-- 'Nov. 11 IF YOU WANT EEC GENSS MEATS RIGHT - -- ~ PRICES 'STEVENSON . THE CITY BUTCHER Se eee FRESH GROCERIES of all kinds always'on hand 8, J, STEVENSON, Wallace St. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLICITUKS &. pollcitore for the Bank of Hamilton. Mowaries Public and Commissioners. Money MB. Monrnt. J. M. Canisew, --that for a one cent piece, which was made by Lovett, the Bhbiladelphia en- graver, in 1861, After he had finished the dies Mr. Lovett found that he was . unable to send them to the persons who had ordered the work done, and, becoming alarmed, he "struck off" twelve nickel cents and then carefully secreted both coins and dies. For twelve long years the engraver kept secret, which was finally revealed through an accident. One day in 1878 he went to the hiding place of the rare coins and selected one for a pocket piece and within the month passed it out unknowingly to Hazeltine, the Philadelphia restaurant keeper. 'This man, knowing the piece to be Lovett's work, sent it to J. C. Randall, the coin collector, After some little trouble Hazeltine and Randall succeeded in buying the die, and from it they struck fifty-five copper pieces, twelve in sliver and seven in gold. This accomplished, they mutilated the die, and coin dealers now hold Confederate cents at a very pated at dstowel--this ith day of October, f Blewett & Bray BARRISTERS AND Sree dotaries Publloand | Uonvey to i, vwsoucitors for Hoott' * Tanking "House.and Ont, Bldg & Loan Association. MUNEY TO LOAN AT 4 f-2 PER CENT. Guo, Brar. Bb. A. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste>, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4; PER CENT Dfllce, Main St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. Branch office in At' wood every Wednesday noon. [abee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &0. Solicitors for The Merchants Bank. Money to Loan, is RATFOUD, aa 4 J. P, Mapes, K. J. Makins, OR. W. M. BRUCE, L.D.6.; B.C.D.8. Datars DD. T Saint Gai Gradua 1 Behoo! voraity, , Pore nte; of Prosthetic Dentiatrs, Chicag». oved fro note a rooms over W. Spears tore, oy se stairway as Dr. Watherford, Mains Ste L Mtowel. = JAMES MOORE, M.D,, C. M.; F.T. MC. Member of College of Poyeal- taut eral Hospitaland the Gravenhurst Sani- tarium for Consumptivea, Office, first house west of Schaefer's store, CARTHAGE, ONT. DR. BROWN, LR. Co P., London, England. Graduate of London, New York ané DISEASES 'of EYE, D CENTRAL HOTEL, LISTO! 2nd Tuesday in Each Month. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p. m. Thos, Fullarton, ATWOOD ONT., [SSUER of Marriage Li Commissioner in canter H. Deeds, Mortgages, 5 Lenses es aaa a all hey R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, UNT. AGENT tor the London and Lancashire Fire Ipsarance Company. Also Money to Loanin and apwards at a low rate of of a oripts " G. T. 8, TIME CARD Trains leave Listowel! station dally ae follows: WLARTON, OWEN sUUND FORT h: Passenger An '3 m. ; passenge of 7.33 p. ta. Going north, ps 7.82 a, m ; mixed J ger 34 Tr Kincardine ; "Mixed 7 20 am; passenger Pp 30 M4 "me, and 8.0 p. Executors' Notice to Credi- tors In the Matter of the Estate of SALUMA GABEL, late ofthe Township ot Molson in the County es Perth, Widuw, Deceasea two RS. O Bolleitors ey the xsoniors of the said re the loth wiay 7 he's 190i, that nes and 'widresses, wi particulars in writing ot Dred pos Rai their the nature Sf the smeennity; lit any] heid ty Psa duly verified by Statutory Deo 'take notice further that after the sald 15th distribute the assets of mit a the parties entitied terete ving oO wo tho claims waic weld hav 8 for and Exccutors will not be liable for said assets oy oey part to an hose claima notice #) Sa red nt the time of omah p dietriba tion as afore- A. D, 1904. GEORGE GABEL, eon OY CRLLIx, } Exeoutore, By BLEWETT & jBRAY, their Solicitors. A NEW LOT OF 'Amateur Photographic Supplies at - - C. A. LEE'S. 'PHOTO STUD:0. Artist Proofs, A NEW PHOTO. 