Listowel Standard, 19 Feb 1904, p. 8

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Mage J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers: ' ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES: Listowel Palmerston - and. Clifford, also with rp ae ke Halstead, Mtuunt Forest and Shel A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all partsof the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. | ; current rate of interest allowed. amount of private fands to lend yes farm security at 43 per cent, wit privilege of repaying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scorr & Son. TOWN OOUNCIL, Zhe adjourned meeting of the town povuci was neid suuluuy Dignt dua ul Wwincn Luere wuse preacut diuyoo Liay wi Lue cual, ud VOULI- luvs Wouuxy, Yunurick, AUULLSUL aid *2"pilun, & communioution read trum the Buus word mayag tower baw town u Liduit 200 Luo plist mm Lue Peleremudal ruc us arew lvud, 16 BE alu Lue Cartons wt Bldu LUAL WW Lue BYELL OL & . LUUausn jon DOL tuking Lis Seat ib vecume vu t after a iupse Of Lures seguir pe Duninagiestion from the Listowel Gus wo ieouriG Lagat Uullpuny say~ suv GPOpuus Liauv BUVIseU Luul Lu tual a 4 ay Yaw" 1Di8 Lut eXpeiisvs imivussacu THO Laligwitig actcuunls were deau, G, veuriumg, paling, We te. Guam MUL woe, va Mawuow lus scouuwls of putiauy vuvlus ul ce hea Vue Were pasouu $2 6 'the r ediene's report for 19Jd wus presepted una relerred lo Lribulice Camumitlee, Accounts presentea lus uuditor's sulury, $io each. wus presented irom Lue Umon vb Canddian BLUDIOipolilies, davuitival, Bev 1LOF witness suip ivc. ayy tu aluw UDUUL Luis Or WHelue Lue Lown LuL teem plougeutorit. ~ oe ae trom P. K. Weoer, ny for valunce Of bis Cuntider ne "laying pipes, elo, Zu. Acvouurs ordered Lo Ye puid Win, 'Area, Bibwu; W. A, Gray, Snow plow ing, $1.70 'be report of Engineer Davis on the comptetion of tue water wores, read al Lue lust emetimg ul ele COUL- oul, Came Up und Lie wuuyur reau u Jetler lu Lue council Winw Pelee tu it, 'due Spyilicers PepOre Wise Was Dol given we LULL tue report vs Lhe es COULCIA pruceuuuys, " as Llalio i beg ta aunmalt herewith estimuce of cost of compieting water Wwores system. Wale tbe oust will exceou tbe original estamete vy Neally du,vuv il 18 Dut Unexpected a3 BuulOlDs WU Tue dengtb of mus bas been inoreus- eu by 5,09) feet and the pumping Stutiog Lus been execuced ou u uil- ferent site and op a much grunuer Soaio Lhun was ul first pruposeu,; tuese items account for ubuul ev,vuU of tbe increuse apd Lhe remuiug $1i,vUU is cuused by the exlremury bigu cost ol lavor and material tmst 'Lue avove estimute does Dur ipeciuue S/o Wuueh 1 utp iplorimeu 4S the price ugreed upon for tue old lun "i it 'tahould be decided to erect this ing and repuir would be $100. AS it will s00n be time to consider putting ip tions, it would not 1 think be out lust year wus: Standard lead pipe... Parties applying for ser- ices are usually asked to makea de- of the town's portion of the ; this insures the consum- aste. 1 adopting suns "means to prevent this. Ther effective method would advises the use of meters on all otb- er services. You wen I this way stop the waste from leaky fixtures and reok- meter likely th thein use it gots be well to add to the estiamte sufficient to pay for them, 'say, $350.00 LISBOW EL WALTER a ORKS. yee erty ete to date: weewe sve 146.38 : Fak op exp. deputation... 