-. » 'gr's cuss for waar. ... already, rich. HEADQUARTERS FOR - WALL - PAPER. Call and 'let us show you our numerous designs in Wall Paper. e are convinced we can suit you. 4 "HAUNTED HOUSE WANTED. -- € ; -- <A +t sty Which Makes a Study of rails is in Quest otk New. Sub- ject. New Brunswick, N. J., May 20.--W. K. Lyons, » real estate dealer here, re- ceived an order this from Wm. Offerman of New York City, the Becre- tary of a secret society whose object is the study of the: habits of ghosts. The order read : "We must have s haunted house,and SEEDS. We handle only the choic- est Seeds, so that when you buy here you are sure of get- ting the best. , J. A. HAGKING DRUGGIST - AND - BOOKSELLER Issuer of Marriage Licenses and Railway Tickets. ListowelStandard FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1904. A BUSINESS-LIKE PROPOSAL. + Cee om has to from Monston to the Grand a g , the railway promoters (the Grand Tranok Railway ompany) are to be allowed to acquire common stock in the Grand Trunk Pacific to the amount of $25,000,000. Poor Canada, after assuming practical- ly all the responsibility involved in the deal, gets notbing out of it. RB L. Borden, the leader of the Opposi- tion, proposes a remedy for this im- proper division of the spoils. If Can- ada is to pay three-quarters of the cost of construction of the Western divi- sion, the Conservative leader insists that the country and the people shall have three-quarters of the profits aris ing from the common stock issue. In a word, be requires, on behalf of his party, that the Grand Trunk ehall . only get one dollar in stock for every three dollars iu common stock which will be handed over to the Canadian The division is in proportion to the risk assumed by the respective contracting parties in respect of the cutlay involved iv completing the Western division of the new transcon tinental line. Mr. Borden and his followere have jaid down a good busi- ness principle in insisting that the peo- ple and the company muet divide the profits arising from the building of the line, in keeping with the responsi- bility assumed. Ths Liberals, in the event of the road being built, wish to give everything away to men who are The Conservatives 1p- on recognition of allclaims on w "the basie that governs all similar part- nerships in this country. The Govern- ment, of course, advised by the Grand Trunk, refused to accept Mr. Borden's proposal. COLLISION AT GUELPH. Several Cars Smashed and Three Burned. A Double-header Runs Into the Rear of a Freight--One Engine Turned Over Guelph, May 22.-- A very bad wreck occurred on the Grand Trunk Rail- way one mile east of this city at 6.20 to-night. A freight train, in charge of Jobneou and Adame,drawiog,thirty-two cars, pu. led by engine No. 91 and ap- other engine, wae going west when the engines broke away from the cars shortly before reaching Guelph. They returned to pick up the cars, had coupled and started west again, when a freight train pulled by engine No. 706, crazhed into the rear. Engine No. 706 was driven g Palo Smith of Stratford, while J. Dourett of St. Joseph's Island was fireman. When abcut ten car lenghts from the point of contact they both jamped down the embaukment and were fol- lowed by the brakeman. All escaped uniojured. The evgine made a complete somer. eault, and eight cars were piled on top of it, almost completely hiding it from view. Almost immediately the debris broke into flames. The wrecked cars were loaded as follows : One with ammuopition, an- other with paper, two with lumber, two with merchandise, one an empty, one 8 refrigerator. few minutes after the wreck a large crowd had gathered, but when the ammunition car took fire there was a rapid dissipation of spectators. Load- ed cartridges were etrewn for a hun- dred yards around and an explosion was momentarily expected, bat the fire was put ont before the expected $15,000. Newspapers as Shirts. mini - A London Boy Says The Times Weare Best of All. The London Daily Mai! of May 9 has the following :--Weering a shirt cut out of a copy ef The Daily Telegraph, A it must be supplied with an authenticat- ghost, and some lively spooks, an we don't