Listowel Standard, 1 Apr 1904, p. 1

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rae ' t SOR any Teese meee nee SP wees wes or aR Fe my 3 ie f a ei galt 4 \ 8 ca _YOL. ae VER --NO. 9 weeresd BROS. i Listowel's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Store. P ---- + EASTER BELLS WILL SOON BE RINGING. 4 a] { Easter, that most important period in, Fashion's : Calendar, is just around the corner. We have ' anticipated your every want, and prepared an y array of Easter Wearables for men, women and children, that will please the most exacting. : \ \ Rant tal Mee oe } SPECIALS FOR THE COMING DAYS. ALL-Wool Carpets, reg. 85c., for $O GO 25 pairs Lace Curtains reg. $1.25 ©OQ QQ 25 Linen Table Cloths reg. $2.00 1 19 SPECIAL PRICES b [n all Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts and Men's and Boys' Suits. The brilliant successes of the past are to be repeated and doubled and tripled this year. We have the Stock, we have the facilities, and we have in addition, the price-making power, that gives you fine garments for the same mon- ey that is generally paid for inferior qualities. DRESSMAKING DEPT. IS NOW OPEN. All work guaranteed. x mo ate > SN eS ae eee ae ee ee \ a an a en ee eae ae a eee a a es ore , SIGN OF THE ELEPHANT. agreeing aeetngets bags Gegaty eo a as ee ew t pel i ate ee ie ee! -- aS eS ee oe eae = hdl beds Caste tl atte Beh ee ot ee et ae bs LISTOWEL METHODIST UAUROH, J. H. Otrvag, Pastor, } >> - SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 194. <4." KASTER SERVICES, \ ~~ ll a. m.--The Pastor, G Subiject----R A 7p. m.--The tor. Subject-- Power of the Resurrection, *, bbc choir will render a number of Easter select CHRIST CHURCH. © ** > holidays..." Rev, C. H, Buckland, Rector." SUNDAY, APRIL ¥, 1901, EASTER DAY. Mr. W. 8 a. m,--Holy Communion, ri Sestereg Jor Toroi 11 a m.--Morning Prayer, Holy Cinnmalvioe . and Sermon. Anthem, "They have taken Mies Afinul otter a Loe ? , town was the', 3 p. m.--Children'a Service. y 7. p. m.--Choral Service, Anthem, ow h Vertnas lao 6 seek ye the Li ing among the Dead Tsudy Minto fell-ou: Offertory Solo, "Star of Bethlehen\" | at Ottawa on Wedn Mr, F. Carthew broke her leg ix a Hearty welcome to all. In ial on ness, i have pe Re ss "neg of Gents' epi TOWN TOPICS, WanstTep.--A. general servant. Apply to Dr. Din ngmen Mra. A. S. ade p daya = week t ie Mr. Will. Gunther of 'Milverton was etiam See in town Thursday. ' = Brey, wit sal ii Coat, Vest and Pant makers wanted. arrister, is epénding: 2 Apply at MacKenzie Bros. pa ne ee a leLost.--A Fur Collar,. Finder plesse z amtor ra 7 at Standard Office and get reward, ) one as) ine on ; For excellent Silver Polish call at 8. Bart- | Maitland Star Foot be a a 2 a we ee a ee .; os "er --_ } a a oe eee | eee Sr aa a elle ee left at A. J, Vandrick's store, Wallace St., Kt ee ee ley's, Wallace street, The town schools closé Boy Wanees-- 7 learn the Marble busi- ssid the Easter holidays; ness. Apply to R. T. Kem reopen on Monday, 11t Nix Girls wanted, to learn dressinaking. Mr. J. W..Thornto Apply at Walter Bros. The Morris Piano.Uo, Easter witb hie family "3 Good Friday, April: Monday, April 4, will be and the banka will be Mre.. Ella Scott of home Saturday: with her sister, Mi Alma street. , Yesterday wea fair, da, to the murky day $ farmers did Hot: ies out di large num um betiy.»: Mrs. Askin axttigess the past twat am three bo for general housework. Servant wanted, H, B. Morphy, Victoria Apply to atrect east. F. Vandrick, County of Perth. licensed auctioneer for Orders for sales can be Listowel, [wo lady Coarders accommodated by applyin Kidd, Main = 'one Yule's baker 8 _ SPEvIA L SALE at Guather's of the best can be eomfortably to Mra. J. oor west of Mr. BULL ae pea to Watch and Clock 'repair you have not seen the new Week come now and eev it at Gunther's, and get a book of information AvcTionEeRs ie Pape AND WELLING- TON---Messrs AV. and Geo; H. Dickson bave oti ig: Perth and _W. ; to >condust, : a { basiness for over § Gite Gd satidfac Listo tion will be quarepentt "alte ~ 2 attended to oa veh either: | spending t! Mr. Soott or Dick Moogiteld, or | family in Owen Ba cap be arranged for at Standard 0 ffice. -- The annual Easter Vestry mee of Ghee. 0 capa will be beld int Pp 8 Tosh evening next; 5th a. at at 8 o'cloe: ROBERT THOMPSON People's Cash Store. 