Listowel Standard, 11 Mar 1904, p. 8

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os ee? Ok Tae (A Ry! Will ne shectal one-way Excursion Trains Every TUESDAY During- MARCH § APRIL To MANITOBA AND CANADIAN NORTHWEST. For Tickets and Rates apyly to J. Livingstone, jr. ).. Ticket Agent Can, Pac. Ry. Co. PACIFIC J.W, Scott & Son, Bankers ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES : Listowel, Clifferd, also with J. A. Forest and Shelburne. Palmerston and Halstead, Mount A Genera! Banking Business transacted. ORAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DCMiNION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. current rate of interest allowed. Ey oy amount of perige oo to lend rH ge arm security o cent., wit privilege of ae annually, Marriage Licenses Issued, J. W. Scorr & Son. TOWN COUNCIL. The regular monthly meeting of the tow.n counci) was held on Monday evening in the council . chamber. Members present: Mayor Hay Ls the chair and councillors Messrs. Woods, Vandrick, Anderson and Pelton. lowing accounts were read and re- ferred to proper committees. Meyers Milling Co., water supply for Feb., $100.00 ; Gas & El. Light Co., gas. $8.75; G. N. W. Tel. Co., 67c; Meyers, wood for relief, $3. 50; rer. Feb,, $1,391.41 ; received from C. Tab- berner, taxes, $228.76; interest on taxes, $25.58. Of this account there is charged to the Waterworks ac., $16,663.50; balance due bank on gen- ) Cartrau Pap Up - - Resesvs Foxp sysop |BANK HAMILTON| IMPERIAL BANK: $ 2,000,000 00 $ 1,700,000.00 | 'Toran Assers - - - $22,000,000.00| poserve ESTABLISHED (872. -- HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. ai ' TOBNBUIA, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. LISTOWEL BRANCH ESTABLISH- ED-31 YEARS. DIRBOTORS: HON, WM,.GIBSON, President, JOHN PROCTOR, GEO. R ACH, A, Be LEE, JOHNS,HENDR. 4M. P,P, GRU. RUTHERF. RD, J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres, 2 Gen. Mgr. H..M. WATSON, Inspector, 66 BRANCHES 6e SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed at current raves added to principal twice & year,~let June and Ist Decem| No formalitivs, no delays in drawing Sa. PARMERS BUSINESS a specialty. Notes of responsible farmers doen ted, sale notes collected and advances made thereon. MENT every tacilivy for making prumpt returns at low- | DRAFTS bought and sold on any part of ew CORRESPONDENTS in all parts of Can- ava, United otat.s and Great Britain. » BANKING BUSINESS of all kinds trans- acted on most mies terms. Corres- pondence solici ALL BUSINESS sTRICtLY CONFIDENTIAL. B, FORGAYETH Agont, Liswwel. By- Law ie 461 of the Town T Listowel, A By-Law to to authorize. the Municipality of the Town ol Listowel to burrow $10,000 for completing Water Works and extending | mains, Whereas it was deemed -- that the Municipality should con- struct, --_ and carry on Water Ww nd for said purposes acquire such progerty and privilege as might be within its power and be deemed advisable and for such purposes, By- was duly passe $21,500 was _peetonesse for Water Works pur And W herons a it is deemed advisable to enlarge and extend such Water Works and the Mains in connection therewith, beyond the original esti- mute provided for in said By Law No. 421 and the amount required for such purposes 13 the sum of §$10,0uU in addition to the said sam of $21,000 mute of which Suid Water enlurged and extended and exten- sons of Muins is ee annexeu muraxed Scheaule Anu Wuereas it is ee for the Municipality to borrow the said sum of $1U,vuu so requ.ic!, and-it is in- tended that the suid sum sbail be the debdentures of be repaid ania. thirty years from the wule of tbe passing of this By and in such sums annually that principal abu interest computed at four per cent, per annum payable in each of said years, shall in the ag pre gate equal the aggregate am w, the eral account, $4,169 ;55. oved by R. Woods, seconded by F. Vandrick, that the account of W, A. Gray be paid $19.70, also the account of R. McMillan and Cc. G. nee for auditing books be paid $15.00 ea Carried. Moved by R Woods, se- conded by C, Anderson, that the post- age account of the treasurer for one your amounting to 61.60, be paid.