Listowel Standard, 29 Apr 1904, p. 5

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+ FIRST-CLASS. MEATS RIGHT - -- = PRIGES STEVENSON LSO FRESH GROCERIES of all kinds always on hand. 8. J. STEVENSON, Wallace St. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLIGITUNS &C. Solloitors fer the Bank of Hamilton. M@evaries Public aud On ae ie jonore. Motiey MB. Monrnr, sia J. M. Carinew, Blewett & Bray. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, @otaries Public mae een by ro on dene! tt'. Banking House and Ont, was big & Loan "Raanclation. MUNEY TO ae AT 4 t-2 PER CENT. P BR. Riewent. G ay. B.A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barrister, Conveyancer, Dice, Main 5t., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. - Brasoh oatos in Atwood every Wednesday afterned! [abee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Selteibers far Che Merchants Bank, {STRATFOBD, ONT. J.P. Mange, EK. C. Cc. J, Maxine, DOR. W. M. BRUCE, gant: 8.; Re GD. 8., Ontario; D-D.S. 'Trinit Pree hi io De iu. thot "Ghlcne 0 Prosthet otic entint y ved from 'aid tan to rooma over W. 5 i Hams sate 6 stairway as Uni- ool rat "Store, ntranes . Rutherford, Main St., Lieto Thos, Fullarton, ATWOOD ONT., lsaioner in SSUER of Marria Licepaes, Com 3. "ee Deeds, Morirs Lessee an and 8 ul Conrey- reaecaule terme Money tol I R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, UNT. Lond a Lancashl: Aor Pad oom ay. 'Also Money te Leas in an npwarda at alow rate of Fire ony ane oe 2 m gasy terms. o G. TR, TIME CARD Trams leate Listowel station dally as umder :-- Pi: mat fob Bea AND PALWERSTON. For 'ord.-Passenger, R45 om.) Passenger 2 p.m; Maaed, 7.45 p. ua. fer Palmorston.--Mixed, 11 2 a. m.; Passen- ST UkCaRDINE AND PALMERSTON. Fer - on --Passonger, 7 52a. m.; Mixed, 11.00 nger, 4 Ley ina--Mixed £45 a m.; Passenger, p-m. ; Passenger 7.45 p.m. A NEW LOT OF Amateur Photographic Supplies at C. A. LEES PHOTO STUDIO, Artist Proofs, A NEW PHOTO. Call and see it. MANY gna ived ness firms and MANY. "STUDENTS | po y pened in good positions each year by the famous "fie Me = YA Gin | RéL fee iid) blll STRATFORD, ONT. his school atands for the HIGHEST AND BEST in business education in Can- , eas es em- Catal W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. ence course n THE OITY BUTCHER, MONEY TO LOAN ar 44 PER CENE = are d airtel ica or rovarrietk & and wew free our fn asto whether it is probs ble. ALEX MORRISON, ATWOOD, LICENSED AUCTION EER for the and HURON. Al Counties of PERTH pba a ape Me If your blood Is thin and im- pure, you are misere"> all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthen refreshes. You Certainly know. Sarsaparilla the medicine that brings good health to the hom the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. Adoctor's medicine. rapepiie? fis IRe'most wonderful med Bat cine inthe 'world for nervousness, My cure is permanent, and I cannot thank M th! RA. DELLA MCWELL, itaropetsts f or Door Health Laxative doses of Ayer's Pills cach night greatly ald the Sarsapar'i'!a. FIRST USE OF GAS, The Way the Iden of Using It Fer Light Wan Ridicaled, Great wos the amazement of all Bue rope when at about the close of the century William Murdoch discovered that gas could be used for iifuiminuting purposes. So little was the iuvention understood by those who lind not geen it in use that even the great and Wise (7) men of the Britivh parlinment laughed at the Idea. "How enn there be light without a wick?" said one member of that august body, with a wink and a knowing nod. Even the great Sir Humphry Davy ridiculed the idea of Ughting towns and cities with gas. He one day nsked Munloch, "Do you mean to use the dome of St. Paul's for your gas meter?" Sir Walter Scott also made merry of the gus idea and of the coming attempt to "Iluminute London with smoke trom a tur fie- to When the house of commans was finally lighted with the new Hiuwinant, the architect and custodian of the building, who fimagined that the gua ran as fire through the