Listowel Standard, 21 Oct 1904, p. 1

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VOL. XXVIIL.--NO. 38 wv * LISTOW ( --_-- n> at ne yd an beanie eo anteiae Walter Bros. Listowel's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Store. "We have had a_ wonderful fall 'Trade, more than 4. Paes | ao. tH t A "2 |= aa a Te LISTOWEL METHODIST co J. H. Orrven, Pastor, --ad SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1904. 11 a. m.--The Pastor. Solo by Miss Ainley. Strsngers weicomed by courteous dahera, se | evraence-as-to-tne Bright Business Outlook and the Correctness of our Stock. We are in full swing with all sails up. New Goods Arriving Daily will Keep our Stock in Perfect Condition. We invite vou to have a look through our stock of Dress Goods, Silxs, Velvets, Trimmings, Suitings, Skirts, Jackets, Ladies Fur Ruffs, Muffs and Caperines, Men's and Ladies Fur Coats, Men's and Boys' Ready -to- wear Suits and Overcoats and 2 : | : 2 3 , 2 | 7 2 % | : ee ee a ee ey a Ce ee ee ee tee ne Oe hundreds of other lines too numerous to mention. Our Grocery Department is Always Up-to-date. ero te Fe 3) S- ya SIGN OF THE ELEPHANT. Ne a me oe aioe an ee ae hat ea =. =~ eee [eee eee Se ee ee hee ee ee . = wee ae a ee ee ee a a Ter Ae we Aa Ne eS eI ee eA On lf ae ee &@ 4 ( ROBERT THOMPSON People's Cash Store. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. © Sacoowo SSsaaa Swot Saiaev' sr S.LVv OOUMTAO Ss. NOW NEW FALL JACKETS.--Sure Winners. Haye you done your Fall Shopping? Don't delay any longer, go to the Golden Lion Store and get an Up-To- Date Jaeket for yourself or children. We have them from $1.25 to $16.00. ----Ladies' and Gent's Rain Coats.---- NEW STYLISH SKIRTS. Try the Golden We have them You want a Skirt! of course you do ! Lion Store if you want the latest, from $1.75 to 10.00. Ask to See Our Remnant Table. Hignest Prices Paid in Cash or Trade for Butter Eggs Etc,, Etc. BEd & DIK $17 60, with stop over at en - gad) prersnedt 0 Cansdion ST VHURCH, H. Buckland, © Rector. naw SUNDAY, OCT. ' 2st Sanday after Trinity, 1] a, m--Morning Prayer. 7 p.m--Choral Evensong, Special reference to Bishop Baldwin, Solo--Mr. Paul Lange. Rev. C. ~ 23, THE MISSES IOERGER. Listowel's Up-to-date and Leading MILLINERY EMPORIUM, WALLACE STREET, gpposite Vandrick's We have a complete stook of all the choicest novelties of the season, and extend a cordial invitation to the ladies of spol and surrounding country to call and 'eee sot, of Millinery and be convialal 'toe atyle and price. y "CHAS. LEE HING, « LAUNDRY. No. 69 Main West, Listowel. Best work in Ontario guaranteed. No machinery rsed to destroy the clethes. A trial solicited on work which will be execut- ed by hand. Stand-up collars ironed with- out be ing broken in the w Shirtea iron- ed so that they will not hurt your peck, Ties done to look like new. Also Onffs and all other classes of work, Parcels Spoon for and delivered in any part of the to " Direot from China for sale, Pure Tea Give ita trial FAMILY WASHING CHEAP. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, LOW RATET PO THE WEST. Reduced railway rates to pointe in-Brit- ish Columbia, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, a ~Wasbington on sale daily until Oct World's Fair, St. Louis--round trip Detroit wh. mM. SMITH, Depot Agent. J. A. HACKING, Town Agent. LISTOWEL CLOTH HALL Most Complete. This is what we hear every day. We have just passed into stock, Sevegal Large Ship-| ments OF Woollens FROM England ana Scotland These are the REST WOOLLENS that the - » -- British Aontcturers can este, and our spustom- ers say that ourg. is the most complete stock they see anywhere. We are already very busy so you will do well to place your order now. a -§\ party parpose _ again this season. MacKenzie Bros. }, Room,--The | ham Bevp 8p | the the rally, be cr 'oa ANNIVERSARY.-- Services will be gr in Roos on Sanday, Nov. 6th. esas win of St. a Ee will ye the anniv: ir under, ne ecu + pby a paralytic "Mn bar peg My ~~ alacant seme A. Goodwin of -Atwood was calling in the village on Sunday. We are sorry to report the serions om -. Mre. Charles Oosens. week ago Sunday eres while eat- ing her ae C) troke. 'Her let' ae still onitonal, | but at time of writing he is a erasing momits 4 and hopes are ont for her recov many the iatter's parents, | Bev. T. W. and Mra Ciena often + HOW THE MONEY. CIRCULATES, Did you ever wonder when Mg" get adollar billhow macy hands it has through since it wae first issu- ed? Bills are not very roughly hand- ship of \ Mr. Walter aT 'render special music at both services. A Pants Tracumns ConvEnti one hundred teachers of Perth See in. attendance at the annual Uon- Sheet ie being beld in McDon- Two sessions by 4 of wel- topics, AL , ast night" were --<-- aome 'Gaye oy ' 'New Siorra anv New Rarts.