Listowel Standard, 5 Feb 1904, p. 8

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be. emain for . lowi 16,20. "the report of | chell, Jim the Pinas we, <8 was reed and | Jiza 3p EOTABLIsHED 1672. OFFICES: Listowel, Palmerston. and Clifford, also with J. A. Halstead, Mount Foren ted Shel burne, A General Banking Business transacted, Toran Assrrs HEAD OFFICE : 'Soot & Son, ker BANK OF HAMILTON + $ 2,000,000.00 Oarrrar Paw Ur - Fuxp $22,000, 000.00 ESTABLISHED 1872. HAMILTON, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD,} 5. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. payable in all partsof the DOMINION, UNITEU STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. urrent rate of interest. allowed. -- e amount of private funds to Jend farm security at 4% per cent., on god privilege of repaying sicasuaniy: Marriage Licenses Issued, ]. W. Scott & Son. CANADA CLUB, The most successful meeting in oe gr of the meet- after consisting a 'the Uovernment brought vefore the house severai new buis Which receiv- ed tueir Lirst, second and third read- d were handied witb such con- sumate saill that their passing seem- ed certain and the ability of the speakers was Such as to do justice to parliamentarians of several years ex- perience in atiairs of stute, but ip Spite of the fact that ihe Govern- ment nad vrougul lori aod strongly Supported Luwr - new lWeusures: 30 well, the superior Strength of tae ly uttucxed the policy ernment deteuted them on the third reuding. An excellent address was also giv- mn by wr, Geo. Uray, B.A. on the French bua: ® quesuon, whieh hus hue spudecr 1D Lis PeWMarks pO.wteu OUL Duw tosedual it Was tha: a We suOUiU Use BVEery VLiOrl in Beluay | Ne@Wivubuiuuu LO cust i ber ivl Wil Us abu LVeLOWwe purl vod parce: of this t unu weulluy vowimon, New foundiund 18 very rich in mineral ape forest resources and should we allow her to enter into annexation with the United States, as they are at pre- sent aimost willing to do, it would be a more terrivie plow to Cunadiuns @ Alas- The speaker also de- fined tbe 'reaty of UtreohtWrad the privileges granted the French wit ~~ to the Llisheries under that ab ied tollowing is a copy of the Re- vunuda Ciuo curried unani- Luat baving due regard to by the Unilea Slutes towards ttudson Buy, and British interests ip most expedient that the Dominion Government should exert every in- fluence to induce the Government of Newloundiand to enter the Vominion Conieueration and that representa- tions ve made to the Imperial Auth- orilies to secure af early dischurge from the french fishery rigutsin tue Guu o ol. Luwrenc AL Lhe next weeliung a debate will thut canada A full attendance is requested, TOWN COUNCIL, The regular monthly meeting o1 the town Vounen wus bem in tue cCOuDui" thawmul! OL sienuay eveming. gutuuvlls piuseDl, alujyQs asuy iD Lie Chair UD COULLILIOLS w65515, WW UUUDS, Vuanuricsa, tucking, Anderson anu Pelton A communication was received from wr. A, ot. Smith, station agent, in reterence Lo Lbe spow on the auil- way crossings bemyg so bigb that it muses it dumyerous tor traitio, r Smith is baving the same removed, AbD account was received Irom WwW, kb, binning, trevusurer, lor postuge tor the ywar, 'ne treasurers s.ute- ment was read Lor the would Of Jun- Uury as LOu0 Amount uu hawt ial Bank, Jan. ist., $id, (00.00; A'viu OUl uuriDyg ne won. Hts U.0s | LOlui Su,c41.¥s, = abecerveu TiQui a. dewy, VOM Lod, S.UV; Leceiveu trow &. davvts Des, Lares 'Ud, SoU,UU, received lig LeM.y LOrD, Lebs WoIgh SOus@4, Biv.vU; LOLui Goioww. Bal. wue bunk Jan. SIsl., BZL,090.90, charged to waterworks uc., $0,110i- 72; AmounL churyed lo General uc,, $o,92U.2< | Lotal H21,095,) Lowmunicutions were from Wm. dltepban in reference to extension tor payment ol bis taxes, Yoo Zuben in reter- and reierred Lo the proper commut- tees: Gullies & Martin, Joo; Wm, Lli- mie, printing, $23.09; Wm. Bradley, relief, $1.40; K, White & Lo, luneras . Seaman, $4,00 mie, ogee vote 102, $4. ou; re- turning of amounting to 18,00 ; Poa Dinning. rep. water y J. A. Hacking, seconded by F. Vandrick, that tbe account of the poll olerks and returning officers be paid.