-- Carried. F, Vandriok, seconded by >, Anderson, that A. Kay bg hired as constable at a salary of $375.00 a year, same conditions as before.-- Carried. At last council meeting Mr. Kay asked for an increase ot $25 on his salary of $350, and gave in his resignation to take effect if the raise Q r the increase he has, of course, withdrawn his resignation, A communication was received from the Union of Canadian Municipalities, Montreal, re account of $25 claim- egate attending the First Annual Convention of the Union held in Tor- onto ip August, 1901. A communica- tion was also received from R, Mo- Millan and C. G. Berger, containing detailed report of expenditures and receipts of 1903. by nded by F. Van- drick, bho the rennet of the Fire, Water & Light oo be acopted. --Curried. oved Anderso seconded by FE. Naadeisk. that the -- count of G. N. W. Tel. Co. amounting to 67c be a. --Carried. By-law No. 460 was read e first Cc By-law No. 461, for the urpose of borrowing $10,000 to complete water- works contract, was read a first and eg ea _ Moved by W Pelton, seconded b F. Vandrick, that the Gas «& El. L Co. be paid $16.85 for wood, and that Meyers be paid $3.50 for relief. --Curried. The Council then ad- needa to meet Tuesday night at 8 oc The adjourned meeting of the coun- cil was held T bers phe derson and Pelton By-law o. as read clause by slause, th blanks filled in, when th mittee by C. Ander- TOWN LINE WEST. Mr. Greensides has removed to his payabie for principal and interest 1 iD { euch of the other years of said per- And Whereas the amount required to be raised annually during said \ jcriod upon all tho ruteuble proper- ty of the Municipality to meet suid unnual payments of principal and in- terest is the sum of $0978.50, being the amount respectively set forth 'in «the Schedule And Whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the mun- icipality according to the last revis- 6d assessment thoy oe that for the yeur ivus, 19 Soz And W bereus be amount of the ex- Cipality 13 $120,400 upon sum 13 in arrear for principal ar in- Lerest, Be it therefore enacted by the Cor- poration of the Town of Listowei under and by virtue of the Municipal Act, The Municipal Water Works Act and all other aots them chere- unto enabling. And it is hereby enacted: 1, it shall be-lawful for this Mun- icipality to enlarge and extend such Water Works and the Mains in con- nection therewith as it may lawful- ly do, and which it may be deemed udvisable, it shall be lawful for this Mun- icipalicy to borrow upon its deben- tures which it is hereby authorized to issue therefor, the sum of 610,000 er suob portion thereof as may be found sufficient a said purposes above authorized, -% eum s0 ll be i within thir- ty years from this By Law taking ef- feot, and shall bear interest at four per cent. per annum on the unpaid portion thereof payable yearly, the third ony thereof set op ite to said 7 cipal, and the scapuat set opposite to egaid year in thefourth column of said issued m $578.30 being the total amount so ue payers yearly, 4. For the purp of paying off the said dabectares 6 as th hecome due, there shall be raised annually during said period or until said loan mp all the rate- principal and t ----- of nape: payable in osxh year as set out in said