; BRITAIN Both cognaenis Have Acrosd to Talo] " sane Give « Conervatin Appropria late Action. HOW IT STANDS, Six 'Days of Bombardment Failed to Capture Port Arthur. Pe arp $1.034 to $1.04; No. 2, Con. Lib, Inds ' 2 ea Ontario.eeine&7 88 2 i- AT PORT ARTH wires resem! reais 'A despia tell from St. Petersburg Notwithstanding nll this trouble, it] Quebec....... 10 58 41 bar es ($1,014; No. 3, Ee her ag B38 5 si pene Seenack the fed. heen i fo says: It can now be authoritatively will pay breeders to send really good} Nova Scotia......... 0 18 transl iishenee Sag Chefoo says | Russian soldicra in: Chinese winter ° Ee Brig Brae Lass or ad et for Al ealahoige Shorthorn bulis = heifers| New Brunswick. 6 7 Flour--Cars of 90 per cent. patents | Chinese that the six aye ot Panes dress, In startling contrast with the North Ban Mente toa to mea settle at aay Bs sg ial js Manitoba aie t 5 are quoted at $4.85 {6 $4.46, buyers' | pardment and desperate efforts «on | ee eee and wane "Telde, -.. the North Sea incident to a commis-|cattle at any price. jg. | | | Manitobea............ sacks, t west. Choice brands, % cser villages and barren 8, bee sion ensures an amicable settlement| In a later letter Mr. Sparks says:| N. W. Recsitsrien, 1 8 15¢ to. 900 Higher: Manitoba, $5.70 rr eset = ay I lil rein ore multitudes of starving & i mnie sequel. The unsderstan des more ee of yer! the} British Columbia.... 0 4 \tor Et ngarian patents, $5.40 for 0c 1. The Japanese took fort No dogs, and great flocks of crows. - 8 co re conv. am Cana- --_-- ae "| "Tho w country is burrowed the heat of th i ¢ fol de h 71 #2184 «8 ond paten 8, but were aoaers to hold vo The e of thie excitement fol-|dians can do a very large trade here Sie ie OR Millies?-can ti-qhated'at $140 Juhaheae Mocs ere ceblortad to" bs Be Brenchys "and artiliey 'positions, lowing the incident many false im-|in live stock, and agricultural] ma- $14.50 in bulk, and = shorts $17.50 | enormous. pressions obtained credance "abroad. | chinery, neither of which there is any | Elections to be held: Genre. Gaps, re that the smoke has cleared away}|duty on here. I enclose. you an ac- Manitoba, Dauphin; W.T., t is" possible to "statesthat Great }count™-of a sale of imported . bulls |kenzic, Yukon; malta Cclumbie, Britain disclaimed any intention of |which® took place last week, which | Comox, Kootenay, Yale-Cariboo. ng to detain the Russian squad-|shows that 'the twelve animals: of- --- east or west. Manitoba millfeed un- -- | changed at $20 to Bog for shorts and STILL AND QUIET. $19-for_bran,_export,_._ = ndent..of the London | ed 1 i Garley-Teare = 3 good demand, correspon: ndon legs, and pieces of cloth, are there cud' price' "ate stéatly at 48c:t0 460 Daly Telegraph, who was near Port; too, and Japanese knapsacks. jendents. Chicoutima--S. > Girard. ron, which could only be interpreted | fered ng, a gla or ae seine ONTARIO. Wright--H. A. Goyette. for Ba, a face hing o 44¢ for No. 8 ca ®lirom Chefoo hit be tes' Provera ce ig Woopoles., 'The ptidions at ties mated to Russia that~Vice-Admiral are in Argentine dollars, equal to 4% Dsansrenilese Biased: : -- sine and 4 o. 3 ean outside; | near the port, which was all still!front are living snugly in under- nels LE --Giey Settee waste jteoece cop ans Sloe and toe a ee lene aettaettn te aioe + 2 rea ritain never e similar sales and the av- -_ ' ec, and no everywhere. asked Russia to Pledge herself to the |jcrage ene pela aay = on Neva Scotta--Libsrals. as ed ggg _ _ aot: S ggg ae agin gaa sae' aia Y c -Tho British} an dollars eac e bull | Oerieton ea. iKiea Anrapolig,...........8. W. Pickup Corn--There is a good demand and|were watching within a radius ofj NOT WAR, BUT BUTCHERY. overnment fully realized that of-|sold, T =~ told by good judges who | 79) °°0} Dr. Barr Antigonish... Cy F, McIsaus, the martet is firm at 644c for No. |f ' ficers of the Russian squadron may jhave been to icrente show, woul N. Capo 5 +|from ten to thirty miles, mostly to patch from Vienna says: The have acted with excess of zeal. not be good enough 'to win there. Ad wui.D. D, MacKenzie. 