--Carri 000": were received irom C, Tabberner for ool- lection taxes, $75.00, for collecting taxes not entered, $33.05 ; a Ber- nie & Uo, account, _ < tion was receiv m F, Vandrial and Joseph Vandriek in reference to overcharge of taxes. A deputation es the Agricultur- al Society was presen ddressed the council in origina 2 ke making rd agreement about th uilding of a agricultural house on ar ieries tural grounds, A good deal of dis- eussion took place in reference to how they would The treasurer a present and read ime : extended until next meeting of the pe <a slag An ---- was received f Ww, Hacking that A. Kay be Coven being saeeline can oney for el LISTOWEL BRANCH ESTABLISH- . ED 31 YEARS, DIRHDOTORS: HON. WM, GIBSON, President. JOHN PROCTOR, GEO. ROACH, A. Massie pe ong S, HENDRIE, M. P, . RUTHERFORD. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H, 8. STEVEN, asst. GEN, MOR, Hi. M. WATSON, Inspector, 6e BRANCHES SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposite of $1 and upwards received and inte: at Baca gall _-- and ad a ded to t June and Ist December. No toes formalities, " dela in drawing money. nape. Notes ot copomible t a iscounted, sale notes or eolbectas and advances made thereon. SGOLLECTION ARTMENT every ae for making prompt returns at low- eat ra DRAPTS 'S bought and sold on any part of the world, CORRESPONDENTS in all ree o f Can- ada, tae States and Great Britain, BANKING BUSINESS of all kinds trans- acted on most favorable terms. pondence solicited, ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. B, FORSAYETH Agent, Listowel, vine property, purchase price, $22. oy interest ~-- total $25,11,--Carri moved by Wm. Pelton and C. pene son that J, k. Richards be refunded 2 mulls on the 600U0,U0 for the years ee and 1903, amounting to §2,Uv,-- rried, - Moved by ao o. Wim. Bradiey, amounting to re 40; "isO Lue account af , « Uo. Oc CO1In and ticket for the Beli sauuuy amounting lo $12.45 be paia,-- vurried, auoved by J. A. Hacking, secondea oy \. Anderson, that U, 'Lavberner be _ his salary of $75. --Carried, Mov- $18.20, and Fred Voo Zuben al re- tunded $2.60, error in Larried, 'Moved by Wm. Pelvon and J. A, diacking, that the Gas Elec- tric Light Uo, be paid $11.35 on ac- count Lor wood, to be charged to re- diel 'Lhe council then adjourned to meet on wonuay, eo. loth AGRICULTURAL SOCIET . Annual aeeting 2 Bieots Officers--Fu- yoranie heport--Pian Chang Location o1 Groun The annual meeting of the Listowel and South Waliace Agrioultural So- ciely wus held in the town hall on bulurday aLlternoou iast, The at- tenuunce was lignt, mest of those present being liom the seumtry, ou more Lhun ball a dozen fram town veng presence uu. memsworth, the retiring presi- | vent, ou a 100K the obuir and n tne avseu Mr. inning, Mr. u. W, Heagh tee acted as Secretary. The auditor's report for 1903 show- ed the Sooety's iinances were in a healthy state, the balance of cash on bund baving iocreased uring the year 110m Su4.00 Jo G220.47. The to- ti Tecespts OL Lhe year were BY25,ba, Oo which aumission fees made up Bilao. The total expenditure Was 3100.55, OL Wlnol $428.50 'wus paid out aor prizes. 'Lhe meeting was unani- mousiy in favor of securing expert Judges tor the next fuir and a re- 2OiULIOD Was adopted to that effeot. Tune date selected tor the next duir was deplemver 27 and 24, 1904, Mr, Jucov isray, chairmun of 'special cum- mittee appointed to arrange for new grounus, reported that having met with we town council and dis- cussed the terms on which the old agricultural park could be secured apd the arrangements that could be auude@ LO erect vulldings. ratt agreement bad been drawn up pro- raucDyg lor a dease of the -grounds to tue sOuely for Zliyears uv a nominal rental, the town to lend the Socie.y vou' on condition that buildings to cost