pipes, insisted that they be removed severnl inches from the wall to prevent the bullaing from taking fire! Sereral distinguished members were niso observed carefully touching the pipes with their gloved Bogers and then smelling of them to see [Jf they could detect the odor of burned leather. INSTANT DEATH. Tt Ia Not es Qulck boi That the Mind Time to Act. Tt Is Pins fe If such a phenoin- enon ag instant denth is known fo the scientist and investigator. l"lysicians and surgeons tell us that death b Eunshot wound js the ensiest mode of terminating life; ret. rapld as such a mode of taking off must necessarily be, the body bas lelsure to feel and time to reflect and on rare occasions even to act On the frst attempt of one of the adherents of the Spanish monarch to ossissinate William, prince of Orange. the ball possed through the bones of hia face and brought him to the ground. In the Instant which preceded stupe fonction, however, be was able to frame the notion that the celling of a room had fallen [no and crushed bim. Another question In this connection {x that of probable pain. Although nu- merous instances could be cited ip support of the rlew that the mind acts In enges of so called iustunt death, it by no means follows that the Infilction of a fatal blow Js attended by the lenst semblance of pain or a single pang of fear or regret. Unless denth results immediately, however, the pain may as varied as the uature of the In- juries. BANS ON TOBACCO. Severe Penalties For Smoking Were Im Vemgue Iu Olden Times, Strange as it may appear now, bath sultans ef Turkey and shahs of Per- sia bave tried their best to put down smoking. In Turkey, formerly, smok- ing was a crime punishable by the of- fenders having their pipes thrust through their noses, and In Russia In 1634 the noses of smokers were cut off. Im Transylvania offenders were fined from 8 te 200 florins. In Berne, Swit- here crimes were /i- classed with adultery, The tr.Juuu put dewn smoking, called chambre-au- tabac, continued to the middle of the eighteezth eentury @ climax was reached by Amarath IV., king of Per- sie, whe made it a capital offense, In England Bilizabeth issued a proc- lamation against smoking in 1554, and James' "counterblast against tobacce," with fts pompous language, is well known, All through bis reign it was @ ¢ommon stipdlation that "no puffer ef tobaces" chould be appointed school « Me Fer Him, At a political meeting in Wales the ced a speaker thus: "I baff te intro duce te you tenight the member fer the Carnarvon boroughs. He hess come here to reply to what the bishop of Bt, Asaph said the other night about Welsh disestablishment. In opin- fon, gentlemen, that bishop of Asaph iss one of the biggest lars in creasbon; but, thank goodness--yes, thank neas--we batt a match for him tonight" The EKorenaus, Pr cokerstap of Korea are neither Jap- y are Mon- callane Gnd bare nh. pelpseiabte bie lan- gto a phonetic alphabet. They Ye @ recerded history ef disputed autbentictty whieh claims fer them existence as a Korean He : : iy i g&y i | STORY OF wiLD PIONEER BIT OF HISTORY-TOLD BY MR. JAMES MOORE, OF BRITISH COLUMBIA The Diseovery oy Flacer Geld in the Fa- eifie Prevince--Large Preapest From = Washing of = Fan of MOes--Later ® Diseevery of the Eichest Bar Ever pieced ta at tees wie At the recent mining convention in British Columbia Mr. James Moore, the miner of B. C and a deleg told the story of the discovery of gold the country. He said, in P When I ace entered the Fras er River, with a few associates, all | wo found in this Province were three at that time N f this Province in future as Dritish Columbia, as co was a Crown colony after we dis- soverss camped one evening on a -- to cook lunch, when one of m sociates noticed particles of "sold in the moss which was growing on the recka on the bar, He washed a pan peet. covered in the Fraser River or its trituteries, We named the bar in honor of my associate, who washed the first pan of moss, "Hill's Bar.