. smtentifically Advocates of Theory Drag All the Authorities Into a Wordy Wariare. mo "Is love a discase?"' \ The great Galen, one of the "fa- ae of medicine,' boldly sroclaimed to be such over cighteen centurics port and modern London is inclined to take the same view of the matter. For modern London, owing to the fertile brain of an advertising agent for » halfpenny newspaper, is engaged in a heated discussion of the question. Letters from the scene of this wordy Worfure --_ that all known authori- tices on he subject of the "divine pussion' pol been dragged . into int. According to one well known doc- tor, Galen, in his voluminous dion t case on ecognized form of ill- This treatment was given by Galen himself in the second century to a haughty Roman v, wife of the partician Menippus. All the learne i medical men of the then fash- jonable world failed to alleviate her ailment and gave up her i --* Mine. s lai who tly arrived with a glowing rep-litation from the schools of Asia agnosed the "love sick- n Pylades, a handsome young knight, whom the woman had seen once or twice, but did not know, was declared | te be the cause of the dis .. ating of the patient's given by Galen as the only "'prefessional diserction "he was able He follows this recital with a -- that Cleopatra had used cosmetics and found it ex- , thus furnishing the first "vol- untary patent medicine testimonial" known to history. SANCTIONS THEORY. "The theory that love is a disease has the sanction of venerable nuti- qnity," says the grave London Lan- cet, which was finally drawn into the discussion, "Apart from _--~ Greek and Roman classics, it is common- | pince of the seventeenth Portier The leans: German Gregorius Horstius Published a long thesis in favor of ged contention in 1613, and d614 undus supported him in a neatly entitiee Latin essoy on 'The nature of love and the cures for love "The Mitch and Flemish ; the last half of the same century found in * ject Some of the paintings of men sifiering from: this disease the writers and painters guspected that there is a Lacilis of love, though Cupid' row, Which is as old as mythology, fs certainly antitype. At Gissen In Germany in the -- six- teenth neanture, af one English disput- mt bonted,...out. Horetive and the tavants of Europe engaged in a long dis;-nte upon the nature of love before lorze audience of the nobility and Hoth sides to the discussion had as yet zi s yet a dead art by stoutly asse tine that it was the result ol ee | by love philtres and sner another learned docto an iilness hat greatly re sembled indigestion and could be dfa- gnosed by the iy aig and height- encd beat of the pulse. HINDUS AGRER Usfore the Russian-Japanese war broke out to turn publle attention. to sone other subject, a Briti in Indin added fresh fuel to the pres ent discursion by writing home a list of symptoms of "love sickness"' peculiar sidclong languint gait, difficult breathing, stop- pages of the heart's action, withering of Inmbe, cold shivers up an nd down the tack, fever, and swoons All the Indian poets consider the appear- : ance of drops of perspiration upon the checks anil other parts of the body s one of the most dangerous indica- ions of the presence of the malady "In cn®of the old dramas,"' writes | the officer, "a Jover is afraid, to tanc a birch-bark message in his nand, palios wash away the message Al! ike cures tried by love sick tients proved inefiective. In the dra- ma The Bhavabbuti." the hero, Mad- snow, moonlight. pearls and sandal there pa- Were practically incurable sickness that they periuitted q sufferer to do almost yee te prevent himself from dying of i ONE OF PERN Few Enelith physicians were found who believed that love was', sick- ness, although one Londoner said, "If it be a disease it is as modern appendicitis, in spite of what ancients have to say u be | ject" In support of this claim he brings forward the customs of the Jess developed racer of the world to the as sun and come out, with saya foot and hands. ir the hardships of their life that both Gratin' at--clite- for ine. best exes ag reseinble each other eatin mn Russia are never cover-}ly cured a I in-- and love. fot an individngh; 5 is not [ed with black, If the deceased. is a_jdigcstion."" -Name given by Postum known. the | child, pint ink is used; if a Woman, 28 Co., Rattle Creek, . writer, a! Jove. in. a . ag son;. though for.» wide they: ; io _-20- Goubt--Grepe-Nute---is} develop of civilization, because, brown. the most scientific food in the ia iec of airy stories to the .con.