2 American yellow, 63}c for No. 2, the -eastward. Searchlights were Aiteanane Zeitung says that the B 62c for No. 3 mixed on _ track i brisk] 1h d P 7 Se} : going briskly all roun ort Pope, in an interview, doclared that mistake, but Sn pean ut ta wr [oceee : dnd yap og Getober Algx..Johastos. | Tgyonto. Canadian nominal at - SGc'| thus. the Iusso-Japanese contest was no uiry which will establish the facts, |and November, so they would have ..F. A. Lawrence. a apr sasiia longer war, but butchery ran Government is expected to take |to be shipped in June and July from HH. J, Logan. Bat i 5 a. cag gg SAD CELEBRATION. most regrettable as all the sbualie. appropriate action without demands Cunada. You really dnould attend Grey i... "Dr. i : a J. 5. Copp, froights and: &le-nortk: fed : A despatch from St. Pctersburg }¢d Powers, wer erent none © from cither side, and no pledges have |next year's exhibition at Buenos "FR. La 1 J. H. Sinclair. Rolled Oats--Are in quict demana |88Y3: There was little attempt on /combining in creat common action been requested or given by cither|Ayres in September, which will be a . - --Wm. Roche. et $4.50 for care of bas and $4.75 |2bursday to celebrate, except in a ito end it. He Hoped that Divine country. international. I hope Canada _ will ay: oaresia on 'the t mt Toroy.to: perfunctory way, the tenth anniver- providence would soon stop the make an exhibit, for if she did, all INCIDENT IS CLOSED. the stock could be sold at the exhi- . ck, trugele. Ho t tended to 'D. A. McClellan, 25c more for broken lots Here and ;S8ty of the accession of Luperor | bloody struggle. Ho had in ed So far os future complications are : ' Nicholas. The 'i jal family at-jissue a manifesto ogainst war in the 40c more for broken lots outsido. per: the 'Kasan 'abstract, war in these modern times concerned the incident is regarded os [bition at very remuncrative prices. Dr. ', Chisholm. Lanesbur oe SIITNAL W. McLean. Peas--Are in good demand and firm |tended a Te Deum at closed, though there has been a slight Conan Sane -B. B. Gunn. Pictou... E. M. ynald, |at 64e to 65e for No. 2 west or bees 4 and there were services in j pois 2 but, glory was nitch in tho Russo-Anglo negotia- BREEDING OF HORSES. wee Bas N. Lewis. i ikea es. Finlayson, an the churches. Later the troops ; s tions regarding matters relating to . HW. S, Clements. Shelburne d the theatres gave free 'east. | Buckwheat--Is nominally quoted at -J. I. Armstrong. Queen's.............. Hon. W. S. Fielding 58c to 54c¢ at outside points |exhibitions to the school chi! a ADMIKAL BETRAYED PLANS. .B. B. Law. the international commission, which | gponid be One "Or the Leading In- lai Sake an coals poet oltier Hon. J. io | Yarmouth.. has necessitated their transfer here. da of the -Territories. -- | A c] Rio s But they only cover minor po pti : Geo. Taylor. COUNTRY PRODUCE. [day displays in the parks, But, on !,.0 trenopired that the loss of the Last year an attempt was mad: to] yacnox and A account of the war and the anxiety | nepired that the loss of the and are expected to be adjusted at io canize an annual Territorial we- | "gincton, "Uriah Wil Naw Brenswisk we Butter--The demand for choice !ro arding the situation at Por t Ar. | Hitacht Maru and the damage done once. It is now rega as almost |tion sale of horses along the lines of | yjnecin are 3 anrunt Charlotte.............