Listowel Standard, 22 Apr 1904, p. 6

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'A CURE FOR DVSOMNIA. ~ A Well Known St. John Merchant) Tells Hew He Was Freed From This Terrible Trouble. One of the best known tage ae in St. Bt , has inter- esting story to tell of failing "health, insomnia, nally renewed strength, which count fajl to inter- est gales He says :--'A few yee! 1 run-down and failing in bed. My life me and I found no pleasure in any- T "sought medical aid and Finding that I was grow worse, and almost crazed ing eheouen loss of sleep, I concluded to give up business and go to the country for a rest. Just when I Was at my very worst-and had al- most no desire' to live, my ife urged me to try Dr. Williams Pink IT had lost faith in all medi- did 9 most from the outset the a helped me and I was oble to IT continued their use until 1 felt 'perfectly well again. I could sleep as I did in my childhood; I grew Heaithy and strong and have nover one hour's trouble from that ioree since I kave no 'hesitation in saving that f believe Dr. Williams Pink Pills saved my' life, and will always say a good word for them to any who are trou- bled with sleeplesmess. Dr. Williams Pink Pills work cures after doctors they actually make new, und so strengthen all the orapns of the bedy and brare up t nerves. That Is the way they ours indiges- tion, kidney and liver troubles, ner- vousness, neuralgin, palpitation of the heart, rheumatism and tho speci- al ailinents that fill the lives of 80 many women with misery. The uine pills always have the f il 'heme "Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper aroun every box. If in doubt weit direct to the Dr, Williams Medicin Co Brockville, Ont., be sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. ----_----_+f---__ PRETTY FEET. They Are the Best paayeen for Raising Corns The popular notion of a pretty t is a small foot with a high in- , but this would. not coinmend because it . ard consequently not proportion to the size of the body Notica ote of these so-called pret- ty fect, end you will find that the oes have a decided tendency to doublo under, just as though tendency rch of tho instop, tort istic that much-prized is retched, under ; This 'cramped position, and the fact that with foet of this shape one walks on the ball of the foot, wears a hole in the centre of the solo of the hoot, leads to the raising ef corns on the prominent portions. ere so many of these proml- prettiness. and the toes double foot requires to have boot made especially for it, but in practice it does not receive this at- tention, and a ready-made boot only increases the deformity. There is a fact in connection with the popular pretty foot which will surprise most people. Jt is this : »|jonlous and and the pills Will Re Q | #ports. DWARFS MAY FIGHT DUEL. Rivals Madly Infatuated With Princess Chiquita. se can love oe as dwarfs is just now ongaglig tention of Paris, : and it is eto, 'hak the ovtcome may be « dpi. Princess Chiquita, o t&y American woman, who was born in 1881, stands 2 feet 6 inches in her va heeled boots, and welghs nine pounds, is now on exhibition at Bo: ears) stock's menugerin at the Paris Hip- podrome. Some time ago two dwarls, who al- so happened to be In Porle--Auguste, nd stends 43 , height. 2 feet 7 inches--went to see the little lady, and both fell des- pe mmuto' love little princess, wull-bred young who, as beca Indy, handed 'thie letters to her jiapa, a et Bie the of m life, standing for several ing storks gli the pi » and the most. sensitive of Europeans are indifferent. For flowera they ae a particular devotion. The most pop- ular festivals, the wattenél 3 seativens b os they are a man of normal size an e French dwarf is, however of 2 flery character, and on hearing yenereey that the German dwarf Delphin had been to see the princess, and had handed hor a bou- quet which hed been graciously ac- cepted, is now beside himself with anger. He has. threatened that if Delphin continues to pay such decided attentions to i lenge him' to fight o duel, on the other hand, says th "not va of that big Freneh bully Augus Eeinewes Chiquita, who converses Matty well in English and Germag, clares that she is quite happy to remain as she is. Auguste, sho sald, sho feared was rather quick-tempcred, and Delphin was so md senti- mental that she hardly liked to take all that he had said for gospel truth, "I do hope ihe silly boys will not fight about me,"' she said. ----j AN AID TO MOTHERS. In thousands of cases it hos been proved that Baby's Own Tablets is the very best thing for children sul- e ering from colic, constipation, dior- oea, simple fevers, colds and teothing troubles. 