Listowel Standard, 11 Nov 1904, p. 7

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i 'Siig em ae CEYLON NATURAL GREEN tea which is 'poekaukels «Pure"" and delicious, It is sold in the same form as "'SALADA" Black tea in pealed lead packets. 25c and 40cper lb. By all grocers. ---- WW hich Will You Take - SERIOUS ye ee BIRDS THAT HAVE CAUSED) Crows Ruined the Root of a - ab ir a Carried Of hildren A hen Bie wreitained wag- genctte and severe Py fone of is. extraor- pleasure party were driving near Sheepwash, @ mthumberla vil- lage, and all had passed happily " WIRE GUN A WONDER. « Will Throw Thirty The six-inch Brow: ¢ gun, which has been julio at the Scott 'fron works in Reading, Pa., has béen a Projectile Over Miles sult that tho waggonette was over- BEHIND WATER CURTAIN toca and tte inmates thrown bod- PROTECTION FOR A scagull some menths back wreck- FIRE LARGE CITIES. Curious Plan That is Being Used on Some London Business passed Village Point, off British Co- lumbia, Captain -- bul ordered the look-out to watch for a black peuen vith a lg disc on the op- completed. Jt was finally inspected byt export gont bx the Iinited States Government, and will be shipped to the proving ground at Sandy Hook. e workmanship on this modern cannon is of the t. It has-a nine- . inc powder chamber, which will hold from sixty to seventy pounds of the best smokeless po Tho shot will weigh 100 poun twenty-five to thirty 1 inch Brown gun, it is estimated, will send a shot fifty miles. e charge of powder to be used will be twenty to thirty pounds six- He Was Unable to to Work, and Be coming Destitute, Befote Ha Used the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Man., Nov, 14 a ial) eee to work ryagaaen Koay sease, pronoun 'in doctors, -- = becoming Sree' doetltater Mr. J, erkins, of this place, found new "ite ea health in Dodd's Kidney Pills. In-his gratitude ho wants all bse world to know of his hat he owes it'to Dodd's w . and at times had orice i panera ene | Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully light Soap. clean and fresh with Sun- We can handle your poultry either alive or dressed to best advan tot "f am afraid. George is beginning to grow cold towards sobbed the young wile. "What's he been doing now?" inquired her mo- a, sharply. "In' his last letter ho only sends ine a thousand kisses, and always before be used to send ten million."* at Heart was Yhumping my Lifs way Mrs. KR. H. ig Srl he Mrockilte, Ont., describes hor sufferings | io incl Wnt ape peared to be such an object was pass- when suddenly the vessel strand- n the rocks, doing much damage an po -- pig tm ge a posing dings in the schemo of checking | o'be the age Point toy oa gh in of fire from one buitding | [watch was distorted in barf eg, md to another, by means of a curta ac which a seagull was sitting, & of water which ing "the appearance of a white disc. be tu Srows some time ago put tho Pub- ith ajlic Works Department of Victoria, flames British Columbia, to a deal of trou- me they were puz- ding in nea has recently | "Aca to account for the lenkage of the been equipped with such a protec- jt f of one of taeir buildings, an tive system, and, as a result of tests Hiinposing structure with a slate roof the value of the appliance has "been 'and solid-looking towers in front. in substantial re- spite of frequent repairs, too, slates n the ~ would persist In falling down The = pen by New York of an auxiliary system of mains which w ill car ing the eri of a building w force suflicient to eeree any rom penetratin and the inventor says that he ex- i pects to fire the gun +o a pres prvcuionsaiy Brenton ph a by t oe CROWS SPOIL A ROOF. susie. Inch, ee Cane ae POW SuSTEM M WORKS. | A thorough investigation showed Tt is asserted that the gun will} On every side of the building sep- | that the trouble was caused by crows stand a pressure of 50,000 pounds |arate water pipes, perforated ! who swarm on the beach at low tide to the square inch at the wuzzle |the under side, are attached to the !and Gig for clams. The birds feund | without the slightest danger, and roof a few feet from the walls, These out that a clam dropped, on the roof fully twice that pressure at breech pipes are connected hy valves with ent break nicely, leaving the con-! 