat ful, On the scientists considered the matter a8 ince" y ; Se Mh il eae sound Cis- too tris 'al aes unimportant to give oe ree Mi Ene AEA ene has it onus reht, while others ex- on merely drugged into fesuniaty aaassaas cei: s ii that the eieo! nsepsibility, the seat of the trouble primer al the 'hn ef . Recall as not been reached Fcail rive a = a eiier ie ™ obit ano obdaté except unter the te Wat hid exe of a cou aye tent Phyed- uae a chs rember that all 'sooth . ing ibs eoutess of dates. When = : sour tittle one is mot well, when it ; iy ' a8 t fhas any litth: stemoch or bowel (ert pis aii | trouble, or any the nina of the pomlulum or vice Vversn. ments of little ones pive tt Tate's "FICK IS RIGHT BEAT. Own Tablets, and it will be safe Dr. Rosenbach was not satisfied | This medicine is sold uncer a puar- rich the information obtained and antec that it contains no opinte or devided to investigate the protien | Harmful drug. Ask any mother who on fis own account The first im-; bas used this medicine and she will! portant pir rery he made was that f tell you how her little one has{ he tick" viys marks the mom | thrived and grown well and hed mt when the pair In reaches the ; after taktig the Tablets i 1 strom point of denot: ition from the derperm pa ular on iis beat to right, while the reaching of its swing imi to the left is marked by the tech. He found that rule ap- | pliod to all clocks, irrespective of | their size and the length of the Pen | he geunds duluin The intensity of t and their character varied consider- | ably aecordin he sive of -- the parts of the mec hanism, but in every instance thet fact that the anchor of the escape | ment mechanism is above the rotat- | lig wheel and in the hame Plane it, the conditions under which its nrms strike the cogs of the wheel are not the same -- for both arms. One of the arins of the anchor strikes against » cog of the wheel moving upward, in a direc- lion opposed to that of the anchor, while the other arm strikes against the cog while it_is moving dow ere y in the same direction as 'DIFFERING CONTACT. 'The result of the unequal condi- --_ under which the two arms of the chor engage the cogs of the naturally, an "ore pacer fol of the parts. k" is produced by the con- -. of the downward moving anchor ee Nising cogs of the wheel, t of th down- wa a anchor with the cogs also moving downwards, ith the "to ick" accompanied | thet | | How the slow, plodding boy, ~ has to the well hnown dri u sitet, | Oshawa, Ont., says ':--"l can safely ' recommend Baby" s Own Ts blots fr om the splendid results they have given |my customers any from pr used them in ovr own bome."* Bh can get th ablets from any 'eralieo or by mail from The lr. Will ans Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, at 25 cents a Lox ----_--_4-- | HOW THE THOPDER SUCCEEDS, who teil so hard for every step takes in advance, cuvies his clever schoolmate who can do things with ease and celerity ! How ho wistes he could say clever things, or master his problems, with as little difficulty 8 coves this much-admired youth ! 'He is constantly comparing himself with him, and always, of course, his own disadvantage. ¢ doce not stop to think that this "wonder@lly i clever boy is no be de panto' upon, that he is not loyal or true, and that he is selfish to the core Ho only --_ for the showy quali- ties which ssesses. He dis- satisfied with himself, but plods dog- in -- eat his difticulties. is The slow boy leaves school. The years yo b d as he approaches middie life he finds, much to nis amazement, ~thet-he has far out- distanced the brilliant compunion of his boyhood, The 1 tion is at work in overy life. long run, mediocre ability, by conscieritiousness in makin most of it, loyalty to truth, fishness, and fuithfuluess to things will always w unsel- ittle Much Sickness, _ Coughs and Colds LaGrippe, Bronchitis and Pnuemonia--Enormous Demand for Dr. Chase' s Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. There is scarcely a home where _ there is not someone suffering from throat or lung trouble, In offices, stores and factories -- alls are greatly reduced, The den = in temperature are ee tha ple can stand. Everywhere you pes people coughing. Previous arian has re these Turpentine. sales of = great family medicine are enormo Mrs. J. Pend Renfrew, ar-old Ont., boy. : oe ee yt it he last 'winter, and T Was going to die, ly all the time and sometimes would in his condition, and I can positive ly say tha ex two bottles, and he has not been roubled since, I never saw medi~ cine and Chase's Syrup of Linse and tine, 25 cents a bottle, asaly rg (three times = mu 1 dealers, Edmanso' son, Bates ry Co, Toronto. To protect yo t imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, fumous receipt book author, aro on every, bottle | caus oe aw of compensa- | Mit : Edge orth. fee is the real cause of their troubles, An Oregon man says "For 25 years I was troubled with my, eonnite I was a steady cofice \drinker but didn't suspect that as the | 1 doctored with good tors and got no help, then I took most anything which somapne -- els had been cured with, but to no good. I was very bad Jast summer und could not work at times yn December 2, 1902, en so bad the Doctor sald I could | not live over twenty-four hours at the inost and I made all pr eparations | j I was tak-. to die. I could hardly cat anythingy, | everything distressed me and 1 : weak and sick all ovér. When in that | condition coffee was Sarr and |? I was put on Postum, the change in my feelings came quickly after the |'T drink that Was poisoning te Was re- moved. "The pain and from me anc by sickness feil awa 2.4 heartily with no headachy heart trou- ble or the awful sickness of the old coffee days. I drink of , Postum without any harm and enjoy it immensely TT rhe Tho |" strong story, to the First National Bank Trust Banking Co., or any merchant | of Grant's Pass, Ore. regard 0! my standing and I will send a avec statement of this if you wish. ou can also uso my name."" Name giv- en by Postum Co., ttle Creek, che - a Still there are many who persist- ently fcol themselves by saying 'Cof- n days' trial truth and many baie save life here's a ren ttle book, "'The Loc oa 1i in each package. »k = fo Road to Wellville"' ---- GRAINS OF GOLD. Rest is the swect sauce of labor.-- Plutarch. Botter a little chiding than a great oare, s like vating without digesting.--B Reyentence is the golden key that opens the palace of sravatiy --Milton. straight line is the shortest fale as in Lhink ei betore you speak, act once, and you will speak the more wincl? for it.--Franklin 'here is no impossibility to to congrer tho stands prepared harvard. The fearful are ale a person who did anything ware doing that did not peer hl more than he gave--H. W. Beeche meanement creates beauty where. It the grossness of the spectator that discovers anything like grossness in the object,--Hazlitt. --~------- FORCE OF HABIT. He~--'"What would you do if were starving, dear? Would ars a loaf of bread?' he~--"Cortainly not! toa cafe and get a meal and itt" every- you you I'd walk in- charge course,"* er wo seit have |e . wonderfully { Pp n | UPpe Marian | is aalatea to be * remember the helpless, suffering in- i in March, 1900, looked as if her only relief lay in death itself. They can pwd how when the dread words "Bri Disease' fell from the doctors r= Ss, the report" went round that Mrs,* Adams' in Was teated, that she would never rise from the bed of suffering on which 'she lay. They can recall how their sympathy went out to the little chil- dren who would s9on be motherless. WHAT CAUSED THE CURE. Then while they waited and' watch- ed for the end, a gradual improve- mint came over the sufferer. "Tt Was hardly neticeable at rst, as she grew stronger and was at length her bed and give to children » mother's care, they Wwonderingly asked the cause. And oT the truth came .out. Mrs. Ad- had " hg advice of a friend siaoid her st in the okl reliable Kidney re: sed, "Dodd's Kidney Pills. Slowly but surely Mrs. Adams' strenrth came back till she Was go- ing about os if Dright's Disease had never held her in its clutches. Still : the skeptics refused to believe. 'It iis ynty one of the vacaries of the dis- ease.' they sai ids 'It will come back with the winter. But winter came and Went. Another summer and an- 'd, ond to-day Mrs. 7" have h » troubla since 'Dodd's Pills brought me beck from c of the Breve Cm oo now all Burk's Falls, all those snew ra Adama in sickness | wadr health, are forced to admit Dad's Chines Pills cured her 'Rright's Dissese, aud cured it to istay cured, Neither has the lesson taught by Mrs, Adams' cose been lost. People jrecornize the fact that if she had cured 'in in the back with | Dodd's Kidney Pills, she would never have had Bright's Disease a Gene 'DWARRS 0 0! DEW AUINEA RECENTLY DISCOVERED RACE OF SMALL PEOPLE. Marsh Dweilers vi Ape-like Ap- pearance -- Still in the Stone age. west s Winter, ane i " ninabilateator, | Mr. Hobingon, describing the extraor- vee native tribes which these of- ictals have discovered during -- their HJourness into the interior of the new ot the commonwealth. Winter's report gives to the world details concerning the jdwarf