care how quickly yon get it for us." ; Mr. Lyons has not disclosed the name of the society, der isa bona fideone. Heis searching 4 a -_ e no | =. S " ~ $ E. so se 5 "a &. Ey} R } - eg © - My ! the man's full of sour dough! . So the doctor made us carry fatlier into the kitchen, The doo the fire and laid father on the stove. Father got awful hot and soon he threw up ten hot biscuits, three pies and a loaf of home-made breud. Father said to the doctor, how much do I owe you? The doctor said ten dollars. Father atill had some dough left so he coughed Pp : house a lodge room, and then entertains the ghosts. RUSSIAN CRUISER DES- TROYED. Bogatyr, of Viadivostock Squadron, Stranded and Blown Up. London, May 20.--A despatch to the St. James Gazette from Kobe, Ja- pan, dated to-day, after confirming the report of the stranding of the Liussiao protected cruise:, Bogatyr, on the rocks near the entrance to Viadivostook, adds that the Bogatyr subsequently was blown up by the Russians to prevent her falling into the hands of the Japan- 86. She was a fine modern cruiser of nd was The speed of the Bogatyr was estimat- ed to be over twenty-three knote an ber crew numbered 580 men. The Servant Girl Problem. The Hamilton Herald says : No one but the woman who has to lick them into shape knows bow trying are un- trained, half-taught, self - assertive girls, who unblushiugly take situations as servants. Quite recently a lady on South John street engaged a girl io place of one who had gone away to better herself, aud found that the pew maid knew absolutely nothing about the duties she had undertaken to per- form. One morning she was told to bring in the lettere that the postman had just put in the letter box, and ehe carried them in in her ban She was told to bring auything into the room on asilver salver provided for the purpose. But it took a double dose of sal volatile tu rcvive the lady when upou requesting the girl to bring in some coals, the girl brought them in on the aforesaid silver salver. The lady is now open to engage another servant. Cupid and the Lawn Mowers. A Hint to the Summer Girl From Vine- land, New Jersey. Vineland, N. J.. May 20. -- Onpid erched on a lawn mower has caused the latest sensation in Vineland. Last week a prominent young woman of ast avenue received five proposals of marriage while mowing the lawn one evening. Now all the eligible girls in town have the lawn-mower craze. 5 The whole town fell to wonderin; at the sudden interest shown by the girls in lawn mowing, but now the ee- cret is out. Hardware dealers are experiencing a boom in business, and minieters are living in avticipation. HESS FURNITURE BY-LAW. Bracebridge Will Take $15,000 Stock in the Company. Bracebridge, May 20 -- The by-law regarding the Hose Furniture Company was carried by a large majority here to- day, only seventeen votes being polled against it. The principal item of the by-law was that the town sbould take $15,000 in preferred stuck iv lieu of their mortgage on the property of the company, on the company complying with some conditions to make thi safe. ATWOOD. Jno. Atkine%, piano tuner, of Lis- towel, was in tuWa Monday and tuned a number of pianos. Mr. and Mes, H.R. Morphy and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walter, of Listowel, at- tended the funeral of the late John Lit- tle on Tuesday afternoon. J. W. Meyers, Captain uf No.8 Com- pany of the Perth 28th Regiment of Volunteers, was in town Monday look- ing up recruits for hia Listowel com- pany. He was desirous of having his compapy up to its full quota when it left for camp early in Jane. We are not aware with what success he met on his mission. Henry Buck of Woodstock epent a few days visiting relatives in town and vicinity prior to removing to New York State, where he will e:.gege in fruit farming. Mr. Buck bas been working in a farniture facto. .4 Woodstock for some time, but, as his health is not good, he decided to try a" change of occupation. We are pleased to congratulate J. A. it up,"--Rnthven (Lowa) Appeal. Grelps Herald : A report is current ocal Grand '[runk circles that No. the fast expresa from Montreal which arrives iu Guelph at 9.05 