cy yi cet See ALERT, SUSPICIOUS TOKID 'ALL STRANGERS ARE VADER | SURVEILLANCE. . The Japanese Policeman To AT Who Are Weak, - Scaase How Tired ec gaa out of Sorts. -- : Spring' sh uld ost joyo The- appropriate 'os nk " ogee mip : de peory fonckitla, Oc. okt and /on the chest, varies. somewhat -- eedom and the bread 'Knowing Other People's Business. Shastice here period of suspense the -censor is the busiest m in Tokio, 2 uate 'ot tthe London Daily i is he' a ° evoked protest, aie eee is no deny- | ; effective The re' reign of the blue pencil Sega never more thor | o or complete. ons are being held War O ble a 'for the inspection of news affecting the army. This, of. cou applied to local newspapers. Foreign addressed tele- way to a censor without any exertion on the part of itter, At present the most interesting point in the empire is the {sland of Tsushima, in the so-called "war ." But. what is actuaily pening at 'Tsushima none. but the Government knows, although two di- visions have been concentrated there and between sixty and seventy trans- ports are fitting for the carriage of troops. y tr Army tailors are saute out win- ter shirts by the thousand, and food- tuffs are being rushed co ha eee by special steamers. Ther ominous celerity in the ceiiaieation of ted Cross socictics. The Véar and Navy offices are hives of industry. Official pekbations have been dispensed with, and at tho great building occupied by the Army Staff Department the press of busi- ness is SIMPLY ENORMOUS, But outside of officiuldom ge pursues the even tenor of its The nuddy streets teem with tite, Placid shopkeepers sit cross-legged be- side their wares, equally indifferent to inors and photographers, and electric trolley cars buzz up and down the Ginza with a briskness that is distinctly ahsurting and out of place. Oceasionally a squad of infantry- men, in blue unl.orms and brown leggings, march aaattly along the street, but as a rule the soldiers are kept in barracks. The police, how- ever, in their long. double-breasted overcoats and peaked caps, give a military tinge to cua pictures of ev- eryday life. Keen-eyed, alert, ---- the Japanese policeman is emarkably _ interesting persona. In omy pos of + knowing other people's' business the good of his Government he is said to excel. At present his talents for investigation have a free hand, for the usual crop of adventures and sus- pects is being harvested in Tokio. The movements of certain foreign gentlemen at present staying in kio are being recorded in the police archives with a miputeness would disagreeably surprise The number of Gerninn tourists has curiously increased within the past month. One of them, while filled wi " IMPORTED LIQUOR, n few nights ago, incautiously blurt- ed out more than it is good for foreigner to know in these troublous times, and sailed next morning for Shanghal. Another, whose sight-seeing 'expedi- tions invariably brought him into the vicinity of military depots, found himself inconvenienced by an inspec- tor of police, and likewise abruptly changed his itinerary. Then there is a cosmopolitan globe trotter, speaking all the tongues of Hurope, who would boa amazei to know that the guide who insisted up- on doing a great deal for a very lit- tle compensation was not altogether whut he seemed. ; i of fi out-ol-door life. But unfortunately Lie re are thousands who cannot en-j brane of the bronchial tubes is . con- and swollen and usually Lg The secretion of p y very tea but little . expectoration. lustre "gencrally.some pain in tne chest, 'at least a feeling of soreness and a 'rasping sensation while coughing; land: the obstruction to the bronchial bythe swollen. mucous mem- Ss ar uardoerey the eyes lack the health; weariness and lassitude such peop hea. eet aa ee eet 'and a oped iin free om pimples and cruptio: , in _ the 'world there is nothing | can his so effectively and 50 Thovtneiy as Dr. Williams timk Pills. Every dose creates now blood, ut an increased secretion. This | is 'ton effected by warm drinks and 'the gaia of tag vapor, medi- jcated or may be thought 'nest. Hot nana (without whis- strengthens the nerves, and up-builds jkyG hot milk or simple hot water, Kove whole body. Here is a bit of sipped as hot as can he borne, will strong proof, given by Mr. John lrender good service. co Burke, of Elmsdale, P, E. I.. who | The patient of course shoul remain ys --I was left an almost hope- 'in the house; and preferably in one less wreck by an attack of pneumon- ; < with a warm, cquable temper- a, my nerves were almost paraly zed | and though under the care of an ex-! { ccperticten. Ti the attuck is at all cellent doctor I found I was not re- |severe much time will be saved by gaining my health. My wife urged |geing to bed for a day or two If me to try Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills, {there is much pain or sorencss, rub- land hee reason to be thankful- I | bing with some liniment ; ook her advico, for under this | will, relief; but sometimes ti my sega has becn built cloths wrung out of hot water and sprinkled with four or five drops of turpentine, or else thin flaxseed poul- tices will ork better. Inhalations of warm Vapor from a croup or from a pitcher of boiling are often required, A teaspoonful of the ---- tincture of benzoin or some cuculpytus may be added to "the boiling water. t the onset the patient should take a mild purygative, and atten- tion must he given to the bowels throughout the attack. Later, when the cough is loose and the se cretion abundant, the treatment must be oe Fag patient should have ) vod, substantial roots and py drink freely of cool gain w and strong. t all casianail give Dr. Williams' Pink§Pills a trial, ond sce how speedily they_will restore ~you to health and strength; but you must get the genuine, with the full name 'Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People' on the wrapper around each box. Sold by ig ar dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a x or six boxes for: $2. 50 hy wri the Dr. Williams Medicine Co Brockville, Ont. EES eee QEER THINGS IN JAPAN. Sights and Customs * al Impress the Foreigner The Japanese do not know how to kiss. Ifa Japanese. eirt learns how to kiss it shows the work of a for- cign instructor.* She does it as an accomplishment, not as an enjoy- ment. 'The Japanese woman does not blacken her pr ggeere ---- any mis- ag idea that it. makes her attrac- tiv. er Meuband 's supposed to Eaaw her value. Give a Japanese a back yard ten feet square and he will have a Chinese garden, with any number of paths of glittering white quartz, But give a prosperous anese a few acres--one acre round his house in the suburbs, make an attractive landscape gar- den. w eiceetatorse drugs in the form of so- called expectorants are needed in the early stages, and others to check secretion in the liter stages, but all cough mixtures are more or less bad for the stomach and are to be avoid- ed if possible; and especially bad are Pparegoric and other preparations of opium They are sometimes necck- sary in certain cases, but what these cases are must be deft to the doctor to decide.--Youth'S Companion. --_----_¢--_------. . FRETFUL CHILDREN. If children are cross, or fretful, or sleepless, in ninety-nine times out of A Japanese house is generally all ja hundred the reason can be trac on one floor. The 'number of rooms ,to some little trouble of the stom- in it depends on the number of bed- 'ach or bowels. Remove the cause rooms the owner requires. They are jand the little one will be bright, divided for the night by paper "shut | good-natured, and will sleep soundly ters, fixed in groows, like the divi- and naturally. There is just one al- sions of an old fashioned weorkbox. | ways absolutely safe ee hil lit- There are no doors or passayres. 'tle ones--Baby's Own Table In If a Japanese husband divorces his | shomes where this medicine 1 is used wife he makes no provision for a ily; but divorced women in oapen 4 ogee ills of Httle ones, and rill do nearly always marry again. lly--there is 'ao brings him nothing but a gentle and Gout. about thin, Give the Tablets obedient slave, and takes nothing ! away with Ser but the same valua- fr single trial and you will be as em a about them as other mo- are. As for instance, Mrs, Most of the people you meet on ; liner 'id Duffield, Ponsonby, Ont., says el Japanese New ear day re "Baby's Own Tablets saved my ying I ) 3 a. es a baby's life. They are a wonderful veil of paper tied round its waist a paper string which holds a lit- tle gold paper kite. 