Listowel Standard, 15 Apr 1904, p. 1

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WALTER BROS. Listowel's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Store. "A Store With a Reputation That Will Keep It." Best Values. Inviting Prices. O" assortment in the following lines never was tter, CARPETS } LACE CURTAINS | -+--$ 2to $12 Ladies Rain Proof Coats from...... Men's Rain Proof Coats from......-.-. 39 to $14 Ladies' Umbrellas sees 50c. to ie Men's Umbrellas from .......---- +» 74¢. to $3.50 DRESS GOODS All Styles and qualities. Irish and Scotch Table Domestic and Foreign Silk, Velvet, Velveteen, Linens, Napkins to match. MEN'S AND. BOYS' Suits, odd Pants and Vests. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. 1200 yds. 12§c. Prints. Sale price 9c. 2 pieces of 27 in. Carpet in green and brown, reg 65c. for 35c. per yd. 5 pair Lace Curtains for $1.19 7 bars Comfort Soap for 25c. Can you afford to miss this opportunity ? | . : | 1 | We pay highest prices for Butter and Eggs. WA. LEER: SIGN OF THE ELEPHANT. ee ee ee re er Serle ee Sen " pa (+) ] i LISTOWEL METHODIST CE J. 4H. Ouran, Peto, > lan APRIL 1, im. f° ll a. m,--Serm _ Sukj ect --"Bigas of the Times," Anthem, '*Christlan The Morn," Duet, "Bevioar Lead Us. 's 7p 1a.--Serm * Sub --*An ladesttlons Young ray Anthem,"Turn Thy Pace From My " Trio, Dra. McDowell and Mr. Grierson. You will be welcomed by cokers ushers, CHRIST CHURCH. Rev. C. H. Buckland, Reoter. SUNDAY, APRIL 17, Lo. ~ § a. m.--Holy Commanion. in) As m--Motning Prayer, and Se aca speaig t--"Raising of Laza County of Perth. Orders for sales can be left ot A.J. Vandrick's store, Wallace St., Listowel ' SPEectAL Sane at Guother"s of the best er. Watch, come now and fee it. at Ganther's, and get a book of information free. NEW BUSINESS SIDE LINE... . Just to introduce my new side line of MEN'S FURNISHINGS, Hats and Caps to the public, I will give the following bar- gains: Men's fancy laundried Shirts in all the up-to-date patterns, Cuffs detached, at 50c. each. Best Linen Collars, any size, any shape, 2 for 25c. Large Cotton Hkfs. 5c. each, 6 for 25c. $3 Hats for $2, a a for $1.50, $1.50 Hats fo Y aopenders, S c. at same reduced prices of Also sepa cof geeilee and Gents Bring your repens js "BALLARI », The Hatter and Shoe 'én ROBERT THOMPSON § People's Cash Store. Thousands of Housekeepers are now Prepairing for Spring. We now extend a special invitation to all our Customers to inspect our full range of Curtains, Carpets and Linolums. Our selection is such in these lines that no good housekeeper can afford to miss examining. dhehedde bint aeor New Lace Curtains This is a grand op- portunity to pur- chase Lace Curtains in handsome designs and excellent quality VWOGSHSHE 3HO0G00S089000809 New Garpets, Art Squares ee and Rugs. | Vasu This departmeat is complete in Brussels, Tapestries, Wools and Unions. " Linoleums and Oilcloths all widths from 1 to 4 yards. ROBERT THOMPSON Bign of the Lion. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. ie Model Merchant Tailors. LISTOWEL CLOTH HALL S=------ CAREFULNESS [S OUR STUDY. Our constant aim is to see that you are pleased. If somebody is going to inake you a Suit WE WANT TO DO THE MAKING. That's the whole story in a small space. We give you the best work that skilled work- men can give and offer you a choice of fabric and a range of prices that will meet your every want. To-day would be A GOOD TIME TO LOOK. MacKenzie Bros. ipa --Cho vensong apd 1 Sermo mon ' Su ubjent ~The Bible and where to read It Fr Vandrick, licensed auctioneer for" }*Wingham in the afternoon, Stratford spent his parents, The choir of hee decided ©haorch on tha : Particulars late' Methodist Oburch Ps Oodcertin the Bg of May 24th. Mr. D. D, E of Mr. A. Foereb, left iy for Grand Rapids, where "Secured a good position in a factory. Another weelgpmeWintry weather. his completes Jmeeronths of