o'olock every morning, will be taken off thie route and placed on the southern branch. The report is apparently well founded and some of the local officials have already been informed of the same. Thie early train has been the source of much convenience, not only to the citizens of Guelph, but to the travelling public generally. It has been well poe which should be sufficient evidence that it has been ap- preciated and should warrant ite being retained by the Grand Trunk. The Toronto moroing papers have been coming in oD this train, and this fact alone will be disappointing tothe citi- zene asa whole. The change, it is ex- pected, will take place on or about June 6. in 1, The Wellesley extension electric railway seems to hind a olond jaet now, owing to the failure of the town of Berlin aod the Iabor party of that place to settle their dispute over the quashing of the by-law. They seem at present unable to come to an agreement, and if the case goes on the present by-law may possibly be quashed, thus destroying both the Ber- lin and Waterloo bonuses, amounting to $14,000, towards the building of the road. But this would net mean the abandoning of the scheme, for if the present by-law is thrown out by the courts on account of some technigs error in submitting ho ratepayers, another vote could be taken in time to build the road this summer, if the magnates so decide.-- Wellesley Maple Leaf. The Gorms of Catarrh Not cnly attack the passages of the head and throat but finally reach the lungs and. i othing destroys ca- discharge, takes all soreness from the throat, "1 consider Catarrhozone has no asa cure fer catarrh and lung trouble' writes Jas E, Wetherell of Brighton. 'It cured me after many g' to even octors failed relieve my trouble." Catarrbozone can't fail to cure--it's guaranteed. Two months treatment $1.00; trial size 25c. Meeers. John H. Thomaon and R. P. Foster, prominent business men of St. Joun, N. B.,.were drowned by their boat upsetting in Oromoscto Lake. Mr. E. P. Stavert, who was with them, swam half a mile tbrough a heavy ses to the shore. Hector Cooper of Oshawa and En- gene Gagnor, Baie St. Paul, Quebec, two students at the Onturio College, Gaelph, were drowned while canoeing in the Speed. Young Ladies, Read This the complexion like peach bloom, cheeks erosy, eyes bright, you'll be the picture of health, Thousands of ladies keep up their youthfnl appearance with Ferrozone, you! Price 50c, at druggists Fora number of years Brampton has had a $1,200 contract with the Grand Trunk Railway Co. for the supply of water for their engines. Two years ago the water was very low at the lake and the supply was thought to be ineufficient to meet the demands. The printing office mo- tors were out off, the Grand Trank was cootinued on a day by day basis. Efforts to make a new contract bave not eucceeded. The Grand Trank people are now putting ina system of their own at Malton. In the meantime there is disappointment in Brampton at the probable loss of $1,200 per annum in the town's revenue. Heart Palpitation at Night Rattles even the strongest man, but to theaverage woman it is a taste of general purgatory, Take a little Nerviline in sweetened water and away pitation. You'l by keeping Nerviline on hand, which ise treasure for all sorts of pains and aches. Nerviline cures beadache, stomach and bowel troubles quickly. Costs 25c for o large bottle. James A. Learn, of Kingsmill, 50 years old, advertised for a wife. Mi White, of Port Rowan, replied, and they became engaged. She went ba o r Port Rowap, and the rejected lover is now suing her for breach of promise. Joba Sutherla..d, » Vaneouver line- man, had an exciting ride on an ava!