HEADQUARTERS |: --FOR-- WALL PAPER," Call and let us show. you our numerous designs in Wall aper. e are convinced we can suit you. SEEDS. We handle only the choic- est Seeds, so that when you buy here you are sure of gee ting the best. J.-A. HACKING, DRUGGIST - AND - BOOKSELLER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses and Railway Tickets. ListowelStandard FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12, 1904." ROSS' MAJORITY THREE On First Division in Honse. Three members is the exact majority the Ross Government can produce to justify ite bold on office until the elec- tion trials are permitted to give it the long-delayed coup de grace. Every constituency in Ontario was represented , in the House yesterday afternoon, says the Mail and Empire of Friday, when the vote on the address from the throne was finally taken. That ie, the mem- bers were all present, save four, two Conservatives-- Adam Beck and Henry Oarscallen--who were paired with two Liberal ast D. C. Cameron and J. R. Barb Mr. Bice concluded the debate, and then the Speaker put the question on . Hoyle's amendment censurivg the Government for calling the House so as to delay the trial of the election ap- peale. A vote was demanded, and a straight party division resulted in defeat of the amendment by 48 Li erals to 45 Conservatives, every pol ber present voting, eave the Speaker. The Government's majority of three, which, until Col. Munro was intro- duced into the Houge on Tuesday, was only two, did not give much joy to the treasury benchee. Jt could scarcely be expected to when the Liberals reflected that five ont of their strength were ouly in position to vote by virtue of the Premier's unrorupulous device of calling the session at a date exactly cal- culated to check the legal proveedings to unseat them. On the other hand, the evidence of their close proximity to power, coupled with the expectation of having an absolute majority as soou as the courts are permitted to try the election cases evoked thunderous cheers fram the Opposition. . WHERE DID THE MONEY GO? "Political Point tere, No. 2," the secood official political handbook of the Liberal perty, contains some fuapy statements, On page 4 the following appears : "During the seven years the Liberals have been in power the government only added 6} million dollars to the public debt,--whereas the Conserva- tives eal their last seven years added 21 millio On ole 5 ove reads : "Barplases to the amount of 27 millions were record- ed for the years 1901-02 and '03," In another paragraph on page 5, surpluses of 58} miliiona are claimed for the Liberal party during its seven years of rule. With surpluses of 58} millions, 64 millions were added to the public debt. What has become of the surpluses ? And where has the 6} millicns, which were added to the public debt, gone ? In Ontario the question that has been agitating the people for the past year has been : 'Where did the money come from ?" In federal affairs the puzzle is to find out the direction takeu by 65 millions. The electors should be informed asto who the favored indi- viduals are, who received this immense sum. During the comiug campaign an explanation should be asked of every Liberal speaker in every riding in Canada. CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENTS MULTIPLYING. The wholesale appointment of civil servants by tbe Liberal govern- ment has placed offiekgroom at a premium. Wilirid . came to power, the Parliament buildings furnished ample accommodation for all g yees, and there was room to spare. From July 12, 1896, to June 30th, 1902, no less than 1357 new appointments have been made by the Liberal party. The majority of this small army, which does not include temporary employees, ceneus clerke, ete, are housed at Ottawa. They have al- ready overrun the parliament build- ings and are now acattered all over the city. Office rents in 1902 the ee goon exorbitant amo some thousands of dollare will be added by the re- moval of the entire Militia depart- . ment to anew seven story building owned by the Woods Company of Ottawa. This large addition to the vwernment offices imperative. e clerks inthe eastern block were falling cver one another, and some- thing had to be done to make room for those et _ be employed for political purpose When the Pibetals were in opposi- tion, one of the thinge they delighted to talk about was the abnormal num- od ry civil -- employees at the objects of pro In- atead of doing so, they have multiplied the steffs many times over, until it is * < -gimoet impossible to find room for all. new oles: meet ines materials and Ja Over 1,200 dwelling houses were built in the city, and seventy retail stores, and other structures. In this year, 1904, building operations will be very active, the expenditure on this clase of work will probably run to five or six millions, The homestead entries in the Northwest iv ithe ten months to eud of October was 26, ree, sng area covered being 4,762,24' In 1901 the entries were teat? 