Listowel Standard, 27 May 1904, p. 8

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WALL PAPERS -LIVINGSTONE'S.. You will get the prettiest Patterns in all Colors and de- signs from - PER ROLL AND UPWARDS. Call and see them. J. Livingstone, jr. Ticket Agent Can. Pac. Ry. Co. J. W. Scott: & Son, Bankers, ESTABLISHED 1872. OFFICES : Listowel, Palmerston and Clifford, also with J. A. Halstead, Mount Forest and Shelburne. A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, | *<<s payable in all partaof the DOMINION, UNITEU STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. -_-- DEPOSITS RECEIVED. current rate of interest allowed. Al Me e amount of private fands to lena farm security at 434 per cent., privilege of repaying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued, ]. W. Scorr & Son. THE PERTH RURAL DEANERY. RURAL DEAN | "TA XLOR, ARCH- DEACON WILLIAMS CONGRATU- N APPREGLATION Ox REV. D, DEACON. The Rural Deanery of Perth met Thursday orning in St. James' ehureh at Semen Those present were Hev. al Dean Taylor, St. Marys; ven. Archdeacon Williams and Kev. LD. Deacon, M. Bie hoot a ies and G. H. Langan, wardens, Stratford. Rural Lean Taylor presided, and om pole ee of tne meet secretary, 20) Gu 6 Darien was elecled to Lhat of- as Archdeacon Williams moved, secon ded by Mr. Asbury, the follow- img motion: That this ry ex- press its ugh appreciation of the un tiring devouon, energy and faithfal- Mr. Deacon which be held tbat office, sacrifice which he made in tbe dis- bus duties, ¢ expresses hope itiat he may long live to ihe well-earned respite woich s for himself, Deacon rephed io a suitable oF, . Deacon, seconded by Mr. Buck- land, moved the toon ing resolution regarding Mr. Taylo. That we the antes of the Chap- ter of the Kkursi Deanery of Perth assembled as we are for the first lume since your appointment to the office of Kural Dean of Perth, beg to offer you our warmest congratula- tuons on your elevation to the same, operation in all Lhe best interests of the siarek sine oer Ped Leger BANK" HAMILTONT Oarmax: Paro Ur - - ~ § 2,200,000. eee oee a0 $ 2,000,000.00 {nen ee > Oe t ESTABLISHED isT2. HEAD OFFICE : AAMILTON. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. LISTOWEL BRANCH -ESTABLISH- ED 3! YEARS. DIRHOTORS: HON, WH, GIBSON, President. JOHN by LEE, JOHNS. HENDR: GKU. RUTHERFUEBD. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres, & Gen, Mgr. H, M. WATSON, Inspector, se BRANCHES 6e SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1 mmunas suseeres salty. "Notes Bo ag eps. y notes collected and advances are pr Ay COLLECTION DEPARTMENT has every facility for making prompt returns at low- est rates, DRAFTS bought and sold on any part, of the world, CORRESPONDENTS jn'all = of Can- ada, United states col Great nema BUSINESS of 'all saat on most favorable terms. pondence solicited, ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. B, FORSAYETH Agent, The regular annual meeting of the Stratford District of the Methodist church, being present, orning, May 19, in Listowel at ry 30 rues The ning sessi was occu- pied with the reception of statistical eports of ee * and financial returns from the several circ increase -- pede in both de. partmen The saaien entertained the bers of the meeting with a gumpt a4 pressed by the to the ladies by the Rev. Dr. Lang- for da in the afternoon session members were Serta to serve on committees in the ens ence as fol- tows > Stationing--Rev, J. H. Oliver, re- serve delegate, Rev, C. W. the rown, Sabbath School--Rev, T. Manning and Mr. T. D nley. Contingent --Rer. R. H. Barnby and J G. Jackson and and Moral Reform -- r. Penhall and Mr. Rice. Memorials--Rev. C. W. Brown and acey. Sabbath Observance -- Rev, Wm. McDonagh and Mr : Church property--Rev, H. Graham and Mr. RK. S&S. Bal L. Bart- Facey, Belton ; y. Uren, Medina Seaman, Listowel. Before closing the meeting put ft- as being in sympafhy i towards the organio union of the