Gohedule ia whieh shell be levied by special aaa All debentures abe. or to raise said loan s issued and b. 1 T be taken on 7! By Law in the sev- eral War i part has moved to the form lately occu b . Bander- as of Pg reg on Saturday the oth day of April, ee ur. R, Nesbit, who ac been ub- between the houra of "nine 'clock fp OF CANADA. Capital $3,000,000.00 Total Assets TR. Merritt, Pr sl sldent HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, © Branches in Ontario, Quebgc, Mani- British Oolumbia, lie Bank whom transfor by letter LISTOWEL BRANOH. SAVINGS BARE sg per Deposits a SPECIAL » attention given to the discounting of all DRAFTS Arts BOLD, sisters at ene MONEY ORDERS issued payable any any, Tank $20, 100; to $30, 120. R. ARKELL, Manager. ¥ the forenoon and five o'olook in the afternoon during which he yeohing the pools shall be and remain and at the pi places eek Maekaeeter eee and the person whose ame is mentioned opposite each such polling place shall be -- deputy Re- urning Officer therefor Ward Piuoes D. R- O. Bismark P toner ff enop Henry Goddard Giadstune Town tiall W. srignt K O, hain Sau uire"s shop Simon Squire 1 wae rs fy brbernty ST eee ee . 8 On W y the sixth day = April, 1904, at two o'clook t afternoon the Mayor "shall attend at ber Town ming u the olerk on behalf of persons inter- ested in promoting or oppasing the passing of this B 9 At two weicek in the afternoon of Monday, the eleventh day ot ' we ah a 5 7 "Gouncil this day of aeril A. D.1 Mayor. Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" Lo the foregoing By-law No. 461 of the Town of Listuwel, LISTOWEL WATERWORKS ESTIMATE. c & 6% Amount expended to date.... 16068 56 Amounts unpaid in contraca-- Pomping station maso . 1275 CO Pumping station carpeater.. 787 00 Pom; ing station painter. 125 vO Pin aying contract. . 345 Cast iron pipe coptract 209 00 Valves contract . 186 60 Water Tower contract. . 6300 00 Bollercontract. 0... 1100 00 Pawpe contrac ~ 1900 00 Powping sistion alte. 500 00 11796 45 ITEMS NOT COVERED BY CUNTKACT. Feed wate: he 200 00 Cast iren rai' ep ai staire 3) 00 aying suction vine -e-. 200 OO 2-5 valves ane ' 42 vo Siuking aud curbing wells |... Awomatic steam valve li ileator conpectivas - 400 00 Ula pu 750 00 Extensis ot mains 100v 00 --- 62 Engineering an and sentingenriss 613 02 Interest at 400 31500 00 Appropriated by By-law No, 421 z om Balance. 10000 00 SCHEDULE "B" o the foregoing By-law No, 461 of the Towa of Lis towel showing the amount to wel and to be paid pee Ae iaadiada aad interest under the ssid No. of Payable Amenot Amount Total pay in the ot prin of inter- fo nente. yoar. cipal est rs st, 10s 178 30 400 578 30 2nd, 1906 185 44 32 578 W rd, 1907 199 385 678 ith, 1938 200 a7 578 Qu Sih, 1909 '8 389 678 30 6th, 1910 216 dal 578 3) 7th, Wil 325 Bz 575 4 th, 1912 Ht 3 578 Oth, 1913 au a34 578 50 lath, 1914 253 321 5 578 Lith, 1915 263 314 578 3) 1th, 1916 24 a4 678 30 13th, 1917 285 292 578 hath, 1918 296 251 $78 30 15th, 1919 ous 209 578 16th, 1920 32) 27 578 uy 17th, 1921 Bs a 578 1sth, 1922 S47 231 578 30 19th, 1923 961 216 578 3 h, 1924 376 202 578 30 Ziet, 1925 390 187 578 Znd, 1926 406 4 172 8 WH A 1927 422 165 S7e 30 21th, 1928 439 138 678 25th. 1929 457 121 578 20 26th 1990 475 102 578 80 27th, 3931 int 8 578 30 wsth, 193: 54 64 5 8 Se 29th, 1933 534 6 43 578 30th, 1934 556 22 578 NOTICE, Take notice that the above is a true oopy of o pro hg w id hich has been taken-into considera- Municipal Council of istowel, in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained there- first stags Banner news d By Law suoh first coutlantion Boing on the . 