- anche down the steep side of Maas 'The abebnoo of Fest accounts for much of the ill-health irritability 'and des- we find everywhere about us.. We oan't eat oar. and have it, nor can we go on wasting our without soon reaching the limit of our reserve power. Better not let it go on this far. Much wiser to take Ferrozone when that tired enervated . feeling first noticed, Nervous callapse is avoided in this way. If you feel the need of rest, but tor then poked apy can't get it because of overwrought nerves, nothing in the world will do you so much good as Ferrozone, which is noted for promptly restoring perfect health in just such cases as 'yours. Perhaps you wonder how Ferrozone does this. The firet result of: Ferro- zone is a better appetite. Everything you eat is digested and properly assim- ilated. The nataral outcome of this is the formation of pute blood. the fundamental 'basis of health. When iven a new supply of od the circulation is quickened. This giver the weak nerves something to feed upon. They quickly lose their sensitiveness, and your old irritable companions become a help instead of a drawback. Pretty soon you begin to fee! the vim and buoyancy that Ferro- zone always brings. Your strength noreases, you can work longer, toil harder, sleep better than ever before. If halfthe pale. -vous people could only realize how efioial Ferrozone is, there would be alot more bappiness in the world, No remedy applies so directly to the peculiar ills from which women suffer. It is a specific for anaemia and brings a ruddy glow of health to pale oheeks in a remarkably shorttime. In all diseases arising from impairment of blood or nerve tone, in cases where @ tonicie needed to stimu- late appetite and digestion, nothing is more helpful than Ferrozone. It re- places tiredness and lack of energy by a reserve of force, and maintainy such a healthy condition of the system that sickness is impoasible, Every person, maa, woman or child, who wants more strength, more flesh, strouger nerves, parer biood, should use Ferrozone. Price 500 a box or six boxes for $2 50, at draggists or by mail from N. C. Polson Co., Kingston, Ont., aud Hartford, Conn., U. 8, A. - A subscription is being taken up ip the Travsvaa to send a team of Boers to the rifle mest at Bisley, Guelph Retail Merchants' Associa- tion have decided to give their olerka a half-holiday during Jaly and August. Steamship Line have to carry 15,000 tons e > md mines ja fire brigade are still ont str: d the firemen have refused to d toany more calls. The Marooni Company have agreed with thy ent to establish seven less "telegraph stations on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, old duughter o! Mr. J. H. Roedding of Tillsouburg, ehpped cff a beam into the water and was drowned. The Oarriage factory of B. Ledoux & Co., ontreal, one of the finest structures of its kind in Canada, vas completely destroyed by fire, Loes $250,000 or $360,000. Business meu of London have de- cided to organize a fire insurance com- pany on the mutoal cash plan, and $200,000 of insurance has been pledged. - ae PAYING TELLER'S LAPSE. He and Several Others Failed to Note an Absurd Error. Banks are notoriously careful about scrutinizing the signatures to checks on which they pay out money, yet, as the following incident well illustrates, it Is possible for even the most care- ful and experienced of paying tellers to make mistakes. The incident is the prominest business man as well as ap astonishing lapse in the case of a usu- ally accurate and scrupulously exact bank official. Among the depositors at one of the largest banks in the city is an old and prominent firm which may be called, for the of this relation, Aloysius Jenkins & Co, All checks is sued by the firm are signed in person by Aloysius Jenkins, its head, so that his handwriting and signature thoroughly familiar to the bank off- cers at whose bank he has deposited for twenty years or more. ft such a foolish sent over for the check. It needed on- ly a glance to sbow him that be had written it and the signature really was Al Co. payable and whose indorsement was on its back. y had not noticed the mistake at It had passed through the hands of cashier and of eth- an east end iad, in conversation with | McFarlane on bis success in passing | Mountain, near Princess May, B. O.,| ¢F employees dnd had been by. them the Rev. Thomas Collings of St. Barna- | the final exams for the degree of bach- | recently. it to the bank, ane it head been bas' Church, Goswell road, London, |jelur of applied science. He took Brantford's special committee will credited to their accoun ee _ ques- afforded the minister sume