'The in- flow of settlers into Manitoba and further West was going on continu- ously, during a great part of last year, and promises to be greater than ever in the current year. The enlurgement of population has great promises for Winnipeg, as it-is becoming more and more recognized us the capital and dis- tributing centre of the entire North- west. A significant sign of the ex panding population is the addition of 110 new post offices in Manitoba and | the Northwest territories. There are 1 117 post-offices in that part of Canada many now living remember Shere being only one or two. invi- peg seems on the way to being une of the chief cities of the Dominion. ATTEMPT TO BURN A SCHOOL. Work of Incendiary Detected at Mount : t. Mouut Forest, Feb. 5--A dastardly attempt was made to burn down the Mount Forest Poblic School. When the janitor went to the school early in the morning he found a hole hed been broken in the ceiling over the boiler, the bole filled with paper and set on fire. Fortunately the paper had burno- ed out without setting fire to the lath aod joiste. Mr. J. T. Allav, chairman, and other members of the board, were promptly notified, and they are now offering $100 for information leading to the conviction of the party or parties implicated ELMA. The Elma Butter factory is closed at present owing tothe small supply of mi McKenzie Reid of Ayr, who has been visiting hie cousin, W. J. Anderson, left for his home last week. A quiet wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr aod Mre.J. A, Turn- bull, 8th con, west,on Wednesday even- ivg of lastiweek, when their daughter, Laura, was united in the holy bonds of watrimuny to John Love, a prosperous Elma farmer. Rev. Wm. Penbal! was the officiating clergyman, and the nup- tial kuot was tied in the presence of the immediate relatives of the two con- tractivg parties. After the ceremony the company partovk of » sumptuons wedding diuner, alter which the time was pleasantly passed with music and social Oonversation. A distressing accident happened tu' J. W. Boyd, blind line, oa Monday morning of Inet week. Mr. Boyd bad gone to the driving shed and by eome means or other slipped and fell, breaking bis leg u short distance below the thigh. Mrs. Buyd had gone that morning to see Mr. Switzer, and the hired man, Joho Ritchie, bad only re- turned a short time when the accident occurred. He gut Mr. Boyd on toa stoneboat and conveyed bim to the house, and then hurried for Mra. Boyd and the doctor, Several veighbors called and offered kindly assistance and the broken limb was nicely set, with- out giving Mr. Boyd much pain. Ow- ing to bis advanced age, the injury will likely cou'ine him to bia bed for some months. The accident seems particularly eed at this time as Mr. Boyd but recently underwent an opera- tion for the removal of a cataract from bie eye, and wasin better health and able tu move around with greater ease than for some yeara® pust, Important Time in Every Girl s Life Is Between Fifteen and Eighteen Years of Age--How to Avoid the Dangers that Arise During that Period. The meotal activity of echool life, coupled with the terrible strain that must come during there years, taxes the vitality of even the strongest. / girl at this age often does not under- etand the physical change she is under- going. She willin all probability be nervous and puzzled. She should have the benefit of good motherly advice and along treatment of Ferrozone, which will supply new energy to ar her sately past the critical event. Ferrozone is the best remedy to take in early wo- manhood, because it contains so mach nerve and blood nourishment. It cor- rects all derangements, 'cures bearing- down pains, nervousness, and prevents headaches. Ferrazone __ revitalizes young girls, gives them vim, buoy- ancy, strong nerves and healthy bodies. Every girl shoald use Ferruzone, an wise mothers will see that their daugh- ters have the benefit of this health- giving tonic. Mrs. W. E. Michel, of Richmond, writes :--"I can. strongly recommen Ferrozone asa good tonic for young jadies, My daughter has been taking Ferrozone for the past six months, and it has worked wonders for her. Before asing Ferrozone she was anaemic an nervous and had no strength. But Fer- rozone has built ap her whole constitu- tion and given her strength and vitality. Of all the tonics I ever used I- don't think one of them compares rozone. It certainly brings health and strength to yonng girls quickly." Thore is no remedy half so effective as Ferrozone, A trial soon demon- strates its merits. Get ph pyr from your druggist to day and let i youup. Beware of fraudulent ph ser tutes and insist on having op & Ferro- sone. Price er or six boxes for $250 By mail from the Ferro- _xone Company, Kingston, Ont, (Manager Canadian emrce,) ores MoMillan, Pherson, K.C., =e ge ree = -- 4Hamilton), H. M. Geo, Hamilton (county treasurer, P. i 7 ton, M. Molarlane (Mon- treal), W. Lawrence (city crengarer) * Gillard, John Parker, George in- es (Woodstock), -- Rigas = Molatyre, "ee Spen . Mm. b, Buckingham. Fo: since 1877 ur J. W. Listowel, was abse snow b 'The reports and the -- state- ment were read as fallow. 