Listowel Standard, 18 Mar 1904, p. 7

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CONSUMPTION CURABLE. | Good Blood. Makes 'the Lungs Strazg and Expels Disease. The time to cure consumption you up. weaknes the on -measure of eafety. Do not let the bleod bezome atery. That is an open seve to disease to take possession of y system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the best 'tonic and strength builder known to record of this mecical science. », medicire proves: 'conclusively that taken when the Tollsa xb of en is a bit Mics Blanche Durand, St. is e, says: 'While' out boating in September, 1901, L got took col T treat- proof. Edm Ag several months pas by a doctor January, 1902, and he and I was in consumption. tng home a friend in whom 1 had much confidence strongly urged me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Tills. began taking the pills found they were helping me. cough grew less savere; weg oo improved and my strana return. I continued taking _ "pills for about two months, when my health fully restored, and I t since experienced any .weakness Willioms' Pink Pills mako new rich, r lood, and ir this way cause all diseases due to = biood and weak nerves. You 1 get these pills from any medicine the Williams' Medicine Co., Brock, il'e, Ont. CONTINUOUS PASSAGE. Bcisenge 4 English _ ae eaps Her Rewar How a A good many years ago there dwelt ', pater, On a Wintry night the storm howled around the chimneys, and = she knew elements at their worst, and so le it | her cottage and watched. Soon she! observed the lights of a steamer mak- | ing for the shore was continued, she knew there be a bad wreck and probably lives lost. So she fixed up a "flare' which, at sea, means any 1 sort j of a thing that will attract attention by the blaze it makes. ler flare | was seen and understood, and the ship kept off the coast unti there was sufficient light to make the mouth of the river. The ship was a Peninsular & --_ boat, making Liverpool on a specia One of the directors of the fhe heard the story and hecame so interested that he visited the girl in her cliff home. life pass on the line By which run so far to tlie east that ¥ they meet 'themselves coming back d elapsed and she did not seem to be caught up by any likely young man. She got so that it w neceyisary to support herself, "~~ other brother, 2 w is § al veal younger, stands 7 feet, Both are to have had slightly the advantage. The clider_ giant weighs 377 pounds. The parents are said to be ordinary- sized people -- ARSENIC EATERS. The practice of eating arsenic : mountninous districts of tria, Hungary, and Iranece. They de- clare that this poison enables them to ascend with ea8e heights which they could only otherwise climb with great distress to the ches eis THIN DIET. No Nourishment In It. "It's not cusy to ke "op up an invalid for ach trouble caused by wad J couldn't digest two years from stom- cofies, food and Kot did net need the milk and lime water after that for J gained rapidly and Tecan now cat a good menl and drink '2 -- from 1 to 3 cups of Vostum each 3 snot aml feel fire. "T would not wo back to cofice for sany reasonable pay, T like Postum better than coffee now and make Pos tum by directions on box and it is Just fine; never found a better way to e-it-than on box. Now this is alt ahaa and you can casily prove it." Name oe by Vostum Con Battle Créeck, Mici "Postiwn is a brew from field grains with the nourishment left I thakes red blood and rebuilds parti- eularly 'Ht where coffee has . done datvage as it does to nearly all who drink it. A419 any vs' trial of Postum in . plage of cofiee works wonders. Therg's n rearon. nm ©. Gatothe picts book, "The Read to # WeBetto" ach package. Pee tea jf 3 was not getting batter: I went to a|t a al | OF OF PEOPLE. were ways at it, always anxious to learn. The only ia they thought you weren't look- thing about them. was ig they would pick up things those Japanese officers known it, they would have gone tho ends of the earth to rem ubfous an impression, for in means military-knight-ways the All this came nomin plebeians Chivalry--which very ove be he noble THE JAPANESE WARRIGB|~.c*<s CURIOUS