3 Great Wiuding Up em FUR SALE. { Weare determined to clear out our tew '= remaining FURS as the prices below will indicate. lon y, Columbia Sable Ruff, 4 tails, 28 inches long... .$ : ou now & 75 l only, German Mink Ruff, 4 tails, 24 inches eRe: 6 00 90 lonly, stoll front, 2 heads 6 tai tails 3incheslong ............ 600 ° 25 lonly, Alaska Sable Stoll Ruff,4 tail........ ....... 10 * 50 1 only. naa Stone Martin Stall "Ruff, 2 heads, 6 "in RACKS BH CECE d S0Giee, TOGO HOTS: a erece ) lonly, American Stone ows Stoll Ruff, 2 heads 2 85 inches Jong...... = 7 00 lonly, Gray iy Tammie Ruff, 4 tails, 8 'paws, "30 inches long ......... ... 950 7 30 ore Electric Seal Ruff, 6 tails, 27 inches long... stewie 700 " 490 lonly, m Ruff, 4 tails, 26 inches long . ... 578 * 3 90 Zonly, 7 um Ruffs, 4 tails, 19 inches long. .. .__ 3 00 200 lonly, Black Coney Ruff, 4 tails, 24 inches ong....., 7 00 +O l only, German Otter Ruff, 4 tail paws, %8 in. long 70 ' 47 lonly Black ey Ruff, 4 tails, 23 inches loo 00 175 lL only, Electric Sea! Ruff, 2 aire tails 20 inches lon 800 * 5 90 _ ety alaska: Sable-Ruff, 2 heads, 4 tails, 30 inches Pe ST ee eee lL 56 lonly, Anakin bing Ruff with Military Collar, 3 talls - we lonly, aacke 'Sable e Ruff, double fur, '8 tails, 20 inches 7 00 18 0 1 only, Lontlea i Fancy 'Coliarette, Electric Seal 36 inches a ; SECTOR RSEETHEE CECE ON THES ta ee o 4% ll 75 1 only" he es Fancy se tN Alaska Sable Collar, d Electric Seal Stoll, 6 tails 58 inches long.. 36 00 29 50 1 only* Ladies Astrachan Jackets 36 inches longe reg . 32 00 23 00 1 only, 26 reg.. 37 BO 26 00 1 only, " " " Opossum collars and res, 30 inches iong ....-.-. ......... ... 35 OU ¢ 26 Ou 1 only, Tallies Ast ---- a Sabie collar and 28 ine! . Oe ot 3 ss h i «ae o ¥ 4 yo Ladies Electric Jacke' inches lon " 37 Ov pics Ladies Electric Beal Jacket, "Sable es lar and % inches long.. 600 « 4700 1 only, Ladies S chan Jacket, 36 inches 'long Kowsna 4400 "« 3200 Lonly, Gent's Russian Calf Coat regular --........ 23 0 19 00 ROBERT THOMPSON Sign of the Lion. ti, Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. WEeOGRNE soeeegeooceqceoose Mr. G. Bz metas has added gente' furnishings department to bis boot and shoes etore, and has opendd ral a large stock of new goods in that ine Miss Mary EB. Faulkner, who hae been epending the winter at her par- ents' home on the boundary east, loft again Jast week for Matias, Mani- to Mr. White, general agent for the Massey-Harris Oo., who hrs made his headquarters in Listowel for the past es or eee has been trsnsferred to t. Thom Goov Furar. --To-day being Good Friday, the stores will be éloged and business generally will bn suépended. There will be services in Christ Church at ll a. m. apd 8 p. m. <. LISTOWEL CLOTH HALL @ HIGH CLASS TAILORING. OUR EASTER SUIT- INGS are being most fav- orably cominented upon and even at this early stage of the SPRING TRADE we have a great many orders placed for Easter. An EARLY INSPECTION Of our large range of IMPORTED WOOLLENS Will be interesting to- you. The oernel supper of Rob ~Roy Tent, K. O. T. M., wiil be held at sthe ey Easter services will be held ta" the Methodist Ohurch op Sunday ~next. The pastor' vile discuss the Resurrection and its r, and there will be special Hasler salestinea by the choir. Miss Grills, who baa been in Mr, Schinbein"s store for;some:time, pur- poses leaving for the | Northwest next week, where she hag'taken s school for the snmmer _ the at a. good salary. She holds s Normal certificate. Bowzine On0s.-- The Listowel Lawn Bowling Club will' hold its snnnal meeting on Monday egening next, 4th inet., at the Grand Oéntral, : All mem- bers. and others wHo wish ito join the olub are reqnested ta ~-béyon hand punctually at 8 o'clock. The friends in town an "neigh Sbor- hood of Mr. James Mc/ilister; Elma street, will be to leary that he hes nearly yecovered from his recent Diet and is able to be ap-dgaiy. His Dek. lister, of Toroato, - oar to the- city peg af sponta three "-- here during his ee-nie ness, Ege" T. Albart Moore, Seorstary of the Lord's aidiceend large congregations 7 waoee on Sund last, at Knox Oburch in the morning and in the Methodist Church in thé, evening, The work of the Alliance, Ss which is the preservation of the Lord's aay, formed the topic a both dis- courses, ' successful social fanetion. Dispiars.