Listowel Standard, 29 Apr 1904, p. 7

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{KOREA'S OOOLIE PREMTER| BEST TAX COLLECTOR EMPER. |S *°9 OR EVER HAD. An English War Correspondent thi Describes an Interview © With Him. 4 en : aches, diaziness; when "| will bow ny iy ho ora 4 wes openers ais wiST women are threatencd with the loss red my Ko of the Emperor's finances, sy rea Mayor, er ae by : of thelr reason; when they suffer be- | ¥ . "I will 'humble myself 'be and then Minister of Finance for the o Doctors, is Again a srong : REDUCES cause they are oe beigaltage re ins him."* spe aaa " State. He is a strong man, he has| Healthy. Girl . smess of women for the rest of their| We were seated in the reception |iany good business qualities, and Ont, EXPENSE a ; livea depends upon being safely tid-|chamber of Yi Yong Ik, the suprome|oxtortion is by 10 means the only 2 (Spcial) That Bright it. ay oni ; _ ed over this crisis. Dr. Williams | Minister of Korea, the man whose | ide of his character. an cones ¥ 2h age ete a jeal. Sin chs Ocnegen tan. otatoes, Ou t S, utter, A les 4 Fink Pills have proved . blessing |name is cursed in a thousand villages | yyis methods can be illustrated by orbs di pap : Pen pis retieal F Dp 4 _to women at all ages, on rs and whose shadow is feared in ten |on9 example. There was a Korean |of incurable di ag gala. proved USEFUL VARNISH. TREE. Tek wa Waes-Soue -- of tn cts sats 7a ticularly Yaluable at two critical |thousand homes, Others have risen at Chemulpho who, probably alone |in tho of Mise Johonn Mayor, of sas bi o_o. i ese articles and we will a. periods--when girlhood is merging|hefore in this land who have carned among hia fellows, tad succeeded in | this Ine I i me ee 'Misa Yields the Well-known Finish of ges you go = % into womanhood and when women /the name of oppressor and extortion-jinisiness on a large scale. Yi ordered | Mayor ee Japanese Goods. THE DAWSON COM MISSION CO, Limited ee: ilewe iia is iy the vieh, ved Pee ed mates ee ete d cil. |through him a hundred thousand dol- | «y "had a Bright's Disease in its worst | The urusi, or varnish tree, of | --------------_ Ger, Weet d Oelborne Sis. TOR : id : = writes F, A. Mackenzie in the London |jarg: worth of rice for the army. In and had to give up a profit- which the Japancse make 50 exten- 3 eee | rr f Mies sticslates | glk tbe one _,o | Dally Sil : ia, {Ave courae the rico was bought," Dut lable position with acorsct drm. Two {Sie & use, is a noble tree," whan Fe ee ee Take, weit ane Twenty years ago he was a cont ®,!not delivered, as immediate delivery |goctors whom I consulted gave me grown to its full sizo. On inelsion " sweeping the yard of a great noble. lai, pot wanted, and the merchant | yp, telling me I had let tha" distance it yields a rich, milky, glutinous trong. Mrs. A. Jones, Cypress i oe Mai. usa OOL OF gd ove To-d ay he is real Asean ogg of was paid. He signed receipts for the too far. I spent a fortune with Juice, out of which the Japanese | J fulness 1 feel that 2 must let you [RTEY: he holds one ee telen. and [eee Duets © Nis MOA Fe BOERS Git |déctors besides going to Caledonia ge Mig Su tent win toe? rpeeais ' Ws 3 rational ny ~ iy ¢ name-of *' ran.** With this know the good Dr. Williams Pink : 4 : money. Springs ea: summer, but no- good " "t Pills hnve done me. For years J he has given the Emperor money and | goon afterwards Yi met tho =mer- | resulted parr I to- think I lenient eodise cu ce agg ei er 1Rhe. ; himself power. Other ministers hed |.» suffered from inflammation of the = chant in the palace. "'When pre you |could not endure life much longer, womb and kindred troubles. Only |miUcezed tho people, as. ta eae going to pay back the hundred thou-| "Tt was then I started to use those who have been similarly af- vee sad or vi eal TF neat them sand dollars you had from the Em-|Dodd's Kidn Pilla and it is owing flicted can tell how much I suffered, [19S Sane © ong peror?"' he asked. "'We want It ot to them entirely that I am at work ; : : i Be even paupers found funds somewhere " af ¥ lain, or glass appears to be very | | or how dreury life seemed. I tried P ; once. The merchant could not un- 'today, a strong healthy girl. Tt |Jimited, and is probably interdicted ' . If you can do naught , ae ~ q many medicines but none of them |to escape F _)derstand what Yi meant, "Here." 