'VOL. XXVIHL-NO. 7 'Walter Bros. Listowel's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Store. THE BEST QUALITIES Trade can produce are to be found here. evér before were we in a position.to offer you a bet- ter selection in every DEPARTMENT. -* OUR DREss- * MAKING DEPARTMENT Dress Goods and Trimmings are of vital importance. us but to every Lady who wishes to invest in a Not only to NEW GARMENT FOR SPRING. Our Dress-making Dept. is under the management of Miss Forsyth who has. had charge of one of the finest and most popular establish- i. \ eo | ao ae ae Or a ee oe ee a ee ee a at te ay am. a ee ees } lar, Shirt, in from ments in Toronto, for five consecutive years. She comes here highly recom- all mended. Sides. GENTLEMEN. If you want a Spring Suit remem- ber we sell Made-to-Order Suits at Ready-made Suit Prices. $10.00 WILL BUY A Suit of Clothes, a Hat, Tie, a pair of Shoes an pair of Sox, at Walter Bros a oe a ee. a ee oe eee = ae ae Sompamerseemd (ir. iis _SIGN OF THE ELEPHANT. en path eet beeches feet Pe ROBERT THOMPSON People's Cash Store. J. H. Ottven, Pastors. - SUNDAY, aca ROE SF oh ll a m. and 7 p. m,-- All « =e desire to worship witvas wilh bg - CHRIST CHURCH: > «Rev. C. H, Buckland,> Rector. . SUNDAY, MARGH 20TH, 1004. Ba. e imetegtees - 'm --Choral & llam --Morning Pra} 'atid Sereno. : ney "Phe sereniar of Will." *- g 'and Sermos. © * bisoethe prcese 'ol Nast oO Fte TOWN ToPres. Py mornin', ley's, Wallace ness Apply to R- T) Kens Apply at Walter Bros. Servant wa: street east. two weeks arrived in day night at 11 o'cl County of ree Orders for sales Ivfe at A, J. ovel, The of bread. Besides the have the Home-made, Brown, Cream, C rant, Vienna and Rye ZuReri Two soannedites by a andy welt Kidd, Main street, . & door Yuie's baker shop. Wholesome Food i you want something wholesome tr brigg Bros.' Rye and Hee made ¢ Srectau Sate ab arose of Watches os. Pancy a sonal tematic to Watch 'and Clock: and get a book of info rami ee ioc FOR AV Wee Shamrocks were in eviden'se yester- day, it being St. Patriok's on "iw t es For excellent Silver Rolin oal at 8. Bart. atres ; Boy Wa pea earn he Base busi The first train from Owen Sound in | we mto on 'Taes« cs c F, Yandrick, el | gnc ae gel hfe Vandrick's store, Wallace | Bee: 4 he boundary seat of birks 3 K ch aes "sealing 16th ingt., a Teacher's oale Finder will oblige by tearing at this nflice. new rr is the Plane for all kinds bs: regular bread : ag Bros, Weleh's old stand. udy boarders can be comfortably er Mn. what yon want zane Buns, Cakes and ~Pastry always { neck. Orders reveive prompt chante, Given call, Zu aa Guather'e-of { he, beat ab Six Girls iets to ite dressmakfng. Bate 'iven nest nted, for geunetl housework * 'i Apply to Mrs. 8. B. Morphy. Victoria' sa re ae f you have not seen:the new » come now and sed it i ee ion. wlth Ether keon can be arranged for "9 Standard office, ad Great Winding Up mm FUR SALE. WCEOSCLS CICOSOSSOGSTEOCOO will indicate. tails, 6 tesdien i only, poe Sable Stoll one 4 tai 1 sada lon y, Columbia Sable Ruff, 4 tails, 28 inches long... l only, German Mink Ruff, : by 25 inche s long.. Vonly, front, 2 heads a4 paws. au 1 only. = can Stone Martin Stall huff, "2? heads, 6 30 inches only Alaake Sable uff, double fur, & tails, 20 inches lonly, tales Fancy Coliarette, Electric Seal 36 inches lon Weare determined to clear out our tew remaining FURS as the prices below es A eSWanKgISs oO S S3gssust 8s 7 60 . 82 00 ys 37 50 1 only, t "s " : Soma eaters and reveres, * inches lon ng ) 1 only, eee : strachan ackets, 'Sable collar and inc ong..... lonly, Ladies Electric Tacket 38 inches lon ng . " 48 00 lonly, Ladies Electric Seal Jacket, Sable Collar and vere, & % inc p caches 108 wWER Rieals eee iseaseness 00 1 only, Ladies han Jacket, 36 i ve = lon 44 00 Lonly, Gent's Rusela Calf Coat, regu! aus 8 aie Bile 3 00 Seisssss $ 8 SR Ba Clee ee LS & eS > 8 & BRs 2 328s = 38 = S85 33s ROBERT THOMPSON Sign of-the Lion. