™~ oa! og ef Tee SET BY SECRET TRO OUBLES. * Simple and Certain Method by » Which the Ills of Girlhood and Womanhood May be Overcome. Every ec e pe health depends up- blood--its richness and its re- avi ee oaasned it is hard to lieve" 'that rearly all common dis- eases sprivg from the blood, no mat- ter how different they may seam. It is hard, _for peter to realize that re both E the cause fs e blood, and by good blood. But there can raat no doubt in? tee case of the secret of a woman's life, from The blood is plainly the canse of all her aragolacitdes in "Then comes the signs of se- illness, the headaches; back- and. sidicaches; the pale cheeks s; the failing appetite nerves; hiliousne: s; weakness langor; the Wistress and despondency and all the Weary wretched feelings that-attack women in their times of ji-health. And the blood is to blame for it When the blood is rich and red and bay | there 7 ae of maid o oth- trouble in er. - Bing Dr. Willinms* "pink Pills for Pale People are worth their weight in gold to every woman They actually make new blood, Every dose sends, galloping through the ins re, strong, rich red nloed that strikes at the cause. of ; ecret iJd-health 1 ew bloud restores regulatity and brace a'l the speial oven for their woes ial tasks. In this way Dr. Wil- liam:s' Pink DPills banish the back- aches and headaches, roi Ae the A petite and the estrgies, othe nerves and bring back the | rosy wine of health to gr checks. This is the speial mi.sion of Dr, Williams' Pin' Pills and there is no other med- can do it So suc- Re an Ge ark woah a e hysteria; + | which tl RE pga se Hite, Ras DECIDE QUICELY. | value! of Forming the' Habit - Things at Once. vib eee matter of habit, de- of It is easy to put off beginning a task with the excuse that we are not ready for it, or that we are not in the mood at present. improving our plements hich is never attempted, and never putting them any practical use. ne worst of i is that. indociston like this has an effect on the character, and weakens © ith- out a hard struggle, or continued without constant effort. The labo iousne work is lessened by the dexterity which comes from hab- it. wis, east, is certain--that nothing. is perwemeenile Becured to us (11 it pases into ua habit 7 --~----_--_----_ DIRTY CHINESE CAPITAL. What a Traveller Observed in the City of Pekin. An Amevican in the Orient writes: "Pekin jis said to be tie filthiest ay jin the world--and it is. The s 'apparently have never repained, fairly swann with and animal liieg caravans of stately camels from ongolia and Thibet the Pe = ve cara creation of ics wh, With Lo springs, but drawn by sleek olen in gayly an aisoned bar- nes outrice in mushroom hats and red plumes, "ui e mafoe run- ing alongside or mounted on-siall n cout wittoct unumber burdens on their heads or shoulders; richly adorned se'lan chairs bearing | = i some mandarin or ligh Chirere cil- foe: the biggest Chinaman iidirg the h statements and fays so fo mnilest. of donbeys wil jangling he benefit her experience may bring hells; andsthrough it all, underneath, to other gene women. Mra. Dan-. onl around, swarm the mass of Cl i- by says: "I think Dr. Williams Pink men, women and chilvren: the | Pills a blessing to -- = anchu women in gorgeous -epparel | For a long ume I great suf- with ther peculiar Peadedress, and fe er from the aument | that afflict with faces doughed and powdered. £0 many of my s s extremely | Such a sight cannot Le seen in any ervous at all time cB, suffered wu Breat other country, nor in any other city nd hi ry . and dca with headaches an In fact I was in a most miveruble condition when Dr. Wiliams" taking them a short time I began to improve, and through their oe use I am aig aeeragd like a new man. m sure if more wore would take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills they -- be convince od of the great. od they What Dr. Wi liane' am Pills have done 'for Mrs. Danby they can do for girl and ailing women cay are given a fair But you must he genuine pills ¢the full name 'Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo andl on the wrapper around every To be had from dealers in Sead or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing tre Dr, Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. os RUSSIAN CENSORSHIP. Running a newspaper in Russia is | mies les a visky operation. 