' : digestion! o er f upon the digestive o ob upon their contents. Moaichoe rhoula "not other Mr. Elcear | e: appetite 6 irregular, and every- | thing I ate felt like a weight on my stomach. I sufferod much frém pains in the stomach and was frequently Boized with dizrincss and severe head- Sething 3 tried did me a par- an the use of ed the use of the pills, and I have not since had the slightest return of tke trouble." Dr. Williams Pink Pills cure not _ indigestion, but substitute-- | Dr. Wil- People. take anything but linams Pink Yills for Pale ~ ¥ou will find the fll name vrinted on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent b mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Wiliams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE KING 18 4 Sy DIVENTY |=. WHERE HIS MAJESTY Is AN OBJECT OF WORSHIP. Some Remarkable Sects, From "Evening Lights" to "Hol Rollers."' Of the making of sects, as of books, there is no end, and @ithin the nar- acd compass of London there' are most a8 many separate sects as there are days in the year. More accurately, London numbers no fewer than 300 sects within its boundaries, so that it would be possible to visit & separate place of worship cvery Sunday for a period of almost six ars. ~ In London the Mohammedan has his mosques, the Malay his temple. the Mormon his mission-house; the Parsee can worship the sun as well in London as in the Far East, and the Chinainen can his strange go The Peculiar ly a » their. sanctuaries as well as th Press terians, and the Cokelers as » Congregationalists. There are still followers of Joanna Southcott, the servant-girl of a cen- tury aro who blossoined into a pro- ghete ss, and whose 'revelations'? won 'or her a large following even among educated omen But her owers aave fallen on evit days and have dwindled to a single congregacion » Who still Jinger in d » hove lapsed from the ors 4 days when Mrs. Girling, their high priestess established her colony in the Ne } . TIURTY YEARS AGO. They have nover recovered from the dis:sters that befell that strange ad- venturess, and are rather scattered Walworth founded the sect of the Cokelers half a century 'ago, still | has his followers in Croydon = and > Walwerth. They mect every Sunday and hold long services, of which phy- sicnl as well as "_-- refreshment -- forms an integral par The Sandemanians, an offshoot the Scottish Church, forswear blood ind all forins of gambling, and dine with each other between morning and svening service as religiously as when they (rst separated themselves from the "Glaissites": and the Seventh Day Baptists hold their services on Sat- arcdiay Cinstead of Sunday) at cach | ather's houses But numerous and, in varying de- rrecs ®@ as London sects are, they ure quite eclipsed by others scat- tered over the world o at least two src ward is a divinity andan object worship. He is the chicf tect In Orissa, foncy, and the temple of the 'Phodonglama, Cibet. Ind- IN THE PUNJAB t famous English general has been wxalted to the rank of a deity; for "the god of a certain n the Punjab, is none other General Nicholson, of Indian me. Onc of the strangest of sects' is that of the "Holy Rollers," who aro tcattered among tho, aie Hills, Th bntario County, New Yo they w: d st e- --_ and -- on ssl von. QOh,. the joytul' day is coming. - Is coming mighty ig 8a Well nos the day of- pas day And we'll neo if toe: pe Ss rk themacives into a frenzy of the pereeneron 1S and some extiteaniat © until reams from them, An Bect | co! ars tho ae of the "Ewvoning Lights, 'and flourishes in Michigan, ; would sec dicna, and Ohio The eni inm. rp 'Lights appear to think that the soul' 8. interest. can best be cultivated by neglecting the body. Thoy wear the plainest and most sombre of clothes, jneither shave nor cut their hair, and count washing a sinful luxury.