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. SPRING 1904 LISTOWEL cellent atyle. 1904 CLOTH HALL --_----------- + We are now settled down in our NEW STAND MAIN - STREET. THIS WEEK We open out our SPRING IMPORTED store in America. TWEEDS, The style and - quality of which vould do credit to any' _If you ARE ANXIOUS well and faultlessly leave YOUR ORDER AT Model Merchant Teilors. And all young men are, to be dressed, MacKenzie Bros. t 'Targecovgrega . at the'« prcs=" nervite) Mrs, Morlock ga sacred éolo in her ueual ex- Mies Blank of Milverton was. the guest of Mrs. Geo. Johnston, -Welling- ton street, fortwo weeks Mre. Buo- son of Yeoville also spent a short visit with her aunt, Mre. Johoston. Mise Blevk acsompauied Mrs. Bunson to Yeoville on Monday: The choir of the Listowel Metbodist Chureb ree giving @ concert at Stewart's Cha Wallace, on Friday evening, Marob sein The programme will consiat of part songy, qnartettes, recitations, solos, eto. he chair will be taken at 8 o'clock by Mr A. Tor- raoce. Faller anuoncements next week. Several cars of coal have been re- ceived by the local dealers during the past week, arriving just iu time to re- lieve the situation, the soppy having become entirely exhausted. he farn- itnre and obair factories, which have beep closed down for want of coal, ex pcct to start upagaio pext week. Mrs. Jan. Armstrong received this week thé sad newe of the death of her Cleveland, Obio,-ou the 10th ivet., after a shtrt ilinése with puenmonie. fe bat no children. in Gnoelph. age, and leav@ a He formerly seni lend pear- - / Bil, to secure @ ar /to hume.-* ; ey 2% "Bothwell, daughter her speedy revovery is looked fo fhe towns on the dar. it in the 7Rogete to "fat the next election. If this is osrried, brother, Mr James Newbigging, at The deceased. was fifty-two years of Mr. John E: Allen left this week for Mauitoba, 'where' be a taken me weeks. by Saling heres bis household ship effects ip, ~ fam frog will followin a few days. friends in town wish them -ey. eaccess iu their prairie pine: t week while visiting at her ovcle's, Mr. Rothwell's, in Elms. Her. ition was considered serions -- but her many friends in tows iginity. will be glad to learn iT ahd ia'now oh fora| and Some of the city dailies assert that branch lines are oply now beginning to learn that a wart is ov in the sig gl they -- nding eit news u which a th old whee the reach their read in Ly natural sequ- ence that the of the snow. bound commasities shontd be Ignorant of what ia 'ttenspiring 'in .by outelde i ie Mr. aa. Al) highly wale on wm Toureacs of good Wm..G Cowan is movin Se gered r Dy ry store the te bemies on ae oct ay d stéok.of wilivery. ends; inoluding ait he latest styles and' novelties. 'The Will be open and sages for basiness in 'Eig mpstead o n° Tnesday of last ae "voters of North Easthope p ne 'polls on. the question z a $2,000 bonus to the Miativo, bet re and Lake - Ratlway . py. There Fotes in favors the bonus Be in four monthe -to* day 'ginoe the thing began, and it has eoutioned ate break since, and the probabil- or tes Arak mow: ates 'be with ta for there -being gy pp as ear and asywhere r to we ey act Fas =! drifta. ug 0. ager of the sit Ba Ph it continues to do endden thaw might causea de- ative flood. Cuaworp Oourry Counom Act.