pcre = ~ ' ae aeut Adena di" Aachatae re , MEDICINE S FOR MEN. Something That Will Banish Wor- ries and Brace up tho System. Has it ever otcurred to you that "you reed a medicine as M ot as ld men or young men, but "s ? Are yes ne co re) at .t special wear and tear of life which men ced repai Yorry Other symptoms are' ner- vous morning laziness, that makes it difficult to get out of bed; a weak feeling in the back; - in- digestion: breathlessness after slight exertion; irritable temper--perhaps riati- Dr. Wil gor and energy, improve t and tono up the nerves an st eil H. Estmere, N.B., is one of men who has proved the Dr. Williams'*Pink Pills. needed relief, so my former health returned, and now I feel like a new man Weak, nervous, broken d ow and women, too--will find ae health ond happiness in a fair use o. re Williams' Pink Pills. But be sure that you get the genuine with tho full » "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale VPeople" printed on the wrapper around every box. Sold by medicine dealers cr sent by mail at a0 cents = ox, or six boxes for by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co, , Brockyille, Ont. ----_4-- HEROINE OF LUCKNOW. Lody Inglis, Who Kept a Diary During the Siege. An interesting figure jn Fnglish history has passed away in the per- son of Lady Inglis, who died recent- ly at her residence, 17 Rectory road, Beckenham, after a yogi illness says the London Expres Lady Julia Sclinn, Inglis was re'ond Caughter of the first Lord | geet und was born in 1833. ji She w the widow of the famous ciate of the British residency at the wucknow, Sir John Eardley -- Wilmot Inehis, K. "A who died 2, nd in Y of whose services in tho Indian Mutiny she had been in ie'cipt of a pension, Lady Inglis herself went through the siege of Lucknow, and in addi- | tion to the terrors of the siege and | the subsequent journey to the coast she was ei on the voyage hone to En d. She aitercond published the ~- the besieged city, then Brigadier the garrison throughout the eighty- + The ordinary passenger traflic n ~TMIBERY STRRQOH OF RAIbje=s=. TT 18 SIX THOUSAND MILES IN Cc : an Great Siberian alitoad and Its isheepskin hats Relation to the Japanese War: Russia is now using the. Trans-Si- ee Way as was originally in- ended. "Wo know abo' al erage pion of the of the Ural mountains; that it i a second Canada, and that most of our "best Danish" butter now comes from Siberia. It was visiting for- sibilities of the land, writes Foster Fraser, Russia built the "cighth wonder of the world"' to carry soldiers. The line is over six thousand miles It originally wthy £80,900, = ough bred one slight of many as Mancow to Viadi- are thirty miles of rivers, and vostock there bridges. It is a single line, laid with varying degree of excellence. Between Moscow and Irkutsk I havo been able to shave every morning, but cast of the great Lake Baikal I have been jerked from one end of the to the other. : is Ww suspended. e blue first-class carriages, the yellow - second, the green third, and the grey fourth, and all packed with Muscovite troops has tening to Mancburia. WINTER BLASTS. Siberia, which in early suminer is a grees below zero. The wind blowing off the steppes makes the cheek feel as though it were being stabbed with a thousand needles. It is a lone land with towns hund- reds of miles apart, and then often six or wen ae? from a station. But the commerci Czar's dominion | gre ' John jminute he : 'again. [rugs path fog m them in the making of soup 'at night- fall, and no more hospitable men are to = found anyw ssia can put millions of soldiers thur--one long procession laden trains. The Russian soldier As the train steams the Urais he bows his head aiath eee the sign of the cross The next full of paca But of. troop-_ & b, Tatalist, many of m will never the winter sun 'shining on the "Kiesaihe towers agai "PASS THE PRAISH, ¥ PLEASE. Pass the