amusing | honors in Thesis, Hydraulics, Strength | ..snimously recommend a municipal the sharp eyes - particulars of the durability of certain | and yO Jobn has telephone syotem ing teller and-on)y being discovered newspapers as articles of apparel. been a faithful and snocessfal student P ' t'nearly thirty days oret "Yer see guv'nor, J don't get achoice | and deserves credit for the success at- Bix or morte experienced ---- of pypers," said the youngster ; "jist | tending hie efforts, He will likely ao- Not theSlightest Danger. beat ee ee Oe ecectian . sometimes one, sometimes another." | cept a lucrative position in the city of | 5. using De Hamilton's Pills of Man- take get by wi 84 emg aay snes a etn Crees amb oe ajake "sn Datinant for. sostpaio or | More 'ridiculous thing about it all was ; ied recom! because t Peete ope made out of "them radical news-| Asa result of the depression caused Y miteg siping pains For pro wer the fact that he haé Lo cn, cage pypers, why, they ain't worth a tink-] by the war thousands of Buesian work- | certain cure use only Dr. lton's Pills, | rm mame. By rei te letter Pat ingmen are idle. Price 25c, : : book for the day the check was dated ~~" {ust then im closing up an important ms sre Es x ~ Lear a pI \eteg S s pion for : Clara Roeddiug, the fourtesen-year- | ar ie i dozen at 15 shillings a dozen, and a large quantity of spoons, basins and diestick V inister Gazette. ------------_------_----- Some Virtucs of Louis XIV, duty." eign both in the sphere of administra- tion, and in that socic! sphere which was, to his mind, no less important. So courteous that he never passed the poorest woman about the palace with- out lifting his hat, he carried polite consideration to the level of a fine art. In the way of courteous speech there are few things nobler than his remark to the great Conde as the old hero was slowly ascending the great marble staircase at Versailles, Conde apolo- gized for being so long in mounting the steps, at the top of which the king stood waiting. "Ab, cousin," Louis re- plied, "one moves slowly when one Is laden with laurels!'--Longman's Mag- azine. sing Birds. Among birds the females do not sing, and although many species ve mu sical call notes and agreeable tones im conversation which are shared in by both sexes still the true song is only rendered by the male bird. I am sin cere in saying that the lady bird talka more than her mate about the house, but I will admit that when away from home she is very discreet in this re spect. In attending to her duties of incubation she is very quiet, and it is seldom that a note is heard from her while on the nest. It has even bees sald that all birds are silent when in cubating, so as to avoid observation. However, although most species are quiet when sitting, there are a few which chirp loudly when so engaged, apd some even burst into exuberant song.---Science. All the Bargains Were Gone. An American of hitherto undoubted veracity tells this story of a restaurant in Berlin to which he anda friend went one evening: The fare and the music were so good and the people about them so amusing that they lingered on and on. 'When at last they rose to go the American's hat was not to be found. "What sort of hat was it, meip herr?" tnquired the stolid person io charge. "It was a new top hat," said the Ainerican briskly. "Ach, but, mein herr, all the new buts bave been gone for balf an hour!" suid the Gérman placidly. Japan's phor o, The camphor tree of China and Ja- pan is a large evergreen, not unlike a linden, with a white flower and red berry. The gum is taken from out of the root or base, which yield 5 per cent or more of it. The Japanese governm@nt owns large forests of cam- phor trees, able to keep up the average supply of the gum for twenty-five years, and the young plantations growing up. These are under the are 6 Jap anese forestry department. : Red Snow, Captain Ross discovered on the shore of Baffin's bay a range of cliffs extend- ing for eight miles, which were cov- ered with red snow of a brilliant hue, in depth. Careful tion the microscope revealed that it was due to the presence among the snow of a very minute plant called Palmella nivalis. He Wished He Could Do ft. A merchant "who had a store ip a small country town fell in with a comic actor on a train and said to bim: "1 do not see how it is that you are able to think of such funny things to say on the stage, and nll of a sudden too, I just yh I could do it. It would be in- valuable to we in my business."