Listowel Standard, 15 Apr 1904, p. 4

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HEADQUARTERS --FOR-- WALL - PAPER. Call and let us show you our numerous designs in Wall Paper. We are convinced we ca. suit you. , 'SEEDS. We handle only the choic- est Seeds, so that when you buy here you are sure of get- ting the best. 'J. A. HACKING, DRUGGIST - AND - BOOKSELLER Issuer of Marriage Licenses and Railway Tickets, ListowelStandard FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. WHERE DOES CANADA COME IN ? Under the terms in the new Grand Trnnk Pacifico contract the Oanadian Government becomes responsible for an expenditnre of $150,000,000 and the Grand Tronk assumes obligations to the extent of $14,500,000. The Grand Truvk, in consideration of this infin- itesimal financial responsibility, secur 1,870 miles of railway from Moncton to Winnipeg for nothing for Ofty years, 1,500 wiles of railway from Winvipeg to the Pacific for all time, and $25,000 000 worth of G. T. P. common stock. The country gete vothiug until the expiry of the Grand Trunk's lease of the Eastern section from Moncton to Winnipeg, when it will take over the main line and such unprofitable branches as the Grand Trook may elect to part with. Is there any reason' why Canada, having assumed respousibility for 3150,000,000, should not alvo take over the obligation for the $14,500,000 which is to be guaran- teed by the Grand Trunk, and con- struct and own the entire line for all time from Moncton to the Pacific coast ? If Canada can afford to ex- pend $150,000,000 on this vast project aud receive nuthing in returo for her outlay, eurely she can better herself materially by increasing her expendi- tore one-tenth aud retain for the bene- tit of those living at present and in fn- ture along the proposed route, a rail- way of magnificent possibilities. Why hand this line over to i private com pany when uf made to effect a reduction in ra charges which will meav millions y dollars in the pockets of the settlere be! all parte of the country ? Why not am Canada to burden herself a little alls me hed reap the benefits of the $25, - 000,000 worth of common stock which Sir Wilfrid Laurier allows the Grand Truvk Pacitic promotere to pocket and op which dividends mast be paid by the people for all time tocome ? The Conservative party has placed itself on reoord in favor of Canada getting some- thing out of this deal ; the Liberals stand for the exclusion ofthe people and the inclusion of Mr. Hays and his associates ip aD arrangement which - will make many vew millionaires. Cuo- ada bas all to lose and nething to gaio by banding over ber birtbrigbt to the keeping of men who are only looking to the development of their own pockets, Toronto Election Crooks Sen- tenced. D. RK. O..6 Get Two Years and Poll Clerks One Year Each. Toronto, April 9.--Judge Wicches- ter this morning iv the session sentenc- ed the election officere fouud guilty of conspiracy at the last civic elections The deputy returning officers got two years less cne day and the poll clerks one year io the Central Prisov. His Honor refused the reserve case avked on bebalf of the Graye. The men sen- tenced are :--D. R. O.'¢ Sam Thomp- sop, Frank A. Gray (droggiet) and A. Cabovun (painter). Poll Clerke Lt. Col. Jobo Gray and Thos. Kerr, a student. Judge Wiuchester, before pronouncing sentence, said to the prisoners :--"It is notthe first time you have committed thie offence, bunt it is the first time you have been convicted. You recog- nized that u had done wrong the firet time, but still you continued to carry on the crime, If the men in whom the public have confided to carry on the elections of this cunutry go wroug, then the people will hyve no confidence in the election of proper men, avd