winter, Anyone who is' Piistied io let i. go at that sboald m 2 aor Green- land. ; Cali at. Peuleins; ; A ito it office, and inspeot his nifty Lid pring Shirts. Mrs A. BW | reeejve on ednesday pd arening, April 20tb,<at Bow er Bay and Division PF; aleo the same Wednerday of following, neipal of the retus fed bh @ good attend- The new Methodist Charch at Har- riston will be formally opcned on Sun- day next, 17th inst. D, A. Moir, President of the Copferenee, will preach in the morning, Rey. G. B. Gandy vf and Kev. Dr. Williamson of Burlington in the evening. Christie's English Hats in the latest American shapes at Jenking, next tu post- office, The Standard was in error in its notice last week of the death of Alexa Mitchell, dangbter of Mr. and Mra. Jas. Mitchell of the Mitchei! road, in reapect to the oame of the mivister whu eondncted the funeral. The services were conducted by Rev. J. H. Oliver, pastor of the Methodist Church, family being members of bis chureb Mr. Will. Greve, who has beeu ar- sistant operator at the G. T. BR. statiou bere for some time, left on Monday for tbe Northwest, where be bas secored & position on the His sister, Miss Mary Greve, also left this week for the Northwest, baving gone to keep bouse for ber brother Peter, who has taken up land in the vieimty of Moose Jaw, Mr A.W. Featherstone, who bas been selected on the team of Canadiau Baw- lere who purpose visiting the old eonntry this summer, has this week reoerved from the Secretary of the u- tario Bowling Association full inatrno- tions relative to the 'rip, which promises to afford a splendid onting. Mr. F. is making the necessary prepar- ations. Mr. George Melrose of Britton, who tmtends conducting the well-drilling buriness on his own acéount this sex- eon, has receutly ered op drilling out. fit brdrehoay o Seetasep fed erd pot in condition to do clase work. _ Geor- ble upd a 0. > faa d be heeded, 5 " = will attend tomers' whose the publio ee se F m Mr. Taea, ° bay are ssid to 'bunstrof beef cattle as tees been fed in this district. It is Mr. Lesliv'e in- tention to have them photographed be- fore shipping. Ata meéting of the vestry of Christ Chorsh, helu on Monday evening, to elect # Warden in the place of Mr. R. CO. Bamford, who declined to sct, Mr. 4. B. Horp was elected, Rev. O. H. Baogklind, rector, asked for three mopths leeve of absence during the of his to be beld shortly. As ea Soop Snow. --Patten and Perry's o. drew o Sig house op Fri- 'aight last at "MeDonala's music aod their Irish faree-comedy, 'ferry from Kerry," es well as the ac- robatic and other apedialties introduc- ed, furnished au enjoysble diversion after the bard winter and consequent limited number -of attractions from outeide. The compapy hasa fine band, whieb is in itself a good drawing card. ' Scancity oF Frep.-- Several of the tooms Mm the Publio School bave been compelled to close this week owing to there being no wood for the furnaces, A car load has been expected for some days, but bas not yet arrived. The dealera have been out of wood for some time, and have abont ran oct of coal. The roads are in ench & condition that no wood is being brought in by tbe farmers, and many families in town are suffering for want of foel. Warm weather cannot come too soon. Pestic Meetina ge Waren: works Br-taw,--A public mecting will beld {n the town ball on Tuesday even- ing pert, 19th fost, at 8 o'eluck, for the purpore of discuesing the By-law which is being submitted to the pro- perty owners to rame on additional $10,000 to complete the water-works. As there appears to be considerable difference of opinion on the queetion of the extra .ezpenditure called for, the ratepayers auld make it a point to be present sod bear the discussion and explanations which will likely take pisos at 53 m ig- -Tanter.