'took eight boxes in all to complete | by ity : helped me. 'Then I was advised to else, you can at least ca saat gal Yi, "is your acknowledgement. the Ses io) OM T ond rise take: the Ore ps oc gy omen ton ae 4 try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I aim dren into slavery when the han We want the money back now." He two boxes regularly as I had no faith the meanest pensant, all ate ns 7 grateful now for that advice, for |the tyrant falls. produced the merchant's receipts for jn them. You mny be sure in future of the light varnish or japanned after using about a dozen boxcs KOREAN MINISTER. the money paid for the rice. = Every 1 will nover be without Dodd's Kid-jcups and dishes, the inner substance | J every symptom of tho trouble dis- . arguinent Was in vain. Yi demanded yey Pills." \of which is wood or paper, or what | + j i The m in which we sat Was : ata oot life again . See | small. ies ache WoL Gain MAEAey OM the inoney instantly. The British and | Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure! we term papier-mache. Another q wort iving. It is now fevera American Ministers took the matter | Bright's Diseaso. How sure it is they tree, called "'fornsi,"" renders a var- display, and many a ruler of a sngpll Put a variety into Summer living--it's years since I took the pills, and as} up, as the man had En h d r ite 4 . . 'there has sign of the trouble [province has a grander house than | yi ie husinoss I ecctiten "Te | esr cure all the earlier stages of |nish of an inferior quality. z not the time of year to live near the since, I feel safe in saying the cure |he.- The chamber had a polished | vory representation Yi roturned tho ney Disease SS kitchen range. Libby's * is permanent." leather floor, brown paper sliding ame pai 'We want hundred " Bought my Lifo for 35 ; Wh these pills have done for |sereens in wooden fesinea for walls, |i) ousand dollars back." sm the asa QUEER DRUNKEN MANIAS. a ag saad he had 's bo Bh 4 Veal Loaf, Potted Turkey, Deviled Mrs. Jones they will do for all/and a mat at one end to servo O8 |4),, ' ; it wi © been pronoun' 4 auffering women if given a fale trial. | neat. There was vo otter furniture:.| the merchant had to flee the land,| A sherif! who died some few years Pocarable from chronic d: pain. "Itwas | § Ham, Ox Tongue, &c ; and now docs business {n shanghai. sinco kept a record of the curious | a living death to oo ste tried Dr. Vo a ut you must get the genuine with | A soldier or a child would stare | ol] 2 the fall name "Dr. Williams Pink | through the open door every minute 4 -- of drunkenness shee came un- | Stan's Pineapple Tablets. Thanks to them | + quickly made ready to serve. Pills for I'ale People' on the wrop-lor two. Tho whole scene was typi- EXPERIENCED MOTHERS. Oe Ae everal Robe ce al act well acd tell I tell pag 4 ae 4 Geng today for the little banklet, "Haw to Make Good Things ta Eat.» fal af idean on auc per around every box. Sold by all |cally Oriental. Then, strange incon- -- las One mes ee hind fae ar eae i'S0 my 35 cen t elicious Junch serving. Libby's Atlas of the World mailed free for $ twocent stam medici dealers or sent by mail |graity, a telephone bell rang- A Experienced mothers know that | rpst 7 ' ! i ti drunke ¢? post paid at 5a cents & box or six shabby officer darted into the next most of the troubles that afflict Phen le wale hun & ante ae a 5 Libby, McNeill & LADEY: chkeags boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. room, 'Who's there, who's there?" |young children aro duc to some de- preaking windows whon she was in-| Colonel Percy Yerger--"So I've 60006055004 +++ + + + a ea Medicine Co., Brockville, [he called in Korean, "Hullo! What | rangement of the stomach or bowels, | toxicated. An old sovldier suffering caught you smoking cigarcttes. You = . Bie do you went? Why don't you speak ney that if the cause is removed the from a wound in the head always are only fifteen years old, yet in- ---- ---- acme! -- a Trees up? I can't hear you. Tullo! At pea ae be plump, rosy and | gtole Dibles when ho was tipsy. An- dulge