+ G. W. Ganong. grades of butter continues active, but | "thur everything was on a small vie jto the Sada Maru by the Viadivo- certain that the Commission will sit 10 purebred cattle sale held annual- a » ancuster. King's & Albert...G, W. Fowler. tho receipts are comparatively light. . ~~" |stock squadron was owing to infor- n Paris and be composed of five |, at Calgery, which Has proven suc- ie glam gdh pag Queen's and Sun- {Quotations ar rae ed -- jmmation having been given to the aval officers, one Russian and onc cessful. xteee ounssiting the ma- or iay rs EaMS is ene D, Wilmot. l Gream ae eet se _ 19¢ to 20 BALM FOR ALEXIEFF, jeremy by a dLapanese ---- on tlie British, each power to .vhoose another jority of the larger breeders through- | x rt Ik,. es iste Ge -- Tindaje. St. John City end ao peal 'a = nt er nos = ial ic: ik, Teeny letatt' 'her, "Segtine: "We ea member. arid the four to-eclect = Sith. out the 'Territories, it was found egg a hcg | Cou A. Stockton, Dairy tubs, good to thoice 14c to 15c 'says: It Ys understood that yen spatched to Fusan and eccmenenicatet Russit has practically named Admir- joy come objection existed to put- Blain, oa : MB ssexe "Dr. J. W. Panicle do inferior grades ... .... 10¢ to 3c | Alexief, after a sojourn in the apart- to the Rusrians by wireless tele- al Kaznakofl and Groat Britain Ad- ting their horses up to public sale. 2 ------ } York, .n.cceeereeeee OC. S. Crockett, Dairy Ib, rolls, good to ments in the Winter Palace tink are graphy, which enabled the ficct to miral_Sir Cyprian Bridge, although i.e opinion seemed to prevail that. oe : = thoice 16c to 17¢ 'bein repared for him, will be ap- locate the tranrports soon after they cate lntter sclection is not absolutely while selling purebred cattle by pub- do medin IM sesse wecsess wee 140 to-1Be pateten Goavornor_of Bosco, le left. Moji. setticd ic sale might be entirely feasible, thee: --The market is steady and will guccecd the Grand Duke Serge,{| The admiral was found guilty --of Great Britain expressed her inten- tion of asking that a United States naval officer sit on the commission, quote! unchanged at 9]}¢ for iarge who will assume the command-in-chicf 'treachery, and his death = sentence and 10c for twins. jin the army at St. Petersburg, re- lwas read out ~ a by his intimate Eges--The demand is active and 'placing, the Grand Duke ViadiaJr. friend and con owing to the fact that an inypection f the animal coupled with the read- ing of the pedigree in the published . esi 5; that n . F. Clarke. Northumberland... 8. Loggie. ; i hegeen ied 2 gnc hag eon ditiear. catalogue would generally convey all} 'Toronto E...... A. E. Kemp. i Restigouche... Jas. Rei receipts of new laid are light. = |The Grand Duke is ill. le The staf! asse apical aml entered the 'There is a strong intimation that the information the average buyer | Toronto N. . . GK. Foster. | Victoria Hon. J. Costigan. 'new laid are quoted at 20¢ to 3 'roorp. Which had been cleared of all Croat "Britain wil invite Admiral would require, the case is entirely dif- | Toronto S. A. C, Macdonell | Westmoreland....... H. R. Emmerson. por dozen, and pickled at 19c¢ to 200. TOWNS ARE DESERTED. Pan ure. The -- na made to ; ] n " 7 ow H cat , = - a y a Dewey to be one of the commission- "-- ahi horses. The amount of Toron nto ". B. Osler, | 7 --_-- | Potatoes--Onturio stock is slow of A correspondent at Mukden writes: "s ; sp Se --_ ie then era. Officers of muck a character as abor that has been devoted to hand- --- and Hali- rince Kaward Island--Couservatives, 'sale and quoted une changed at 60c to "rb traveled for forty miles eaten to death by his comrades. ling and educating a horse is an im-] burt . S. Hughes. Qucen's E... A Martin. 65c on track, and 75c out of store. | aiong the The admiral received a cheque on those mentioned ensure the accept- Russian front. Tt is a a i Le i ortant item and can best be -- ex- Waterloo. N. 3. Seagram, Queen's W.. . Maclean : cepts stock is unchanged at 70c to | . the Russian Chinese Bank for £12,- 'ion (ee eee ead the plained by tlie owner himself. Cer-} Waterloo S WG. A. Clare. Prince... "x A. | dahiens: Se son track and 86c to 90c out of [country aroud ts ieee the" "000 for the information which caused wor tainly an auctionecr could not with- | York S......... Ws ions Maclean, . intestisior: ata for the most part ae = such n blow to Japanese arms and It anes that five and not four |!2 reasonably limited time do justice - Prince Edward Island--Liberals. Dreneed NMogs--Car inte of selected and. destro, ed. vis believed to have prevented the cap- _ Russian officers left the squadron at to tho subject as convincingly as the ONTARIO, Bing' B. .csesessecsseereee J. J. Hughes. weights are quoted unchanged at| "I saw only one village where any tre of Port Arthur. : owner himself could. Other abjec- a $6.75 per cwt. Chin were living, although I ~! The Hitachi Maru was loaded with Vigo, and are now on their way to te ' . : -- ese © f ra pass St. 