--Lor don Tit-Bita. IN LANGUAGE OF THE SEA. Jack Tar Describes : His mieten Half in Nautical Terms A bluejacket who has vieumtiy mar- ed gives the following com eran 3 0! ap. "My wife is just @& ha ndsome a craft as ever left millinery dry dock, is clipper built, and bodp a figuro- head not often seen on small crait. ,Her length of keel is ire feet eight nches, and displays twenty-seven of air, of light draugi:t, iwhith adds to her speed in the bull room, fujl in the waist, spars tr im. "At the time we were spliced she was newly ricged fore and aft with stunding riggings of lace and flowers s assault upon tho purity of the tongue. Even if permitted in any given case, it would produce. upon most of us the effect of something pe culiarly grotesque. CUSTOM HAS MADE CORRECT. "Whichever way we look we light usa him from doing all in his power -to pre- vent the introduction and spread of words and eanings and locutions which he deems objectionable on score of inadequacy or impropricty. ; 82! But it does teach him the ty of the belief that tho ruin of the lan age is impending because Maa can not have his way as to what it should mainsail part silk, with forestuysail -- to occur in this latitude soon- r later. --T am told in running down tke | street before the wind sho answers the helm beautifully, and can turn round in her own Tength if a hand- somer craft passes her.' a eae A MOTHER'S PRAISE. "From the time my baby was! born,'" says rs. Robt. Price, of ! Combermere, "he was always | sickly and costive until I began giv- | ing him Baby's Own Tatlets. He is: now, well, strong and growing ni e- children this medicine should cress be kept on hand. The troubles of | little ores come when least expected, and a dose of the Tablets prom; tl given may save a piccious little life. Own 'Tablets cure ajl the , and an oc dose will prevent sickness. e guarrnteed to contain no opiate or harmful drug. Tie Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or sort post paid at 25 cents a box by writing 'Tre Dr, Williams Medicine | Co.. Brockville, Ont. J = ae 4+--_--_--_ THE BNGLISa LANGUAGE) scene CORRUPT, SAYS) ALE PROFESSOR. Afirms That During Past Two Has Centuries It Deteriorated. Prof. Thomas R. Lounsbury, of Yale. University, in an article in Harper's Bazar, writes: '"There 1s no 'escape from the conclusion that, for the past two hundred years, at least our tongue hus been deteriorating." Among other reasons given, the pro- fessor su} s:-- "strictly speaking, there is no such | thing as a language becoming = cor- cup, be just what those who use it choose to make it. The words that consti- tute it have no' real significance -- of their own. t is the meaning which | men put into them that gives them 'all the eflicacy they possess, Lan age docs nothing more than reflect 'the character and the characteristics | lof those who spenk it. If, therefore, those who employ it as the medium of conveying their jdcas luse all sense of what is vigorous in action, fof what is earnest in belicf, | pre ciation of i} t all ap- ,and of what is lofty in conduct, if, 'in fine, they become intellectually /coarse and morally corrupt, the ! speech they use may be relied . upon to share in their degradation. 'Nover was there a more ridiculous reversal of the actual order of events than renee contained in Landor's assertion t 'no nation hath long survived io decrepitude of its language. SO-CALLED CORRUPTIONS. "Everyono of us to-day is employ- ing expressions which cither outrage the rules of strict grammar, or dis- regard the principles of analogy, or belong by their origin to what wea Could Not. Without. Ea Gixteen Years of Creat Distress From indigestion and Liver Trouble, --Dooters Falled---Cure Effected by ly, and I can hardly say how than k- | ful I am for my Tenag" s cure.' In every home wiere there are young | It is an instrument which will | and ¢ 'accept or reject. The final decision of Valenciennes. Her frame was of 'as to propriety of usage rests not ei best _ Steel covered with © silk, ie individuals--neither with men ith wh f letters, however cminent, nor with This vigatng is intendod for fair js a holare, however Ieurned. It is in weather cruisirg. She has also. &jthe hands of the whole body of the storm snils a rough es lcultivated users of -- speech. hey and is rigging out all set 'have an uncrring Instinct as to its canvas for light noni, which ane 'nee ss'tics. 