' (F YOU WANT ~ BUMA. : FIRST-CLASS ~MEATS wcities GB: Weiter of Lieto RIGHT - - PRICES STEVENSON "THE CITY BUTCHER FRESH GROCERIES of all kites alwayz on hand, §, J, STEVENSON, Wallace St. Morphy & Carthew,; BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS &©. Solicitors co the Bank of Hamilton. Wovaries Pablic and Commissioners. Monoys MB. Morpary, J. M; Can1a2W, Blewett & Bray. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, @otaries Publicand Conveyancers Money to Loan, eholtors for Scott'. Banking House and Ont, Perm. Bldg & Loan Association. MUNEY TO LOAN AT 4 1-2 PER CENT, » R. Ruxwetr. i b J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste-, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4} PER CENT Dflice, Main St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. rene -9 office in Atwood every Wednesday afte Mabee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Zolicitors fora the Merchante Bank. y to Loan. 'STRATFOBD. ONT. c. J. BP. Maser, K. C. J. Maxkixa, OR. W. M. BRUCE, L.D.8.; rete ye S.. "cout em Ds ankel Ecbooi Vorsity, "Toro Post Graduate Hask of Prosthetic "Dentistry, Chicago. rei old stand to rooms over w. Spears' Sto Entrance by same stairway as Dr. Rutherford, Main St., Listowel. Siaawed eLROR, ONT. [S8UER of gue vhecneen, ean isaioner in B. B. Dood, Mortgages, Leases and-all Convey: ancing d Money to len R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, UN. AGENT torthe London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Com Also Money te Loanin any sums from an 'upwards at a low rate of it. m easy a, ) y = G. T. R. TIME CARD Trains leave Listowel station Ay be nod STRATFORD AND PALM RSTON. Se am.; Passenger For Palmeraton.--Mixed, 1132 a. m.; Passen- 'or, 7.07 "*Sovca' DINE AND PALMERSTON. For Paimerston.--Passengor, 7 52 a.m.; Mixed, 11.00 a.m ; Passen, mm, For rR 8.45 a. m.; Passenger, ~ 13.40 p.m. ; Passenger 7.45 p.m. ** For A NEW LOT OF Amateur Photographic Supplies at C. A. LEE'S r PHOTO STUDIO. Artist Proofs, A NEW PHOTO. Call and see it. MANY CALLS zived from business firms and MANY 'STUDENTS are placed in g positions each year by the famous hy 4 weki 4 am Vay, ide (lige: ne ONT. This school stands for the HIGHEST AND BEST in business education in Can- usiness colleges em- We have scores -of lg sear ig from other colleges. Ask em the day you enter. ™m mence course now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princi : EN PROMPTLY SECURED wiite for wr tnteresling po get ni} eae 9 sketch o: 100 newspapers distributed minion. the be t--Patent business of Manrfac- IN & Patent Experts Py as fotnces: { Nee New York Life rete ALEX MORRISON, ATWOOD. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Al ties of PERTH and pel aoe com attention oe ce smonbtt of sickness to the severe wea- nuptials on Wednesday evening of Inst ria batter factory will re-commence operations on 25 The factory has been cloee4 tinge Feb. lst, the earns | "a -- ba,i_ g- beoome very small and tho price realized nos being as Sradtabie as was desired. Butter never did pay as well as cheese. The report of J. B. Laing, Provincial Anditor, for the year i903, bas just been published, and presente a series of memoranda, dealing witb the financ- ial methods in vogne in many of the municipalities in thie province. All of the chief municipalities in 'Perth conn- ty were visited, ownic mu Hibbert. He speaks thos regarding Elma: This tovnship was assese: in 1902 *for $1,650,450. Tax rate, 8 6-10 mille, without drainage or school rate¢: Collector's roll, $22,935.93, all paid except oo 'refunds, ete. Tota receipts, $48,436, 54, total payments, $36,865.07, leaviog a balance of cash in banks of $11,571.47. Ruilway and drainage debentures amount to $77,- 193.76, against which is a drainage in- debtedness in the township of $58,247. - 89, charged against the varions aecounts, Treasurer's books are fairly well kept. Galacy, $125. In office 1} yenrs. Sir Thomax Shaughuessy, in a letter toa New York paper, spenks of the ware of progress passing over Cup- ade, and adviees Apcricans to kee an eye on what is gijng on. 'As to the improvements 'being made th the Canadian Pacitic Railway "Company cnn say little, except' that they are im- portant and extensive. We are push- ing work on many new Grice thee and building terminals where they are needed. At the close of the current year we will have expended, since the beginuing of 1902, $32,000,000 on im- provements, aside from the building of newlines, We are going to keep tight ov making improvements, and we are going to do all we can to make Cavada a -- agricultaral and industrial centre _ Tonsilitis is Going Around And everybody is nan von wind to do, Here isa simple cuce rargle © Nervilineand water as Sete eile in the directions, and rub your throat and chest vigorously with Nerviline, This has en testel and proved successful a thousand times. Neriline isa specific for tonsilitis and in fact we kuow of nothing half so good for breaking up colds, curing oe chest and all muscular pains, 'Try a bottle of Nerviline ; price '25c The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario East convened at Kingston on Wednes- day laet week. Grand Master Muoroe declared that Orangemen muat not tolerate the cry of independence of Canade, but that Cauada mnst be ready to bear her proper share of the defeuce of the Empire. This bas been the worst winter for sickness in his experience, said Dr. Sbeard, Toronto's Medical Health Offi- r. eard attributed the great ther, and said 1t was @ mistake (to sup- pore thata mild winter was unhealthy. A Dead Tired Feeling And utter weariness are due to the blood cing weakened through faulty action " the kidneys and live pe acquired quickly by using|Ferrozone, the greatest strengthening tonic made. o tonic equals Ferr 'writes H. EJennings of West- Last spring I was tired and hud backache and soon brought and made me well at druggists " depressed, Price 50e. Waterloo and Perth Conntics may erect a joint hospital for indigent con- sumptives. The town of Perth has been given authority to buy ont the plant of the Perth Electric Light Company, After experimenting for seven years, Jobu F. Speucer of Grand Junction, Colo., bas succeeded in perfecting a seedless apple. It looks'like a naval orauge Its inside is entirely solid. The tree bas no blossoms. Edward Benuet, aged twenty one, son of Henry Benvet, now of M.. ord, but recently coming from Kincardine, ac- cidentally shot himself while cleaving his shotgun, vot kuowing it was loaded. * He lived, only one hour after the ac- cident. Now that Mr. Dryden bas under- taken to frame a law to fix the style in whieb young women shall wear their bair in factories, why doesn't he fix a ape on the hats ladies may exbibit » churches ? 'Twenty-five horses were destroyed in a fire at Point St. Charles, Quebec. The Synod of Rupert's Land will meet April 10 to elect a successor to the late Archbishop Machray. Veterans of Lord Wolseley's Red River expedition will hold a reuvion in Winnipeg comme the Dominion Ex- hibition next July. TRAFFIC IN SLAVES. The wey. Sales' Ate Conducted tu Marrakesh Market. government. He describes the beginning of the sale - ns follows: "The crowd at slo entrance parts to the right and left to admit twelve grave men wearing white turbans and jeliabias. They are the delals, or auc- ly and impressively the delals advance in a line to the center of the alave market, almost up to the arcade pectant. - ! lifts up his voice, and--ob, hideous mockery of it all!--he prays. "Now each delal has his people sort- ed out, and the procession begins' Fo!- lowed by his bargains, he marches round and round the market, and I un- derstand why the dust was laid be- fore the procession commenced. Some of the slaves gre absolutely free from emotion of any sort. They move round as stoji as the blindfolded horses that : water wheels tn gardens beyond the town. Others feel their position. "'Twenty-one dollars--twenty-one" cries the dela] at whose heels the one young and pretty woman who has not found a buyer limps painfully. She is | from the western Sudan, and her big eyes have the terror stricken look that reminds me of hare that was run down by the hou a few yards from me on the marshes near my country home last winter. " 'Why is the price so low?' I ask. "'She Is sick,' says the Moor coolly. 'She cannot work. Perhaps she will not live, Who will give more in such a case?' THE BROKEN VIOLIN. An Incident of the"Childhoed of the 'aster Ole Bull. Ole Bull, the great violinist, was born with a genius for music. To him the swaying of bluebells, the wind: and rain and waterfalls, the music of birds _ bees--all these were the voices of viture, and he tried to reproduce them ou bis violin. It is said that the musician's first violin was given him by an uncle when he was but four years old, and his de- light at the present knew no bounds. "My father wanted me to be a minis- ter," said he in telling the story many years after, "and I thought I must do ns he wished. But when I was eight years old he bought me a new violin and arranged to hnve me study under a teacher, 'for,' he said, 'a minister ought to know a little about music.' That night I could not sleep. I rose in the night to get a peep at the pre- clous violin. It was so red, and the rretty nenrl screws did smile at me so! 1 piucbed the strings just a little with my fingers, and it smiled at me more and more. I took up the bow and looked at it. It said to me it would be pleased to have me try it across the strings.