anarchy would soon follow, You were well advised by your coun- eel when you pleaded guilty, but this crime must be stopped." On bebalf of the condemued officinle an appeal will be made to the Minister of Justice, The Germs of Catarrh Not only attack the passages of the head andsthroat, but Seo the lungs anid "T consider Catarrhozone has no eure for catarrl and lung trouble' das, E. Wetherel! of Brighten, "It cured _me after many goud doctors failed tu even 'relieve my trouble."" Catarrhezone can't fail to cure--it's guaranteed. Two months treatment $1 00; trial size 25e. Eastern Ontario bas again shown that itis a good place in which to live me and die old. The deaths are an- eed of Mre. Donald Macdonell, a Gieaearia, 107, and of Mr. Kenneth Beciiireay, of Moose Creek, aged 0 Not the Glightest Danger In using Dr, Hamilton's Pilis of Mandrak Price 2c. Highly recom they cause Phe pains. Fi aod certain cure © Rat oaly De att Is, COLLISION ON ON THE G, T.R. Two Freights Cr: Crash Together Near ir Guelph. Fireman al Brakeman Instantly. led and Two Others ial -- Many - Cars Wrec! brakeman Treman were two others seriously injured, = 3 ro engines and twelve cars' are a com- plate wreok. The east-bonnd was in charge of Conductor G. Allan of Sarnia, and was travelling slow because of the high grade at the time of the smash. The weet-bound, which wos in charge of Vanasickle, of Toronto, was running at fifty milesanbour. Engine no 715, of the east-bound, was almost telescop- ed, while two cars of that train were wrecked. Engine no 713 of the weat- me was wrecked, together with ten oF Snowden, of Stratford, fireman, and H;-Hall of Toronto, brakesmanv, of the west-bound, were instantly kill- ed, and Engineer H. Patten, of BStrat- ford, who was in charge of the engine onthe west-bound, and E, Haysdin, of Dia, reman on the enst- -bound, seriously injured. athe scene of the catastrope is ip Trainer's Cat, an unpleasant location. The auxiliaries from Steatford and Tor- onto were called to clear the debris, and traffic will again be opened about five o'clock this evening. FURTHER DETAILS. Another despatch from Guelph says; "Should have passed at Guelph." Buch in brief is the epitome of a wreck that took place east of Guelph early thia morning, in which two men were killed,two othere injured, and twelve ears wrecked to kindling wood. The names of the killed, as far as can b learned, are:--Brakeman Hall of Tor- onto, and freman Snowden, of Strat- ford. They are still lying buried be- neath the debria the westward- bound epgine. The cost of one map sseen. It covers a body badly mang- led. The bruised head of the other protrodes from out of the mase of twieted iron and wreckage. Two wrecking crews are at work. Oue is from Stratford, the other from Toro- nto. The collision has tied up the Grand Tronk between Georgetown and Guelph. It took place abont 2 o'clock this morning. Both freighte were long ones, and both engives were o e large type,- The west-bound freight feft Toronto for London, and it is 4 uoderstood was ander orders to cross the east-bound at Guelph. The ecene of the collision is in a ont where the hills rise high on either side. As the freighte approached the en- gineer of the'enst-bound train noticed the glare of the headlight of the weat- bound In an instant the shrill warn- ing whistle sounded out. The brake was set. Theo the crew jum They were not badly hart. Their pames are ation, of Stratford, in- jered on head and Iveg; J 8. Hayalin, fireman, head cot an:] knee injured. Both men are at the General Hospital bere. Hayslin'shome is in Cumber- land, England, aud be bas been in the employ of the Graod Traok Railway but a short time. Ningara Power. Stratford, April "7, --Stratford's 'a City Council bas pasard a by-law sathoriz