** I wish it distinctly understood that we do not claim to be the first discoverers ef gold--as gold was dis- covered the year before in small quantities by Indians on the Thomp- son River-- when we located this tine we laid the foundation-stone of inining in British Columbia. may go @ little further and say that we laid the foundation-stone of British Celumbia, and I am proud to have the honor of stating upon the foor of this convention that I helped to lay that foundation-stone. I am the only one left of the party that a covered those first placer sered cows $8 ; for grades CARTHAGE, ONT. FARMS FOR SALE. In THE ESTATS of CHRISTOPHER ASH, Deceased. Lot 42, Con. 2, Wallace, an improved ee; and 45 acres of the Wallace, (a posters lot) are offered for sale peieately. terma and particulars ap apply MORPHY & CAREW, Solos « for the = Troe Co. Lt The Co. Ltd. Lend Western Listowel, "February 24. Train up a Child And, when 'up, send him or her to py -LIS. QWEL fils ee? lia ji "Hill's Bar,"' as my associates have crossed the '"'great divide."" they have struck it rich, and I sane ! they have a place for me when I | join them, When I was in Victoria last winter I met a genticmon, a Mr. Ladd, ee told me that he now owns Bar, in the Fraser River, near Yale, | as a mining proposition. He esti- mates the amount of gold cheaniieV recovered from that bar to be ap- | two million dollars, how rich a camp we discovered, we could not remain long in one camp We had to explore, and I am still of the same disposition, and will not remain long in one camp to-day, but will proceed into the interior. Dut, sir, before I do so, I would like o say that after we discovered mines and the great rush to he | iver was then 'at high water, and as Yalo was the head of the steamboat navi- gation, it was also for small boats during its high stage until such time as the river fell to low water. You must remember in those days thore Were no railroads, wagon roads, pack trails. We had only an In- dian trail along the great canyon of and the large chasms were spanned by poles tied with twisted willows, from which we could look down several hundred feet to the mighty Fraser rushing below. We had to cross these bridges with our packs on or turn back; but assure you, sir, that we did not know what those words incant. r | motto "Upwards and wards."" In the fall and ansty | spring, when = a = bai PN | lowest stage, we take up boats tadae with eSevitnce | from Yale to Lytton, through the canyon of the Fraser. Whon we at to Lytton sone the go tinued up the river in the boa discovered other largw bars. Othern of our party, myself included, the horses and started inland Ls ! discovered the Horsefly country and located what was then known as the eclebrated 'Blue Lead ere re paid the Horsefly a visit 40 | | i after our discovery in 1859, aed paid a visit to the old discove claim, and found the company Wan | still working that claim. The fore | man of the company showed me a fan of gravel e recovered a few days before but not yet washed looked to me to be almost us much in gold as gravel in the pan. I i could not help noticing the contrast | between the present mode of work- | ing, which is by hydraulic elevators, | the camp being now lit up with elec- tricity, and our crude mode of work- | ing 40 years before with rockers and | our camp lit up by camp fires. But, , sir, we were able to declare a divid- end every night of about $100 per | man In the next year, 1860, we discovered Duck, Keithley, Goose, | Harvey, Snowshoe Creek, and in 1861 we discovered the richest creeka in boo, Felina Williams, Lightning and Lowhee and other creeks, and some "of the claims fabulously rich. TI will claim, for example, Diller 'illiam"a Cree where two men were working on the face of a drift with picks. took out by 24 hours' work 204 pounds of gold Avoirdupois, and this figured into Troy ounces at $16 ounce would be Something like $47,- aM), not last forever, re on worked out. There ore a few yet that will last for some time, but not enough to mining camp. In speaking of these