- ANADIAN PACIFIC NY. Will run special one-way ae Trains TU ESDAY > During MARCH ¥ APRIL To MANITOBA AND CANADIAN NORTHWEST. For Tickets and Rates apyly to J. Livingstone, jr.;: Ticket Agent Can. Pac. Ry. Co. J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers. ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES : Listo Palmers and wel, Clifford, also with, a ee \- Halston, Viicaiss Forest and Shelbu: A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. current rate of interest allowed. amount of private funds to lend © Papal farm security at 4 per cent., wit privilege of repaying anpually. Marriage Licenses Issued, a }: W. Scorr & Son. JAPS SINK oh BATTLE- THE PETROPAV AVLOSK, FIRST CLASS Raa tae GOES pawn WITH GHRE 3S L ONLY FOUR OFF IGERS Ww OUND- ED. Bt. Petersburg, "April 13.--The City is full of ramors of the great de- struction of esi 'first class battle~ 'he Emperor has received an ial telegram which is now being de- ei THE NEWS CONFIRMED, St, Petersburg, April 13.--An offi- cial telegram received here confirms the report that the baitleship Petro- pavlovsk has been sunk oft Port Arthur and that only four of 'the of- who . Cyril's wounds are said to be slight, the telegram according to this report did not mention the los- es sustained by the crews, MORNINGTON. The council met at Donnelly's Hall, Newton, on Monday, the 4th of April, of last meeting were read and sign- The resignation of Charles Trim member o oard of Health was laid before the Council and ac- cepted, when it was moved by Ham- oe and Burnett thai Thomas At- Donald, 500, for tile; Express Co., aon, charges = papers for yong on angford, $8. 00, "ae oes, ete., voting on by-luw as , ditto; HW. F reeborn, $8. 00, by Humilton and Yost that the Reeve be authoris- ed to advertise for tenders for 'build- Davidson, pen the water table in €ronu of their _ Deen sete Carried. The en- pinee: present, the ooteee epaned the adjourned Court Re- Appeal of W Rartarnon' no action; appeal of W. Sunderson against J. Steckley, no action ; cepoal of H. Hof{man, no ao- tion, by Hamilton and Lost that this Chart of Revision be clos- ed.--Carried. was read fr that 'by4aw pal = as read 4 by B itt Yost that this toved by Buca = 32 to meet the first Monday in --Carried. J. WATSON, Clerk. The treaty settling matters in dis- pute between France avd' Britain in Newfoundland, Egypt, muronen eet Africa, the New Hebrides an -- was signed in Monten. An earthquake in Macedonia killed and ivjured many people and destroyed 1,600 houses: At a méeting of the Yakor oe & resolu- demuing Commie- siover Congdon 'sci his condact of the wMaire of the Territory. |BANK Of HAMILTON IMPERIAL BANK Cartrat Par Ur - $ 2,200,000.00 Resznve Fuxp axnp Sunpitus Prorits , $ 2,000,000.00 Toran Acsets - - - §28,500,000.00 ESTABLISHED 1872. -- HEAD OFFICE : HAMILTON. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. LISTOWEL .BRANCH ESTABLISH- ED 31 YEARS. DIRDOTORS: HUN. WM, GIBSON, President. Jo LEE, , JOHN S, HENDR, GU. RUTHERFURD, J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres, & Gen, Mgr. H, M, WATSON, Inspector, 66 BRANCHES 60 at curreat ce an twice a at No hh fe fo no delays in drawing money. FARMERS BUSINESS 4 Fast Notes of responsible farmers notes collected and advances made aseies } GOLDEN WEDDING. rs. Robert Cleland, Elms, Galebrate the Fiftieth Anni- versary of their Wed- ding Day, Mr. On Thursday afternoon, 7th inst., the sons and ren, and a few intimate friends of Fs Mrs. Robert Cleland, to the number of fifty in all, gathered at their residence, Elmbank, on the oo~ casion of the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding land 'is the best nara man in the towasbip he has ro years served this fellow i the municipal offices well ane faithfully and the proud- position whioh that township now