'Petersburg. The fifth is Capt. tions exist. against the auction sale Liberals Elected. Manitoba Poultry--Spring -- chic 9% to ,ed through forty towns lately very, the largest ond best siege gums | in Clado, Admiral Skrvdlof's chict -- of [8¥Ster for horses on a large scale) Ajgoma.... eA. . Dyment. in..... Glen Campnatl, 10c; old do, 7c; leon "tic to 15¢; | populuus. e villagers have fled, , Japan, and also carried two armor- staff at the present time, Which it is nol) print ae Win. Paterson, .W. omen ducks, 9c; geese, 9c to_10 |not becatise of. Russian cruelty, but 'ed trains and railway plan Baled Hay--The bart is steatly because of bullets and shrapnel. Tho! The Sado Maru is docked. at Moji per soldicrs are using. the furniture and for repairs. She carried 500 engin- n for car lots on track here. | rafters of the deserted houses, and cers and mincrs and thousands of ds' worth-of stores, besides . a °c Derbyshire cs H. Mackenzie. Ik. F. Sutherland. I BALTIC FLEET SHADOWED. A despatch from Lonrlon says: Tho Morning Post says that arrange "want necessary to go fully into. Brockville, It is, however, conceded on all sides) Bruce S.... that the breeding of horses ought to! Fresex N be one of the leading industries of A Cl aled Straw--Car lot track ! felling the trees for fuel pounds mad Herd Ad- oy ar 'ar lots on rs a : miral Rolestvennty's, fleet. throughout Nig ghee aoa Fn! Sewn! | ma bane soo Geatel myptianget at a i cant en, ee er Coa See paper wetiowen io NE wi fe cash market, wat east for the lighter | Grey &S........ -. H atiller T r a ito 06 per an -- Nene on oa omen aenrening the Hitachi Maru, was Kil Killed after i will be performed successively by the sas cl pil pans Bahay Re: oe Hamilton ss n "ws le: sgar Hon, T. Greenway. | MONTREAL & MARKETS. ae paahetens ae aoe eam a Reaag o sat eat yor s csees Dd, . . >, - yi -- a dustry is at present laboring. Under ; Kingston..... -Hon. Ww. H Portage | la ae Crawiord. lave duel ce far' Pe flees Pos Romar ot| jas there are no beret in the vil; fire on to the deck of the transport. _ ithe circumstances the directors of the I eas jlages. Those in en understand} Jtis widow has received £500 from essary, coming westward from its OF rorriteriat. Horse Breeders' Associa- Selkirk. Pe | 'concerned. There was a little de) ; Well enough. the Japanese Government. dinary stations for this purpose. The ltion e niroting recently held, haa Winnipeg.......0.....D. W. Bole. mand for corn for local oer og . ' : "i and a sale of 15,000 bushels of No. Admiralty's instructions on the sub- | nother ra under conside ion, ject. are hosed on the assumption |® nt plan un nsiderati Iwhich it is believed will fully mect ee het rag eg pine Rafe ie as the case. Arrangements have -- been of Cape "ot 'Ocod Hope it probably leampleted for the holding at Cal- will bo similarily escorted. | Nessawars Tercitesles ---- '3 Chicago mixed at 574¢ per bushel ,150 to 1,200 Ibs., $3.60 to $3.20; ; ies wales MeCart laftoat. We quote:--No. 2 white onts | feeders, 1,000 to 1, 150 Ibs., $3.30 to FLASHES FROM THE WIRE | ¥u ie. As Thesspeon. jat sake to S8jc, and No. 3 at 37§c | $3.60; feede: ers, 800 1,000 Ibs., -- to 378c ex-store. For export No. |$3 to $3.25; stockers, good, 600 to| The Very Latest Items From All [t905, in Phin "teye Tens age Northwest Territories--Liberals, 2 white oats, at 37¢ to 374c: No. /800 lbs., $2.50 to $2.00. Parts of the Glabe. junder the quspiees of the association * Albert soeversrselil j2 peas, Tic to Wc; No. 2 barley, mre ge a Kony ag vai JSORY'S VERDICT. | the 'Dominion and Territorial Assiniboia, E. [54jc to She; port ewes, $3.40 to $3. 