29.05 Artesian 1024.80 w Jast irom pipe &. "bydrants . --- 9618.67 aying pipe, setting bydrants 1380.85 . <a -- eevee 379. poet ue Preight sec esse o eeeees eben Pumping: station . Pipe laying con Cast iron ee contrast Sea ae BANK tt HAMILTON, So}oarmat Pam Ur - - $ 2,000,000 00 Russeve F ~~ $ 1,700,000.00 Toran Assets - - - $22,000,000.00 ESTABLISHED 1872. : HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. LISTOWEL BRANCH ESTABLISH- ED 3! YEARS DIRBOCTORS : pital WH, GIBSON, President. HN PROCTOR, GEO, ROACH, A. B. ped JOHN 8. HENDRIE, M. P,P. GRU. RUTHERFORD. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres, & Gen, Mgr. H. M. WATSON, Inspector. 6e ANCHES 6s SAVINGS DEP. Deposits of $1 and upwards --es and interest allowed at current rates and added to principal twice a year, Ist June and lat December. No formalities, no delays in drawing money. Notes of res; ble farm notes collected and advances made thereun. COLLECTION DEPARTMENT has every preg for makiny prompt returns at low- b rates, DRAFTS bought and sold on any part of the world, CORRESPONDENTS in all parte of Can- aa, Untied stat 3 and Great britain, BANKING BUSINESS of ail kinds traus- acted on moeL ener terms. Uorres- pendence avlicited ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. #. FORSAYETH Agent, Lis' Listowel. VulVOd COMLIROL prover vcore eunnes ei 186,00 WULOL LOWED sere or dduu.0U LiWsULS cecnes ceoeees ven eneeee AiUU,uu Puy mere sate aves cee DULL Bvvvu.sww iLums Bul covered by comtruct: Give Of Upen Beater Tiuld BID LO crrcee ceceee eneeee encnee eeeeee PZU.u0v Wrougul won raiding Sluis ib pump rvow 3u.Uu UY BECLIVaL PAP sour » Zuv.du Z-O1W, VULVES ADU DOXBB oe «+ 4c.uu LouMeCUng Suction pape with urive pape, cur lor two wells, vin, welus for Llouts, wutomutio valve in sieum pipe, indisator ip pump rvom und connection trom fiout Lo umdisutor and auto- MUULIC VRLVO poses ceesee one 270,00 Gites A Total of $26,011.v0. Lngiuvering .. aces eee oz. luterest to tet. 'June, "Tvus... $271,251.00 Lhe Muyor's letter in reply reau at ast Monuay Digut meetny wus us Loulows . Ktelerring to the report of bLn- wimegr Duvis duteu Jap. JUL, anu reau ul lust mvenmy vf Lhe vous; 1 cub Sourcely Bisvw Lins report ol Suymecd vuvis tv gO UD tue Withee vl Utnuil Ov lap years OUUMCU Luii- IBy wLLehiiud LO WHHL Sees LO it tu D6 Lue mention of Lhe ohygineel Lu Lbrow tue full respommbilily ror tbe iporeased of our Wale:- Wuras Upon LhO ovuneu Futuer Loon Lue oiyieer LU ussuine a tur Shure vl fesyOusuilily, Wu.ob 1 thine be id eHliticd Lu VO Subply LeLulise Ls vslimutes fur Lue oGsl OC CUlaeT Uc- Liu were ullogethber too low. 1 um not desirous of getung into uny controversy wilh tue bagineer, DUL ussite sumply Lo alate the fuo.s, uuu lu cull allention Lo ibe very u- S UBst wslimules umu the very exces- HAVO ULLUGa) COULrUcts, Buyer Daves ip bis letter above ciltu, Yule Jun. Jutu, 1D giving tue oust Lod LLY CUuMpiLlion OL LUO WOKS, uus entirely overiouced the comtruct wt for u pump amounting Lo Bivue. 'us Luep would bring the bnogineer's fiytres to a Lotal of $2¥,15/.U0, iD- sigud of as he stated in bis report, $21,251.09. '4ue length of the water mains nus beep increased from the origin- ul eStimute by 2,JUU feet at an in- creused cost of $1,640.¥/. This, then, expenditure in- thun the extra cost of construction uccording to tbe plans and speoificu- li 'uere 1s a Yeport that the council of lust yeur did not ip any particular {vilow ouL the recommendations ot tue kngineer, This is absolutely un- true, The recommendation mude by Engineer Davis which wus not 'followed out by the council, was im the location uf the wells, and pos- sibly iu following out the report of the Engineer in putting up a brick Stuck ruther than a metal stack on the pumping' house all otber respects the recommendation of tie Sngineen wes followed out to the