'That kite means | that the thing is a ue niga and has not to be paid for. ose who are not carrying crushed jalenon or tak-, medicine for chi 'ildre en and I gladly jrecommend them to other mothers." Your children' will take this medi- cine as readily as candy, t is guaranteed free from hanital/druge. a "4 ing up the = street in givin New Sold by all drugriets or mailed = at Yeur's salutations are playing battic |25 cents a box writing The 1 dore or _shuttlecoc *k, Villiatns' Medic Co., Bre 'ville, Ont : --_--_>~---- a een CIRCULAR BARNS, A remarkable novelty in barn-build- has full "You don't mean to say he paid you in advance for the ure, so a8 to avoid exposure while od | wittiem mee Tella of Bis Er0{89 . carious Condition, and Bie Hap- lean py Release 'From It. Murray Harbor South, PB. Te ay ril 4.-- (eee ).--Wiliam S Sharam who" kee apcaiboak ia one of many i glad to say a word the that did so muth for. him, relates his experience as follows: I sprained my back with heavy ane: and the result .was urinary |t and Kidney trouble that left me iny a vel os 4 weak state, and at times I. got 80 weak that L almost taintes, and | could og hold up, j OF rying several other medi-' cincs witliout relief, I concluaed that , it was a Kidney Disease I had, and; Would find the cure in a Kidney rem- y, and decided to try Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. "The reeult war hos that coukd be asked. I used ten es all told, and can now sireee *nleep without being disturhod as heretofore, and my old troubles were banished.' Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all Kid- ney ills from Backache to Bright's Diseane Ss "You misjudge me,"' said the 4a get peice J "1 admit I a a po weak mortal, but lying not "a my failings, "It certainly agreed ~ the hard-headed "It is one of your success- Little Braves.--Old time a quarter- a-box " Purgers" mre quitting the ficld in whole battalions. Dr. Agnew's Little Pills at 10 cents a vial are driving them out at 2!1 peiats. Because they act geatly, more effectively, never pain, and are easy to take. Sick Headache succumbs to one Rose.--69 "Are you~ aware, sir," said the man in the rear, ees, "that your umbrella is poking me in the eye ?"' "It isn't my umbrella," replied the man just in front, with equal fierce- ness. "It's a borrowed one, sir!" State oF, Sno, Criry or ToLepo, ? 8 COUNTY Frank 7 Cheney makes oath that he senior partner of the firm of F. J, sey & cC #4. Cher 0 & business in the ' edo, ounty cog .-- aforesaid and that ay the n aid firm will f ONE HUNDRED | DOLLARS for cach and every case of Catarrh that e cured iy tho use of Hail's Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. o before me and subscribed in ry pres ae this Gth day of December, A.W. GiABOX. ry Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces uf the system for _lontinonie's, free, J £o., Toledo, O. ridiculous ! I nearly six feet in height." "That makes no diflercuce; whenever 'T ask you for money Shy? go shopping you are always sho ---- A Ory for Hei. . A pain in the acs isacry ot the kidneys for help, South Ameri can Kidney Cure is theauly carsthiatbacn' & failure written against it in cases Bright's disease, diabeces, inflammaticn « ihe" bladder, gravel snd ether kidney ail ments, Don't neglect the apparently insic nificant "signs." This apie liquic Specific prevents and cu SANITATION OF AN ANT CITY. Wife :--, _ LEAP YEAR PREROGATIVES. How many people are aware of the Passed during he reign ; every Snalden "a! both iors and ioe degree shall have liberty the man she likes Anas mark this, all ye bachelors of 'the year 1904: "If he refuse to take her to be his wife ba ea fa mulct in the sum of $500 ess,~as his estate may be, except cod always if he can make-it appear that he is betrothed*to another wo- man then he shal! be free pe aiialveinion For Over Sixty Yea Mas, Winarow's Sootaine Syrur ie bern used by millions of mothers for ty rehbildren while Itaoothes the chill, ro! Bokl pay bald ey throat atk for * Mans, WIXALOW & SOOTHING SYRUP." "You don't mean to say you girls have started secret society ?'" "Yes, it's a society whose mem- bers pee ----a to tell all the secrets they kn Lever"s Y-Z (Wise a. frp creea ant Soap Powder is r th other powders, as it is bate pen and disinfectant. "Money," said Uncle Eben, "ip what makes de mare go. But some- times it wants a sensible driver to prevent somebody f'um gittin' throwed hand.' indigestion, i:at