CUSTOMS THIS CLASS Gallantry of the Men and Charity English naval officer fresh tees the Far East, was once talking ata the nicer of the Jap a iexcellent little chaps," he: said; "keen as mustar al- that. you bad not shown them and try to find out the secret.' ft shad path his ally to an end with the downfall of the feudal sys- tem © in 7 e samurai--the knightly class 'between nobles and the plebcians--ceased to exist as an exclusive caste after "res edict prohibiting the wearing of swords, They began to intermarry with the or plebeian, must now serve his term in u my. Nor are the pay aa yn re to every man who will the trvatile to earn it. But rl peus in the Japarec army, English in oflicers 4 thie Sng ve plow every private soldier ree to beconie an officer, the and "upper middle class; is the samurai--samura great ae tho edicts and the constitutions "OLD TRADITIONS REMAIN. And, in the very fibre of their, be- ing, the traditions -of Bushido re- main. 'Those who are not less "han it} years old were taught it at the mother's nee, and many of the in, oe men qoute of the' same rari stock are imbued with the prinetptes the code WHI these principles count for thing in battue, now that the trouble iwith Russia ends in war ? ative enthusiasts think they will. Dr. irae who has written a wonderful little exposition of Japanese thought | Japan beat the Chinese by | (* Bushido, the | protes ts against the assertion u, the opan"), that means of our fathers, guiding our hands and beating in our hearts. | They are not dead, those ghosts, the spirite of our warlike ancestors. a a Japanese of the most ad- van eas and he will show a peer when cof- | The samurai began a training at der ¥ y among u utter ith messages to deliver; rage, fortitude, loyalty, dinal virtues avery samurai counted it a ty to sacrifice himself for his chizane, one of tbe greatest oung children were the plain lord. | char- ters of Japanese history, was exil- from the capital and his enemies mci ita forti- iix- wey, be the reason why the unofficial are 80 eager for war, and 50 confident as to its nigga t. ipa i iaag SOME HEROE'S 'S ENDS. Death Passes Them By to Appear in Commonplace Form. ere are 'many instances of who have braved death in a hundred forms and at last have toon: Scie by _ common-place acci of the earprions atone fate aenene sag have in store for those who seem to have charmed lives is the fc vl , which ended the career of Captain Charles de St. Croix. He was one of the heroes who had sur-, vived the horrors of the Crimean war and lived face to face with aa © men seemed to invige death by ing for any specially dange ut he remained untouched while his componions fell all around him. In later years he enined a reputa- fatal. ed t gg out of him under the whetle .a London omnibus, "y compenion of Captain St. Croix, Major Hanson, = an even more ig- nominious dea He had so many = marvelous eure in the Criim- war and in the Indian mutiny tbat in the army he a gained tho | nickname af TN Devil's Own,' While skating he hed a fall and fractored his thigh. Amputation be ame neccessary and he died under the ica ation. A pitifsl Richard Russel, fate was that of Major another veteran of the Crimean war and Incian mutiny. At one time he was one of the brav- est and most envied men-in ---- Ma- jesty's service, and yet cled miserably in the Belfast aavinonw and was buried in a pine coflin pro- vided by friends. During the last nine years of his life this gallant sol- dier lived in one room in the Belfast slums and cked out the seantiest liv- ing by selling tea to his-poor neigh- bors. He was too proud to accept the help of his friends of his hg uppicr days, and when his: strength failed him he was removed 'to the work- house. Wellington's army held no more heroic soldier than Colonel Maclagen and none more eager to court death. Because of an whfortunate love af- fair he auace never to return England alive He distinguished himself among his fellows as a m He fought in more mishes, a doven hyupes and twice he-charged the emy single handed, but the death he ught never came near him. When the pen ar was over he made his -- and a few years later 'Gi "a om a pin weratch, which