oct. 21° LY i Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Hair Vigor not be pleased? -Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. "T have used A time. It fe, indeed, a wond Hespiadle time: proving Led pee odin are dreasing- De J. Ww, ATOM. Madill, In t. oS or Weak Hair; wale: Mase, am 5 IN-A NATION'S LIFE. Witjeon Years ot the the United Kingdom As Shown tn the «'Statistioal Abstract'* --Some Sturtilug Figures. London xed Express gives the a blue book of which deals with the life of the tish nation for the past the years: ationa 1 re- to 141 millions, but the expenditure, unfortunately, has grown to an even greater extent, from 86 millions to 147 millions. The national y ago was steadily to 628 millions in 1898-9 Then the South' African war be to affect it, and it had risen last year to 7624 millions. The amount of income on which in- : was received has increased from 537 millions to 6084 millions, and the produce for each penny o tax from £2,238,130 to £2,535,862. 'A remarkable feature of the returns is the sudden fall in the rate of in crease of pro ofits from business con- carne a 4 t debt, which fifteen 6884 millions, fell From 1900-1 tax returns an as achedule D. to 1901-2 the income ---- IF YOU WANT .- FIRST-CLASS RIGHT - - PRICES STEVENSON THE CITY BUTCHER MEATS FRESH GROCERIES of all kinds always on hand. 8, J. STEVENSON, Wallace St. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICITUOKS &O. Bank of Hamilton Secrioe Ea tite aa retake cr pene H, B. Morrry, J. M. Cantaew, Money D Blewett & Bray - BARRISTERS AND palterrons, Motaries Publicnad each & eusace t " mye in "House and Ont, sobieltors fo for Beat a ng Ho nae ae MONEY. "tO LOAN AT 4 1-2 PER CENT. B® R. RLEwert. Gro. Bray. b. A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barristez, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN at 44 PER CENT fice, Main St., next to Dr. phot 3 Dentist. ? Branch --_-- in Atwood every Wednesday aftorn Mabee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Solicitorsfor The Mocchanés Bank. Mon ists Loan. TFOED, ONT. 1P. wt C. J. Maxurs, OR. W. M. BRUCE, DENTIST. .8.; R.C.D.8.. Oats tario; D.D.S. §. Trinity ni: eS icaron to; Pos t Graduate Haskel Be hi te 'De bon t *tSaice rem . . patis m old sot rooms over W. Spears' Store. ce by eats stairway a8 Dr. Rutherford, Main Ste Listow JAMES MOORE, M.D,, C. M.; Member of College of Physici- Surgeons, Unta rio, Assistant House Surgeon in 1900 tothe Toronto Gen- eral Hospital and 'the oe enhurst Sani- tarium . Consumptiv Office, fi rst house went a Schaefer's store, CARTHAGE, ONT. DR. BROWN, L. R. C, P., London, England. Gra¢uate of London, New York and Pee 0. SEAS EYE, EAR, OSE and THROAT. Will be at the ORAND CENTRAL HOTEL, LISTO WEL, 2nd Tuesday in Each Month. Hours 10a. m. to 6 p.m. Thos. iecaponllgaias ATWOOD ONT. SSUER of Marriage Licenses, Commissio I uur iene as Mo TeeaRes Leases saa all Cones R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, ONT. ASEST torthe London and Lancashire Fire co Com . Also Money te Loan in mn $200 an pre wards at alow rate of any sums from nterest. B easy terms. under this he increased by = one million, while from 1901-2 te 1902-3 the increase was only four millions. ast year estate duty was paid on 62,108 propertics of the total value of 264 millions, including seven es- tates worth over a million each. The net value of property on which pro- bate and succession duties were paid was 211 millions. The extent of ¢ nation's thirst may be gathered from the fact that last year fifty-one_million gallons of spirits and thirty-five and a half mil- lion barrels of beer were made, which means, roughly, a barrel of beer and a gallon of spirits for every man, woman and child. Free traders will rejoice ie ren that we bought from abroad 542¢ millions' worth of goods last year, and sold only 360 millions. We bought £12 16s 1d. worth per head, and sold only £6 17s. 2d, worth. In financing this enormous trade only fifty-six million sovercigns and twen- ty-two million pounds worth of silver changed hands. Our huge mercantile marine is made op of 10,830 sailing vessels and 10,- 122 steam vessels, with a total gross tonnage of 15, 8,6 nd they em- ploy over 257,008 men, including foreigners. The cultivated area of the United Kingdom is nearly forty-cight million acres, and there are in the country twa million horses, eleven ond a half million cattle, twenty-nihe and a half million sheep, and four mil- lion pigs, The value of the sea fish- erics last year, excluding salmon and shell fish, was nine million pounds, and the