'The breech of the gun is of the or- | a central one, in which a water pres- | ten na safe aml convenient spot dinary interrupted screw, made extra {sure of 80 pounds to the square inch "ie "tetaure jy consumption. Nearly | large and strong, and is opened and is maintained, time a clam Was dropped a closed Rith a one motion lever. If a na nearby -- building Mate would be cracked as well, Since | 'The cannon Will be mounted on an |threatens to spread, the opening Of isearecrows have been erected, how- | jinproved seven-inch navy carriage. singfe cock, accessible the \cver, no further trouble has been ex- The company has agreed fire |street, will throw from the pipe on perience. this gun with a 8,500 foot second | the roof thousands of jets of water Crows, again, were responsible for velocity, Which is 500 to 700. fect {80 close together that they fo ja Sad state of affairs at Simla n| better than the best guns in the |perfect water curtain between re "india. A couple of birds had uit | flame and the threatenctl side of the! leheih nest at the central office of the| SCIATICA CURED. ANOTHER TRIUMPH FOR DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Mr. Etsell, of Walkerton, Suffered For Months and Got no Relief Until He Began the Use of These Pills. wt the many employees of R, o., Walkerton, Ont., 1 atntiiee higher in the confidence his employers than docs Mr, Th is an excellent . Etsell, He m chanic, and has been in the employ ef this firm for upwa of te years. But although Mr. Etsell now ranks among the fow men who are never absent from their st of duty, the time was when he was as often nt as present, all because = physical inability to perform his years Mr. Etsell was o atau sufferer from sciatica, and at times the suffering became so in- tense that for days he was unable to leave the house During these years r. EB tsell, as con- some remedy that would rid him of tho disease, but for a long time without success. Doctors were consulted and eee he took the treatment pre- building The force with which the! streams. are thrown from the pipe makes it impossiblé for the water to be prepertated by nearby flames and) prevents abso lutely any flames from | passing S it. The ater may be turned on protect 'cake one 'wall or all of them, as circumstances may make neces- sary, and another set of drenchers, working on the same principle, but throwing the water horizontally, protects the roof. POLICE OPERATE Caleutta Telephone Company, spot where four "wires converged, Us | ing tin clippings and bits of wire for | the purpose, leo » four lines. ony up someone he wan anerore! from four caren When ; subscriber ed he as offices | and annoyance telephone users. | {This went on for some hours before ; the cause was located, and the birds | THEM, The valves which control the sys- were eff-ctually routed. for ocean cable tem on the London building are op FAGLE F IGHTS WITIL A ATAN, |means of it a lard line may De Joined erated from the sidewalk, and the was driving near Dole, in the | jdirectly to wireless on by police stationed nearby have been | Fronch de lc of the Jura, not this means 9 Age migint he sent instruc © operate hem ove . trough alter waves from London London authorities have declared ONE 88%, a man named Gonin WAS |) -ross tho ocean to New York, ant that the system is o notable aod--2¥ddenly attacked by an enormous | Hire turned into a wire and carried vance in protection against fire, jbuzzard, which tried to tear his head | Sittout interruption to ae Fran- In London a separate pump in tho 'with beak and claws, For ten min ciseg ' x Ibuilding has been necessary to keep {Utes tue strange combat ocatianed, The same @ is to easuro in the pipes and, uhtil at length the bird, which mea ocean cakt od wore there only fresh water is used In sured 5 fect 2 inches across, was ¢ han ¢ the 'proserit, spol of New York salt water mains have