'he ar"s Government Apeucs mere cH on Preas censorship than tie rest of | r, and teceutly the censors has been in- creased to eight. Certainly the co tor carns Lis salary in one year vighty-three newspapers suspended for periods Sreountiog in all to thirty-two years and ten days; twenty-six papers were forbidden to accept advertisements, and two hun- dred and fifty-nine ecitors were offi- cially thieatened with Siberia if they did not mend their ways. 'Ihe cen- sorship even pursucs the unfortupate editer after it ejects him. One er:ni- nent conduc { a scientific journal who was dismissed at the dostance of re e or em All the ok and publishers in Ru ar tarbiddens to accept "copy" from him --~--_--- SAVE CHILD FROM FIRE. As: to making -- fireproof, Prof. Doremus of New York, whore reputation as a chemist is wile than America, says: "After the heart rending loss of a young son dress took fire from , w gummmer a candice flame. e a thorough ' amom: chemical agents to de- . For forty years 1 have urged | employment of chemical agents to life, but the apathy of the public surpasses belief. pr the DOCTOR'S COFFEE. And His manger Matched Him. Coffee drinking ha sa the family ia pred si bricfly "*Havi quite a while from Vertigo, palpitation of the heart and many other derangements of the nervous system ard finding no relief from usual methoas of treatment, thought to see how much there in the Postum argument against cof- | fee. "So I resorted to Postum, cutting off the coffec, and to my surprise and satisfaction have found entire relicf clusively the beneful and the way to be rid o "] have found Pos takes the place of cofice both vor and in taste. Jt is becoming more popular every day with many of our people and | Employer : solution, which rendered them flame | oof was tum 5 soup i in fla- } is having great i. --2 of gworceousness filth, magnificence and squalor, equalled und almost unbearable.' eee _ KEEP THE CHILDREN HMALTHY | If the children's digestive organs. are all right, the children are all right." They will be hearty, rosy, appy and hungry They will sleep well, and grow well You can get your children right, and keep them and nervousness, irrita- teething, break up colds troy And you have a posi- tive guarantee that there is no opi- | ate or harmful drug in this medicine. Mrs. Joseph Herbert, Killarney, Ont., ee Irv little one a great have also given some of the Tablets to friends who have found them equ- ally satisfactory. "All medicine dealers sell -_ Tablets or they n be sent by ail at 25 ce x 'by writing The Dr. Williams Medi- | cine Co., Brockville, Ont. nts a bo I declare," said Bella sweetly, 'your thoughts run exactly in uni- a ugustus. I had saw him put said little Tommy, kissing going on. 'em there, too, who had seen the Bed-ridden 15 years.--" If any- wants a written guarantee from me Tr as to be wonderful cure > from by American a care I will be the weiaddest woman ive it," says Mrs. John Bese. meet, of Elo: "I bad despaired of re- covery up to the time of taking la wonder. ful y. it cured completely."--58 "Do you ever take part 'in games of chance ?" Applicant. f for Position: 'I haven't yet, but J ex- pect to get married next week $33.00 to the Pacific Coast Via the Chicago-Union & North-West- ern Line from Chicago daily during March and April, to San Francisco, Los Angeles, "Portland, Seattle, Ta coma. Vancouver and other Pacific Coast points. ry low rates to He- lena, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and Corresponding low rates froin all points. Daily and per 'sonally conducted excursions in Pull rist sleeping cars to San co, Los Angeles and Portland, threvah without change, double berth jonly $7.00. Choice of routes. Fo | persteutiara address I. H. Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronyo, Ont, es MASAMPHO AND FUSAN. | How the Russians Tried to Gain Control of the Former Dr. William B. Scranton, ead wes \for :esenteen years a mivsiona in | Cor says the strategic sangha an ; of the port of Fusan, in thé south of Corea, has been occupied more or les by the Japancse for trading. 