Presbyter- ian, Congregations} and Methodist churches of the Dominion of Canada. Excursions To The Circus. . oe Special excursion rates on all linee of travel have been arranged for by the seconded by Mr. Buck- jane. moved the ss resolution an regar Ven, Archdeacon Wil- liame ; . That we, assembled as we are for scholar and your fitness for the higb and res sible position to which in ed W hereby Lender you the assurance of Our earmest support i co-operation in building up Church of Christ and in teatesiligg bh borders, and strengthening in this part of your term- torial jurisdiction, It was decided to make the assess-~ ments for domestic and foreign mis- One-third larger than rr ore bringing the "amount The next meeting phe Laas St. Marys.--Stratford . METHODIST DISTRICT MEETING, -- Methoast | District tm Con- ce--Increase of Member- ship--Finances. T ministerial session ot the Stratford distriot of the London con- ference of the Methodist Church he ened in Listowel Wednesday after~ last week at 2 o'clock. Rev. Dr. the After de- The Rev. J. E. Hunter McDonala Page Be 'probation. t+ A public meeting was held in the of Riugling Brothere' World's Greatest Shows, and those who wish to go to London, where this great cireus exbibits on Friday, June 10th, can do 6o at very little expenee. This will be the only point in this vicinity where the show will exhibit this season and no one should misg the opportunity to witness it. Ringling Brothers has been the leading arenic exhibition of America for years, but the show has never been permitted to rest upon ite repaotation. Although it long ago passed the point of competition, every season sees a greater aod grander This year's performance is ep- tirely new, aud entails the combined efforts of 375 wonderful artista in the equestrian, gymnastic, equilibristic, ac- ro and aeria] line, together with forty famoue clowns and bundreds of lesser lights. Six hundred and fifty horees are used and e marvelous trained one rhinoceros in tivity. ia a gorgeous revival of the Roman hip- podrome races, and many other stupen* dous features in thie cireus. pega = opens with brilliant rade, three miles in length. Dee't 'rail to -see it. Bev. -- Charles ar psrieh priest County of alg has been a parish priest of St. Joseph's Stratford, and vicinity. Hero Fand decided they will ac- count of heroic acts performed before |" MSTABLISHED 1675. fs 1. Meret, Presi ent ie Ae "HEAD OFFIGE, TORONTO, Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Mani- tario, toba, -- West Territeries, and British Columbia, AGENTS BRIT. (~Lieyds Bank eter London, with wham whom pap i fa any part of Canadas. LISTOWEL BRANCH. a Hf Hi 4 4 being carried posed to draw the disease from the suf- ferer. Wives ef Russian Priests. A White Russian priest must be mar ried, but he cannot marry a second If his wife dies be must enter guarding the health of thelr wives. If the priest's consort sneezes, a mild panic ensues in the household. Conflicting Considerations. "Don't you sometimes think you ought to give more heed to what pos- terity will think of you?' "My dear sir," answered Senator Sor- gbum, "it's risky. You are in danger of letting it absorb your attention and forgetting what the assessor and the voters and the political bosses may, ef you." What-She Wore, There goes Peterby's wife. He's the fellow I played poker with the otber night Jagway--She looks pretty well Travers -- She ought to be. She's got on my, last 's salary. effect from my tailor's bills --Judge. A Dead Circus. Grandpa--Well, Sammy, where have you been today? Sammy (just back. from the Natural History museum)-- Oh, we've had a fine time, grandpa. We've been to a dead circus. BORN. SMITH--In town, on the 19th mis rge ith of the wife of whee ILP--In Elma, on the 24th inst., ve wife of J. D. Philp, ofa son. DIED. STEWART--In Listowel, on the 23rd inst., Robert Stewart, aged 31 years. HAMILTON--In Elma, on the 24th inst., Abraham J. Hamilton, aged 41 years, 17 