shallow placera, IT do not speak of the Atlin district. We have in the juterior of Lritish Columbia a vast aren oof great alluvial deposite of turiferous gravels which have been long dormant for centuries, The Lposits arr net centined to any one istrict. but owe con tod them in Vole Li hlaewet Cyriboo, (ueniea, Sauwear dn three diferent classes, for OverMixty Tears. '8 RooTHING SYRCF has been bilo if distro st night aod bred, . ic t La] in a sick child eq and erying botile of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrap' Testking, "It wil relieve the pao litte there is no mistake about [a Tt cures | tion to life. | done ut moderate charges. TERM BEGINS APRIL 11TH, 1904. wo Coursees-- Commercial and Short T hand, Send for College Journal, A.L, McINTYRE, Manager. 'Executors' Notice to Credi- tors ' Of THOMAS CHAMBEEY, late of the Torn uf Listowel in the Coanty of Perth. Gentleman, ectancd. Notice is hereby given pursuant tothe Statutes tt tat at abel sbak ses ( ae exwaltors of fel dca havin at aay of May. 'orphy Carthew ex the undersigned, & state. and de- mont in writing o Sri pote rel fa ot shes = he ald 'iter ike fant entiowed date t pruesed to tribute of tbe anid deceased, ba th regard only to the claimsof which they may then have notice and that thoy wlil not be liable tno respon - be estate so distributed any person claim " notice at the ume at such Dated at Listowel this 4th day of April, A. D. 1904. Mane aret emma Taos, E, Chaser, By MORPHY & CARTHEW, Their Solicitors { Executora, WALL PAPERS | IN 500 PATTERNS STOCK that dety competition for beauty of design and coloring, QUALITY THE BEST. PRICES THE LOWEST A home with walla covered with attrac- tive artistic pa dds joy and satisfac. ow is the time to buy PAPER HANGING AND PAINT- ING Work promptly atterded to and satisfac. tion guaranteed. Papers can be seen and orders left at my residence, ,Opposite Public School, L. WENZEL. Le COR cna 2 as SOME SAMPLES of our papers can be seen in almost pig houses in town, WALL PAPER we offer is of newest style. We do -not carry over a lot of old stock from to season. In the cheaper-grade of papers are some that ough be ina titles them to called superior. heavy embossed Go! pers--the tapestry and silk effects lot 9 and south balf lot 12, Tait. con taining 100 acres, for 'on "On the place is a and a half frame house with stone cellar; me house, barns, sheds Suse sore Crhek andl coe bach falling wall; clstorn £.80 nets cleared, "10 acre apply to R. H. ENOX, Blyth, Ont ia Stoves, Tinware, Lamps, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Stains, etc., Baths, Boilers, Pumps, Sinks, Injectors, Gauges, Valves, Pipe and Fittings. PARTIES INTENDING HEATING FOR 1904 Will do ai 4s consulting us before purchasing. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN? COAL: Olt. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING REPAIRING promptly attended to. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. Sash and Door far. . SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT .. <2 »- ~ BAMFORD BROS. The long wait for $ : « é Builders and Contractor SPRING ARRIVALS $ , IN DRESS GOODS € are prepared to contract oe ths erection al. a $ aichanae of and estimates furnished now over and we beg to state ag we are showing @ applicatio new? Vestings, new Sultings,new Dress Ss, new 8 Ready-to-wear Spri ats, new Felt Hats and $ SASH, DOOR FRAMES, Caps for Gents and Boys. A heavy Stock of ' COTTON GOODS $ , r BLINDS, : $ such as Sheetings, Circular Pillow Cotton, Lans- @ cabind ee eet ng int iro? downe Cambric, also Embroideries, Laces, Dress 4 Poa we will be aitention and Muslins, Prints &c. New lines in . $ FiRST CLASS Srmutatb 30 4R- $ SPRING SLIPPERS : : ( Charges Moderate. | and Shoes. Style and price very specia e's Family Groceries--Teas and Coffees. Stock now 5 complete. ) Bamfcrd Bros. rd e e J. S. GEE. J. Gabel, @ Ot oe a a nt tet tet teeth teteteteteteh a) OPTICIAN AND JEWELER -- a --_ 'Listowel. GREAT BARGAINS i A Good Time Piece aaa is a Faithful Servant. 