i é DAY, MAY 18,1904. WALTER BROS. Listowel's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Store. BOSSES VSSLVSETSSSSES BEVADY GREAT Carpet AT ATTRACTIVE. PRICES. Sale A Large Variety of Correct Patterns. 85c. all Wool, 36 in. wide. 65c. Heavy Unions, 36 in. wide. soc. Heavy Unions, 36 in. wide. $1.35 Velvet. $1,25 Axminster. $1 Extra quality Brussels. 75C. Tapestry, all shades. 65c. Tapestry, all shades. $15 Rugs, 9x12. $12.50 Rugs, 9x10. Sale price'. Sale price Sale price Sale price..........06- Sale price...0+ ssceeees Sale price...... Sale price....... Sale price...... Sale price...... oss Sale price.sssssseeee $ 9 69 49 39 oo 93 79 59 49 50 75 ONE The above prices are for ONLY. - WEEK - Every item in this sale breathes economy. Comte Early Friday Morning: SIGN OF THE' eh ttn aire th rR in eatin emt ge a " e of this FF oto oe 59> LEPHANT. ae bik Pata 2 Oe ROBERT THOMPSON People's Cash Store. Union Oarpet 1 yard wile regular 'Union Oarvet 1 yard wide regular .. ' Wool Oarpet 1 yard wide regular...... 65 75c now 48: Wool Oarpet 1 yard wide regular... Tapestry Oarpet 27 in wide regular..371-2 45 now 25c Tapestry Oarpet 27 in wide regular....... 60-65 now 39c Brussels Carpet 27 in wide regular... Now that cleaning is pet as follows. 3x4;3x38. QUESTION OF THE HOUR house- in swing everyone asking the question " what kind ot Car- and Linoleum wili I buy ? the mat- ter can easily be set- tled by comiug tothe Golden Lion Store. A number of ends of Carpets ranging frcm 6 to 25 yards voila 83 32 35c now 25c ..40 45c now 320 .85-$1.00 now 76¢ .90-$1.25 now 79c Art aquaree in Brussels and Tapestry 34 x 4; Linoleums and Oulcloths trom | to 4 yds wide 90 pair of Lace Curtains selliag at half price. full is Sign of the Lion. ROBERT THOMPSON Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce 2600 | a = : i Re fie aa w ing. Lf yeu have not seen the sp and get a book of information SPECIAL SALE at Guather's of the best $ Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silvers: ware and Fancy China in Liato' f+ sonal attention to Watch and Clock 'repairs: Begins Watch, come now and see it "6 Gunther" SPECIALS = AT BALLARD'S. : 60 PAIRS OF . . WOMAN'S CORKé:. . SOLE SHOES . . well worth $3 for $2.a pair. HATS--LATEST MEN S 4 CHILDREN'S _ Shoes the cheapest in. Lisl . Mosty cafi't buy better and The Hatter and Shoe Man. LISTOWEL CLOTH HALL ANOTHER NEW LOT OF IMPORTED TWEEDS. Our Tweed Department. is becoming mores. popular every day, and right well it should be, for we carry a Stock of all the newest Wears and Colorings. We try for the best quality pos- sible at the least possible price. PIKES NOTIGE!. TAILORS WANTED. -- On account of Shop accom- modation being filled, up, we will give out work to ex- perienced hands. , wit laa and Colors at bargain over from last 00 greatly injurea by the Weve particularly in the western province, likely to be s emall one. eo M Pia 0 ber of slightly used Upset = ray Sle of their own manufacture which they are "ee at very low prices. They have sume Squar Pianos also in stock which will be od cheap and on omy terms of payment if re- quired, Apply a t the office, Mr. J. 8. Gee has been making con- fiderable improvements in his store. A new plate glass front has been plac- ed in the department formerly occupied by the dry goods department, into which he is moving his grocery de- partment. The larger store on the east side will be used for the dry goods Foovpant.--The Maitland Stars are getting down to prastice in good shape, in preparation forthe junior leegde team, winning by a score of 7 goals "e 2. The Court of Appeal has given ont its order calling on the Rev. J. A. Mac- donald editor of the Globe, to appear before that Court on Monday next to show cause why he ehonld not be com- mitted for contempt of Court for Fri- day's editorial on the North Renfrew case. A Srratrond .Inventiox.--Mr. P. Dierlamm,of Stratford, the well-known artist, bas invented @ cement building block, consisting:o walls, forming has also invented d teéghine to make He bas Feceiy ived. patente longitadinal spaces. the blook. for these. . Many of the . are through ik, Model Merchant ie MacKenzie Bros, }/ 235 2a" & 5 | guocesst 'have. already been enrolled, - Pau Waea' ase the Ontario Agricultural . reovived information thapiail. "ga been , and as arecult the crop is St. Geo, Hawkins, Baitor and Preprister. LISTOWEL METHODIST CHURCH: ves 3 tae 0 Gopenice.