-The town Mrs. Little and Misses well geet with every- up- MacKenzie Bros, "Warmer. +; Mr, 'Dancan MoMartin, the young iow of | should & St. Geo. Editor and rletor, -- xi! = ing him that he had been selected -as Rose seg his - ovine night of it'on Monday, morping in 6 hg "s thé Opposition'from catryin {to compel newly unbsid ie 'the primary de- "of the tehoot he Board er. ones Easter holiday. cl We ish, kindergarten teacher, and, Miss Hawkins will have charge of the musi- school. nsfraetion in _ yum Smewarns.--Now that wand joe On the sidewalka have e an effort to have them cleaned Pottenea soneiderably, citizens should ff. Outuide of the businers part of é-town most of the walks are still buried from one to two feet deep,and in some places é@ven more, and unless they are cleaned off the walking will me worse as the weather turne They should be cleaned now. ioal studen fl ) here ona visit &t New wasa Lb go man of over ngaging man- age, panes and ae inteling: and made > many. warm friends among the gang and during pe short min town, ret is at the untimely cutting fof a So full of pro pale Busmvess Conurc ddance at' the Business 'College forthe: term just ended was the anon: ihe Nege was started, nts. for the coming term 'Wer ad di- thi eam afteracon to the old ceme- tery. Or THE CANADIAN Bowrsxe Trau.-- A. W. Featherstore, who is an techosininic bowler and a member of the Listowel Lawn Bowling Olub, re- ceived word this week from the Secre- tary of the Ontario Association aotity-- @- representative on the pnetion Bowling team which is to visit the old countiy this season. Mr. has de- cided. to take in the trip, sbich pro- es to be a delightful outing. Six inks, twenty-five men in all, are down 'to go, aud will leave the latter part of} We) taking the ( . steamer 'Lake'. Manitaba" from Montreal. éd tog, alid-wa hayeoo doubt will his -part in maintaining the repu- tation"'of the Oanadian® bowle well. as enjoying | = trip, which will be one of a life-ti SPrRina FE wh threatened - be'a very serious flood fortunately has so far not reached the extreme danger point, and no damage to speak of has taken place in town, The heavy rain on Friday Jast and the great quantity of fast-melting snow caused the Maitland river to rise very rapidly and for a time things looked decidedly critical ; but the weather turned oold again juet in the nick of time to save the sitnation, and since Saturday the water has fallen fally four feet. While it was at high-water mark the cellars in the centre of the town were flooded. he firat floor and engine room of Mr. Brook's woollen mill were also under water, and the mill has had to close d The Board of Works bad men ployed breaking up the ice from jow Main and Elma street bridges, which gave the water a chance to get away. Although there is au unusually large quantity of snow and ice stil! to be got rid of, unless continuons heavy rains shonld set in, there will not be much danger of a damaging. flood. Notwithstanding the great amount of snow which we had, this distrist has been_more fortanats than sections fur- ther south, where the larger rivers have overflowed their banks sand caused much destruction. Brantford». West London -and Chatham have euffered greatly. and the whole country along he 'Thames valley between Chatham Szavi cial | rvicee will 'be held on Sanday next ja; Ohbrist Chureh, beginning with a y ovlebration" of the Holy Communion at8 a.m. There will be service at n a. m., with sermon and commuuion; a children's service at 3 p. m., anda choral service and sermon at 7 p. m., at which Easter antheme will be sung by the choir, d¥d@-an offertory solo by Mr. Fred. Oarthew. The sermons by the rector will be on topica in con- nection with the resurrection. There will be the usual floral decoratiune. Visitors will be welcomed. The residence of Mr. «J. H. Tomlin, evening, March 16, when his youngest daughter, Lettie, was united in mar- areb of f tie aydon is eo old 'Tintoe el yy wail known to many residents here, and his friends join in wishing Mr, and Mrs, Hayden ev- ery success and happiness through life, ACRosSsE,--On Wednesday night a meeting of the Listowel Lacrosse Olub was held in the Queen's Hotel for the purpose of reorganizing for the season of 