Ahgai-ambo tribe. This re- jtuarkable race was found in an exten- sive--tract--of the Musa river, covery inti the end of last year: USED To Sorr GROUND. "The Abgai-ambo have, for a per- iod that extendg back beyond = na- tive tradition, lived in this not able ground, bleed if they try ko do so. After much uling © man and a Woman of me dwarf tribe cuime towards thn orer: The 1 man was, for a native, middle aged. His feet were short and broad and very thin and flat, with, for native, weak-looking tocs. This feature was still more noticeable the wofnan, whose tocs were long an ouants and stood out rigidly from the sod . a ast in and an and to rest on the ground | something like wooden feet would do. HUNG LOOSE. "The skim above the knees*of tho man was in loose folds, and the sin- ews and muscl visitor standing sideways towar in figure and carriage he pom be more eee, than any hum ing Ih seen," Ttsombers in his report Sir Francis tells of another dwarf tribe, the ere hues chicf measured only 4 foet 3 inches in height, and 26 in es round the chest. Thi Ae oagpel nob- istian dwells with his people he reaches of the Kumusi clvets he a stay reh support- a er of the "Mr. Robinson stumbled upon--a member of a tribe quite new to the gaia ors Ife was small of sta- ture, his hair wes bound in "long, your - | Why did holes | You Ly Wear So-soon ? was while living nen a {he wants without regard to nt.' I stiff tails, and covered in a fool's cap of What shrunk your woolens ? 'common -- soap, 4Aak for the @ctazen Bar. which was allowed to fall down his b Wherever we tr our scout disclosed spear pits 6 ft. in depth, the mouths cunningly con- a covering of twigs, earth, and leaves, furnis! wi re a might beg into the' pit "The: atives, moreover, havo, trick of eee vie small foot few leaves, y. The natives here were of good stature and warlike, I saw no evidence of. stool plea spears, shields, and stone clubs."' _------_--_--__-- ENGLISH SAR SEE : A MODEL RAILWAY. tive Says of the G. f. R. A recent trip to 'The States" brought "Truth' in dontact, among other things, with tho Grand ink pee and ie ihcomparable din- ing car service. "A. brighter, cleaner, ore efficient plan of cating' while cps eying, not exist 6n any travelled on most of the leading lines of the world, and is therefore in a position to know. e 'Club' Breakfasts are an excellent ~ feature, which ny travellers. and obliging, amd don't appear to be "a Two Hundred and ey Systems for 22,000 M One roason for the, rapid advance | of American jndustries und the latively slow progress of Britain in' the same respect is the cheapness of on tis side of heir expensiveness upon the other says London Outlook. The English railway systems tota only 22,000. yet this com- paratively mipall mileage is the pro- , perty of 230 companies, wore than half-of which huve-their separate ad- ministration yi oth ers are "leased and re lires."") Allottirg an average of ciglt directors apici e to exch of t railway support 1,000 whose fees cun hardly be less than | ($1,250 on year. The railroads of India cove al mileage of about 26,000. Vet. Mr. Thomas Robertson, the expert, who has recently reported to the British government on Indian railway ad- ministration, says that vast j country might safely be intrusted to a board of three qualified - ase |sisted by a secretary, a chief iise- . tor, and a number of caapeetate an d auditors. ' expert w au sinall are considardt 'ad y Mr as those for which in E ngland employed 1,000 amateur directors with their socretarics and useistant i ta auditors, ! clerks ; messenger If only half the sum of $1,! 259,000 | a year paid away annually in fees to railway directors were aviilable for! centratlized railway board, it u be ossible to attract the ablest men by offering the ron niin bas gone much further than | in Britain. The Vanderbilt and Pen- | nsyvlvania systems contain about 20,- | 000 miles each, cither eno .of them | nearly equating the 22,000 miles of | all England. And though toe in- | dividuat roads in these systems have | in-some cives their separate boards, these usunlly consist of practically Many luportant "leased and worke."' the 230 systems of 22,000 160 miles to a line Vanderbilt and Pennsylvania systems include -- to- gether less than twenty component lines es, or on mene of more 2,000 miles per lin The Jengest single line in mn United peng the Southern Pac hes av 9,500 | miles~ of--tre ---- $100 Reward, $1v0. readers of this paper will be saan to learn that thore is at least one dreaded discaso that scicnco has been able to cure in an ita atazon, an that in Cate Hall won taucrh Cure ia the only positive cu w known to the medical fraternity. 