'They are a great deal! wiser than any of their self-constitut- le 4d advisers, however prominent, tunately, tov, they have the ability Ie to carry their wishcs into effunt NEW WARNING FOR SHIPS. An Fnglishman, Mr. ». Kelway, has invented a seater m, "combining |wireless signals and sound warnings in such a manner thut with their aid a ship approaching the coast in a ;fog may ascertain its distance from ithe point of danger. At rogular in- jtervals wircless signals and sound be sent out simul- i warnings are taneously from the lighthouse, or ' other station, on the const. The wireless signals travel with practical- ly infnite velocity, but the sounds 'go comparatively slowly, and by ob- 8 srsing tho lapse of time between a wire'es# signal and its accompanying ca}- two sound a ship-captain can readily feulate his distance. Ly taking successive observations of this kind, a few miles apart, the geiioaa i siete be abl to compute the pr co loc ticn of on invisible lighthouse or sig- nal station, | ust Physique Can Stand. Lob mere Coffee Than a Weak Ono. la yong Virginian says: "Uaving a * ertis robust constitution far jabove the nverage and not having oa {nervous temperament, my system aril abic to resist the inronds upon it by the use of coflee for some years | but finally the strain begun,to 'tell. "or ten years [ have been employ- as telegrayh operator and type writer by a railroad in this section, and until two years ago ad used colee continually from the time T was cight years old, nearly 20 years. "The work of operating the telo- graph key is a great strain upon the ed jnerves and after the day's work was over IT would feel nervous, irritable, jrun down and toward the last suffer- ed greatly from insomnia and neural- win. never indulged in intoxi- , cating Nquors, drugs or tobacco' in any form I came to the conclusion gradual break-down 'system and having read an article BU | the Medical Magazine on the composi- tion of cofiee and its toxic efiegt up- jon the systein, L was fully convinced {that coffee was the cause of iy trouble. | "Seeing Postum spoken of as not having any of the deteriorating ef- |focts of cofee T docided to give up stimulant and give Postum = a The result was agreeably sur- prising. After a time my nerves be- camo wonderfully strong, IT can do | All my at the telegraph key , r with far greater ease My weight has in- wil phe health diam a new creased 35 pounds, keeping. pace with it; man and a better dir by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Lo n each package for the fam- ous little book, '"The Rvad to Well- ville."' ----_ --- 4. THE HABIT OF INDECISION. In the whole matter of habit, de cision is the master-key. We must learn to act on the spur of thea,mo- ment. The hardest thing is to begin to overcome. the mertia and mental slugyishness. pte paring for ee ends 'in a mere waste of ere not in the mood at present. 'o on improy- ing our jimplements for work which is ever attempted, like an astisan per- motuatte sharpening his tools d never putting them to any poate use. The worst of it is that indec on like this has an cffect on "ee whole Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pilla ocse 82 ee hee In most cases of chronic indciges- tion the ver and kidneys ae at fault as well as the stomach, and be- a of their combined action on organs. Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills cure when all ordinary means = 10 cafe of Mrs, Husband is not unlike perl and ---- which are repeated can be no better evidence as to nny 'thoresigh- ness and oeffectiveunss of Dr, Chaso's a Le teen years. nally 50 bed that £ could searcoly any- thing _ terrible dis- =tress. Gradually I grew weaker ae more emuiated, and though, treate:! by three doctors.and a specialist | ved " "After a time ain in my right side, which medical said was liver trouble. I never got rolief til I beg use of Dr. ase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and they helped me at once. i about a dozen boxes I was entirely cured.--I my cure entirely to this. treaiment. and make statement , with tho hope that "some poor | aac may ben by my ex Dr. Chase's Kidney~ Pills, one pill a dose, 25c a box, at all dealers, or Edmeanson, Ba' Co. i etre ta! * other co' k | would be oneal as ns - agi worth 1 n without a hard cere or con- tinued without consta "Tort. he laboriousness of any work is lessened by the dexterity which comes from habit. This, at least, _ certain-- that nothing is permanently secured to us till it passes into o habit. a THE GOOD OLD DAYS, Suppose we could not telegraph, and had to depend on the slow com- munication of Post; suppose and incandescent light, and were t back on the dim, 'ent ges lumination for their. se that, of the silent, swift-moving electri¢, we still Ive fog in_as it Js to-day terrible hes rap Ce latest. case is that of a young Mary Malcolm, who -/aro now in the house, pe Mary Mal- other Remarkable.Cure Brought Out by the Collingwood and Egliigton Cases. Toronto, _ Feb. 15.