let- ter, 'be Chairman of the Fire, Wa- ton & Light Committee, Mr. Feather- stone, did not muke a move without consulting his committee and the bn- yineer, and so fur as the building is concerned, 1 don't know what sort of a building it was originally in- tended to ereot, butt he first and thing we knew about the build- ingwes when the plansand specifica- tions were presented to us. 80 tha = if the building as now erect i au muoh grander scale than original. ly proposed, the proposal for the original building did not some from the council of 1903. Asa matter of fact the plans and specilications as presented to us in the first place were very materially cut down that the building is not by any means rand a soale as if erected on } the original plans sent to us by En- gineen Davis, The Engineer's estimate at the pareve dwelling = bag g $5000.00, being $1000.17 for building. alone Bey tt san the origin- al estimate, - Engineer's estimat fo cost of poor tun as §3.00,v0, t 65300, 00, being $1800 more thun ontiwate, land is costing us $500. In the original ~-- o there 12 wae See set down for cost of 8a far as 1 can eee after having ov actual coat doing 'exguss of the original est:- =f is unfortunate, but I think it would it Na e with a good deal better age from car Busivelt to have imply 2a ly said the 'ole of construc- - tio t of the increased cost the pumping house alone writhout | IMPERIAL BANK © ' QOFCANADA, _ Capital $8,000,000.00 Rexerve 2.650,000.00 T. R. Merritt, Pr eident D_&. Wilkie, Vice President and General Manager. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Mani- toba, North West Territeries; and British Columbia. -- yx GREAT BRITAIN--Lloyds Bank oy fe tay be ponte fi eaeiine as Taree ior or or or cobble to: to any part of Canadas. - LISTOWEL pane ing SAVINGS 1 BANK DEPARTMENT -- Deposits = ed and interest added to Saiodioal twice SPECIAL » attention given to the discounting of RAFTS "SOLD. "available at all pointa,in Canada, United MONEY ORDERS fesued payabic at any Bank an er $10, 88; $10 to $20, 100; to Bato, 190. R. ARKELL, owe of pipe and labor accounted almost entirely. for the very lar " increased expenditure rather than assum that just year's council i. any way proceeded with the work ona larger op grander scale than was originally proposed, A might say on behalf of last year's council that we felt at the time the contracts were Jet that we would er- ceed the money appropriation. however, was in the middle of the summer when it was not 2 question of cost, but simply an absolute ne- cessity of getting water for our re- quirements, and in the face of this we were met with a demand from the Meyers Milling Company fom an increase 100 a month for pump- Sale at (Merchant. Tailor. eae - Men's Furnisher. GENUINE In 'Suité aad Furnishings. oods for the coming weeds, Overcdatings,.Hats and Caps, Colored Shicts, neavy top Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Socks, Neckwear, etc., will be BARGAIN Ss turned into cash WITHOUT PROFIT. . COLORED SHIRTS. { MUFFLERS. $ 1 50 and $1 % Colored Shirts fer. #1 0, 1 50 Muftlers for 1 00 Colored Shirts for.......--+. 1 26 Mufflers for .. 0 85 Colored Shirta for Sees River 1 00 Mofflers for ..... 0 65 Colored Shirts for...... «-..- 45 75 Muffiers for 0 50 Colored Shirts for...-. ..-.- : 50 Mufflers for GLOVES.. HATS AND CAPS. 1 50 lined Gloves for ...-- ++... $1 25 | §2 75 Hats for seeeees $l 50 1 26 lined Gloves for = «++ «+++ 2 50 Hatefor.......eereeee tecsee 150 1_ 00 lined Gloves for ..+++++--++- 751 BS 25 Hata foe ....ccsessesecsccaces 40 2 00 Hats for week 1 25 NECKWEAR. 