--A new oe siding bas been put in at theG. T. B. yards, for the convenience aes oe men and otber large ebippere. een Palmerston and Teucs is being re-laid with heavier rails, an 88 pound steel =e taking the the old 76 pou - This pisce Fill enable the Company - use mogul : ny serge this branch, which will be edvantage, both in handling frelght-an and io keeping the track clear- jbo ed of snow in winter. 4 Mr. and! Elma remoyed have taker cab house on. of Bethe wit pe store on Wallace: R. A. Olimie's gr inst. "2 Mr. Benjamia taken up big Mr. Will. H. Martin, traveller for The trial of the North Grey election petition haa been postponed from Oct. to Nov. The change of date was rendered advisable owing to the com- ing election. Inpian Summern.--The genuine ind- ian summer weather this week was en- joyed by everybody. That we may bave'some more of it before winter sets in ie the general wish. The railway companies have decided to makearate of single fare for the round trip between all points in Ontario and Quebeo, good from Nov. 2 to Nov. 4, in order to accommodate the usual volame of election travel. Lost. --- Betw een Listowel and Carthag a short heavy overcoat. suitabl by leavi A. J, Vandrick's Store, Listowel. Carp oF THanks.--Mrs. Miller of the ith of Wallace desires to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the ill- pess and death of her bueband, the late John Miller Sabbath School Auniversary Sermons will be condneted un Sunday, Nov. 6tb, in the Methodist Church, by the Rev. Dr. Orews, Secretary of Epworth League and Sabbath Schools. Colleo- tions for the day will be in sid of the School. The miesionary* to be held in Obrigt' uroh on Mon- day evening last was postponed owing to the oritica! illness af Bishop Bald- win, whose death on Wednesday night bas been learned a nee regret, as ho was beloved b: Deep Howie. se deer hunting season baw been extended to Nov. 20th, par a to Dominion elections interfering with the firet week in No- vember. 9 Listowel-Atwood hunting visiting | Haliburton g announced Fowler -& Edwards' Uncle Tom's Oabin Co. drew a good house on Bat- urday night in the music hall. ere area number of excellent performers with the company. On Monday vight they ted " Ten Nights in a Bar- room " to a fair audience. i. Thiele, the new butcher, for meats and of all kinds, also hese rendered and. o. ae 'aaa street, Eckold's old stand. Phone 7 usIngss OHANGE. -- Mr. James has bought out the blacksmith Mr. Jos. Tinning, on = and is now ay scpoenoed Busm Bayne venlosss ot i lace Yuan Farz--The poate Model Merchant Tailors: sob for ek ia for in want oy Wiacated. supplement who subscribe carly will 'Kraiep ts Bay Urry.--Samuel Henry 'Lot Milverton received word by telegram fon Sanday evening that bis brother, illiam, had been killed in Bay City, bin on Saturday afternoon. How the fatality ocourred the telegram did not atte, _ no _erticulare are obtain- rT | able. waa 40 yeare of Sok ves born 9 Elms, being the } age eon of the Inte William Henry of that t! township, About eighteen years ago lett his home and went to Michigan. 'or several years he was brakeman and latterly -- running between Bad Axe and Saginaw, m Ramece.--The students of the a see College took advantage of the fine weather on Wednesday after- noon and went out to the woods, where avery pleasing time.was spent in rambling and geth beechnuts, whioh ar <,Siyelite! fhis year. After- wards ere chosen and an intet- j tin pad exstng game of Stephan. according to rules, bat i srs 'mach amusement, The game was not finish- ed on account of darkness coming on. Everybody was well pleased with the sfternvon's ramble. Cures tn Listowz, District Soup Ovt.--Those factories in this district which had not previously soid out the balance of the season's make, disposed of their cheese atthe fair on Friday last, nine factories boarding 3,850 box- 9c. to 9tc. were the figures at which most of the sales were made. This practically closes out the cheese business this season, esit ie not expect- ed that many factories will continue making into November. On Tuesday the September make of the Wallace, Elma and Mornington, Molesworth and Trowbridge factories was shipped fro:. Listowel, Donegal and Monkton shipping at the same time from Atwood station. The six factories shipped 2,400 boxes in all, receiving about §17,- 000 therefor. PRESENTATION To Mn. OcvmMer.