50: bucks, DOMINION. A despatch from Hull says hat 'Departments of vieutiup Assiniboia, W. hdc, and No. 3, 150 to 1,200 ibs. ee '$3, 60 to $3.90;| 'The Brantford post-office will be George Henry Smith ans William | eat mh va Gliarcoaita aiiveree Edmonton... Flour--Manitoba- spring wheat pat-|cach; lambs, $4 to $4.50. renovated. Leggett were, at about 12.30 a. m. in FE "n Come nae, M sigs d Humboldt..,.........A. J, Adamson, ents, $5.80: strong bakers', $5.50;| Calves were quoted at 3 to Se, and Th + 80 hs, 8 on Oct. 22, while fishing with trawls 44), ped oties er ae ite sake Mackenziec.. Dr. E. L, Cash. winter wheat patents, $5.70 to $5.-|$2 to $10 cach. 'nail aa "acaths ig Pig Bee gad about the British steam trawler iaimeutty i pai uated ian catherine Qu' Appelle Levi Thompson, 80; straight rollers, $5.40 ta $5.50;| Hogs were quoted as follows : im 1 Setaber. ng Saskatchewan......J. H. Lamont. straight rollers, in bags, $2.55 to |Sclects, 160 to 200 Ibs., of ~ prime} h H Crane, With Bourd of Trude marks fy - 'huyers enough to ahsorb all the bac ualit $4.00; fats nd lights Joseph Spencer was sehtenced t sabi aed geruter lights t {buy we 7 : Talbot. 2.65 acon quality, a rs aiten a puis Go chotw cia wittious erwin horses entered for the fair. Over one | s oN. _.L. MeCarthy. Yukon......0.a-.0F. 'TP. Congdon. "co $--Manitoba bran, in bags, $17] 84-65 per ewt. off cars, Toronto. London to three years in the peni- . , ys feos t Rus 4 hundred horses are already in sight, TWwander Bay and doen . to $18: sorts, $21 . r ton: Ontari tentiary for stealing an overcoat. or Provocation rom certain Russian jong every effort will be made to Rainy River.,.....Jas. Conmee. , 1k, Tt 1A: on, iF : Sixteen cars loaded with wheat war vessels at a distance of about a lkave at lenst three Hundred on the! Wella "Ww , aati. British Colnmbia--Liberala, bone in bulk, $17 to shorts, $1 9 7 were precipitated into the lake at quarter of a anile.' We ies o $20; and moullie, $24 to $28 per IJOUSEHOLD HINTS. y. PLEcipit MEG ARO NARS Iris is the text. of the Jury's ver- (eraunds. Wellington. 'N......- Thos Ttin. Comox-Atlin,.......Wm. Sloan, pl as to quality. ' Port Arthur by the collapse of -- the ict at i iO) ERE: OP Ee jury' ib The object of the fair is to bring | Wellington S...... 'Hugh Guthrie. tered aa A. Galliher, i Wea he a sier foctinw Hes: davet Put a tcaspoonful of ammonia in|rajlway approach to the wheat dict at the coroner's inquest = Copuyer and seller together, and all Went worth.. LW. O. Scaley. Nanaimo.............. Ralph Smith. | Moal--An are ee 0 as CeveloP" | a quart of water, wash your brush- | cleaning elevator. fishermen victitns of the North Sea laoats wilt be made privately in| the | York N........ Sir Wm. Mulock, New Wentminsiahad. B. Keunedy. ed in the market for rolled oats and | og and combs in this, an all grease} 5 a Greer, agent for thé: "Boot: aan "iv, AL ay request bal yond arin leame manner aor at all the large | York Centre.........Arch. Campbell. Vencouver City,,..2. G. McPherson. ee ss -- a yt bag, be and dirt will disappea Rinse, | 524 comcast uanorel ee vernment, represer : : wy sales at $2. o $2.27} r 7 Earl -- "leer, aliettar A rie flive stock centres in the United Iniiopasdenta Flected. Victoria.. ..Geo, Riley. 'a pe aga and dry in the a or by the tence fhe a aan cenulen to 5 Note. --Feetiona in Comox-Atlin, }@7d at $4.65 to $41.75 per barrel. on States. Outside buyers are general-| North Middlesex..V. Ratz (Lib.) Kootenay and Vato and ein, mr for cornmeal is casy at $1.35 te Iv deterred from purchasing in the Mexico, has notified the Trade and Treasury, thi . Treasury, this conservative award "Wanetine is Sg only good for sore | Commerce Department that his firm was rendered by the first court of 'Woeet owing to a lack of Knowledge QUEBEC postponed. Conservatives nonce. ' Sa 15 per bag. throats and as a hair tonic, but itlintend to institute the -- service omguuiry preceding the sessions of the of the country and the time, trouble . Has--Na, 1. | $3:50 to $9: No. 2 can be dapended on to render tract-| shortly international tribunal. The Govern- | 14 expense involved in visiting in- _--_-- ae 7.50 to $8; clover, ne. $6.50 to-| oie a door or window that -- sticks y- ment asketl the jury not to find a dividual ranchers to make inl Cownervatives. 