'The Tablets are u mA, given with equal safety to the tender, new born babe, or the well grown child. Mrs. Joel Acacias, Shanley, is one of the mothers who have proved the of this medicine and says :--"I have used Raby's Own Toblets with the very hest re- sults. They are easy to give little ones, and I have never known 'them to fail to benefit.' Isvery mother should keep the Tablets in the house In an emer- freney they may save a precious lit- tle life, Sold by all "Grugniate or mailed at 25 cents a box by writing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. +------ JAPAN IN TIME OF PEACE JAPS THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. Enjoy Pri Waiks With 'Fheir ildren and the Old - People The people of Japan are the gay- est in the world, for all that they ignore completely the greater por- tion of European amusements and The Buddhist respect for tife denies to them the pleasure of t sSa- little enjoyments that tickle the vanity are utterly unknown to the vast.*major- {ty of the lbp ang says o writer in the Revne de Paris Such a foot is representative of "se firts stage of the development. of | crippled "foot. Of course, this éocs not mean that the owner will be- come a cripple in later years, but it means that if tho prettiness be per- | petunted in the children and other descendants, they will becomo crip- ples The ankle bone is too aS a consequence, the hee touch the j high, and with a higher heel to per- this develops, ankle gots higher, and takes the heel with it, and there is a constantly in- creasing tendency to walk on tho tocs. SH CAME FROM COFFEE. A Case Where the Taking of Mor- phine Began With Coffee. "For 15 years," saysayoung Ohlo woman, 'I owns u great sufferer from stomach, hoart and liver trouble. For the last 10 years the suficring terriblo; it would be impossible to de- scribe it. During the Inst three years convulsions from which IT had the only relief was the use of mor- hine "J had soveral physicians, nearly all of whom advised me to stop drinking ss " = tas--I_co! ke only liquid foods, I felt I could not live without coffee. I continued drinking it until I became almost in- affected, while my whole nervous systam was a complete Ww I suffered day and night from thirst and as water would only make ms sick I kept trying different drinks until « friend asked me to try Pos tum Food Coffee. . I did so,' but it was ti before [I was benefited by the change, wes so filled with coffee . Et was not long, however, before I could cat all: kinds of foods and drink all the cold water I want- ed and which =! system demands. It is now 8 years I have drank nothing but Postum for brenkfast and supper and the result been that in place of being an invalid with my mind affected I am now strong, sturdy, happy and healthy. Ka have a very" "delicate daughter who as beer aoe ly benefited by drink- ipo Postum, also a stro boy who would rathor go without food for his breakfast on his Post So much the proper coo Postum foe Res peste it is boiled the me people will ng Name given Postum ec: Battle ree 7 suet Package for. for the fam- ous Titty baok, ad to Wall- ville." j the favorite, "Their t By the rich the clasaic. daieos of 'the Preferred, by all fe while the circus, where | wrestling matches go on, is also | largely patronized. "Dut excellence is walking. To take o walk a la Japanaise is to go ahead | delighted with the buildings, temples, to the forests, to the flow Japanese walk first through the streets of their cities, ee | Tokio, Nagoya and Kiot They | seem to tuke extreme ect in the| spectacles presented before their Teater portion of are treated with the groatest consideration THE LITTLE CHILDREN, the Japanese recreation par | bet contributed powerfully toward the hem | The old | life are mong us, mark the anniversaries volutions, but to welcome the ap- Pearance of certain flowers. They move along In joyous ba . Trom the beginning of the meath of Febru- to admire the blossoms of may and the lotus in the month of August In autumn the red leaves of the maple trees become the objecta of thelr delight. first week in November {Is the time for THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS. "In the suburbs of the great cities eoch village is remarkable for tho number of its se peg ic ant private garden are altogether different f y hove gravelled walks bortiered re are im chosen for the color of thelr leaves or flowers. There is oa lake; there ams, bridges, rock work, lanterns and tiny Shintolst . all of which form the indies clements of g picture, following the rules of nesthoetioinm dating from the fifteenth century and Varying 'according to the different schools. In the garden of a tea house of Usake o Japanese friend 'In two weeks all Osaka for the beauty fi] the magnificence of the landscape, a woodland, an island*a lake or a cascade, a temple is erected. Jap- aneso families love to go there. They galuto the gods. sprend in front of the temple crackles under the foet of the pilgrims, and in this way notifies the gods that visitors approaching 'There ring little bells and clap their hands to call up the gods, just as they do is the taverns te call up tha 6or- soa Then, with geen faces, they | ° po short prayer and their contributions into the Pade after which they visit the temple and = mire the antique sculptures and the iided Jacquers. Finally they all go faugh in the tea houses established in the es." Piles = man afacture: ve pa po fecatels in*he daily Press and oak you elit art in A a Conte LJ or Olnimsat igo a { ahr i? deal ealare of PoMaNegN, BATES Dr. Chase's Ointment --_--_--_4+------- GREAT BRITAIN. The British Chancellor of the Ex- chequer said the duty on coal would inot be abolished. Lord Lansdowne says the influence King Edward and President Lou- of ' Anglo-F' rench trea ty. BY 270 to Gl votes the Housa of ae Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- lant Soap Powder {Is better than other powders, as it Is both soap and | disinfectant. long series of battles, ea been our wodding day." begin The Husband--' t bef ore that."' ff in family groups to chat and~ bo and 'Y¥) neighborhood of the holy 5 ---- ng Wife (bitterly)--"Our married |so you have, doar. _ but dashes, leaps, bounds, roars, gocs over cataracts and_mill-sluices, | 'Indeed, thera was an ,toare is an occasional water-spou well." ~ I was attended by a physi but continued to grow worse, and be- gan to pass bi urine. "On the advico of a friend I start- box assed a stone which is now in the octor's possession. Pg voxes. of Dodd' 5 Kidney P. me complete is ae yours s' had no return of my, old complaint." Dodd's Kidtiey Pills cure tho Kid- neys; and with 'sound Kidneys you need never fear Urinary complaints. Almost any married women will producr bread, cake, and pie her husband will furnish the dough. Kidneys are all Wrong! I deste test entna Xo thochen: "| specific of the ° 'o ment of South arken'Ritee © re go m directly and segs to the sect of th: trouble than" as wment and when it strikes the epot there's bealim in an imstant.--73 A alwagi enn! "ents to marry his hast 4 wean the first pd but the second time he mane' so particular. Minard's Linlmeat He at Rellenes Reuralgle | & Never judge a woman's cour by the way 'she avoids an interview witht a mouse WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. From April 25th to Dec. 1st, in- clusive, the Wabash Railroad will sell round trip tickets to the Great bs orld's Fair, St, Louis, at the low- bash direct li positions, should remember the great line' is the shortest, quickost atke. he only Une that wns and controla its own ralle di- rect to the World's Fair gates. For timetables and. descriptive World's Fair folder, address any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson, fort the gown "ten't too n can build koraelf up to fit it. - Mincrd's Linknent Cures Burns, etc. wo -- 'Yes, sir," remarked the builder; "every house but one in that streat is rented now." 