'Cntarch belag a constitutional di requires ceuetitutional treatment 'Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, acting direct- ly upon the blood and mucous surface of tee system, thereby Coats byt the 2 auy caso ihe tit fails to cure. Send fore list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold b Take pation. all Druggists, oe all's Family Pills for consti like to lic; many. ques- Men don't, as a rule, bat their wives ask too Man's Liniment Relieves Wourlgia| "Pn, what's a tyrant?'* "A tyrant is one who governs you without your 'choice, and who makes you do what what You and * "Oh, | you wal ma are tyrants, aren't you, pa? are pills and the prec of These little wonders rersove the cause, 4° fm a vial for 10 cents.--45 a cnc PLANT SAVINGS BANKS, All leaf-buds, whether maarapecraic the YO re the minute Ways looking for a 'tip The line, heavy double track of ails between 'Toronte and Suspen- aon Bridge makes it gece to n that age a0 without delays of any kind, and you are erin at ur destination right on time the Toronto and 'The erent ne on 'main line east, betwee What Our- Travelling Representa-| railway anywhere, and 'Truth' has finger, A BARGAIN-HUNTER.' It was a pleasant-looking Irishwo- who walked into a store. and. i asked the price of the collars ghe had seen + lacs in the eee: "Two for quarter," the clerk.g "How much would that. be for ono?"' "Thirteen cents." She pondered.' Then, with her fore med aking ins visible calculations on the sleeve of her coat, "That, " she said, "would tho other collar twilvo -- ceaiele it? Just give me that --_--_+- Minard's Linkment for sale everywhere ---- "Do you 'not think that Miss Snape is a very graceful girl?" never saw her but once, and she didn't look 'Indeed! Where I saw her fall- ing over a wheelbarrow.' Montreal, bave been sie costly, and . have in some cases meant the al- or Over Sixty Years 'mest entire reconstruction of he pions afc mothers for their aidsee waite iaecatag, 'read, The line has been straighten- | lscothes the child, rofteos arene. Aiamppals, cures ed, the grades lessened, and 'Truth" mind th y tor harkens onan ine Ca? is told a very shortly a train will | Sold bydniggiste threughont the world. |e sure, ax be t betweed Tovonte...und for Mus, WINSLOW sSooTmine Byaur." 12-04 Montreal "that will anke the dis- =" ' tance in .very much less time than} Showman--"Look here, teen bill even Tho International Limited docs}Says 'Forty-nine days' board -- for now. camel." You've only had him seven erg seldom travels on railway | days!"' Keoper--'That's all right; sses; the alLove statements can! that camel has seven stomachs. the 'refore be consi¢ered perfectly un- | See?" isved, and are omede purely be par of the excellent facilities af- a the general a public, ae because of the pride 'Truth' feels a ane of our great national HIS OWN FREF WILL. highwa Dear Sirs,---I cannot speak too Trunk Rebwuy Com- mistake The Grand coutrol to Mr a more capable, all- round mnn does wot exist to-day The Passenger peagieaneatt" is most 'eficiently directed a G. T. Bell, W. BE. Davis and Il. Elliott in Monyt- Ceo. W. Favs in ee and J. D, McDonald in 'Toronto We bespenk great things "tor the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on its completion.--Toronto Truth. railway ul, EN'S COMMAND. ; largest AT THE QUE known 'saluries, and yet make aj} In one of the corridors of Windsor ravin castle stands a large wooden care, Vhe savibg by "standardization" | tock ed by a key iu the possession of is also to he considered. The Harri- | the ae: Mg of the household, and tan roads, 17, files, ure to 'opened only at rare intervals at, the unify bre machinery so that all | command of the queen. Upon re- "p ' of rolling stock shall be in-| moval of this wooden screen an al- terchangcable mest life-size group of statury of | Th consolidation of Ame:iecnn j Queen gag and the prince con- sort ix seen Both are represented | us tlfey looked i the time of their mar rriage, wher he 8s a slight and graceful aint and he the young lover. His right arm encircles te waist, and eft is raised The inscription, furnished by Arthur Hugh ough, reads: "Allured to brighter worlds os <= the way: sities cane curses ~ 206. rae y 'eet ee Hoals the ulcecs, clears the alr passa: at in the throat and andy cores has The and Hay Fever. Blower All dealers, or Dr, A. W. Chase Modiche Co., Toronto and wy one You 'gay that you have your own way ahout thg house?" "Invariab- ly,"! anprered ngs Meekton. nese do t?