__-handful of co HINTS FOR HOME LITE. ~ Brush your teeth inside and out- side at least once o day, pease rinse your mouth ufter each m A boiled ceg shape be y elther soft boiled or hard ¢ for the yolk to crumble, to be "eanily digested. When chopping suet if it is sprink- led with a little ground rice it will not stick to the knife, and will chop quite easily. 'o curl a feather boa that has been damped with rain or dew, rab-in mmon salt, and shake until dry before a bright fire. The smaller tho joint of ancat, the hotter should be the oven, Of course the time required for roasting the joint is peopcrtioansdy less that that needed for a large o Remember that ite wholesomest meats are beef, mutton and poultry, and that beef ond mutton are most easily digested nnd wholesoine when boiled, roasted or s.vewed---not fried. To preserve fish never lay one on he top of the other, but wring a cloth out of clean salted water; wrap the fish separately In this, and lay it ona dish, Keep in the coolest place possible. If the new lenther andthe. soles of new boots are well soaked. for three 'days before use in linseed oil, to which a few drops of castor oil have been added, and then allowed to stund for a few days to dry, they will last nearly twice as long Chitblains are apt to be trouble- 'at this titne of the year. Soa a week in hot water, which has com- mon salt dissolved in it--say, pint measure a salt to a gallon and n half of wa This is not a cure only, but a ai ve great deal of lung trouble, sumption and throat difficulties are chargeable directly to the habit of laughing and talking on going out from heated audience rooms. People sit for hours in warm rooms, -- then into the cold air. spirits, and natur- ally inclined to chatter and laugh, of- ten keeping this up for a long time The sudden reducing of the tempera ture of the lungs by the enormous in- halation of very cold air is produc- tive of congestion and chills innum- erable. When washing linen dissolve littl: pipeclay in the water, which soves half the usual labor and sonp, con- "black and colored silks, patient rubbing = with chloroform is most effective, and will not hurt the most delicate colors or fabric. Constangly change the = sur- face of the flannel and use more chlo- roform. To clean white fur, as you do ot wish to send your fur to ao cleane try rubbing the fur thoroughly with warm dry bran, using a piece of book inuslin as a rubber. Failing this) try Inagnesia in the same manner. To black a kitchen range first wash oe spots with soapsuds, f there are any rou;sh, nee) or spots where somcthing has burnt on the stove rub it well with _ blacklead to the consistency of cream | with vinegar, stale beer, or cold wa ter. Apply this to the cool ana when nearly dry polish with stiff brush. Tt should always be: polished when the stove is cold, for when hot the blacking burns on and does not polish well, Take a threepint bow] and fill it | with vevetables of all kinds, cut small. Toil these in two quarts of wrier, with a little salt; when done, blend tee een nf junt before n egg beaten Httle Season all with pepper and asht, and serve very hot For a birthday cake take an equal sweet almonds, butter, cas our, and = egy. Pound * the altnonds to a paste in a a mortar and mix the ingredients These lozenges are va pik and © Nang for cotiahe. of clothes. | colds and sore VENTILATE } THOROUGHLY. The Chae S Prices in Live Btoc¥ Do not make the mistake of think-| - bers raararh ing that because an outside door is opened occasionally that no othcr BREADST DSTUFFS. is ventilation is necessary. Open the| Toronto, Feb. 0.