'Lwenty-fifth Annual Hepart of the British Mortgage Loan Company of Ontario for the Lear 190s: Unce more we have experienced re ae of u successiul sea- e the ee last ns sombled the assets of £ have increased from 61, Sasa. to 'le byl.lz4--a guin of $45,704. on first rid cupital being loaned classes of security--mortgages of real eState and the The loa gute the trifling sum one half of one per ce of whole; the remaining $1, P5375, 005, 9¥ 1-2- per cent., ed in real estate, But as e Company, es well as its deposits, de- benture money, and reserve fund, are the e pana hanatapeer and = else who have deakings witb us, are «hus environed with such absolute safety, that, cou- 'ood bot been the loss umount for many successive years, or a Jaw suit, or a call upon the Com-~- pany ta take any man's property out of his bands in order t6 make good u default in repayment. Close ex- amination by our experienced valuu- tor of the lands col buildings offer- 'ed, careful selection, and constant serutiny of the mortgage uccounts, result in the capital bging preserved ut or da ot. msiderable an amount of fands to a De | frequently turned over, the entire avoidance of bad debts during a lengthened period can, we think, be pardonablf referred to as a remarkable and highly gratifying circumstance, for it 19 almost solely owing 'to this one important fact that in the past yean we were able for the seventh time comsecutively to add to the reserve fund the sum of $10,000 the customary We have still ta eno counter, er, the older loans more frequently fall in, decreases in the average rate in- terest as well as ition. f ome T we make Is that any nee riar from in the selection of scuiataiih over them, might easily larger losses than the yearly yains to the rest account, if the offers of higher rates ot ta- terest on speculative securities -- if laxur --_ of loaning--might huve eater 1 months teaching their own calam- itous lesson, We -have always ke away from such dangers, and there- fore, the shook that was brought by disastrous losses from rash ventures to numbers of unfortunate persons elsewhere was nat felt by us in the slightest degree it was a great test of strength "and atability ; but it caused no disturbance to the business of this Company whatever. Our 4 per cent. debentures, which show a gratifying increase in num- ber and amount, have become an es- ds of the Perth Mutual Fire In- surance Co, are invested in them at a fair rate of interest, and they are being widely availed af by people with large means and by the execu- ters and trustees of estates Owing to other oo arrange- m clerk, "after many mie ISE ... Gal uditorship, wit e expres- sions of good will on both sid! e orge Hamilton, Gr Stratford, January 28, 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE BRIT- ISH MO RTGAGE LOAN COMPANY ° For the year ended December 3ist, 1903. igre ACCOUNT "Rey its Sau, ie includ =e on nelnding 81 051 68 Pa 4, 86 8 40 3a 9004,129 (3 B 2 78 ss oo Ds m" au other Expenses.,.... 5,771 97 Menicipa oY Provinoiat Taxes on Capital............. 480 91 Loans and Inspeo- on eee om = 'Welaaee Sue, due = yy Bask ot of areas oy 7,178 GL $904,129 08 SSETS AND LIABILITIES Carh Value of Securities............. $1,387,951 OC Com: "s Bai ot saevess ow 1 ict $1,381,106 61 LIABILITIES Paid on Capital Stock............... A 135,810 95 Depsaitn on Aon inuee i paane $74,608 = Dividend No. Jan. 3 390s = 13,074 79 Added for 1909 ...1+1...2-+..10,000--= 568,000 00 That had been their' al wood for- tune for many past and he hoped it would weilit attend them. With the Vice- and the Manager, he had My made the ual i jon of the ort gages, and had found them m4 splendid Shape, through the: care exercised in the first place in taking the: over, By the subsequent watohful- ness em by ager. The Vice-Presi firmed .the ile a of + representation, t icoreriodge of most of the properties wold as security for the investments and to bim there was not in sight an appearance of the lass of a single dollar. Good loams were taken at low rates and dowbtfal loans, whar- ever the inducements, were invar- iably rejected, milten, as auditor. Mr. George Hami testified to wen -high atanding of the ompany, and to the accurucy and excelleace in all r cts of