|. 2h a billlard-room in Py aj Ten days'*trial of this proper. food jard-table of glass. It is|in place of improper food will -- show savages cannot and deo not 'fall in love' as more refined les do. Love sickness is certainly a "Boe tal complaint in any evont, and ake ee fannot suffer pan lest the perspiration from his | as | 1) 'The United dian -- Colleagues--An Worthy. of Being Followed. the late Pope, Leo XITITI., a the high estcem with which he is man of commanding genius. t edical mén of all nations, them- selves the lower of t world's in- tellect, by reason of his fine inde pendent personalit has had for an instant the remarkable age! Le his flinching teerity of his personal characte He afraid ef po man. But he hig! pany still. He is not nirals of th ugbear of nrotesinn na ens even aoe © grentont doc- tors. As an example of this may he meu tioned one very medical latter are trammelled by medical cti- quette. o one disputes their scie tific skill or their unselfish devotio to their Work. =~ ed in their labors by ane -remar' scruple, They will prescribe and experiment. with drugs of all kinds sanctioned by the Pharmacopoeia or newly introduced; but where a medi- cal discovery, even when it fs the life-work of a regular practising phy- sician, is recommended to the gener- a! public by a manufacturer, profes- sional ctiquette steps in and fright- ens them, No matter how ovVer- whelming the evidence of what such coldly upon it and will admit that they have used a caus be eralecsteriaa' ¢ sul' Dr. J jponi is troubled ey no buch scruples. 1 For instance, the numerous remark- fable cures =n have been oroved | by newspaper reports, independently investigated. 'te . have accom- | plished by the medicine sold in Can fada under the name of Dr. Williams' ;Pink Pills fer Pale People, must be | well known to ail Canadian doctors. |They have been pubiished far and ' vide. 'There cun be no doubt of their accuracy. 'The names and = ad- 'dresses of the men and women cured fare freely putlished. Their state- fanents hav been investigated by 'Kome of the most importent news. ' papers in this country and abroad | Xo one has ever ottempted to dis- | Poni, howes ap er, has avniled himself of br. Williains' has, in | : honita- | tion rug 1 know ec following letter his sicheLsien. ireely avows the and endorses the value of Dr. liams' Pink Pills with an autharity no one WHkh-» ec to question TRANSLATION. "I certify that JT have tricd Dr. Williams' Tink Pills in four eases of the simple anaemia of development. After a few weeks of treatment, the -- came fully up to my expecta- tio "or that reason I sha iat 'tn the future to extend the this laudable preperation, treatinent of other spo g > like , (Signed) Giuseppe Lapponi, | Via dei Gracchi 332, 'The "simple anaemia of ment" referred to by Dr. of course that tired, languid condi- {tion of young girls ment to womanhood is tardy, {whan health, at the period of ged we Wil j\he highest scientific authority, "and oe * jit confirms the muny published cases AN ANTI-SEA-SICK VESSEL. ir ich annemia and other diseases Lieutenant Ture of the French 2 [ot the anew as Well as the nervons navy an after auch study devised 5. pees his to by Dr. Lap}, plan for a sbip the passengers on poni, have been cured by these pills, which will, us he imagines, be proof j which, it need hardly be mentioned; against sen-aicknems: He 'has caught owe their efficacy to their power ol iia 5 he ir f 5 making new blood, and thus actin Sup: ides Troms Phe motion: OF & SiMe: 'directly on the digestive and nervous systeni. In all cases of anaemia, threatened consumption, decline, in- ligestion, kidney diseases and all naf- wfectlous of the nerves, as St. Vitus' pases. paralysis and locomotor atax- they are commended to the confl- tenes of the public, and now jhe they have received the emphatic dorsement of Ko high a jauthority as Dr ed physician (will le accepted by scientific world at the medical and their true vahie. ae eae BITS OF INFORMATION. Interestin, ® Items of Knowledge From the World Over. Telegraph posts along a railway are ---- thirty to Pinal mile. are said to be in the Alps over five miles in length, ; A rivate schools in China a j teacher is paid about one cent a day 'for cach