--Wheat--There is windows a few erp each morning, | Very little offering, there is a go and also the last thing at night demand and the market is 'fully «@ cent higher for winter and for Mani- and fore retiring aed thorouany - the No. 2 red living rooms from the fresh outdoor ats on often tell what the family dinner and break- fast consisted of, and sometimes even what composed the meal of the day before, because of failure to gif thor- ough. ventilation, ----4+------ CARE_OF DAIRY UTENSILS, _ ae =] is firm at 76c for No. toba is a cent higher at 94c for No. 1 hard, 92¢ for, No, 1 northern, 88ic for No. 2 northern and 85¢ for No 8 northern at Georgian Bay ports, and 6c-mere-grindin 'ansit. Flour -- Cable inquiries are 50 for strong ee bags included, dairymen. Inasmuch os the dairy in- : "4 on tho, track To dustry is 60 important in influen ing ne health of the cousuner, it is fitt- ing that We pay special attention to , the cleaning of utensils used in the dairy. CAUSE OF Unclean of shorts and $15 for bran in [east or middle freights. steady at $20 Yor cars CONTAMINATION. (S18 a es bran, sacks included, Toron- ¢ o fre dairy utensils are one of | Mertey--1 --Ts mene at 43%c for t sources of contamina- | 9, 41}c No extra, and tion in This contamination gor No, 3 east or cane {reights. is due to the pfesence of undesrable | Buckwheat--Is steady at 48c for bacteria, Some bacteria are useful | or wes 'y in the art of Causing such changes as the souring of milk and the ripening of cream, and cheese | by bacterin ofga desirable kind, The | undesirable bacteri. ate those that, | all of which are processes produced |, No. 89c steady t 53c¢ to 54c for or an freights. 874c\ for Can- , feb. American is steady ;ada mixed cars west. nOle to Sle for new No. 3 ye 'How and at produce teiat milk and which! " 2 exist principally in filth ee on |514c to 52c for hig en in car the surface and in the cravice: of | lots on the trac roronte Oats--Are firm gt Bide to 32c for No. 1 white and Sic to 314e for -- 2 white east. No. 2 white cast quoted at 304c to Ble middle ieeighia. Rolled Onts--Are stendy at $4.10 j for cars of bags and $4.85 for barrels dairy utensils. The -- ot un- desirable bacteria in the These bacteria are ines organ- isms which have the power ef mul- tiplying very rapidly umler favorable conditions. The cow litions most suited to their growth are food, jon the track Toronto, and 30c¢ more a _ moisture, all o which ,for broken lots unist ot faverably in milk and *eas--Are steady at 68¢ for No. 2 dairy uicnsite which have not beén | high frieghts west. thor 'oughly cleaned. Racteria are especlally numerous in and around a dairy, and get into the milk in many ways. Thousands of them are avy to-c demand for conrealed in crevites that can barely | COUNTRY PRODUCE, Bi of dairy rolls were Ja. The LEADING 'MARKETS. Es Millfeed.--Is wiondy at $17 for cars" fi 4946 to 4926, : white, ATG; No.? Cleanliness is the first law which "quite ley, western, ~ should be observed y Man} pumerous, representing a .good | .ex- Rye, no offerings: who in any way manufactures -- or rt demand, but there is scarcely haniles a ---- " The real | any offering and exporters are prac-| EUROPEAN, G1 ers, meaning of the io cleanliness or mt sanitation is to. ve or promote ee = eae na gabe Feb, BS pent ood health, be it of the judividual 20 ff ve of 90 per cant. pat- northern ba, Ws 62d; or the public, hence any Condition $3. nde pie 7 ok or middle tuturon stoady, gd value, which will promote this end effective antn an ae is eo 20c higher fo May 6s 3id valm aly "Hominal. ly should be established. 'The sim- | {rcights a ' vad 4 stot , oll jn | Come--Spot firm: ed Anwrican, pler these conditions can bo made, {Choice brands. rie ( cars of 2 , new, 4 void 1s O34; the better. 'They need pot be ex- | Srmer at $4.80 to § a4 as 4 $4.60 futures quiet, M "23d value, sensive or claborute and they cer- |tungarian patents, & 1.4 ° 4. |May 48 3d Flot @apolis, 21s tainly are within the reach ef every for second patents and $1.40 to "19a to 228 9 sa as at on passage tralian, Janu ebruary, wheat, cargo » February, Marc s. Col P passage rather firmer; corn, Plata, vel low, rye terms ® load, 20s 4)d; corn, parcel m Jtinerican, March 208 74d. twerp Feb.' 8.--Wheat t, spot 2 redawinter, no stock. Paris, Fob. 9. pat, tone quiet at 20f 95c for Febr: and 21f 15c d August. Flour--Tone 28f 95¢-for prom, and 28f 70c for May 'and August LIVE STO MARKETS. Toronto, Feb.y8.