conted. in blood poisoning. one of the most noted duelists of his day in Furope, met a singular fate. He had not ,on- ly survived the gan campaign, where his deeds of valo the wonder and admiration of Napo- nee soldiers, but he had fought twenty-two duels, and though he had killed a dozen of his opponcte, had never received so much as a s¢ratch. Ono day he was recounting one of his adventures before the officers at mess gud was seized by such a vio- fit of the remem- vessel General Andre, 1 and died within an haur. ----_+--_-- HELP YOUR CHILD. a ichizane's son. He is headed, the dereption is not, dis- s father he says to his ANT OF WAR TAUGHT. young samurai archery, the enemy's mako him auinb and Mf » proved of Ferree Matting wife, Was taugh jinjutsu (etntehing bod ¥ incap- | use graphy, tory. Ho was not to think of the spear, tactics, ethics, of m cali- literature and hig- o ney 4 Bon of -- When your child--whether it "Sam" Cassidy, mars y= roe the Bijou Hotel, Metealf Street. As hunter and fisherman more Tear known to followers annual 60: a among his peamobal riends. The news, therefore, that he lias found a complete cure Jor a danger- ous malady will give general Satis- sulted the best physicians and tried nearly every remedy I om think of, I was unable to = bette "Some time ago a friend told me Dodd's 'Kidney "Pitts yons cure me, As-a last resort I tried and they have cured me, I 'hunt in- agine more severe suffering than one endures who has mg a oe a neye, and I feel i tude towards Dodd's Kidney: Pile. = If the disease is of the Kidneys or from kidneys, 'Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it. "Tommy,"' said the teacher, "what the ha alt of six?" Tommy--'T " Yeacher--'Now Temew, itt two men stole six dollars, and they agreed to divide it equally between them, oe much would they fret. ench?"' y (whose father is e magistrate) "Perhaps fourteen days, sir. Dr. Agnew'sa Olntment Cures Piles.--tching, Bleeding and Blind Piles. Comfort in one apptication. It cures in three to six nights. It cures all skin discases in young and old, A remedy beyond compare, and it never fails. 35 --63° canta. A contemporary opposed to thf use of tobacco, says: "The women fought to make a pledge not to kiss aman wh uses. tobacco, and it wil Soon break up the practice." It would he broken up much sooner were the ladies to pledge -- te hiss every man who does no ---- ket <f enate Von A Cas Stan's or s would "at solace to tha 'Gisheartaned yspeptic fhe would but test their potency, They're veritable fies in preventing tho seating of ove a rders, 7 eg and stimulat- ing digestion--6o of these health "pearls" ina ecom bee and they anet bs 35 vine A by most eminent physicians. Bride (exchanging bridal costunie id I appear firs dear,' George had said T wiles es A eee the soap you use has thi d you are not getting the best NOT WHAT oa pitas The man who can x hear Fectly nor quote saurakely is the ie tim of a little joke. "I think you must be mistaken, sir,"' he said. Si anere = apt asked his neighbor Mae, i just hear you say were glad tho _ in Dulgaria over?" "Not ex actly. I said I was glad the war was over in Bulgaria." alley cola you was Sratz or Onto, Crry or ToLEnpo, - Lucas Country. tee ney makes oath that he my SMT TTR this Gth day of December, A. D, 1886. A. W. GLEASON, Notary Publle : eran : ty Walt' I's 5 Catarrh Cure {is taken in for testimnoniais F. J. CHENEY & peel Toledo, 0. add by all Druggists, 75: Tal all's Fumily Pits "for consti- estan tt When the self-made man begins to crow the -- rooster has to occupy a back perch Or Over Sixty Years M: Soormixa Byer bas been wand by millions of mothers for their chil dren seacaiies He chia, ice the sro the @ BOM After marriage many a man's are open to the fact that there more pleasure in pursuit than possession, can Ki snatie re-eminent int the world of medicize s the Sidney sufferer's truest {riend,-- aes has had to go out of the 'What was the trouble?' we He has got too fat to carry the oe dram yo ait. 200. + '7 La a gripe, P pneumonia, and infiu- ften leave a nasty cough 'Et Itts Cure it wi Shiloh's Consumption thing to neglect. _ when th they're pod SAVAGE WOMAN'S FASHIONS. Icxpensive dress js not, asiis too hastily assuined, the exclusive privi- lege of civilized - woinanhoed, Not infrequently a semi-savage girl has a wardrobe consisting of furs which big child a little baby -- suffers f any minor ailinents | Which come to children, or is nerv- 'ous or fidgety and doesn't sleep well, Baby's Own Tablets Thi Pp is the ae and surest ti. cure, anid tm fest, because it is ab- solutely harmless. 