Stunned by a blow from the man's to nicsion and will allow the con- been installed, a central pumping Vhip and captured. | station operated i rat too, which | Mr. Samual Cross, inspector for the roduce such pressure that sufficient. , : eis to opera i the water curtains Hamilten Water Trust. had with a] will be obtained at the top of any great eagle when out driving near | high building. It will simply be Melbourne, Australia. By a well- necessary to connect the private pro- directed shot the cagle was brought tection system With the city's power- to carth, Mr. Cross tied it securely ful water supply to be ready for jto the back of his trap and then Y's |arove faomneward. The eagle, however plan has been talked | it € York before, but of private pumping Plants and ad fastened its talons on Nis hands | inadequate 5s supply of water from the and had driven its beak through the that thought t would "an "I was unable to work and was becoming destitute when a friend persuaded me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Five boxes cured com- pletely."* --_--+ MESSAGES ON TAPE. Invention &,. & Which Two Systems k Together Stephen Dudley Tield, nophew the Atlantic cable inventor, has re without benefit, six bottles of D Ag- new's Cure for the Heart restores her to perfect health. Tho first dose gave almost instant and in a relict, sufcring ceaxscd altogether, --61 Paris has the biggest debt of any city in the-world. It amounts to about $4007000,000 Minard's Liniment Cores biphtherla, The number of Chinese outside of Ching is estimated at over 7,640,000. corded successfully the Morse alpha- that bet o per bv means of wireless telegraphy, says the New York Her- ald. which has baffled clectri- with- The feat cal experts since telegrapHing out wires becnme established com- ;mercially was made possible by Mr. Field's invention of what he calls an lamplifier, It is an electrically deli- cate machine of wire coils and mag-. nets so adjusted as to record all variations in the ectric current which passes troteh, it. Tt occupies less than a half cubic oot of space, and of its most novel features is the uso of threads of glass one one-thousandth of an inch in diameter to truss and con- nect some of the smaller arts, In the demonstration the usual tele- receiver was cut out from the ge. was turned into the amplifier and tho age was clicked out in printed haracters tape. T Mr. Field explained, was nothing but a mechanical miscroscopo tor electricity. The inventor declares that oll the attachinents, auch as pho a 8 re- producers and the like, now in for wire telephone and tclegraph lin nes may be made by the pas werd ares able By nection of cables and wireless .or --_ ilines «direct, so that messages be sent around the world by ye op- erator without its being repeated from station to station. HOW MEXICANS TEST Hucs is a Common sight in ihe lene te behold a stall woman, who is sell- wort k le, put one and then the other to her lips hand them over to the customer he | different Wash greasy dishes, pote or pans with Lever's Dry Sonp a powder. It will remove @ greaso with the greatest case. is on foot in Russia of A movement to diminish the excesaive nunber holidays. 1 Over Sixty Ye ie Mare. Wiraio werboss THING BYR? has been a9 millions of mothers for their niluiren awhile Leschiag. be thesthec! noon, aoflens the guns, allayapat ain, curse by ig Diar:heon, Twenty-five cents a bot ja Ledru, esagles throughout the world. Le gure, sal seior™ 'Mae. WinsLow sSooTutnu dyin. There's a policeman Who was actually born city's linits, (Minard's Linkment Cures Colds, etc, in Chicago within no tales, but it's the writers of obitu- Dead men tell with The Stomach's "Won! or Woe." --The stomach is the centre from which, from the ere al health, = "weal woe A pr stoma means perfect digestion=pe ec fenton means andy aren contres--stron, mean blood and good Asmorican Norvine maker and keeps stomach right.