1 75 pe MOR vicdccenda nvacieswaws 1 00 ' 4 1 50 CON 6 hap oee clntiweicin. Hees 90 10 dozen ge be KAM soo xem e ov eed At Cost t 4 $1 U0 Paffs for®...4. ----5 serene $0 75 T BS Hatafok cccecescocsensaqesrs 765 70 Pails tor . Lan, = eat Siee saves : Ask 50 Putts for..ccccceeesee eee ee 8D INGS. fer -yelows on GPRGIAL SURE. One Door East of Post Office. JENKINS. THE 'TURKO, VAPOR BATH CABINET ing. Se far as 1 can see if the counoil decide to submit. a by-law for a fur- ther sum of money 1 think the amount will bave to be $10,000, Noth- A Cincinnati man has proved be- yond a question -- doubt that the Homans and Gre No anes for 500 Years Gut ermal and Vapor Baths, and ing tess would do to complete our F. W. Hay, Mayor. Davis was seen yesterday by the Banner and said in reference to the above that he was sorry he re- ference in bis report to the i) creas- e4 cost of the work had been under- Stood as reflecting on last year's councii, as nothing was further from his intention, and that he had no de- sire to evade any responsibility be- longing to him cL Further aoti-Japanese legislation passed iD British Columbia will prob- ably be dixallowed. ae * NORTH PERTH. Farmers' Institute -_--- + - Supplementary meetings will be held in Town Hall, Bornholm, Tuesday, Feb, 23rd, afternoon and even- ing. Cheese Factory, Monkton, Wed- nesday, Feb. 24th, afternoon and evening. Mitchell's Hall, Atwood, Thurs- day, Feb. 25th, afternoon and evening. McDonald's Hall, Listowel, -Feb. 26th, afternoon and evening. When the following subjects will be in- aluced oy the speakers named, PROGRAMME. AFTERNQON SESSION, 1.30 P.M: 1. President's Address, 2. Andrew Elliott, Galt, Ont. feeding, selecting etc b--the growing of Root Crops, - Fred, A. Sheppard, Queenston, Ont a--the Importance of Soil Muisture, how c maintain it. h--Smail Revita ind cultivation, Tse ussion abe local men, EVENING, SESSION, 7.30 P. M. 1. : hs irman's sete tress. 2 Elliott, Galt, ne-the Cream Separ- wa on the farm, b,-~the Farm Water Supply. 3. Fred. A. Sheppard, Queenston, a--some of the Advontages of Living on the Farm. b--Farm accounts, Mr Elliote is 1 Y she Saae Dairyman and Breeder of Dairy Cattle. During the past tev years he has acted ax expert judge for many of our iarge exbibitions, the celebrated Queenston district. He ba been particularly successfal in grafting a nd buddmg, and can show these by illustration if necesrary. Humorous Vocalist, accompanied by MISS WHITE, Milverton's Leading Planist, Will over Prin then a al part of the pro- atte mene Atwood, and Monk. on As iininavon in Hae evening to nen. nreanbors at these three places, Loc. Mein- eco Bre the evening mevtings, JACOB BRAY, H. HEMSWORTH, Pres., Listowe!, Vice-Pres., Gowanstown. S H. PUGH, Sec.-Treas., Milverton. a--a, practical talk on Dairy Cows, breeding, | | Mr { doivg rome fast driving thie winter. Mr. Sheppard is a large fruit farmer in r ED. PIGOTT veg ' | DEATHS. lB. Special invitation to Lhe town people at H that they owed their. splendid health, lune physique, strength and bea wuLy to vaporized uir or "Sweat baths," und so he set to work to invent a tuethod by which the American aud Canudian people cuuld secure all the tuarvelious benefits of these baths withoul expensive ra gp nian bathe rooms, and at sunailest expense now "lumous" Turko Cabinet was the result of his efforts. Astonishing is the Improvement ln your health, feelings and comple- xion. it is the most remurkablo in- vention of the twentieth century, lor it makes the sick well, the weak strong, and it has done that which physicians and medicines have faued to do. Every one knows that diseaso 1s duc to the