in all kinds of vices.'" Tomuny y : fant ' jerked the receiver on mee pla aie such Peles an Seidl | other man stole nothing but spades, |Yerger--"But, father, you should re- side, just as you do in your ce on, colic, cons pation, diarr- while one woman's fancy ran to member that you were a bov once RD MAKI N One of the Strangest Human Be-' when the exchange will not put you|hoea, simple fevers and teething 'ghawls and another's to shoes. A |yoursolf."" Colonel Yerger--"l was i ngs in the 'ight troubles there a no medicine in the ' d jeh? id y = right, 'i. g-| world sa -a Ou Pete man named Grubb fas imprisoned j¢h? How did youscome to find that The little town of Dadnor, In the Enter Yi Yong Ik, 1 ta broad- F can cq Baby's a soven times for stealing tubs, al-|out? What do you know about m q TY ; ? y $10 In one prize for the test number of etate { n s human | shouldered, commandin man. 'You! lets The action of the Tablets is though there was nothing in his line | boyt 19 ' p grea a of word n wie, at the se ar iweats-tourt per) no second miauee wi him to see | speedy, and above all things safe, | of "Vite tt .take tubs particularly dee ela r wie boy?" oe Oe ane AOS $10 In two five dollar prizes for the next lengeat tiets. is developing at only one-sixth the !that here is one who can accomplish | 2° they contain not one particle of |sirablo to him. ag $10 In five two doNar prizes for the smaller lists. rate of the average human being. |things. There is none of the softness peered ede --_-- bua tints ------_------ Bewara of Oint ts for Calarrh We will h f present time ke is learning | of the typie<) Korean in his face, an 7. Ro as Use 6 Tablets ! nimen or arr : e wi pay t eso prizes for the best lists of Ris cpbinek Meld tan (nat -ananaae (og there Saag aera Ain j and she will say that they are. the Minaid's Linkment Cures Dandruff that Contain Meroury. English words made out of the three words : to count up to ton. chirecter of cupidity and tyranny | ee 3 baci as mercury will surely destr a During the past nineteen yenrs he Sa ecvaatie attributed to him, The |... oka Oi, Cranberry. Que., says A man who wished to tuke proceed- | of stacil anc completoly era wee "sine MASSEY = HARRIS WHEELS. m" hes eaven but three meals per week, jenst of the features is Mongolian. ater ny ing thoroughly tested ings against n creditor in a distant Whole system when entering it through has slept twenty-four houra and |g deritahiin alter mes hint how Raby's Own Toblets 1 can any they : i Ircaned: pee the mucous surfaces, Such articles Letters to be used in answers only as many times as they appear in the y ne wnderstands after secing 1 ate the beat temedy for the sil<| jtown sent a letter addressed: To | should never be used except on pre- b d: Cur iti a M h di i ( played twenty-four hours, without Jey. coolie became head of the se t {1 4 : if any respectable lawyer in A----."' The | Scriplions from reputable physicians. as AHOYS Orgs: mpetition closes May joth. deadin your list to-day. the slighte est Variation y } aes ments o itth ones . 1 hove ever | the damage «snoy will d is te 'old iL spenks no English, hut he 8 N th i Post Office returned the letter "mark- s twenty fou rs of nge he ka ne No mother should call with- to the good you ¢an possibly derive c our years Lge he leo ly nda Mnglish fashion, and b Brescia . d. "Not wn." a fan fT Lae, older than n boy of four or five, ta) 2" ait = out them in the house."' You ean |°°: 2 own. from them. Flull's Catarrh Cure, man- only 36 inches in height. and not sap sgual own on the mats in the jget the Tablets from any draggiat ra Mao ts "i Fun meneeaty, Sak ke ' eo . ate = edo, OF, co ing ne "rcury is more than #5 pounds in weight. Fo t [adjoining room. My interpreter bum=| or they will be sent by mail at 25 Mloard's Linimeat Relleves Neural la taken internally, netiig directly upan |- the same period his development. . (biee his forchead in the dust before) cents u box by writing The Dr, Wil- 8 the bload and races of the physically, and mentally, hos been i \linms' Medicine Ce., Brockville, ure sen baying "Haat Catareh yeti at only one-sixth the ordinary rate yi did the same to re and I it, Ont, She (bored)--"No, Mr. Lytely, T]en