rea dina anki eae rap Se ee ree ott ne Oa. eo ' : rr ay) hes " the 3 8 , , HEADQUIRTERS JSS WALL - Call and let us show you our numerous designs in Wall Paper. We are convinced we can suit you. SEEDS. . We handle only the choic- est Seeds, so that when you buy here you are sure of get ting the best. J. A. HACKING, DRUGGIST - AND - BOOKSELLER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses and Railway Tickets. ListowelStandard FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1904. PAPER, | BY HEAVEN'S GRACE. Emperor of Japan's Formal De- Czar'e Government Rejected Overtures claration of War Against TEXT OF IMPERIAL RESCRIPT. -- rea and Man - Rogardi Tokio, Feb. 12.--The existence of a-atate of war with Russia was for- mally announced by an Imperial proclamation.. The following is the oho Aims of the Empire With Reference | 5:46 he had led an exemplary life, serv- to Ending Peace in Far East Stated, i the Obureh se piary fife, Mr, Alexander Smith, whose death oconrred on Monday of last week, wae wiight. 'On june 30th, 1 he was united in marriage to Isabelle, young- est daughter of the late John Crozier. He was bronght up asa Presbyterian, but in 1860 he was united with the Methodiet Church, having been con- verted in revival services conducted by Andrew Edwards, since w 8. 8, teacher and superintendent, olass leader and stew- ard. In 1877 he moved with his fam- ily to the township of Howick, in the Qonnty of Haron, and a year later he purchased the south half of lote 7 and 8, in the let conoeesion of Wallace, ime proclamation to all brave subjects, as first : hereby declare war against Bussis, und we command our army and uevy to carry hostilities against her, iu obedience to their duty, with all their strength, and we also command all our aompeten authorities to make every effort, in our Jogal an pu { their daties, to attain the nations) ajm with all the means LIBERALS STILL PLAYING WITH ELECTORS. The Toronto News has been pub- lishing a series of interviews tonch- ing on the question of tariff revision. Among prominent O , from the Atlantic to the Pacific there is a unanimous call for the preeervation and encouragement of Oansdian in- dustries by giving them 'adequate protection." In the Liberal ranks nothing but discord is to be found. Some ory out for increased protection, others want free trade, many clamor for no change at all, and s fourth group will be satielled with anything the Liberal party coffers. The reason for this arbitrary lack of harmony among a t supporters oan be trace to the failure, since 1896, to lend sup- port to any fixed prinoiple. Mr. Pre- fontaine was free to preach protection in Montreal, at the very moment that Mr. Fielding was assuring tho olectors of Yarmouth that the Liberals had beaded their shipe towards the open sea of free trade. It is not aurprisiu,, therefore, that the rank and file o the party have taken their cue from the leaders. Mr. Obarles Maroil, M P., Bonaventure, frankly states that he does not kriow that hie constituents take a great intereet io protection, and feels at liberty to rest bis cage there. And bis answer may be taken as the most succinct received by The News. Tho Liberal party hae appealed and will appeal to the country 88 oppor- tnnists pure and simple. A Liberal may be anything, if he has a chavce of "tooling the people." Such mockery of public opinion should be resented by Canadians of all classes when the 'opportunity is afforded the people to say their say at the polle. opnse MR. SIFTON SAVING HIS SKIN. The Hon. Clifford Sifton has shown bis confidence in the strength of the cause he supports by deserting his present geat in Brandon, Manitoba, to accept the nomination ia the new riding of Rainy River aud Thunder Bay, Ontario. Like Sir Richard Oartwright, who bas forsaken South Oxford, the Minister of the Jnterior sees the hand- writing on the wall. In the Manitoba provinicial elections Braudon returned two Conservatives. That, to Mr, Bif- ton, is an unpleasant circumstance. So a new field is to be graced by the pre- sence of the 1896--04 millionaire. Mr. Sifton's jamp from one province to another is upprevedented in Oana- dian politice. The Minister of the Interior is 'Manitoba's Minister." To fiold a seat in Ontario and represent Manitoba in the cabinet is what. Mr. Sifton uspires to, a feat only possible under such a goverument as now holds sway in Canada. There is an explanation to be offer- edin Mr. Sifton's bebalf, however. Inthe election of 1900 he carried Brandon by an expenditare