praise. Does your havi fe well? Pou on the praise. Tell him that you are pleased, and if he is a good clerk he will appreci- ate it as much' as a rise. go ied docs not work for his salary lon Teacher, if the child is good, tell . te if he is better, tell him Thus, you see, good, better, him about it; eat. Pass on the praise now. Pas: on in the home. Do not go to grave ond call "mother."' Do it the not ag o- oe away many a Those ears that gind admis 'sion, f hear a. not return the embrace you now h to give. Why call so late? Pass on ithe praise to-day. ------_ 4___ TROUBLESOME BABIES. Babies are not some--they should be br ight. activ and happy und a jey to 'yo * Hotta: When beby is troublesome va niay depend upon if there is some of the ; Many minor cilments bothertng him, ae re : t | These ean all be overcome by the use every thre ay sage of 1 of Baby's Own Tablets. . Proof of mile) is a little signal hu Tere are ' . this is given by Mrs. C. LL. Marshall stationed good-conduct prisoners. As Falkland Ridve, N. S.. who cca ithe train comes rumbling along a "I am "pleased ta state that T have man emerges and signals that the line 1 ei . a on te aieew Gay & varnt Vhen the traf used Raby's Own Tablets for my mn Ver en the train) chidren with great success. think pesees then the man in the next box an be seen "So the signal foes rolling eastwards over the Ural mountains dcross he waste day after day until the Pacifie | is reached. t I have travelled with Russian troops kinder- ; in Siberia. etter-natured, hearted men I never wish to meet. | The men, wherever there is a halt, ablight to get out on the platforins, ° nd while one of their number plays an air, not unusually on a wheezy | accordion, the others sing and dance, | Every station great and small fn its buffet. And when the cold i ig one's limbs it is pleasant " | ek the shelter seven days the plaice was invested. ribes the entrance into the . ona day when glad shouts | rang through the tortured city, of "a short, quiet-looking, gray-haired | whem I knew at once was Gen. lock. We shook hands with me said he feared that we had suf- fercd a iceat dea aa could) hardly answer him. Tt, as a moment of unmixed Gaprinees, | not lasting. I felt how oe ! I tried "4 write home, but could not. i had | wounded 1) been abandoned. The enemy loop-holed the houses and shot poar fe lows down by scores, os they | passed through the narrow streets,"' Once while on the dangerous mareh from Teeknow an the comst sud- den command "Halt '"" rang out into the night Pocky In alis had a baby sith her nt this ttre, and thus she writes 2 "Sil- | ehee was ordered I wid ty lest baby shiner commence - lag ongain shed berhar ay our ' Mlavde viva ttt ss. tuts aia babs 'Wid tof CPS, th the way to Migrhaad ber ship Was Wreeked pear tla canst of Coy - had Danie noalmost obaune these -- refresh- i ment rs--though usually overhcat- ed and impregnated odor that is not appetizing--throw -- off fone's furs and thaw oneself by the {drinking of innumerable cups of the delightful amber-hued, Ruasian tea On the train there is oe 'drinking. much playin ards muong the officers, phe boapltaltey to the stranger. hey overfill his wipes with wine, for not to spill the | is regarded among Russian | joffleern as proof of niggar marae H all the great towns, by the way, | military vatablishments, | * barracks at | Omsk are as finely | equipped as any We have in ong | 'land Bodies of troops are hageg at! Trkutsk--the "Paris of Siberia, as some call it, iene no alluding to > ith fri- volitv, or the 'Chicago of Siberia, as other people describe it} (when re ferving to the business done, STRANGE SPECTACLES, vodki | Raival is lutke now frozen over, and 2 sorty- oe Width is driven across j : ranches af trees stuck j "show the way. and evens is nw hatting place, whet i "at while being hastened to the seat of war car hardly be described as particularly rhe feeding ol