2 Secpea pean tee ae ae ee NADIAN CA L PACIFIC Ry! Will run special one-way Excursion Trains TUESDAY MARCH # APRIL MANITOBA AND CANADIAN NORTHWEST. For Tickets and Rates apyly to J. Livingstone, jr. Ticket Agent Can. Pac. Ry. Co. BANK tt HAMILTON Oarrran Parp Ur - - $ 2,200,000. ai Reserve Fonp aw: Svurnpivus Prorits Toran Assers - - - $28,500,000.00 ESTABLISHED 1872. HEAD OFFICE > HAMILTON. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. LISTOWEL BRANCH ESTABLISH- ED 31 YEARS. DIRDCTORS: HON. WM. GIBSON, President, JOHN PROCTOR, GEO. R ACH, 'A, B: LEE, yg HENDR. -M. P, P. FU. RUTHERFVURD. ° J. TUENBULL, Vice-Pres, & Gen, Mgr. H. M. WATSON, Inspector. 66 BRANCHES 6s SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $) and upwards received and interest allowed at current raiex and added to principal twice a year, Ist June and Ist mber, No formalities, no delays in drawing money. FARMERS BUSINESS , specialty. Notes of responsible ar joer beorgone noted, sale notes collected and adva: oe wna thereon. COLLECTION CnnAREYEROTY has every tacility for making prompt returns at low- est rates, DRAFTS bougnt and'sold on any part of the world, JW. Scott & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES : Listowel, Chtlord, alsu with J. Forest and Shelburne. 5 Palmerston and Haistead, Mount A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPUSITS RECEIVED. current rate of intervat allowed. A large amonat of private "ge to leno on good farm security a cenl., with privilege of repaying supually. Marriage Licenses Issued, ]. W. Scorr & Son. MORNINGTON, 'Tbe Council met at Donnelly's Hotel on Monauy, aiurch 7Lb., accvoid- my LO udjournment, Memos all piesenl Lue minuces Ob ivastl weet- ipg were !ead anu mgued, Lae Clery 2 Copy ol trom cipeular Irom Duwyet trom os Uustipas " usstey LO ac Worid, 'Lhe Keev & Wus HUlbuoliszeu LU Ly councils; 7 ak adap » celia iupye, Pepa CUIVerk , Lt, Olli, vue Clerk DO aulborizeu LO Sigo Lue pe~ area in relerence lo CoubLy Cound, oved by vULbeli ute aan 'Wat Lhe Meeve vpen (le tebe ders Lor ifoD Driuge Vl COL. ¥.--Ual- fiveu, aavved DY Seull Ubu Lust Lutte Lie COUCI BCLBOpl Lie Dei clita CUibe papys tender lor tue brall wiuss Bloel bridge, price = Pibe,--varries Moved by boott uod tost tide iu clerk be authorized to put all of beat No. $4 and pul in beat No, b.-- Cacrievad, ove ty burnett upu Huiniiton that we approve f the Gull OL VULIDE Ol Uy-taw Leg Chalg~ eu liom the ath ul Cb ivus lu Maren il, 1yUa,--Caurriedt. dtoveud vy dost und buryett tual this evuncu give LD. Be. Grieve permiss.on tu cut agowb Suuue Lrees ib tromt of lis pro- perty in Millbans.,--Carried, _ A by-law wus ibtiQuuced und read a first time lor upputliug pucu- Miust'rs, poundaeepe.s, ubu Leuce- due council "wenl sBLO Cul. with Mir, ost in ine Chul, When Lhe by-law Was read 4 seconu « herr, L . , JY. Chulmers, Lb'. . Attridge, bk. Witney, C. Counell, \. Jus. Hamilton, J. Moench, '. Sanderson, A. T. payers, Bb. Sliduess, J. J. Cursoa, . Mewonald, K. ducn, it. Nicwlin, Waller dicLennan, U, bender, F. Martin, A. Everitt, W. F. t ford, W. Ford, R. Freemun, \. 'Lt bull, G, Hawthorn, eid, DD. Schwartz, Watson, J. Campbell, H. Taylor, W. J. Klockmuan, . herr, J. Bassler, J. Gohl, D. Hanley, D. Mc- Watters, M. amey, . Me . Bassler, J. Lio soheep, J. 'Dunbar, cy Beller. 