1904. the polls will be held, office at Listowel, this aioth day & 1904. Maroh A WILLIAM BRIGHT, Town Olerk. At Port Jervis, N. Y., more than ove hundred homes heve been flooded to the second story and 800 families made temporarily homeless by a sudden rise eatael "DR. Witkie, Vice |. seek Malate toba, North West Territeries, and | saghwes Listowel's Greatest Store. ~ SPRING adios" § -- ARE NOW DISPLAYED FOR YOUR } _ SELECTION. One -Door East of Post Office. JENKINS. WALLACEVILLE. Mar. 8.--After months of severe pais and suffering, death, the grim r of humanity, called away Mr. Arthur Faro be, who till shortly e death entertained hopes o in away early 6 y 8un may morning os the presence of the family, Interment took place on Tuesday afternoon to the Mt, Pleas- ant Cemetery. m friends services were conducted by Rey, L. Bartlet and were very im- pressiv Three nigger were un- anda to attend, tw ing io the Northwest and pol in Bouth Africa, extreme pain from a sore though through operations he felt re- lieved for a short time, finally am- putation was whioh dispell- the pain. At last heart and lung better world and longed to depart where pain and suf- fering will be nomore, The bereav- have the sincerest sympathy of the community. The trustee board of the Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church have let the contract of their new church to Pany and Hill. The church is to be built in the village. It's appear- ir to after completion will add great- yt ow by Madame Gilmore. Mr. John Alexander has moved onto Mr. Sal- ter's (arm. rt Torrance has purohas- ed the fifty acres formerly owned by Mr.. Hefir: i. r. Btever has moved down obuntry where he pur- ert wirking » hundred acre farm. "Mr. J.<Kinsman has moved to the farm which he bought from Mr, Jobo Bhiem. ~ Arnold moved into the house on Richard Sheppard's farm and Mr. fae oe" now occupies Mr. Ar- nold's f SEED OATS. The nn hey has a quantily of Ban- SILVERWARE WEDDINGS. E have just added to our ock many new ieces of 1847 Roger ros. Silver Plate | and other Novelties especiall suitable for GIFTS. If your WATCH is not giving satis- faction have it re- paired by W. S. BARTLEY Watchmaker, Jeweler in the Deleware River caused by an ice gorge. WALLACE ST., LISTOWEL. ESTIMATES FURNISHED AND CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR EVERY- N IN T HA Vi HE TINWARE AND PLUMBIN LINE i RDWARE G. saci BASS we Dower BORN. SHODX--In Wallace, on 8th inst., a son. the 8th the wife of Mr. Shody of DIED. FARNCOMB--In Wallace, an the 6th inst,, Arthur A. Farncomb, aged 25 years, 1 month and 23 days. HOWAT--In Elma, on the 5th inst., John Howst, 81 years and mont CALY ERT--In Listowel, on tho 7th inst., Louie Calvert, in her 30th yr SIM MONS--In Gowanstown, on Tuesday, March 8th, Hannah Simmons, beloved wife of A, J. Simmons, in her 27th year. AUCTION SALES. pore Merch 1ith--Sale of farm, farm 1 or executors of the lste Alexander Smith, south halves lots 7 and 8, 2nd ccncessivn 2: Sale to beg in atl o'clock sharp. Wm Welch, auctioneer. Ww --_. March l6th--Sale of farm stock and in men nents for Newman Willoughby, lot 25, 5th concession Walla Sale to ean) at 1 o'clock and will be without reserve as the bei has been seld. Welch, auctions Thoraday, March i of farm stock, nts, ete id Palmerston. Wm. Welch, auztioneer, Executors' Notice to Credi- tors the Estate of ALEXANDER TH, late of the Township of Wallace, in the Cou unty of Perth, Farmer, Deceased. In the Matter of sMIT Notice is hereby given Rs. 0. 