soldivr heen -- yw mative sessel pood. Tn the merning he gets -- ten and taken inte Trimconiasee. jana aek bread: in the middle of the day has 'bhroch," a veg re --_4-- ---- soup With a piece of meat toting in each portion ndoin the eventing | (Se pets more ter ' lac DOCTOR DID IT. I . Lo e tea and more black wens } Put on 36 Ihs. by Food. | In clothing there is little diter- ---- pence hetwWeen summer ond Writer Feed a physician back te health eae a that the soldier has amd be gains an expermene thot he omittiien Bee hens 5 oiyereoat, tan use to benefit: others® bor as i vd k ata i MEA, ETLES| GR . 7 anke 4 ' reason Grape Nuts food ¢s dais re = . gh at an Amur River | connnendel te patients oy deandreads Bi Wav Pa ' ' -- tiver a . - agovestchens! eve | Seen the of physioans who have cured them- neo selves of Stomach trotbh: tia Gove preparation made for housing troops. toe SARE . 'Tt is ene of the few pretty cities in} "Although oa physician and trying Siberia. A couple of miles out I te aid amd assist my fellow beings to found * arserted) town. Ebene | endoyv cood health it must de admit- ore: attecta: Of houses newly bude A > best | In January, 1899 Voonly weighed 119 pounds. At this | time To was living in the Ohio valley | ond began to think T had about seen ny best days One day about a sears ago I had an opportunity Graja-Nuts food fart. i liked it three teaspoonfuls three times a day | and have regularly used it up to the | present time, and I now weigh 155, a gain of 36 pounds and enjoy -- the | ber f alth. of \ break- | "Not only has Gre upe-Nuts made this wonderful change in me, bu through it I have helped my friends, | relatives and patients. The sustain- ing power of this food is simply won- | derful. "ft have one Lage age' ig is a tien hand on the C. R. R. wi rho | eats nc othing in ihe 'morning but four | docs his very ee work up to finch | time and enjoys the best of health and strength, "T could name a great many c Vike this nnd (1 still e Gr Nuts in amy practice Name giten by Postum, Co., Crock, Mich. = Battlo physician eet the scie n=} oan on Which Grape-Nuts de We 1 tell you the s-are perfect. a 10 days' trial proves that the principles are carried out in the fomi ('all the good of the grains so that anyone éan digest it Show nein renew vig physical h reas Look in ok ie for the fam- ous Kittle book, "Zhe Boa a to Woll- ville.' ; but i (the Gate There w with not a unoccupied. but barracks, was stabling for of horses, but not laces were huge he Savoury the nostrils, It was a camp built by the Ius- sians for their soldiers whenever there should come war between ithemselves and Japan, which for the last five or six years has heen recognized as inevitable, The line down to Port ileaves the trans-Siberian line at little siation enlled Katiska itantex of China), The trays-Man- churian Hne is different from the inain line in Siberia. Now and then there is a stretch of good -metalling, but usually it is shaky and heaving --litt Ie hetter than the rickety con- line which occasional- thousinds an anima ariny kitchens, odor of cooking came to Art hue he ritating sand blown up from " the Gobi desert. . GUARDING THE ROAD. Towns iat villages, all gaunt and Aga sprung into creation thin 'the last years . ny There are sg nas ot Manchu villa ages. For 18 miles sed either side of the line ihe natives have been driven away. This is "a precaution, so that while war is the reaee: the Manchus will not have uth" Opportunity of destroying -- th plain Watt. ations--rusio Beeline with | Raolding 'towers, so line. . All over the went Sungari pare Williains - 5 {Ont lemon- fav ored | before she was marricd | 'regular At but r the Tablets the very best medicine for all the ailments of sinall children and Would recommend them to mo- jthers who have troublesome babies." Baby's Own Tablets cure constipa- , indigestion, diarrhoea, prevent allay irritation at teething