--Business at tie Vestern Cattle ; t to-ay was quiet in all Hzas of cattle, prices manifested ean easy tone. The deliveries were 46 cars, contain- ing 925 cattle, 298 oe and lambs, 476 hogs, and 45 cal The demand for euichers' descrip- tions did not come up to thes pectations of the drovers, and values were easy at the decline reported last Tuesday. The general quaiity was not so good os on Tuesday, as the mujority was Fastern stock. Excepting for a few late arrivals the hight before last, e were received from the West: 'The railways i " ' Ih Lif tt presi creamery continued good = and » £00 ae : "tt ik at ve rf come jn contact {quotations all rouud are | uncanny? "dd, jwith m hey will incrense many j Gre 20c¢ to 21c j . miery, »yrints thousand-fold Crea J withing 9 short thn Go SOLAS ...6. cee ces eee 194¢ o 20¢ and set up bad fermentations which Dairy, To rolls. choice to 17c are familiar to all dairy men. " olls to 16¢ The :eal object of sanitation is to do lurge r oe : - get rid of these undesirable germs. pe 5S, Kool a, + While it is a fact that some of them | oo. er t6 ide | are harmless, still there are many; 4° 'ieditim evariet to 18 | which are harmfel to btiman -- life, do od o Hee We mUSt establish conditions | Cheesey'The market continues by which we can destroy them | Steady and fairly active. Quotations cheaply and effectively, jare unchanged at 21 lle per Ib. for large } or twin oe a | eeu Few eggs are coming for- The first requisite is to purchase | ward, but the prevailing high price duiry utensils that 'continue to exert a quieting influence | cleaned, which have smooth, on the demand. Quotations are un- | flour | 'i el and non-portous surfaces ay aes changed. The market is ateady at made that they are casi 83c ,to 35e for new: Inid, 30c for se 60 \sible with a brush | or clot. Uns Ipsted. tng. 1p BOG ge cold storage and { avoided, all i | howl WWooden never be use utensils | d for receiving Poultry--Continues quiet in one exceotion ° . ° i iines, i - | milk, as wood contains myriads of | young fresh-killed chickens. quotations : = | mall Pores which retain milk, mak- jal round are unchanged. Chickens ing it impossible to clean such carth- | are quoted at 12c to 14c and om enware have sometimes Leen used | fowls at 5c to 6c, ducks at 9c to; | and are very efficient, but om ac' /io6 and turkeys at 12he to 13i4c. [with of their expensiveness, the eure Potatoes--Arrivals of car lots here, ith which they are broken and their Breat weight, they become impracti- ! leable for diiry use. Metal complies most nearly 'are less frequent and the market has ja firm tone. ] dealers pane h | cars on the track here at 75¢ wit 'all requirements, and tinned meta 'Doe to 81. out of store are quoted at is the cheapest and most practical. | 9° | However the metal should be of | Dressed Hogs--The market. ee is , |, Steady and quoted unchanged at $6. 20 for selects and $6. 10 for heavies yer owt. in gar lots he come rough, | few s | Abou | eoating avorial $4 per.cwt tie ie 1) ¥as tight. and prices 'were , | steady. Seeds--Trade hr quiet. Quo- | -- aol This cake requires to b akod longer than an ordinary cake. | tors should te be with made likewise, smoot and boas laces. for bacteria. All joints, tations are unchanged at $4 to $5.- leo ners, 'eams and crevicer should 50 for alsike, $5.50 to $6 for red ony made smooth and filled entirely ,clover per bushel, and $2 to §3 for with solder. Pressed tin or seamless (timothy per 100) Ths. at outside leheguels are preferable from a sani- points, and a little more would be tary standpoint. Milk pails in par- | paid for extra choice lots | ticular should have no corners, so; Baled Hay--Plenty of hay can be © I that there will Le ho places for bac- bought in the country, but the trour © teria to Strainers and acra- | ble is to get it pinced here. The de- ;mand, h is only fair and de yd are _ gener- owever, eight apples half ao three eggs suinces of melted butter. __ apple and bent all ianetigable ; pour In the mixture, and bake steadily un- til the meringue is ¢ Put four ounces of blanehed sweet almonda into a mortar six ounces of caster suger and n lttle or- ! sufficient stiff- Bake in a slow oven, ornament With stiff icing and scatter shopped pistachio nuts over. route au tisa Pag! good soup and one often served in France, Take aA quart of stock freed from