menace to human happiness, pitiless in it: of rsons, has met cigestion, tones the nerves, Haptic out po pci dispels emaciation, and brings flack the Cures lundreds of * Bronics that have baffled phy- He--But, really, don't you think if it came to a pinch your father would help me out? She (versed in the slang of the dnay)--If it came to a pinch he might bail you out --_--+$----- -- CHEAP ONE WAY RATES TO THE WEST VIA GREAT NOITH- ERN RAILWAY. | Effective daily during March and il, cheap one way Colonist tick- 4s will be issued from all stations in Ontario to all points on the Great Northern Ry. in the States of al tun®, Idaho, Washington, and Ore fon, "_ all points in British Cob lum On March ist, 8th, 15, 22nd and 29th, and April Sth, 12th, 19th, 26th, one way second clasa tickets will be issued from Chicago to points in North Dakota no greatly uced rates, Full information as to time of trains, berth rates in Tourist Slecp- er, also literature on any of the above States on application to Chas. be Graves, District Passenger Agent, 6 King St. West, Room 12, Toronto, or_F._ oo hitney, General "Passenger Agent, S . Paul, Minn "Ve 6," Subbubs, car sighing, "the only a I really ed for I "Wh couldn't have.' t,"' exclaim- ed Backhlotz, *'that doesn't sound very complimentary to Sub- bubs." Oh, sha felt os badly ahawt Py ae Ido. You see the girl wWante a week and we can't aataed more than $4.'" TI ) b 1 ' fing is reported from lapel, Indiana. |eourse of singing lessons ?" said the tere havesbeen but three cases }'Phe walls, or rather wall, of the barn first vacel instructor. "Yes," ' Bt j Th at Death De: ath of native Japanese spics, Two were ;are 25 feet high and 65 feet in dia-] plied the other gleefully, "because of Tnacste aro scrupulously clean a0 Ev f Fe t a a coolies in the pay of the Russi : their personal toilet, and = often pep pe issian | jmeter, the roof running to a cove, ;a lucky misunderstanding. I sa brush, comb, and wash themselv W Id be W | ? military attache, and the third was! There is no such thing as a post or|to him: 'You doubtless know our acle 2 '5 eee ou ec come a Lieutenant of volunteers, who was pillar in the barn. In order to pre-/ first lesson begins with "'do.' Ho | &, Service for which they are admin rented b » of ] pre > "° lably provided with natural imple | Mrs. Margaret Smith often did arre on a charge of trying to se) vent the weight of the roof from! immediately apologized and pro- A Cc f b | g ; ments. eet habit is transferred to until Dr. Agnew's Cure for the eure certain maps for the eneiny. 'spren" > three heavy ste ig eo 1s duce d the dough." hi h d All foreigners are watched carefull P ---- aS ai The strects eart gave her new ae ol but an are Watched carclully, jencirele the building. The b within the city bounds anc the gates pri her a -- nerves. put not offensively, although -- two |eyelone proof, for wind has no awe and external plaza abd 'country |) "i was for tw Rrone Sularer eaglishmon who went into the nouns | tp get a hold on the structure., The Mos t people th think too lightly of a fs ponds" leading into the foraging | Soa heart uouble and Rezvousness. = ' " s i > lt a ne o sen om old nn shooting expe dition a few lstnlis for horses and" cattle are ar- | uae Heaton an \fields--as with agricultural ants--uare | brite wes so intense that I wourt nave tive 7 ago wero hea th pons 2 Na ranged in a circle, there is a vig fr peal eo vatten on. | kept free from filth and obstructions welcom ed death: itt joy 8 3A Ve paper sugeeste tat they wer Von " : 1g a 'tra o Dr. Agnew's Cure r c tn tlio. pase me aman a * ec ling room in the centre, and a | 'that might gather filth. The can- eroeee by reading of some wonderful pay a. "ven Wo 'tends from the ground to koh root's i: h's 9 /Stant washings and combings of } cures* wrough it. © 5 = ne ie a ed pegs hal cone, The storage capneity is stated Ih oO ; baby ants by the nurses would satis- n e ° "a om pe ely oy # ter ing week, ostensibly travelling for pleas- ;to be far greater than would be the ° y the most fastidious maternal ; four Dotiies 1 can ce Marearat Sanit! ; . better in' my life.""--Margaret Smith, ure, have uot been above suspicion. _leas in a building of the ordinary Consanption| jtaste.. One may not say that san- | Brussels, ate . 