pupil. Sudden deaths snféng men ure eight times more frequent, chan sim jamong women. States is thirty-two ities as bi as Great Britain. and jireland, Australia twenty-six times. More stcel is usedin the manufac- ture of pens than in all the ord and gun facterics in the world, Strarge to.say, in Asia and Africa where gross will not grow; the mast to perfection. cous. vered tal 'The children of 'the Blackes it Afri- cans.are born whitish. In & . month | yellow; in « How He Differs From His Cans-|= lat 25 cen ti Dr. Willams' "Medicton Co., ville, Ont. in flourishes o young conrpose jlaws and execute whose develop- a ap C&S, ants, high priced and low firiced. beautiful flowers and shrubs flourish co ntan- | et at hn trot sometimes has its four feet bs apa nims t w building in the world. It js a log! storc-house in Yara, now years is claimed for it. the logs coal nearly worn away by the wea It.ia rr general belief that dis- ease is spread by the telephone, by the breath condensing mouth- gC Paper is torn off after every contarintion. ----------_¢------- PAPER THAT STOPS BULLETS. A ascries of interesting firing trials has been undertaken by. the Swedish :Governtr men urpose of these nts" was to examine the ef- fect of shooting against trials were, of the Swedish KarIiskrona, and the target a prepared one of millboard, against which fire from revolvers, rifles, ca bines, and inachin er was Pennie Ppastebourd, ch was 3 inch. thick , resisted scsentatel the bullets fired fromthe = _ arms but was 1 by t rom the machine-guns. iments may suid to very teresting resu from the carbines penetrate wooden 5in. in thickndss, but they could not penc- trate the pastebuvard, which was only 3in. k. "the. exper- --_----_4- ---- FOR ALL Bel HLT tEN, Baby' 6 Own 'Tablets is a braige sas good for all children, from the feeb- lest infant whose life s out of order. Tablets instantly relieve and promptly cure all stom- ach and bowel troubles and all the minor niliments of little ones. Thous- mothers have proved the truth them Mrs. Robt. who snys " Tab- "Welland, Ont., Mag Ba gba. Prominent -- mer- J, J. Yokom, # promi: If offered sale in the chnnat -of thin, ty, is 'telling his |open market. to-day the former slum of his 'ret care of a jhole would re $15,000,000. Its terribié Kidney Disease by 'o |improvement. did more than any one Kidney Pills: (Mr. Yokom's state | thing to make the *Met- mae ean, ropolis of the Counties." It "For mo béen |i8 no exaggeration to assert that the cling' with 'Kidwry Trouble fn all Re decision of the council- of 1875 had wonst Thad .9 distreased | the direct effect of doubling the value feeling in my 7 honk little or no ap- jo! every e foot of land in the petite and m feeling of Innguor - 1 be business district, and it would be im-} came preatly reduced in w . possible to put a moncy velue on the 'Doe and. yeddicines tes to |b which have come with a« give me any I lowered death rate, dimin crime, ent when by "luck I to }an aroused local pride and the pres- | try Pills and from the from a great cam- first they see to suit my case. |/Paign valiantly and successfully push- After taking five boxes the old trot |¢d blé Kad gradually Siserpeared and I was a eel ¢ than I had in Dodd's 3 Kidney is suit the cam of every man, 1an or child who hes any form of os Disease. They always is and cu ently. = eel isos WHAT BIRILNGHAM DID UNDER iG YOUNG MAYOR JOS- CHAMBERLAIN a de Reclamation of pn Area of Squa- lid Houses--Jow a Source of alth. In 1875 Pass mpst squalid district rihg sore ZERF irming yee in an eloquent plea before the taen council for im, pr : not casy to imagine the dreary isolation which acre after acre sents trouble to visit it Little else is t pe seen but bowi roofs, tottering chimneys, tumbie¢down and dissused ops, heaps of bricks, broken win- 8q and in this hovdl lived husband, and four poet Amid such = de- plorable conditjons 12,000 of f wnsmeni are spending _ thing about » helped my baby more = 'thing I ever gave him. I an | conscientiously recommend the Tab} lets to all mothers." We give you al {solemn asvirance that the Tablets 'not contain one particle of opiate or harmful drug. They do*good--they never can do harm, and all children itake them as readily as candy. Sokt | by en --s Cy sent ~~ paid by wr ----~_ REPUBLIC OF JUVENILES. Just outside the village of Freeville, the State of New York, there 'This "republic withis a re , an enthusiastic her girls of the city of New York. It is not an institution or a charity or- Kunization, but a free republic where the young citizens make.