1904. The club bave every pros- pect of a successful season, and have decided to again enter a team in the Canadian Lacrosse Association, The following officers were elected: Hon. President, O. Climie ; Hon. Vioe-Pres., ©. Zilliax ; Hon. members, W. Morris, A. Hermiston, P. J. Livingston, A. Bamford, Homer Meyers, Fred. Wright; President, A. Bricker; Vice- President, R. Woods ; ; Secretary, Ray Bamford ; Treasurer, Bert Johnstone ; eam Committee, A. Brook, Fr Teylor, R. Baird and Ike Smith ; Men- ager, tt. Delegate to O. L.A. convention, Bert Scott, W. Living- ston. Suppew Dear or a Youna Woman. --On Monday afternoon last a young woman of twenty-one years, name Aunie Doghony, died very suddenly in town., She was an adop dau- ghter of the Iate Wm. BR. Rothwell, and lived with Mrs. Rothwell in a house on the Chapman farm in Elma, adjoining the corporation, For some days previous to her death she had been staying with es Thomas Roth- well in town, and not being well, had one to a physician for consultation, Mice, Rothwell acoompanying her. On. ber return and when near Mr. oo By! Samnel Olark's on Mill street, she took a week spell and fell on the walk. She was carried into Mr. Clark's house, where she died shortly afterwards. Her condition and the suddences of ey death ae considered such that as talked of, bunt upon anatiridg into t pa circumstances, r- oner Philp sidered an inquest unecessary, bard death being attributed to natural causes. The deceased was a quiet and industrious young woman, but was' mentally weak, and had been the victim of some designing wretch, conscience, if not the law, hold him acoonntable for hastening thie poor a AE Joss of ive stoo! sley, : : : cept this Bible as a memento of onr unfortunate's ing Windeor bas been Ant arn ik and pro taken possessio ac YS hours by a large bs ia el of the Nadia. of Knox Obureh, who had formed a surprise perty and met there for the purpose of making a birthday presenta- tion to their friend and fellow-worker in the Cburch and Sabbath school. The following address, which was ac- companied with a beautiful Teacher's Bible, was read by Mra. W. E. Binning: Dear Mrs. Armstrong: On this the anniversary of your birthday, we, a few of your friends, have gathered togetb- er to express our regard and esteem for you ass most unselfish and faith- ful Christian friend. We desire one and all tu wish you many happy re- turns of the day, and pray that God may bless you both temporarily and spiritually, tothe end that the usefal- ness aod good influence of your life may long continue. We ask you to ac- esteem and best wishes, and hope that it may be of great efit to you in leading your class of boys to Christ. Signed, M . VANDRIOCK, bi E. Brxwixa, W. ALexanpER, Listowel, Marche 25, 1904. Mrs, Armstrong acknowledged the giftand kindly expressions of friend- ship in suitable terms, and a very soc- iable time wax afterwards spent, the ladies before leaving wishing er many happy returns of her anniversary. t A Goop Oxp Aaz.-- On Wed- moe March 80th, Mrs. Sophia Baker passed away at the home of her daugh- ter, Mra. Thomas Mattenley, at an vanced age, being inher eighty-eighth year. For the pastseven years she bad been confined to her bed, and al- thongls she had borne' her long illness with Cogietian fortitade and patience, the final summons came as a happy re- lease from earthly anfferings. The de- , whose maiden name was Sophia Tench, was @ native of Worcestershire, England, and came to America with her parents when two yeare old. After twelve years' residence in Pennsylvan- ia, the family came to Canada and set- ted in the township of King, York County, where they remained fot some yeare, and where deceased was married to the late Richard Baker. With her busband and young family she came to the Queen's Bush fifty-seven years ago, settling in Peel township, near Glen- ailen, where a homestead was cleared and the trials and hardships of pioneer life were endured. The family continu- ed farming in Peel for many years, and upon retiring they moved to Glen- allen, where Baker die@ about twelve years ago, in his eighty-fourth year. A little over seven years ago de- ceased's health failed, and she was shortly afterwards bronght to her daughter's in Listowel, where she has lingered on up to this week, never hav- ing been