-- es re "SCHOOL SUPPLIES We are giving away FREE RULERS, BLOTTERS, PENCILS, With' Every purchase of School Supplies, pees os ARE YOU GOING TO TRAVEL? Call and see me about rates and special days either to Toronto or London. ---- tA TAGKINGS-- Marriage Licenses Issued. Tickets to all parts of the world. Taeraibniand 1904 . FRIDAY, NOY. Jl, NO CONSERVATIVES TO RUN IN QUEBEC. Protest inet Summary Dissolution he Legislature. Montreal, Nov. 6.--Hou. E. J. Flynn, leader of the Conservative Opposition in the Quebec Legislature, was ip Montreal to-day in conference with local members of the Legislature and prominent Conserystivos, and it was announced tu-night that the Conser- vatives will not put any candidates in the field for the Quebec i at the election to be held Hon, Mr, Flynn issued a or avifesto to the electors of the Province to-night, in the course of which, referring to the action of th Parent Governn:ent, he denounced it og an attempt to stifle discussion, aud as showing that the Proviucm! Government teeks to identi- fy its cause with that of Sir Wilfred Laurier. Mr. Flynn also denounces the action as unconstitutional, as pot in the public interests, but dictated by party interests alone, as an auda- cious gttempt on the electoral liberty of the Province aud ap attempt tu identify the politics of Ottawa with those of _Qryhvc, avd ne a menace to Provincial autonomy. My Flynn saya the Oppo- sition cauvot lend jtself to the Parent Government's game, aud believes that the interest of the Province will be best served and its inetitntions safeguarded by abstaipiug from tekivg part in the fight, and making a colemn protest against the high-handed sctiun of the Parent Government. bu cou- cludes by declaring that sie Opposittow - Tou make no. contest, but will await the ref vindication. --T A RECORD MAJORITY. Jobo Macdowald Went 1878 with a Majority of 86 Sir Back in Ottawa, Nov. 5.--Sir Wilfrid Lan- rier's majority, though large, is far from being the record ip the history of tbe Dominion. In 1878 Sir John Macdonald swept the country even more eff-ctually than on the o¢casion of Sir Wilfrid's performavce of Thure- day. Sir Jobn same back to Parlia ment with a majority of 86, not 68, ax is strangely asverted in many peri- odicals, The detailed figures are x-- Ontario-- 63 Conservatives, 25 Liberals. Qne bee-- 48 Conservatives, 17 Liberals. Nova Scotia--16 Conservatives, 5 Lib- erale. New Bronswick--5 Oonserva- tives, 11 Liberals. P,. E I.--5 Coneer- vatives, 1 Liberal. Maoituba--3 Con servativer, 1 Liberal, BritieL Colambia -- 6 Conservatives, no Liberale, 'Total -- 146 Conservatives, 60 Liberals, At the Grst division in the session of 1879 the figures were :--136 Conserva- tives, 51 Liberals--majority, 85; and the Speaker in the chair. That re- mains the record in the Canadien House, A SEAT FOR MR. BORDEN, Safe Constituency in Ontario to be Opened. Hamilton, Nov, 5.--Samnel Barker, . P., Conservative organizer, said to- day that Mr. R. L. Borden would be retained as Jeader of the Opposition and that a eafe seat would be found for him in Ontario. Mec. Barker returned to the city late to-night from Toronto, after holding a conference in the office of Mr. A..E. Kemp with some of the prominent Conservative members of the proviuce. He eaid it was too early yet to discuss the plans and prospects GOVT. MAJORITY IS NOW 66. hia and G spe Ge peera 'Ac- Dauq u and Gaspe Go by Conservatives are re Elested in Qu'Ap- peile and Alberta-- Four ete Yet to be Held. Libs. Cons. ota hie guaie bene 89 47 segtoteess . 