of $75,000. To-day Mr. Sifton would almost bave to double that amount in order to win his election. To bim, great as is the 'fortune he has amassed since his entry into Dominion politica, the idea of spending from $100,000 to $150,000 in Brandou is sbborrent. Raivy River and Thouder Bay looks cheaper and much more certain. The Hon. Clifford has, therefore, deputed his henchmen to arrange for his candidature there. The 'leap for life' by Mr. Bifton ahows how disturbed the jeaders of government sre as to what the degi- sion of the people will be when thoy are next appealed to. THE CARTWRIGHT FAMILY'S GRAFT. Mr. A. D. Cartwright has been appointed secretary of the Railway Commission at a salary of $4, per auvum. Of couree he is a sou of Sir Richard Cartwright. £0 twright the third son of Sir Richard to receive @ government position. The others ere Lient.-Col Oartwright of the Musketry School, Ottuws, salary $2,800 ; and Inspector Oartwright, who resigned his position of Inspector of Mounted Police, salary $1,200, in order to secure a more lucrative posi- tion, as yet unannounced. Then there are Oartwright nephews, cousins, etc., which ere "reckoned by the dozens" who have been looked after by the Minister of Trade and Oommerce. The pablic will natarally feel shock- ed that Sir Richard, who was once ev vigorous in his denunciation of the Civil Service, iv filling so many pub- lic offices with his family connections, Bat when it is remembered that Sir Richard, himself, entered the Laurier government as the occupant of an office which he declared was wholly anneceseary, and has since been draw- within the limits of the Jaw of nations. FOB AN ENDURING PEAGB, "We have always deemed it essen- tial in international relations, and have made it' our constant sim, to promote the pacific progress of our Empire in civilization, to strengthen our friendly ties with other states and to establish « state of thinge which would maintein enduring 'peace in the Fat East, and assure the future security of our dominion withont in- jury to the righte or interests of other powers. Our competent authorities have also performed thejr duties in obedience to onr will, eo that our re- lations with all the powers had been steadily growing in cordiality. It was thus entirely againet our expectation that we have unhappily come to open hostilities against Russia. The in- tegrity of Corea is « matter of the gravest concern to-this Empire, not only because of our traditional rela- tions with that country, but, because the separate existence of Corea is es- sential to the safety of our realm. RUCSIA DISREGARDED TREATY. "Nevertheless, Russia, in disregard to her solemn treaty pledges to Chi- pa, and her repeated assurances to other powers, is atil) in occupation of Manchuria, has consolidated and strengthened her hold in thoss pro- vinces, and is bent upon their Anal _apvexation. And, since the abeorp- tion of Manchuria by Buesia would i to maintain in addition, compe ment of all hope of peace in the Far azt, we were determined in those circumstances to sctily the question by negotiations and to secure there- by permanent peace. With that ob- ject in view our competent authori- ties, by our ordere, made proposals to Russia and frequent conferences were held during the Iaat six months." RUBEIA'S DELAYS WANTON. "Russia, bowever, never met snch proposals in a spirit of oconoiliation, but by wanton delays put off a set- tlement of the serious questions, and by ostensibly advocating peace on one hand, while ou the other ex- tending her naval and military pre- arationr, sought to sccomplish. ber own sclfish designs. "We cannot in the least admit Ruasia had from the first any seri- ous end genuine desire for peace. She rejected the prop¢ gals of our Gove ernment. The yusrantees for the futuro whioh we fajJed to secure by peaceful negotations can u0¥ only be obtained by ao appeal to arms. 'Tt js our earvest wieh that b the loyalty aud valor of our faithfal subjects, pease soon may be per- manently restored und the glory of our Empire preserved. oe BURGLARS AT EMBRO. Robbed the Private Bavk of Col. James Muuro. Woodstock, Feb. 12.