total catch nearly eightecm million hundredweight The 22,433 miles of railway Car- ried 1,195,265,195 passengers and 443,697,947 tons of pee and min- erals. The total receints were nearly 11 millfons, and the working ex- penditures sixty-eight and q half mil- lions. Though there were only.1,77 miles of tramways open, they car- ried 1,681,948,655 passengers--con- siderable more than were carried by ac railw e now 'nining over 230 mil- tion tons of coal a year, Valued at eighty-eight million pounds, while the total value of all -- produced was 1224 millions in 19 e number of veatatoven 'companies is 31,886, with a paid-up capital of 1,849 millions. In the Postoffice Savings Bank the deposits amount to nearly 181 millions, and last year nearly forty millions were re- ceived and thirty-nine millions paid. The deposits in the Bank of England mounted to forty-six millions in December last. and the bank notes held in reserve amounted in value to nineteen millions. The total strength of the regular army is 301,191 porcine and men, of are h and To molice England and Wales mjuires 46,064 men There were over a million paupers in receipt of relief last year, 13,000 criminals were convicted, 4,243 per- sons adjudicated bankrupts and eighty-three orders made to wind up companies in England and Wales. In 1902 684 crew and 687 passengers lost their lives at sea. New Governor of Fiji, Much satisfaction has been caused in Fiji by the selection of Mr. Ever- ard im Thurn9 as Governor, that scientific official's career and quali- fications being well known among our tropical colonies After passing through Marlborough and Oxford-- where he took his M.A. in 1880-- Mr. im | busied himself on the Pomertin River, in Britis) _ Guiana, where he was a Magistrate under Government After eight years on the Pomerun he was for over ten yeurs_Gevemnment agent in North- west Guiana, all his spare time being devoted to exploration and the study of the flora and fauna of the ed for when he came home on leave, and his works on the natural his- tory and gvoygraphical features of the Guianise region gre"well known. Mr. im Thurn has been Colonial Secre- tary und Liecutenant-Governor of Ceylon for three years, and he will 4 quite a new fleld for his reséarch- | sin the Fiji Islands. < ---------- es Snake by Mail. G. T. R, TIME CARD Traini towel station daily as follows: raat S0UN. Zz Axp PORT An case of attempt- ed murder has just come to light im Western Australia taining qa 'enomous snake was post- ed to the wife of q well known hotel keeper who was in a very delicate state-of health at the time. winter of last year, and happy. I would not LS kill a thin, ang bymnus neighbors FR. exchange: for instance, you for four. J. pees "The Foctines Gram-o-phone T bought of you was a God-send during the long coki It cheered us and made us giad what it cost if IT could not get another." We have thousands of similar letters telling of the pleasure and entertainment derived from the Berliner Gram-o-phone. from a tlzewale to Eto ry Maserka ft' wilt Lt Bane ra of erate nat, Sov senses a can you in five minutes, Prices of Gram-o-phones complete with 3 egg ioe tas for pavitentint, Catalogee : nnd list of Records. will exchange yeur oid ion Vas bon tu iou Rested prea one you velurn return tuo THE BERUMER a vont 00. 3, easton tYD, MONTREAL, PQ, H. GUNTHER, Listowel, Recently : part with it for ten times $15 to $45 "Tt is made in Canada." ----" vecetee sl: Blunt Reply Lord Rutherford was aiting on the hillside with his old shepherd, and observing that the sheep reposed in the coldest 'situation, he said to him. ~* es *'John, if I were a sheep I would He onthe other side of the hill." "Ah, my Lord," enswered the can- did shepherd, "but if ye had been a sim ye ould hae had mair sense!" A Miracle: ° The following concerns a_ well- known peer. His butler discovered a burglar hiding in a closet one even- ing, and, ussistaner, took the fellow to His Lordship, and asked whether he should send= for a-pohter- an. "Of course, ' replied Bis Lordship: "or rather," he added, with the in stinct of seli-preservation, "IM ring for one. A servant dul apy ared, His Lordship req ye vated to the kitchem and bri ne up gq policeman al two.' 