--52 the Mrs. Wylkyns--""Why is ft, Herbert, hat you never call me dear, now?" Mr. Wylkyns--"Well, I don't ,ike to twit you with it!' Dear Sirs, a sufferer eT wa from m yoars trouble and would be so 'hoarse nt times Uhat I could scarcely speak above a whisper. got no relicf from any- thing till I erica gvour MINARD'S HONEY BALSA Two se gavo relicf and ie bottles made s for seve Bronchial complete cure would beoriity recommend it to mans Taian from throat or wee troub J, F. VANDUSKIRE. Fredericton. from smothering, fluttering and palpita- és ; ° tion. After trying many remodies O BAYS s vV OTSU-DOID r the |B. POULTR THE DAWSON | GOMMISSION, ~20. Limited Also your a eggs, honey I think we ought to do something to oP Sep manners. He's too -and .noisy and rczardlem _ of the rights of others: Ha seems © to have a reputation as the worst-be- boy i the neighborhood, fj and---- ae boy in the neighborliood?" demand. his mother, promptly. "It was pro- bably that man Billings that you, ~a, to town with in the morning, and I out now that his eorgie was as rough upmannerly as their Willie they wou ave reason to me and you can Bh jes tell Mr, so the next time you . "Worst-bohiay 'ed boy in the neighborhood! Well, I'd just like to have somebody try to tell me that."' a CALIFORNIA, The Chicago & North Western Ry. has rrr a new publication entitled "Californ ntains a beantl- ful aolorad 'man of the state, a list of hotels at California tourist -- re- sorts with their capacity and rates; and a most interesting series of ple- tures showing California's resources and = altractions, prospective visitor and settler be in pos- session of 2 copy of this profusely il- lustrated 'fold Sent to any ~ dress on receipt of two cents stamps. Low rates from all eetiii: FH Bennett, 2 East King St., To- ronto, Ont. "Pinto Shell Cordovan experi- ' _-- NOVA SCOTIA VS. MANITOBA, The reputation of Manitoba as a ee country adds jnter- the results of recent acai in etiautaeaniag conducted by the Canadian government on two g 23 Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins--tough as whale- » the other bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch- at Brandon, Manitoba, Out of 58 varieties test- > P ed in both places, 40 produced aj Proof, wind-proof, boil- proof, larger yield) per acre and heavier crack-proof, tear-proof, rip-proof, grain on the Nova Scotia than on cold-proof, almost wear-proof-- the Manitoba farm. Over two-thirds : certainly the greatest leather i of the varieties tested wee more suc- coset in Nova Scotia than in Man-|§ over ysed in mitts and gloves, : Like buckskin it is tanned --<-------- without oil, unlike buckskin it is MOOSE HUNTING. not porous, it is wind-proof--will The finest region In Canada for the |§ outwear three buckskins. " nter who w t Sone TORN aah eC 4 the "Pinto" Mitts and ie ~ never track or harden; never G a Tru k -Rajlway North Bey. sodden, are always warm, warm, plble, +: Agony anulication to a ae soft and comfortable. ks by ar Meet * wT. Bell, o>. & T. Soldatall dealers but never with- , A, Monte out this brand :-- Setgmnnie The Red Cross Soclety has its fowun- dation in the an H.B.KA. by War, pestilence, famine, amd all other calamities of sufficient --o to be decmed national in exten BRAND vigil read too much and-learn too rs ¥ 3a. z \ ye a ee ee oe at OO HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO, Montreal Winnipeg Dawson 9 La grippe, pneumonia, and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're acne, OHENILLE OURTAINS It is. dan ead ol hesda of house Hangings, LAGE OURTAINS |?" DYED & OuZANaD eagecoue thing to neglect. Shiloh's | Consumption||---- Cure tbs 'The cure that is guaranteed by your druggist. Br NEW, RAILWAY © RAT Is the special work of the HAS seri it Wid not help him. 'Then oton mains 7 ee ae fleshy part. A terrific struggle then | who ---- the same identical oper- litt he iced electric treatment, but this general attempt oware he adoOP-" ensued, which eventually ended in the ation. To the inexperienced onlook- a also fuiled to give relief, and in de- tion of plan. Now that the captor forcing a knife-blade into the ler it seoms as if they wore tating "a Doolan.