JW. Scott & Son, Bankers, ee 1872. ES: towel, Palmerston Clifford, ae = a: a Halstead, Mount Forest and Shelbu: _AGeneral Banking natieke transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, ayable in all parts of the DOMINION, . UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN. NOTES DISCOUNTED "DEPOSITS RECE)VED.* current rate of interest allowed. heres amount of private ro to a with Siviloge of ged A tly. : Marriage Licenses Issued, ]. W. Scorr & Son. UNTARID GUES _f - $ 2,229,980.00) Regunve Foxp anp Bunrivus Prorrrs mat $ 2,000,000.00 Toran AssErs - - $24,718,618.07 ESTAS: ED 1872. HEAD GEFICE | _ PRMILTON, J: TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. LISTOWEL BRANCH ESTABLISH- . ED 3! YEARS, DIRBVTORS: a WM, GIBS N, President, JOHN PROCTOR, GEO, ROACH, A, B LEE, JOHNS,HENDRY 4M. P,P. GKU. RUTHERF RD. J. TURNBULL, Vice-P ex, & Gon, Mgr. H,M, WATSON, Inspect BRANCHES SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposita $1 and upwards received and interest allowed at current rates an to principal twice a year, Ist June and lst December, No formalities, no délays in drawing money. BANK HAMILTON] IMPERIAL BANK [ and Oarrrax, Par Ur - "OF CANADA. 1990,606. 80,760,007.09 HEAD OFFIGE, TORONTO, B anches in the Provinces pst bec, Manitoba, and North West _ eat gy AGENTS 18 GREAT ERITAIN--Lioyds Bank Head Office, Lombard 8t-, ou by letter meer mat bg hoe eg of sranet any part LISTOWEL BRANCH. SAVINDS BARS. DEPARTMENT -- Deposits x gag and interest added to principal twice SPECIAL « attention given the discounting of Dd RAFTS eon aveitelie at all pointsjin MONEY ORDERS Hauer Under #0 any Bank $10, 80; fo; #10 wo 20, 100 ; to 990, 130. R, ARKELL, Manager. : he 4 MEN'S FURNISHER. |New. Fall Goods IN EVERY LINE. NEW PREMISES ONE DOOR EAST OF IMPERIAL BANK. TATT But Canada Gives Government a Majority of Sixty-Three. QUEBEC SOLID FOR LAURIER P.E.I. and Ontario Alone Sup- port the Opposition. GREAT WEST GOING LIBERAL 'Once More It Is Tory Tereate, Every Liberal Candidate Having Been Defeat- ed---Slaughter All Along the Lince-- Many New Faces Will Be Seen--Ayles- worth, the New Minister, Gees Bown Betore Cel. Ward ia Durham, Heyd ef Brantford Is Among the Miss- ing--Hamilton Split [ts Ballot Fer the First Time--Just How It Stands. HOW IT STANDS. Con. Lib. Ind, SAFI Ocenvetstectansorseeed 47... 38 5 Quebec 10 53 1 Nova Scotia.......... 0 18 6 7 3 1 . 4 5 1 8 ate Columbia... 0 4 vel 134 2 Liberal majority 63. Elections to be held: Grebe. gi Manitoba, Dauphin; kenzie, Yukon; Bolte Comox, Kootenay, F- ag Yale-Cariboo. THE FIRST INTELLIGENCE. Toronte, Nov. 4.--While turns were being prepared for the constituencies contiguous to. Toron- to, the Maritime l'rovinces, by rea- son of their time being an hour fast- the re- a gloom over Conservative ipiimalite. . L. Borden defeated in cirige and his running mate im the Sx was the first piece of def- nite nite information to come to the anx- ious expectants who bent over the election returns. Equally depressing newa from a Conservative standpoint followed hick and fast from Nova Scotia and from various constituencies in On- tarlo In Ottawa, where the Conr- servatives were confident that they would secure two seuts, Speaker. Bel- court and Robert Stewart won in @ walk. Hon. William Harty carried Kingston by a large majority against and Hamilton, a supposed Conserva- tive stronghold, divided its favors between Sam Barker, Conservative, and Adam Zimmerman, Liberal. The only piece of news to cheer Conservati-e hearts during the early returns was the close call H Charles Hyman in London. Surprises Everywhere. Surprises are characteristic of eave ery election, but surprises were the rule not the exception in yester- day's elections. No one supposed for an instant, not even the most opti- mistic Liberal, that 'ova Scotia would return a. solid Gov ernment con- tingent. ally remote was the chance that the Territories would cling to the Government, but a sible seemed the chance tha the Liberals would have a look in 'o the Province of Manitoba The Conservatives -- going west from the Atlantic Coast to the head of Lake Superior even with their opponents. 