'purposes and political intercourse | in fer more than a century, and for several centuries imperial affairs of Japan, such os the death af a Sho- fqwun ar the election of tis successor, 'jave been deemed of sufficient im- portance for communication to the neighboring country of Coren and} this has been done by the route of , Tsushima _ - usan. i 'Tsushinva, Twin Islands, lie | midway in the, Core: an strait between | Japan and Cerea. Th are two beautiful tslands, with abrupt and | precij itous shores, beautiful in th flo:a peculiar to Japan, d harbor. These a or Tsushi- f i nu, are used for rategic purposes aay page " on B has || -- have been extensively fortified by been a suffercr a long time t apancee witli ns attacks of acute tedhavaito n. By the . dismissal. of coffee and using Postum in its place she has obtained com- plete. re "I have also heard from ard others who have your Postu ery a accounts of its po eff "x © oeuvite Postum' in place cofice in' a great many cases and of Deliove that upon its merits Postum Name will come into general use. Battle Creck, Med by Pestum Co., ich. ~ ; Look for the famous little book The Road» ta Wellville,"- in each consnciite the straits of Corea, and in time of war e very approach of the enemy's ships to Japan itself few years since some dissatisfac- lent in shipping, yet has no near r entrance into the country for pur- { {vaffie.~ Hence' the port of n easily fortified | Legs o'the interior. fa river CG) ace wade 'Wharete 'ore, selected Bion cA! prevent croup and des- | and having | | Western Assurance Co an | ' right by the use of Baby's Own Tab- | | 'on similor re way payee ote Be Roibeia in in! that 'port, aks 'first for te ee of the in the mouth of the port and for a. i, sta- Japan ber entrance there up to the present For the eer to occupy "Mas- 8 nor te even, ampho, as coaliry would ovohalte he followed 1 for- et tion of e sort ant these uld be a constant menace to the oa anese ontrol of ce Corea strait, but more particularly to 'Tsu- shima itself, which is within easy gunshot from Masampho. To make the imrortance of Tsushima Masampho a little more evident it da, can detect bot ts of Japan and Tsushima easily when micway between them; and in sailing fy Tsisi ima to Fusan both 'consts re rll the time in view. e dis ri nee Maraimpho to Tsushima is only slightly gréater than that to Fusan, seca osinc al acse iia STEADILY FoRagG AHEAD. The Wester Assurance Company is a Flourishing Financiel Cone?rn. Of the many flourishing financial concerns which have their headquar- ; ters in Toronto, few can point to a ; More gratifying record than that dis closed) at the annual me veting of the ; Inpan) full nrere of which appeared in "the col- mmns ef The Mail and Empire on Rotactng. Feb. 260, The financial ---- t showed the company to he ~nruthly forging ahead. an appreciable sitaeainnit s being a aving a profit -- earnir 681 interest carnings 'there ag a decrease of $3 orses incurred, With assets of $3,- 546,857.25 and a reeerve fund of $1, 289,850, the company's finance ial po sition is as secure and lished as wixe and efficient 'manage inent make it An interesting portion of President George A. Cox's address was thet in twhich he referred the company's interest. in the great fire at Balti- Having maintained an <a rs, it would he reesonable to hope to escane sinha ;#ome considerable loss, T com Panv's shore of the insurance due had been estimated at $350,000, which wos nhout equal to ie company's th The probable of rates. in other cities propertics to those de stroved will largely offsct this loss. Mail and Empire; Toronto adv ancement He had fought in many a batt And had won Pad hook or crook, But he yiex'e he rattle ot That the flute. baby shook. Little but Searching.--Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are not big naus- éous doses that -- injurious p es or pure vegetable medici icinal extract -- In as palatable ae | as the front rself, They cure indigestion. 62 in nts.-- 56 A well-known County judge tells a story about the cross-cxamination of a Rae esaperes Woman in his court. S Amazonian per-. 80) Her haahans, obviously the weaker vessel, sat shecpishly listen- SSC 5 d rather urgently | ou needn't tried that Yhe barrister said: sire to catch yo looks as if he were sorry he did.' Coughing is an outward sj of ad i canst disease. = Cure the disease with 2 9 Shiloh's Consumption Cure -¢ ane buns and the cough will to : Try it to-night. If it doesn't benefit you we'll give your money bac 6.C.Ww Prices: Yetrs & Co, 7 25c, Se. $1 LeRoy, N.Y¥., Toronto, Can. 15--04 open | cember Ist. ore than | @igan r attempted b To the great World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo De- April 80th, closes Covers 1,240 acres, cost $50,000,000. 