Bi.2uU be erected and $2UU spent 19 lenoing, etc,, the Socety to pay vuok the loan with interest within twenty-one years,; the town to have 58 OL grounds for recreation pur- poses when wanted to be free at all tumes except on show days and for games when a charge is made, The cure of the grounds to be in the hands of a ery committee of town council and the Society Board, the Society to have tthe right to sub- let for any purpose ent with park. On motion the report was adopted and the board for 1904 was autborized to change Rp dacation of the groun © present place to the old Agricultural Park on Bis- = street, suitable ar- rabgements made, The election of officers for 1904 resulted as follows: President, J. F. son; Ist. Vi -- A. + H, emsworth, E. Arnold ; 2 pagal ce c. er, =the --W iy REPORT OF 8.6, NO. 2, ELMA. The foll is the s aan Paki Nadas ers ; Olass-- 'Cleland, Nel- ie Gielen, John Trevin Elgin Mit- 6 Jr. 1V--Hear Lexa Mit- Mo. gg Cewing. Porterfield, Stanley $ 1,700,000.00 | Capital "IMPERIAL BANK | "OF CAN ADA. c sa ioccmall Reserve 2.650,000.00 T. B. Merritt, P Pr and Ganeeal Manngee B, Wilkie, "boas HEAD OFF IGE, GE, TORONTO, LISTOWEL BRANCH. SAVINGS BANK sen obteh ve hctdtonieies geccives and interest GUG0S 90 DEAFTS SOLD. MONEY ORDERS issved in a $20, 100 ; $20 to $80, 13c. R. ARKELL, Manager. a Bapk ic, fo; #10 to MUST SUPPLY FOOD. Duty of Hotelkeepers to Travellers i Defined od by Law, Ontario License Department Enquiring Into the St; Mary's Matter. The St. Mary's hotelkeepers who re- fused food to delayed travellers on a recent morning during the storm are having their actions looked into by the Provincial License Department. The at- tention of the department was called to the matter by y geant of tbe Commercial Travellers' Association, who wrote on Jan, 26, enclosing a clip- ping from @ Toronto paper, to the effeo: that the mavagers of the Windsor aud Grand Central Hotels at St. Mary's had refused to get breakfast for a noum- ber of members of the Association and several ladies. Mr. Saunders, chief of- ficer of the Lioense Branch, replied to, Mr. Sargeant, stating that the matter' bad been referred to John 8, Coppin, inspector for South Perth. Mr. ders uleo noted that under Section 75 of the Liquor License Aot, license holdere were compelled to provide food und ac- commodation to traveliers, and in dr- fault were liable toa fine pot exceed- ing $20 for each offence. ------ -------- Forty persons were killed by an ex- plosion of ten tonsof gunpowder at Fort Bhatinda, in the Punjab, Britieh India. Cashel Hanged. (Special Deapewe to the Banner.) Calgary, T., Feb. 2. nes Cashel, the Mcshee Of tates Det was this morning, the dr fell at 8.06. who was a no- terious desperado, murdered Belt, a rancher, about a year ago, after- wards threwing the body into the River, be h with revolvers, which had eens gled into his cell, and esca maining at large until Jan, 24, "whes he was captu: @ cellar of house, In the outskirts "of this town, He ¢ contensed | his crime to his spirit- ual adviser. High-priced Fiddles. An awful lot of nonsense appcars from time to time in the press about fabulous prices said to have been giv- en for some choice or historic Cremona violin. I read a fairy story the other day about some virtuoso playing up- om a $25,000 Strad. There is lin on earth poll noes fetch eard of from authentic sources wai $5,000, and that was for the Stradivar- ius once owne Here, how- ever, are tick & Simpson, London : Joseph Guarnerius, date a735, $1,000 ; Johannes Baptiste Guadagnini,. $650; another with two bows, $250; Antonius and Hieronymus Amati, 3005 pg oes by the brothers folie iy Phase, date 20g oith. Pend viohn by Pique, date 1 wit Lupot label, $250. If clinkers have become glued to the firebricks, tay several oyster shells cn the hot coals in the stove near the bricks, and when the fire burns down, it will be found that the bricks are en- tirely free from the clinkers Some prone contrive to get hold of the pricki