'q Call and see it. high figure. ents. It is not well for sedentary workers to sit on cushions, In man, owing chiefly to his erect carriage, there is ao strong development of the muscles of the pelvis and the thighs, which almost oompletely clothe the strong bones of that region. In the seated position, to obviate undue pressure, nature has provided a proper cushion over these bones. Hyrtl's saying is well known, "We sit on the fat of the seat as on a mattress." In sitting on a smooth and bard surface the body rests upon three main points, but in sitting on a soft cushion pressure is imparted to the muscles and interferes with the circulation in all their parts. Great attention has been paid to this matter in the construction of bicycle saddles and, speaking generally, with very beneficial results. Nothing can be said against a certain amount of covering, if not too yielding, but the office stool, properly shaped, is an ex- cellent seat. Feed Aversions. Cows' milk is said to be abhorred by the Japanese, and rabbits are never eaten by the Abyssinians, who explain that rabbits are too much like big rats. would not take caviare for a gift Cheese in Mexico is simply curds Jes- fecated and pressed in pancake shape, and even then it is patronized only by the Caucasian colonists. ball breeds accept it with hesitation, and a two ounce slice of limburger would stampede a tribe of mountain Indians, They resent it as a practical joke in questionable taste. But why the Ko- reans eschew ice cream, as a traveler reports is the case, is less easy to ex- plain. Perhaps they share the Japa- nese prejudice aguinst dairy products or the Chinese predilection for super- heated tidbits. A Queer Italian Custom. On Aug. 1 of every year the people of Val di Rosa, in Italy, gather in the great square, which Is also a thrashing floor, and proceed to exorcise the devil for the benefit of their own dreams and for the well being of their vineyards. The most intelligent man in the com- munity is chosen master of ceremonies. A small fire balloon !s made ready and to this the master of ceremonies sol- emnly attaches a puppet representing his Satanic majesty. Amid the shouts of the peasantry the balloon, with the devil attached, Is liberated. The good people believe that for the rest of the year the evil one will not disturb their dreams or damage the vintage. Fumges Slippers Before the discovery of lucifer matches a large hoof shaped fungus growing on the trunks of trees was used throughout northern Europe for niaking amadou or tinder. The thick, brown, woody fiesh of the same fun- gus, cut into slices and beaten until it assumes the appearance of felt, is used at the present day In Germany for the manufacture of chest protectors, caps, purses, bedroom slippers and various other articles One Exception. "Papa, is the band that rocks the cradle the one tbat rules the world?" "That's what I've heard. "Well, I know one that don't." "Who is it?" "Nurse. She wanted to go down- town, and mamma told her she'd fire her if she went and wouldn't give her bo recommendation," Chronic Hab: "Ne," vei the min who bad recently made his fourth pilgrimage to the mat- rimonial altar; "I can't say that mar- tinge is a failure." "Of course not," rejoined bis bache- lor friend. "With you it is merely a habit." Then He Went. Father (at bead of stairs}~Ethel, what time is it? Etbel (in drawing room)--It"s a quarter past 10, father. Father--All right. Don't forget to start the clock again after the young man goes out to get bis breakfast. Am Anxious Que A certain New York restaurant has 'become famous for its high prices. At] ing paid his bill, was recently *---4 to ask the waiter, "I say--do you charge anything for going out?' Ragson otters Say, boss, gimme the price of rn meal, I'm nearly star-- Stingiman--Can't do It, me poor fellow but the next mrn yon ask may, 80 here's 9 toothpick.--Exchange. Pics age Sixty Years. The natives of the Sandwich Islands / "The Berliner winter of last year. and happy. T bought of you was a God-send during the long cold It cheered us and made us .giad I would not part with it for ten times - Gram-o-phone Listowel. Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders. and Contractor are prepared to contract for the erection of slanens of buildings. - Plans and specifi- cations drawn, and estimates furnished on application. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, FALL ers with fulllines of ANNOUNCEMENT © FROM 52S J. S. Gee's 2 Stores We beg to state that we have just completed our store re- | pairs and are now prepared to accommodate our many custom. Fall and Winter Dress Goods Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, in{fact all lines very. complete, 4 THE BERUMER oRaM-0-PHOME 0. FOR SALE PRE hon you uy ts new Recs for ech one you velurn ------ : patetes ele : AMA, TD, HONTEEL, J. H. GUNTHER, Listowel. mecer's Love Affair. sSartact Spencer never married. , When he was twenty years old he had | something like a tender affair, and he | telis about it in his autoblography. | The young lady's affections had al- ready been placed elsewhere, and she was only playing with the budding philosopher, One her "young : a walk. Spencer says: "She, taking | his arm, looked over her shoulder smilingly and rather mischievously te see what effect was produced on me, there