-- Spocial ae 'interest edical < Us freah b; da yet aise startling cure of that aid livés with iad parents at 199 Masil- borough Avenue, this city DEATH SEEMED SURE. This.cure ig little short of miracul- ous. Miss Malcolm was in tho clut- ches of Eright's Discase from Mry until September, and had sunk s0 low that her life was measurod _ by pe oven Place to_a cortainty of death, her fr is had turned to st task of paring her grave clothes. 'Theso last ghastly garments colm is a strong hearty maiden _ s Kidney Pills Hero is the W. Molcolm: daugntcer, "_--< fourteen years old, s taken = sud- deniy ill with Pright's Disease n May, 1992. Wo had the doctor and icontinued with him till September, 1°02, when he said ho ot 04 no- her. She' 80 who is now -- with Propsy as to bey al- ost unrecognizable. CURB W = QUICK. dogma just before sad British enter- Morland vis- ed the city. When Co ited it, C00" oe aitee' dye tatent the Odor was so intolerable, though i this nrrderous. pen "two b ers of the British force,. who were taken prisoners, had been confined. One of the opon spaces in the town Was the site where the limbs of hap- a prisoners were amputated almost ly. / ee ae Seen MEDALS VERSUS MONEY. Great pa as compared wi.h other 'centres prose award of medais for past an nt achiove ments in science finds Vratler favor, it must oe than that of money - peines. However that may the practical <arects of auch mon¢tary gilts undoubte 'ly aupeals nd when they minister te the neces sities cf scicuce, as wo may nate '4 believe thoy really do, their = pro- pricty can hardly be gainsaid For eanmple, Madane Curie has, on thr tcparate occa iors since 1897, ro elv- tle Gecrer privo of 8.800 francs € ! ($760) from the Paris Academy cf Sciences for her resenrches in ra- dium--a foundation primarily -- in- teunced to :eward the prosecution' of fruitful work. The question might, fact, be asked in this counection whether it is an open secret that many gold-medal appropriations are theinselves, ose of time. con- Kidney | t resort determined | They gave her _ relicf Name given ; r jterior was divided by a thick mud bid ' the very beginning, so much |80 thet in one week we were ey to _take her out to Munro Park f an afternoon. "After taking four boxes, she was entirely cured and she has never had !the slightest relapse. fo can never say = much for Dodd's Kidnoy Pills, they certainly saved my dnugtitor's life."" And Mary, the daughter on whom Bright's Disease had pronounced the sentence of death. now a picture of healthy girlhood, smiled a cheerful afs'nt to lier mother's statement and chimed in, "If IT am over sick again I will take nothing but Dodd's Kid- ney Pills.' It is hardly necessary to acd that on proof has convinced thut Bright's Disease cureble and that Doda's Kidney Pills © cure; that if the is of the Wi: ineys or from the Kidneys the one unfailing remedy is Dodd's Kidney Pills. st T beard of him he was climbing "to Intder cf success.' ; but Fe wis trying to go up so Pi that he cemtet a Place where there wis a rung missing. The Stomacn's 'veal orWoer --The stomach is the centre from which, from the staudpo" nt of health, flows ** weal or woe." hea try stomach means perfect digestion perfec digestton means strong ners Centres--strong nerve contees mean good circulation, rich blood and need health. South American = makes and keeps poll Fred : "Frank 'te i *, a ee fix.' "Tlow so 4 Frei: "Je - sie's fathor Horeatons to "Wimahe it her if she) morries sae says she will "a him for breach of Promise if ho cocsn't.' Nilnard's Linimant Cures Dandruff, ----> PRISON BARBARITIES. the Souda: The Dritish took votavasion about nm year ago of the large city of Kano in the wastern pony whose Euir had refused to abide by the treaty Which had placed 7 ga | in the {siritish dominion. Sir D. Lu gard, who seized the ark has just Written a description of the dungeon lin which the i. aAnic kept his prisoners. the dungeon wall with a similar hole through it into two cumpartments, each 17x7 on the floor and 11 feet high. This wall was pierced with holes at its base, Leake get age bow the ces of those sentenced to death a and they were 'Toft to be trod- den o the crowd of other prison- ers unt 'they died of thirst and starv- ation The place was perfectly air tight and without ventilation except for one hole in the wall which served as total space sate gard's troops