--A marble tab- cE} it Mr, Robert. : of the sept "ol Obrist horech. dedication took place on Sunday morn- ing lest, Mr. A J. Collins, one of the executors, reading the document pre- senting iton behalf of the children of the deceased. Rev. Mr. Buckland, rector, accepted it on behalf of the Uburech corporation. The tablet, which is about three feet eqnare, is of white marble, oroate in design, with inscriptions in biack lettering. It is a worthy memorial of two members of the congregation who had for eo many years been identified with ita progress, and also adds to the in.pressiveness of the sanctuary. Rev. Cram Axpensox, Lare oF Kisosvitne, Muiseixc,--The London Free Prees of Monday says: Extreme aoxiety is felt by she friends of the Rev. Cyril Andersou, recently of Kingsville, as to bis welfare. Mr. Anderson resi;ped his parish in Jan- usury intending to take a two months' holiday before he socepted another charge. fle went to New York and from there intended taking o trip to the West Indies. Some time having elapsed from the date of bis intended ssiling, bis family, pot bearing from him, became very much alarmed. From icquiries it was learned that he had never sailed, aod the gravest fears are entertained that he is not alive. The matter has been placed in the heuds of a detective. Wepprp at Hanover, --The Hanover Post of last week contained tbe follow- ing, which will be of interest to the friends of the groom in town: 'The closing of the Lenten season was brightened this week by the quiet but bappy marriage of Miss Carrie Seip, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seip, and Mr. John Becker, a young mao of tia town. The ceremony wee per- formed at the residence of ev. E Twritme yer, who at 8 u'ciock on Tuveday evening. As intimated the whole affair was carried out with as die is both patible : and those who entrust oo with their work oan depend upou getting a good job done and that will be every way satisfactory. Nomprarton "oF VouncILLon. --The ominatien of: a candidate or candi. ing taken hie sea Tuesday next, 19th inst., at 12 o'clock, noon, io the town ' plete the waterstpr Wapsina. --fown Oonstable Kay desires us to warn the parties who ore. shoo little t ible. The estimable bride was assisted through the ordeal by Miss Freda Becker aud her sister, Miss Edith, while Mesare. Harry Seip and Henry Dietrich supported the groom. The young Sevuple will reaide in Waterloo, where the groom bas obtained @ ettuation. Mr. and Mre. Beoker took the early _ yesterday for their fatore home. ack,' as the bridegroom ia familiary tial conducted his little affair pretty much on the quiet, end mauy of his friends bere were unaware that he had entered into the state of con- pabia! bliss until be and bis bride were faraway. However, they all for- gire him for his reticence, and wish and Mre Becker a long and pros- erous life." THE QUESTION OF BALDNES6. This is a vital questian with bun- king of Wi b visit of Prof. Dorenwend of Toronto to wi , April ' renders it ble for any wha wish to ---- m to do se at his sida apart. its retained at ¢t this ratian Its formal ess of his Wigs and wes natoral- upees, Do not rtunit, R b / ~- Ss St. Ge. given to show the BE Was "UNCO DIVERTIT." Desta or Mus. Aszix.--On Saturday morning, April 9th, Mrs, Askin, wife of Jobn Askin, Wuseed away at her home ono Bismarek street, in her seventy-first year, She bad been in poor health for some time, her trouble being cancer of the fo the past five or six weeks she bad bebn copfined to her bed. Thu deceased had been a resident of Listowel for sixteen yeares) She was a Canadian by birtb, having beet born in the townsbip of King, near Torento, and was a dangh. | ter of the late Robert Armsirong of Glenall he removed to Pee! town- sixty yeara ago. The, de- | ceased Margaret a enna "mar- to Mr Joho of . when they retired from . the farm and removed to town Of a family of seven ebildren, four sarvive, namely, Isaac and James, on farme io Mornington, and ing | bie and | Semnel in town. Roby obn and Margaret (Mre. David riceee tome years ago. Mre. Askin wasn member of the Presbyterian Church, and was much respected by all who koew her The fnoeral took place on Tuesday atternoon to Fairview Cemetery, mong those in attendance being a onm- ber of deceased's old friends and ceigh- bore from Mornington. Rev. J. 8 Hardie of Knox Charch conducted the funeral service. C. PR. ro Listowe..