23 Conseque ntly, the turning back | type. The L jitation is an exact emmetonian Dr. Agnew's Pills, 40 doses 10c. of "tourists" who attempt to pene- i Cure Toni ung science, but it certainly is an art trate the military mysteries of Tsu- a * onic | thoroughly Practised in every de4> ww, pb 1 th hool. ahima in * ; when the first sign of a congh oe jpartment of the formicary, and eS joys,' ae a Ps na pes NOT TO BY WONDERED AT. EMPTY NOW. voi eT and es = ou |hrought to perfection as far os na- - mitd March, snoraing, J" on : os -- | . ' That one of the explorers so discov: | How One Woman Quit Medicine. ill be pr ong neeiilieatad it Ineect citizen takes pe ' ae i _ pose you are all ared for an ered had not taken a camera to} ANSON GsbheOn a ie ' ioe ly i ie "Yes. ir *? i : . --_-- Prices, 25¢., 50c., and $1.00. 31! ice te to k early spring ? C8, 'sir, sy the proscribed zone was distinetly in | rr rysee. ite inite to keep the smail bo wh . rar '4 n "i . b . y who was invariably his favor, for' the ermoa a use | While a coffee val my stamach 15--04 their civic precinets clean. blamed for everything, 'but T want of phot a eee roubied me for years' says a lady of | ___ -------- ke {to tell you I didn't put it on your offence, and the detection ot a photo. | CON abas, 0., "end i had to taka _ ' . He--Her complection is just like chair." Then the schoolmasier dis- xrapher within' the forbidden dis- /Mcdicine all the time. I had what AcCHOUSE DIVIDED, ane and cream, isn't it ? covered tho bent pin and the spring t } {I thought was the best stomach medi- . e--It is something like strawber- victe-- which include all military and | e I could get, had to keep getting Most persons have had the exper- bee it comes in Ox was postponed. yaval depots, barracks and fortifica- : cin ° & Ds jence of walking with a friend out of ----- tious--means severe punishment for the t thot ee ae aot tum wie step and trying to shift just at the offender. magne know Whatethe | moment when the th iend also makes Soldiers of fortune, who have trav. {couse of my trouble was, Just |the attempt. q is an instance elled in some instances half way 'dragged along from day to day suf) of twarted bateceay much fike that round the world, learn, to their dis- [TPS and taking medicine all the | which appears in a 6 ory. told by ust, that Japan as no nevd of Nae J. C. of an elderly couple. They were their services. In this case J About six months ago T quit tea | ehijdiecs, ond had never been united is the gaine Some of the a -tand cofiee and began drinking Postum (py the bond of other lives linked : 'Fand I have not had my prescription | with their own. So they were al- together sc of a third diane passare to Yokohama in the © belicf that their experience in South Ameri- | can revolutions would insure a Cap- tnin's commission at the very Seige. Japan doce not need soldiers of for- tune, and organizers of foreign le | gions need not apply. The study of Russia has been weli High universal in military circles. 'There bas been an extraordinary de- mand, likewise, Tor text books at various booksellers. Large classes of | students have been ormed at. the 'Tokio School- of Foreign Languages for the study of Russian. ato all of these students "anany of snment positions. few were them securing Gove , theix - when the they have formulated special on the subject), iluminanis, --- ed } , anyway.' LICITTS AND INSURANCE. sunshine maker. I find it helps one "Yes, and I suppose we'll have! Dr. Chase's "Nerve Food forms greatly for we do not have to think | .oiq goose and stewed goose for the |new, rich blood, creates new nerve Traycanee ee omy have --_. Up | of sekos and pains all the tine, and} next two weeks." "force and actuall wd new flesh winds that electric lighting.' oan use our minds for other things." " Jans and weight. W u have read wiring is well dono (cand! Name given by Postum Co., Battle ; 1 ite = rélapeod into thel?