internally ond made in 'Toledo, white absolutely re guise and a Racuees ore lege - ean never love you. I honor and re Oe eT en Fo J. Cheney & Co. Teasti- in all other respect , aE ' spoct you. am sure is would Sold by "Draggiite: Trice, .75¢ per At his birth the --_-- marvel was )a¥ay in unobstructive fashion, as INCAS' TREASURE FOUND. make some other woman ood hus- | bottle ten pounds in weight, and in no Oe others did. Defore our talk ¥ --- ltand. l He itor ould Take Halls Family Pills for consti- ' 2 . Pa | patio a _ wise different from any other -- child. ih 7 se Srolently comprested muscles Long a" sora Great Wealth \you--or--give me a lotter of, recom iccacual Write for our new "Silver Ribbon" Booklet. = Uatil he attained the age of five he | ¥ere aching 2 wey: bie at aT : * mendation to my next place? Customer--"That watch vou sald ce throve and grew in quite the normal , Kon eh on eS Wis eo aent aa vie. The Bolivian and Peruvian news- tne the other day does not keep good ADDRESS, DEPARTMENT "A" . way. Then all at once his progress |doubt It. ne PALS ~|pupers announce that, after a search time."' Deal | i faul " j Was mysteriously arrested, and ever | ting on the ground for an hour With | extending for centuries, the grent onli on. Be. saeses oe eee bil CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR co., Limited, Toronto Junotion. y since KIX years have been the same | your legs tucked under you. buried treasure of the Incas has been ple sev that the times are very bad Pear a Pree aaa to him as one to other persons. VIEWS ON THE WAR. discovered in Bolivia. phe just now?" ipa Naturally, his case has attracted The treasure, { qntturally, his caso has attracted | rho Minister promptly crose-cxam-| £3,900,000, was found by a. party WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO.| QHENILLE OURTAINS and medical men, more than one of jane ed ine, Did I believe there would | of British and American ongineors at Ta tha Minard's Linlmeat fo for sale ee From April 25th to Pec. Ist, in- whom has expressed the conviction | be war? When did 1 think wer would|Chayaltaya. 'The natives arc in a elusive Wabash Railroad. will] LAOK CURTAINS > DYES a CLEANED that this remarkable being will live | come? hy did J tiie no? What | great state of excitement, for they = a ccanall ai ry Gets' bo he c LiKe NEW, to be no less than three centuries | were the pip tees doing? This was| believe that thero is treasure to the Mr. Lookahead--""Did my cana ran tea" Pair, am Feet eurven Ainmareas svmne oe. Box 158, Men , courtesy on his nat, and courtesy | value of £6,000,000 still to be dis- give you any oncouragement, ++ | World's it. Louis, at the low- ' trond equally demanded that [ should dis ve = Mr. Donothing--"'Why, yes; she says |¢St one-way first-class fare, good for ee : caveree WHITE ELEPHANT'S FUNE oa : ey d d irae claim all knowledge, ho knowing all The "Ruried "Treasure of the In- HA UNERAL. 'that your business is increasing. so | fifteen days, fare an a third; good 'An admirable Food of tt WITY RUSSIANS STARVE. before, and yet should tell him what cas' has been the theme of romance | Curious ceremonics are witnessed in that you can soon support us in the | for vminy days, grea einer 18 oe Fast days in Russia aro numerous |! knee, Questions as to my oWn for generations and the object of |Siam when one of the sacred white atyle we both would liku." ipa -- cil ail onsen yin 3 Besides the ordinary Lenten poriod, MOYeMente were easier answered, jnumeroun expeditions. 'elephants dics. It is given a funeral Se aos 5 tht 4 ee os atest ot alk te which, however, in Russia lasts! Phen ¥i spoke emphatically. ea T he Incas--the "Chikdren of the grander than that accorded to prin- $ tj t B li ing to this, the greatest of nil: x forty-eight "dats instead of forty. believe there will be peace,' he sald.) Sun""--that wonderful race of white-'ees of royal blood. Buddhist priests cep ics urn e ievers pomtions, elec qeeminilicr Sho" graat Finest quality and flavour they have three shorter periods iy There wall be no war." IT gazed ate complixioned Indians--flourished in officiate and thousands of devout Si- AND ARE CURED Wabest us ri i ce deca microns : - daar faxting--one of