54 : i ne Bcotia Ios 18 >a New Braovewiok . 7 6 sa ---- Island 1 8 Manitoba.,........ 7 8 British Daun 5 es The Territories... 6 8 187 78 73 Liberal majority Electiona to be hela." ees Yale-Cariboo, Mackenzie and Yuko Perce, Que., Noy. 7.--A. Senate: NORTH PERTH FIGURES IN|? F ULL. - Mr, MacLaren's Majority is 278, Mr. MacLaren's "a correct majority in North Perth is se neeee the _-- retnros ebow it t This arises from the Seeincaine a of the figures ing officer at Milverton, through a clerical error. At thie place Mr. SMe bee polled 97 votes and Mr. MacLaren Theo number of rejected ballots was as follows ; Stratford, 6: Ellice, 3 ; Elma, 4; Mornington, 2 ; Wallace, 8; Listowel, 8 ; total 21. There were 23 epoiled ballote--Btrat/ord, 7 ;! North Easthope, 1 ; Ellica, 2; Elma, 4 ; Listo- wel, 4; Wallace, 8 ; Milverton, 2. ures complete for this, and the bye siection of Jannary 7, 1903, are subjoined. In the former there = 6,916 votes polled, and in the Ist- 048. on the certificate of the depaty return- ; that The dave habit j thousnods of Oau 80-osiled cures for Ost u bey tema age, OS" = other us dragr:, "Doctors chim thare ts only ote "bate and certain sure for Caterrh--tragrant:h woe o Catarrh- ozone which cures by medica in breathed direct shes of the ger! stops dropping in the. throat, keeps the noes clcarand permanently eradicates every trace of eatarrh from the system. Cat:rrchozone can't fail ; it's gnarantedd. ment $1.00 ; "-- aime. abe. 2 TROWBRIDGE, Nov. 2.--We are sorry to report the death of Mr. Thomas Code, who after « short illness peacefully away on Thursday evening jast in his seven- Two months treat- + iecq py i, Classic Author's wey $ tions to Our Voca atari: 'During the / sggeaed ages Aristotle was practically the only secular . author read in Hurope, for the priestly class were the only readers, and their jearn- ing was mostly confined to ecclesias- tical treatises. It was during this pe- aod that the English language was developing into its present form. Acistotle treated of every subject which came within the range of thought in his time and introduced many new branches of inguiry which have since become sciences. The terms him were adopted by every later writer and are still in use all ever Europe, although variously cor- rupted. The following list will give some idea of the number and power of Aris- totle's word coining, which is revived in modern everyday English: Maxim, principle, subject, matter, ac Bt vagy a CLOTHING GRAY, BERNIE &CoO. LISTOWEL. seeese OUR NEW - J WINTER OVERCOATS" AND aud produce spores which are soon blown by the wind to the leaves, where they germinate and produce diseuse. It may safely be enid that if all leaves, decaying fruite, and diseased twigs be burned at the approach of winter, the damage from fungns dis. eases would be leaseoud very materially. A Death From Heart Disease © Overtakes Those Who Neglect Their Weak Heart and Tired Nerves. FERROZONE Is the One Sure Heart Tonic That Total for MacLaren, 8,597 Total for Mabee, 8,819 Majority for MacLaren, 278 RECAPITULATION BY MAJORITIES. Stratford . +... 188 .. 116 eda Eaetbupe | 299 250 .. BBG ic oss caewwes a) we .. 44 on ITT PTIre . 92 .. 156 Morvington ........ 162«..~C« Wallucus .... ...... 0. 98 .. 118 Listowel ..... .... 