~ So I did try it just a very, very little, "a it did play so softly. I forgot that it was midnight and every- body bony and the next minute I felt my father's whip across my shoulders. My little red violin dropped on the floor and was broken. I did weep very much for it, but it did no good. They did have a doctor to it the next day but it never recovered its >4 Wanted, a Many persons laughed heartily when they read the following advertisemént in a recent issue of a German news- paper: "Wanted--Some French books which a young girl may safely read and which will fit into a small bookcase. The height of each book must not ex- ceed ten inches, The price is of no im- portance provided all the books have handsome covers and are of the same size." Rather Presnaic, A lady who was an ardent votary. of modern culture Lappened to sit at an evening purty next to an eminent com- poser and Jeader of an orchestra. In the full expectation of eliciting from the maestro a particularly brilliant and intellectual pronouncement, she inqulir- ed, "How do you feel after conducting the Ninth Symphony?" "Hungry," was the laconic reply. Thrifty Mother. "She named her baby after all four of its ig uncles. t good will that do? None: of them will feel complimented when they know the ethers bave been so r>mem- bered." "Oh, but she bas trained the child to answer only to the name of the uncle who happens to be around." Argement Was U: "But," protested the loving wife, "be- fore I was married I always had a new bonnet every time I wanted one." "Yes," answered the brutal husband without looking up from his paper, "and I put fresh cheese in the mouse trap every night until I bad caught that mouse in the pantry."--Judge. The Prx Chapel. | expenses of the campaign. The stone door, with seven locks, had formerly a co of human skins, and ene wenders they were those of the robbere of Plantg- genet times. Pyz, w! contain-; 1 Allee co gall comet, uct ver used at the "trial of the yx,"* ordered in the reign . o restoration, kept at the Tower. The only object of interest now Seen in the chapel, if we lew old atone altar, and there is no Parental Solicitude, The Mother--Don't you think the ba- by had better go to kindergarten, dear? luther--Isn't he too young? The Moth- er--Yes. But-he never sees either of us long enough to learn-how to talk. And don't vou think be ought to know how? Round and Pleasant. May--Last nicht was the happiest in my Hfe. It bronght me one round of jteasure. Fay--What do you consider "one round of pleasure?" May--An en- <uzemeat ring.«Phiadelphia Press. for Oversixty Years, s Soormixva Srrur has | table aitine Ga, "Phe ary Seaae | Marrakesh" ik hard~ colds, asthma, and peta ase kinds, you cannot take any- thing better. than Ayer's herry . Pectoral erry Pectoral. Ask your oes + doch if this is not so. citer: He understands by tak- bedtime, You will hasten ing.one of Ayer's Pills MOTHER AND CHILD. ee eed Saggestions Mow te Entertain and Teach the tle Ones, "Happy is = -- pan nurse is, its mathe many ho 2 child is of en ennui, "even af ju and r grown-ups, and ie hew incapable the average nurse is of giving intel- ligent amusement to her charge, amd how limited hete opportunity 1D the conlines of the nursery, even ware she capable. Hence the adage, "Happy cd the child whose nurse is its moth or full of interest aad adven life inay be to™the little ene who follows the mother in her round of duties! He will dust and sweep, try to make beds, and set the table, sew When she docs and fetch and go. | te some purpose, perhaps, says @ in Toroito Star. What delight per he greater than to help at the w ly baking, to be allowed a little wad of dough, which he may knead and make into pies ani enkes just as mother docs? I. will be grey before he is done with it: it will Srey "Gath and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builder and Contractor of Fees wnithtege Plans and specifi- catious drawn, and estimates furnished on | application. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, BLINDS, ished on short notice. Charges Moderate. Bamfcrd Bros. J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. A Good Time Piece is a Faithfol Servant. a watch or a clock we guaranter it te go accurately, and guarantes it to keep a-going accurately. J. GABEL have beew pick@d up frou: the oor more than once, gus! for the first few times will not be fit to eat, but what of that? oes the mother realize that besides amusing her Wule one in this way she is deygloping bis faculties, teaching him 'all sorts of necessary lessons: that the play is, thotch without any label, the best and most desirable kind of kindergarten?' She will soon find, if she take the troubly to impress onthe little sehoiar that there is a right way of deine all these th nes, ithout igen a tark of the p Ee he is te muc. ass' Stor is wen hifal what a little chill of dor 6G tan 2° complish after'a year or two's Bae Panionship with the another. with 1uother may nay i 5 i sipgest." For ay in actial cosh ten "ore tl these he must ap ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF|® Pure Drugs and Chemicals. R. A. HUNTER having |* acquired the sole intérest, will n future attend to the wants ot his CustomerS personally. Family recipes a specialty. R. A. Hunter. d coppers and count his change carefully. Or he may be the vendor, wich a little basket of arti¢les for sale ond must make the change It is a ks on in arithmetic, in gsattion and «tbtrac- tion, multipltatio division, that will be a saa exciting a ae en- ture of the createst possible ¢ All this meuns a certain amo it of time and trouble exjimied, ard there may !e mothers who