colds and seat roy the whith the by dr jcents Tablets will not cure, veistS or may wx box by writing direct to Dr. Medicine Co., Brockville, -_ HH They had been alneie sing the baby's ears, eves, and no "And I think he's got his father's hair,' joyful young mother. sing,' said the girl who knew Dr. Agnew's Catarrnai Pow- Gor,--Rev. W. H. Main, paster of th | Baptist Emanuel Church, Butta!o, give strong testimony forandisa firm believe: in a Dr. Agne ew 's Catarrhai Powder. Hehs kinds ry -- Without ava; ow' 'are his verda, 1 ss conts-- 65 te was 'benefied at de isa wonderful rei What do you mean vutting your hand in my pocket?" Gentleman--* Dy 3 3 inht- Singered Bill--'txcuse me, sir; I'm so absent-minded. used = to have a pale of trousers exactly like yours. Ww sai! rae ee oe ~ RSION, Lackawanna S10.00, ten days, tra stoproter at Boltimore. side trips Philadetphia sleeper, partievlars 289 Main Strect, DButfato, N.Y ee ee To rou art Te. Chares 6 "Ointment we we sl and absolute cure for ¢ ae evory form et. tobi Piles er: 7 the manufacturers, 'have ¢ urn Inton end as fet your money back ff nee Slag @on bas: "ideaiers or EDM ANSON, BATT: 'o.. Poronte, Or. Chase's Ointment ---- --- $+ WHAT Stk SAID. JUST Jimi Pert--"Oh, Mr. Noodle, a want to teil you What sister said | ahout vou.' Noodie--* Go ahead, I'm nil ears. Jinany Pert--" ter said How did you gurss?"" Me. Noodle" What do you mean?" Jitainy Pert--- She said you were a donkey." Jimmy, naturally iroulie- | ! That's dust what sis | railway had pat od down mmy Constitution. My back sere out. oor 1 cut pains would follow arp one another, ies felt as if I were heing sliced away: spicenes!. 4 a would in from run tired to death. es Sble dbeire would be rest a sleep, were the very thitgs Icould not get. ha ie Igot so. bad I had to lay off Werke being laid up ten days I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. The first night efter using them I n not the slightest n in I sleep soundly and w a reshed, and Docd's Kidney Pills did it." ------- THE CANDLES OF THE SKY. Mons Charles Fabry of the French Academy of Sciené in'the heavens, when it is ber near the zenith in calia weather, show that it is equal to that of a panier condle burning at a distance of 2,560 feet from the cye. t Over Sizty Years et Wiseotatamnan BSreur has been mond | by Tm for hate ¢ children while ¢ iene tee cia teoothes the c a Ah al in n wind calle, how one aod 1 mela, and F me Yr. enjoy it more if I could only stand. on the Pavement and see myself ride by." South Lage Rheumatic Sure Cures Rheumatism,--|: is safe, plier go and acts quick--gives almost 'stant relief and an absolute cure in from ane to three day een by ers in most acute forms of rheum One min's iestimony : "TI spent 6 aie in bed before commencing its ics cured me.' 66 PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Asking questions is a find art, but some reoplg whe ch gchool wili oO your -leeg ero to give atin dollak bill and a and a five-dollar your ma twenty-dollar bill bill, what would she | «ve? "A fit,' was Jobuns 's prompt re ply. . ------_+-- ----- STATE oF Onto, one or TOLEDO, ? Lucas gas Fro I. oney inskes oath that he is senior partner, of tic firm of F. J. ey & o., a ee in the of Toieds in y end State isonesntd and will pu tha the sum of ONB HUN Re on "DOL, wie for euch and every ¢ arrh t x if this Gth cay of Dece my presence, A. D. 1886. 4 SF, oF EABON. ry Public Malt' a 1 Catatrh Cure is taken internal- ' ane acts airecty on ue blood an muco surfa « system. Sen for textimoninhe rec J. if Toledo, O CHENEY & Sout by all Dru geist 'Tak lali's' Family iis "for consti- tion. tt | | | a PROFITABLE DIPLOMAC Mi "cloth, junusually well for stout Jad didn't come here led," she sna Happed, "and I'm going to report you to-- "Oh, I beg your pardon you wished to buy a dress pattern to send to your grandmother for a pres- = t was very stupid of me. You i '¢, I mistook you for a young lady | |who was here yesterday looking = at (this material, and----" "ft docs look rather focds | yards |s when it cones back. time to wait.' Berar 'Ss up t a nice piece of Free of Disease _ At Eighty Years: \Oid Peopie Ev2rywhere Are Being Oured of Chronic: theres: Kidney Disease by . 