occupies as one wealthiest und most progressive in the province is due to the energy, the orm and the enthusiasm men stamp in the township and in no small measure to himself individual- ly. lt is to his faith in the future of the dairy industry and his efforts in establishing it among the farmers of the township that 'the present position of this section of country ts large extent due, and he has rightfully won for himselfa national regetenon aS an authority on duiry jects, "The Rev. Dr. McLeod, of Atwood, w ta spoke of the pleasure the family and friends had in meetin ba occamon, after whic. George Oleland, the eldest son, r ao ad- ad dress expressing their deep affection and ed his parents with many an and appropriate gifts, Mr. Cleland "al himself and his partner, thanked the donors from his heart for the affection which prompted the gifts and said thot in che -- of rs children they pos greatest riches to be won on wart, It was ao great satisfaction to them that all the family were sa mear t old homestead and that the wide family circle was so harmonious apd performed the cere- ptism on a great-grand- child, the infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs, D. M. Park. After supper the gathering separated with bearty oon- @ratulations and kiod wishes that their aged parents may live to enjoy many happy returns pf their wedding day, is SUICIDE AT WOODSTOCK, Mik ysceoinar April 10,--George Har- ood, one of the city's oldest and Bast: known residents, died yesterday afternoon by his own hand at his home om Drew street. town about 3 o'clock, home, took a dose of carb dying about one bour later, many years be conducted a restaur- ant and confectionery store on Dun- das street, retiring about four years H a4 an expert rifle shot, and at many Shooting tournaments throughout the Province distinguish- ed himself. He is supposed to 'have committed the act which ended in his death while ina fit of pon ency. He celebrated bis 67th birth- At North Topawacds, N.Y., Frank Gibson of St. Cathavines, Ont killed bis wits avd committed suict oOo men, suspected of oatans Mit- che 1 6 private baok at Fissbersoo, have beeu arrested at Hamilto The Legislature by a vote of 52 to 14 declined to hear Sturgeon Falls public echuol snpporters at the bar of the ouse. Five Engiish Conaty Conncils have audertaken that May the 24th ¢hall be kept ay Empire Day in tbe sehouls une der their coutrol. Jehu McCullam of St, George lay down on the railway, waa struck by freight 'train and probably fatally in- jared. Etfiott Hobart and Jobu Kirkey were drowved while duck buvting in a «mall onl eur Temperaveeville, in North ork The British North Atlantic squadron will be materially reduced asa result of the settlement of the French shore difficulty. Police Magistrate Weir dismissed with costa the Lord's Day Alliance case against the Ontario Sugar Oompany of Berlin, Ont. Mr. D. os 'Gordon, President of the ag moa ar Company, offers to take over the Peter boro' {| and complete it if the ae will guarantees bonds for $100,000. -------- DIED. .ABKIN--In town, On bn the 10th iniet,, Marwaret Askin, aged 70 years, 9 mms. COLLECTION DEPARTMENT has every facility for making prompt returns at "lee: ] WE PAY plea THE FREIGHT. t of --_ Peer bougnt and sold on any part of }f siveyou CORRESPONDENTS jn'all parts o aaa 'nda, United States and Great rp J ree, BANKING BUSINESS of all kinds trans- If at end ot on most favorable terms, Corres- | § that time y dence solici! do not find i that the mer- ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. | § its of the B, FORSAYETH "1900 Agent, Listowel. JUNIOR" a Ballbearing Washer are so many ond apparent as to OF CANADA. eat Capital Paid-up soi Reserve Fand and Surplus Profita $2.960,848.86. Total Assets ie @29,818,672,00 ESTAGSLISHED 1875. T. R. Merri