nineteen days In him. Tid ho not know that but an |Peru from 1130 to 1571, and were | amese men and women follow the de- * and best route,' Tho only line that June. one of fourteen daya in. Au- hour before the Koroan wires had lthe reigning dynasty when Pizzaro !ceased animal to the grave. Jowels |Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder a owns and controls its own rails di- gust and another) of thirty-three been cut at Masampho? Was he un- | Souauered the country fn 1582. | and offerings representing somo thou- Great Blessing. net $0 tan: Works sisi gaten. lo i November 'ievtias uware that at this moment Japancke the amazing wealth of these In- | oF f etables and = descriptive World's days in ovember and December. 1 |sands of pounds are buried with the + a transports were stealing up from | dion kings history leaves no doubt "When I 1 that Dr w'n Ca-| Fair folder, address any ticket agent, Nutritious and tr + gaia There are, in uddition, three single | tranapye en 1B pP hut the: failure of | elephant. tarrhar Po wider oo Id rellove oa scan in!or J, A. Richardson, District Pas- days of fasting, of which two are Tsushima, full of armed men, that leant i any successive treasure See 10 minutes | was for from being con- Agent Morth 2 Py Kin i bares Fasting 1s a serious) Russian transports were filling die vai proty eae ct ines ee | Even a swindle-proof man can some | {iON ie pio e .gnandel eS Pa eee omen Saresta, Torsaio, My icc see tocbladen is wait reel | | ee ws oo ee on him ep) Wes ve efiectively looted by Vie- | ine pe taken ae Dg oviee ee Ye | einand tier en Seanegis: ed -- Tho result is that the markets for j|thank you for your advice," he ro |The os frew sho ter ee 'cae am free trou Catarrh.' iB. L. Kgan's su duct ome oe] L lie 17 palaces ond temples of the . . i (FRaston, Pa.) experience hog been at sich producis are eryely cut of for pli withSut moving w muscles lances, and-ontm the garurnn of tho (Ate Tem tC ogres wi | owas cents Sum And MAY Fy] was Cura ofa ad onto of Grp Seite' remien becomes haprofitable, lV eccsngs aa AD caians Fam bit' 'a | Brte sts, blazed with gold and Ee ten: Ue. Auayw's Hens Gare eaves Ile. by, MINARD'S: Likne. ST as ric observance of fasts 1s) a) youth, while vou have seen mnny -- elleves lo jo mioutes, Ak » 2. . #UPs. ightier matt th the tople | ep j _-- --___- : = I was Cured of loss of voice Fen becorty ot ay Cilice fuilure' of (°c fy fue of nue eeavineem: eas nun tomdles wivlalea tae 'thee Bought Youterssy OCCASION FOR A STORY by MINARD'S LINIMENT. our own system of inorals are the MWer. o _-- aes 7 gorgeous temples violated by the | @@y.--AMrs. O, C. Bart, of a6 Brondway, - . " : ? Yarmouth. CHAS PLUMER. : dare not mae ise. 5 only r -- med Spanieh soldiery but even the mum- | New York, says: "Tams A man had a story about a gun} [ was Cured of Sciatica Rheuma- es Aull tne ency what Is on the lps Aion were dug up and stripped of ine itegy afer ns the better im My lohich he delivered himself of upon |tigm by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Oe ten i iv. oR their priceless Jewels and 3 eae use of i poche all occasions, At a dinner-party one | Burin, Nfld. LEWIS S. BUTLER. HAS A SAY, It is well," came the reply ut} DECKINGS OF BEATEN GOLD. -- prong It werked ti evening bo writhed in his chair for = what matter theso things to un? Let! When Pirraro made his rst entry | 'here's & a paren euectag pala over an hour waiting for a chance to The School Principal Talks Ab Russian and Japan fight: Korea will into the Valley of Cajamarca and ~-- this paca th within reach, 40 Coals. sweroduee his.atory, But no opportun- e Schoo neipa a out |take no shore in their fight. Our the Peruvian army fled in dismuy = j ' ¥. ity presented itself. Finally he sli , : Food. Emperor has issued hia or ae leaving the Famperor Atuhualpa a -- od a coin into the hand ae ee Proud Mother--"'You will bo five Tho Principal of w Tigh School in of neutrality. Ty ae he wi gated captive. that Inca offered, us his Minnie--"Did he kisa you when he !and whispored, "When you leave the | years old to-morrow, Willie; and I ; 4 + 2 1 te ale e bui ' a an o give you a real bir *. 