ing the siguing of an agreement whereby Toronto, London, Brantford Stratford, Berlin, logersoll and Wood- stock, raise $15,000 for investigating the cost of transmitting Niagara power to theese municipalities, These cities pay on the basis of assessment, BStrat- ford's share being only $342 at the most. If Your Children Are Run Down They are Liable to Get Fever or Pneumonia. Keep Your Little Ones Strong and Healthy with Ferrozone. Purenta can't afford to pe,lect the health of their children, for if disease fastens itself on the child of tender years it may be the beginning of a long train of eerious sickness. Ferrozone is a remedy that mothers can rely un, and every child will be benefitted by using it. Mre. Henrietta Laflame of Quebec, writes :"Last year my daugh- ter, aged sixteen, was run down and looked very poorly. She was worrying about ber exams, and she didn't feel -- strong enough to CHILDREN study very bard. | I got some Ferro- GROW STRONG ON | Hine aud i made FERROZONE. a wondertn| | | shange in Marie. Ferrozone gave her strength and toned her op splendidly. Iam very grateful to Ferrozone and koow that children would be mach etrouger if treated with Ferrozone." Mrs. James E. Devine of Frackford, says Ferrozone bas no equal for strengthening children, and writes : "When my. little daughter was weak aod miverable I gave her one Ferro- sone tablet at meals, She improved at week gained in weight, aod enjoyed a splendid appetite. I never used any tonic that gave such Sing and perman- ent resulte as Ferrozo} Every child can be cade strong by Ferrozone which acts.on the blood and strepgthens the entire system. Ferro- zone is the sort of tonic that builds up strong healtby frames ; it gives adbild enersy and spirit, and drives away weakness. Every mother sbould give her ebildren ne, apd give up all obselete | a like bitters and cod liver oil, w on 8 child's biota Just one Ferrozone tablet at' meale, nt a take. Results are sure when you Refuse any substitute per a a A 'Township hall, vegans on Saturday, April 9th, 1904, all th -| meeting were read and udop motion of Messrs, Scott and Philp, the following accounts were Guel bh, April 9.-- A head- li $8 ; Fred. Wilson, statute labor ge ite on the Grand or se ed in os roll and sinoe per- MARYBOROUGH, -- Maryborough 'Conncil bers present. The minutes of bat David Peacock, insurance on town hall, , $2; Mrs. McDonald, Morn- radi award J: -- Drain, as) tile, go ; ;D medicin Hannah Wray, $20; John F, Philp, for necessary repairs in his division, $25. The Reeve and Treasurer were empowered to borrow $1.000, in advance of assessment, By-laws were passed to regulate the performance of statute labor, under the assessment of 1904, and also to appoint undkeepers, fenceviewera and pathmasters, as stat- Ponndkeepera--Paul Hammer, Sim- eon Riddolls, Wm. Cologubheun, Joho Ouovingham, Jas. Collison, J, M. Ki ly, Wm. L. Smith John MoCrear Fenceviewers--James Forrest, Ayles: worth Long, Frederiok Wilford, Alex M. Fowler, Arthor J. Perkins, Wm. Wilson, Joel M. Kiteley, Robert Ham- ilton. Pathmasters -- Jobn G Fanikoper, ichael Scott, Andrew Cummings, Joshua Lytle, Joseph Lioneman, And. Querin, W 8G Moore, La Marcban! Long, Wm. O'Grady, John Brown, M. Linseman, Joho Seigner,Chae. Neilson, Albert E. Jones, Frederick Neuart, Samuel Ellison, Alfred Blough, John Love, Sr., Jas. Jordan, Henry W Scheider, John. N Richmond, Samuel Ellison, George E Love, John Snelling, John Rolls, James Forreet, Thomas Kiocade, Mareball ue John Taylor, James Dezell, lard, Robert tberry, Wm, Baiada', Sexioel Colt- er, Daniel Capling, John Rheim, Sam Dixon, Wm. Campbell, Jobn A, Ellis, John Kopas, Edwin Oapling, John Cunningham, Wm. Anderson, doho Cadwell, Thos. Hammond, Geo. Mc- Connell, Wesley Ballard, James