'Ah! said his hum- orous friend, 'That one, I suppose, o last but not leased." Saves the Dying Dectors sree give Mire, canon panel SoS to Hve but Agr ew pews at] Hoart : tor For r Ofteen ears sors John A. of 'Wiarton. on, Ont. w tro Hew ah James, suflorer 4 nod th her fast: "drop o tenacity | in sane erin lioving that ho abo Bing Cure for the Heart This remedy relieves in thirty minutes end cures every form of heart dise m ervousnodss. ant Dr. Agne«'s Liver Pitta, 49 'Bosse 10. * using Dr. A Three bo ng)--"I we were marric of d i sob! Before drossed in bright colors, are carpied on the b - a re or a 7 wo are through the crowds. The Guechas (dancing girls) appear in the loud costumes which indicate sides of the streets there at baznars and mony little abone. Their paper Innte give out strange light, lke t of an jm- pressionist picture. The women ex- amine the stuffs for sale ar- gain just for fun. In the a gardens the visitors take ice cream meee of crushed ice, fine aegue and But Japanese gayety is cspectially manifested at popular festivals, and the8e are frequent. often, the feast is purely local, On the o occa- tion of some acai around _a te mple: the streets nd ; little mutsealonsa thes are suspended bo- tween the houses; and paper Innterns with harmonious colors, surmounted by little umbrellas made of red or blue door: slrects assume, especially in the evening, oa strange aspect. A real artistic sentiment applied materiuls of the commoncst k such «as Paper, to during yg lee evenin, "At fitter" in the breezes. = hha '}to these needs gs. kohama I witnessed thé may current. of ttn. cvaroumilage | es, just as the carp goes | You Can Overcome The Tired Feeling. Dr. Chase's instil New Vigor and Energy into the System and Add New Flesh and Tissue by Using Nerve Food. joice at the coming of spring? is means at hand whereby you can| renewing health and vigor, instead of giving way to weakness and desyond- rybody needs a spring restor tive to enrich the blood and build up the system after the debilitating ef-) fects of artificial winter lifo. | Experience has proven that there is no preparation extant #0 well suited eas Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. It is only reasonable that this great food cure, which has been endorsed by tens of thousands of ome on continent, -- be superior to the ription an ordinary soser. Why not join with nature and re- | hastily written and hastily Gllod at There | ~ ae store. 1, a ; or and' eotuch te troubles, loss of fatigue and mnke spring the time for bition and the ability « soply y ons 'self to the task ithe indications of, an ateuated < on: dition of the system mnénth's treatment. with Dr. Chase's Nervg Food will do wonders for 'you, Besides the benefit you feel, you prove that now flesh and tissue ie bee "ing added by noting your increase in ---- . Chase's Nerve Food, 50 tion ers, or Edmanson, ronto. To protect tations, the portrait and Dr. A. W. Chase, author, are ou covery book ltinen are made delightfully- clean and fresh with Sun- Mutritious and Eccmomical. 42-21 Friend--'I was surprised that took tho jury ten heures ta reach erdict to the Hterary merit of the judgo's chargo."' ae Terrors oo, Agnew's Oin o all fo 5 give conte in a few minutes, and thres to six a 'y eure chrosic cases. ichiog and borsing skin disses in a day, 35 eents.--79 _- Winks--"'T had a beard like yours once; po when I realized how it made look, I had it cut off.' Binke--"And I had ye face like yous I couldn' t have it cut oft I Saleed tho beard."