52. (62 Milvertun ..... ar) Totals a 247 Q71 549 Mojority for Brown, 2 Majority for "WacLeren, 278. SOUTH PERTH. (By majorities.) ing elements your system needs. Fer- rozone makes flesh, nerve and muscle ; gives you appetite, abutdant energy, buoyant spirite--io short Ferrozone assures health and costs 50o. at all druggists. Get Ferrozone to-day. Frank Bwartsenbarg of Toronto, n over by a train at'Guelph, died tears hie injuries. ' Earl Grey, the new Governor-Gen a was given # banquet at Newcastle, Dg. The C. P. B. are arrengigt for two new steamere for the Liverpool-St. Lawrence service. A Two Minute ieais Cure That isn't equalled the world over is Nervilioe the greatest relief for cramps aod stomach pains Bee: discovered. ity. No new lung tissue is formed to replace what has been lost, and this scar material fs useless for breathing. Suppose you had a deep cnt in your hand and you kept working that band violently, how loug do you think It would take the cut to beal? When ex- ercise is taken or you "expand the lungs" you have to work the lung tis- sue just as you work your hand, and if it Is wounded there will be a much larger proportion of sear material use- less for Lresthing when it does get well,--Every body's Magazine, Ayers : ty-seventh year. t; Code was ona of | fort, end, final, cause, motive, energy, Count re having withdrawn, on ee Ts, 1904. | the earliest plowders 'of Elms, having | mean, extremes, metaphysics. cosiean, Bolicitor-General, is declared 4 § | come here when quite young and Elma} Ile gee rc epee ere "er ns SUITS elected by acclamation. £ 2 $ 4 hewed for -- Baer . oe he He aioe omperine Pg age pa Wag 5 sa he o., a Lid ins ° a3 E stead, on which be with his wife and| in view, "natural history," and in our - - one i wai --_ -- w Ange st family have ever aince resided. The| universities the term "faculty" is a are all ready for your coming. Such a or eee a3 y acc! --e ton, the STRATFORD funeral took place last Monday after- | translution, corrupted in its passage . barr on <7 i 7. " = 5 Sek . 1.3 . wi noon te the Bima Centte Cemetery, through the Latin, of Aristotle's term. innipeg, Nov. 7.--Mr 6, | Avon No. ones where the remains were laid to reat} for art Conservative candidate for Qu'Appelle, | Avon No. 2 -... 81 74 83 88} beside those of his daughter and son. FI N E LOOKI NG LOT now leads with 23 majority, with six) FalsteffNo,1 .... 93 72 88 76] His wife and five davghters, one A LfVING SWEETMEAT. polls to hear fro Faistaff No.2 .... 57 40 55 47} brother and three sisters were all pre- ey you never saw, In Alberta, Mr, "J. @. Herron, Oon-{ Hamlet No.1 |... 77 60 87 80 sent, besides a large entering of | the Way Native Mexicans Eat the servative, has a majority of 155. This| Hamlet No.2 .... 70 57 74| friends and neighbors. Heaey Searing Ant will not be affected by the few polla| RomeoNo 1 .... 63 62 75 82| Tiffin, of whose church seoeos had| The honey bearing ant of southern All Hi h | : ook teas tom. Romeo No.2 ...,117 74 106 93] long been @ member, conducted the| Mexico nnd Colorado works at nicht, ig =CiaSs ty IS ar= mee thy, Comeas & elected --- ~ : on = f4 tl oo services. The floral offerings storing - honey 'a nai ef ---- . in Oslgary by a large majority omeo No. "ae were beautiful. He was deeply and her it foresee ie nt h K d F h Mr. Glen Campbell has retired from | Romeo No, 5 .-.. B4 22 27 34] deservedly respected by all "those plants of the Schrug oak the worker me ts, t e In as 10fl= Dauphin, and Mr. T. A. Burrows, Lib-| Romeo No.6 ~~ .... 89 52 58] amongst whom he had lived for so| ®t on its return forces the honey by eral, was elected to-day, by acclama-| Shakespeare No.1 .. 