Sere ep Rony View. HEAD OFFIGE, TORONTO, Branches in Ontario, Quebeo, Mani- toba, North West Territeries, and British Oolumbia. AGENTS prom GREAT BRITAIN--Llo Ale--Lieyds Beak or lowe any depo poste for ran Coneien ---- LISTOWEL psc SAVINGS BANE DEPAR -- Depoalts reocived and interest added sed te ataaipat twies & year. SPECIAL steation given to the discounting of * pyailable at aL inte in ee a pointa A lo ae any Bank 'ab: Hates Under $10, 86; $10 to $20, 120. R, ARKELL, Manager. induce you to purchase, return it ot out ox ta you nothing either von We cannot conceive how we can stronger faith in our product than by this free trial offer. and Booklet free on request. THE BACH SPECIALTY Co. Dept. L 45514 Yonge St. 9 Toronto, Ont. Ne Ee Farm For Sale. --h-- ii ied offers his farm, south half lot D and scuth half Jot 9, cam. 2 Mullett, con- taining 100 acres, reasonable terma, Un the place is eras aan & Balt frame house undersi with atone cellar; drivin mse, burud, shi aod all wecessary out-buildings ; one amall or mira; wever failing sprip, nd never failing well; clatern: 90 acres clear 10 acres morh, One mile aul a arter from chu school aod post office, For salt particulars apply to R. H. KNOX, Blyth, Ont. Ma Executors' Notice to Credi- tors Of THOMAS CHAMNEY, late of the Town of Linto: ae in the County of Perth. Gentleman, dece --_ behale: yp and others havin tore the counts of tonne is hereby oe pursnant tothe Slatutes ee S "tees re iant Tailor: ana| Spee! i pt te. . _Men's : Furnisher, -ing ; INGS. 'OUR TAI LORING BUSINESS has beaten by far the record smade a year ago. it shows that more men rea- | lize 'the benefit, the facility with ~ | which we provide the NEWEST WOOLENS, LATEST SHADES as they appear on either side of the water, and gratifying savings when compared with the " wos, prices at other Stores.: We always have a NIFTY, UP- TO-DATE Stock of MEN'S FURNISH- Shirts, Neckwear &c. Listowel's 'Greatest Store. "lJ. M. SCHINBEI That's satisfy- AND PATTERNS All the latest novelties in One_ :Door 'past of Post Office. "}JENKINS. RESIDENCE FOR SALE. | The bec a et 2 on. Bismarck street, being ¢ of 'the Inte Mrs. C. Weis, will any ve once, The house is o comfortable frame strocture, with stone foundation, Good stable on lot. For pr par- ticulars apply at os rémises to 10. BEN x EWEIS, FOR SALE. a SERETOREER FARMS In THE agg ASH elemiemenl Lot 42, Con. 2, Wallace, an improved farm of, Lye pers § and 45 ocres of the So 'on. 1,, Wallace, (a ron). are offere forsale privately. For turins and particulars apply to " MURPHY & CARTHEW, Solicitors for the Administrators, The London & Weatern Trusts Co, Ltd. Listowel, nny 24, 1904. WALL P PAPERS | 500 PATTERNS STOCK "that defy ponies for beauty of design and colorin; | QUALITY Tae, BEST. PRICES THE LO! IN £ Te Lp | lo any perso) distribution. Dated at Listowel this dth day of April, D. 1994. ManGaneT CHAMNEY, Thos, E. CHAMNEY, j Bescntors, the sald whe deta Listowel, #0 fhe, Rownty of Perth, A home with walld 'eovere d with uttrac- or about the 3 iF a gerd are re- au red on of bef the vit ony of May, | tive palgoongh pa ae ee py aga satisfac: OOl, deliver ' Mor ' "carthew at | tion to life, ow is time to buy. i. istowel P. 0., the So' icltors forthe a the un etnignet, th xecutorn of t the, executors a A ov pene at "ha PAPER HANGING AND PAINT « eriptions,with full particniars of their clalma, and ING of the security (if any! held by them; and that alter the sal jas ant mentioned dat date, the Tex. eculors may mig: Gan CAtAt dave at moderate cha "f the sald a aving regard only to the claims of which they may thee kaye nection aud the Work promptly attended toand satisfac. they will not be liable in apie of the estate -_ eae ent dint of whose lak rs can by seen aud ordera left at my notice at 'the time of such By MORPHY & CARTHEW, Their Solicitors, "Opposite Public School, L. WENZEL. 