-uaual 'sl the letter quoted ee we believe rules | Creek, Taatadiis fornoon the wife asked,|that you will be satisfied that this ~is the sefest of alt | The one who has to bother with !"po you want a little quince in the is the +éiy treatment. you Statistics show the fol- lowing comparative risks: Fires in capped in tho race for fame and for- "Your goose, you mean. cue year from paraffin oil, 269; from | cones Postum is a wonderful re "No, It seemed so ab- us. 120: metchos used for gas, thir- nee There's n reason. surd to have two geese in the "house ty-five; candles, eights-cight; arc_elec- @ach paskagd for the fain- erie lighia, seven;. and: inean '@icciric lights, only one. | coffee aches and pains is badly handi- | Look in descent ous Httle book, {filled since, which is a great surprise | ways in a state of well-hred dis- Pale, Weak and J Languid Girls }to me for it proves that coffee was) agrecmen jthe cause < my trouble, ul-j| On the subject of meals they dis- | though I never suspected it fngreed thoroughly, and each usually j "When can bilaag ask me how I! sugested a dish for the Sunday feel since ve been taking Postum {dinner which the other did net ap- One Saturday the man ar a h a boy , about enone {I say, 'To toll the truth I don't feel fat all only that I get hungry and cat 'everything I want and lots of it and prove. home lit ind hurts ime, and I am happy jTow's dinner any more, Marie. I've i 1 efgot it." . 7 jan oa ; reli! and = contented a th "And eo tate 1, George. You! There are hosts of ga in ae sity t such a uld t get family to} Were so undeoided--"" ,city who are in ' tel lari 5 eae a while until . r "Undecided 2 I told you what 1) medicine as Dr. Chase's ie tometens i 1 and wanted monotonous work in * es jm get ted the Se ae Goifes 7 "Well, I mean you didn't decide as | stores or offices they have exhausted til I got it all Postum. Now the I did. So I bought a goose.' their nervous systems, and weet ro i) Ike it and' they nover Selch it a4 "Why, so have I. I told you I'd|{rom nervous, sick headaches, tik ff * . ; P ljike a goose." of appetite, energy and ambition, CA "Well, Row we are agreed for once,/and weaknesses and irregularities "We all know that Postum is a japple-sauce with your gouse that I sent mine to Aunt Jane. "Fhe Road to Well- U "Whet ! Tent mine to doe t'* ; scarcel; drag" herself pared Ciera dee gi oo aaa It is to = Best Interests to Know About the Ex. traordinary Restorative Powers of rs. E, ment strect, Toronto, states daughter was pale. weak, languid and sie nervous, » "Her appetite W poor and ie, . She about. were cou the co m- thor, are on every box- | %r. Chase's Nerve Food. pletely ounstruny. She could not sleep for more than half an hour at a time witheut starting up and ery- ing out in excitement, "As sho was growing weaker and we r I became alarmed, an taiy a .box of Dr. Chase's Nerve a decided improvement. Her appetite*became better, sho ined in weight, the color returned to her face, and she gradually became stfong and well. cannot say too much in favor of this wonderful treatmerit, since it has proven such a blessing to my daughter."" Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Company, raronke, To protect you against nage gg the portrait and signature of Dr. Chase, the famous. receipt Dook' au- 50 cents ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA.. TWENTY.SECOND pape ite STATEMEN The twenty-second annual mee Af Assurance Company of Hamilton is The President, Mr. David Dexter, ta an "paiare ae were submitt DIRECTORS' REPO iene a ried ane the honor to brosent es report and financial state company , which closed on the 81s and duly vouched for by the ayd itors. ee ae The new business of the year van ermataa f one thousand sas hundred anf fifty.seyen applications for insuran eregating $2,841,250, of = ning teen hundred and sixteen doplicktions ba $2,748,172.50 were accepted As in previops years, the Income of the company shows a gratifying crease, and the assets of the company have been increased tn eaSLetnan, and have now reached $1,893,960.70, excluaive of emai capital. The security for policy holders, inc cluding guarantee capuatal, -- the close of the year to $2,768,960.70, and the abilities for reserves and eee mae ge si 200, showing a surplus of $1,052,760.70. 'Brcluates 2, was reinsured in other companies. § cash dividends and dividends applied to the reduction of prem 770. 