-their 7 7 5 f a general » Vessels are only set rolling from ten to lifteen seconds } time, and as his would have a regular swing of twenty-two seconds, he calculates that the effect of Waves would thus M. Ture's model ship would be of about 6,000 tons burden, and would sail at a speed of ninéteen knots. All the cabins would be well out of the Water. as they would be constructed on a deck more then 30 feet above the sea-level. WHAT THE KING EATS. What's Fit for Him, Mass. lady who has been through the mill with the trials of the usual housekeeyvr and miother. relates an in- teresting. incident that occurred long ago. She says: "T can with all truthfulness my that Grape-Nuts is the most benefici- medicine both 1 o at biwnittaat i Tire boy , docs the King eat Grape- Nuts ete morning?' "E smiled and told him I did not know but that [ certui they a year, Brown; at tone, dirty black; and at Mi Unie eee pate aes & Ratininn pesiade bo in» gamee, PE, * i ty ers and nothing of joy or gladness in i » priain was then May- reformer, he was jehe of the shrewd- d jest business men in o--_ aior'ge He the poor boys and surveyed the fleld a Ia one of a coming restie: He formu- lated a Plan, o in its originality. so retical in its scope and 4 in its that 'hie friends ant supporters hesi- tated when he propysed it to them. Mr. Chamberlain urged that Bir- ming! Pporchase cvery foot of land in this contaminated --. and he incluicd in it fifty or the centre rs posed every house this district, Lo lease part of the site to reputable Inndle-ds who would er- ect awelli the supervision of the city authorities anf@ to lease the remai of~ the land for busimess He "uimifted that for years this investment would impose burden on the tarepayers, but con- tended that in the ey it would prove roman in a western town. a splendid invest More than| If we had no failings ourselves, we | er husbend had en) her to that, he Gadication of the slum |Sbould not take so much pleasure in | oy come kindness to a young offi- area would ase the value of |finding out those of others. cer of the militia to whom he had every foot-of property in_the city. taken a fancy. She therefore _des- The future esinan in-| Some men are so meck and lowly patched a note, in which she snid: troduced the mattcr to the town |that they are Hsing willing to do an | -+py B s the pleasure council, and*in one of the most mas | honest day's of Captain Witite's t sup- terly of. bis i "Hig. wile must be the worst house- ; per on Wi ay evening."' adorition. He claimed that Birming- keeper in the world.' "Why so?" Ss received a ma | ful am could never aspire. to the com-j} 'Why. her husband stated publicly reply, which Poca B pool the excep- mercial supremacy of its natural ter- nage there wasn't a day in the yee of the other en- ritory so long as it permitted thov- | he sn't perfectly comfortable at gagements, Captain White's company AUTOMOBILE sands of its towns:cople to live in kenal™ will come with plcasure UNDERWRITERS misery. -- = = At an expense of $8,500,000 . the K d D The' Winton Touring Car is appre- ut matrna! meece|Kidney Disease, poetry tik rd vel remretie , having an extreme s 2 built on correct mechanical princi- "a haf Sng ad Circulation. || =0e2ce=--% rhe iness --_* ad a prospective automobile purchaser eo you dare not, in full justice to your- ete of its a a self, take chances on an inferior 7 tb ty. Sirdetion tn (4 License Commissioner. who Suffered ||| car. By presenting a car of such tie frontage to Dreadfully From These Aliments, En- I sueeit as ts" the 1906 aif to build in tirely Cured by = Winton, we become *' antomobile consideration F} soventy-five year underwriters" insuring yous inst leases. s « dema from risk: or. loss. Have you seen our See! OR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. || = 2 'a : : ' ||} Fhe Winton Moter Carriage Ca : Cleveland, O., U.S. A. the end Bad circulation of the blood, t 'Believing this trouble to arise | Represeated in the Dominios ra cause of the extremely painful | from _kidney nts monte a Surrey ca" ren c 5. arises from: tion of the blood, F bought ? idneys! of . Chase's ie Pills at W. J. s .jand begen them. 17 Possibly this may help to explain why Joseph: Chamberlain