-- Bank burglars blew open the safe of the private baok of Col, Jax, Munro, M. P. P., at Em- bro last night, and got away witha emall eum of money. The safe was comp etely wrecked by dynamite, and the office furniture was demolished The men who blew up the safe ip Col. Munro's bank only obtained $30 in silver, the rest of the money having been removed elsewhere at the close of the basiness day. The_story of av attempt having been made to rob the Traders' Bank in the same village is foundafionless. Danger of Living With Consumptives Is real danger because the sputum of atfected persons diffuses itself through the ing war against Bussis, which Was! where be spent the remainder of his issued in Japan Wednesday : Bm. | life. On the 26th of May, 1881, 0 "We, by the grace of Heaven, Em-| 3.4 olond over-shadowed hie home, throne | csused by the death of his beloved i ' wits, who wasa faithtal partner aud | speat with musical selections, recita- loving mother. "Friond after friend departa, . Who hath not lost a fricnd ? There js no poion here of hearts, That finds not here an end." On May 7th, 1884, Mr. Smith mar- ried Maria Eleanor Hnil of Elma, who survives him. During his life deceas- ed exerted an influence for good. was qa king husband, ac indulgent father, an obliging peighhor, an uap- right business man and a consistent christian. During his tast illness he manifested a spirit of reeignation to the Divine will, expressing to his pas- tor that "all!' was 'twell," whether liv- ing or dying. The friends were hope- {ul of his recovery, he having greatly rallied from the pleura pneumonia, but on Monday, Feb, &th, 1904, heart failure occurred, and at 8.10 p. m., in the presenoe of his wife. sons and nnree, the weary wheels of life stood still, aud doyhtless be heard the wel come, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joya of thy Lord," At the funeral there wero present his two sous, Joseph and Alex- ander, glseo Mra. Wm. Bartley, Mrs. W. Stewart, Mre. J. Carrlou of Winni- peg, and Pearl, the only absent one of the family ie | Mies Jennie, who is jn Vancouver, B. U, The mortal re- mains were Iaid at reston Feb. 11th, in Fairview cemetery. A very impres- sive servjce was conducted by 'Rev. Mr. Oliver. The psil bearers were tbe sons, Joseph and Alexander, the sons-in-law, Wm, Bartley and Wesley Stewart, Mr. Wesley Crogier, a paphew bope of hie recovering... -.-. > A happy event: ino winter took er on the 6th.of Wallace, of evening, 3rd of February, when daughter Fredericka ioipet hand and vith Mr, Simon heart in -matrimony Walter. Inspite of the cold, enow storm and drifted roads, about 60 guests gathered to witnese the occa- sion. The knot was made H. Dierlamm, pastor on the 6th of Wallace. Edward Schneider,' brother of the bride, was. the groomsman, and Anne + Walter, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmuid. Miss Susie Klein played able presents which were spread on a large table showed the esteem in which the youug couple. were held by their friends, A joyful evening was tions and singing, Simon has bought D. Berlett's farm, ov which they will take up their abodo~-jn Maroh. May the good wishes »f their friends be realized during their whole life. Typhoid Victim. Recovered Health FRAME WITH FERROZONE. Balaneed Nerves You The Food 'onic Ferrozone. Ferruzone i and rebuilder. in Bartonvill: M.-. Ainslee says : for a long time voglda't get strong aod for movtis tovk his medicine reg conldn't git weak peopl: of Ferroxove avd desided to try it. I felt strong: ©. 'Lie eeoond box aston Many ch tbo bonochased Oe Ki njary |" ecay of the bone cansed by ab injury |" on the knee of one leg for ge five months, had his leg amputated 'recently, The doctors bayé some the wedding march. The many .vala-"| BY REBUILDING HIS WASTED If it is Health, lenewed Vigor, Well Want, Try No strong¢r evi-lunge than the case of Jno. M. Ainslee i ueeded to prove that un:cpagsed as 4 tonic W citing from his home had typhoid t.ver two years ago, apd I carefully followed wy doctor's orders ularly, but yo matter what I did I ul er ugh etrepgth to take up active emyployn ntagaio. Like most { was gleo nefyous and finslly had > yive up the dootor. J read took the first bus with fair results, ished me au! my @trength returned f ard Hall, a brother-in-law. You will be kind. You will not use slang. gossip age. You will achievemen think of yourself. gard for the righte of others, people's bank accounts, affairs. help it. superiors, home use. of a sensitive soul. plate with bits of bread, superior intelligence show have visited. Our M able Councillore, rom Songog Tsland, and Mr. IF YOU ARE WELL-BRED. You will try to make others happy. Yon will not be shy or self-conscious. You will yeyer indulge in ill-natured You will never forget the respect due not swagger or boast of your Yon will think of others before you a will be scrupulous in your re- You will