'This estimate was founded on a division in Prince Edward Island, equa! honors in Nova Scotia, a slight majority in New Brunswick, twenty seats in the Pro- Vinee of Quebec, and a majority of between twenty or twenty-five in the Province of Ontario. Hows complete- ly these hopes were put rout shown by the returns whith indicat- ed that Nova Scotia had not left a candidate counted on fickle New Brunswick had given the Government only very slightly the worst of it, that Quebec's devotion Wilfrid Lauricr was almost had been able to do but littie more than off-set the effects of the redis- tribution ee Ne Surprises. FPARJIERS BDUSENESS B pee Puteie. § of responsible farmers disco' notes collected and advances made the. eon, COLLECTION DEPARTMENT pte taint 4 de La y facility for making prompt returns at be cat rates, DRAFTS bought and sold on any part, of the world, CORRES. PONDEMTS in all parta of Can- ada, United states and Great Britain, BANKING BUSINESS of all kinds trans- acted on most eas terms. Corres- pondence solicited ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, B, FORSAYETH Agont, Listowel, . Ia Ontarie. Mr. Hyman had a narrow cscape in Londen, and further signs of the Government weakeness were shown in the defeat of A. B. Aylesworth in West Durham, the overthrow of - Thompson in Haldimand, the Dr. McDonald in East Huron, Ro' Holmes in West Huron, George Bte- Kent, J. B. Maybee in erth, Thomas Mackie in North Renfrew, and the wholesale re- jection of the five Liberal candidates in the City of Toronto. Of the Con- servative reverses in egg the most surprising were the defea ae a j John Culbert in Brockville, T. J. Thompson in North Grey, C - non in South Grey and James Ken- ary in West Peterboro, In New Branswick. In New Brunswick honors wero pretty nearly even, with no surpris- es, with a possible exception of the defeat of Fred Hale in Carleton, and the election of Hon. A. A. Stockton of public men in the Province of New trunswick, went down once agnin to defeat in Kent and Henry A Powell fell for a second time a victim to Hon, H,. R. Emmerson. In Nova Scotia. Next to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who holds the record for keeping his Pro- vince a unit for the Liberal party Hon. Fielding. Mr. Fielding's average ie, in fact, superior to his leader's, for he has cleared his Province of Con- servative candidates, and from the tay of Fundy to the Strait of Canso there is not to-day a member elected in behalf of the Conservative party. Mr. Fielding has, in eflect, banished the Conservative purty from his Pro- Vinee. The feat stands as one of the most remarkable achievernents in _ annals of Canadian polities. Conservatives counted on splitting even in Nova Scotia. ONTARIO. Conservatives Elected, Algoma W............A. ©, Boye rt : Pirharsar "ai da EB..E. Cochrane. Ontari © &............P. Christie. Perth N. wiidveve F. McLaren. Prince Bdward.. iieed Gao, QO. Alcorn. nam Lennox. -- "R.A. Pringle. Toronto Centre....E. F. Clarke. sappointed the Conserva- tive organization in that Province, but the result was in no way a re velation to those who had sized up calmly and impartially the conditions among the French-Canadians. Pro- fiting by their experience in 1900, where they or thought by money and Gnergies over a ge number of seats, many of which were hopelessly Liberal, the Conservative Managers deci tq throw their whole effort into between fifteen and er constituencies of the main contributors to this stroke of strat- egy was Rufus Pope of Compton, and jit is a striking commentary on dead-se' stituencies that Rufus Pope is num- the fallen in the Pro- vince of Quebec. : The Conservative gain in Quebec defeat of O. B. Heyd in South Brant, * bert Argenteuil..........