7, and pure clover, $8 to $6.50 per by applying it to the parts that verdict of wilful murder or man- ligase 'The annual horse at wil! | Atgenteuil..... 7. H. Perley. MONTREAL SHIPPING ton in car lots. eithara...... FOREIGN, slaughter, because 'delicate negotia- bs aie Deaubarnois... J. G. UW, Rergeron. 7 | Reans--Choice primes, $1.40 -- per In cabbage which has been stew- tg Li Australian Federal House solve this difficulty effectively and is, therefore, with the support vo the breeders, bound to he a succes . a GROOMING HORSES tions are going on, whith should not be made more difficult; and they ought not to Tet anyone think they had ehlernges bags case before 'anving hea In ee ee 'Gio jury simply set el, SP35 374 . . re ice Tonnage This Year Will Reach |", 1. $1.35 to $1.874 in car lots. | oa with vinegar, a little caraway Deakin gave notice of motion Two Million Mark. |eut pork, $16.50 to $17.50 ight seed will be found a piquant addi- tor preference on British goods, . ' 4 > . dcctas "~s . -- md bar tion, as well ws one that makes the} Negotiations have been initiate tl a ao a ia -- |store ent. $1030" to $1%; American vegetable much easier of digestion} for-n-treaty--or-- arbitration Aiea Z Montreal this al will path oil iselnin fat backs, $20; compound lard, then when cooked without it, The;Germany and nity United State: 1 , ne [Gee to se; oo lard, 63 to 7$c; caraway is to be put in at the same} It was argued in the French sows " . 4 poor il ti nireet . ' forth the facts proven by the evi-| 'phe skin of a horse, like that of por tp ae dita way _s ' | kettle renter, o 9$c. according | time with the vinegar and' sugar to ,of Deputies that Britain made no dence of persons, experts on explo- ; ene: toine TT, B. Ames. . - Up ta ine of November ta quality: Avie 'a to 18¢:; bacon, in § atv of °*s Keo fate French 'concessions' in other animals, is a mass of excre '| the number of sea-going vessels en- make the most tasty of sauer freturn for sives and the trawlers themselves. -- tory organs, supplied with innumer- Sherbrookc...........Dr. Worthington, tering the Gok Seah ng . ee 12 to 1c, fresh-killed abattoir hogs. | raut."" i Nowfoundland. To the verdict the jury added the Jape pores, which, if kept open, caren marked * are Present mome pared with 724 yy to the sume date |) ah heavy fat = nh mixed | Leather-covered chairs, when dull! 'The estinmates of the United States following rider:-- constant flow of watery fluld dis- bers. last year. The *eM@nage up to the lotx i select, $5.25 off and shabby-looking, may be greatly | War Department for the fiscal year 'On this occasion, probably the lcharges, carrying off the effete waste ea first of November was slightly above "heese-- Ontario white, Oe: colon ed, limproved in appearance by being }ending June 30, 1905, aggregate nost momentous in the annals of the |material which has performed -- its QUEBEC. 1,700,000 tons, while the tonnage She: Quobees, fc ta Pic. brushed over by the while of an egg. '$103,686,780. This is $22,242,612 British Empire, the jury would = re proper function in the maintenance ------ t the entire season of 1902 was Tut finest grades, 19'c¢ to/ Beat up the white of an egg until it iless than the War Department esti- tord their appreciation of the efforts |o¢ the body. The epidermis also is Libera a 1,890,000. 