fat, sand add to two large onions *pecled and thinly sliced, two large cuFrots -- sped and sliced, a turnip tape and cut in small squares re- ie of a cold boiled Stee. "ada a few odd crusts of stale bread, and tlminer very slowly till the vegetables pen beef they ape be added to the soup with advantage. On Ronsting- Fig nd roasting, like Slow boiling, is t best, and the ore often meat is Basted the less time it will take to cook. noticed by travellers abroad, \ery slow charcoal fires only used. When the meat is half the covk should stir the fire and ge it to --- brightly, 60 as to brown the meat. eal, fowls and rabbits apould, "it possible, be basted ith bacon fat and well floured. Mix two ounces of a pint of dlack currant juice, which may be extracted from j Vv pa Ing it through a hair sieve. Pla in an enamelled saucepan, add a a tablespoonful of gra aig" ard simmer for 46 minute Pour in thickness, and these plates cept in oven or any wart place, till the mixture is hard dry, then take it off. Keep it in a tin box with a sheet of paper between each layer and stamp into shapes "sd sicam, some alkali, a scrubbing a coarse cloth, combined MONTREAL MARKETS with plenty of "elbow gr "to! yrootreal, b. 9.--Grain--No. 2 cRO nis elfactive All » bein eenatle should be cleaned immediate- pane es inapettton, loada in y after using. 'The method for clean- 'store for local account. 'The demand as few projecting nuts, rods or braces as Possible. Storing | ally good. Q or delivery cans, dippers and otber iss: $0 per ton for car iota on utensils must also comply with tbis rule. A new piece of strainer cloth thould be used at cach milking. | AGENTS OF CLEANLINESS. |Tv he market {Phe -prineipal--things--necessary-- fori to $5.50 -- per ton seeping utonsi's clean are hot water | track here. iiveries of farmers' track "Daled Straw-- Recei ipts of cars here ore light and trade continues quict. is quoted steady at $5 for car lots on ing Varies slightly according to what | the utensils have contained. If they have been o ; first be rinsed ' ie cal bad onl, sold in England as cheaply as in warm water, so as to wash off the 'Montreal. No. ats, low freights viscous albuminoids which if subject- j 'west, for export, 303c; No. 2 ss ed to boiling water would coagulate | 8 64c; rye, 52c, No. 2 barley, 434c; No. and adhere firmly to the tin, thus 3 extra barley, 424c; No. 8, 41 $c. becoming difficult to remove. 'They Flour--Manitoba millers are now should then be thoroughly washed in , about lfc apart from each other on hot water with seme cleansing ma- "quotations given out. Patonts range terial, such-as washing powders -- or | from $4.90 to $5; -atrong bakers' §4.- caustic salad, in order to remove the 60 to $4.70; winter wheat patents, grease. The water should be quite | $4.25 to $4.85; straight rollers, $3.- hot and the washing powders should | 90 to $4; extras, $3.50 to §3.65 not be used sparingly, for we too straight rollers, in bags. $1.85 to often find vessels where the grease | $1. 90, and extras, in bags, $1.65 to has not been removed, but wie (ar smcated over thegtin. . | austics and washing powders are here is no export demand or oats any longer, oats being how 'jis good, Feed- The demand ix good and the (market strong, it being expected that east only effective in cleaning thé | the consumption will be large from grease from utensils, but they also | this Manitoba bran, in bags, _ abu aaa of ager ing bacter- | gig: 5 aa yee r ton; Ontario H pe i ho * avoided. After | $19.5 bg 'mouitt, $26 to $27 the washing, utensils should be | | per sot as to quality ene ae jp according to con |" Rolled Oats--The association price ditions steam is at hand, a! force, $2.15 bein thorough steaming should follow, | °° ms oS ae : : steam being the cheapest and most 'asked for bags and $4. 40 for barrels effective » on ective agent for destroying germs Hay--Owing 'to bad weather deliv- | in er eries, cheese 1 rr dairk . agg ig NP cries are light and prices are tempor- tio steam requires a boiler, erily firmer. e au re , $9 whlch is quite expengive for the av- |t® $10; No. 2, aged mixed, $7 to $7. 