days. GIBSON--In town, n the 24th inst., Isabella Thompson, relict of the late Wm. Gibson, aged 90 years. May 3th. 1901 Wheat, per bushel Standard...... bs] Peaa, do . ao Oats, do 29 Barley, do B Hay per ton 700 70 zm do 17 w do 19 00 7 20 do - 265 2% Cornmeal, do - 265 275 Batter per B = nb Ob | Feet | at Hides Pyo0 he 600 6 Wi per B % & Wood, 600 7 00 Wood \ 28 323 Dressed Hogs, 575 60 Live Hogs 450 4 50 Lamba, - 2580 350 Beef § 02 600 There i A 2 Salty, rang fuck hnice patterns, Never such surprising values. style 'and big value in our shirts The mere thought of shirt will suggest this stere as the best.and safest glace to select it. Our styles never pl wel as. well. tra dashionable dr eased essers demand, every shirt right up- to date 75e1 $1, 1,25 a aad 1.50. Jenkins, TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER. NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Agency Persian Steam Laundry Co. When Onions 'Are Oderless. How many times has every fat dweller entered higome only to c-y out in disgust because the odor of the onion or the turnip or something else a ws the entire six or seven vote stop having such things f r," he suggests to his wife. eWhy, it's mortifying tq invite a friend to dine when one this sort of at- mosphere is going to knock him down as en as he entets the door." matter of fact, there is no need for excluding the qnion or the other of- fending eatables. The simplest way in the world to solve'the difficulty is this: Hare the cook put into the cooking vessel with your anions Just a piece of stale bread aboutias big as your fist. Somehow or other the bread absorbs the odors, and yor don't know onions are on your menu until you sit down at the table.- rank Cemment. Housekeepers will appreciate this little story of Denn Stanley: During a visit to America, n@ long before b 3 death, be was invited to dine with a certain college presitent in a southern town. Early in the meal the dean in- quired of bis hosté "Mrs. G--, would it be impertinent to ask what is this gumbo soup?" "Perhaps I can best answer," was "by telling you Lady A on the dish wher- once ona time. § table and ealled to ber husband: 'You would better try fe soup. It's not nearly so nasty asjt looks!" "ah" said the dean, sm . "that was ex- actly like [ady at. She is a cousin of mine!"/" <_< *- te The buffalo in t! a bison; the partric pheasant of Pew statea is a ioe a hare. Both spies of grouse, "tee | ruffed and the pinnated, are called | pheasant, partridzp and patrige, and the pinnated grou ferred to as the pipirie chicken. Prai- rie chicken is not®@ bad name for the | pinnated grouse, fr it ts original and does not coufoundit with other birds. but it is not rigit to use the names partridge and phegant w hen referring to our grouse. rect names of Eu wean speciiens. ------ stories yery well vps Invited to a din- 8 SéMicient. A.distingnished tomedian who tells "e greater part of the ner and for + evening enter)...ned the company When'he returned to bls hotel, thor- oughly tired, bis efe said if I had uot been there I should bave been bore." Mean. Madge -- Physick culture {fs just splendid. ['m taking beauty exercises. Murjerie -- You haven't been taking them Jong, have you? If a man is mean to his wife, has be a right to complain when he finds that her folks knew it!--Atchison Globe. What He Wanted, irate Parent--'lell faut young Soft- leigh that be mnsticense bis visits here, 1 forbid Lim the house. Daughger-- Rut, papa, he doesn't want the house. It's me that he's after. At a Disadvantage. "I never think of business gut of business hours." "I didn't either until] 1 found that I was doing business with people who ""--Exchange. . NONE - SO- BLIND . is universally re- | {4 these are the cor- | Th WN OF : OF LISTOWE EL. The first sifting of the Court of Revision for the Town of Listowel will pad held in the Council Chamber, Town Gall, Wednesday evg. June rst, 'o4 at the hour of i o'clock. The Assessment Roll is in my offlce