--'"Did vez the spair he had about made up _ his|5 It water mains are asstred, the pack of the bind's neck, thus dis- the extremities of the egg. As landlond had lowered the rint fe fof us, mind that his case was hopeless and |™atter is being discussed more and ; patching lmatte: of fact they never touch the Mrs. Casey?" Mrs. Casey-- 'Yer that he would be a suffering, help- | ™ore and there is little doubt that, ; I: is not 'often that an sana iass, Se with the tongue. The idea of!don't say! Oi s'pose he thinks he'll less cripple to the end of his days. unless some unforseen obstacle comes at Great Britain is attacked by the performance is that when an ogg ;!ose less moncy wlien yez skip widout Then one day a neighbor advised|UP the plan will be tried bY logge. Yet a couple of years se is fresh one end is distinet ly _ colder | payin' it." him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, |™|ny persons who are interested in Q Yorkman employed in repairing | than the other. ich has; An officer in the Army. anu . At first he refused, believing they large structures the roof of the Central Lobby -- of ; the air chamber is the warmer Of the a timid woma becar she would prove like other medicines, --+---- ithe house of Commons had a sharp ;tWo. The human lips are exceeding-/ alarmed at the ni Ise. vad a ntennes but the neighbor was so insistent, A WISE PRECAUTION. leonfict of several minutes before the ly sensitive to heat and cold, and! when a salute was fired, THe subs having hernet been greatly benefit- bire--n young eagle of cmmennnst even the novice at this form of ogg quently married that timid woman, ed by these pills, so that at last he| No matter whether the baby 18 cin. -- was eventually overpow testing promptly _ bee aber capable | and six months afterwards he took sh a The remainder o he [sick or well, Baby's Own 'Tablets 'and captured, Again and again "the | | Judge. =i { both onds of the egg ins off his boots in the hall when he came story may hest be told" in his own jshould always be in the house, They caglo flew at the workman, biting a | veal _ pn e ue erin t at in late at night wortls, , not only cure infantile Cisonders. | piece from his Nand, and inflicting se |°8% May Ee coun ad, it is "When I began taking these pills," /but they prevent them, and should yong ininries to his face, The eagle. | & ey iy geod sign teat air pane. said Mr. Mtsell to a reporter of the|be used whenever the little ones | hie h. it was conjectured, has been ¢ contents 7 Telescope, "I had been off work for jshow the slichtest signs of illness. prought in from the country by apread. equally within the shell. DR. A. W. CHASE'S UC. three months. The cords of my right !No other medicine is so enthusiasti- Strong winds, was confined in an im- CATAREH CI CORE at leg were all drawn up, and 1 could cally spoken of by mothers--no other proyjcod esqce in y an's ' . ' ' 7 5 ) wovise age in the watchman"s box ; "brain y only limp about with tho aid of my |medicine has done so much to mks ns Bs Pha ad mint eng Breit A peat te inpenes Swe stick, The pain I suffered was ter- |jittle ones healthy and yoo! natur- THIS CITANCELLOR'S GATE, lelectrical sights are fitted, and aro Pasaages, stops droppings in the rile T could not sleep at all dure log, Mrs. Albert Ludeington. Ste More fre ntly, when rendered des- | said to be ve effectiv: : nos Pa al na Paver, Bie ing the nicht, as in misery Mary's Hiver, N.S, sass: 'le de not roi Ue ¢ sa o be very e. ap Fever. both night and day. At first TI lleve sav baliy 'would. has wen, erate {hrough want of food, engies tes All dealer A WSs be e , aye "oT ; thought the pills were doing me no a . - Wil attach infants, carrying them Medicine eronio anes but 4 +: flor I had token six Sos Gee onl a ee a i off to their eyvries, A most exciting | " . : igs ' ay . acts. once USAR case. of tt Ie a need | vil- Ss rel . : c ' be 4, natured and is getting fat Good ; { sw | s treatinent After that I got better . : . years ach A big eagle had swoop. | he ee angry every tay, by tho time I for the open n rng as aroning ed down antl picked up a five-year-old | g F The boy had