the k-keeping. Conclusion, he congratulated his fellow sharehold- ers on having bere a strong, sound and excellently managed financial institution. , Mr. Maynard, when ,called upon, said he could give no better advice to those in charge than to go on in the course they hud taken--avoid losses and build up the reserve. The Manager, on invitation, passed 'the year's operations in review, dwelling particularly on the element of safety, even if the reguitant pro fits were small--atter which the re- solution was adopted unanimously. The auditors, Messrs. gregor, M.A. and George Hamil- on, were reappointed, and then tho scrutineers, Messrs. James Traw and Ww aynard, reported the election, without opposition, on a single bal-~ lot, of the previous Hoard of Direct- ors: in, & Ballant) pe, Messrs. McMillan, Scott, Parker, lunes, MacFarlane, H. M. Jahnson, und Marton. In requittal of the services of the President and Vice-President, the customary grants were made to them, accompanied by the cordial thanks of the shareholders ; who al- so gave warm expression to their ap- on of the zeal and faithful- ess of the Manager and the Assist- cat Manager, and voted them a lit- tle bonus as 'well. 8u' nen -- n MoMillan for Vice- President. The previous Executive mittee were also re-elected. FROZEN T@ DEATH. John Tuornbull,an Aged Resident of Glen Morris. Galt, Feb. 4.--John Turnbull, aged 66 years, was found frozen to death on the roadway near Glen Morris this morning. Deceased had been in the employment of Mre, George Ruther- ferd of Glen Morris, and was sent ou av errand some distatce in = won yesterday afternoou. As not returp, search was made last sight and this morning the ody, frozen solid in the snow, was fuund. Deoeased wes uomarried. A Serenely Happy Man ls Mr. Thos. MeGlashan of North Pelham who was ured of muscular rheumatiam by Nerviline, the most power- ful rheumatic "remedy in the -- "J suffered all manner of he writes, and Nerviline was the "ells "ting that did me any g can heartily re- commend Nerviline for all forme of rheu- matiam; it goes to the very core of the in reli Let every suffer- and brings lasting er from lame back, aching em and swell- ed lientes use Nerviline. and costs 25c. for a large heute fropiangia = is to replace steam on the tawa & New York railway. Soutb Ensex Conrervatives pominut- ed Mr. Lewis Wigle for the Commons, r. W. H, R. Allison, K. O ,clerk of the Connty Court at "Picton, is dead. Sir Mackenzie Bowell and his son, Mr.0.J. Bowell, have started on a trip to Paris. Mr. 0. 8.0 n, M. P. for London, has been called to the cabinet with- out portfolio. Sun Domingo rebels killed one of @ United States warshtp boat crew, and summary measures for revenge have been order Premier Roblin' 3 resolution, eodor- g@ Mr. Ohaniber sin, lain's preferential trade proposals, wes adopted by the Manitoba Legislature. - By a fire in Upper Cadienx etree%, Moatreal, early Friday morning, Mre. war Crawford, her son William Crawford, and James Hogan were suf- focated while asleep. Four others were injured, 8 sure to cure Take cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs "An relatives have consumption Then-a cough means @ great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. . It heals, errengtnens, prevents. . bad rst nm Ayers hry, Peete ergs Le it oh fries. t &. Nosixson, Halse, Hien. Ait arog Laren for Lowell, i Weak canes Ayer's Pills increase the activity of the fiver. and thus ald recovery. | Montreal bas expended $78,000 for qnow-cleaving this winter eo far. Av attempt wae made the other night to burn ths public school at Monont Forest. Hundreds of people are reported to bavo --_ killed by a volcanic eruption iz aly J..C. Farthing, of New St. Paul's, Woodstook, has been appointed a canon wip. The mean average temperature re- corded at Toronto observatory for Jan- uary was 16 degrees, 6.6 below the average for sixty-three years. An Ordinary Pull Ie liable to cause griping pains, but Dr. Hamilton's Pills of wanveke and Butter- nut never gripe or cau: y pain whatso- ever, Che silent and "cllestive physic. Sure cure for headache and _ biliousness. use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Price 25c. Joseph Wardoer, formerly of St. Thomas, was probably fatally injured by faliiug out of a third-story wiodow nt Moose Fireman George Houter was killed aud Engineer J. Abernethy was render- ed temporarily insane by a collision in P. R. yarde at London on Fridsy C. Cc. J. Macs | x{ternoon. Mr. Geo. poioted oe of Farmers Tostitutes Mr. B. Cowan will be Superintendent of Fall Faire. The town of Buckingham, Que., bad a destiuctive fire Friday morning. Twenty buildings were consumed at a loss of $100,000. A wildcat entered Cousin Brose. poul- try house in Howick one night and killed their entire flock of 78 hens and 6 