Crozier, Dauiel Foreman, Walter Tighe, Jobn Wilson, James Donglass, Jesse Jack, Gue Kregar, Wm Wilson, Thos. White, Joho minis te earl Perkin, Wm. J. Stinson, Chas. Augar, R N Joboson, Aaron Gammerson, F J Short, Wm. H Waite, Ualvin Scarr, Eneas Johnston, Edward Mitchell, Joho Minthoro, Wm. Rennie, Geo. Wilson, Geo. Sieeman, Peter Corrigal, John Noble, Robert Swarbrick, James McKay, Isaac Mo- Iewac, Doncan MeTavieh, Jacob Cor- bitt, Jobu Arbookle, Aaron Walter, Joreph McDonald, Frank Page, Robert Philp, James Malcolmson, Geo, Fal- coner, Alfred E, Burt, Robt. Lawless Ww. H. Woods, Thos, Wooddisse, Jar. E. Oxby, Richard Philp, Sam. Noble Jr. Robert Rennie, Geo. Hicks, Daniel Corbitt, Jobo Weods, Samuel Benson, Wm Walker, Wm. Elliott, Wm, Fair, James Mitchell, Wm, L. Smith, Jacob Cole, Geo. Smith, Wm. Thompson, Flias Cressman, Jobn Marks,. James A. Robert Commings, Robert Jas. Fotheringham, Delmage, Hogh J Kirkpatrick, Workman, Joho Noecker, James Farrow, Jobu Arnold. Couuneil adjourned to meet asa Court of Revision aud for general business at teu o'clock in tha forenoop, on Sator- day 28th May, 1904, of which "all per- sons interested will please take notice, pwanp Dynes, Olerk. ATWOOD, The dog poisoner seems to be getting io his work agaiu, or shall we be cbarit- able and believe that such things are entirely accidental, Some little time ago J. A. Kinmp losta valuable do by poisoving, and now Joho Skoders' splendid deer bound, familiarly knowu as Jombo, is the last victim. He was found lying stiff aod stark on Sunday Jombo was a barmless, inuffensive dog, bat a splendid deer huoter.and his mas- ter feels bie death very keenly, eince he had proved his worth while huuting op in Muskoka. The community was deeply shocked when word was received by telegram ou Saturday eve by Jas, Dovaldson in- forming him of the death of Miss Lot- tic Harrie, The telegram, which was addressed to Jas. Donaldsun, sr., was handed to Jas, Donaldson, jr., who wan in the village. He, thioking it wae for 'himself, opened it. It is needless to say that Jim was almost stooped, and then the ead duty of breaking the news to his parents devolved upon him. The news was terrible io its suddenness as nove of the family had the slightest inkling of ber illness. A letter was re- ceived a number of days previous ad- dressed to Mies Mand Harrie, but as Maud was visiting st Samuel Love's, the letter was not opened. It was from ber sieter, Mra. Draper,of Brandon,and atuted that she bad received a letter from her step-mother, Mre. C .E, Har- ris, of Carlyle, Asas, stating that Lottie was confined to bed with iuflammation of the bowels. No more word was re- ceived owing to the snow blockade in the West, Lottie was the youngest daughter of CE. Harres, who 1s at pres- ent living iu Oarlyle, Aesa. Her mother ied when Lottie was quite young, and the family was given in charge of their. graodpareota, Mr. and Mra. Jas. Doo- aldsou, ar., of Atwood, who proved most devoted guardiaue and did all io their power to advance the interests of e children. Lottie was for years an exceedingly bright pupil of the Atwood public school. Some time ego she went to Brandon, Map., to reside with ber father. Here she was a soceessfal pu- pil of the bigh echool. She ultimately accepted a position as book-keeper for a firm iv the thriving town of Carlyle. Here she became a geveral favorite and her sudden death cast a gloom over the entire community. At the time of her death she was twenty years of age.