against a thing in alf the strength tng would often set right No one finds the world ould Hike it. LisiUWEL MAKKETS. Feb. th, 1904 Wheat. per bushel .... . Peas, = do . a4 aru Sam sore aSB so o S8iss85s8 5 eucies en One 0m vee a _ THIS A SPECIAL JENKINS (rt i "SALE "AT" goods for the coming season, turned into cash WITHOUT ask to see' the goods, 'it will you to do so, GENUINE BARGAINS In Suits and Furnishings. We a opening" up new weeds, Overcoatings, Hats and Caps, Colored Shirts, heavy top Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Socks, Neckwear, etc., will be Have no room to quote prices in this space. WATCH tor prices next week. is. season's stock of PROFIT. Call and cost you nothing but will pay One Door East of Post Office. JENKINS. THE TURKO, VAPOR BATH CABINET A Cincinnati man has proved be- yond a question of doubt that the Romans and Greeks h No Physicians for 500 Years But Termal and Vapor Baths, that they owed their splendid health, fine physique, strength and beaut, i vaporize or "sweat baths" without expensive apparatus, bath- rooms, and at.smallest expense. The now "famous" Turko Cabinet was the result of his efforts. Astonishing is the Improvement In your heaith, feelings and comple- xion. It is the most remarkable 1n- vention of the twentieth century, for it makes the siok well, strong, and it physicians and medicines have failed to le Every one knows that disease is due to the presence. in. the blood or vital organs o usa; The Turko Bath eradicates that poi- son, and it is impossible for these poisons to remain in the system of a man, woman or child who propocty ases the Cabinet. it removes all npr rin ser thus allowing mature to do i The healthy. through the human system, giving the tissues rbd and fresh nourishment, and a sbort treatment of this mathed old men many cases, total wreoks. Rheumatism Lumbago, Sciatica, Asthma, Stomach Troubles Bilious- ness, Fever, ippe, Headache, risy; it is a wonderful speoifio in al! Female Compl WM. STEPHAN, and: 9umb and stiff all the time TESTIMONIALS, For 3 years I was a with cold feet and legs, an ere After one week's use of the baths my trou- ble was all gone.--Wm. Lugan, Brock Street, Peterborough. Rheumatism--I was not able to ~ mg own clothing 2 w. y sit air., After the fourth bach ---- in bed all night, and put ps clothing on ip the morning. Lf y have HKheumatism don't {fail to ia the Vapor Bath.--Mrs. R. Wilkinson, Peterborough. My stomach was very ba bad cough, and ha rom et 9 ra to 125 ibs. After 2 ee of the bath | gain 10 ibs. and now [eel like a new 7 Re you are sheet in any way try Bath Ca t--W. F. Elhotte, Pare 8t., pamtbarteen My shoulder, band and foot were very badly swelled with rheumatism and was laid off from work, but aft- er one week's use of the Bath Cab- inet went to work again. I tried lots of remedies but none of any use. --sidney Gibbs, Ashburnham, Ont. possession would not art with mine for moncy could | mot get another. | Listowel's Greatest Store. In all kinds of Dress Goods; © Dress Goods foc oc. yard to $3.0. You can do better here fof Dress Goods thai anywhere else as we have the' largest stock to choose from. We have a lot of fine Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, Electric Collar and Cuffs. Capes. Mens' Coon Coats and other 1200 yd. of Wrapperettes éxira value, from 7c. per yard and upw. 3000 yds, Flannelette, extra value, from 4c. yer yard upwards GREAT BARGAINS pet Seal Jackets trimmed with Sable Collar and Cuffs, also Mink Ladies' Ruffs and Caperines, fur lined FUR COATS Mens' fur lined Cloth Coats, Mitts, Mufls and Capes, which we will clear out at special reduction, cheap try us. If you want furs Remember our - good SUIT SALE As you canactually buy a $10 suit for $5. We can do this as we bought them cheap. Special value in -all kinds of Ladies' rig Children's Cloth jacket. Skirts ready-to-wear. Silk, Cashmere, lustre, wool and sateen Shirt Waists at a GREAT REDUCTION $5.00 silk Shirt Waists reduced to .....