'J. Mun- ro, A. Harr inscessenett, Attridge, W. T. Shearer, J. Schmidt, Mrs. Mulachy, U en G. Gobl. Jo Hamilton, sr,, R. Hunter, P. Molellac: R. Fleming, R. Vines, R. Muagwood, J. Turnbull, D. Davidson, 8. Jacobs, W. F. Ruther- ford, A. Hall, Alex. McLellan, D. Kerr, Ww. Cumpbell, McCloy, J. Neilson, H. W. Reid, J. Baird, J. Campbel 6 Reeve took the chair "when the -- on the 22nd March as a court vision on the Steckley Drain at 0 o'clock -A, pg ed. -- * WATSON, Clerk. WALLACE. --_ following is the report of 3, 8. No. 2, Wallace, for the month of Fubcuer: V.--Russel Muson. Norman Cosens. 'Sr, IV.--Matilda Klemmer, Henry seewie. Jr. IV.--Emerson Snyder, Lydia Fisher, Ervine ----: --Melinda Good, Lloyd Mo- Troy, Albert aint ler, Ernest Hill. Jane Moliroy, Ade Whipfler, kere 'enzd dr. UL, eine Kincade, Lilly Mason, ioja Pt. Il.~Eddie Klemmer, VY lela rea- Br, 1--Maggie Fisher, Alfie 'Zia. J. 8. BACKUS, Teacher. pata athe nadentehatan arte of Can- afta, United Sgat.s and Great Britain. BANKING SINESS of all kinds hanind on wost favorable terms. Corr pa Me sulict ited, ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 8B, FORSAYETH Adent, Listowel, MARYBOROUGH. Covnorm.--The Municipal Council of the townrhip of Maryborough met in the townrhip hall, Maryborough, at 10 clock, forenoon, on Saturday 12th March, pursuant to adjournmept. All the members present except the Reeve, who was nvavoidubly absent. Oo mo- tiou Mr George Brooks took the ebuir. Che mivotes of regular meeting held February 6th,and «pecial meeting held Febroury 15th, were read and cootirm.- ed. Connell adjeurned ove hour for divper, and met at 1 o'clock p. m., when tbe Reeve arrived and took the obair. Moved by Jobo F. Phiip and seconded by Mr. F. Wetzel, instructed to write William Rey- nolds, County Tressnres Guelph, to forward to Mr. William Loug, treas- urer of the township of ppt dah pi a cheque on the Traders' Bank of O ada at Drayton for the amount due this mauicipality on account of non- resident taod funds --Carried. On mo- tio the following accounts were passed aud ordera drawn op the treasurer : Williom J. $8.80. +hovelling gravei $1 50, right of wav 3200; Gorge Crawford taking Ww Hed to Dr. Grove's Hospital, Feren $f ; Railway fare aod expenses acd meheine for Hanush Wray, Koth- ~uy $415: Genge H Diet«on rail- -- the clerk be way Inve to Goelph to consult Dovala : Guthrie, time apd Peuses Te urceavary ©x- George Balmer soit $6 ; George Brooks do. $6 ; Jobu Cunning. | hum, cleaning ice and snow off sixth 'tue bridge, $4. Ou motion of Mevsra. Brooks aod Philp, Counei! adjourned to meet at the osu! honr ov Saturday, Sth April, to oppoint Patbmastere, Feveeviewrrs and Pouodbeepere, avd | for geucral bosiuess, Epwarp Dynes, Clerk. Post Office Statistics. The Postmaster General's report for the year euding Jnae 30,1908, bas been issned. From it the following interest- ing Post Office etatistics are learned coueerbiug fio vei this rhein Salar. iron Money avenue Order. Atwood $ 825 $336,643 93320 Giyth 1452 7,957 500 Bortholm 177 2,483 80 Rrisnels 2.3035 17.658 700 Carliugford | 1 424 53 Dublin 478 9 035 220 Exeter 2 583 15 5633 720 Ele endl 1351 1] 042 440 Kirkton 561 5.145 190 Larstewel 4037 21.279 1,200 Mitibank B54 8.718 148 Milverton 1.160 9.507 le Vittetreli $149 22-702 Mookroo 336 23,902 190, Newton 338 10.106 180 | Palmerston S057 15 776 850 tt Marys 6,408 17.481 1,64 So atech 4415 7,640 1,264 Sebring witle 410 5,328 190 Shak) speare 456 5 942 22t Stratford © 16,713 43.450 3,783 Tavistock 1,459 9,399 460 The postmaster." salaries giveu in | the above ure exclusive of commissions, which amount to the following sums iv the larger places M. O. 8. Boe PON, Stratford $149 74 $110 78 $21 56 St, Marye o7 20 14 19 63 Mirebe il 61 59 47 19 3 16 Listowel 59 58 5 38 9 44 Tavietock 24 75 6 22 6 16 Hov. FH. Agoew, Manitoba's new Provincial Treasner, s elected by acclamation in Virden, Jobn Nivhtivgale, aged 18, junior clerk i the Bank of Torupto at Wal- luceborg, committed suicide by shoot- iog bimvelf, the bye-e ection for BAGDAD. 