-Bere. Young Ladies Read This. If you are bothered with pim ly blotches ion Ferrozone. plete of hi insisfon having Ferrozove- which alone serge their youthful a mr can bnild up and'cure quickly. Price why mot you . at 50c. per box or six boxes for oF 0.504 at | draggista. = hci gy mail, from - a : son t., of 1+) 5 ord, Oonn., U.8. A nae olen Martin Jenman ed while trying to board « moving train. ; ' Petar) : Aprii 16 + 3 'meas pe or ee 25 ea ae 0 ' a A By-Law i to mae the! ality of the Town of orks tn and for seid pm Fe such property. and pri as t be within hin ite Unt a peng og sm advisable an agra Listowel er i such. Law No. 'of the Town of w. £ Water Works as is mare olearly and fully shown by the Estimates in that regard which appear aa Sehedole "A" to this By-law, AND WHEREAS necessary for the said Munielpetice to borrow the power a gee sum of required as 4 he Ae tended that ite suid sunk of $10,000.00 being the amount of the debt intend- oe irty years per annum payable in each of the said E thirey years, shall in the aggregate equal the . ate amount payable for principal and in- terest in each of the other years of the aaid borg d year peri AND WHEREAS the ---- Municpaity to meet said annual my ments of prinaipal and interest 1s th sum of $578.30 being for principal sed for interest in pach of said yeare the amounts respectively set forth op- posite each year in Sechledul borelo marked "BH", whole rateable property of the said Municipality according to the law 3 < AND WHEREAS the amount ot the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality (exclusive of local im- provement debts Acts, rates o tear for principal or there i8 to the credit of the sinking fund to pay the same the sum ol $14,877.23. Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation of the 'flown of Listow- Other Acts them tbereunto enabling. And it is hereby enacted: t shall be lawful for this Municipality to complete the con- atruotion of and to maintain and car- sr on Nid ward Bil 3! said plaid "$10,000. 0 a os "hetein provided end" end tor nents purposes v * it shall be lawful for tins Mun- icipality Lo borrow upon its deben- tures which it is bereby authorized to issue Lherefor the said (addition- a!) sum of $10,UU0,00 er.such portion thereol may bu found sufficient for the said purpeses Piaget aod here- in authorized; and the s sa bor- of this bear stecest er annum on the un- a portion thereof payable yearly. There shall be paid yearly, upon 'aia loan during said thirty yoar period, commencing at the expira- tion of one year from the final pass umount in the third celumn thereof, Sel Opposite to suid year on account of Folger: ani the amount set up- posite to said ywar in the fourth ool- umn of said Schedule for Interest ; asad for any less sum thap eore.s0 being the total amount so pay. yearly 4, For the purpose of paying off the said debentures ay il said loan is sooner roa off upoo all tha rateable proper un- iapality the amount cineipal and the amount of interest payable in sach year as set Out in said "Sohed- ule "B" whien shall be levied by spe- cial rate, 5, All debentures sink pa to raises s2zid loan shall be issued f by the pality when and Listowel; the Mayor and Treasurer | sign cach such ture and the Clerk shall affix thereto the Cor- porate Seal, 6. This By-law op take yr ol on the day of the fina 4g tbh namely the second Ma 1908. 7. The votes of the duly K -yproras Electors of the said Town o el shall be taken on this Reve in the several Wards of this Munioi HE ity TUESDAY, BH DAY OF APRIL, A. UD, 1904, bet the hours oine o'slook in the furenoon an five o'clook in the afternoon during which wh name is- mentioned each suoh polling place ahall Deputy Returniag Officer therefor. Ward Polling Pinces' Deputy Returning Bismark' Seaman's Wagon a Gladstone To Sse" iat amen Dufferin J hn Romp Sewing Jolin Lansdowne Pry oh arness Joo. Torranos 8. On Monday the 25th day of Sy ir 1904 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon the Mayor of the said i risen A shall attend at the Coun ber in the