not meters your otvility by You will not forget engagemente, promises or obligations of any kind. In conversation you shoald not be argumentative or contradictory. You will never make fun of the pecu- liarities or idiosycorasies of othere. ou will not bore people by con- ataptly talking of yourself ao yon You will never under any circum- stapvcen cause another psi, if you can You will vot think that 'good in- social inferiors as to your equals and You will not sulk or feel neglected if others receive more attention than you oO, You will not bave two sets of man- vers--one for "company" and one for You will never remind a cripple of bis deformity, or probe the sore spots Yon will pot gulp down your soup #0 fudibly that you can be heard across the rocm, nor sop op the sauce ia your You will let a refined manner and that you have travelled, instead of constantly talking of the different countries you Yon will pot remark, while a guest, that you do not like the food which har been served to you. You will not cttract attention by either your loud talk or laughter, or sbow your egotism by trying to absorb oonvereation.-- Orison Sweet Marden, in Success, -- TOWNLINE WEST. » r, 8. EL Smith of Wallace, aud Mr. W. Ooates ich- air and finds lodyment in the system: of others. If ex to consumption use fragrant healing Catarrhozune, the most efficient germicide known, No case of r ne," writes "It cuted me after years of suffering and saved me from consuinption. Two months treatment $1.00; trial size 25c. A petition signed by all the busincss men and many others of Milverton was presented to the conncil last week ack- ing that a bylaw be eubmitted to the ratepayers of the villege at an early date for the purpose of raising $2000 to purchase the right of way for the pro- CO. P. extention through Milverton, The council took action by at once instructing their solicitor to draw up a bylaw that it might be sub- of Elma, have bad a gang of men fixing the roads, which were badly iv need of it. Teams were hardly able to go on them at all, and loads being upset was a common thing. Mr. James Davidson has returned tu hie home in Manitoba, alter being storm-stayed for some time. Mr. John Macracken is able to be around again and is looking better than he has for some time past. is son George bag gone on a visit to Mr, O, Harvey's on the tenth of Elma, and expects to be absent for some time. Mr, Matt. Sanderson has moved to the farm which he has rented near Britton, We hope he may have good encoces in his new venture, The people around Britton will fod Mr. Sanderson a good ne! or. We are glad to learn tbat Mra. C, Toropkius is recovering, and hope soon to see her in her usual health again. Buildivg operations are going to be _ ing a salary of $7,000 per annum, it is} |; brisk in Monkton vext summer, The >. got so surprising that the Minister, | a to the ratepayers st an carly Methodists will erect a new church to » having sinned in his own f, is; cost $7,000. Two new stores at least _-mow willing to put himself sti} deeper Mr. Lapointe, Liberal, was elected to | will be built. There will soon be peed inthe mire. Then, too, he is shortly the Commone for Kamouraska by ac-! of more dwelling houses in the village, to be placed on the shelf of ministerial' clamation. ' as there isnot a house to rent. aod my etrongth all returned jn two montha Wien | styrted Ferrogove I gave upnll ther medicioes aud can say that {it wou reatored me. For weak, versous people, Ferrogoue will } do more goud than anythivg else." Ferrozour ix bath a food and » med- icine §=It butide u) the wasted tissues and strengthens the weakened nerves by giving the sys'cm a plentifal supply of pore, nourisbis, blood. It pats new vigor jnto every or gag of the body, dis- pele perve sickngsg assitude. The epsan that usee Ferrogone will bave a good uppelite, healthy complexion, good digestion aud a reserve of strength that protect» you against pueumonia aod weakening fevers. Ferrozone is not a Dauseous ood liver oil mixture, but u chogolate coated tab- let, combiuing the most strengthening elements in concvutrated form, Very easy to take. Its sale hss multiplied year by year god po remedy to day holds a bivher place in the esteem of the public. Lhe suocess of Ter- rozone is «dane to ite abilily to give r{strength to 'he weak, ond oure the sick of their tronbler, Insist on getting Ferrozone when you ask for it, and refuse to deal with any drug- gist who trices to iudace you to accept some enbsiittute uffording bim more