¢. H. Perley. Beauharnois.........J, G. H. Bergeron. Charlevolk......w00+ = Forget. Do ecseeonee Huntingdon. acenpenee "Dr. Jacques Oartier..°F. D. Monk. «*J. Leonard. Dr. Paquet, Montreal, St. COINS... 0--seeeeees Sherbrooke......... "Dr, Worthington. Names are present mem- QUEBRC. a Liberals. Bagot....-scarsmnens *J. E. Marcil, Beauce..... a . 8. Belnod Beldecias0n enon 20. E. Talbot. ae . E. Archambault ae Marcil. POM sesssesssssaranccns *Hon. S. A. Fisher. eR one Centre. eta PA. Malouin, Quebec, East........ *Sir W. Laurier. Quebec, West........ Pow Quebec County..... Hon, C. Fitzpat- ick, Richeliew............... *A. A. Bruneau. Hichmond-Wolfe.. SE. W. Tobin. Rimouski... Rouville. St. Hyacinthe. Bt. oh w-Iber- Shefford........ Soulanges..... Temiscouate......... °C. A. "Gauvreau Terrebonne......,..... *S. Desjardins Three Ri Maurioe............. *J. B u, Two Mountains....°J. A.C. Ethier. snhieteast » Dr. G. yer. Wright....... sree Sir W. Laurier. am. etpereeesO, Gladier, Names ° are present mem- Indepenéents, Moen eee Girard. Wright--H. A. Goyette Neva Scetia--Censervatives Nene, Neva Scotia--Liberals. napolis...,,.......8. W. Pickup Antigonish... C. F. McIsaac ae Bret ton ' ovine D. D. MacKenzie. ees Cape. Bre- ...Alex. Johnston. Colchester. aseeeweneaee EF. A. Lawrenca. A. ;E. Dyment. Hon. Wm. Paterson, D. Derhvahi . H. Mackenzie. F. wa } , a wes Lunenburg... 2 Pict ou Ee M. wt 4 A Ikichmond...,.,......... Finlayson, Shelburne and Queen's...... .-Hon. W. S. ae Yarmouth......., ab. B. Law nee oreo amervifin Charlotte.............. W. Ganong. King's ry Albert... 'G. W. Fowler. Seneeemausenccrores R. D. Wilmot. Bt. "John City and TES'. .ereceseeeires A. Stockton. . . Ww. ee J. gai Res el - a - ee ~ J. M. Schinbei LISTOWEL GREATEST STORE. aa = NOVEMBER months in our history. Skirts, Suits, Shirt-Waists, ettes, Underskirts, etc, ets, Caperines, Ruffs TAILOR, FURNISHER,| JENKINS. HATTER. THE BIG Bankrupt Stock os STORE. J.R. GRANT & Co. Is now in full swing again in their NEW STAND, Next Door to Livingstone's Drug Store. Having Bought THE STOCK OF M. McGILLIVRAY at a less price than is usually paid for a Bankrupt Stock, we have moved it along with our own into the above stand, 'and The Two Stocks are now on the Market and offered for sale at Less Than Bankrupt Prices While the prices of most Dry Goods are going up, with us they are tumbling down, for these two stocks must be sold put reserve. That means slaughtering of yoods in every trices are nearly cut in two, eee MENT! is full and com- HING 2 Sad GENTS' FUR- 'well assorted stock and prices are elow wholesale cost. owellings, Shirtings, Flannelettes, 'Gloves, Corsets, etc., etc., we havea tee nes, and on each _ and every article you buy yout wi SAVE FROM 25to5c PERCENT. The reason why we'can give you these big reductions is because we bought them that much below their values. Always buy in the cheapest and best market A Full supply of FRESH GROCERIES always on hand Farm Products taken in exchange for cash. JOHN R, GRANT & CO, Dealers in Bankrupt Stocks. In the above we are showing the largest range, the new- est goods, best make, and for the least money. Ladies' Jackets, Capes, Fur-lined Capes, Children's Jack- Muffs and Fur Jackets. ~ BARGAINS, © We are going to make this November one of the greatest Qur Great Dress Goods Sale will continue all this mouth: If you are in need of Dress Goods, then this is the