been in trouble again. taken about fifteen boxes every ves- chiid--and above al _ absolutely Sle hid, othe son of a farmer named ! fu' ma be Ceigrib d The boy usually was in trouble 0 lige of Baie had disappeared, F¢ You can cet Baby's Own Tablets Chest) ihe father, a noted -- shot, | Scrofula y e somo hind, and even a mother's pa- A ts t 97 7 ' . Reuf § , . $ a over a year," continued Mr, Etsell [from your druggist of by mul at Oat once went in search of the cagle's || as ** scattered consumpiion."" J tionce will give out in thne. "TE have nob. had a twinge of pain, (cents a box by wr cae * ef ville, jest. He found it at Inst in a cleft | "You're vac worst-beliaved boy in and although I am forty years of a Medicine Co. Brockville, fag very high rock. After consist | To cure it take Scott's Emul- } | tte neighborhood," she ssic age I fecl as well as when I ras jable difculty he was lowered by a The boy's father looked up from twenty. Vink doen cured me, and 1 "Fe told } ies coon ught ta take ToPe to the onening of tho cleft, | sion. his paper as if somewhat antoniinety -- 2, ation in ne coo! et . s : Ne a 0 ett when, to iis horror, he found | but one glance was sufficient to them the best 'Tae cine in the worlc sing es 'ex t f attackin ic H . . 5 ye perm : i. Seat GRE fae Ror Wonton St. FcR; alter a Sarto Scrofula is consumption of steed op inte affairs oe ec The i Mr, Etsell edge that |come and sive her a three-months' | eompat, Ghezzi killed tho infuriated |[ the small glands under the "You're always in some hind of a 'Dr. villiame" Pink Pills are not urse," bird and rescued the infant, badly 7 dth i ont tale scrape," she went on. 'I don't sce ordinary medicine, and that their ---- hurt. but still alive. skin, an ese break out in why you can't act like other boys."' power to cura in all troubles' of the ai Practitioner. = Reauts." | Th at. fortunately, was the condi- sores. Scott's Emulsion heals The boy had nothing to say. reree "their ---beyon nie tic pricd_off a hoy Jearns carty in life that eee id all other medici ines. You can get] was ; fer months « Fhoumatic aetiaity but year hee by an ca i The baby. |} these sores. times when there is nothing oye tg from ay ype dealer | South American Rheumatic Cure chang- belonging to a family named Farris, 'to do but hold h peace, and he or direct by mail at 50 cents a b d the song from "'despair' to "joy." , - or six boxes for $2.50 by Writing She oan oo « Mead untold nies it the town of Ee Indiana. But there's more to the || !ess0n stands him in good stead Iat 'The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co fant dock Ate aia io left asleep in a hammoc by its : . er in life when hie marries. . iockele, Ont ea thatthe fail] Ho"as aunts "fei at Moan mother, To the women's terror, as ||-story. The loss of flesh and) nove: heard of Wilt, Long name "Dr. Williams': Pink E >is for | American Rhcumatic Cure cured me--re- she was returning home, she saw 'her t akness that. com squirting water at the little girls Pale Ve -ople" is printed wm the ; baby being carried up to the skies grea we ul €S T | whien they are coming ms -- wr. + ar . The Swedish town of ee sono rs ihe tolons of a hinge cagle. The regular Sunday-s:hool,"' she continued, in 'rapper around every box wctailiakind a ten ca wih por. {father took bis gun and procccdad with Scrofula is a reg part "I never sce Jack ------4- os 'Tie past Halé year's production of -coal in Germany reached 58,825,000 tons, or 38,836,000 tons more than last year. Getter a Stomach than with one that's got o constart "burt" to it. Dr. Von Stan's Pincapple Tablets stimulate tho digestive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of te and gee no effects--ca in rry em with you Your. vest stmeeee : 'box, 35. cents. --i8 ~- -A& woman in Russia, =i the day of her death, if she rem '@dj-is under the absolute sway of her nee a follow the bird. After. a mii a mile the bird swooped do en on wood, where the father at last saint his child. By marvellous good fortune the baby was uninjured, save for bruises mado by the eagle's Ws. sons