tentirns" compensate for rude or gruff} profit. Pric- 50 cents per box, or six mavwere, boxes fur $2.50, »* all druggists or by You will be as agreeable to your| mail from N O. "olson & Co., King- ston, Ont., urd Hartford, Oonn., U, 8. A. * . The Ottawa C. izen declares thet the veterans have been gold-bricked by the Ross Goscrgment. set apart for theta to locate on is uot worth having. S-ven thousand have pot yet taken up their locativnr, though the have had two years to do sv, aud seven thonsand . representa the great maj rity of both Fenian raid aud South A'rican surviving veterans for the proviucs of Ontario. That pomber rep esen's no less than 1,- 120,000 ace», avd ga, ander the Rore regulations, only one veteran can locate io «ve-y square mile, it #1 prerenty 7,00) square miles of sarvey- ed territory, As they have to locate their clnime »y the end of this year, the chance .! the bulk of them get- ting anythi:, dt all is supremely slim even if they accept "rook, bog and sand." The Small-pox Question. Any ittelligent physicins will admit that you don't cateh small-pox one else hast, but becayse your condition favors it. Low vitality always encourages sickness and «| this season especially everyone should tske Ferrozone which destroy» dis. xerms spd makes the system tu sti: and healthy that sickness can't exist ".rozoue ig a vitalizing toric a tired languid f: 'ings. To get strong and ogone ; it asaures rr 50, at all droggiste. , a strong uae Fe health and costs but _Erastus Wiman is reported to have died in poverty. 'he New York Her- ald say*:--"Lcas than a fortnight ago the furniture which be bad had in bis mavsion was cold at public auction, bringiug about $2,000, which consti- tates about all the fortune of the man who was once a millionaire. He died in a cottage that stands almost in the shadow of the great house in which helived in tho days of prosperity, and which is vow the home of the Staten Island Clab. Wiman-was born in the viliage of Churchville, county of Peel, April 12, 1884. Althongh he settled in New York early ia life, it wae not until sixty years of age that he took out American naturalization papers, Plans bave been prepared fora néw music hall at Owex Sound. 7 feed your hair; nourish it; give it- something to live on. . Then it will stop falling, -and + will grow long and heavy. ; Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only ope go kt 'Hair Vigor hair food you can buy. For 60 'years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. Ie will not disappoint you. Seed short. But after using a a abo t began to , end now it hes long. x oan 0 8p result to me after being 3.8 Colorado Springs, Colo. $1.0 a dottle. +O. AYER COn EM for pee A Short Hair KURTZVILLE. Feb. 6. --There is a petition in cir- culation asking for a daily mail at Kurtsville. . Mr, and Mra, Battenburg and fam- ily were visiting at the home of Mr. M. Daum on Sunday, Jan. 3let." Mr. and Mra. 9. Zarbrigg of Red- grave, called on Mr, and Mrs. N. W. Bowman on Friday. e are sotry to hear that Mrs. F. Ruppel is laid up with quinsy, bat hope she will soon be cnjoying good bealth again. Our saw apd chopping tills are booming theeo days. Although the snow is deep and the rvads almost im- paseable the farmers manage to get their loge aud grain tu the mills. Mr. H. Best sold bis driver to Mr. Zarbrigg and bonght Mr. Fred. Rup- pel's at a handsome price. bought a colt from his brother George. 3 Is Your Doctor Bill Large P Best way to keep it small is not to call the doctor, but use Nerviline instead. , For minor uilmenta like colds, coughs, chills, cramps, headache and stomach trouble Nervilino is just as good as any doetor. broaks ppa cold in ano night, ness 'n Lhe chest, and for neuralgia, tooth- ach: d rheumatisin you can't get any- thing hal? so good as Nerviline, of Nerviline for Cramps, colic, and pain in I very rapidly I kupt on using Ferro: | the stomach extends far and wide. Good gupggand my fricnis then noticed bow | fir everything a liniment can be guod quilily I wis ioproving. Phis eu- | for and costes but 25¢, for a large bottle. couraged t.: to tuke more Ferrogone Rev. D. Deaoon, M, A., rector of the Home Memorial Church, Strat- ford, and Rural Dean of Perth, bae sent tothe Bisbop of Huron his re- rigoation of the bonored position, which he has held with ability and effcienocy for eight or nine years, since the death of the late Canon Patterson. ines, is charged. with appropriatiog $2,000 entrusted to him by Mr. John Tacker for investment. To mogul locomotives, built