--Suc- SHYLOCK Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh, There are many Shylocks now, the convales- cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, al] want human flesh and they can get it--take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of 'ounces free. et M to AL BARGAINS SATURDAY GRAY, BERNIE & C0., CASH STORE. LISTOWEL. 5 Days to do the Business of 6. Tuesday being 24th of May, a public holiday, we have but five days in which to do the business of six. We purpose making Saturday do the trick. - Look over the following list, there will be many others which our space will not permit us to tell you about. . Drop in and see what we are doing. won't be pressed to buy. 58 pairs Ladies' Kid Glows (Peerless) in light and dark tan, all new and perfect goods, the best $1 value we know of. Special on Saturday only per pair......es.ceee 25 only Ladies' imitation Battenberg Collars in black and white, worth regular soc. and 60c. Special on Saturday only.... 25 only black Sateen Underskirts, deep pleat- ed Frill, made of nice bright Goods. Special on Saturday...... doe mews 100 Boxes 3 lb. Soda Biscuits, nice fresh Goods. Special on Sat. only per box.. 48 pairs Children's Slippers in Tan or black, one Button or laced. Special on Sat. You 79 27 ONLY ses sacceavecsenes, ee ee BO te ee eevee 25 only Men's all Wool Serge Suits in Navy or black well made, up-to-date in every way. Our special price only iS "~ s ire Suita, light colors in check and stripes, worth regular $8.50 and $10. Saturday 5 All Boys' and Children's Clothing on Saturday ata "8 special price 100 only Boys' crease top, dip front Felt Hats, in tan or black, the newest Hatin the market for Boys. Reg. 75c. Special on Saturday 12 only Boys' Wash Suits, fast colors, worth regular 1 ta $1.25. Special to clear................4- 100 Men's striped Balbrigan Shirts and Drawers, worth regular 25c. Special to clegr........ Call and look over our big Stock of wade Our prices are always the lowest, GRAY, BERNIE &€ Co. Agents Butterick's Patterns and Delineator. se eegee ss 19 Clothing. 'Y25c, CURES HEADACHE 4: SD. ee € Guaranteed to Cure withis 50 Minutes, or money refunded The Herald Remedy Co., Montreal "WRITE FOR OUR GREAT HUMOROUS BOOKLET." (RAND (JPERA GONGS AT HOME. THE ZON-O-PHONE enables the humbles ':omes to enjoy the WORLD'S CHOIC- EST MUSIC rendered by the most accomplished artists. ~ sometimes -O- i and som ear gh The ZON-O-PHONE isa FAULTLESS SINGER. Ist Weekly Credit. Payment. Payment. Hone $17 00 $1 00 $1 00 . Special 20 00 3 00 1 00 PRICES Parlor 23 00 5 00 I 00 Concert 29 00 6 00 I 50 '¢ Grand 40 00 6 oo 2 00 Grand Opera 52 00 7 00 3 00 W. S. BARTLEY, JEWELER, Wallace St. EACH MACHINE is guaranteed 5 years. ae . ¢ DR. B Executors' Notice to Gredi- | ee naihy -- tors Graduate of London, N 3 » New York | Chicago. DISEASES 'of EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Will be at the E Noti f OLD: 3.' GRAN TSMR ees el'as towsnntp of Bina. is | WEL, AK HOTEL, LISTO the Coansy o2 Pertu. Farmer, deceased. -- 2nd Tuesd we Noi hereby errenyarmaat ote Stats +P alanis tore ore claims the eetate of the said rin F Hours 10 a, m. to 6 p. m. April, 1908 at too catd te wash uwns are on or before May 30th Cecil Hamilton, Barrister, Listowel, FARM FOR SALE. Lota 17 and 18, con. 1, Kims,-100 acres, 15 acres of firat-class bush, Brick bank barn, that | farm well fenced tten os, addreases andocca: with fall their claims, and of the security (if any) held 1904, the said Executors may distribute the estate | of the said deceased, bavin, clahuset which they may ther person of at the time of Dated 3rd May, 1904. zou FISHER, { Rxecutors, By J. CECIL HAMILTON, Their Solicitor, ~ H. O. Keffer, form of Tor- Onto, and Mrs. Hugh Medex Kea Virden, Mes. by. the up- of a skiff con ning seven per-