560 89 57 38 mauy years. The bereaved wife and| Muscular contraction from Its mouth able and E " | tion. Shakespeare No.2 .. 62 51 60 67] family have the sincere sympathy of | Muto the crop and abdomen of the conomica QU'APPELLF GOES LIBERAL, oe ze. 8 .. 75 105 78 126 | all in the loss they have sustained -- et a ave = mae _ . akespeare No. 4 .. 62 90 65 108] Mrs. Robert Stewart of Toronto ie} DY te® muscular plates an wierd D L k f tare ee Dek ppelle cotatiteeney | Shakespeare No.5 .. 55 47 50 64 the gaeat of her parents, Me. and Mrs, | of seat eae ae ressers L00 or. elect Thomson, Liberal, by 12 major- O17 3 Dab taka } " * we € 6 », DY Total . .1217 1079 1289 1854 M R H, tended, the "bearer" resembling a sac ' ity over Lake, Conservative. It was otals gone ws. ) H. E Kalliogton ay = of amber colored honey, with the head We suarantse that $1 will thought this seat was eafe for Lake. ¢NORTH EASTHOPE. Kellington. Mra. F. Adams of Brue-| 824 thorax like small appendages on ; No. 1, Rennies' .... 90 13 85 12 Ellington, rl of ber mother, Mre. ey being rendered almost do as much for you here as No. 2, Townsbi hall, 115 20 99 21 ellington, on Sunday. . FALL CLEANING THE ORCHARD. No. 3, " Grocke = 7 30 59 38 and Mre. Poster of Listowel helpless bal oe a $1.20 elsewhere. By Prof. W. Lochhead, Guelph, | No. 4, Hampstead .. 95-84 94 29 spent Sanday with Mr. 0. Cos sat ahd Rech te eallaiie comput --- No. 5, Schmidt's .... 44 25 38 25|, Mr. Henry Nesbitt and bride of the| ® have, aikighig: elke Bene Mach can be said in favor of av an- __ -_ ... .__| town line were the guests of Mrs. they g ising pg et 'potion 20028 nual fall orchard cleaning, although Totals 421 122 875 125 | Whaley on Friday Jast. "he ants as they need food apply their many of our fruit-growers are indif- Mise. A. Vernon sod Mr, B. By cutns to those of the "honey bear- ferent in this matter. Aside from the BLIIOR. Ea baipe _ guests of Mise M.| o..» wien a slight contraction of the fact that there is more leisure after the , attoa on Sunday. ac fruit has been gathered then io the | NO 2» Congay's ... $0 66 70 G7] ate 3. B. Vernon Sandayed at Mr.J. | Duscies forces out minute drops, wpe , : odde "cal onda' tea in' casera No 3,Gadshill .... 41 41 83 48 Mise Mabel and Mr. W. Taghen ars ante Ars ceed py Ais metives' ct ----_ there are many urgent and convincing | No: © Murray's |. 104 60 Of 60 | "iting i Kineardiue: Sse cated les poeion taco LISTOWEL ANY OWN SOUND. reasons why onr orcbards should be N.. 8. Braoner 85 66 34 48 d Mrs. W. Cartis of Oadillac the teeth : very carefully cleaned of rubbish and | \° °* /f"2NeF are speaking 4 tee Gays with the Int. England's Underfed Children litice during late:tall sod early winter wl a0y aso agg | ets mother, Mre. T. Code. : Agents for Butterick Patterns and Delineator, also r ; Totals 894 897 850 394 Hall In every big town the children of People often wonder how it happens allowe'en passed off very quietly | tne siums habitually go to school im- Belding' s Art Silks. that certain insects appear in such ELMA. here. The boys just did enongh to properly fed Many of them are not alarming nombers during the summer. remind us that euch was the case. only improperly fed, but the food they A few careful observations during the | No. 1, Trowbridge .. 68 61 44 61 Sqnaw winter camo in good style do get is far too little in quantity In ao a fall and winter will show how these | No. 2, Grange Hall .. 