took Kano w confined in this dungeon night. During the day they were turned out nee ae -oren Sometimes : were packed into > ie fina rigs eons time. As the ground arca was only 288 Square feet, there Was not even stand- ing room except by literally packing the prisoners like sardines in a box. Several of them were crushed to death every night and thelr bodics were hauled out in the morning. The dungeon was empticd of its [marae os Shiloh's | Consumptio Cure fic* Wega taa atop the cong. Prices: ° 8. C. Werzs & Co. 205 se. Mo $1. LeRoy, N. dhe en Seat Horrors the British a in c verted into current coin of the reaitm ;and the proceeds used towad the purchase of requisite apparntcs, or expensive books of referent c a current researches nee] Lat auduhie it Ena eely! ik te $100 Reward, $100. Tho readers of this paper will be pleascd to learn that there is et least one dreaded diseaxc has all its sta; nee, and n able. to cure in that in Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh cure i.e only positive cu know he medical fraternity. Catarrh "ieing @ constitutional dis requl a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internably, acting direct- upos the blood and mucous murfa es of the system, thereby destroving the vundation of tho tiseasc, giving Patient strength by building up the Bo th ot 'testimoniain. Address F. CHENEY all Drugr all's Fomiiy Puls for constk Sold b Take ds] League "All things that can be through are cal ed transparent. transt arent.' glass. Teache w Rea corre 't. nention some other ob- ject sins on ich you can me. lann, "A ke eylole,"" iole,"' q cart umping my ° is the way Mrs, it. 11, ao bt, ' 'Beoeksilie, Ont., deseri erings 1s with fect health. The first 1389 gavo ann nstant relief, aad inaday 1 fering ceased alrogethcr.-- et 'Mamma, I want to ask an important question,'" Mam- Tommy you ma: " what is it, cear ?"' ----, "Ifa boy is a lad and has steqfatber, is the lad a step- ladde --_--_ ' ! * Minard's Liniment Reileves Neural ia Little Ethe': "Mamme said ste hoped you would call to-day." Mrs. aller: '"'That was nice of he-. View is your mamma ?" Little Ethel: 'Oh, she's spending the cay in the country.' or Over Sixty Yea Mas. Wixi cu bnorneme ar iare tas inte used by mln of mothers for ther children while tewhing Tenothes the ebild, softens th. gomis a) ays pein, cures a pant lates the "om: and bowels, and is the best a ta Seleaies Diarrbans. bolt ty-five "ae a per} thr nghont the world. eae toe dae Wt Mus, Wixalow ssoorsing Yveor." 13-0) m smothering, fluttering and pal itation. TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT "OF THE---- North American Life Assurance Company For the Year --HOME OFFICE---- 112-118 King Street, West, Toronto, Ended slat, December, 1908 Dec. 81 1902.--To Net Ledger Assets ...ccce. ccccssees ceccesce sccceosee $4,773,785 38 - RECEIPTS, Dec. 31, 1903.--To cash for Promiums......... 4 + $1,182,616 91 --To Cash on Investments ...... ~ 248,746 78 --_------ $1,381,363 Of $6,155,149 O04 DISBURSEMENTS. Dec. 31, 1908.--By ee for Death Claims, ecceee sencecces $123,217 86 --ly at other paymenis. akewavice .geeaas 855,720 ", Ss.ironio 32 376,210 72 ASSETS. Dec. 31, 1903.--By Mortgages, etc --bBy St oo Bonds, : SEOUS- BCS, 08 valuo $3,170.047. 48,845 8. --By Heal Estate, ne company's building ; 374.39 of --By Loans on Policies, CC. wc... clececcceseees 63,969 63 --By Loans on Stocks teeart all on cally 2... 0. 443,310 34 --Ly Cush in Banks and on haad wo. 42,584 29 a $5,376,210 73 --By Frominme autebantine: ete. (less cost of col- TOOEIOU) ecsscisus ina vecps-aquonancne sasuasanres 208,087 14 --By interest 'and Rents due and aceruet oo) 12 40,652 89 $5,625,800 75 ee Dec. 31, 1903. me Guarantee Fund 2 000.0 wee 60,000 00 © Assurance and mAnauity Ke BUDGE esceeere + epenardisnies 4,974,197 00 --To Heath L ORRES Awaiting Proofs, meent Expenses, otc. ....