Towa Hall in Me precsatin sp coven: iiatolies « ooo ie borrow $10, "Bel g@ the est estimates, referred in the orci By-Law No, 461,of the 0,0 000 ad- expenditure , warded contracts... _ | Ol pump. AND WHEREAS the amount ot tho | 24 Mayor. Town Clerk, SCHEDULE *A" To wa of foregoing By-law No. 461 of the | ° req ete oa cee of a ree i of ¥ ater 'orks in the said 'Town of Listowel. q 2 Gsuges 22eseens82 BE 3 sis Puctping ini alte . rie Total of amounts anjala un a. iF 11706 15 'TTSO1 98 Amount heretofore Pa te to be ae ah pana 2nd February, 1 Balance required to be raised to plete. the ae contracts already a 21500 00 setenne fie sieeve requir- ed to complete the construction m: of said Water bbaa ayste team . faientor connections - Extra cost: ui mains. Engipeoring and contingencies Interest at bank or said y-Law No. i of the Total seman to be raised o forego! regoing | By towe! ~ SCHEDULE "B' To the foregoing By-law No. 461 of the Town of Listowel showing the amount to be raised yeatly oo the rateable proprety of the Praresmerr ys of the Town ofjLiato- wel and to be paid yearly for eee tad interest uoder the ssid By-law No.of Payable Amonmnt Amonnt Tota We in th of inter. for ent. year. elpal. eat year. let, Thad 178 400 00 S78 30 2nd, 1906, ~ 1 a1 A7# 30 ard, 1907 102 BS a85 45 678 30 ith, HAS 200 77 S78 30 th, loop a8 a 678 30 oth, 1910 216 ail 578 30 7th, 1911 25 342 69 574 aq th, piv 23h H3 678 30 9th, ils au 3h 578 30 10th, 1g 2h3 m2 6 678 3) 1ith, iL 263 3M 573 30 12th, 1g 204 Kis 678 13th, 17 285 292 578 39 Lath, 1918 pal Zsl 478 30 6th, 1919 S08 ei) S78 30 Mth, 1820 oa) 457 578 lith tee ie tad 578 18th, 1s 37 230 678 19th, pt a1 20 a7 ST8 a th 1924 73 4 202 578 30 2) at 1924 BL 187 S78 290 1h 08 3 iba 578 3) 23rd, Inez i223 155 57x 24th, 1ezA 439 138 578 20h io (o7 tl 578 30 Pith, iso 475 1é2 a7 2ith, 1031 i ei 578 WD 2Hth, 1? ald al a7 'th, 194 Gat € 4a 678 2? 30th, 194 6 be 578 30 NOTICE, Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By Law which has been eriees| into considera- tion by the il of the Town of Listowel +s whioh will 'be finally considered a finally passed by the said Gouneit on Monday, the Second day of May A.D. 1904, at eight o'clock P. i be event of the assent of the Electors being ob- tuined thereto) being after one month from the first publication thereof in the Listowel Banner, the publication of the said By-law, and that the date of the first publication thereof is Thursday, the 24th day of Maroh, A. D., 1904, and that the poll will be held for taking he votes of the duly qualified electors in that behalf on Tuesday, the 26th day of April, A. D., 1904, between the. home p seventh paragraph of the maid sete posed By-law being the hour, day and places therein fixed ~ ee the votes of the said elect Dated at Listowel this'! 2ist day of Maroh A, D. 1904, WILLIAM BRIGHT, Town Clerk, SMALLPOX RAMPANT, vincial Heelth Department, Six are in North Oxford, Toronto, April 9.--Dr. Hodgetts, Secretary ofthe Provincial Board of Healtb, was notified this morning of 13 cases of smallpox. Six are in North Oxford, three io North Lancaster town- ship, county of Glengarry, three in the town of Trenton, and one in the town- ship of Chisholm, District of Nipissing. With one exception, the oases are of a mild type. All the patients are quar- abntined. The origin of the cases is n | Obecure, but so far as North Oxford is eovoerned, it is believed the infection came from an immigrant lately arrived from England. SOFT CORE Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale Fg icy girls and invalids and for all whose ® votes gives for then rar * blood f food. It not ou feeds the blood-making organs but ives- them Stren to do eir proper work. scorr & Down, Cheats tacts poe. ond $1.00; all @rnagi, Thirteen