--A despatch | 'J.B Otivan, Pastor . ; Gee aye: The Cente yon Pacific dilway bave to begin SUNDAY, aA WB me «£5: | the work of building theif new' exten- Mh ss sem tans Vasa ie. - Baber tts sion from Guelph to Goderich as soon Duet, Minses Smith ra Watson. i appel néed- 'on they ive fon pmelori a i m.-- aston 'eae 'ok Fvexs yA service = song. Your favorite ysis Bees ' choice 'route practically deci will be discuss eung. ~ Bert * PMs. W, Peterson, consulting engineer, You will be weleomed . by courteous!| APBLY boll cermanys will have ase aiatge of construction, with oa | mteot wash: Pie at Goderich. ' CHRIST CHUROH. x os sete ie Dusan Dince of "TDorente vill, 'be the Buckl 5 tees \"Lepedial preacher at the anniversary wen aera, Seton 'Hate, } setvices of Christ Ohareh on Sunday SUNDAY, MAY By nay "> [next Bervices will be held at 11-a.m.and 8a Holy Communi be. } at 8 and 7 cn m. At the afternoon ser- Ila ae Pray viog Canon Dixon, who is Grand Ohap- -- Preach ee . se address the Orangemen. A rs = Bren Outer by al oder t of the brethren is looked 7pm --Chorul & 'ead i: fir yegia} music will be furnishe ae asi | Brconng an Soma 4 js sue 6) ir. The evening ser- Special music by oe choir; : of ware fray rey of penting of the att March held Je oa * Listowel 'Method ednesday evening is Week. Dele- to the number thirty will at forty members and ps ; pembersbip of fifty is counted on be- [fore the season is far advanced. The club has purchased a water roller and & "Pennsylvania Janior" Jjawn mower, ee with euch excellent equipment the -gteen, which is looking fine, will be ul season. Abo' nm thi: canvas being quite trne and realistic of the events." The people of Listowel and vicinity will have au op- portunity of hearing this lesture on Monday evening next, in the town hall. The tickets are only 15c., which should ensure a full house, Rev. Ma. Fansoy's Brotaer Dsown- ep.-- Rev. A. A. Fapvjoy, Baptist min- ister here, received word by wire on Monday morning of the death by drowning of his brother Frank, at Westfield, N. B. Mr. Fanjoy left on the afternoon train for New Bruoswick, to attend the funeral and also to visit hie father, who is eighty-seven years of age and is ill, and whom he has not seen for nine years. He expects to be away for two or three weeks, A de- spatcb from St. Joho, N. B., dated ay 8th, gives the following particu- lars of the drowning : Frank Fanjoy, aged abont 30, was drowned in a brook near Westfleld, N. B., this morning. He was visiting at his fathor-in-law's, near whose farm the brook runs. He matcher, in which "they: ore entered. | had been subject to epileptic fits, and On Tuesday evening th played x is thought to have fallen into the friendly game with the°High School | water while so suffering. He leaves a wife and two children. G. T. BR. Tore Oanp.--By the new Grand Trunk time card, which went into effect on the lst inat., trains are scheduled to leave Listowel station as follows : Wiarton, Owen Sonnd and Port Dover---Going south : Passenger n. - 81 a.m., and 7.07 p.m. The morn- g passenger train ack Stratford and the evening passenger train for Strat- (dord take the places of the former mix- ed trains. Palmerston and Kincardine --For Palmerston : Passenger 7.52 a. m. ; mixed 11 a, m. ; passenger 4 p. m. For Kincardine : Mixed 8.45 a m. ; -passenger 12.40 p. m., and 7.45 p. m. Since the new time card went into' ef- feot the trains are runoing moch near- eron time. As the freight on these lines is now being handled mainly by freight trains, there is reasou to look for a satisfactory passanger service after this. , trees to plant around the Business Col- lege, the studenta of the College de- cided to havé a ramble in the w aaa so wended their way over fields and. fenoes towards MoDowell's bush, where a pleasant time was spent io The | Satheriog flowers, fishing, and -shoot- ing ; also base-ball and other games in sdjoining. The game of "dock on the rock" was kntaseetind, bat the championship game of base- ball between the 'ltussians' sed 'Japs,' in which two balle were hammered to pieces, was exciting ind The game was wou by the 'Japs,' score 25 to 28. Then, having attended to the good things provided, they, as a matter of course, carved their names in order to Het fature generations kuow of their 'wiait tothe spot. It