'The most ntic and colossal unccrtaking ev- great The | Wabash line is the only railroad that | owns | Canada, gates 1 "he and controls its own rails from direct to the World's Fair new superb and magnificent trains built especially for this traf- J railroad agent, or .J. A. Dist. and Th ly put up a notice that d terw subject:-- see iceane them." very t., N. BE. corner King Yonge Sts., Toronto. c¢ head master of a school recent- on 4m Carly ould lecture on the follow- ; how Shortly af- he was astonished to find an "Our ey baad "alternative title written underneath;-- "Our ey see pon and how through u Woolwich latest patte twelve weapons Nearly four of t are said to guns of any will--fire a obsolete war material sent back to be unobtrusively replaced by stores of ern. Simultaneously sixty tlehips are h all are completed and every battleship now carries or will guns ever possessed by land to Prance. but have an accurate nim of .16,000 able effectively to dea emy's fleet nine or ten miles distant. ee eed MATRIMONIAL RISKS. Sam Shinbone--I'se kep' a job over two weeks in life. broken up, ~ being British pacer being equipped with ne steel and wire nae carry They are the best the navy and be far superior to foreign shy random shot_f hem. yards andwillthus be with an en- thinkin' her THE RUSSIAN BRIDE. _-- more. bea la stout stave or a ¢ | Touching me bee _ ceremony on Wed- ay. Tn no country in the worl'. says | the author Wooings and Wedd- ing in Mans Clime s the tie be tween brother and sister closer wan The brother is guardian equally wite and as her protector her father, raided as their In many districts when the groom comes to claim his bride, her broth- er places himself beside her, | Vents the groom's anproacl {twain often engage in much poetical } barter, in which the bride incites her |} brother to extort a goodly price for | Her sels, her veil and her beauty. Upon the weddirg day the groo comes to ker parents' louse and claims his bride. Then there is a touching little bit of ceremony, of those pretty human comedians which are called '"'empty shows and forms,"' but.are written in warm tender emotions. The maiden kneels before her par- ents, and asks them to pardon her for an d ery offense toward them of -- she may ever -- They life her up gvil galt, which piguities that while Uiey ies they will a her lack the nocessaries .of When she eves. the house its door heod's home ts still hers Issue No, 10--04 Case of Nervous Prostration For Months Mrs. Myles Lay a Helpless Sufferer-- Attributes Restoration to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Mrs. John fyi, senior, Woodslev, SCX well mumong the si bey tis down, na vi tors solved gan of South County, Ont., is known throughout the surround country cso of ber work and stuZering. and it on eat of over-caortion in regard that -her health broke and she lay-weak aix' helpless. ctim of nervous prostration. = could nét help her, and she Chase's Marve i been the Food I was confined to my bod with what 'the: doctors said was Nervous ostration. M, wv weak; come not Sleep at 'ail for any length ime." Nervous chills and trem) would come over me at tim Reta g gs getting we. ané weaker all the im Dr. Chare's Since, then I and feel it a my cured, tself, Protect you portrait and tlior, are on There were top yr the head, which 'much suffering and anxiety. 'After using Nalf a dozen boxes of gain in weight and to feel sttonger. stored' to health, and in looking back con a thet the 'improvement been in all lorty boxes of this preparation Several persons to w bed -| been owe Ry, present good 3 health, life 1 Food Chase's" eesve Food, 650 cents famous: receipt took av- as pero £ ES AS Se also pains on caused mo Nerve Food I began to Lave been gradually re- has mething wonderfu I us duty, priv- case have used it and I ia if not to Dr..Chase's Nerve mspany, against Imit signature of every box is! siQainatine eB att lube Pataca cnteottss § ee oe To-day. : Ask foy the Gctagen Bar Sihivellet_/'Speaking of Saialiweed, irdell . a -- : Every day from March 1 1 re m the most modest, | Postnuster oe Salar Bird of this place) 4 writer says that the ancient Ro- |80 1904, the Union. Vacifc 'will bell craig, a ai I ever met og my carricd Britain's fleg to: victory over |™2n® had no word for 'yes,' But Ode-way, Colonist tickets at the fol leet, suck of himecl" Swiveller-- walle of Sebumtopol. Ho tells, When Claudius somebody asked Apuli- |l0s%#e rates trom, the M iagourl River: "Not at all: not a. bit eoncelted in ing tase those wanes us somebody else if he "would ike "0 oo ee ae a i thoagh . 