'The domwstic returned, amd aid there were no policemen on the premise Ss. What!"" exclaimed His in incredulous tones to tell me that, scullery-maids, a kiteh: nanaid, ni three house-maids in my » is no policeman in the © it: hen It is inderd = a miracle, wnd ao prisoner shall reap the } gon, let the man wo instantly?" Glad to Pay. Lord igs Mv nell in 18 becarse man had ant hita a "bloated . O'Connell' s son too' up the » but no one was ta returcnin.: how aw gaye a te hackney coachuan 'ho oh, a ah ien him out and brought him back 'The man, surprised at larg: ness of the m, said, on'yv took interrupted him ge Guinean is for bro omer me for taking ; who 'so inio Lordship, with Tern t ; yy. on me owt Alarmioy Peeapect. A former Duke of Rutland, at on being at a Yor e other Tine "Ged forbid eee BERLE 1, steko vf Yes, Ged te 'thete wites tmde: The Corse of Money. A negro was urrested for steal'y He bad been ecavsit : to the contents of ihe ens the store of a Mr. Appiecon. istrate before whom the nesro wus brought knew him ond was much str. prised to learn the charge aginst the Looking at the necro ear Sam, I'm sorry to Didn't you know that no good could come from stolen mon- ey?' There's a curse ou ft." "Well, jedge." repliel the prisoner, "T didn't know Mistuh Appleton stole dat money. 1 couhin't tell dat by jest lookin' at it." Hard Lock. "Just my luck!" she exclaimed, stamping her little foot angrily. "What's the matter?" be asked. "There's a pin," she returned, point- Ing to one on the floor near her foot, "and you know the superstition, of course." "See a pin and pick it hp through ma the day you'll have good luck,'" he oted. sBxactly," she said. " 'Through all the day,' and here it is evening when I it'? t Woman's Way. Sweet Maid--You must remember that ours was a summer engagement. enger 7. 5p Ae * Going north, Pr iLglam., apd 7.07 p. th RSTON AND 'gic ARDINE -- For A NEW LOT OF Amateur Photographic Supplies at - - C. A. LEE'S PHOTO STUDIO. Artist Proofs, A NEWiPHOTO. Call and see it. 1 smake was jacked in a parcel with a hole at one end to admit air, The al officials, however, noticed tho exceptional weight of the packet and, fecling the contents moving, looked through the aperture and into the eyes of the snake The snake was but the author of the t yet been found.-- duly killed, outrage has no London Post. For Over Sixty Years. tile i" oaks f bet uldren sed b: ition ©! pee "g lor while rilions If dis 'ped at night and broken "in r rest by a sick child suffering crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send st once and, a a ee Ww for Soothing arp It will Sete little ice ly. a Brabng Per orcad ge een hey "tt pares, Diare Train up a Child on when up, send him or her "7 : "Dee TERM: BECING SEPT. 6TH, 1904. Two Courses-- Commercial and Short hand, Send for College Journal, A. L, McINTY RE, Manager. Largest and Best in Western Ontario. -- o far as we can learn no Business Col- lage | in Canada graduates so many, and at the same time such a large per centage as CEATRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Our courses "are u te, saaeeeunt experien and facilities unsurpassed Students my Lage fat any time. Write for free oa' Ww, J. ELLIOTT, and D. A, McLACH- LAN, Principal. EVERYBODY GGME and take ad antage of the Wall Paper Bargains In order to make room for new stock, we are making great reduc- tions. 5c. Paper at Scts. 10c. Paper at 6cts. 15c. Paper at 10Octs, 20c. Paper at 13cts. Window Blinds 4 ror $1. Special Bargains in Curtain Patoring and Papering promptly attended Satisfaction guaranteed. L. H..pLETSCH, Painter 46 Paper Hanger, MAIN STREET EAST. rt Listowel Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. and Contractor ait osaiene of a prepared te contract for the erection of Plans and specifi- on cations drawn, and estimates furnished application. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, BLINDS, a i ee y1 s27e6 a rbioe. Planin rder. Everything in the a Charges Moderate. J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. A Good Time Piece is a Faithfol Servant. J. GABEL ENTIRELY NEW SsT0Ck OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want ot his Customers personally. | sion Family recipes a specialty. R. A. Hunter. BUGGIES. FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons. If you want anything in the vehicle line, now is the time to buy,"asI have a large stock on hand and will ell at closest prices A call at my carriage shop will convince. J, F. WILSON, Mill Street Listowel. Chitdren Cry for CASTORIA. atin will be Heard t attention and FiRST Guass Worl at NSHIP 304R- J. S. Gee' pairs and are now preparéd to ers with fulllines of you A new consig Ib., Pure "Ceylon, Splendid Coffee 20c. a. S. Main Street. Black "reeolar 4oc. per Ib. 