was a pleased, but : "e gompany that plodded their weary eward as the eveving shadowa tae : ote eek -- The 'Bosling Oies is getting in Share fora Tue Cottece Ramsre --Last Friday "| being Arbor day, and there being no CARD OF THANKS, To whom. it may concern: so little trouble and no expense me, of the s $1, husband's beneficiary certificate in the Order. Louisa Josephine Ayers, THE QUESTION OF BALDNESS. This is a vital question with bun- dreds-of men who are bald or gr tially so, How to overcome the dis- figurement lent by balapess is a SimD- tel for thie purpose. tion given to show the pertect wmat- f his Wigs and Loupecs, me not muss this opportunity, ber the days and dates. HESS--SEIP. ett i quiet wedding A very pretty up Tues- 2 he, Unly the ummediat of Lhe contracting parties were pre- sent, Mr. and Mrs. Hess through the city last week OD their wedding The funeral! took place yesterday to the-sixth line ceme The ser- vicea in the etlactle were o con by the Rev. M. L. Wing, of Berlin. ELMA. oe shipped '10 boxes cf April cheese on mt of Jast week to Hodgson Montreal, papa + asa iikely be ' shipped in a week or two. Miss who was visiting in Elma and Grey for the Bieri Metvia to4 ber unole, unean Mc avish of oHesley. erations as soon as-the ne w engine boiler are installed. With this "-- equipment Mr. McKenzie hepes to make a saving in the quantity of fuel burned and atthe same timeto have plenty of power to drive all the neces; sary machinery. TROWBRIDGE. Miss E. McOormick hus returned from her visit in Detroit Mre. Hugh McCrea of Durham is the a of her parente, Mr. aod Mrs, o. Mrs. Win. Kellington has returned after a two months' visit with her -- Mrs, Adams of Brussels. v. J. H. Oliver of Listowel occu- old tbe pulpit in the Methodisf Church last Sabbath morning. Rev. Tiffin was in Listowel. Arrangements have been made for @ ood entertainment to be held in the Church on Monday evening, May 28rd. Rev. Millson of Romney will preach on the Sundsy previous, and will also be present Monday night. A splendid programme will be given and lunch will be served by the Lesgue. Don't fail to be present both Sunday and Monday, as Rev. Millson comes highly recommended both as» preacher and entertainer. The farmers have almost completed their seeding in this part. he warm weather of the past week brought fresh to our memory the"'good old summer time' ' Housecleaning is the order of the day. MOOREFIELD'S FIRE INQUEST. Adjournment Until May 31.--Mr, eardsley's Former Experience. Provincial Deteotive Jas. Rogers acted as Provincial Ooroner ins fire inquest at Moorefield village kept in the pink of condition. Playing} (our to Ottawa and otner points gen will begin immediately. st. 'They will take up their resid- im e ence in Toronto, and will bave the _| imprompta ft diifr, 8. J. Jennings, florist, has ©} post wishes of a large circle ot hall Jast fis ge stock of early cabbage plants friends, 'The bridb is weil known ip ed by the Lond a beta § dy for setting out ; aleo any amount | this city, having poset et ie ' 7 ="Fof tomato plants, the earliest and best | purt of last winter here one ene ? i Farieties. A 150. box of these plants, | at the home of Mr. J. G. Hess.-- lnst-week, auth x Luther: | it Secured now and transplanted into Stratford Beacon, an parsouags . | }pots or a large box, will be jast right ------------------_------ Be = {for setting out when the danger from SCHOOL BOARD. leg Oly | frogt is over, and will "yield a crop of os Harts ity" ob th to Ftomatoes enfficient for an ordinary| An adjourned meeting © vaniog mat be-detivert ait | family. Mr. Jennings hes his green- | Ws held on W ee a resent ex- 'the-tom . honsé well stocked with geraniums and belner witter "the pepresents- 'Lieto ves, a-ij Other flowers for bedding, window gar- pp of Lhe Clare Bros, Mig. Co. und oun: pur- dening, banging beskets, etc. A visit) tno Buck and Reuse L'urpace Vo, were | ented They | there just atl or 'repay lovers of} present and given @ it bear 4 esold | Dature's. was moved by J, 3. Gee, seconded (by % ei at S. J. Btevensou, that tad bat wee ""B 'Bon."--! 