-- ame: Rosa bes iutrodnced a bill tu d the Cousty Councils Act, by | providtog thdt upon a majority of the townebip and village Councils voting in favor of changing the syetem of conetitatiug OConnoty Councils, the Ovnvty Counsil shall submit.a by-law Ahe old plan of forming County Coun- ; 'eongre-: Gils will go into force, except that pew, brick tanly reeves and mayors will constitute em. ~The Milverton Sun gives the Post- Department a drubbing for @ 'of the tfew weeks. It ap- , according to I'he Sun, that ne ér then: 'depart from the established Scustom of ;sénding, the Palmerston 'Guelph, the begs were eécumniate at that point it "there 'wag nearly two weeks' ail heaped up, and the trains had Hoan piadivg reqsteulz vi via Stratford. a east native dhuofty's sympathy, "fane ren place this Friday dtternoos at 30 o'elock to Fairview cemetery, Mr. Manley Bruce, son of Dr. Bruce, who haa been bookkeeper in the office of Messrs. Hay Bros., grain merchante, bas gone to Mount Forest, where be has taken a position in the new agency of the Sovereign Bank. Manley's departure wiil bes loss to the hookey team, of which he was the star cover- point. He is a sterling young man and bie many friends here wish him every success. Mr. Frank Burt takes Mr. Bruce's place in Hay Bros.' office. e oO. P. R. By-Laws Carnriep.-- The by-laws providiog for right of way for the C. P. R. extension to Goderich, which were voted ov in Mornington township and Milvertun village ov Friday last, were both carried. The vote in Milvertou stood 99 fur and 15 agaiost, beiug a majority of 84 for. In Moroington the by-luw was carried by 118 majority. Following is the vote in the different polling subdivi- sions: Attridge's, 55 for, 11 againet ; Poole, 62 for, 31 against ; Newton, 27 for, 59 against; Millbank, 106 for, Hesson, 46 for, 26 against. The many friends of Mr. B. Witter and family are sorry to learn that tbey intend leaving town ehortly. Mr. Witter bue recently purchased a dairy aod frait farm adjoining the Agricul- taral Uollege at Guelph, and purposes removing thereon for the present. His sen, Mr. Gas itter, uho is a graduate of the College, will _ charge of the farm. Mr. and itter's removal will bes loss to the town, and especially to Christ Charch, where they have both n active workera during their eight or nine years residence here. Mr. Witter is a member of the Pablia Schoo! Board, and hes also been active in Socivty re. The two five brick residences whicb he has erected on Wallace street bear further testimony to his public +piritedness. The family purpose leaving the first week in April. Mr. Witter intends having an anotion sule of farniture on next fair day. Wortp's Parr Sr Lovis,--April 30th -Dec. 1, 1904, --$50,000,000 is the cost of this great Exposition. Over 500 distinct buildings. Almost every for- eign nation has a pavillion and ero Btate a club honse. Canada's building is finished, andthe Grand Travk will havea fine exhibit. Fifteen of the buildings are giante, as shown by the ge manor It will no doubt be the eat Exposition held in America for a long time. It will be worth a r's education to your son and daugh- ay to visit, The Gravud Tronk have arranged to.allow stop-ov'r at any adian station, and at Detroit aud a continne for the season. Fi day tickets will be " at single fare. Thirty day tickets at fare avd one-third, and good until Deo. 15th at 80 per cent. off double one-way rates. Full infor- mation on application to Grand Trunk hick | Agente, or J. D. MoDonald, District + Passenger Agent, Toronto. ~ 6 agasiust ; Carthage, 9 for, 61 against ; |. Sr Axormen m Tim Ur.--After th 5 cebirgiscws efforts made ts the'G, T. nf d which resulted in-most of the beamon lines being opeged again at the end of last week, it was honed that the season of bloo es bad been passed. But Monday eaw the aes again tied up, the storm which set fom the east brivgiyg the seiesl oneé.m te to.acstand-still. Fortuvgte= ly this week's atorm was not quite ef needay trains were -agaio running, though from: one to four hours lute. d ax-Have been our trials this winter, 'they "have been light in comparison to' those of. the towns at the -enda of hé)-bravch ines. Kiueardine has een completely out off from the 'out- Wiarton and Owen Sound have been shut in for between fwo and three weeks, The Teeswater branch of the O. P. B, is still unopened, Mats sy Srace.