Cases Reported to the Pro-| GRAY,BERNIE&CO. CLOTHING ! showing is here. and know where to get 25C. $1.40 per pair. 40 pairs Men's Braces, This line was made to 100 pairs Misses' and urday fer... eee eee regular 25¢. only per pair......... 4 yds. wide, which we price. GIVE US 100 pairs Women's Carpet Slippers, worth Your choice on Saturday for CLOTHING ! RAEDY-TO-WEAR. We are prepared as never before for a large season's business; that is, Stocks are much larger, varieties are more extensive. The season's best The people know good Clothing, it. This has made our store popular to good dresser$. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY: 150 pairs Merf's Wool Cashmere Sox, worth Special for Saturday only per pair. . 20 pairs Men's Pants, wool, -$o 17 worth guint Saturday only per pair. 40 only Men's all wool Serge Suits, new cs to-date Goods, well made and lined, a snap dit GOLY vinsisiss aun eixemaeeaeesedscoweonss the new Imperial. sell at 50c. per pair, but to introduce them we make the price for Saturday only.......-..00005- Women's Rubbers, worth os gal 40c. to 50c., Special on Sat- Utday ODLY sii.iiseesccevs cece 40 pairs Men's Rubbers, all large-sizes, worth regular 75c. and 85c. pair. ereee et weewe oO 25 Yours on Sat- 0 47 con eccee reese rscer O IS WE HAVE A BIG STOCK OF LINOLEUM are selling at a very low A LOOK. GRYA,BERNIE &CO. . THE CASH STORE. yi All Druggists or malted. CURES HEADACHE Guaranteed to Cure within SO Minstes, or money refunded The Herald Remedy Co., Montreal And, when up, send him or her 0 Drbl5l OWELZ flidtle leUiGe' TERM BEGINS APRIL 11TH, 1904. Cemmercial and Short Two urses-- hand, Sent for College Journal, Town of Listowel, tumicipal Eleotion 1904, notice is hereby given that a oe of the electors of the Town of Listawel will be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday April roth, 1,04, at 12 o'olock noon to te a Candidate for the office of Council- lor in the room and place of Henry Horn, vacated, with Wm. Bright re turning officer. Should a poll be demanded the samo will be held in the following places on Tuesday, the 26th day of April 1904, to opén at nine o'clock a.m,, und con- tinue gpen until 5 o'clock p.m, and no longer, with cetyl be Shy persons as Deputy Ward, Yolling Places, Deput Y, Returning Bismark Seaman's Wagon csceered Seaman Gladst Lon 8 all William Clayton | Victoria Squire Simon Squire Dufferin John Kemp' uSewing John Stewart achine Lansdowne James Lee's Harness John Torrance. WM. BRIGBT, Town Clerk. Listowel, April 6, 1904. Train up a Child A. L, McINTYRE, Manager, | SOME SAMPLES of our papers can be seen in almost all houses in-town, Certainly 'in all where good taste in decoration is displayed. Every pattern of WALL PAPER we offer is of newest style. do not carry over a lot of be stock from season to season. In the cheaper grade of papers are some that ought to be in a higher class. Their beauty en- titles them to be called superior. The heavy embossed Gold Pa- pers--the tapestry and silk effects are too beautiful for a mere word picture. L. H. PLETSCH, Painter and Paper Hanger, MAIN STREET EAST. DR. DLAOGWN, L. R. C. P., London, England. Gra¢uate of London, New York and nae DISEASES of. EYE, NOSE and THROAT. Will be at the GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, LISTO 4th Tuesday in Each Month, Hours, 9 to 12 a. m. - FARM FOR SALE. Lota 17 and 18, con. 1, Elma, 100 acres, ved acren of first-class bush. Brick 9 . drilled well and wind-mill ;. i well fenced and fi eg ; good bear. ing Three s from town of Listo Pe ven once, For Five young Ohbinene students al. Van collver went , and are supposed to be drowned. The .'eleotion of a Bishop- for =~ ot lm ecu been postponed un

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