'a. the feeble new ithe well vrown child, Kirk, The Barony. cB. 8 ' have used Baby's Own Tablets most satisfactory results, f ignorance of the value of diferent Clent to cure the small filme nts of coins was a token of good in ceding. ithe stomach or bowel f vou do Ile was taught to forgive injuries, wot find the Tablets at your medicine but he was also tavght to hold) his: dealers write direct to The Dr, Wil- j honor sacred, and to defend it at all liams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont... 'hazards. To win honor -- ane to and they will be sent post paid at avoid shame, the samurai would go 25 eents a box. to any lengths. Naturally, the man with a sword | jand Quixotic potions of honor ne | DIDN'T GULSS. uae niness be oS " might be) On the journey from Vienna te St. 1A citizen ec: leet Ee ms f sat honios Petersburg, Cumberland, the well- . wied the attention of 2) Known anti-spiritualist ond theught- Iushi to a flea jumping on his back. | poader. entertained bis. feller . fee hos so ruined the stomach that '!orthwith the Bushi cut him in two, |... "thy e schicce tu ots _seatee Ruse food | won't diges und after Pale explained his reason |". ay mucesg tieic ae A Mo, Woman says: "To had been --_ = een See , tes whie . aca on animals; so for ; quite a while TL lived on milk and! lime water--nothing but that--a ginss | of aniik and lime water six times a any In this way To managed to live, but. of course did not gain, "It was about 5 months ngo I, begen using Postuin Food Cofier; J Hern a sy log "Fleas . mone: and iti "insult to ic tently ant conable a the Samurai, and the swordsmith w as Hieohe were performing holy ven = the Jearned doctor ferls spel of his magic lis cold sonl of are parnasi- | he said a! par noble he or hed: rites. b blade, Pg ie on the surface the-moment : it is drawn the vapors of the a phere, its immaculate texture, ing light of bluish hue, its edge upon which histories i Possibfities hdog; the = rck, = uniling exquisite grace ost. strength-- these thril with mixed 'oclines of power wuly, of awe and terror. CEREMONIAL SUICIDE. certain Under conditions s Luios- flash- tuitch- and curve of -- ils » with 1 us uicide was the plainest duty, and elaborate Hut the glorification of the d fered alluring temptations. cuuses entirely . incompatible reason, or for reasons entirely serving of death, hotheaded: ¥ unde- ouths rushed into it as insects fly into fire; mixed and dubious motives moro snmural to,this deed than into No in density of Japanese population drove nuns circle thar [he the seventh to which Dante consigns + of the travelle TS, * thing ax a hoax, the sum ir ainbertaud to pay , roubles ff he Gould divine his , Hani ® Visibly amused, ¢ 'umnhertund neeed- | "ob to the request and eule "You are going to the 'fair at Niini-Novgored, ; purches« O00 roubles, yourself ' vou intend to goods to the extent of 20,- after clare a bankrupt and com- 'pound with your erediters for 3 per cent." On hearing these words the Tow ' awe. He then, ' sviable, without uttering a the filty roubles, gician aes ae inquired Ther have ceened Your dtioughte, ch?"" "No," replied the Jew; "but you hove given me a brilliant idea."' panies --¢r* "Ma;" remonstrated Bobby, IT was_at grandma' fruit tart twice," not to have done his mother. 