50; prin "$6.50 t =e Saiey farmer, it is novessary in $7 per ton in car lots. his e to pursue a different cours for Vestray ig bane. 7 ans--Choice primes, $1.55 to 81.- It has becn found that a 5 to 7 {60 per bushel, $1.50 to $1.56 in car per cent. solution of good fresfi ; lo washing powder applied in het water will make a good materin! for dee troying germ life, provided the uten- sils aro subjected to this solution for at t ten minutes after which they should be rinsed in hot water and set away in the pure air to dry. The latter method requires more lard, 8c; C kettle rendered, 104c; hams, lljc to 18; bacdn, 146; -- _killed. abat- refused to uccept consignments from those points. Had | the deliveries been heavy to-day a further drop would likely have taken place. poPpec- ulative buving was at a stantistill, |eurd as tchers seemed generally to be woprtte they were inclined only where larg! were on the market Some loads of exporters arrived er operators 'late, and were left over unsold $4.50 lots were sold at about per cwt. t the only feeders moving were a few ranging from 1,000 bs. which sold at figur ited number of light slockers butchers' © sald. € about Calves were in better mand than the others, and values held steady. ltions were that a drop of about 25c !would take vurly next week. 7T a Sood loads sold at $4 in a few instances Fair to good were th $3.70 to ¥4.10; common to , $8 tu $3.50, and cows $2.60 $3.20 per cwt Bulls were slow of sale, and prices were a maintained. We quote: lls, $38.60 to $4.10; fced- .25 to $3.50 and light iP. Not much of a cemand ot export cows was reported. Butcher were cake We cows, $3:20 to $3.50; $2.75 to $3.10 and canners, $2.25 up. a the sheep trade business Was light on smal! deliveries. hee follow :--Expo:t ewes, $3.7 export '= S $3 to $8.26; patedions' to $4.50 to quoted a Ke to $10 each, and 4 to 6e per Milch s some extra choice ones oe were in fair demand, were to $60 each. Hogs continued unchanged. We quote :--Select bacon hogs, 160 to 200 Ibs. cars, 'Toronto, $5; fats and lights, $4.75; sows i: $3.50; Auge, $2 to $2.50 per ewt. a WHAT ARE FROGS' LEGS ? Secretary turned the matter over the customs division for an answer. of the Treasury, wh rais the question that under what is known as the "similitude" section of the tariff law frogs were to be clas as dressed poultry, pe duty was to be asseseed on them the rate of five cents a pound. ----+-------- DEAD LOOK AS IN LIFE. Method for More . Satisfactory Identification. A despa! col from Parts on --M. Bertilion has dev' oi i hod for the better tden cation of bodies the ¢ es gad do not al- es of save to accomp! same purpose | toir hogs, $7.95 antry with steam, but is better adapted | hogs, $6.75 to $7; live hogs, $5.59. tow farm u Egge--Candled pelected, 3lc to 82c; ~ . were | pretty well blocked with snow, and [7 de) pF ir $3.75; grain-fed '; al . Murray 93; Worts, business Mutual Bank, 225; Ba nk, = Teror 50; ada Railway Cc $1, 0. the cost of people 462.20. se Bion hk 7 as jan me junior a services John a) N. Crawfor c. Sheriff * ing G.W. V The 909.76, For. refunds For miscellaneo 19 SUCCESSION DUTIES estates from st nga succession duties were received Among as below:--Caonada awe Co., $12,046.48; Confederation Life, $6,003.08: ropolitan Ba $2,875; $1,200; Gotatio Lag $1,975 of Ottaw National ture are Gamey investigation. amous trial a Ww. 'R "Riddell, 'epher nm E. A. DuVernet, grant. from ment, $1,196,872.60; by Dominion Government on capital held und debts duc to Ontario aml nal were brought for a total ary expenditure, egpital account, purposes, $149,300. The following are the amounts the see apeeise ss }instituions _ ization = and tiom ~se..6 vcee 7 IER: ccseeee.cvehe sasceen For locks, da ha colonization onde nou erepeee severe wee For urveys, inspec- CIGNS, CLE. svocave sores the larger the following:--Henry Cargill, $28, = inp 43; Robert Ferguson, $15 ; T. B. Bate, $10,186.99; Win. Colgahoun, $7,500; Jas. Innes, $6,-|¥ 162,26; John er $7,471.62; A. T. Woc 'ood, $24,45 J. Cook, $38,813.69; H. 8. oewiana, $2,000; Oliver Mowat, Y H Fi 310,000; 'Sir eoack Ronit "CS. C. hs pga $5,281; $5,73' WHAT Scnvenatieis