4 stave i soe Sultan I ewoke, renm. ¢ robes and ermine cleak eam Of gold and sparks of geme that dashed I ruled ; A! Reschtd's town of sptre pire gly Fe = Of eynaragee and mesque. Down many & elect, as aia Earoun, to beer the tall Of men at heme. f et 8 2,000,000.00, Capital | IMPERIAL BANK. OF CANADA, £3,00,000.00 Reserve 2.650,000, Total Assets. #20;8193672.00 T. RB. Merri Pr ent and' Genera D, R. Wiki Thee HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Branches ja Ontario, Quebeo, Mani- toba, North West Territeries, and British Golam bia, LISTOWEL BRANCH. VINGS BANK DEPARTMENT -- Deposits = recived and interest added to principal twice SPECIAL i attention given to the discounting of DRAFTS BOLD, anada. Pais oowea f and Euro) -- KDE 5 jssued abie at an Money | UND BE: rnin oder 0 $10, 8c; %gi0 tw $20, 100; S30 te #30. 1 R. ARKELL, Manager. HON. AUGUSTUS C. GREGORY ihe dn Hermes fee G eat Old Wan of Las traiiv--iede livent ve Gea usSome tre fer .* ene Pavet ate There was a jiiniation in Queens- Stricker, 176 yards gravel | os on the last birthaay of the "Crand Old Man" of that tate. He is This gon, Augustus (Charis Gree- ory, cli ars old, and a resident of Austraia since he was lu, He wil be freuen eee as obe of Lic great est taplorers of the conte ent. AN ups of Austraha showihy the routes oF the eaAplorers whe dolyed its mysteries tmark tin irachs of sare throuenh "aruda Australia. voopaurk wt Wee es othe southera lle Lrotteht to ' Lire Sere tho ate ew Thorhs © the " was lone | 8 fret be turned "od that his 7 vd When fe one out of . could wiek up w f tishit hi u ehieen oh tetas e the first tour 'mill in Queeta fund, forcite all thse ironwork tor it frome Old bedste anal pice ined the mountains for raiill- stones, which he piched out and fa 1 with his own hands from tlhe eranite near his home Ife was scarcely inere thun a bov when the designed the apparatus for the first revolving licht on Rotnest Isham, where a lighthouse was needed fur the savety of | shippinw | Ilis contriy te Wa Without a hitch for thirty-ove yours, tir it | ws +s placed by ail YT One. | During his explor ns he srove peeked a be of iron ere in westerr Asisirala. fused sus of the metal ih a Ddacksmith's forge, turned it into stecl, tiode a pon-knife blede of jf und mon nted it on a handle of hangerog bone. Some official er pressed doubts that it was ao bona Cde trousers on. but Grevorv was wie te prave that the steel was we tually the a of western Aus- tralian ore | When Ris chrocsometer got out af {| order he was 0 fo repair it in the desert and Eonuinind the obseria- tfross m whieh it played = oan impart- unt part Not a few of his asirc- nomical determiicttons of georruph- stood the test yas traveling tn ' | t the va Uesertert plains he decided H thut his provisions wero too heavy } for lis party to carry and yet ev- ery ounce of food was needed. He set to work to reduce the weight while preserving the nutritive quall- ties He found that he could reatly reduce the weight of his salt' pork by melting it ble also discovered by eaperimentation thet the flour he turned into biscuits