'fourishing Celifornin fity sass: Wo are very glad that Mngland es ransom, to fill with gold the buikd- | proposed?" y--"'Certainly; I |room again, slam the door.' want to give } a 1 birthday oe SA Maete ft worked te thats, om Conaraticn, and we jing ja which he waa held prisoner. | euuldn't eaiisliler any but scaled pro- | The waiter slammed the door of ater t. TO me what you would like school with only short sumnwr va- | °° "lad to do all we can for F'ng- | Ornaments from temples and palaces posnla."' directed, and the man mirang to his better than anything else."' Willie entions. I formed the hubit of oat- Race ae Were brought and melted down, and --_+ t, with the exclamation, "What's esi thinking earnestly for five min- ing rapidly, Raced poorly elas | ii hare Issued your declara- food oe ae among them | tise Prieid--'Hor hair is a beauti- {that noise--a gun?" tes)--"'Bring me a whole box of coupled with my sedentary work led |'! T answered. "Rut "iat if [Henn sterlin value of about four mil- |tul gold, isn't it?" 9 Her Enemy-- "Oh, no," returned his bost, "it cheostate creams, mother; and ask to Incigeatlore liver trouble, lame ho ae. * sues be i gogex | ee the empire "Yes, but it isn't her own,' Her was only socal door,' Tommy Smith to come in and watch ary ig Cir sn an men mip 'a = r . . beer oe and rheumatism. cite (OE Ber a ewan Sax won drive (Priests and ar wero everywhore | /ricnd--"Oh, yes, it is; I was with | "Ah, I Well. pcetgeratd , bt fee eee them.' do pal me ith drugs while bikers news off? What yrill you do? Will Seortaiee 3 Regn boy re Lo kee od it her when she bought it. guns comindet me of a litt gw stery. an armies die Pei AUTOMOBILE ' we ilies ' a ~;ouk o ¢ hands of the icve arts ' _< 6 Pa umatic ne. prescribed dieting | eer sometines [|Your appeal to the Powerg for belp? bs g fot nary al, Shen tipes|" GOOD TAX GATHERER. jhe woven man manger ware | A se Bee ee re nee 5 Ld *, t now Be 12 pears T Mesaviad "Our soldiers are not stroag enough of boundless woalth hidden in caves mi - rong Ow gery matic Cure, mon Ged be tose The Winton Touring Car is appre- Work. seldom laid up but often a |t© drive off the Russien or Japanese sunk in river beds and burled deep C.W May fae, of Thamesville,Ont.,couldn't ciated by the best informed because - <arden to myself with lamencss and | 8hmler But there will be no need |! ihe one te mush of this treasure a ed himself for months--four _ built on correct mechanical princi- rheumatic pai for un to appeal to the Powers if tee (tne DD cad value being any. n 0 WATT FROM Ka terre o pate sce Sissi tint encour ||| Ples, of highest grade materials. As "Two years. 'ago 1 met an old |Our fatreiiey ge ero bnew 4 ae thing between ES 500,000 and £6. agement for 1! ic sufferers ?--82 a prospective automobile purchaser tind) Bhvuiia who nouted nt |come, without bring asked, end will Gop. "Among the tot tory a Jou dar ota fl tie to your i=] an eS who ernie tad for me an exclusive | Here Yi stood. He resorted to hig [si tainen of "Piro, gold and 'many Teweh re omnes with 8 pupil self, take chances on an per uN " ! ™m- in ature's works aro car. resenting a car of such om aces Bie i ate ots "ana Inia pa she puis Seles BDUTIRG | gages, weapans und boxes and Nervous System Was Exhausted and Pains Were Almost Unbear- murvelloun,"' oxclnima the pupil. i nt i rit as is the 190% ollowe § instructions § an nial En Un Piaget IAC ateseny anuulets of gold and gems. ablo--Health Featered b "Yea, indced,"' tho teacher replicd peril me = in-two months I felt ike a new ma D | The Eimperor Must grieve over the Bu the Eldoredo, the ulti- : a bate y i 'when you think for example that Winton, we become " automobile ae Shiver tn fle and fe rues oS ee RT cy F nate source ret the marvelous wealth lthe bumblest insect has its Latin underwriters"--insuring youagainst ES ee "Sanches tax ban [ed pave ohn are gearing. of which "ony, & hint wan given by Dr. Chase's Nerve Focd, = m=" risk or loss. Have you seen our = 5 Pi our people who are quarreling the old-decked alac hich os . ~ my main food for morning ond even- | war did come it would not concern ie Te aaned the Pome tarig rhe Sp: an- viiaimeiae ing meals, nm stronger and health- |os. Our Kannerer doea not grieve.' | jards, was never discovercd, It