--A very pleasant event took place at Christ Church rectory on Thursday evening, October 13th, when the Bro- therhood of St. Andrew presented one of their members, Mr. A. ammer, who was leaving Listowel to purene a course of study for the sacred ministry, which be has chosen for a profession, read as follows : Dear Mr. Oummer : We,the members of Christ Church, Listowel, Obapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, are met here to-night to wish you good- bye, and to. express the hope a that every happiness and blessing may at- tend you in your new home ker- ing. Io parting with you we feel that we are losing one of our moet faithfal -- who has ever striven to ad- anoe the Kingdom of Christ among pn. Io wishing Mre. Oummer and oussall farewell; we would ask you to accept this copy of 'Evan Daniel," hoping that it may eometimes serve to remind you of the many friends that you have left behind in Listowel. Bigned on behalf of the Brotherhood, |J. B. Horn, Directo Rai Ma Director ; 3 A. M. Carthew, Sec. - Treas, ;C. uckland, Rector. Mr. Oummer Paleo received a set of Commentaries, in seven volumes, from the COhurch-wardens, Messrs. Horn and Raines, as a alight reward for his valuable services as Lay Reader in the parish, and more especially for work during the Rector's absence the past summer. r. Cummer has a bright future before him, being a man of taking manners, sound judgment and spiritually minded. His course will be watched with keen interest by the people of Listowel, who all wish bim God-speed. . . TROWBRIDGE, Mies Mary Oollins of Hamilton is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Collins. Isaac Raveille of Manitoulio is visiting her old friends and neighbors around here and Atw : Mfand Mre. Hugh MoOrae of Dnur- on.-- Over |: bape alt The} -- hope she --_ regain her Mr, Thomas Code is very ill at pre- sent. We hope svon to hear of an a mien an andsee him once more nm our Trowbridge is und te an improvement this fall along the build- ing line. Mesera. J: Adams and F. Cosens have been up their homes, making quite an 9 gece Also Mr, W. J. ghen has quite s nice little house now pn the lot former- ly owned by J. Vines, 'end Jest but not east one of our bachelors, J. . Ausman, next Sunday and the Durham minis will oceupy the pulpit here. Mr. James McCrae is doing a rushing business in the cider mill. OARTHAGE. The brethren of Court Evergreen No. 142, 0. O. F., SS Bro. F. Schaefer an oyster supper one j evening last week. After yeaa jus- tice had been done to the oysters and other things provided, a ehort - gramme was presen Bro. Campbell occupied the chair. Among these who gave short addresses were r. Jas, Moore, Wm. Watson, F. Tank, G. Lines and F. McConkey. They all expressed regret at Mr. Schaefer's re- moval from our midst. The einging Mr. m. Taggart was greatly appreciated. Mr. John"Hickey enter- tained the brethren with a number of selections on the gramaphone, which was greatly appreciated r. Wm. Johnston of the -- = spent Sunday with Mr. 8. Johnw The September make of 'aa 'has been a4 for 9c per Ib. vy. Th Wilson of Walkerton will give lecture and fime-light entertainment in the N rth Mornington Church op Tuesdaye -ping, Oot. 26th. Everybodjyoome, A*imiesion 10 and 15 conta," a a ° = GREY. _ Miss Ethel Dunk i teinrned Miss Lizzie Bryans, who has been at Wiarton for the past two months, is home ag Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pearson and Susie attended the funeral of Mre. Pearson's sister, Mrs. L. K. Powell, of Turnberry, on Tueeday of last week. Mr. Francis Miller met with quite a serious accident last wee le helping to get a colt ont of a passage he was knocked down and tramped, breaking his leg. Ae he is advanced in years, and his heart is weak, it 'is feared it will go hard with him, but at present he is doing as well as can be expected Mra. J. R. Savage has been visiting at Lucknow for a few days. Whooping-cough is prevalent among the children, a SUPPORT THE CHEE E MAN. On Tuesday of this week six cheese factories in Wallace and Elma shipped $17,000 worth of cheese at Listowel and Atwood stations, being their Sep- tember output. Though the price of cheese this season has not ral high as during the past two seasons, this is 8 enug sum fora eingle month's outpat for the six factories, and shows what an important industry the man- ufactare of cheese is and how largely the farmers of North Perth are bene- fited by it. With such an object ey before them, it would seem the ight ~ proper thing for the patrons on 1 engaged in the cheese business to foster and encourage the industry, and to give their aid and support to those who have been iustramental in building up the dairy interest'of Can- ada and making it what it is. The County of Perth stands in the fore-front of the cheese industry, both in the quantity of cheese made and in the excellence of its product, which at all times commands the top-most price. While this ge bee soutien kas not been attained through any one man's exertions, it is nevertheless a fact that a few leaders in the industry have bad considerable to do with its establish- ment gud La ripe Of these few Mr. %& F, MacLar tainly no one has been more closely coun with the industry in this county than he has. From his early days as cheese-maker up to the present the industry, until he hae become reco, both at