PAID. The following corporations in the province Life Life, Life of Canada Manufacturers Life, 34, 325.60; Metro- nk of Montreal, Bank, $1,100 Bank of N ito, $2,725; Corporation, £1,916 Co., $4,938; 750; te PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. The Public accounts of the were bro do interesting items that fam of the province couase 7 Johnston, disb _Hitehie, legal services 7,600.00 D poco: services tor cou ba = FP bean, disburse J. -h "Vecivoy. nsel counse x: McEvoy, for steno- Henderson, "court, Butcher, for reporting Proceeding BN, BR. Butcher, suppl)- ing 16 books of exhibits. for d Tug Company Maitland, Hixon "Company con- Mowat, to vey crral, cab h hire 2. RECEIPTS AND PAYME: NTS. total year including o balance from 1902, receipts for ceipts include :--Subsidy and apecial Dominion Govern | interest tho investments, 76; revenue from Crown Lands cn at ' U. S. Treasury Department Calls|partment, $2,441,549.91; _ licenses, Them Poultry. $871,671.27; law stamps, $64,205.- 03; education Department, $48,- A despatch from Washington says: | 069.75 Secretary's Department, --Secretary of the Treasury Shaw is | $1: 21,299. 86; fisheries, $39,842.93; issuing orders to collectors of -- cus- | Agriculture, $50,278.47; supplemen- tome at all lake er that dressed | Lory revenue, $257,624.40: sucees- frogs legs from Canada shall not be | 'tan dut $486,948.94: ual admitted free of 'duty. For some | yeque, $104,163.87: public institu- hree sponths the department has | tions, $111,744.89;- miscellaneous ac- _ wrestling with the conundrum counts due the Government, $38.- s to whether frogs legs are sed rah within the meaning of the + 1c ie Dingley law, or something else. The "Tne ESTIMATES. The estimates for the current year down. T. expenditure made up $4,057,1 $451,475; House js asked to vote for the vari- ous departments of the Godvernment:-- Civil oh halaaaiae ws see $337,350 00 Legislation ... 00... w+ 185,450 00 Admtaistration of "justice 478, 297 29 ION, snes paves ace ;154 42 Pubtic institutions main- PORANOD! assae cxescsicceanees 941,642 00 Colonization and immi- PAOD scares: casusees ae 19,325 00 gaia sete asses 'evees 837,496 00 Soneee saa charities 282,126 81 Mainte: repai of ro nc and de- partmental buildings . 60,320 00- Public st (1) repairs ..... .... 33,525 00 (2) Capital account + 866,925 00 Publie works-- (1) Repairs .... :..... P 500 00 (2) Capital acco unt ie Ev 1550 00. Colonization and mining POORER ciscngs cesesee sovece 149,300 00 $4,- $3,700; Met- a, uebec Royal Bank. $1,840; Sovercign Bank, $1,688; Traders' Bank, 2,400; Union Bank, $2,- Trusts Co., $1, 335; Toronto General Trusts, $1,2¢ nda Permanent and Mortgage Colonial Investment and Loan $1,720; Grand Trunk Raikway, $18,- 275.93; Canadian Northern, $1,767.- 50; Canada Atlantic, npr Can- Southern, Western Canada Bell 'Telephone in connection services a8 as follows: Aree 09 a igh Ryan, '$57 ad doing were taxed Assure $2,290.86; , $6,908.11; New York Molsons ova Scotia, Stand- ; Can- $3,868.80; Co., 0; Toronto sumers' Gas pro- wn. e of expenli- Po th The urse- woe 3,723.18 - 4,250.00 3,000.00 .- 3,723.13 4,420.50 the pnid bey provide of $4,657,- 34.7 for. other stbiss "bessecs tasks - 956,708 06 Refunds sectors oe 22,054 90 pichieaslskveNvnsatasetes 98,100 00 Unforseen and unprovi Oa ieecte) sont kaye 50,000 00 CREASES IN SALARIES,_ F 'the Jieutenant-Gov- ernor's office 'applies for $860 In increane of $560 for salaries, aan. in the Ed there is also an increase of $650 for the same purpose. The Crown Lands Department asks for $2,550 more than wes received last wenr; the Pul- Nic Werks Pepartinent, 81,60; the Treasury 'Departinent, 31,050; 9 Pro- vineiel-Seeretary's. Department, $517 less; irae of public onc apaar $1,300 more; ~ license and audit amie necounts, sgn0, Regis- tar-General's branch, $350; Provinci- al Board of Wealth, $1.650 less De- partment of Agriculture eh: ™ more; insurance branch, $450 For the pret e Arsene i aig justice, $13,342 of an increase is as for The Ehucation Department need $250 less than last yeur, and for . naintenance of public -- institutions 183, 400 more is required. An increase jot $3,000 is asked for by the Agri- culture Department. The mainten- ance und repairs of the Government builaings will cost $3,000 less this year, and of public buildings $105,- more. etiggentsd meen FIRST WEERLZ BULLETIN. Trade and Commerce sale Issues Reports A cespatch from Ottawa says --- The Department of Trade and Com+ maicte issued on Wednesday the first weekly bulletin containing reports of commercial agents of Canada in all parts of the world, and trade en- quiries respecting Canadian froducts and inarkets therefor. 