connet le bothered, so they say; thes tok have the children "round wine er their feet."" This is a world wher we never get something for woth ne, end no mother camexpect the best froma child to whom she hes not gi best, towar!is whom + h hot tnseliski rs shown a Wis! Train up a Child And, when up, send him or her (7) TERM BEGINS APRIL 1TH Tw arses -- Commercial -- Short band. Seud for College Journa' A. L. McINTYRE, Manager Executors' Notice to Credi- BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons. If you want anything in the vehicle line, now is the time to buy, asI have a large stock on hand and will sell at closest prices, A call at my carriage shop will convince, « pee Mill Stfcet,: Listowel, Chidren Sry for CASTORIA. et WAISTINGS, new PRINTS, price. English See %: ALL WINTER GOODS REDUCED. ree special BARGAINS in all Cloakings and heavy New Spring Goods o new ES: new COTTONS, SCOTCH CAMBRICS, SHIRTINGS and FLANNE LETTS, all of which have been bought before the sharp advance and will be sold at the old prices so long as our Stock lasts. own interests by buying your Cotton Gooods at the oie Blend Tea 25¢c. zoc. lb. Guatimala Coffee 15c. lb. are leaders, ing up. See our DR OODS, new You will study your SPECIAL VALUES IN. TEAS AND COFFEES Ib. and Famous Blend at J. S. GEE. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE Up-to-Date Grocery: I w, of broken Sets. a margin. give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price. Tea Sets, Berry Any quantity I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be soldjat Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock., All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS. ARMSTRONG. THE TURKO, VAPOR BATH CABINET Cincinnati man has proved be- yond a question: of doubt that the Romans and Gree had No Physicians for 500 Years But Terma) and Vapor Baths, and that they owed their splendid health, ut, without expensive age bath- rooms, and a expense. The now "famous" 'Turbo Cabinet was the result his efforts. i asteniahion is the Improvement in your health, feelings and comple- xion. It is the most remarkable in- ---- of the twen' t strong, and it has done that which -- and medicines have failed to Every one knows that disease is due to the presence in the blood or vital organs of poisonous matter. Below are the complaints that the usage of the Bath Cabinet does cure The Turko Bath eradicates that poi- son, and it is impossible for these poisons to remain in the'system of a man, woman or child who properly uses the Cabinet. It removes all obstructions, thus Gives nourishment, after a short treatment of this method .* men and women grow young vigor- ous; weak men and women gain their normal strength, emaciated iodivid- uals recover their lost flesh; aches, pains and ocongestions disappear and a new human being develops oun in many cases, total wrecks. Rheumatism Lumbago, Sciatica, Asthma, Stomacb Troubles, Bilious- ness, Fever, La Grippe, Headache, Dropsy, Piles, Kidney and Nervous Troubles, Liver Covarlalat, Sleepless ness, Gout, Malaria, Colds, Catarrh eee Erysipelas, Neuralgia, Pleu- isy; it is a wonderful specifia in all Tamale Complaints. |WM. STEPHAN, - TEST Inf ONLALS. r 3 years I was alflicted with numb and stiff all the time. one week's use of the baths my trou- ble was all gone.--Wm, Logan, Brock Street, Peterborough. Rheumatism--I was not able to put 4 1 slept Pag tle sleep I chair. Aft tm the fourth bath i slept in bed all night, the Vapor Bath.--Mrs. R. Wilkinson, Peterborough. My stomach Py = very ba ris cough, and d "in rom 180 duwn to 125 i St., Peterborough. My shoulder, hand and foot were very badly swelled with rheumatism cp was laid off from bo but aft- one week's use of the Bath Cab- tae went to work date. l tried lots of remedies but none of any use. --Sidney Gibbs, Ashburnham, "Ont. This is to certify that | find your greatly ig in faet | feel dike pew per t morning. 1 highly jeateorane it; it isa remedy family should have in' mot get another. If the pores of the skin are not healthy they cannot as- sist nature Internal médicine will give immediate relief but the pores must be healthy to give vigor and youth to the body and happiness to the mind, y.--Mrs. J. C. Kidd. Listo Avent DAISY BOILERS AND SAFFORD RADIATORS ARE THE BEST. tors In the Matter of the Estate of ALEXAND SMITH, late ot the Township of Wallace {mn the County Ba Resirisu Farmer, Deceased. Notice is het ecy givin purmenh.te- B-1-O 7 ter 129, that all havin, 13, Canis seams the! Erte fhe veal resses, ae yereens athe wature of the sears laa ¥.] © tr coat ity, y. action fet her that waiae the said lat = the Executors of the said Es: will receive prompt sttention. Ye ee Tinware, Stoves, Varnishes, Stains, etc., Baths, Boilers, Pumps, Sinks, Injectors, Gauges, Valves, Pipe and Fittings. PARTIES. INTENDING HEATING FOR 1904 Will do well by consulting us before purchasing. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL? Olt. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING REPAIRING promptly attended to. ZILLIVX & SARVIS.