75 43 62 46 | last week; we hope now to have a month the hard winter season, when the insects pasa the cold period of the| No 3, Britton 44 73 B4 70| Or more of Indian Sumner. building trades are idle. "many again year. The egg masses of the tent| No. 4, Newry 50 81 49 76} The people here are showing great go to school cither with no food at ell AV % caterpillars will be found encircling | No. 5, Donegal .... 68 90 65 90] interest over elections. The majority} 5. having only stayed their hunger in ° e E the emailer branches. If these brace- | No. 6, pin a... 81 131 67 125] have learned the error of their way | tne morning with '4 erost of dry bread. he ' leta of egga be removed whenever seen, | No. 7, Lambert's 15 49 17 87] spd intend to vote. 'oo atts way this! 1 sharp, frosty weather it is a com- ml serious damage will be] No. 8, Atwood . 102 76 86 75 | time, " MacLaren mon experience for teachers in the J EW ELER averted the following spring. The -- 1] t schools of th 'parts . ° genie seat anene the winter" -- _ Totals - 603 595 424 580 pis pay peetir have cote, ana ) 63 o46 eggs are often - | it--te fing ebildran sudgenly seized | 4 ' 'Ti 'messes on branches. The MORNINGTON. with ti This is not ich oS ---- Passos Rind ae ims No, 1, Attridge's .... 49 55 86 64 x IV. San. B-| caused by the coct 'that 'the pes , cocoon, under of bark, rds, ao : ; Fr. j t as that it he it ainst in crevices, and a general clearing will Ee : ell au a i oo "4 Koch, W. Koch, = | 22 leftect of the cold Bes ie cnt get rid of many of these troublerome/ Ny 4, Carthage .... 54 95 40 98 --Tena Nahn, Annie Orth, Dora Nickel, condition. And not only is this state peste The grape vine flea-beetle and | no 5. «.b. con. 18... 92 88 79 35 L. Eckmier, G. Nuhb, D. Gottfreidt, | o¢ things true of the poorer parts of he plum curculio pass the winter in No. 6, Millbank : 56 65 51 61 Maggie Hildebrand. IL Jon.--Sarab the big towns It is also true of many theit fall grown beetle condition in , Le Gottfreidt, H. Arcat, Mabel Bowman, of the agricultural villages, Leta vis- sheltered epots, often near the base uf Totale 405 389 828 899 J. Gottfreidt, orate Karcher, Mamie itor to a village elemeitary school look the plact. Squash- bugs also winter - Miller, G. Hildebrand, A. Nickel. II. closely at the children They are in over {full grown in sheltered spots, WALLACE. Sen.--Edos Nubo, Henry Koch, many cases flabby and pale. They under boarde, and in corners of ont- . Lavina Fileinger, Mey Nickel, Lydia} jooa more nourishing food. A break- buildings. No. 1, Little's 86 98 28 88) Good. U. Jun,-- = Nickel, Susie tant of "Htenkeitie broth " a bit of There is also a necessity for a thor- No 2, Doan's --- 86 56 70 52) Nickel, B Gotttrelat, J. Koch, Lizzie bread and treacle and some abomina- ---- ~ ough cleaning up of the orchard for} No. 3, Gowanstown.. 64 99 57 101) Bartmann, G. Bartmabn, Laura Nickel, | pi, poor tea--these form the three For all reliabl the purpose of destroying many of the = ri bsnadel 7 eH as ear nee +> Mebel Miller, J. edi, daiiy.-- ir, T. J. MeNamara, M. etranle fungi which remains ou the gronnd in | "° % Nelsons per \y Bartnlany, Aunie Nickel, P., in Nineteenth Century, W diseased leaves and frnit. It is a well --- --- --- --|0O. Mahring, -Part I.