'The bulletin pre reference to Canadian butter and in the British West Indices, The Very Latest 1 'tems From All Ferm et the Gioke. DOMINION. -- Hamilton school teachers afe Earl of Dundonald has prepar- ed a new manual cavalry drill. new yards at Edmonton this sum~ mer. Londo: chise. $2,500 for a five-year fran- Ross, a former . Mounted Policeman, shot himself through the trial at St. Catharines-o of stealing money letters. The see returns in Winnipeg during January were $194,734, as seaiant 'si80, 976 in the sane month last year Not a single' Chin: inaman came Canada since the imposition of $500 poll tax, which went inte bal Janua 2 ~ 6 ---- newspapers are indig- nant ver oan order by the police corenibareene that none of the auth oliths shall give information regar ing crime to the newspnpers. 'The new Victoria National Museum to be erected in Ottawa will have a frontage of 375 feet. There will be w Gothic portico of glass forty ket high"6¥rer the main entrance. management of lighthouses has to the elect fr engineer of the Marine Department, to a Lighthouse Board. entries for The homestead the 'Territories show that the American settler predominates. During the month of January the Canadian Pa- cific Railway sold 116,847 acres of land to the value of $886,649 Private donations to the Japanese war fund total 2,000,000 yen. reports having inidad, Jesmuioa, and pcaiaiers Bi in response to a series of enquiries sent out by Mr. O'Hara, | Acting Deputy Minister, The de- weekly bulletins to all applicants. -_----__+------ zeeeeey WATER. Novel Theory eecnmnees by Chicago Profess A despateh from Chicago says Professor Edwin Jordon, of the University of Chicago, at the hearing of the drainage canal injunction case or ee against INinois testified | it e had proved that -- typhoid | germs contd not live more than two Ways in sewage-polluted water and e more than ten days in | pure water. He claimed that water' polluted with sewage was in itself n positive ald to the elimination of typhoid fever germs. 'The discovery, besides being crucial in the present uit, contrary to all previous scientific theories. -------- NEW AT AaYs PROGRESS. is TExpec A despatch from gee says :-- Premier Seddon, of New Zealand, of the crisis in the Far Revenue Shows » Inerense and Sur- plus ted. with the same period of the previous financial year, Mr. Seddon said he anticipated a thumping surplus. , i ay re TWELVE BURNED TO DEATH. Result of Explosion in the Dutch East Indies. Avdespatch from Amsterdam says: --The Colontal Office on Friday re- ceived a despatch from the Governor of the Dutch East Indies reporting an eruption of the voleano of Mer- api, in the Island of Java, and say- ing 12-people-were---burned_ to death and that 20 were severely injured. Tho eruption showors of red hot violent eruption was in 1819 ig ae --_+---- PHYSICIAN'S SAD DEATH. Result of Exposure While Attend- ing Injured Firemen A despatch from: New York says = Dr. Joseph G. Rooney of West Ho- boken, N. J., don Thursday in st exposure on the ni firemen who had been injured at a fire on Jersey City Heights. 