ducks, This isa heavy lose to the owners as they were all pore bred fowl. A. Painam bas been ap- , What Is sia P a t yualais,naseuu; vonging Tor ood yet dread- ing to eat. You may have the real thing, but Ferrozone will cure you like it did 8. D. Huntington of Hamilton, who says '1 fre quently was attacked with such acute dys- ee read i thought it must be heart dis- 1 Ferrozone and got relief. I kept on using Kerrozone and was cured. My digestion isin perfect order aod { can eat anything to-day," Nothing ix as good bothered with weak estomachr, at drigglets. Mr. T. H. Haslam, a Canadian land ageut at St. Paol, Minn., aod presideot of the Western Canada Immigration Company, rasa every effort is made in the United States to prevent immigra- that American papers have ap organ- ized pian to injare the Canadien West, PROFIT The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how about the children? Are they fed according to science, a bone foed if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia? : Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and musele, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send for free sample. ain Bagh en Fe of every oa you buy. 'am - Scotté. Bowne CHEAISTS, Teronto, Ontario: _ Se and Hy all Gruggiots. of London Cathedral by Bishop Bald- tion of Americans juto Cavada, avd : : ea Feb. : 12 BARGAINS FOR EVERY BODY AT _GRAY,BERNIE &CO. OLEARING-UP SALE. Fours, Mantles, Overcoats, Overshoes, and all Winter Goods, at YOUR OWN PRICE to clear, Winter Goods that a very We are determined not to carry over any low price will'move. "15 only Men's long Raglan Overcoats,navy or dark grey, well lined and made up-tc-date i in every way,worth regular $10,our Slaughter Sale price only .00 secccccccscccecceces a good coat for early Spring wear, $2.50 and $3.50, our cl 6 only Ladies' Astrachan Fur Coats, inches long, regular $35, to clear at 'our clearing sale only . 3 only Ladies' * regular $10, to clear at 4 only Ladies' Mantles, 7 only Ladies' regular $5, to clear at . $1.50, to clear at only. $6 08 12 only Men's short Overcoats, all new goods, worth regular $6.50, our clearing sale only. «veo 08 20 only Boys' Pea Jackets, worth regular earing price...... 1 98 30 farmer Satin lined, worth Po eerccecccescess 24 CO 4only Ladies' short Astrachat Fur Coats, size 32, 34 and 36, worth regular $25, for 15 only Men's Fur Coats, price awzy down. up-to-date Mantles, worth (Ake eeaee 8 FF SO new goods, worth $7.50, while they last only.............. 5 00 Mantles, up-to-date, worth Sineeseegannns ¥ $C 50 pairs Men'sheavy Pants, worth regular 5 OSH & w CORTE SSS 98 This is a GENUIN all Winter Goods MUST GO. It to visit us. E CLEARING SALE. will pay you GRAY,BERNIE&CO. THE CASH STORE. AAPA IO PPP PPP OP DIDI II IAS BS ponerse wy Groceries almost every day R , nothing but the best Goods, 9 and prices are low. ' % NOTE A FEW PRICES. § 22 Ibs. of best Granulated Sugar for ...... $1.00 : Roasted Coffee, regular price 25c., for. oes 5 ' Tomatoes, first quality, 2 cans for 25 2 Peas and Corn, Quaker Brand, i cans 'for 25 ' 6 Ibs. new Figs for..............-.. eae .25 ¢ 6 bars of any kind of Soap ......-..- 25 Re 3 Ibs. nice fresh Raisins a. Currants for 25 Be Bibs. Tapioca for ....-:+--esgeere ees : 25 Bs 3 ten cent plugs of Tobacco for.. sid .25 TT, a produce. Have just received a fine assortment of Dinner Sets, & '. a fine Also keep in stock all kinds of --_ Eales = Bis- cuits, Confectionery, Bananas, Oranges, Lemon Oysters, eté. Flour and Feed. Highest price paid for all Nuts, we ew Pron =~ RRRALAPALO CAS N. KROTZ. Are more easily cleaned than any other. e the new spiral skimmer, consisting of only one piece in Size A and of two pieces in Sizes B & 1. device was much admired at the only recent London (Eng.) Dairy Show, and helped a win for the '*'Melotte"' the and only award. construction the "Melotte" is so far ahead that it will turn easier,, use less oil, cost less for 0 aunt al bi outlast Mae FY 4 poe: SEE res Geo. B, Smith, SALES AGENT, Listowel. 'Children Ory: *r- CASTORIA. This highest or WRITE FOR. MONEY IS PUT ON THE WALL every time a room is re-papered. And the length of time that money will stay there depends on the quality of the 'ig r. Some quickly fades, becomes discolored or otherwise objection- able in a very little while. -Then it must be Agno Better to buy good WALL PAPERS the first time and save the additional cost. Even the very chea pers in our stock have lasting pl i All are very beautiful ; none high priced. L. H. PLETCH, Painter and Paper Hanger, | MAIN STREET EAST. DR. BROWN, L. R. G. P., London, England. Graduate of London, New York anc Chicago. DISEASES of EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Will be at the on CENTRAL HOTEL, LisTo- 4th Tuesday in Esch: Month.. Hours, 9 to 12 a,af. ~