presence in the blood or vital orguns of poisonous matter. Below ure the complaints that ibe img of the Bath Cavinet does cure » Yhe Lurko Bath eradicates that poi- son, and it is impossible for these poisons to remain in the system of a man, woman or child who properly uses the Cabinet. it removes all obstructions, thus allowing nature to do its best work. The blood is made pure, rich and healthy. Gives it a free course through the hunfun system, thus giving the tissues new and fresh nourishment, and after a short treatment of this method old men ous; aavinal strength, emaciated individ- uals recover their lost flesh; aches, pains and oongestions disappear and a new human being develops from, in many cases, total weecks. ; Rheumatism bago, Sciatica, Asthma, Stomacb 'Troubles, Bilious- Fever, La Grigps, Headache, Dropsy, Viles, Kidney Troubles, Liver Complaint, Sleepless ness, Gout, Malaria, Colds, Catarrh: Eozema, Erysipelas, Neuralgia, Plou- risy ; it is a wonderfal speoifio in all _ Female Complaints. WM. STEPHAN, TESTIMONIALS. For 3 years | was a(tlioted with cold feet and legs, and they were numb and stiff all the time. After one week's use of the baths my trou- bie w one.-- Wm. Logan, Brock Street, Peterborough. * Rheumatism--I was not able to et my own clothing on, nor had | slep in bed for over two weeks. What tite tle sleep I got was by silting in a ohair. After the fourth bath | slept in bed all night, and put my own olothing on in the morning. you have Kheumatism don't fail te try the Vapor Bath.--Mrs. R. Wilkinson, Peterborough. My stomach was very bad, had a bad cough, and had lost in weight from 180 down to 125 lbs. After i weeks use of the bath | gained (bs. and now feel like a new man. af you are afflicted in any way tr he Ba Elhotte, bark St., Peterborouga. My shoulder, hand and foot were very badly swelled with rheumatism and was laid off. from work, but aft- er one week's use of tha Bath Cab- inet went to work again. 1 tried lots of remedies but none of any use. --Sidney Gibbs, Ashburnham, Ont. This is to certify that 1 find your Vapor Cabinet a oure for the many ills of suffering humanity. 1 have a complication ef afflictions and find that when I take a bath | am eewely relieved, in fact I feel like the next morning. | highly recommend it; it isa remedy that every family shouid have in their possession and would no part with mine for money meray : not get another. If the pores of t skin are not healthy they cannot sist nature. Internal médicine will give immediate reliet but the pores ! must be healthy to give vigor ane youth to the body and happiness t the mind. ing you every the ess ity. --Mrs. J. C, Kidd, Listowel - Agent BOUNDARY EAST, The coads ceem to be in very goud evn at preseat ou the boundary. Mr. N. Vernon sold ove of bis fine working horses last week at a gocd ure. Mr. Richard Whitney intends bui!d- inj a pew bank barn next summer. Lirthman is recuvering from a severe attack of the grippe. Mr. avd Mis, Hevry Fenton of Moorefield are viniting their uncle aud aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Tbomee Lander- ip. . Mr. Howard Lealiv is eporting a new eniter, No donbt Howard will be : _™M ARRIAGES. w ALTER--SCHNEIDER --I1n Wallace, on February 3rd, by Rey H, Dierlamm, Mr. Simon Walter, to Mise Friedericka Sohoside, both uf Wallace. Istey-- At he rig na Listowel, on Rb ir by Re H. Buckland, Mr, Law of aban, to Misa Chris- | tie 'uley of Hesson. evening, Batap.--In Listowel, on Saturda Alexander Baird, February ne 1904, aged 67 year Furet.