place to buy them, as we have reduced many lines to half price. We have one of the largest stocks to choose from. Suits, Silk Waists, Bedford Cord Waists, Lustre Waists, Dressing Sacques, Wrapper- : Our stock tons, Sheetings, Flannelettes WOOL HOODS Jat a great reduction. price. has been selected from the best of makes. through ours you will not buy any others. Over-coats and Suits for Men, Boys and Children. Special value in Wrapper Goods, Prints, Bleached Cot- Special Bargains in Groceries, Shoes and Hundreds of Other Goods. It you look of all kinds, Toweling and Towels, Underwear of all kinds. We have bought a clearing lotof GLOVES AND OF ALL KINDS We are offering all the new goods to our customers at halt Crockery, J. M. SCHINBEIN. GRAND PAPI A AOA OS OO THE RANGE THAT NEVER FAILS. b ARERR IDEA, Ladies who have operated onearth They are popular than any range yet produced. Toi cannot be surpassed. Grand Idea Ranges have made a record for themselves. on fuel and will bake perfectly more material with less fuel Seauty of Design and Simplicity of Operation they them claim they are the best because they are economical ; | : FOR SALE BY NovempBer CAnaDIAN MAGAzINE,-- Like a breath of peace and tranquility is the! November Canadian Magazine, which shows po evidence of the political tur- moi! that is disturbing the country, The first article deals with "The Argentine Gaucho," a peculiar charact- er who lives on the ranches and prairies of our great Sonth American competitor in wheat-growing. The illustrations for this article are exceptionally fine. A. Theodore Waters, a Canadian who has been a self-supporting missionary 'ion British Tongaland, tells how he | worked his way to South Africa via | London, how he stodied the Zalu Jan- ' guage and how he fared there in war- , time, There are some rare photogra- phs with this article. The editor give® is impreseioue of Canada's display at t. Louis, and they certainly are notin harmony with the average opinion of other writers. This toois illustr profusely. There ia a.short history of the Grenadier Guards, the oldest regi- ment in the British Army, with some more excellent illustrations, The Canadian Celebrity of the month is Mr. Robert Meighen, another man who has carved his way to prominence by native conrage and ability. There are xplendid portraits of Sir Wilfred Laur- ier and Mr. Borden, of Earl Grey and Lady Grey, and a new portrait of Marshall Saunders. The stories are worthy of the number. z Victeria................Hon, J. Costigan. PROS . jana. HR. \ TT Prince Edward Inland--Couservatives. Queen's B...,..... nies Martin i A. A. Maclean. . A. Lefurgey. Prince Edward Island--Liberals. CASH STORE. CDAD PD ADI 4. AES: Opes oP OPP BREA BRS ORE EEE EER RAED PR -WRIGHT «THOMPSON LISTOWEL'S he King's..............0. J. Hughes. ; Dauphin mn len Campi ' Macdonald.............W. G. Staples. Marquette... "Dr. Roche. ! kl alee -- oe mel ne oer) THOSE WHO WANT "gE, |) WILL FIND THE Selkirk ol Oe | STORE ON THE Winnipeg...............D. W. Bole. need CORNER THE PLACE Seiteomeonet a tg ; TO TRADE. Nerthwest Territeries--Liberals, Dress Goods, s For the Month of July we are Of- fering Bargains in the Following Lines: Dress Trimmings, Shirt Waists, Parasols, Corsets, Gloves, Neck Wear, Prints, Table Linen, Table Nap- kins, Towels, Ticking Cottonade, Ready- Made Clothing, Gents's Neck Wear and Shirts. PAPAL AL LS I ODA DE EDO I A Edmonton.... Humboldt.... Saskatchewan <i ee trath t. Pee a Congdon. (De (ant . eeintome. Your Trade. ie 1) ae' {T) G FOR AL-=-4 CBS. 35c. la |e 27s $1.00. of Farm Highest Prices Paid for all Kinds AAS tit Produce. LARS PP re Wright & Thompson, THE CORNER STORE. oa PI RPDF Ne le a, nee ADGA 4 WAAL AAPA AAA IAD APP I A WSFAFA PAA , a As oon APS PLS PRP NSRP gees %