able to eit up berg that lengthened period. She had been a consistent member of the Methodist Church since her girlhood, and had grown old in the faith ~ i believing and trusting Obristian. & family of eleven children, five' en bs namely, Mrs, T. Mattenley, Listowel; William Baker in Michigan, Edwin in Port Arthor, Mrs. Robert Haining of Kent county, and Robert in Washington. a death. The funeral took pince on The funeral will take plage on Saturday an office. Dr. highly recommended, and: we wish him per- Srey. success. "sigue at 2 o'clock to Fairview come- 3 ery Deora ie: DIED IN DENVER, COL. The Wingham Times of last week con its rounds that Mr. Roland G. Gor- of Mr, and D. M. Gor- don, of this town, bh away Wingham » held in making the first Lee in the fam- ily, . About 2 years deceased hi a very serious ilieaes, eat had --s completely recovered and left las Ts, 84 | said he was enjoying sueeliant eect, six weeks but some. ago he was seiz- with a severe cold and left at once for eral in the hope that the an imate would be of oe to him, but it proved otherw munity in their sudden and sore be- reavement, The funeral took place from the family residence, Shuter street, Thursday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock for the Wingham cemetery, TROWBRIDGE. The Maitland river bas been at flood height for the past week, but so far little or no damage has been done. Mr. James Hamilton of the Mitchell road has been appointed secretary of the Trowbridge Cheese & Butter Co. for thie season. Heis a capable young ~ man and will no doubt give good satis- faction. We are sorry to lose Mr, Jas. Oakley and family off the 2nd. They bave moved to a 200 acre farm near Moore- tield. OARTHAGE. Mr. Jas. Morrison held o euccessfal wood-bee last Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Moore, lately of Moorefield; has moved into our village aud opened-ap Moore comes t0;ua-. as. Rid , been on a visit to frieiide: fs Bt. 'Mesy'h returned home on Monday, and have taken up their euidenco 5 Mr. Rob- ert Johneton's house, G. T. R. LAYING OFF MEN. Master Mechanic of Shops at Strat- ford Will Give 200 Men Notice to Quit April Ist. Stratford, March 2 29. 9.--Robert Patter- sou, master mechanic of the G. shops, returned to the city this morn- ing, bringing the unwelcome news that asaresult of the losses sustained by ~ the company during the severe winter, the extension of the shops will not only be delayed, but there will be a large reduction of the present staff. "How many men will be wid off?" Mr. Patterson was aske 'About two hundred," was the an- ewer. Mr. Patterson further stated that the order would take effect on Friday next, April 1, and corresponding reduo- tions would be made all over the system. The present staff of workmen num- bers about 900, 250 of whom were add- ed during the past year. The reduo- tion. will, therefore, bring the staff down to its normal strenzth, abont 650. ; Messrs Robertson & Coughlin have been appointed City Solicitors of Strat- ford. The snowblockade in Manitoba has been lilted, and transcontinental treffic is again reanmed. Land for the site of the Winnipeg Post. office was purchased at $1/000a8 oot. The by-law to ta bonus of $15,000 bok Alma College ' an defeated at St. Tho There | were fifteen hundred railway passengers detained ns Carberry, Man,, by the snow bl The Carter i wl cereal mill at St. Mary's was destroyed by fire Mondsy morning. The coal barons in the United States have decided that coal is to be 10 cents a ton dearer next winter than inst. Twenty thousand people attended meetings in Hyde Park, Londun, to protest against the employment of Chinese in the Transvaal. The delegates of the World's Sanday School Convention to be held at Jerusalem, held a service at Athens. Rev. Dr. Potts of Toronto preac N. Lambert. a young man whose home --_ ee, was found dead in bed turday morning at his 'icaxdion prs the residence of Mr, E, L. Holmes, Stratford. "Experience, says the Wine et Spirit Journal, "has repeatedly the solidity and power of the fhewot vote, and any Admivistration or y pressing that vote beyond the puint of reason are simply babiice. their own. the Rose Gov- _ downfall," ernment 'abi its prohibition Promises a a warry. be 4 [ns Peon ee Sam

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