'I think once ia quite pachiand for little boys. Tho obkler you grow bby. the more wisdom you will gain." Bobby was silenced, but only for' a moment. "Well, ma,' said, grandma is a good deal older than you are?" "when s|n areas = I |of the dregs of Indian won with which you will de | gazed aft the speakerlwith reverential : hm 'te ma- }would be worth from $5,000 to §10,- |000. Grundeman, the explotr, -- Te- | lates how one fair Groenlancdr wore of sealskin with a hdod of that costly fur, the silver ym ! carne "nt Was lined with fur lof |young seal-otter, and there Was frin, ° wolverene tails. | S700 is probably the avers on the Columbia and Fraser rivers. BLIND FOLLOWS BLI*D. It is an interesting and, indeed, pa- thetic fact thatthe new 'chaglain to g Medicine end OUT OF A JOB An old Scotch lady ig much -_ tressod on reacting that gas was be introduced to take the piace of whale R "0 dear! "Whatover's whales now?" O dear!' she exclaimed. to become of the puir WASITINGTON EXCURSION, MARCHE . Lackawanna $10.00 » days, e@x- tra oe at Siete. Cheap side trips. Philadelphia sleeper, Full particulars 289 Main Street, Buffalo, N, ¥. Master of Huuse (to butler apply- ing for post)--"Can you open ua beer bottle neatly?"' Ss not £0 «Very, sir. Yo . I've lived mostly in tly in champagne families."' Away way with Catarrh ! it's Loathsome, It's Disgusting. pay Rolie? s and Permanent re Secured by the use * Or, cones Caturenns Powder. Here's strong evidence val the quick ness wonderful i instant short while --James Ile ad eye Dundee 2 Dr. pad , s Heart Care relioyes In "T've seen worse: cigars than this," ithe American Congress is, Ihe his said Smith, as he placidly surveyed a | ; weed which he had just lighted |famous predecessor, the late Br. Mile |Weee | wh e ha lburn, a blind clergyman. 'the Rev. Well," answered Jones, who -- had {George Condin lost his sighdin ao inhaled some of the smoke, "you told iskirmish in Vicksburg cuapaign |me the other day that you had trav- 'during the great Civil War wh¢n serv- elled farther and seen more than J jing under Grant. He is a ake of have, and I believe you, my boy, 1 {ihe Universalist' denomination), believe you. The Dangers | of La Grippe To Persons of Low Vitality--Local and Constitution- al Treatment Necessary--The Advantages of Dr. Chase's Remedies. With the very young and very old, and with persons of low vitaliiy, the Cangers of la pes wre Very seen j I = of a~Violent and orm a Seneniratt result. slates that very many cases © stunption n ban rip ore than ost nervous ysten can endure--paralysis or | Prostration follows. successful doctors advise thelr. pattante to avoid. exposure to over-exertion, eco! eral pk as - treng' and t isa Dr. Chase's Syrup of and 'Turpenti to loosen the cough and protect the tronctital ubes and eee a on Payee complications. ny honest and conscientious tor will tell you shad this combi recommended wy. ea treatment of and cannot be surpassed as a means relieving and curing la giippe, to nee: tanned. Dr. Gtiuse's Nerv "or secks, out tt k spots in the system and builds them up. It indies the vitalit of persons weakened by di ° ry or over- exeition, «nd cannot possibly be oie and to prevent serious }constit utional complications. » Dr. acl Syrup of Linseed and pentine, 25 centa a bottle, fam- ily size (three times as much) 60 Ch oe ase's Nerve Food, 650 a box, six boxes for $2.50, at on alee, or Edmanson, Bates & o., Toronto. To prote: you at imitations, the portrait and signature of Dr. A, W. Chase, the famoue receipt book or, nro on Chase every box. The Dominion Permanent LOAN COMPANY _ roOohtonTro. ----_THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT-- Permanent Loan Company was held Toronto, on March 2nd. present. The of pag and Statement of the Directors herewith submit rectors are pleased to be able ig has earnings of th Sharcholders upon pany during the past year, and have and staff of the Compa Ali of which Mortgages and other Investments .. Real Estate Office Premises and Furniture ..... .. Sundries se aoe jal Bank Cash on Hand .. To the Public: Deposits aed. Accrued Jntere Debentures and To Contingent Fund ... Reserve Fund Unclaimed Dividends Dividends payable Jan. B Balance Bist December, 1902 aries, " duced the alo We 'certify to Mortgage Reg (Ss (Signed) Oo. M. ania 7 Toronto, 16th February, 1904. Was. unanimously adopted. ig cersident Trusts and ge ie -- .W. Karn Company, Woodsto ce Trac _-- Hank, Toronto; T. re-elected Tr esident, and Mr. There was a good been found for the pa the demand for satisfactory loans being sufficicnt to call 'tnto requisition the er sy Bescon of the st