1 ( hapter 3, "that all persons. a8 beri dates or demands the Ea said 'Alexander Sait acaaged, ied on or sen the sth of February, uir- ed a by post aie 'or to sdativer to Ble ray Listow Re Solicitors "tae the Meresters of the said op or io Int day o A 1901, ane ir names and addresses, with full particulnts ia eo econrity, lit heid by "then, "iar verified by Statatory sate rp any, 5 Dec- © potive further that after the sa'd lat ner Oat whict 1 acy ehy warty 1904, the Executors of the said Estate posited rice. heh will De-soldl as af will proceed to distribute the assesta of the mies nad Boor aed among the pent ents i thereto : "y > aving rey to the claims of whic 8. 8S. ROTHWELL, , they shall then bate notice an afor and, Lot 29, Con. 2, Elma, | said Exeoutore will nat be Lng far paid sestty or any rt Tr Britton P. 0. of « bow ecisims 1 no tice 6 shall re be have = teen me orived at the time of anch distribution 4s afore. said, Dated at Listowel this 299th day of February, = A.D 104. . HARVEY ELLIS, } WILLIAM BARTLEY, § Excoutora. BLEWETT & BRAY, Listowel, Ont., their WINTER We have a 'tot of EXTRA BARGAINS here for you. We are clearing up all odds and ends of GOODs. Dress Goods. Weare showing now one] of the finest ranges of Dress Goods that youcan see any- where and our prices are the lowest. As we are going to clear them out at wholesale prices, as we had some on import order before we de- cided to go into Ready-to- wear Goods. Now is the time to buy. Dress Goods from 12$c, and upwards. Silks. We have a lot of extra fine Silks for Dresses and Waists. New Skirts Ready-to wear. We are showing one of the best selected Stocks this sea- son. Special Reduction Ladies' and Children's Un- derwear, Men's and Boys' Underwear, Men's and Lad- ies' Gloves and Hosiery, Children's Gloves and Hos- iery. We have a lot of good. Lad- ies' Shawls and Ruffs. . Balance of our Shoes and Rubbers. The balance of our Dishes We have. a lot of fine Dish- es, Toilet Sets, odd plates, cups and saucers. Special reduction in all kinds of Furs. We have some of the best Fur Jackets and Men's Fur Coats in stock, A lot of fine Ruffs, Caperines. and Caps. We have them. $8 to $10 Suits for $5. CLOTHING READY-TO-WEAR If you want an extra choice OVERCOAT AND SUIT We have still on hand some of the Hundreds of other Bargains. J. M. SCHINBEIN. ; " All Druggista or mailed. CURES HEADACHE " Guerentecd te Cure withis 30 Minutes, or money refunded . The Herald Remedy Co., Montreal = LISLUWEL MAKKETS. Bolicitors. 100 acres ; * South half of Lot 37, Con. }, | Mar. 10th, 1904 Wheat, per bushel = 88s Peas. do . 6 Osta, do 30 ilog 0 * 7 70 y 1) ssa Brent do . 17 00 Shorts, do 19 00 Flour, per 1001bs. 250 Oatm do 260 265 , do 250 250 Butter per B. 1 16 per dos. 1 18 per bag, . 9 100 Hides pes 300 he 600 6 wetpere 6 ool per _ 'ood, long, 600 7 00 Wood short . 250 33 ed Hogs, 575 600 Live Hogs 450 450 be, - 250 350 500 600 | FARMS FOR SALE. In THE merere of CHRISTOPHER Hi, Deceased. Lot 42, ag 2, , Wallace, ap improved farm of and 45 one = C asture lot) are offered for sale privately. Por te rms and particulars apply to MORPHY & CARTHEW,. Solicitors for the Adm ndon & Western Truste Co, Ltd. | Listowel, Fobrancy 24, 1904. Oshawa waterworks 'and seweragd bylaw was carrie Wright & Thompson, _ LISOTWEL'S Cash Dry Goods Store. . What is it we are } now looking for? Itis son's Wright & Thomp | -- -- e 2 5 it in kt OOATS, ) Bargains apy TO- TLaadies' Vests Special 20c, 25c, 32c, and 4c. } Children's Underwear We Will Clear the Remainder of our Stock at Greatly Reduced j RfensallwWwooilUnderwear Think! 50c for 39c, 65c tor 49c, 75c for 6lc, 1 OO for 79c. Boys Underwear Justa tew suits left we will clear at 15 per cent, less. Nothing to be Carried Over in the Following Lines. i MANTLES, Men's PEA SACEETS. Ladies eR S<IRTS, Men's OVEROOAT Our Seacees Department you will find Scrablaie. Highest Price paid for all kinds of farm produce. Prices, 1 Wright & Thompson. -'The - Store ~ on ~ the - Corner! oe Neen

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