--Beatrice Tarn- . een ACTHES CLOCKS JEWEL known fact that mavy ivjurions fungi Totals - 804 402 262 880} bull, Ovscar_Bartmdon, Eddie Orth, Athletes ond Consumption. , , ERY. produns) inter spores, and thongh the Lieto wnt, Olarence pig Bago lee There must be no exercise as exer A fine assor t nent of leaves decay, the eporea do not. In mo omNeton, teacher. | ojse for tl sumptiv tient. If early spring these will produce spores} No. 1, Bismarck .... 52 91 89 78 -- psi peed able a8 vfel ie %t, anaes SIVLE WA E STE LI Iwaver, 'The diseared fruit, ploot aed | Node Vote a8 $8 ae al Dil Moateh Tey | Ooi gomnaretou; wai, 1 Ear. Loe : NG SILVER. . 3, uild your systeu leaves should be burned, not throwo No. 4, Dofferio 62 78 64 60 At this season tiredness fastens itself | have beard those stories about men TRY if = on the manare pile, for then the spores | No. 5, Lansdowne .. 50 69 44 655] even upon the healthy and strong, If} given up to die who began work tu a e o 1Y liad or cig haa rib ~~ and --- --- --- --- | not feeling well you should build up, | gymnasium and by violent exercise en- po 9 produce the disease the following Totals .-293 345 244 2y6 | get more blood into your veins, increase | tirely recovered their health. When W ll * e oreover, mavy fungi per- your store of nerve energy. What you} the lung tissue is attacked by tuberci- . allace Street Bridge. bist in the leaves as delicate threads, MILVERTON need is that rebuilder and tonic, Fer-| losis it heals, {f it heals at all, by which develop rapidly in the spring | Milverton 90 92 97 76 rozone,"which contains the strengthen- | Sbrous scar material fill) = 'n the cay- AL!, WORK GUARAN THED. ' J. Livinge Fou rd st for Cook's Cotton Rox Root mpound. Take no other as all pilis, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and r mended a in the De eninion of Se fone ig any addres recetpt ce and four Batre tage stamps, "tthe Co Cook C a ' nor, Ont. Sold in ewe by J. A. oni and Cook's Cotton pa. Compound. Give nature three helps, and = SCOTT & DI' : LICENSED AUCTIONEYERS Pov Perth aud W. Vellington C 'onntica, Sales promptly sthended to in a os counties, we Ww. an rt aod aatisfection alten, SCOTT. GEV. H, DICKSON, MOOREFIELD, ONT, Arrangements fer eal ie cr tales can be made at LOUIS GABEL, _ LICENSED _ AUCTIONEER Sales conduc ted it in a any part of Perth or Wellington Counties = moderate charges. J) ---- Port Elgin, Nov. 6.--Thbis town was visited by burglars about 1 o'clock this - morning. The large safe in Stevens, Hepner & Company'e brush factory _ Hepner, who tives ashort distance from _, fhe factory, and onrushing to the goeve he was held up by one of the burglars, who ordered Mr. Hepner back. The Grand Trunk station was also entered andthe safe blown to "pieces, but only about $2 and « revol- ver taken. The alarm being given, a "general search was made by several Citizens, but no clue was discovered. : pogiaow pos characters were "moticed in town yesterday, and = 'galled. at eeveral business place ; apy a. The satuenaa: on Oo., the case. Kingston, Ont. ork on See if your cage is simi- Jar to bis : The Symptoms: Nervousness Palpitation Trembling Dizziness Sinking Feeling Heart Pains Short Bresth eaknese Mr. Beattie says : "I was weak and miserable. { was subject to heart palpitation and dizzinees. As I grew worse [ to trembling and sinking senestions. Ferrozone strengthened my heart, Gave vigor to my nervee, soon made me well. It's a great rebuilder." The one medicine for the peuple with weak heart and poor nerves is Ferrozour, 500. a box or aix for $2.50, at all dealers in medicine, or Polson & Hartford, Oonn., U.3.A., and have Tarnberry 877 Majority for MoIntyre, 121. EAST HURON. (By majorities.) ---- Chisholm eae new eneee eee ee wae ~ 206 Wingham .. ..... 