year have enabled the Company to declare my pay dividends ence tine to $68, -- 831, and to permit the transfer of $45,000 to the Reserve Fund of tho Pp dividends, and the addition to the Reurvs Fund of $45,000, and the w be 'the gratifying resulta fs) generally eMficient conden of the services rendered ind the officials, Accrucd Sar est alance of Profit and LOSS usc cons In Written on Office Furniture and 'ren nea ment of Assets and Liabilities and Profit and made a careful examination of the securities, checked the same er, and report everything satisfactory. eas HARRY VIGEON, j tors. On motion of Mr. Stratton, seconded by Mr. Karn, The following Directors were then a --Hon y offee, and sequent meeting $ the Directors, . P. Coffee Vice-President. The Thirteenth Annua] Meeting of the Shareholders of The Dominion at their offices, 12 King Street Ltn attendance of Shareho President, Hon. J, R. Stratton, presented the following Heport affairs of the Company:-- the Thirteenth Annual Report of neaitabens Permanent Loan Company, --. with a statement of accounts for the twelve months ending the certified to by the Auditors, both as to the plc: ih 'Of the Report and the satisfactory result of their inspection of the securities of the Company. ¥o t December, 1903, daly able to state that active and Cael funds of the Company dur any. After payment of = off of office premises and furniture, yi remains to be placed to 'the credit of Profit and Loss the sum of $18,547.42. Your Directors. are pleased to in a "alti to congratulate the o also pleas agents is eoepecttiily sub mitted. Statement of Acoount for the Year Ending December 3ist, 1203. ASSETS. 83 61 27 47 71 19 $3,304,407 58 Sree LIABILITIES. 168,.8..0 209 1,706,584 70 $1,87 87 4 74 99 1,429,452 59 $1,429,432 59 $3,304,407 58 ed % : Profit and Loss Account, ' DR. terest on Debentures and Deposits ... eeeeee seenesecoees VIGENGR « ceccceeceee cence Transferred to 'Reserve Fund Balance; Profit and Loss ........+. «+ penance 1 snnbua X CR. Interest, Rent, ete., after paynient ot "expenses, inchudi ing Sal- Directors' Fees, Government Taxes a nd Fees $223,314 69 ------------ Auditors' Certificate. We have audited the accounts of The Dominion agemer as Loan Com fi rene the t We > have with the Loss ye Charicred ecsiitante, the above Report J. RR. Stratton, W. Karn, President of the * Manufacturer, and Direc- 1 F. M. Holland, Toronto, Ion, J. R. Stratton was npan 5 oa ster, Write -the camiientin Office, Toronto, for its attractive offer to those desiring to invest In debentures. "No," said the rather elderly heir- ss, "'T do not love you, N Tim- mins." '"'But," pleaded the young man, with alt---the- fervor that----e string of debts can inspire, Sut could you One is never too old to learn, you know.' liko i san the, didn't hear the men use * in the wedding cere- , that's so; but they usually have to = right BEST AEINGTON EXCURSION, Goes vin Lackawanna, March 18th, i Ten Dollars, ten days via 'Stop-over at Philadelphia and Malti- ! {more. Sleeper to Philadeiphia, TRe- ;serve accommodations now 289 Main {Strect, Bufalo. --- - -¢+ Charming Young re 'Why Major, vou are ne £0 noon?" Major (who athe Winsett on being restoting the weakened and debilitat-}one of those -- fine old- school fellows ed body to its arcustomed vigor. Dr., who can say & neat thing without Tha e's "Syrup ef Linseed and Tur-| knowing it)--"'Soon? Madam, it may pentine is tuo well know us a cure seem soon to you: but it seems to line I have been here An admirable Food of the EPPS Ss COCOA seri icicles 2 -- ee FEATHER 'DYEIN a. bs --, Kid Gloves cleaned BRITICN AMERICAN DYEING CB Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) j to aim woolens and flanne!s,--you'll ; pores. Sebatpne en tukes to comb li 'The less hair a man has the longer it aut Kins oP FRUITS And Farm Pre- you good prices. Daween 6 Commission Co. vu T. EUMMA 4z00!" Kitchen, MOUSE-PROOF GROCERY CABINETS In Oak, with Metal Lack. Sent te any address on receipt of- $1.75 Send for one of Our PICKERING, ORTARIO. Do not send atamps. a cen Issue He. 12--04. The Bennett Mfg, Co; .. Zzcnts wanted ec ~

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