* "By always agreeing with Henrietta." Mincrd's Lintment at Cates Burns, ete, -- "And now, dear,"' asked a govern- ess, 'what can you tell me» about Minerva?" "She was a goddes of _-- and never murricd," was the reply : "Tow Wife--"Oh, onn,t --, of the execiience of MIN- S LINIMENT. It is THE rem- houschold for burns, and we would not be a > It is truly a wonderful medicine, JOHN A. MACDONALD Publisher Arnprior Chronicle. t-£ Young Samuel -- has just been corrected) -- 'Father, that strap which you hold in yaar hand is here- ditery, is it mot?"' 'ath er--"'Heredi- tary? What do you unt I don sec how a strap could be hereditary.' Young Samual--"It descends from fa- ther to son, docsn't Suny depen oa 1eth and Womanl | Bea end on purity of the blocd, poy po 4 NY riot t puri ity depends on 1 perfect kidney filtering. | aud will not brag soak thele pga rie = will seek in vain ength | for ieatty. South Acaeciest Kidney 'Cure j drives out all impurities through tt re body' terers"'--repairs weak spots. Mr. Jones--"Why are you removing parrot from the Beeps Mrs, Jones--'Well, just learning to re and--F-thou; cht it best to keep it out of the 'way 'while you are laying the carpet." THE WABASH RAILROAD Is the great winter tourist route to the south and west, including Texas, Old Mexico and ace tho lands of sun-shine and flow Through standard and tourist valesplng cars are now run via" southern ute: --"The-new ratid olegant trains B on tho Wabash, are hauled by tho most powerful engines ever built. Every comfort is provided equal to the best hotels, or the most fluxuri- ous homes. Nothing ia wanting to completo ono's'happiness. The days and nights p only too quickly, while travelling on. the great Wabash line. For information os to rates, noes: otc., ails raw ticket agent ist. Pass, Rit: N. E. corner wxCing 'and. Yonge Sts. » Toranto ~~ an edmurcnte Food of the =EPPS'S -- = quality. and flavour. COA ' 'heroare ie hats in that cpbiaol. e Hubby I know. They look so sits ral: that it would s a pity take any of them aw a AWRY a Minard's Uninet Cures Bandruff, "Goodness, child, d, don't cat many swects! "But, ma, you said I could have nomic sweets for taking ad that medicine."' course, but uch will make you. ill again. "Well, ma, then I ca t some more medicine and have somo oO) sweets, can't I?" Lever's Y-Z (Wise Tead) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the aay softens the water and disin- fects Wife--" The Swint intons are KO oing _to = 8 or on the bare branches, of The. atacen of which such pcos La consist to the plant what his savings uw the prudent man; and the potato is one of the greatest -- of Native cloth, the narrow end Do you catch cold easily ? * | Does the cold hang on? Try ' 9 Shiloh's opsempton : 3 Lag ~ It Sores "the most stubborn nd. colds. e grea of the vegetable world in this respec for almost the whole of the "a all Some savings 'bank in ine here ofa tap which, if left cig age grows larger yeer by y to drawn upon in sea Me of ecuane . when other means of arene ate exhausted. Among theso m= roses, carrots, beetroot, anit turnips; and with these threo Toat this facul- ws of a me tat has been Mevsinved by He--'To whom?" She--"'To you--of the planta a source of your AN the "ent ee are just getting to know them now. Wife" Yer; that's why they are go- jing Ai Catarh is Curable OR NOT CURABLE, -Just exactly accarding to the woy it treated alone. doctored thee- fn et TOUERLY or through the stomach--it's & Aitacke directly with DH. AGNENCS CATAIRHAL Boy PC bidet 4 it is first al- viated; en erad yhousan us say ay tem giad , experi- ence. in an. aere, more or.--_less, 'at a strongest testimonials. Dr. Anew Heart Cure retiev:s heart "ecase in go minutes and cures. ~ Nutritious and aia enece 4R-- Beminton Line Steamanipe Wenrtreal te Liverpes! Pertiand te Lwerpee? . Large and Fas Pio ten mehibas Ubse "Superior accommodation for at of pas- sengers ns d ste ateccome are amidships. Si clad attention 4 % iven to th ond salson and i rpicde = lass Broa piAd EEO Passages and all narticulars, aly to any agen ot the pas- senger bowit SION LINE Ned as Sacrame ent Montreal. YOUR OVERGBATS and faded Suite would look betzer. dyed. If n> agers Hee eeee sour tower write direct treal, Box 158 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING (00. a - 2|B ASTEDO'S 77 MGM Sr eAtt, en ok EPC ES fend for catalog. Wegire extra value. Raw Furs and Gensing, Sond for price 1st ~ Poultry, \ au xis op Butter, Fauits And Farm Pro- Eggs, Honey, Apples, Co. Baweon 0 Gommission Go. "T. ¥. Issue No. 6-04, duce generally, consign it to us eal we will get you i

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