--The days of the old. sta6. conch have been revived agaiu' by the tieing ap of the railroads, 'the postal department haviog inaogor- ated » tem service for the carrying of the mails along the bravcb lines of the G. T. RB. andC, P.R. O riday last some ten or twelve bags of belated mail Matter were brought here from Palmerston by sleigh, and when Pp were found to contain mail matter, both letters and papers, that had been over two weeks in reaching here from pointe in Western Ontario. Letters. mailed in Stratford from the 18th to the 220d February wera de- livered here the 12'h March. Torovto and other city daily papers bave been reachiug here avy old time, from one to ten days late. The entire mail ser- vice has been turned "'topsy tnrvey" for the past month or two, and is tek- ing the efforts of the postmastere, mail clerks and ipspectors' department to get. it.-straighenéd ont. Postmaster Hay had the busiest day of his life on aturday last. Throughout this record- breaking period he has done hia beat to focilitate «matters, und the public appreciates bis efforte Jepuz Tpryetox.--An Ottawa de «patch enpuuvore that Mr. Jobo ine top, K. C., of ---- aod Mr. F. Anglin, K. ©., of route, have 'tert a . Jadges "fo the new Ex- aef Oourt division of the High Court of Ontario. The residents of Perth conaty Lag need will be pleased to learn of iugton's elevation to the benob, ine 'whieh position his abitl-. tiee enmivently -qualify bim. John | Idington, K. O.jeis the son of Seotch "Ol. Berwickshire, aud. born.' near. Morriete mM. Onat.,- 14,1840, - foth "nb we, tat ear, ticed Jaw in " Stratlord He was pointed Queen's Counsel by Sir Oliver Mowat 1p 1876, aod by the gar of ansdowne in 1885. Iu 1879 he be- came Crown Attorney for the Sreuky of Perth. In politics he ie a Liberal, and in religion a Presbyterian, He is a Bencher of the Law Society of Up- per Canada. Mrs. Idicgton isa duugh- ter of the late Geo, Culclengh of Mount Forest. RODGERS--HEPPLER, A very pretty a _ ete at the residence of M J. pler, Dodd bdt,, on Wednesda : ar ing at 6 a. m., when her youngest duugbter Gertrude May was married to George Richurd Rodgers of the Masufacturers re 'Trauer's Bank ol Buftalo. Kev. J. 5. Harcce, Minister of nnox Church otficiated. Mrs. Kougers left for the es- teem in which the bride wus held by those who knew her best. LISTOWEL BOARD OF TRADE. on annual meeting of the Listow- 1 Board of frade was held in the Cobncil Chamber on Monday evening, l4th inst, There wasa fair uttend- unce of members, President 1. Hamilton took the obair when the minutes were reud and adopted. Bir. Geo, Bray, decretary-Lreusurer, pre- ---- his report which showea a d-up membersnip of 'oe The fotal receipts amounted Lo $29.00, and the disbursements were $10,890, leav- ing e balance on hand of $18.60. The Secretary reviewed the work of the Board fot the pust ten ger when it was re-organized. A number of important matters had besa disouss- ed, incteting waterworks, sewerage, street sprinkling, the Niagara power question, mail service, 0. P. R. exten- sion and the radial railway. While not so much had been accomplished, yet the active interest taken io these matters by the Board bud been of considerable benefit to the town, and where results bad not already been obtained, there was ground for be- lieving that they would in the -- utu. Both the C. P. RK. exten and the Electrio Railway were" Genk securing of a deca oes tor post office and custo ter which the Board ~% trade shouid give its early attention. On motion Mr. Bray, seconded by Mr. ~-- ' President ion that in his opinion the Board o Trade had proved itself a useful or- ganization, it had tried to keep alive every question that was of ed- he town, From infor- reaivongeetel the improvement of the town str The election of officers was then roceeded with, when the present of- fioers were all 're-elected; as follows: Presidegpt, T. L. Hamilton ; Vice-Pres- ident, J. WN. Hay; Secretary-Treasur- er, George tied anogiliors, " B, bad as ita predecessora,, and by Wed-| ti side world for nearly a mouth, while} Li atte ait asteady visitor on the town line for Nand, Conservative, 199 ; Maskinonge, M erford aod B, Forsa. 