1 of Dr. Chase' S Kidney Liver Pills so" woe ae the parade ave eet re As old age comes on it is usually the kidneys chat first fall to do their duty os filters of the blood. 'ric acid poison gets into the sys tem and the result is much suffering from backache, lumbago, rheumatism and pains in the sides a ees There is no medicine so well ap preciated by the old people as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. They re- Move the cause of suffering. et gee Falls, a tm well known throughout che 1 eure district, writes: "I believe if it had not been for "Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills I would be in my grave before this. 1 was very bad with kidney disease suffered with dreadful pains in my kidneys. Being |¢ disappointed in the use of many med- icines, I had almost given up hopes of ever getting better. "One morning, after a night of es-, te | ag gegen suffering, 2 friend: call- ed to me asked why I did "not try Dr. Chase's Kidney- pel Pills. I get a box at once, and t two pills, which was a rather dose, one pill_is~plenty at sed them regularly for a pone and at the end of that time was a change d mai it is now about five years 5: = since Ch. Pills vith pe my gl to any per- n, « Man wv is'is my ontibn of Thess wnluable pills, and you May , use it for the benefit of ° Dr, Chaise Kildne: nee =o one on a: dose, bie @. bo: oi fates eC |W 'This,"' said the axristant, as he We Convines Seaptioa, at) took down a roll of he yan | T thought ; l really haven't ' E puraca a put in cach ( on | 5-| mind that some of the greatest works Billiard Tables The Best at the Lewest Price Write for Terms REID BROG., oo Co.'y 785 King Oc w, + on SUBSTITUTE 1 FOR CORE. _ Notwithstanding all the achieve- nyents of practical science, there are some indispensable materials the mahing of which is stil nature's sec- ret, and for which no entirely cessful substitute Among these substances is cork. It is possible, monet, as ee reborg eral Hughes Cob has just pointed out, that. Prog rf self, in this case, offers us a substi- a tree growing n th of Lake Tchad, in yor which i of even ay specifi gravity than cork. Help the Crurworked Nea -Ist eat engine which pumps life nena your syst-m ssed, over- axed, groaning under its | becanse cis- "ase has clogged it? Dr. A 's Cure for he Heart is nature's Inbricator and cleanser, and daily demonstrates to heart sulerers -- it is the safest. surest, and mos y that medical science kno oa "My friend," said the philosopher, "you should be content with at you have "I am," replied the gru umbler, 'It's what I haven't that worries me."" Lever's Y-Z% (Wise Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soa Powder is tter other powders, as it is both sCcap and disinfectant. Foreman (explaining the accident to the owner of the buildingj)--"Bar- ney Was Workin' on the roof, sir, and he slipped and 'fell the whole uw bringing the cornice sir, and breaking his legs and half his ribs.' "Oh, well, nover mind. that cornice to come down, case "* T intended in any BETTER QUALITY CAN BE HAD IN ; Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, &c Any Firet-Class Grocer Can Supply Vou. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. The Mutual 'Life of Canada 341TH "ANNUAL REPORT Presented to the Annual Meeting of Policyholders, Th hursday, | March 3, 1904. Gentlemen: Your Directors FaageeAT anes submit for your conside a wit their report of the business for the = ended December 31st, 190 ith the Financial Statement duly audite ve are pleased to inform you hat, in all branches, the business was of a most gratifying character, ang that thre new business was largely in cx- cess of that of _ other year 'in the history of the Company. The Sur- plus carnings were such as enabled us to continue the same very liberal scale of distribution to the Policyholders, as in the past. The death rate was ty! in advance of that of 1902, but still much below the expecta- tion. The Lapses and Surrenders have been gradually decreasing for some time, and-fer the past year were comparatively moderate. NEW and OLD BUSINESS ee applications received for new business were 3,518 for $5,173,112, of which 47 for $72,500 were declined. The Policies issued were 3,838 for = 'O11 ,390, and the amount of insurance now in force is, $37,487,551.58, under 25,730 policies, being an increage tp amount of $3,118,631. INCOME 2 -- The net 986,47; Tuterest and Income $1,561 070.03, PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS.--The payments to Policyholders were: Death Claims $253,580.95; Endowments 2,587 cies $31,972.18; Surplus $77,800.28; : $3. O74. '90; o Expense Account $282 728. 43; Total Disbursements $776,449.74. Excess | of income over expenditure $784,620.29. The Cash Asse tS amount to $6,882,95 3.83, ae reuse over 1902 of $838,772 $.--The total Liabilities are ca an 204 19, requisite reserve a £6,617,714.89 for the haga of Policyholders, = ut 4 per . 3) per cent. and 3 fF cent. IRPLU S--The Surplus of the Company 's standard of valuation Js mie 633.46, and on Government standard S&878,166.00. ° The increase in Surplus ink 17,483,.2 uring the vear am demand for money Was activ and the funds were fully invest) d, at a somewhat better rate of jurenent, and tn a class of securities entirely outside anything of a hazardous or speculative char- acter, The payinents on Principal and Interest were unusually well pret less reinsurance, Was Profit and Loss $76.08; incoine, 48; prewium $1,254,- Rents $306,007. Total pe Tota) Assets are $7,- including the cob an "i TABILITIES The thousands of sod oe write to me, sa' Shiloh's Senmrption Cure fei. cured them of chronic coughs, cannot all be mistaken. 'I' must be some truth in it. ee eT ea . Weis & Co. 310 LeRoy. N. Y., Toronto, Can. 15--04 oa. 0 #4, HOPED IT WAS So, The stern pacent was sitting in the hall, reading the evening paper, when he heard the unmistakable sound of a ) kiss coming froin that moment occupied by his youngest daughter and her young man. Na- turally, this made the old gentleman pretty angry, so up Lg bounced and iy into the roo 've eaught vou kissing Pia Ek have 19 he demanded tes- tily. "T trust there is po mistake about it. sir."' replied the young man; 'the . Hight is sone too bright, and 'should fecl disappointed if it should | turn out that, after all} IT was kissing te cook.' leotes, Catarrh and Catarrha, Headache Roslieved tn 10 Minutes and cured by Dr, 1 | Agnew's Catarrha! Powder, | | Here's one of a thousand such testi- monies Rev. Ao TD. Buckley, of Buffa- ) ays wish all to know | blessing r gnew's Catarrhal Powder s in cuse of catarrh I] was troubled with as disease -- f years tthe firnt used this remedy cave most "Uelightfal relief nuw regard imseelf entirely cured." 23 ! Ur. Agnew's Pilis are celightfal 40 d.ses to censs. t | NEW YORK"S HONESTY. | A New York man has been testing »the hetesty of the people of -- that jcity by dropping purses in their way, and secing how many of them were freturned, To purchased six ladies' of them 42 some certificates, and there being only $5.998 overdue interest at the close of the year most of which has since been paid. The Fixecutive Committee examined all the securities, and compared of h were found correct, and in accordance The Manager, Officers and Staff continue to discharge their respective duties ~ the satisfaction of the Board, You will be called upon-to clect four 'Directors, Justice Britton, Francis C. Bruce, M.P., term of office has expired, in the place