'The increased tonnage 19%c: ordinary finest, 19¢: medium jis a stiff froth, Then dip into it mates submitted a year ago. made hy the Governments interested |egmposed of an infinite number of} Bagot...ceec "3. E, Marell, besides being due to the increased FTI. _T8e to T8te, and western . piece of old linen or other soft | The British Trades Union Congress to arrive at ao satisfactory conclu-|piands which constantly pour ansoily | Beauce 1, S. Beland number of veesels can also be attri- IY. 15e to Tide. rag and rub the leather well, | but 'has sent two delegates to the con- sion of the matter, which, we feel, lsecretion to the surface, which 13! fetlechasse _E. Talbot. buted to the larger type of vessely| Pe¢ee--Select new laid. 2te: stright Without using too much force. 'The vention of the American Peder has no parallel in the history of the Jossential to keeping the skin Mexille | Rortiier "i Archambault | being used on the St. Lawrence enthered candled, 20c; No, 2, le to jarticle muswrfien be leit until dey. [of Labor at San Francisco, with the world."* as well as furnishing the nocessury Bonaventure *C. Marcil. route this year. Before, the season He. A woman whose handsome back- | object of forming an international St. George's Hall, a large audi- | nourishment = the hair to keep it} Brome...ccseeece "Hon. s. A. Wisher. | closes, it is almost certain, the a comb was for ever slipping out of organization. ey i torium, which had been specially fit-|soft ard gloss Chan Vercher- figures will reach two millions. LIVE ee MARKET. her hair had a little golt chain at-| Rev. ©. i. Hudson aig 7 *, ted up for the occasion, was quite| Jt wil not dc, therefore, for thone 7 *\. Geoffrion. Toronto, Nov. --Al the expor-| tached to it by means of a tiny hole : Bengal, near Indianapolis, oe oe trade: ter dext the-tno to he be: .E "eg Rousseau. a oe ters' cattle offered "To-day did _not ---- tie wee gre corner. a pny 7 ing or the din enke & crowds that wished to hear the evi- |case the win would | 'scan become an, Chet LUBY sce. *J. P, Brown. te eads,--'I'ha-on othe other end of the chain was;ing the -- tessin ae : 3 dence. rough, hard and diseased; nor is} Com co id wait, B. Hunt. FELL INTO THE CRATER. quiry "tor then Was tate and prices attached a shell hairpin' THIS SmI TS ci ao = eee - cr? there much danger of it except when | Drummond- Artha- Th c f Vesuvius Caused sie nasi stendy at $4 to $4.65 ;ple device ie ed her ee anxious | lence listened closely an LIVE STOCK IN ARGENTINA. ° . She i * e one o per moments and she ot is her con j Molen ¥ seasic ; . -- = -- L. snare - resin hi Come. sia te aE nv oraleue Startling" Explosions. The. bows classes of butchers' cat- | To fry potatoes is to prepare them | San Francisco people ie plunning : = secre cnavier | Gasyu........-.- . ' me of a n "4 ation « Big Prices -- for Pure Bred than when the animal is idle, and if | Hochelaga "*L A. Rivert. A despatch -from- Naples says :-- He wold wun a 7s mount of Vige mrost unt xxi seed ». ige ise sen Ear lop ae es ae ' | oe tis are covered w aoa Coutiteae « ne . m4 mals. the sweat js allowed to dry on the | Joliette........ WJ. A. Dubeau. The cone' on the crater of Mount |The medium and rough classes were foods ate covers 1 sec-Tdredih anniversary of the: discovery of : nol in extra good cinand: but th oY itu beige beevents the digestive os Venivive, wiih Jeteel Cine ee " : 'I freia reaching ther 'This of the Pacific Ocean by Vaseo Nunee Some information _regardin, the . ' *K ointe, : tt ; ee ti skin, dust will accumulate, mixing | Kamouraska.. SE. hepaeaesd late eruption, fell into the crater | the values were steadily maintained, live stock with Argen' ini, 's given by iy - ag le ae ot she atvioie n Tuesday with a tremendous roar,|}Only a few commen cows were , neg digestion Gite wt "yw the de pres un the 2oth of September 7 Mr. W. S. Spark, the well-known ain an ap ic nl Reet diseased, here immediately. ensued explosions brought forward and buyers said, byygienists say. 7 {1h deve, Kalin.' Saat eletteteey DI 4 ; ol oO y t shook the whole mountain, fol-|that there were not enough fo go flow ix it, ome oiten wonders that | oe a snglish 'horseman, in a Ietter to Mr.!pnut the whole system more or less body of Joha pa ami "akrousll the Cunningham, of Freeland, that lowed by the emission of an