1t was one of the coldest nights of the winter, octor worked over and the injured men with his sleeves roll. Pp. is hands were badly frost- bitten, and subsequently set_in, resulting in his dea Seen DIE OF LEAD POISONING. Drank Brandy ae in Lead-lined gangrene th. A despatch from Buda) past, a says :---An epidemic of oisoning has broken out in the Vil- langes of Obrezsa, Marga, and Glun- boka, in Kra:sso-Szorney County, as the result of drinking brandy in lead-lined stills. Over one hun- dred persons were poisoned, and a number of them are den dis- tillers claim that lend-lined stills give a higher degree of alcohol than other kinds of stills. ------------ AUSTRALIA'S ARMY Total of 60.000 Men, Including Reserves. : A despatch from London says :-- Australia's mifitury strength ifs total of 25,800 men on a peace, and 4 Sec a 7 cadets' rifle clubs, which giver. a full ome of 60,000. The new scheme of organization provides for a division of-the forces into a field,force, an in- ter-State efence garrison, and troops fer State defence peace Sp pigeon proportions are: Field 13,831; garrison, 11,896 5 natin NOT INTERBUPTED A DAY. Service to Prince Edward Island Well Maintained. A despatch from Ottawa says : The ee of Marine and Fish eries advised* that the Water cenive to Prince Edward Ie- land is pg well maintained th season e and the Min- to are running daily between Pictou eorgetown, there has not and been ao single day's ern partment will furnish copies of these | | Hitherto unknown sketches and istudies by Michael Angelo have been discovered at Florence. | The muzzles of wo eight-inch guns on the United States battleship iowa blew off during firing practice. About two ths ago " Boyle cut his band slightly on a beer | wars in a saloon, at Philadelphia. He hes jen died from blood-poisoning. The of Allentown, Pa. urfew law aS __{hiviting children under 16 ye ot lage --- being upon the steeets 'stent (9 o'clock at night. { A process of spraying with baryta 'water bas arrested the decay of the | thirteen century stone work of the | chapel house of Westminster Abbey. Joseph Muenier, alias Miller, who confessed to fatally stabbing Mrs. J. T. Seville, was sentenced to impris- onment for life, at Detroit, within sixty hours of cominitting the crime. A despatch from Russia says Jew- ish emigration to America is steadily increasing. ans, | a8 well as haere Hebrew 'house boleeee, are eaving. eg hundred families have re depar' ie emer at Plauen, Saxony, bas City Council, lie say is also a "hocialiat emblem.' ----_4+ ATTACKED BY WOLVES. Thrilling Battle on the Ice d Lake. A Alex. Morrisey of Turtle River, near Dauphin, had a thrilling experlenes with a pack "3 wolves while cr ne arm of Lake Mant that he would have been torn Pieces by the wolves. fought hard, and one of them was kuled in. the ronan Morrirey~-claims~to- have} done- great execution land he sought the protes° LASERS FROM THE WIRE _ that an editoc was justified it!' Round Lake, toba. While a a consideratite distanee from shore he was surrounded and attacked by twelve or filtcen fero-{ cious ani . At the tame ee had with him two hounds and an axe and had it. not been tor . he says, there is no Goubt at all but, tion of Bez friendly tree, ed_-ther dark, till the wolves departed at a - TIDAL WAVE IN FRANCE. Third of Commune of Penmarch nder Water Wespatch from Brest, France, Finisterre, on Tuesday night under amnage was done, people living near the shore were obliged to flee from their houses. pa, eee A BOUNTY ON WHEAT. Proposition Before the British Government ' A despatch from Lonilon says :-- The Standard of Wednesday morning says it understands that the Gover - ment and geo Chamberlain are which has been made that, "Instead of a du on 'foreign wheat, a bounty show be given on wheat grown in Gredt Hritain and the colonies, ro- posal less objectionable than a pro- tective tux. . wcetitlpaacemnemiate TURKS MASSACRED 40,000. Historian Da of Appalling Re- ord in 1903. A Pies from T[erlin says :-- Przewalsky, the noted Balkan hiss torian,. who has just concluded a six months' tour of Macedonia, asserts that during the year 1903 the Tur kish troops razed 300 villages and massacred 40,000 sons, mostly aged men, women and children. ------+--_--_ TO INCREASE THE FORCE. Hundred Men to be ipa to the unted Poli An Ottawa despatch says: In of the largely increased sphere operations of the oe oes "Hount, ed Police, and the imme territory which they i, have es patrol, the force is to be augmented At peony | the . police number 800, ree, and remain ; The Canadian Northern wilh build -- 'The Bell Telephone Company offer ~ x <- pas from Winitpes « nays: -