at the Kingston worke for the Temiscaming & Northern Railway, have been leased by, the Grand Tronk Railway Oum- pany. Miss Stewart,a blind lady of St.Cath- ariner, was burne death through her clothing catching fire. Baurglars blew open the easfe of the private bank of Col. James Wunro, M. RB. P., at Embro, but only got $30 The Cause of Piles 1s invariably conatipation, which is quick- ly remedied by Dr, Hamiltou'a Prtls of Mandrake and Butternut." Sure relief, and : } > - a BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY ar [B _ 'GRAY,BERNIE&CO. Fred. has The fare" 5 tee Pee GLEARING-UP SALE. URS, Mantles, Overcoats, Overshoes, and all 'Winter Goods, at YOUR OWN PRICE to clear, Winter Goods that a very. We are detérmined "not te -carry over any low price will move. bs 15 only Men's long Raglan Overcoats,navy or dark grey, well lined and made up-to-date in every way, worth regular $10,our Slaughter to visit us. all Winter Goods MUST GO. Sale Price ONLY sive .0sccnovsoessscs cent' 08 12 only Men's short Overcoats, all new goods, a good coat for early Spring wear, worth regular $6.50, our ciearing sale only...... 4 98 20 only Boys' Pea Jackets, worth regular $2.50 and $3.50, our clearing price...... 1 98 6 only Ladies' Astrachan Fur Coats, 30 inches long, farmer Satin lined, worth regular $35, to clear at .......eeee0e..4. 24 00 4 only Ladies' short Astrachan Fur Coats, size 32, 34 and 36, worth regular $25, for our clearing sale only ............... +++ 19 00 15 only Men's Fur Coats, price away down. 3 only Ladies' up-to-date Mantles, worth reguiar §i0, to-clear af wscxcereewvvnraas 7 50 4 oaly Ladies' Mantles, new goods, worth $7.50, while they last only......-.e0.... *§ 00 7 only Ladies' Mantles, up-to-date, worth regular $5, tocléar at ...cccssccoesssass 3 50 50 pairs Men'sheavy Pants, worth regular $1.50, to clear at only.......sceeeeeeens 98 This is aGENUINE CLEARING SALE. It will pay you GRAY,BERNIE &CO. THE CASH STORE. -- = oe ee --_ = _ & So BRERA POPAAPADA-A OA Sao La ROCERY STORE. and prices are low. NOTE A F 3 lbs. nice fresh Raisins 8 ibs. Tapioca for 22 Ibs. of best Grengiated Sugar for ...... $1.00 Roasted Coffee, regalar price 25c., for.... 15 Tomatoes, first quality, 2 cans for .......- .25 Peas and Corn, Quaker Brand, 3 cans for 25 6 lbs. new ody FOP sis & acsyee eee ers vere are e a .25 6 bare of any kind of Soap ..-.--.-----+--- .25 3 ten cent plugs of Tobacco for Also keep in stock all kinds of fancy Cakes and Bis- cuits, Confectionery, Bananas, Have just 'received a fi € agsortment af Dinner Sets, t Toilet Sets, Francy Glass, Chinaware, etc. Groceries almost every day, nothing but the best Goods, eceive fresh EW PRICES. p and Currants for .25 Scere ovups sn .25 25 er ed ranges, Lemons, Nuts, Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and -Tich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. He stands for Scott's Emul- sion of pure cod liver oil--a delightful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength. TeSQZET © BOWER, Cerys BOc. and 61.00; all drugsists, y i ns, Fo medy th never fai Vhes De Gasiilton's, Pills Oysters, etc. Flour and Feed, Highest price *paid for all ice 25¢. produce. PCat) Sills lI ED PHONE 64, N. KROTZ. i . =i Are more easily cleaned than any other. See the new spiral skimmer, consisting of only onc piece in Size A and of two pieces in Sizes B & 1. device wes much admired at the only This recent London (/Eng.) Dairy Show, and helped to win for the '*Melotte'"' the Society's highest and only award. In mechanical construction the "Melotte" is so far ahead that it will turn easier, use less oil, cost less for repairs and yet outlast any two other Cream Separators. CALL AND SEE THEM or WRITE FOR BOOKLET. Geo. F. Smith, SALES AGENT, Listowel. Children Ory *or every time a room is re-papered. And the length of time. that money will stay there depends on the quality of the paper. Some quickly fades, becomes discolored or otherwise objection- able in a very little while. Then it es be ee . etter to buy good WALL PAPERS the first time and save the additional cost. . _ Even the very cheapest papers in our stock have lasting qualities. All are very beautiful; none high priced. ~ L.H. PLETCH, Painter and Paper Hanger, MAIN STREET EAST. DR. BROWN, L. R. C. P,, London, England. Graduate of London, New York arid - Chicago. DISEASES of EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Will be at the enn CENTRAL HOTEL, LISTO- 4th Tuesday in Each Month. CASTORIA. Hours, 9to 12 a, m. aoe \ ) 7 Kn