immense |round, but owing to tho listless na-|children con swallow pins, tacks, ae though be was apparently dead ge black 'column; 'which gradually | ture of the demand for them their |ete., and suffer no injury from them? spread. falling in the form of ashes quotations did not perceptibly ad-| An 'Austrian physican says the rea- % ; Hodson, Hve stock Commis- deranged. sioner, Soon after his arrival 1M lescapg through the skin, will accu- that covntry Mr. Spark wrote: I/muiate in different places and give vance. son is that when a sharp-edged or, half-hour, he will 'recover. find all cattle landed here must, be- lrise to blisters, which, if neglected, hg « pit get cow he Pal Several loads of. short-keep fecd- {pointed body comes into contact |grasped a live mice. His' body; sides the certificate of breeding, have|may lead to blood poisoning, or ers caine forward and met with a With the lining of the stomach or in- {glowed like a ma of green fires es, a certificate (or rather the shipper [something elso nearly os bad. By bance lasted -but @ short time. Theo La reasonably ready sale, but the pricea|testines the part contracts so as to/and sparks wunegéd > from his mouth _ lar, Sonor ae grooming, however 'Missisquoi.... ppoacieus "F8 B. Meigs. - t . must produce it) from the Minister | regu Hs aera did not come up to the marks pre-| thicken itself at that place. At the | and i pela -till he fell to the ge of Agriculture, or his deputy, of the loll this will be prevented, the po . Dugas. , valent a few weeks ago. The pros-,8ame time it withdraws itself in) ! grou nd, y die, A country from which they are sent, /kopt open and a healthier, thriftier * Yaven vergne, -- 'A nico. way oa ences of small|pects indicate that heavy deliveries |such__qa manner as to form a little | Miss Ecy O'Hara, of New York, x to declare that there has been no condition of the animal maintained. | Montmorenci., --"A60. Parent, ~ quantities of beef, ham or fish is to!of this. class will be made hence-| pocket, and gradiatty-twists--tho_ob- {suffered _ from. Blood-poison in. Ber. " infectious disease in that country for|A forse Kav ying a thick,. tough stin a 1 Bt. n<-"™ 'make meat cakes. -Chop i meat, | forth. lect around so as to turn the poin nt ha nd. For se ys the hand +s» AIX montlis previous 'to shipping. If twill endure o tolerably sharp curry- .°D. Gallery. ~Jadd an equal amount of The following were the quotations or edge --" pushing the wei be pee eG tO SheaQGya Reet: bout! == \ the said documint is not produced |comb, which. used on another . with| Mo 3 real St... ~ 7 ~. J crumbs polled fine, moisten with milk | for butchers' :--Picked, $4.40 to $4,- , Qbject alon {8 Noy Ap . Bat a the cattle are not allowed to land. /q thin. tender skin, pisces be a posi-}| | James,...........0. *H. Gervais, making it rather soft, beat-an egg |50; fair to good loads, $3.85 to| A piece of raw Beef rolled in pow-g forty minutes h tthe * In any cuse, all cattle must be kept Lives cruelty. Whatevér nccumula-| Montreal St. and stir in, and sedson rather high | $4.35; medium $3.40 to $3.65; com- dered sulphur and given once a)0' Hara 7s rogaining t ) ver the in quarantine for 40 days> after |tjons of dirt may be on the hair att Lawronce..,.......° *R. Sens adding' a smal} Jump of butter, Put 'mon, $3 to $8.40; rough and in- mane is said by a eat mor gk boa Blagg (0 rapidly. It was said a chich Which they are tested and if they do |ter tlio use of. the currycomb. a thor-| Mont real St . [by spoonfuls owe hot greased grid- | forior, $1.75 up edie png Mo ond ssi Rosai eee eee. ene ect $ are slaughtered «and the | ough' cloaning out of the skin should sesteveeeeC,, Piche.. | dle. and "'pat" them out into little | Prices for foodies and stockors it is they are never "sick oF "nave pie oo qansiaiel ouec Si Des has to bear jhe entire los. 'follow hv tha atd of a wood bruaii. Micolet.ccossy on R,_ Lemieux, 3 z when brown, ranged as follows :--Short-keove. 1.-}fits if this treatment is followed. é '