87, with annuities, the total payments to policy holders amounted to $204, 018.49 49. Careful attention has been given to the investment of the rompany® tunds, in first-class bonds, mortgage securities, and loans on the company® policies, amply secured by reserves. Our investmenes have yielded a very | 3atisfactory rate of intere: ; penses have -- confined to a reasonable limit, consistent with ¢ue efforts for new The resuits of the 3 year sac a most payee progress. Compared with the preceding year, the figures submitted by the directors for your ap proval show an advance of fiftecn pt cent. in assets, The assurances carried by the company now amount to $14.945,249.86, on which the company holds reserves to the full amount required by law, tn addition thereto, d considerable surplus, The fleld officers and agents of the company are intelligent and loyal, ant are entitled to much credit for their able representation of the company's in- terests. The members of.the office staff have also proved faithful iy the company's services. Your directors regret to report the death of Mr. T. H. Macpherson, the Second Vice-President of the company, and a valued member of the Execufiye Committee. The vacancy tins causei was filled by the election of the Rev. Dr. Potts. . DAVID DEXTER, President and Managing Director. AUDITORS' REPORT. Tothe i and Directors of the Federal Life Assurance Company Gent n,--We have carefully audited the books and records of your h and rey vouchers have been closely examined, and agree with the caitios recorded The debentures. yon etc., in the possession of the company have been "nspected, whilst those deposited with the Government or banks have been verified by certificate, the total agreeing with the amount as shown in the statement of assets. The accompanying statements, viz., revenue and assets and liabikittes, -- the result of the one "3 operations, and, also, the financial position ef ttre mpany. cae: submitted, H. EPHENS, CHARLES STIFF, Auditors. Hamilton, Ist March, Pena -- Statement for beer? Premium and annuity cern +- $427,931 77 sree tnt t amd rents 2... 22. ceceee eee coe coveervees 78,264 63 ; mene . -- ra) 574,306 40 Paid to policy Bolders ......0cseeseee weneeereees $204.01 All ether paguente ShcmERo cece wauste eveccesccnts LIBRIS SS Balahee. © 6.50096 ceciecscese code Fsce-coneangees 197,798 23 ee 574,188 40 Acscts, Dec, 31, 1903. oe res and bOUudS ...655 eee cee seers 54 Uotaewe sea VQaee S2sane, BHeeee's Lass seuees 639,481 93 Loans on policies, bonds, stocks, ete. sesa penkbucde 280, 538 58 All other assets ch RAONESSAMSRMANT eeAe Taba nee ente ARES Oe --------$ 1,893,008 7 Liabilities. Reserve fund . se ry EO ee eee "ASE SD 38 Claims awaiting amie ewewbes eveaneneeceeeeese 500 60 Other labilities = ousesbewsie 7 oteee jiuase bs ers' accoun Levene Hexites 3 ; warpins on oar ko $380 " ace e ney we cavebee SQaecces weneees ckieeswen. 70 Grecacion capital | cocekowe wae hee SC et eerencene 70,000 00 2.768 Total security .....-ee1 cee eeeee wntiwae uaitp "Goes Ceeeeteeee Policies were issued assuring .....- se vhaaee eee Co8 ee os Total Imsurance In fOTCR ...-eee sere teres etter tees teteeeees $ fe The foreroing rerorts and statement were received and adopted on metas of President David. Dexter, seconded by Vice-President Licrt. Kerns. The retiring directors were re-elected, and at a jrectors tbe following officers were re-elected: : and Managing Director; Lieut.Col. Kerns and Rev. 'Dr. Potts, FREE speeches, bunt music, &e-. ou scrote * SE0-00 ms Machines Lager es rpg oft David D aoe fend address, wo trust you 1} poet paid; we cleo pend sead othe ry ae Fal Piusawd} porns Gok! Fink ib ng . few a: Remember this Machine at eee i setets soa 7 wil forte did net ed iy tre} 6 EL & - £ PROPHECY WAS 'TIMELY. pamirable Food ot the There is an old story of a French Ss king's astrologer,' whe made iw false prediction concerning the issue of a certain battle ; F t quality and +o } "You are an execHent prophet, | snid the king, casting w vicious {glance at him: "now proy tell me | how many days wou think you will Hive 2 es oe ecoeminat { shell dic cael ya days Lefore > lye woonutiesty." ered the wily suipisedate ; see ' His majesty took good cure to WALKING keep him alive. CLEANING ourine ees su Freoch Provess. i WASHINGTON EXCURSIONS SN er MONTREAS, TORONTO, OTTAWA 4% QUEBEO Poultry, Butter, /- ERR@, >) Gee scans, Honey, sey ee cat ce "Apples, you good prices. "ari g Gam meee a by ALL KINDS 08 * FRUITS LACKAWARNA RAILROAD' MAROH 18,~ APRIL i5 | $10--FRON BUFFALO--Ste. pated le __ Philadelphia and Baltimore. Teoue No. 14-04. ae tee the year ending 3ist December last, and have certified to thair , * 4 een me *