weighed more | than the biscuits The bright idea oceurred to him of making meat biscuits. So he mined fiour with telted pork and tinned beef. The hiscuits turned out well and weighed only about one half as much separately. These are only a few of the manv ways in which his ingenuity and ready resources contributed to the complete success of his enterprises, He was for many years Surveyor- es of Queensland, and 1 old age 5 oy to honor him as the meat and flour | An Actor's Blunder. A theatrical manager tells of an amos , ing and ludicrous mistake made by a young actor in a play. The young actor bad up to this time einployed his talents in enacting such roles as called for no speech on his part. But in this play be was intrusted with the following line, the only words to be spoken by him during the entire i | Long live the king!" The critical time arriving, it was ob- served by other piayers that the yourg man who was to acciaim the new mon- arch in the words just quoted was suf. fering from a dreadful attack of slige | fright. His cue came, but no words could he speak, so frightened was he. Finally, however, be pulled himself together and in desperation shouted at the top of his voice "Long live the king; he's dead!" Mr. Maleolm McGugan, M. P. for South Middlesex, who had just reonv- ered from a brokes leg, fell and broke the limb again. } | ay: "The king is dead! | \ | available at all pointa in rope. CALIFORNIA, See March 16 Men's Furnisher. ' New Spring and shades just nrived This week Christies brated Fur skp Boye nifty styles and "*Movarch of all"' to mall at 75c We have $ our size now, Getit while can. ¢ SPRING SUITINGS. $ An elegant range of them. | Every. day the sasortment ~ grows less. There's a reason for it. ' Atm... tt tothe 7 ) j y 7 : > ) J 7 ¢ , . Pron sy F THEY SELL ON SIGHT 12222808 areal. One Door East of Post Office. JJENKINS. (Merchant Tailor and. ; Listowel's Giéatest Store.. { cholo gt i M. SCHINBETI | Hand 'And are opened up and we are showing sptendid value in every line. Corset Covers. We are showing splendid value in all kinds of Corset Covers trom 25c., 35C-, 50C, 6oc., 75¢. to $1. Ladies' Drawers. We have an excellent range to choose from, from 25c. and upwards to $1.25. Ladies' Night Gowns. Ladies' Lawn Kimonas, and Ladies' Underskirts, we GRAND OPERA SONGS AT HOME. Enables the humblest homes to enjoy the The ZON-O-PHONE isa FAULTLESS SINGER. Ww. S. BARTLEY, JEWELER, Wallace St EACH MACHINE is puarant ed 5 years. artists. Sold by---- WORLD'S CHOICEST MUSIC rendered by the tnost accomplished are showing a splendid range, beautifully made and trimmed, we are showing Underskins from 50c. upwards to $4.00. Drawers to match in the bet- ter line. 1 Shirt Waists. Now is the time to buy your Shirt Waists before they are all picked over. We are now showing a_ splendid range of all kinds and makes in the new Shirt Waists. Silk Shirt Waists. Skirts Ready-to-wear. ! New Whitewear To| Men's New ing aad Collars. . We have opened this. week one case of American Shirts, the best working Shirts ever shown in Listowel for the money, better colors, better cloth, better ~make, lowest prices. These four points - make a strong Shirt. We give you a good dark Shirt with two collars, 1 pair Cuffs for 75c., and the working - Shirts in dark heavy Blue striped, Blue spot, Drab striped, Linen striped are extra value at 75c. If you want the best working Shirt | for the money try ours, New Ties and Collars. Clothing Ready-to- Wear. We are