+ 41,267 02 $5,075,564 04 NET SURPLUS noo masetenee buss: $550,286 76 Audited and found 'correct--John "W. Lake, "Auait . T. Stunden, Consuiting Actuary. *New insurance insucd during 1908 ........cccc0. cecccccee ceeecceee eensesesevees 5,884,890 Being the West year in General Branch in the "history of the Company *Insuranre in for at ond 1 DED cere es cee ceeececee eee eee 2.452.977 *No monthly or Providen: policies were issued--this branch having been discontinued. Bn 2 . President, / JOHN L. BLAIKIF. Vice-Presidents, JAMES THORBURN, M.D., HON. SIR W. R. MEREDITH, K.C. "Medical Director. Directors. HON. SENATOR GOWAN, K.C., LL.D., G.M.G., E, GURNEY. ESQ. L. W. SMITH, ESQ... K.C., . K. OSBORNE, ESQ., D. McCRAFE. ESQ., GUBLPH. MANAGING ewes L. GOLDMAN, A. ts A., Secretary, Superintendent ol pennies, . B. TAYLOR, L.A., G. McCO report, containing the proc ceedings 1 eating. held Jan pt th lust, showing marked proofs of the kine ed ample and solid osttion of the Company, will be sent to alt ae ora. A re ga tele exrianae ory of tho nttractive investment plans of a cop: Annual) Report, showin ite unexcelied Soanciat pamtion: wit Nd abs: Prishea 'On application to the Homo oe ompany's Agetict HIST GORY BY FRESCOES. The committe of the Berlin (Ger- many) Town Counril in charge of the primary schools have taken a novel cevi:ion with regard to school decor- ation. The proposal is to spend 10,- uu0 marks evi or eight years with the object of painting frescoes on the walls of class-rooms and cor- ridois. These pactures will be sim- Me in character, and will represent for the most part scenes in -German ; Reverg- Before, however, the can oe catried 'be mace in three selected schvols, a ens * Wang he Y-Z (Wise _--) -- nt Soap Powder ¢ in bath, softens fects. "I punishsyou, my son,"' snid the strenuous mother, as she wielded the slipper, "to show iny love for yvou."' i ** rejoined the incor- rigible "you revdn't force -- kn to work overtime on my Winx' Linea Cres buns, etc. Prison Worker : "ay _ what ts 2 Con- Iw tles by MINARD'S LINIMENT. RS. RACHEL SAUNDERS. Dallhousie t-f THE WEALTHIEST FAMILY. Tre Russian imperial family en- joys the distinction of being the wealthiest family in Europe. The cisil list of the Czar amounts' to $12,500,000 a year. In additicn to this enormous revenue he draws an income of an additivnal $5,000,000 a year from his extensive cstates ard mines. house of Romano), as | distinguished from the Cyvar, owns (no less than 21,000,000 acres in cit- ferent parts of the empire, ond f;om the revenue to this revenue is to be found is the combined incomes of the bro Rockefeller, the oil kings, wi amounts to $12,500,000. The Aus- trian imperial { iy p ann inc of $7,500,000, i family one af $5,000,000, and tho ye pceny of Savoy the water and aa _ ~ Any man who calls himself an idiot wants others t6 que:tion his ve7- acity, YOUR GROCERIES all Over the Kitchen. Send for one of Our MOUSE-PROOF GROCERY CABINETS In Oak, with Metal ack. Sent to any address on receipt of $1.75 The Bennett Mfg. Co. ______ PICKERING, ONTARIO. sai not send stamps. Agents wanted ~~ Am admirable Food of the vict+ Well,---my-- hy tod} wor x Brages to-day. <i sew something little, an' the jury knew too much.' "Oh, what was it, John?" Mr. a raggs: 'Your sister's _ baby--it's "Regular Practitioner--No Re~ just two days old.' gult."--Mrs. AnnieC. Chestnut,of Whitby, it mt American Rheumatic Gaychenens the er | " . oi bd " I was Cured of lame back, after < Pomold weary bo ee ee a toe in gecko Ags years, by MINARD'S di tor a' medic icine did me po good--two bot. Po River®, N.S. ROBERT ere mo--relief he first dose,""--se of Diphtheria, afte doctors tailed, by MINARDS LNT Caker: 'And this is 'the new Antigonish. JOHN A. FoREY. | Deby 1), Fond motnes es, indeed." as Cured of contraction of mus- Fo other: "And -s -_ clever. Seo nd Mf how intelligently he breathes.' Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere Mr. Kidder : "An, hawdedo, doc- tor? If you have a few minutes to spare I wish you would come over to my "howe, and chloroform my youngost Dr. Price: "Wha is the matter with the lad?" Mr. Kidder : "Ob, jis inother wants to comb his bal'. Blood i is Worthless ¥ CISCL Moatth i 'pcerot Oy 3 by eye ' ee orecens RELIEF IN bay wer arT Dre. Agsow's Ointpent a" onder ta Wutritious and Economical. 48&--21. BASTEDO'S " "tas." zo Fr Fond for catalog. Weg: ve exira value. Send for price list -- ; 11-04 Dominion Line Steamships treal Lurge and Fast. Steamslyps. accoutinodation for all classes o Saloons and S mterogins are ipa. Special attentio been ond Saloon an yhird: ass accommodation. "o Cran bow and all pecticolert: apply to any agent of the mpany, OF to pose t. ver "pay NION LINN, OFFICES: Su sperioe _ Sacram ts t St, , Montreal. Poultry, ALL KINDS 08 Butter, Fauirs And F Pro- YOUR OVERCOATS Dawson Commission Co, ich e eee | - SOROTO. | umnd Snir SOWTRE AT See la i i Issue No. 8-04, ammx +Z00| §