'Tp-to-Date Grocery: Iw, give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry _ Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price, Any quantity . of broken Sets. I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be soldfat a margin. Canned Goods and Fruitsy-New i in Stock. | All kinds of Farm Produce taken 'in exchange. JAS. ARMSTRONG. THE TURKO, VAPOR BATH CABINET A Cincinnati man has proved be- TESTIMONIALS. yond a pte te of doubh "tbat the 7, bi For 3 years | was on with ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF No Physicians for 600 Xears cold feet and legs, and they were But Terma) and Vapor Baths, and "umd and stiff allvthe tine. teem that they owed their splendid health, bie. hag a Ay as L Se Breck P D ; fine physique, strength an uty 5 x a ee ier cee ure rugs to vaporized air oF "sweat baths," Street, Pe rgagh. mothe d by 'hich th th gi ee d £ bi metho yw t) rican an t ism--. t to put and Chemicals. Canadian people could secure all tho ny own loth ey aa had i 'slept lous benefits of these baths jin bed for over two weeks. What lit- without roy etl ss agslando. bath- tle sleep I got was ue tin fe . 00 ap smallest expense. bair. aft the fourth bath t R. A. HUN TER having rap Hoag ait of his effort Cabinet in bed all night, and put my pa * « . . was the res °. e lothin in the morni you acquired the sole interest, will habeas the Improvement Le oe Ee kien ony Pietiger7 4d aavihat yin future attend to the wan t| In your "Dealt t and comple- the Vapor Bath.--Mra. R. Wilkinson, this C il zien. It is the oe remarkabis in- Peterborough. re of his Customers personally. gene' of 'the 4 B osatary, tor a i » the Family recipes a specialty. _| strong, and it has done that mhioh nelly, stomnsh was very bad. had. 8 ; FOR nas ent medicines Dave Tele | Cem ie down to 125 tbs. alter 3 2 oe re bath I R. is Hunter. very one knows t Ibs. d new feel a ae tes due to the of eaaes in the bene is you are reed in any way try the vital organs Bath Cabi --W. F. Elliuotte, Park are the oo plaints that the St. Peterboro ough. BUGGIES we Bin ae ° ry ®radicates Ol- a son, and it is impossible for these ccnp base. eecliad witk' shanmatiasn poisons to remain in the systeny of a (oq was laid off from work, but aft~ t removes all-obstructions thus go, ong week's use of the Bath Cab- FOR SALE allowing mature to do its best work. jnet went to work sata l tried tee Seg : were. rien Baas lots of remedies but none of any use. ' oo . Top Buggies, | eee eaites it & free course Sidney Gibbs, Ashburnham, Ont. . | giving the tissues new and fresh Open Buggies, Fades che and after a sbor This is to certify that 1 find your treatmeut of this method old men Vapor Cabinet a oure for the many Road C , women grow young vigor- ills of suffering ty. 1 have oa arts weak men and women gaintheir a complicati of afflictions und normal atrenge og Por Fe ages hi ind ge thao in feet oe AT. ue reoover air » &60 t ivi and W agons. pains ane Pa Se 'sr ig . r and . new. persca the max st page ea a 'ele i ® new human be lev om rom,in highly recommend it; it is rem wo ee ae ee nan ae | may" eto otal wraoka. that every ally abot ave . av uma um . a t stock on hand and willsell at closest prices. | Asthma, Stomach mmbago, Bilious: en Lary genre for money could 1 ; . ; ens hat La Grippe, Headache, mot get another. If the pores of the A call at my carriage shop will convince. | Dro idmey and Nervous skin are not healthy they cannot Bs- Tronties, Liver Corapieint, Sleepless sist nature. Internal médicine will J, F, WILSON, ness, Gout, Malaria, Colds, Catarrb give immediate relief but the pores Mill Street, Listowel. | Eczema, Erysipelas, Bt eons P ust be bealthy to give vigor and risy; it isa beter tg ie all youth' to the body ppiness to Female Complain the mind. you every suc- man, weman or or who * peopeayh cess in the cause of suffering bh = Ch: idren cry for uate Cho Cabinet ity. --Mrs. J. C. Kidd, List CASTORIA. 'WM. STEPHAN, = Agent

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