--In Listowel, on Thursday, Feb- runry th, M04, George Feet, aged 56 yeu YORKSHIRE HOG. Term ims of service, 75c, HENRY WEND1, "Elma. With pedigree. Lot ¥, Con 2 Vee Se PPI APIA APP SAA OO QR EP LAP LLP a a a oe ee al | ARABIA : Are You Going to Build ? * ESTIMATES FURNISHED AND « CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR EVERY- % THING IN TH WARE, : FINWARE AND PLUMBING : TENDERS WANTED. For Secretary of Trowbridge Cheese snd Batter Co, Lowest or any tender not neces- arily accep By order of the Board. THOS, J. TUGHEN, Sec'y. Tenders to bo opened Feb, 20. J. M. SCHINBEIN Listowel's. Greatest Store. es . # "pene We are opening up new. season, and this season's stock of ONNOW. Great variety of all kinds of white and colored Muslins, Pique Cloth, Basket Cloth, Sack Cloth, oe Dim- ities, Vestings i in large variety. SPECIAL DISCOUNT On All Our Furs. HERE IS A PRICE LIST OF THEM <= 3 Men's No. 1 Coon Coats, best quality 3 Men's Brown Lamb reduced to. .$18.00 1 Black Bishop reduced to........ 14.00 1 Swainp - Wallaby reduced to.... 19.00 1 Calf reduced tO... .c.ccccececee 22:00 1 Ladies' Electric Jacket Sable trim- med, regular $60 reduced to.. 48.00 1 Ladies' Electric Jacket trimmed with best of Mink Collar and Cuffs. Regular $85 for...... 60.00 10 Ladies' Astrachan Tackets from $18 upwards A lot of small furs such as Ruffs, Caperines, at all prices, Ifyou want Furs NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE AND SAVE MONEY. OUR GREAT. SUIT SALE | IS STILL ON. Try us for the BEST OF GOODS AND BARGAINS. J. M. SCHINBEIN. AUCTION SALES, Monday, Feb, 22nd--£xtensive sale of ae -- ments, etc, i oe Harv ---- a lot concession llave, : Q begin at 1 o'clock, and will | be withont | World S Fair, 6 is fa n sold seein my ™ 'arm has been i be given immediately. Vim "Welch s auctioneer. | Friday, Feb. 26th--Unreserved sale of farm stock, ete. for Glia 'CALIFORNIA , 'MEXICO, April 3oth--Dec. 1st, 1904. | Sale ai -- be sold asthe farm has been sold. . Welch auctioneer, ' (tates Feb, 25th -- Extensive sale of farm stock, implements, etc., for William Ellison, lot 9, 2nd concession Wallace. Sale to begin ut 1 o'cleck prea, and to be without reserve, as the proprietor Sd rented hisfarm, 'Vm. Welch auctioneer. Thursday, March 3td--Unreserved sale of farm stock, implements, etc., for Mrs. A. W. Mayburry, administratrix, on lot 36, 2dd-soncestion Elma. Sale at }/o'clock sharp. Wm. "Welch auctioneer One way and round trip Tour ist Tickets are on sale daily. Uhaice of rontes and stop over priveleges at principal points. Grand Trunk Trains aH railways for the famous Win For Tickets, Pullman Reservations and all information, apply to J. A. HACKING TOWN AGENT, Dr. F.R. Seager's residence at Brig- den was wrecked by the explosion of } the acetylene gas plant and the family ; had a narrow escape. Wright & Thompson, LISTOWEL'S Cash Dry Goods Store. What is it we are now looking for ? Itis Wright & Thomp son's UNDER WEAR. SALE TLadies' Vests Special 20c, 25c, 3ac, and 45c. Chilaren's Underwear We Will Olear the Remainder of our Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices, ' Ritens all WoolUnderwe ar Think! 50c for 39c, 66c for 49c, 75c for 6lo, 1.00 for 79¢. Boy s Underwear Instatew suits left we will clear at 15 per cent, less. Nothing to be Carried Over in the Following Lines. Bargains in rye Mee ge Ladies' Men's PEA J a Ladies MANTLES. DY. TO-WEAR S<IRTS. Men's OVEROOA | oe Our Grocery Department you will find ectctile ' Highest Price paid for sil kinds of farm produce. - Wright & Thompson, | The ~ Store ~ on - the » Corner: : Whitewear Sale ° FLORIDA, « Make direct connection at Chleago with .

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