being an evident suspicion that I should not be pleased. The revela- tion was not agreeable to me, but still it did not give me a shock of a serious kind." ing a Robia. There hag persons at the present any --and not all old women either--who believe hat killing a robin will bring bad luck. According to ancient belief the stormcloud was a huge bird. The Arabians represented his wings as measuring 10,000 fathoms. This bird lived on worms, the latter being the streaks of lightning accompanying storms. The Germans remodeled the fiction by creating the god Thor, whose bird was the robin. Consequently to kill a robin first meant death by light- ning, then bad luck. mormous Sundial, A curious phenomenon is reported in the columns of a geographical oes tion. It 1s a large promontory in th *Aegean sea, known as Hayon Horoo, which extends 3,000 feet above the around, the shadow of this mountain touches one by one a circle of islands separated by regular intervals, which act as hour marks. It is the largest sundial in the world. me Hope For Him. Young Sorreltop--Then -- utterly cast me off, Esmeralda? Miss Esmer- alda (with great genutleness)--Why, no, Sylvester, But--but it would be so silly for a girl to say yes the first time. If--if you are of the same mind you might ask me again some day, you know. Cut O@ at Bargain Rates. Percy--Young Rapidgait bad hard luck. He was disinherited recently. Harold--Cut off without a dollar, eh? Percy--No. His mother did the disin- heriting. He was cut off with 08 cents. all More Annoying. "But his aatamant about you is a tissue of malicious lies, is it not?" "No; it's a very substantial combina- tion of malicious lies, with a tissue of malicious truth." Am aore of good fishing ground will yieié mors food in a week thap as acre of the best lend will in a yeas Read His Own Banus. A distinguished a churchman tells this in M. A. P. car of Swanscombe was a "very eccentric man. 1 remember--indeed, who could ever forget it?--that he once read out his own banns of marriage with a lady who had not only not consented to marry him, but whom he had never asked to do so. He did this for two Sundays. On the third her father rose and formally objected to such @ ridiculous proceeding Waiting His Tura. "Well, Jack," said his chum after Jack bad proposed to the most popular girl in the town, "is it all right?" "Well," said Jack ruefully, "I can hope--that's all." "What did she say?" "She said she'd file my proposal with ait-theommers" snd consider ialaiaiaall she got down to it." Hin Lack of Tact. Barnes--Howes is a pretty good sort of fellow. Shedd--Yes, but he hasn't got any tact. At the restaurant the other day he asked me if I was fond of cats, ond I was eating rabbit stew at the time! The idea of asking such @ question at such a time as that! Eminently Quall Practical Aunt--Do = "think you the wife of a cottage pudding already. The t Problem. "What has been the greatest dif- culty with which you have had to con- tend, 'Mrs. Kinder, in your struggle | | ' ' ' day t man" called, and they all went out for ; ~ | Train up a Child And, when up, send him or her the a Lis. OOP Ye wy {edbtMli.b BC, "TERM BEGINS SEPT. 6TH, 1904. Two Courses-- Commercia) and Short hand. Send for College Journal. A. L, McINTYRE, Manager. Largest and Best in Western Ontario. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT.-~ This school enjoys the ing the best val To Bo the Dominion, ada and uates as taac instructions to all Students ic w. J. ELLIOTT, LAN, Principals. reputation of do siness Education i in States employ our We give the same * Best."" Write EVERYBODY GOME and take ad /antage of the Wall Paper Bargains In order to make room for new stock, we are making great reduc- tions. 5c. 10c. Paper at 3cts. Paper at 6cts. 15c. Paper at 10cts, 20c. Paper at 13cts. Window Blinds 4 jior $1 Sosciel Bargains in Curtain "Painting and Papering promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed" L. H. PLETSCH, Painter and Paper Hanger, 7 J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. A Good Time Piece is a Faithful Servant. a watch ora clock we guarantes ft te go accurately, ané guarantes ft te keep a-going accurately. J. GABEL ENTIRELY NEW STOCk OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want ot his Customers personally. Family recipes a specialty. R.A Hunter. BUGGIES. FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons. If you want anything in the vehicle line, now is the time to buy,"as 1 have o large stock on hand and wiil ell at closest prices A call at my carriage shop will convince, J. F. WILSON, Mill Street Listowel. Chiiaren Cry for CASTORIA. Ib., Pure Ceylon; Splendid Coffee 20¢. J. 5. Main Street. Black. regular qgoc. per Ib. for 300. Butter and Eggs bought and highes prices paid. G E+E. Listowel. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE Up-to-Date Grocery. -of broken Sets. a margin. I will give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, tor one month at cost price, Any quantity I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be sold at Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. leases te ROR THE TURKO, "VAPOR 1 BAH SABINET rs A Cincinnati man hes proved vr- yond a question of doubt that ihe Romans and Gresks had No Physicians for 60U iLears But Termal end Vapor wuts, that they owed their spicndia ueaicn, ne was the result ef his effer Astonishing is the infecyemens your heaith, feelings and comple- xion. it is the most remarkable in- veation of the twentieth oentury, for it makes the sick well, the weak strong, and it bas done fovy whiok --, and medicines have failed t £very one knows that disease is due to the presence in the blood or vital organs poisonous tter. Below are the compiaints that the asage of the Bath Cabinet does eure> --_ Turko Bath eradicates t polene to remain in thes t removes all etatructions thus allowing mature to do t work, The blood is made oun rioh and nourishment, ter a short j eee of this method old men and women grow young and vigor- norma! sirength, emaciated individ- uals recover thair lost flesh, aobez a new buman being develops from, in mbago, Sciatica, Asthma, Stomach 'Troubles, Bilious- Eoxema, Erysipelas, Neuralgia, Pleu- it isa -- specifia in all Female Com man, tong = aa who properly uses.the Cabinet. WM. STEPHAN, ous; eae men and women gaintheir a ains and congestions disappear and 4. +- .fLDMONIALS, sur 3 years I was afflicted with Kheumatism--1 was not able to put ny owe olotbing on, nor had 1 slept in bed for over two _-- W hat lit- tle sleep 1 got w tting in obair. After the fourth bath | slept in bed all put my ows bave Rheumatism don't "tail to ty Vapor Bath.--Mrs. R. Wilkinson, "Poterbarongh. -- -- use of the baths my trou- © was all gone.-- Wm. Logan, Street, Peterborough. ™ aes My stomach was very bad, had a bad cough, and had lost in weight from 180 lle to 125 lbs. After 2 weeks of the bath i gained 10 ibs. ood a on feel like a new man. lf you are afflicted in any way try the Bath Cabinet--W. F, Eiiotte, Park &t., Peterborough. My shoulder, band and foot were very badly swelled with rheumatism and was laid off from work, but aft- er one week's use of the Bath Gab- yoo is to certify that 1 find your apor Cabinet a cure for the many itte of suffering humanity. 1 have ey -_ higbly recommend it ¢ isa oni bat every family ould bave in their possession ap 1 would not part witb mine for wouey could 1 mot get another. If the pores of the skid are not at tend re cannot as- sist nature, Internal medicine will give immediate relia? but the pores ir buman- Kidd, a Ralstonia. Main St. ityo-Mre. J. Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! If you want a good RANGE or HEATER call andpaapent our lines,§the best on the with the servant girl problem?" "Preventing ones ed." _ er oT: EL pllit He Lb EHON HO MAIN STREET EAST, market. See ee . REY Pere ¥ Furnaces, Galv. Iron , ne ee ee ne. as: Poy Stoves } tf 2 fom Tl te ee 5 "riety ea ost or te Pipes, vention te € utr 'oc wewilitell | Mentabie,. Be pele d er' 'i isc ahve fen Elbows, PI bi hg oy a ved Sites i Blow um ng. cand Washington i u Nisbree : aba prom a >. ta brondae wor! re Paten' Drums, Gas Fitting nts procured throush Marion & forte te notice reine SN Pots, ne digeciaity :--Patert basiness of Mannfac Pans, umps,.. MARION & MARI Steam * Patent Expert: and Solicitors. Kettles | ottoms | MRSS ORE ' Fittings, Granite- Iron Pipe, CASTOR iA ware, Etc. For Infants and Children, AWERICAN AND CANADIAN -COAL AND MACHINE OIL. LEADING STOVE _DEPARTMENT. Z ILLIAX & SARVIS. ae what it cost if T could mot get "" We kav BLINDS, having recently visited the wholesale markets, and can show thousands of similar letters telling of the plessure and you apivows ent derived from the Berliner Gram-o-phone. a decane tates cant : ane 1 iewalk to 0 Maserke eee a ee aoe aatine wil be Pace Sah in tne al MANY ATTRACTIVE LINES = frbors as weil Sa ars se FREE CLOSE WORE ATSC 2085. selling much below] regular prices. Also in a minutes. Pri f *. : Coe ge4 sam plete isle ania Ty? a) 3S Tp ae Gh 5S M Groceri ies, dese ok NS ee Wels da A new consignment of J T Il fl om easy apan Tea, excellent flavor, 25¢. sth for particulars, Catalogue and list of Records. Bamfcr Bros. per Ib., English Blend, 4-!bs, tor $1, Famous Biend, joc. ---- ~ "dq ™ i ee eee tis