3 Santen, | | OF TORONTO IS COMING LIsTOw WILL BE AT ate th young face b not, fa whieh with } ly free GENT Eve partia former appearance They a bear no trace of artificiality. PROF. DORENWEN QUEENS HOTEL VEER ES DAY APRIL 20TH. LADIES --If you ap pe t ment of Switches, Banga, Pomp- adours, Wavy Froutea and Wiga, pickin thee BB chsh can- by wearing Prof. Dorenwend's Wigs aed Tou re made tc match any shade of hair. They are a protection to eure for ron nic cold in the head and catarrh. They are perfectly {fitted to the om and WED'DAY, APRIL 20. D THE GREATEST HAIR GOODS ARTIST IN AMERICA, TO = Cc, e added chiurm an er appearance lent to the y having beautiful heir, do il tagee the grand Prof, Doreowend will have tim. CoosaltsLionmentire- aml demonstrations given ns in ety LEMEN. WHO ARE BALD othough you arv bald or lly so you can ogni your rtp the bs and a Prof. Dorenwend will take measure mente and demonstrate the merits of his Wips Don't Forget the Day and Date Established 1842. EXPERIENCE TEACHES. G RAND. THE POPULAR ROUTE TO World's Fair, St. Louis. April 30th---December. Ist, 1904, acai TICKETS WILL BE 18- T REDUCED RATES, on and caer April 25th,, allowing stopover at any int termediate oradee Station, "DETROIT AND OHIOCAGO. 0 to wo AN GELES or SAN NC U GOOD GOING APRIL eed to 30th inclusive, ALLD RETURNING reaobing des- Gevtion on or or Usfare June 30th, 1904. ONE WAY SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS ON SALE DAILY to points in Colorado, British. Columbia, Cali- fornia, oto. hays SPECIAL SETTLERS' TRAINS TO CANADIAN NURTHW EST, With Colonist Sleeping cur, will leav Toronio every Tuemlay during March and April at 9 p. Vassengera travelling without tive' stock should take the Pacific Express leaving Toronto at 1,45 p. m. For tickets, reservations and all infor- mation apply to SPECIAL VALUE in all kinds of Corsets, in all kinds of makes. We havea lot of new makes. Habit Hip from 50c. to WE HAVE a most complete Stock of all kinds cf Boyn' Suits, All the mew makes and at the lo est prices, WE ARE NOW offering special values in all kinds of Waists at the lowest price, Cot- ton Waists from 50c. and upwards. | Silk Waists, Japan Taffeta from $3 and upwards. ye oe os RA We are showine the largest range of Men's and Boys' Shirts in Soft and Starched Goods- We guaranteo all our Gonds faat a ig and make any good that are not fast color, Special sale on now on Ready-to-wear Skirts and Shirt Wais J. M. SCHINBEIN. J. A.HACKING, Town Agent: A. M. SMITH, Ticket Agent. "J. D. McDONALD, District Imported Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull FUR SERVICE. Terms for registered cows $8 ; for gradca Iso Canadi-s bred Shorthorn,Terms $1, Ww. Ginmons, Lot 19, 5th con, Wallace, LIStUW EL MAKEETS, ht gr 1904 ---- 1098s 59 a ne SSSas8ess8S=588 as SSSSUSSSBSETEASSS Die chem Oueqws Passenger Agent, Toronto. ' HOME. GRAND OPERA SONGS AT THE ZON-0- PHONE | Enables the humblest homes to enjoy the WORLD'S eo CHOICEST MUSIC rendered b The ZON-O-PHONE isa FAULTLESS SINGER. W. S. BARTLEY, ' artists. - y the most accomplis*ed JEWELER, Wallace St. EACH MACHINE is guaranteed 5 years. Wright & Thompson, Listowel's Cash Store. A Magnificent Exposition ¢ of Spring and | Summer Merchandise. Established 1842. weather and: water, can Paints. Asi than any 'other Pa The Right Paint to Paint Right. t will second a derpsll ee 8 UP-TO-DATE HARDWARE "STORE, WAL For over 62 years pAmene wayne have rsa 'buying. Ramaa = better finish. and more durable *Sold only at the \CE STREET. Cottons at Old Prices. } You 'will 'find our Grocery Depart- ment complete in every line. Highest: Prices Paid for all Kinds of Farm Produce. B. GERRY. Wright & Thompson.- 'The - Store ~ on ~ the ~ Corner 4 oy as