'Mr. JiC. Bay, Conta ot th Ruiiway Committee was cdlled "2 ie oh ee | fast "year, 500, the B Hoard adjourned, "= 4:8 ' THREE DAYS. RACING. Listeria Will Have Saure:.Program -- And Purses as Stra atford. Ata meeting of ge ioe eae the six turt associa adian Trotting and beld at the Windsor hotel," on Saturday afternoon, the I ' Listowel--June 22, 23 a Strattord--J une 2y asi 3U, Jaipa New Hamburg--July 4, 6 ca J broderick, seoretary het the Santo Association, was elevted ry Gwenn for the year. He brings into this office the experience - of several very successful sees at Beaforth. ovis ' As has been already announced, the ix Strattord assobiation will ic ee. lL purses to $500, a cirounistan which should draw some extra ¢ horses, Listowel is to bave three days racing, instead of two as heretofo: and the association hes. devid 4.35 though it has not yot teu officjably . announced--to often or same' pros = rom und purse Stratford. The | purses at Stratford will amount te $3,500. SOUTH WALLACE, - : Mr, Harvey. Ellis moved thitiston- el last .yweelk ; the same day' bails a Cra pe Dosegal nee on to lis man Benning i ured Ms Hiobert doz bass 'fer Go ightebnoe for The affirmative 't Mathews and Manning. The judges gave their decision in favor of the affirmative. e speakers touched briefly on the good of both sides as far back as Adam and Eve. Those who took part from town were Miss Norma Hermiston, Miss Newcombe, and Miss Purcell; also. Mr, D'Aroy Grierson, whose singing was worthy of note, The Miss Walkers from Le- banon also took part. The meeting cial songs and duets from outside talent is promi. . One of the town line east boys ~ -- face brightens our commifn- ity quite frequently, while returning home had the misfortune of receiving a cold bath in the river, from which he contracted a stiff neck and a severe cold, TOWN LINE WEST. Mr. Alex. Thompson, who has been the past year or #0, hae been success- fal in carrying off one of its fair maids in the pereon of Miss Amabella Seuder- sop. They have gone to reside on the sixth concession, vear Atwood, We wirh them every bappiness inthe path they have choren. ' Mr: Jobo Hawilton is the: only man we buve met who is avxious for the winter to stay @ little longer, av be hes a covsideradle quantity of wood to hau! yet. He is ove of the mem who are making mooey these days. Mr. Thos. Jobnston and family speot Sunday with hie brother, 8, Jobnaton. » The Weiland Caval will be lighted. ; with about 550 aro lamps aud the looke and «wing bridges will be npeaite by. electricity. Op the 6th iost. Torouto qouipistad ith sevevty yeurs as ay focorporated city. When its first charter was ek ed iv 1884, the population was 9,284, mee it is -- 245, te The city's venue then was $20,995 ; itis now poi four millions. Official majorities in eine bye- elections in Quebec are: . Portnenf, Lafovtaine, Conservative, 74; Berthier, Lafontaine, Liberal, 224, and Shefford, Mathieu, Liberal, about 400. All four coustituencies were formerly Liberal, and the captnre gf two of them by the Conservatives goes to show that a re- action has eet in in Quebec. To Break Upa Cold Right quickly a works so nicely as Nerviline tak seuds & glo ped warinth all ehrouge body, and when rubbed on the throat and chest naming up the cough "er relivvos toess and soreness in said best. Nervi pot is used as a preventi aad sure for colds. coughs -- winter ills in thousands le of homes Fecause it goes mht to work und brings relief quickly. There is no remedy in the world with half the power and merit oa of Neivilive 3 ils invaloable in every