and for ing nr iy = d WM. BRIGHT, Clerk. | Listowel, May 4th, 1904 Administrators' 'Notice to Creditors, Administrators' Notice to the Creditcrsof Caroline Stephan late of the town of Listowel, in the County of Perth, mar- ried woman, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to behalf that January, 190%, are required o: fore the' lst day of July, 1904, to de- liver to The Canada Trust Company London, Ontario, the administrators of the estate of the said deceased, their names, ad- an' es stions, a full statement and particulars of their claim or claims und the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly verified. And notice is further givem that after the said lst day of July the 3 said admiaistrators will proceed to ee aan the assets of the said de- parties entitled y person of whose claim notice | shall nat 'ave been received at the said time of distribution. De at Listowel this 17th day of May, \ fixe. CANADA TRUST COMPANY, ' dministrators. | By J. Cecil Hamilton, their Solicitor. ! The Ney York pulice made a simul ltaneons raid ov 22 poolrooms, contfis- | eated their books, racing charts, tele graph and telephone instruments, and | took eeventy prisoners. The Trades and Labor Edesstional | Asacciation met at Berlin, Ont., a decided to send fea to Europe to Caneda. Muslins of all kinds, Linen Goods, | Silks and Velvets, the best dressers of Listo- | Creton, Art Muslins, Carpets 'of all kinds. a include the latest novelties that ul- | goods. COURT OF REVISION. } | -- ON SATURDAY we will start a great reduction sale on all kinds of wash goods, Tweeds, Dress Goods of all kinds, Prints, Shirtings, Sheeting, All kinds of yards NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY CHEAP GOODS. 'Muslins, we have reduced a great many lines to half price. Prints, 8c. reduced to 6c., reduced to rac. SPECIAL toc. reduced to 8c., 12$c. VALUES IN MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Hats of all kinds, Rain Coats, balance of our Shoes. a lot of Dishes and Bed room Terms on reduced prices Also Sets. STRICTLY CASH and all we ask from you is a look through our goods. J. M. SCHINBEIN. _ NOTICE. The Court of Revision Of the Assessment Roll of the TOWNSHIP OF WALLACE for the year 1904 will be held in the Township Hall, Gowanstown, on Saturday the 28th day of May ~~ ---- at the hour el teno -- Assessment Roll w the Clerk's office within the ime --, bed w, inte it can be a by an R. G. ROBERTS, Clerk. Peshipley, May 4th, "1904. THOSE CHAPPED HAN DS| are the dread of all women whe do their There is one aure cure-- pa them out of water. The ne way to keep them ont of water stilt wash the cloths wees' as snow wich | us send y is but little work, Let ad | JUNLOR" BALLBEAR ING) Family THE BACH SPECIALTY Co. Dept. L 355% Yonge St. 9 Toronto, Ont. LE) SYSTEM Visit Your Friends . in. Chicago enroute to The Great World's Fair AT | ST. LOUIS. $17. 50 for round Trip. «. i With stop over privileges at intermediate Canadian Seusion, ) also at Detroit and Chicago... --_------_e------ To see the World's Fair while hibits are at Now is the Time. ------ Qe For Tickets, Illustrated . Litera- ture; regarding World's Fair, and further information, apply to J. A. HACKING, Town Agent. A.M SMITH, Ticket Agent. Residence For Sale. A comfortable brick residence, corner Alma and Wellington streets, with a orig and a lot of es trees. Half an fland. Gas and water pipes in build. ing. "will be sold aie. 1f not sold will rented, Apply to 16 CHAS, NORTON. ee ee a ae Wright & Thompson, _ Listowel's Cash ¢ tore. "A Magnificent Expcsition of Spring and Summer Merchandise. Cottons at Old Prices. that fail to see better value in OUR UP-TO-DATE. SPRNG. STOCK of Garden aid Pruning Tools. THE FAMOUS BROCKVILLE LAWN: You will 'find our Grocery Depart- ment complete in everyline. Highest Friees. Paid for all Kinds of Farm Produce. Wright & 'Thompson. The - Store yon ~ the ~ Corner

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