'for FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM s 2 Stores _ We beg to state that we have just completed our store re- accommodate our many custom- Fall and Winter Dress Goods" Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, in fact all lines very complete, having recently visited the wholesale markets, and can show | MANY ATTRACTIVE LINES selling much below' regular prices. Groceries, nment beat Tea, somal nae Also in Butter and Eggs bought and highes prices paid. GEE. Listowel. AT GREAT BARGAINS TRE 'Up-to-Date Grocery: of broken Sets. a margin. ~ Canned Goods an All kinds of Farm Produ I will give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price, I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be sold at d Fruits, New in Stock. ce taken in exchange. eo JAS. SST RONG THE TURKO, VAPO R BAIH "ABINET A Cincinnati man has proved ic- yond a question of doubt thar ihe Romans ks had No Physicians for 600 Years But Termal and Vapor watus, and that they owed their spicedid ueaitu, fine phy: + strep ngt Db aod beauty rn vaporized air or "sweat baths," set to work to invent a mathed vy wich the American and was Fobe: pa of his efforts. 7 the Improvement ia one per and com xion. it is the seaae remarkabie in- vention of the twentieth century, for it makes the sick well, the weak strong, and it has done that whioh physicians and medicines have ta do. very one knows that di due to the presence in the blood or bat the The Turko Bath eradioates tha' son, and it is imposaible for these poisons to remain in the system of a It removes all ebstructions thus allowing nature to do its work. The pure, rich and healthy. through the human tissues new, and freah after a short uals epee their lost fles ains congestions disappear a new "eux being develops from, in many cases, total Relracgie Bheumsttan, umbago, Sciatica, Asthma, Stomach Troubles, Bilious- ness, Fever, La Grippe, Headache, Dropsy, fies aot Nervous Troubies, Liver Complaint, Sleepless ness, Gout, Malaria, Colds, Seanad zoreme Erysipelas, Neuralgia, P sit isa eee Al acoder ia ail Female Complaints. man, wroman or ohbild who properly uses the Cabinet. WM. STEPHAN, poisonous matter. Rath Cabin ' +. STOMONIALS, L s 1 was afflicted with cold feet d legs, an wer Hheumatism--I was not-able to ae my ow on, nor had 1 t bed for over two weeks. W hat Ik le sleep was by in hair. After the fourth bath I slept in bed all t put my -- othing on in the morning. have Rheumatism don't fail ta ae the Vapor Bath.--Mrs, R. Wilkinson, Peterborough. one week '3 use of ye -- my trou- so as all gone. m. Logan, Breck atrent,. Poterbarough. My seek Was very bad, had bad cough, id Sook in arelght hr 180 20 down to 125 lbs. After 2 of the bath 1 gained 10 us Tbs. ae gc now. tool like a new man.-lf you are ee in any way try the et-- F. Elligtte, Park Bt. Doretharcaint shoulder, hand and foot were lots of remedies but none of any use. dney Gibbs, ashburnham, Ont. is tq certify that 1 find your vapor Cabinet a oure for the many ney e of hora humanity. | have afflictions aad eir mplica' of find | that whan 1 take a bath 1 am Srey relieved, in fact 1 feel ike a highly recommend it that every family their must be healthy to give vigor nd ha youth to the body a ppimess ts the mind. Wishing 5 baka suc- oess in the cause of an- ity.--Mrs. J. O. Kidd, Listawel. - Main St. market. Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! If you want a good RANGE or HEATER call and inspect our lines, the best on the Furnaces, Stoves, Pipes, The Man--That means if you see any one you like better you'll break it. "Yes." "And if I see any one I like better'-- "[}l sue you for breach of promise," m Remin "How often," said in Pe euaine "a man ts reminded of his own little ness in this great world?' . "Yes," answered Mr. Cumrox, "es- pecially if he has three da entere whe baye been to boarding sc! His Title. "Did Edith ged a title?" "Well, she married Rounders, who is known about i asa prince of good feliows," ty Understood, - "T goubt if you know the difference between grand opera and comic opera." "Ob, but I do. Se te."--Puck 8. hed. Patents proce red rie Marion & goaly tice without fe recel ys spa pers distributed th t the Biot a Lusiness of Mannfac- turers and Engineers. MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Solicitors. ' New ¥' wife . (Olticen: 4, Atinetie Btn, Ww Dc CASTORIA For Infants and Children. i Elbows, Drums, Pots, Pans, Kettles, Granite- ware, Galv. Iron Work, Meiallic Ceiling, Cy ow ee a wae owe Any quantity ° oofing Plumbing, Gas Fitting Heatiag, Pumps, Steam Fittings, Iron Pipe Etc. PHONE 40 AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL AND MACHINE OIL. LEADING STOVE DEPARTMENT, Z ILLIAX & SARVIS. Sd Nemes meme RE Niele a in a cl al A