was Mi i ' LI | t C B pa Menage es ee he Aiter much more talk to the same aoe Surco, the mathematically built Herd $ LINMEN LHTES DUTAS, ete, The Winton -- one Co ise eee ge oubles. fect our interview ended. end Ti capital of the Inens, and Pizzaro's As a convalescent food there is Do- times the pains in my head were al- _ Cleve pal eacll CARINE | rom the present vigor- alipes don my boote to make my Woy | half-brother, Gonaelo, certainly fail- | thing te be compared to Dr. Chase's |most unbearable. As oa result of Mistress--"'Did you manage to find Riajrsoesies in the Seamics «ous physical and mental state T tell) ¢g my rickshaw, while Yi went along)ed to find it on the castern slope of |Nerve Food. Gradual en << theee exiatcont I was unable to at-/|the basket of eggs that Was on the} { Canad y people Mcthuselah may yet hav : eee ly a 5 THE AUTO ta take po lecs fiom 'the ola to the palace to his regular meeting the Andes, whace popuhir belief lo-]ly this treatment enriches the , }tend to my housework, and felt mis | floor, Kate?" Servant--"'Oh, yis, z AUTOMOBILE & $U1 SUPPLY co med. for I feel liko I wath i ee ee ee, rr at ee cine. cuted it. watery blood, restores vitality to the larable toast of the time. mum--aisily. Oi shtepped in its" Sed Adcucioa te Chiat 4 muny more years Twenty years ago, and less, os I} Of recent treasure-hunting parties, | wasted nervous system and builds up| On tho advice of a friend, I began Rancsenarscng hing eg have said, Yi was a cooliq. Friends | one organized by_an Amcrican syn- |the body generally. using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and For Over Sixty Years "To all this remarkable change |; own 'Can remember him wh wate ar @ which Eli Ha: ; . . rper was the f le we bE) bes been ase} fn health J am indebted to my wise he pant mae < the most oatal head, left New York for Lima in] If you are palo, "wenk, nervous, Ay gresk esate: ue Fun ale Pliogs of top aa S fri 1001, and has not since been heard |Titable and unable to sleep OF Test ja, ny own work now, 'and feel Postum ' 11 continue to _erean. °| His master liked him, amd Wad himjof, A second had its origin in there is health and strength oweiting | ooo oc, and healthier than I have | BS \ tng ee -- oh | appointed tax-gatherer in = wall dip- | Londen in 1902. ~~ the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve |/... a I ean truthfully state | um Il I move to a world where | be . Here Yi was in his clement. ee eee that this is duc to the use of 'Dr, -- digestion ig unknown."' Nome A poor man himsell, he knew all, the Mrs. J. Hatcher, 224 Sherbrooke | Chase's Norve Food, which I consider | Chairwoman of the Bonrd (reading) by Postum Co., Rattle Creek, ich. tricks of tlie poor te avoid taxes. He] "Well, how do you like married | street, wuteenery « Ont., and whose |e great health builder.' "Wo have received a proposal----"' All Ask any physician what he knows | Wa* unepering, end raised 'cere / life?' inquired a friend. "Not at husband is moulder at the Hamil-| Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 centa | the Feminine Members (rising) -- » about G 'Nuts. Those who have | money out of the people than anyone | all,"" rep the man who had mar-|ton le th states: "I had.en at-|a box, six boxes for $2.50, at all "Which of us? hi it know things. ad dono before. Was soon. pro-/ rin] money and was suffcring for it. |tack of inflammatory rheumatiam, | dealers, n. Bates & Oo., --_ - '+ ""Thero's a reason." moted to a higher place, for he who} I'm a case of matrimonial dyspep-|which left me im a very run-down |Toronto. To protect you against) Wash greasy dishes, pote of pans Look in cach pkg. for the famous |can squeere best is a great man in | ejn."' "Matrimonial dyspepsia?" j state of health, and in fact my je |Imitations, the portrait and signature | with Lever's oy § Soap a powder. It _ little Book, 'The Road to Well- Korea. In his new district he found|"Yes, She nover agrees with mo; | nervous system seemed exbausted ab of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous ref| will remove the grease with the " "4 , some gold, she's too rich." morn ou "Pres ets ) eee greatest cane.

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