* ®ratz or Oro, Orrr Lwoas Gornse, or TeLzpo, pos, ¥ makes oath tat ci Hall's yy. ane for Pentts Catarrh Cyere fe taken Internal- bai 9 an rently - one Biscd and Read iponials free 75c. Pills Jor eomsth tt Wifo--""What . As of people stare at my new dre I presum "Ab!" sho sighed dead." not,"" he ans are all and told him sho had said it just to thought it for a moment. Tear Sirs,--This is to certify that I have been troubled with a lame back for fifteen years. I have used three bottles of your MINARD'S LINIMENT and am co vee | pletely cured. t gives me great -_-- Pleasure to re t | use of your valueble medicine. ROBERT hoss. Two Rivers. "Do you buy condensed milk, mad- am?"' "I presume that we must, but I never thought of it before. I alwayae order two quarts and piay for two warts, but It never measures more than three pints." a Burden--lIf the stomach is denote Stemach and r "s Liver Piila -, quickly aod will cure most stubbora an casa, 40 ma vial for 10 perio Mix--"Where is the most fitting place to whisper words of love to a an?" Dix (in secret confidencs)-- 'In her ear, of course! Minard's Linlment Cures Dandjuff Her Father--"Upon what do you pecunious Suitor--"Upon your un- willingness to see her starve."' CHEAP ONE WAY RATES TO THE WEST VIA GREAT NORTH- E Effective dally durin March and , Idaho, Washington, gon, also all points dn British a. lumbia On March lst, 8th and April Sth, 15, 22nd and 12th, in North Dakota at greatly tes. Full information as to ti of --_-- bert tes = Tourist Sicop- also literature the any of akove States on applicatian to Chas. W. Graves, District Passenger Agent, 6 King St. West, Room 12, Toronto, *+y-Buralo "Blower, 1 aS bd upright discharge, WORD MAKING. $10 In one prize for the test number of words. $10 In two fivs dollar Xs es for the next longest Nets. $10 In five two dollar iaes fer the emailer Hete. We will pay these prizes for the best lists of English words made out of the three wores : "MASSEY - HARRIS WHEELS. " as many times as they appear In the: ay joth. sendin your list to-day, Letters to be used in answers onl above words. Competition closes Write for our new "Silver Ribbon" Booklet. ADDRESS, DEPARTMENT "'A" GANADA OYCLE & MOTOR CO., Limited, Teronto Junotion. IN CALIFORNIA Farmers' Crops DO THEIR LEVEL BEST because Climate Goes with the Land Winter has much Sunshine and warmth and GROWTH IS CONTINUOUS ali the year BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TELLS THE WHOLE STORY. "The San Joaquin Valley,"" Callfornia for the Settler," 'The Land of opportunity,"' aad descriptive matter free off Agents, Colonist Rates™=2s:¢4»"$33,00 from Chicago Write to H. F.. CARTER,, T.F. A., 7% Yonge Street, Teronte, Ont. _ ae BETTER PRICES USE QUALITY gene &; FBBN ws: Palis, Wash Basins, Milk |_Pans, &c y Firet-Olaee Grecer Can INSIST ON GETTING Pr EDDY'S. LOWER Billiard Tables' The Best at the Lewest Price Write for Terme REID BROS, M'f'g Oo.'y 785 King Ge &. *§ 82-81 FOR SALE. 9 inch sto. 1 Buffalo Blower, ei "hors Zon- tal discharge gy ia, outlet, 1 "Earl" Steam Blower. 8S, FRANK WILSON 73 Adelaide St. Romnita: count to support my daughter?" Im- | KINDS Op sere a: rasits AUTOMOBILE a r, non 2 ' UNDERWRITERS arm es Eggs, duce pain bi "The Winton Totring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ou good prices. ples, of highest gree materials. As ms ap . bile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to yeur- self, tale, chances on an inferior B THE Dawson Commission Co, es yoROMWTO. usin e erwriters"--insuring you against risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog ? The Winton Motor Carriage Cleveland, O., U.S.A. Represented tm the Dominion of Canada by DyeIng! Cleaning! For the tery bert sead rear work be the '+ BRITICN AMERICAN BYEINC 00." Leok for agent Lo year tows, of send direst. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebes, EASILY ALTERED. : THE auTowon E A SUPPLY co "Frankly, inadam,"' soid the -- 79 St., E., Toronto, Oat. salcaman, ot halal t advise you t Adencies tm take that gown."' BDomtaien "Why not?" pon the woman. "« cai eaay "Tt doesn't match your complex-| fon,"" he explained "Oh, well," she replied carclersly, "J can change the complexion." F a Et eoniae te ce tow ete

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