reténtly "The ssian ntry, said' Mr. Rarnes Stevens, at a meeti: in. Lendon of the Anglo-Rassian Liter- nd orant a ; indeed, to all intents and 'they are stillliving in the 14th century They believe -that Great Britain is at the bottom of, the war and even blame this country for an them think. that; monkevs; th some terrible as mercury w "= a. id surely destro: and mades FP. OS. Cheney & me yold by Dru ists. P. 7 bottle. ee rice, 75c per nag Hall's Family Pills for consti ation. Nell--Mr_ Tawker is such a flatter- er. Ne--Has he been flattering you? Nell--Oh, yes; he told me to- day that I'm not at all like you other girls. Mlnar's. Liniment Relieves Heusal gla There isn't enough history in the workd Pres supply the demand of be authors of histerical novels wouk+| Per Over Sixty Y Sie Wimeaws Soererwe senile an tae Dae been used bp SN ee Se teething fe Sian eee ie 'man iaitenitey takes his pep in hend, but the umbrella he in hand usually belongs to another, Mincrd's Pioiment Cures Burns, ete. a ' LITTLE THOUGHTS. ime best kind of love is love of our f: 2; 'He iat has no foes is no friend to <1 'rifting mnn never attends to the greaf® tri appoin' ntment is not a reason» for discoura satisfied with yourself if you will; 'put do not be self-satisfied. All things come to those who leave off waiting and go aiter them. 'The claims to wisdom of all owls d m rest upon their looks. Good qualities, like good knives, grow dull of edge ubless they sufficient Many "¢ ma is offered the chance of a lifetime for a mere song cannot de large- Your bony on success depen ly on the things you are will- ing to ry go. man- sets popularity before his cyes he a is likely to let principle out of his hear are! below freezing point. Japan are that the Russian ieaepe are fighting jdry air -{out of a Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your ee as ee THE, 'DAWSON, 1 Sommissis MISSION L.£2: usiehiad: wise Pails, Wash Basins, Mlk Pans, &c Clase Greeer Can Suppty You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. CURIOUS SNOWFALL. A curions instance of the int ar of artificial snow was witnessed o the the town of Agen, in France, revit . Mo., hese ily. fire out in a sawmill rip "OVER THE WABASH. until to 'The wa- j ter ---- upon the fire Was instant- y vapori work 'abash is brilliant spectacle was presented. Minard's Linkmeat Cures Dando, | If you see a lot of Women coming church crying it indicates | ° 'that a wedding has just been pulled off. ' a Pasevnger Agent, corner King and Yonge Streets. 'onto. One woman dislikes calling on an¢ other almost as bad as the other dis- likes to have her do it. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- Soap Powder is a boon to any It disinfects and cleans me. Girls are now parting their hair on one side 50 a8 net to be mis for those misfit men who part theirs in the Te sbimeven- Little Willie--Say. pa, what kind of modesty is false modesty ? 'a-- I Flase modesty is the kind other peo- A. cane ss ple have, my son. CURE .. s ete 4th Alug.. 18 direct 'to |MESSERS, C. C. RICHARDS . co. eee Blowet. Gentlemen "us neighbor's boy, Passages, stops ed] wars old. fell into a tub of boiling ; Saees water and go Ied fearfully fea, An ieee w days late Ss o Maricine Ce, eee Saas a three times their natural size and brake out in running sores. ia par- "The old S a) toe stor. exclaimed ents could get nothing to help MI the husband with a Io de wn sigh, tilt I MINARD'S LINI- pack amg laid down his paper, 'Ano' MENT, which, after using ie ga suicide because his ties, _ completely him, nals was . unhappy. "And ad know of several other cases around | tbat make his home any happier 7". | Rere as reniar) eared DY) cocked hie wife. 'Or 7. the pax the Liniment and I 'truly per say Pia - say I never Mandled a medi which - a man who has to get up and Any i get his own breakfast while his wife Finest quality and flavour. lies in bed is likely to foel like turm per tached COCOA ta to_the wa 'Nutritious and Economical, 42-21 'When you ai. ee thas cold, Sat find a dry, Seana * || FEATHER DYEING ipsa DYEING .€8. - . meee post, at once. It will lungs and stop the Prices: 8.C. Warts & Co. 5 se Mec §L LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. 1--28 COMPANY AT SUPPER. The hovsekeeper ho has known what it is to have unexpected will no doubt find sympathy welling within her heart at the plight of a a | ° & f 'l lt ip et