weighing more than one an, dred and wbirty-five pounds. Winard's Linlmeot Cures Distemper Ten years ago the shin teeth of Rechna Doab, in India, had not . -- in- habitant, but now there a living in comfort there. is responsible. » The President a etdive te --D. T. Sample, president "Teviga tion fic are gunners, two boatswain, and one ® carpenter. "That was a pretty gi tliat' Mra. writes': "For years.I was aM@icted with |-7 last " Chronic Catarrh. Remedies and treat- aa Reheat pgm ciclalind with ment b ists only gave me yond infinite scornt "Why T to relict until I, was induced use Dr. Agnéw's itera! "Powder, It me 4 ttiat that pet only go of the same as in consumption of the Jungs. For as for the sores, Scott's . k ie or speaks disrespectfully to hia Emulsion is just the remedy. iy almost instant relief. 50 cen ; issuE No. 46,--04 ination, . . " "Lf resolved to try Dr. Chase's ST oe --_ - ---- the digestive tele oe eae Kidney-Liver ills and Backache th ven t said a word, pro BRIGHT'S DISEASE AND OTHER Plaster. -After three weeks' time, I Me ites admitted his mo- DEADLY RMS y jam glad to say, I was able tore ther; "'but yesterday I was actually | DISEASE MUST ACT) PNG Wort aa now fecl as Lies Ey ashamed of you because of your im- | QUICKLY. I ever did. I thercfore- aie : pertinence, and today L saw you To be certain of inwuedintely ar- Chas remedies ate excellent family, Iswinging on the Brown's gate, when |sting disease and ~ bringing about medic fash you lave repeatedly tokl not |thorough cure, you must use Dr.} Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are- to, because it pulls off the hinges. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, which!so thoroug! far-reaching in. Yo had a fight with Harry |80 many times have proven their |their influence on the kidneys as, to- Jon I'm sure I do know |SUperiority-ns a treatment for the|thorovghly eradicate the most. seri- chat. to oe with you to make you t scrious discases of the kidneys.|/ous disease. One pill'. a dose, 25' bebiave properly." By acting on the Hver and bowels Siok . box, at all dealers, or Ed- neemed to opportune oF ell an on tl Bree Tir, me zat ih Go. ; BAG 8 . r mS in, use's dney-Liver iis effect a por rate and signature o Ps 7 a get: tha hoy cr "to P thorough clvansing of the whole fil- hi book - so ested:-- bie § quite agree with you, my dear. "| Dr, 's Kidney-Liver Pills JAPAN NOW CIVILIZED, Says Mr. Hayashi, a distinguished citizen of Japan: 'To-day we Japan- ese non, hinge se $ the blood of our killed and of those we kill. Our torpedoes roar, © our shrapne} shrigk, our cannon eens ; see Wo die and-are---t dea And you occidentale You have won ou rank; you have civilized soivadtens: Centuries upon centuries we had artists, painters, sculptors, phil- osophers, 1 the sixteenth century . CENTRAL Telegraph School TORONTO, ONT. Write for particulars to W. HH. SHAW, - - Principal Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. STAMMERERS +P HE ARNOLD, "INSTITUTE, BERLIN, ONT, » = wo had published in Japanese the For orma of SPEECH ms sop. Were we then bar- perecrs. We tres rent mee cane, not simply the resend er eve ' babit, and therefore produce na rl nc, bok smal ® = Write for particula: The Kidneys Are Delicate Easily Affected by Changes of the: Temperature. ot even are the lungs mare sus- {tirely vine a body of all poisonous eptible to the effect of cold drafts, | waste m r. of overheating, of dampness or cold Mit, potty 1S GALLANT, Panos than the kidnevs. ville, N. B., | writes:--'Abo our - This accounts for workingmen frequently becoming victims hai pain- ful and deadly kidney disease Pains in the back 'are eaualiy the first note of warning. Then there is frequent and painful er smarting vr headache and months ago I found my sondition 580 serious that I had to leave work. could not ed nights, was very poor and nm dneys were so uffectert rate I éoutd hardly walk on uccount of backache, derangements . 'amous receipt box, ie g and excretory systems and en- thor, 'are on every 2 oe

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