now showing one of the best selected stocks of Ready-to-wear Clothing west of Torontu. Special value in all kinds of Suits, from the smallest child and upwards. Special Value in Rain- Coats. Special value in all kinds of Groceries. J. M. SCHINBEIN. HASEIED. | PAY C/R WAS BURNED. AGAR-BALTER -- On Wednesday, roh Mise. Ma Salters, of Waltneriits. to Mr. Charles Agar, of ! the tenth line of allace, at the Methodist rereorees at Moorefield, y the Rev, Mr. Srruck by Fricht 2 Cheqner Went = Ue to Smoke. Seaforth Murch "V4 =k rear-eu Ba ffalo line abont three miles « here thin afternoon, teenitivng i SEED OATS. The undersigued hes cy B quantity of Ban- ner Oats for seed, which will be sold ata car anda o boonee. e pay Near Seaforth -- collision cccorred on the Gederich and ebarge of Condnetor Gordon, pareed throngh here for Stratford thortly after 12 v'clock, and became stalled in | 25c. a| All Druggists ot mailed. CURES; HEADACHE - . The Herald Remedy Co., Montreal | vast ot | the complete datrastion of the pa 72) "WRITE FOR OUR CREA] LISLUWEL MAKKETS. reasonable price. a blinding snowatorm about three miles ' Mar. 17th, 1904 7 Whea: ent, por bushel . S80 8.8. ROTHWELL. out. It was followed by a freight) Peas, do Lot 29. Con. 2. Elma, { with two engines, in charge of Con. | 9&t® d 30 Britton P 0. | ductor Stratton, In the storm the Hay por ion 72 70 " |engineer conld not eee the stalled | Shorts, 17 00 -~---------- tain, and crashed into the rear end! Flour, per 100 Iba : +4 of it be cabonre train canght com sane do : 260 265 ey fire, and both it and the pay car were | Bu tter per . : =o 78 Ne cousnmed, To the pay car were all | Sere ver dae. . 15 18 the cheqnes for the workmen in the | Hides per 100 De ems re Stratford «hope, and thers went ap Fpespek =, " "40 60 World' s Fair, St. Louis, '2,1¢,,,couaeeration. | The only | Sood'iong, 6c 709 ' ] pereon injured was Pay Clerk Alexand- Wood shart 250 325 = eel who was somewhat | Live gs 5 15 6 0 * roiee abont the | - 250 April 30th--Dec. ist, 1904. °6- Beet 2S P /™~ ra \ ' MEXICO, FLORIDA. One wayand round trip Tour ist Tickets:tre on sale daily. Cheioe of reates and stop over priveleyer at principal pps Grand 'Trunk Trains irecfconnection at Chicago with Wright « | LISOTWEL'S Cash Dry Goods Store. HUMOROUS BOOKLET," - Make di all railways for the famous Winter Kesurts. Special Setlers' Trains to Canndint Northwest. with edloniat sleeping car will leave Toronto every Tuesday daring March assengers withe eu og Becasers: Toronto at. 1.45 p.m. Tick- What is it we are how looking for ? Itis Wright & Thomp ONDER WEAR. SALE ote, vations and fall information from a, For Tickets, Pullman Reservations and all information, apply to J. A. HACKING TOWN AGENT, Ne Are You Going to Build ? 3 ESTIMATES FURNISHED AND CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR exeer THING IN WAR TINWARE LINES. HE HARD AND LAR OM AING: Ladies' Vests Special 20c, 25c, 32c, and 45c. Children's Underwear We Will Olear the Remainder of our Stock at Greatly Reduced Tviccs, MnfensallWoolUnderwear Think! 50c for 38c, 65c for 49c, 75c for 6lc, 1,00 for '79c. Boys Underwear Jnstatew suits left we -will clear at 15 per cent, less. Nothing to-be Carried Over in the Following Lines. Bargaixs in FUR COATS, Ladies' MANTLES, Men's PEA JACKETS, Ladies READY TO-WEAR SAIRTS. Men's OVEROO. Our Grocery Department you will find Complete, Highest Price paid for all kinds of farm produce. ATS. Wright & Thompson. The - Store -~ on - the - Corner