of 4 3, Kerr Fisken an but all of whom Tfon. Mr Geo. A. Somerville, whose t Cigible for reelection. On Wehalf cf the Board, ROBERT MELVIN, President. NCIAL STATEMENT. ~ FINA LEDGER ASSETS--Decc. 3ist, ? ptgmepeace: eauncas Ww connevenme suerte . ie ty joc ge (net) st and rents, Proiit and Loss : $1.561,070.03 $7.659,403.57 253.584 Death Claims ae ndow ments nn vnitunts Surplus paid cD policyholders a _ 7 Me $ 499.721.31 - 282,728.43 --_-------- $$ 776 AA9,74 74 $6,882 959.83 83 other payments... + 28 Sehensenencen Au LT Gye am ASSET? ee emaen and Rend Account Vatu fe tees $2,643,334 Levitt ne onds, e Haat oo. 13 Loans con oi LiRestoRgeNe: (equine (eialestaeR favemwees . TV2,R8R.03 ,0an ant Lown Coupany stocks F 16,000. Liens on Policies 81,988.02 Kea ate $0 Seteae 40 504.85 ad Company's Head Off a ' 21,082.61 "& atiLo. 6,242 All other items, including Cash in 'Wank 409,903.82 . $7,292,857.05 Additional Assets escabe waaesas st epeearine wagnes 0a TOTAL ASSETS Cia biesr ies Shee. & ¢ Reserve on olicies cin force 4p.c AM other ui eile Surplus Company's Standard 4°, 31" Surp'us Covernment Standard 4)° and 3)" - Audited and found correc ------_--_----_ 6.676, 296.59 and 3° - $616.632.46 $878,465.67 J. M. SCULLY, F.C.A. ) jgaitors. GEO. WEGENAS?, J. SCULLY. Mauager. The srowth 'of the Company 'lucing the past year may be seen in che fol- le lowing tuts --- Now ASSUrAnce ic cree ater $ $48 ae Assurance in force 4 3,11 ety gucoiio 2 Ay hes Surptee" "$00,150 18634 117,483 vs Standard) 99,12 Surplus 'ionpanice " y+ ao years is wheres in the following rogress ducing "the 'past figures for each S year period: ro ik his name «nd address The purses were dropped at various pleces on the sidew alks the floors less 'tur ne de to him, and according to hast | 'advices he was confidently "eens , the return of the sixt heat | (BEST WASHINGTON EXCURSION. / Goes via Lackawanna, March 18th. Ten Dollars, ten days vin Water Gap. Stopover at Philade Iphin ond Balti- mo Sleeper to Philadetphia. ie Year | Income [Ragmonte:-¢ to Assurance 16.435 | 2 701,900 59,277 "BSS, 11 199/182 6,572,719 13.05 5 12.041,0104 © 'ov 176 oy Lf Seroal | mere '079 LAG1.070 | 616, 633 37.5 587,55 cus reports having been' adop the retiring direc were unani- slecter a After a aumber of # a ant {howsn Gul A airemsen had been Hembersn of the wird, prominent vhold he agents sting adjourn tors ne ths Reguen ty and re-cleeted Mr. Rot ort Melvin, President; Hoskin, K-C., Vico-Pr eai; and the Ho are dustice Ibrit- View President vg the Lompeny for the ensuing "ye « Booklets tontarioe full rey comprising lists of de Rg "anil cnlowment claims bab id, of securities held. nL other interesting and instructive narhiculeys are being issued "ane will in due course be distributed among policy vholders an intending ins Uae WY. Ho RIDDELL. Secretary. An admirable Food 'Oe Poultry, ALL KINDS 08 Butter FRUITS ' : +] E s m_ Proa- Finest quality and flavour. £S 9 . duce generally, Honey. consign it to us a anal we will get GOGOA Nutritious and Eccnemical. 48--21 you good prices. Cn Apples, re. serve accommodations now 289 Main Street, Buffalo. Henry--'"'Did it ever cceur to your of literature have been tho in son?" = Will wouldn't about two -- -- our 'rising young authors' to gao PAGE. FE shows that he is peri A beni = Dawson Commission Go. "I think it is so silly to see a baby biting his toes, vomarked the Ca yoing = motber "Well, 1 don't," | === . spoke up the young father. 'It Issue No. 13--04. to be thrifty."". *'Thri surely you can see chat. . is nuilehene both ends .meet? Many a man who starts out in "the Jworld with a determination to rule soon gets married and retires to the f the procession. -------- of NCES Wear ar Best ean Ba gage ge test of time--stands the world over. 'Onder throught our local agent or direct from ts res aa wona Pos eo User, Walkerville, Gxt. Montreal, ue. Sth, Be eine Seed $6,882.953.8% --