241 874 Majority for Dr. me. Gaxishoim, 188. Col. Samuel Hoghes is reported to bave offered Mr. BR, L, Borden his seat for Victoria and Myles Erickon's expedition has re- turned after two and a half years' ex- 'Moration of Greenland. The Russian army has joat 1,300 offi- cers, and the reserves haya been called up over a wide area. Croesley and pry ae -- a series of services at Ha; The Best Laxative Sold Is Dr. Hawmilton'é Pills of Mandrake = Batternat, which reljaves oconsti- and yg eaplaint in the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. nae bytes terriblo-t. fries of of lank aise eases cured by it. Tam never wilhout it." Pao Tt G. HaMILton, = apes a All Tivdrecgits, -- iz waeth pee Azaith demands dail; action of the -wels. Ald nature with Ayer's Pits, Lincala en aged, raw heals. Very m certain. Use 6@ only Dr. Easion's . Price STRAY SHEEP. ae from Lot 4, 2ud concession of aryburough, about the "Tet of August, a and black y person giving information leg; that wi will lead to his recovery will be suit- al W. H. ARMSTRONG, ~ Tralee ¥.'0. 32B $3.50 for Teams. Apply at the office of the undersigned at ilve ton. J: RB, meee, Contractor. ning on Tu Bring cider home w 334 of each week "daring slong. your th you, ---- Trowbridge C Cider Mill. The ie ine i "Cider Mill will be run- Thursdays and Saturdays the bs peas have the Grain chopping on "Ducedays and Fridays, JAS. MoCRAK, burned The fair buildings atPort Perry were Loss $6,000. of the party, but he promised an im- Steele. Molntyre. = en eee | fox arr. n Se MOON | Reread rer || early Cv case, oF, WANTED aa esays there will be no difficulty] An attack is liable to come at ay Blanshard ......... 72 the Senet . i Tie Nerviline is air, most important of ell. sy ie about fioding a seat for Mr. Borden in | time from over-exertion, OWDIG.....-ecceee 110 peg ye J y in in the ah ete for colic , mn at TEAMS Ubtario; i he wants one: émotion: Fallartoo vo ee By ee tites-W.-B, Wilton --ot TTIN and TCANIOS. sper iniaii If blood rushes to your head and pal- | Hibbert............ - 82 Pola Moe l rollers aay. Sud Ch e rry For work on the Guelph and Goderict P7_SLFE BLOWERS AT PORT ELGIN. | ficcabie, there's great cuave for clare. | Mitebell 22. lo... 88 for that remo Tam neves witoot 1 Dr ootoral Railway. _ FARM FOR SALE: ; A. F. Beattie, of the Allen Hotel, Bay | South Easthope .... 255 i tam etd for sick. : Wages $1.50 to $1.75 perday pang eg ogee ~ Bruch Factory and Grand Trovk)Sates City, Mioh., wae cured of heart di a= | headsche and stomech trogbles and re- Nourishing food comes next ; ---- 100 acre farm, half lots11] and Blown Open-- Doings of Der peradoer, by Ferrorone. Renee 498 commend it for strength and sare Then, @ medicine to control for Men, and bart cei at chica 80 reread chenres wood bush ; von myares and a fenced 3 ; g farm "hous barn wit th straw shed; pc ore ard 3 io and a quar- ter from cheese factory, less than three a ear ay } convenient to School, 'or particulars apply on premises or to ROBT, 8 se FARM FOR SALE, 100 acre farm, hateg tet No. 12, 6th con- cession a Elma, being the farm of the late Lge oo F. Stew gs he acres 0 in g tate of cu tivation ; good bank barn =" frame house; small About two miles ony Atwood and four miles from Listowel. For further lars = apply to T, E, Mayburry, MRS, "SARAH STEWART, eels $84 TT. E, MAYBURRY, Executor,