'ie adits "that any - j also down the Aj jan Way to a sed ce aati aa 'ought on 'by (certain establishment as the ig of |_ $20.00 to Butte, Anaconda and eee, BOERS of 'hin' abilition mould the pains and nehes~ t on Med /iqui snborta: bably was Helena. be.' aie aa pb ~~ nights available ex expression in the lar- wear 50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Fy : aaa * | gu 2 if | Wi on ey I have been troubled 'for years, ; rae, "equivalent to thee . me 00 'to Everett, Fairhaven, What: An admirable Food of the he ays, "with Kidney 'Trouble com Vancouver and aioe, via ; 5 ught on by lying in the-trenches tington and S eh ; ; . in front of Sebastopol where thous- $100 Reward, $icg. Hga5 0 md Pobtined aud. Avtortas on an? brothers in arias lost| pe read { this paper will be'to Tacoma and Seattle, via Hunting- » 3 their lives. But time I feel my | pi to learn that t'ton and Portland or vin Huntington Finest quality axa flavour. trouble coming on I use Dodd's Kid-| one Teng --< that" eclence Bat | and Spokane. . ney Pills. I have found them do me] ¢hat tx C h. all's tarrh Cure} $25.00-to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu- good each and every if the only peiernion Catarch "being: gene, Albeny and Salem, via Port- rever took more than stitutional. disea: requi land. ; ' two boxes at a ti and he never | constitutional treatment. Mall's Catarrh $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Ange- Nutritious he oe ave them a haces to mae a com- re iv takeu internally, acting direct-/ _ iz Fe ty upen 'the bi and tanesees ieurfas jee", San Die go and many other Cali eg --s in a be, tual : cs of the system, thereby: ¢ destro ing the; fornia ; Bor i into! a ea tee fecl wsy trouble coming a vundation ©: From Chieego and St. Louis pro- m nio surely usé Dodd's Kidney Pills Che Dattest, weet Eel ee % th€ | portionately low rates are in effect treat to Liverpoe! -- moe I know oe .. ---- ng ita work. 'The i roprietors have} by lines connecting with the Onion Portiand to L'verpoo! " Pills can do even more than 36 claim-| 80 much fa iad + Power! Pocific to all above points. Large and Fast Steamsiups. Su perior ed for them cof om bin as that Bg Cag ys Meg tne for |" For full information call on or ad- accontmodgtion" for ull, cannes, of aie |neighbors who have used them for) lis of testimontals. css, Choate, G. » 126) amidships. Special attention has beem the same trouble as myself and who dares F. J. CHENEY & CO., Woodward Ave.; Detroit, Mich. iven to the mee and There are wel! people t an oledo, "0. Nass accommodatio people t Sold by all Druggists, -----4-------- passagi d all meticulirs, "apy te Tuko Hall's Family Puls "tor constr Bri 'rs . P euly ae eae of the Compa to jas JoKhny--"Pa, what is tact?" Wi bation. The Bridegroom--"Would you mind nf cnt. 7 ' 7 OnEaY ' a vi BO if I went into a smoking couipart- "Dow IRION EINE or RFICKS ile owe iuiad cnie, gh nb A, = tr nt, dear?' The Bride--'What! to : co nes we € RESO PHIBLICR ook--"If you | smoke?' The Bridegroom--"Oh, dear be anes them. Tor rary I ask-' please, mum, the butcher says T shall | no. to ancien the cacuy FEATHER DYEING d Mr. Aridman to dinner this even-! get five per cent. on all the orders I|of being aw fro: ou, so that the Cleaning and Curling and Kid Clete cleaned zest ing, and incidentally I remarked that ;give him. What does that mean?" | joy aay return itl te. all the more seat by post, le par on. the best place lt | your mother would entertain us on| Mistress---'It tneans, Mary, that We intensified. BRITISH AERIGAR DYEING ce the piano. Mr. Aridman said he|shall have a new butcher. -- was so sorry he couldn't come." -- --_----- ; Be ' ?f . a Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere 0's" nwa . es was. ©. 6. rihras « co, | Mbar's Liment Cues Dad, | " BASTED ono Yarmouth,N . S. ee . : pee _ AL PE Gentlemen --In January last, Veane| First Workman--"Do you belong to Ciara setuing ce picture of a SALE OF RS els Leclair, one cf the men employ- the re Second Workman--"Of | chubby child in. skirts. "That," said Bend for catalog, Wegive extra value. me, working in the lumber Course! Ain't I out of work? Robby, who had been meee knick- | gaw Fure and Qensing. Send tor price Uist woods, had a tree fall on him. crush- = erLocers for some time, "is mo when 11--04 ing him fearfully. He was, when| Grand Washington Excursions. jy wos 9 girl,' LL found placed = on sled and taken (Via Lackewanna Railroad. rch , ----e . Sea nag grave cage br oa em 18 and April 15, $10 from Buffalo.} Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- 'Poultry, ALL KINDS OP ained for his recovery, his hips being Limit ten days. Through Philadel- "anol Som Towder is a boon to any badly bruised and his body turned phia ond Baltimore. Cheap side It disinfects and cleans at 'Butter, FRUITS black from his ribs to his fect We trips. Fill particulars, A.' Leadley, lthe s same time, ~ | And Farm Pro- used MINARD'S LINIMENT on him 388 Yongo St., Toronto, or Philip --_----_ 'Eggs 1 freely to deaden the pain, and with Fox, Bullaloe Friend (from the next street, 3 duce fenera Yo the use of three bottles he was com- { happy father)--"Halloa, Peters, let 'Honey consign it to us pistoly 'i and able to return to} Sunday-School Teacher": loves me congratulate you! I hear that , 3 anil we will get 16 WHTK . 'everybody, Willy?" Willy--"My ja} you have a new boy at your house." you good prices. ; SAUN EUR DUVAL. does, cos, he is trying to get into the Happy Father--"By ore can you, Apples, a orm Co., Que. town council.' hear him all that distance? ay 26th, 18938. aimee t-l . ae « To prove to you a = Baws son Syne Co, HH 4 i | Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuralgla Tae Ciknmariescrng SAW sara Doting Mamma 'Nodn aod cars form cf itchine cear, to-morrow is par Hrs Buxom Widow--Do ou "under- bicedi 'cond What world you like best 7°" Rodney y mafacturers have «uarantesd it. Wntte tier een lé _ re y stand the language of flowers, Dr eran in the Tally press Se ack Yourneliee sh pe fod Ya like Ys eee ane as jes - Crusty?' Dr. Crusty (an old bache- tors what thoy think oft arnt 5 schoo went ' " _?* n a x, at burn down." paling -- vy 8 a ae aoe Mi dealers or Epssa & Co, Toronto, re) . on't know if yellow means fealou- hase's Dintn A sy?' Dr. Crusty--"No, ma'am; yel- Dr. G Oi ent N Mincrd's Linkment Cures Burts, ete, |! means bitiousness. -- 7 "One of the papers yesterday = re- . , One Short Puff Clears ferred to my husband as an eminent naan te 'datas sania y Mieicreads, Heaxd.-- Does your headache? Have '| statistician," ws Mrs. Fangle K ' , "uy y int on: pains over youreyes? Is the breath - ito Mrs. "Oh,'" replied the not my, fault.'" our eM sive? 'These -Are symptoms of | intter, in an enccreging tone, "I You nce, T Baw a2 for') Cat [Powe wouldn't tue that. who E making such an excellent impression 1 cu stubborn cases ase knows Mr. Fangle won't believe any : upon people that they still persist in rellooaly abort time, If ouvve bad Catart ened nonsense. We are all slandered E -¥ trusting me." 'sasurecore. [If it'sof fifty years' ré or jess" ' -- standing it's just es effective. 50cents.--57 (2 } jer Staty Years ---------- YOUR GROCERIES all Over thg mag roc terns AE a wening| - ACTIVITY IN THE NAVY. Foul, Loathsome, Kitchen. Send for one of Our 'J the al.aye pain, _-- - wind onic. regulates the ¥iomach end Inrwels, and fs the : br cr Bi ve cents a boul | Bei Put in Pro Sha for Ee gadis News mare Bene Put intone shore for Disgusting Gatarrh!) M@USE-PROOF sak for" Mus. WiNaLow 1kG ATR 2-- . -_---_-- Concurrently with the Russo-Jap- Seoura Rellef in 10 Minutes GROCERY CABINETS Pompe; tie off Hoss broke he wf yenere Sar abno " rata ante Jains And a Radical Cure, hin' le; i in', massa nia epartments of the Britis head ache? FR ) . a. ~ " ask is navy. This activity commenced at pains ov ver your eyes? "is there @ conn In Oak, with Metal Lack. Sent ta did he come ' do that?" as od his { ; ddress ceipt of $1.75 " his own jault, mas-. Ch istmas and since then . ca stant dropping in the throaty Is the any a on receipt of $1. age was his own ' breath offensive? hese ure certain Wren did yer -darky's back wan hana catridge factory, = gun Rate aq res agatar I ort. Agnow's turned de wuillces animile hw kick me | WOtOr Nave been. aoe _S re ie an inemciGadie: en Woolwich Have been busy and work- . in marvelously short on de head, massa. ing overtime. All naval stores at, tine. ca you en oa wot ty" youre The Bennett: Mts, Co; home and abroad have been care-" standing ttn "just ux effecti 19 PICHERING, vy OVER 'THE WABASH. fully overhauled and the surplus and : * Dr, Agnew's Pilts va ke best. Nee eae wcewen rt _ 4 Do' not: + asnif 'atampe: __Agents wanted fs I understand jhat the Santa tickets to -° Fe will sell one-way colonist CALIFORNIA ¢ adviso during March = April at yery low-rates. z-~" 333! $25 f rtoens wkhnate city. Pleas me fall particulars Street No..... City and State * Cat out thie advertisement aod mall to P, T. Hendry, Gen. Agt., A. T. & S. P. Ry... 15t Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Seca Sly pedis ie