+...-$3.50 2.50 cashmere Shirt Waists reduced to........2.00 1.50 Ladies' Wrappers reduced to ..+.0....- 1.13 Special value in balance of our Shoes and Rubbers and Crockery. A lot of odds and ends of Dress Goods at HALF PRICE. J. M. SCHINBEIN. RAILWay GRAND.TRUNK 24's World's Fair, St. Louis, April 3oth=--Dec. ist, 1904. SALE OF FARMS, Stock, Implements, etc. pry instructions from the rp ad og tors of the Estace of the LATE CHR TOPHER ASG, and water Power of Sab f will sell Dg you évery suc- cess in the pause pa suffering human- | wel. ity.--Mrs. J Kidd, Listo Agent BIRTHS. Toksanc&e--At !74 Bold St., Hamilton, on Jan, 26, the wife of Hurry E. Torrance,of a daughter. JOHNSON--In Elma, on the 25th mits, the wife of Willis Jobnson, of ad RAE-- In town, on the 27th ult., the ' wife of Alex Rae, ofa WOODS--In town, on the 28th ult., the wife of William Woods, of a ton. SNELLING--In town, on the 25th ult., the wife of Wm. Bnelling, of a daughter QUERIN--In Tralee, on the 85th re = wife of Andrew Querin, of a dau =o XY--In town, on the _s ult., the wife of James Haney, of a DIED. Inwix--In Listowel, on Saturday after- Boon, Jan' 30th, 1904, Martha Vic- toria Irwin, daughter of 'Mra. David Ir. -- aged 34 years, 2 months and 25 OLELAND--In Elma, on the 8ist, ult., aoe Ww hitelaw Cleland, years and 8 months, patie HEBINGTON--In town, on the 20th ult. Jona Hetherington, aged The death rateic Toronto for Jan- uary is the largeet on record,the figure exceeding 400 for the firet time, the a among old people being re- markab| The reported release of Mra, Flor- ence Maybrick, the American women who poisoned her Engtieh buaband in 1889, ia officially denied. ----WATCH THIS SPACE eens FOR Gerry' -- =--=(WALLACE STREET H RDWARE)--= ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK Willirm H. Ratherford of Galt com- mitted--euicids manver at his home sunday night b inbaling gas. A legal roling at Halifax, N8., will add the names of 3,000 roldiers of the British garrixon to the voters' liata and ; consequently place the reault of fature i Administrators. 'ederal end Provincial he al elections in ina most igs eyrd } in a Chattel Mortgage, CALIFORNIA, BY PUBLIC AUCTION MEXICO, Withcut reserve, on FLORIDA ; THURSDAY, FEB. 11TH, 1904, fF i round trp T ° ne way and rou p Tour- mi Wallace, the 'Chattat Troperty stnoging | St Tickets are on sale daily. of Par peste are ae E npg © saree -- Choice ot routes and stop over priveleges plementa and = ete., foe particulars of at principal points. whizh see TERMS : 5 ee under, Cash ; over. that anseee approved joint notes payable in 9 onths without interest. THE FARMS At the same time will be offered for -- subject om te ge bids, Lots 42, 43 49, in th Concession of Wallace. ta in ac County of Perth, a improved farms direct connection at her with all ives for the famous Win Grand Trunk Trains ets, -Pullman- Reservations and bout 100 scres eac aod | ~~ For~Tick good buildings, also the South balf of Lot | all,information, apply to 37, in the lat Covcessi about 45 acres. For woe information apply to J A.H ACKING _ Silicon for t the be ort * ong ae TOWN AGENT, nisteat iaiiiaiariantes A. M. SMITH, Ww te Ee STATION AGENT Wright & Thompson, LISTOWEL'S Cash Dry Goods Store. What is it we are now looking for? Itis Wright & Thomp son's UNDERWEAR, SALE Ladies' Vests Special 20c, 25c, 32c, and 450. Children's Underwear We Will Olear the Remainder of our Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices, Afens all W7001l Underwear Think! 50c for 39c, 65c for 49c, 75c for 6lc, 1,00 for 7c. Boys Underwear Justatew snite left we will clear at 15 per cent, leas. Nothing to be Carried Over in une Following Lines. Bargains in FUR OOATS, Ladies' MANTLE READY -TO- WEAR SKIRTS, Mea '8s OVEROOATS. Our Grocery Department you will find Complete, Highest Price paid for all kinds of farm produce. : Men's PEA JACKETS, Ladies Wright & Thompson. 'The ~ Store ~ on - the ~ Corner.

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