home and abroad as an anthority on matters pertaining to dairyidg. It has been his life-work, and both in his extensive business relations and as representative in Par- liament the dairy interest receiv hie chief and almost undivided atten- tion. . MacLaren's services have begeantty been sought pA = Goumna> ment, in neultation as dairy expert at sim of the earld'e fairs. That the cheese men of this riding have had a capable and worthy repre- sentative, and one who has done much to promote their interests is acknow- ed all, Liberals as well as Conservatives. With everything to be tetaining Mr. MacLaren as & representative of the great industry in the Dominion Parliament, he has been continnously associated with | Bal bank -- a he paid ont to his wor wages, and arranged: with' the recat to trace them for him. The banks found that on the average the wages of workman passed through the hands of eleven different people in -a few weeks. the money followed about for a year the resdlte would have been cven more remarkable. Is it not better, than, to have the work.' men who manufactaré for us employed _ in Canadian factories instead of in factories of the United States and other foreign countries ? The money paid out for g Made in Canada" is kept circulating in Canada; but the money paid out for goods made in the United States is kept circulating in the United States. The Borden policy of Adequate Protection will eneourage Canadians to bay goods in Oan- ada by ¢ workmen. MR. BLAI IR RESIGNS From the Railway Commission, Will Fight Railway Deal---A Death Blew to the Laurier Government. St. Jol, N.B., Oct. 18.--The even- ing Times, in aepecial edition issued to-night, contains the following des- tch from Hon. A. Blair, dated ontreal :-- **I authorize the announcement that I have resigned my position ss chair- man of the Railway Commission, and have notified the Premier that or 4 re-affirming ra | ---- ae I ¢ Grand Tronk P. T bee no present iahontide ol fa € publio life. "Axpnew G. Buar." ® ahpouncenient has created a ronente sensation,- snd there, is at St. John, Montreal, Toronto, Hali- fax, and other placee, in opposition to the Government's railway project. The Daily Telegraph, and the Evening Times, of this city, the latter of which was lately established by Mr. David Russell, both come out strongly against the Grand Trunk Pacific pro- ject, and will vigorously fight the Gov- ernment on the proposal. It is also stated on high authority that there isno trath whatever io current rumors that r. Blair will accept either the Grand Trunk or Canadian Pacific Railway solicitorship. r. Blair's intention after the cam- psign is over is to resume the practice ot his profession in association with his son, Mr. A. G, Blair, jr., and he will open a law office in Montreal. Mr. Blair's action is regarded asa deatb blow to the Laurier Government, and some startling revelations are ex- pected before the close of the campaign. Iti is generally admitted that Mr, Blair' 4 action means the crushing defeat of the Liberal candidates in the City and County of St. John, as wellas the de- feat of Mr. Emmerson, the Minister of Bailways, in Westmoreland. BISHOP BALDWIN |DEAD. Head Ot The Ang Anglican Diocese Of Huro A Baintly Life, Spent in the Service of His Master, Ended Wednesday. Loudon, Ont., Oct. 19,-- Right. Rev. Maurice 8. Baldwin, Bishop of Huron, died at ll o'clock to-night. Two weeks ago his Lordsbip had a slight paral- ytic stroke, which was-safficient to con- fing him to bis home. On Friday last he was again stricken, this stroke proving so serious thai the physicians did not from the first hold out the slightest hope for his recovery. Not since the final stroke dul the attest recover consciousness. The grave con- dition of his Lordehip-has during the past fow days beeu » matter of deepest 'ooncern amongst citizens of all denom- inations, for not only as the head of the a Angiioan Diocese of -a.godly man and 9 preacher of the S Geel almost without a peer, he was revere' by all classes, He slept peacefully away, surrounded by his family. The death of Bishop dwin cannot but be regarded asa loss to the city of London, the Diocese of Huron and the Dominion of Canada as a whole. The attending physicians, Drs. Bech- er and Moorhouse, were surprised that his Lordship lingered as long as he had. They say that the Bishop had a marvel- ously sturdy constitution, bat that, eo eager was he in the canse to he hed devoted his life, he did wot..take precantions to guard is health. His Lordship could never "ond itin his heart to refuse apy calle which were made upon him, snd he would often conduct three services in one day. Hard = told upon a uaterally fine a, and the_ e rupture of an artery in the was th brain that bronght about the- fatgh stroke of paralysis. 2

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