'he Streetsville Re-| tie Buck Company re new furnace é r,sis| view fa recent date contained the fol- | be-accepted, the said furnaces = b pre evening last | ¥entilation to re cate oe gasu.n0 8 Bev. - Dixon of Toronto gave a ins emo t eee ae 'to -. J smi wat a ay for hearing, 'Béveral were mau told, in an, Soter. ad; sam ; ectin' os "the "tbrillin story of as to contract if required | occupied with' Grubb enit, left pa a way, ibe the ee 7 of the Améndment carried in the following: Geburger, Ringler, ROXAL TEMPLAR MELTINGS. The local sage Templars have bad mag assistan of Grand Organizer , A, Mano, 'af Montreai, during the past week and have been su uccessful the member- able of simowsl Council, A well- attended meeting open to tbe public was held in the Workman's Ha Friday evening and a short program rendered consisting of duets, soles, recitations, etc., with Sue' Organ- izer Mann in the chair. the program those wishing lo eo the order were invited to remain number availed themselves of Songs, reamogs, recitations, speeches, eto,, wade up an excellent program conclusion of which a big initiation of new members took be beld in oa Workman's Hall on oe att night, 16th inst., commenc- mm. sharp,ap d all are At the meeting ~on Tuesday night when the Couneil business after the conclusion of the program a resolu tion was upani- mously carried expressing the sip- cere regret the En felt on hear- ing of the death of Mra, Dierlamm, Rev, H. Dierlamm of Wal- beart felt and staunch Ravel Templar. DEATH OF MRS. REV. A The many friends of the So Dierlamm, of Wallace, will 'eons thize with 'him in the loss of ne wife, has North Easthope, Pertn grr years b ter, Mr. Dierlamm entered the conpoye Amro and since that time be has lu with much success in varios fields, 4 years iD the Ottawa valley, 8 years in Hurop County, 7 years im Waterloo pounty. gsistan devoted helpmate, who loyally shared all his pcg e ucce33eas, _ ule est ve lue in all ay 'work family and fri pnds. their nine children sarvive. Of = o mar- ried sons. Jatin lives in Waterloo and Edward iva Milverton, a married daughter, Mr-s. M. Gabel, in St. tere in M'schigan. . is 'pere wreatly to hex, | AlL on Thu A Zee leary wae in. ree a spect to the' burning of th the Maloolm- ~~ son: Sea ta Hoy, A006 eh we t of the Mooretield y may: Pet~.! represented E. store the fire originated The circumstances of the fires, 'tor there were two, one on Sunday, Nov. 22, at 6 p. m., which was put ont, and the serious one on Friday, Nov. 27, at 1.30 a. m., were exhaustively en- quired into, and the inquest adjourned at 9 p.m. until May 381. The fire on Sunday broke ont, Mr. Beardsley thinks, from some light stuff which was hanging near the stove, but nothing definite is known. Fortunately it was discovered by people going to church and put out. In the second ire, Mr, Beardeley and his anisiant, Scott, were working late that evening ; and every- thing appeared all right when they left an hour or so before the fire broke ont. 'Thetwo stores were burnt, and the owner, A. Maloolmson, suffered a loss of $5,000, with no insurance, Beardsley produced his stock lists and stock in the store @ e auvabas of $8,000. Mr. and others contenfled that quite o bit of Beardsley's goods had been re- moved to his other store at Dornock, and there was not $1500 worth of stuff in the store at the time of the fire. Beardsley admitted the re- moval of the goods, but said that be exchanged goods between the two atores in order to keep up lines of stock, but swore there was ati}l $5,000 worth in the Moorefield store at the time of the fire. No light was thrown on the origin of the second fire. Mr. his goods. for s day anda half, claim for insurance was setth amount being eomewhst reduced. SIR H. M. STANLEY DEAD, The Famous Explorer a Victim of Plearisy. He Was Quite Conscious to the Lest and Madea aest Regarding His Burial. London, May 10.--Sir Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer , passed away peacefully shortly after 6 o'elook. He wae quite covecious to the last, and able to recognize hie wife. Before he died Sir Henry expressed a wish to be buried at his country seat, Furze Hill, Pirbright, Surrey. The question, bow- ever, is being discussed of burying him beside Livingstone, in Westminster Ab- bey. His death was due to an attack of pleurisy. the W. ¥. A. eeries. The western lawn bowling tourna- ment will be held ou July 25. The first O. P. R. steamer of the sea- son sailed from Owen Sound on 'Tuce- day. 7 _ A.E. Early, G. T. B. brakéman, fell off a car and was killed at Beeton. " Coghlin of Manitoba; -- Stratford won from Milverton im fs x