--A meeting of the Counel of the Board of Trade was held oo Friday evening Inst, to conan omimiani cation tram the Seeretary of the Ceeiph enc losing ry fei uf th Deminien tivern = ide ting or, but the Council io ita wiadom had de. ferred aigoing tt, and it Was handled over to the Hoard of Trade, The latter body, after discussing the matter, passed a resolution authorizing its Prem ident and Seeretary to Me). Fleming piven of the Listowel Furniture Co., Mr. V Thornton, Man- ager of the Morris Piano ( Ch,, and Menara, J. W, Scott, J W a | (un- ther and others wenn « were ee ally in favor of Sing ail that could be done od Asi O P BR connection for J. C. Hay, J pat Renn Bi. fchhels alan, toai =i the town's trad his notion was fully met by the other gentlemen present, w rae that it won! with the Company to se generally shared in by the citizens tition has been signed by the President anil Secretary of the Board of Trade, alao by the Mayor and Clerk, and forwarded to Ottawa, The Hillto grant a charter for the proposed branch line bas had its second reading to the House, and is now before the Railway Committee. NOTES ON BIRD MIGRATION FOR 1904. New Year's opened on acold and stormy period, which, with but little intermission lasted auti! tbe latter part of March, so that the early winter of 1004 will long be remembered as the moet terrible of the present generation. Asong of the consequences, bird life manifested but little evidences of ex- intepce during this period, Even thore hardy species that remain with a3 all the year round were bat few in nom- ber, and those seldom seen ; and though sume of the rarer northern visitors, in- cloding the Pine Grosheak, mude an early appearance, y heir numbers were few, and their stay was uot pro- longed, The Snow-flakes were the only species whose numbers were a- bundant. The appearances of the Croes-billa were few ; as were those of the Red-polls ; and on a few occasions specimens of the little Sereech Owl were noted as visitanta to some of the neighboring barns. In the early days of March a large black and white col- ored bird, aunpposed to have been an American Magpie, was observed crows- ing the bonndary west of Listowel, bat its identity was oot fully certified. True to ite family inetincts aod snoaal customs, a brave little Horned Lark made its appearance bere on the sti of February ; bat none were again served till the 19th of that mootb, end the species did not become common till the Bret of Marcb. Op the 2od uf arch the frst Crow was noted, and doring that week these became abund. ant. Ou the 22nd of March two Robios were noted, and op the same date s pair of Herring Gulls were seen flying north. On the 23rd more Robins came, aud with them s nomber of Bine Birds, Red-wing Black Birds, Bronzed Gruok- les, and Kill-deer Plover, On the 25th two Song Sparrows were noted, aud oo the 27th a Tanoo; and on the 28th ail the above mentioned birds were com- mon, and a single White-rump Bateb er bird was seep. On the 30th veveral Meadow Larke were heard, and a pair of Cow-birds seen and single specimens of the Great Bloe Heron and March Hawk were observed. On the 4th of April a Phoebe Fly-catoher was noted ; and on the 6th a beantifal male Che. wink was seen. On the 9th, Tree, Savanna, and Vesper Sparrowe were voted, as was also a Golden-crowned Kieglet, anda flock of ae 4 again. April 12th, 1904. The Census Burean estimates the seagreiy ofthe United States, exelnd- ng Alaska and the insolar possessions, fy 79,900, 880 | auld Scots Pand collecting bills. = * hummie-rammle o' an auld sea-dowg id comman' o' an Atlantic steamer f 'gars the rosetty strings 1 saw wheen o' - the auld buddies greetin' quately noo ao' than." the Company are: Murdock, the Seat tish _" Paganini," the world-renowned Scot tish violitist, w has caused «as of York, ete, we Mr. George Neil, the great Sast- sh Tenor, whose si singing of takes the listemer Mr away back te the old Country. . New uw deseribed by the h Scotsman ag the wa real tenor in Scotland to-day, He has sung be-~ fore Royalty om many oscasious, . Harry Muaroe, Humorist and A. Lawrence dock, Solo Piauist, The Canadian Press says of A. L. Murdock: "No finer pianist has visited t parts be iy a The Hoyal Seots ap in 6the Musie Hall, Listowel, on Saturday night this week THE CASH SYSTEM. The towa butchers, bakers and milk- meno have decided to put the casb sys- tem in force, sod on and after May 2od will sell for cash wod cush only, The providers of the necessaries of life have been foreed to adopt thie method of doing business owing to the large amouut of luases which they sostmio through giving credit. 'bey have notified their costomers by circular to this effect, and have also prepared the following for publication : We believe that a strictly tem isthe only fair and eco y method of doing businews, aud ar re vivced thet it is better for both bayet " --_ eeller, for the folluwig reasone, he business man saves the whole vimees of keeping books, rae | oat nae 20. tom, om bed aeconnte. basis, we are safe in saying that any business man can afford to sell his qoute st at least 20 per cent. cheaper for cash than for credit and make as moch movey at the end of the year's trade. ~ 5 The onstomer not only gets the advautage of this saving, but, paying forthe goods on receipt of same, he knows that he gets exactly what he pays fur, avoiding any risks 'am errors io chargiug goode or creditin money paid op account. Ou the credit system there are and always will be a proportion who fail to pay their accounts, No man can con- tinue doing business at a» loss, and the only way he can possibly make up this loss 1s by charging bis good-paying customers more fur their goods thao be woold if o0 bad debts were incar- red. Under the cash system there is no need for the additional charge, and the customer gets the benefit. Fur these reasons we are sore that it will be greatly to the motoaal advant- age of both buyer and seller to trads for cash, or its equivalent, only. PROVINCIAL ELECTION IN MAY OR JUNE. Toronto Eveuing Paper Sticks to its Story. Toronto, April 12.-- Tne News this evening, following op ite anuounes- ment of the of the Legislature, saye : The anoonocement of the approach- ing dissolution of the Legislatare bas created wide and deep interest in the communily. It bas been manifest for sume time that the Goverpment could not go on, and the question was wheth- er or not it wonld face the election courts wud the bye-elections, or ask the Lient.-Goveroor ty consent to an excep- tional dyesolation of the Legislatare and goto the country. This is the policy i The elec- VP 6 hops, Liberal victories are most likely. is apparent that Mr. Boss has been pre- paring fur an election for some time. CARTHAGE Miss Etta Kerr left last week on a visit to friends in Toronto. Mr 4. Boyd of Listewel visited a day or two last week io our gs School re-opened Monday after the Eager holidays, with a fwir attendance. Mr, Jas, Merrion is havi f the late Mra John Askin in Listowel on Tuceday. Japan bag ordered' two inzmemss bat- tleebips to be built in England. Mr. J. Cornwall of Amherstbarg acci- illed his thirteen- devtally shot and year- old son while duck hunting. Public Scheol Board of Stur- geou Falls years for funda to carry on pron aaihra against the Sehool Act reoently Sansed by the Leg- islature. The

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