% B4. ha SCHOOL SUPPLIES = Wearare givingfaway "4 FREE RULERS, BLOTTERS, PENCILS, With Every purchase School Supplies, . of ARE YOU GOING TO TRAVEL? Call and see me. about rates and special days either to Toronto or London. ROSS AND HIS COLLEAGUES ARE RESPONSIBLE. The Toronto News, in a trenchant iole vn political cortnption in Out- ario, says: " overoment has been unable by fair abe to command a working majority, and henoe foul means or qaestionable means have been adopted. Jn South Oxford perjury was procured and paid for io order to unseat an Opposition member and put a Government supporter im his place. The object was not personal ; it was to increase the Government ----, ay two. Negotiations were enter with Gamey, and when these were bo cluded it was announced that the Gov- ernment's majority had been inoreased two. North Renfrew was kept opeh fora year and a half, besause of the fear, justifiable as it proved, that an election would reduce the Government's majority by one. A breach of faith was committed in attacking Mr. Hugh Olark'a- election in Oentre Bruce, one of the cleanest in the province, because the Gove:oment wanted another sup- porter there, whioh would have inoreas- two. North Perth ANuniber of Important Cases Dis- poset of --_--_-------- PERTH FALL ASSIZES. The suit of Margaret Snowdon v. the G. T. R. was set down for 'the Stratford Assiger, but-has been settled ont of court, This suit war for ansta- ted damages for the death of the plain- tiff'a sov, Fireman Snowdon, who was killed on the Grand Trunk in the Trainor's Out collision, near Guelph, last April. The settlement, it is ander- stood, gives the plaintiff $1200 aud cos RT. Harding, a oe Strat- ford, was givena verdict of $25 and corts against the Stratford Herald, because the latter accused him of con- duct unbecoming a gentleman in inter- rupting the Borden meeting there on Sept. 24. The weight of evidence was to the effect that Mr. Harding bad con- inter himself properly and had not interfered with hearing of those near ee suit whioh bas been -- out of a is that of MoFadden vy. G. TR. pisiot®, Geo. McFadden, RT Nu b] Marriage Licenses Issued. Tickets to all parts of the world. ListowelStandard 18, 1904. FRIDAY, NOV. CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION. To Meet in Toronto on Noy, 24. Mr. Whitney Invites 'the People of Ont- ario to Lend Their Aid iu the Effort to Secure Clean, Honest and Decent Government. Toronto, Nov. 14.--Mr. J. P, Whit- ney bas issued the following circular letter in which he _wunounces that a Provincia! Conser wi be beld in 'Yoronto ov Nov. 24tb, the day alter the Liberal convention : "Driven to'bay, and alarmed at the tighteous indignation of the prople, the Provincial Government, which for several years.has held office by means of fraud and crime, is abuut té make a Jast avd desperate appeal to the con- Btituencies. Ju order that the large majority of the people--those who desire clean, honest and decent government---mey have av opportunity to discuss the sit- uation, I bave inetrovted the officers of the Liberal Conservative Association of the province to ask the members of the association, aud also representatives from the muuicipslitics, to meet at Ass ciation Hail, in the city of Toronto, ou Thureday the 24th day cf November, at 2 o'clock In addition, I invite aera men in each conetituencs -no matter what their party affiliation may be, and "wf sympathize with oar vbjects--to attend, also to belp us by their advice and encouragement. n the presence of a great public peril, party designations and difference are of secondary importance. The first grent necessity of the situation is clean, honest and decent government The policy of the Opposition in the Legislature is familiar tu the people, aud has received their eudorsement sud ratification by a mujurity of six or seven thousand votes, To this record we point with pride. The question of incrensing the means of obtatuing agricultu'al justraction by adding it to the curriculum in the high schools and collegiate institutes, and providing parcels of land fur prac- tical work, and also the question of the encouragement of systems of sewerage iu towns und villages, are amon; the questions advocated b Legislation should en bad to fucili tate the acqdirement by municipalities ou proper and reasonable terms of all public utilities, aud also to provide machinery for the prompt setHement of disputes between capital and labor. At the last session of the Legislature the Oproetios proposed that the Tem- iskaming ilwsy, constracted and owned by ike Government, sbould be operated by the province for a term of years, This opportunity for a practi- eal test of Government operation of oe was voted down by the Gov: erpme The "attitude of the Opposition on the question of the proper and North Norfalk™ were carried by cor- ruption, forthe same purpose ; not for apy loca! or accidental reason, but to give the Government the working ma- jority which could vot be obtained by fair means. In Sault Ste. Marie a boat was fitted out, under the very eyes of the Attorney-General of Ontario, for the purpose of carrying a gang of ping- gers through the constituency. The object was to gave the Goverument of which the Attorney-General was a mem- ber. "What is the use of trying to make the people believe that Mr. Rows and his colleagues are the innocent victims of all these devices, and of 'deplorivg' them st a convention called for the seme purpose--that of keeping Mr. Ross and hie colleagues in office. Sure- ly if responsibility was ever brought fairly home to a Governnient, it wae by the exposure of thie series of crimes and tricks. Aud surely the remedy is to recognize the respousibility, and to put an end to the situation from which these evils clearly spring. Change the Government, end if the conditions are repeated, change it again. @ can ecarcely expect a party convention to take this view ; it is called for the ex- press purpose of keeping the breath in the Government's body, after all other devices have been sdupted, It is as if a patient, baving ruined his ounstitu- tion by quackery and neglect, bad at last decided to calla body ot regular practitioners into consultation." Translation Into English Verse of a Portion of Epictetus' Reflections on Death 'Tis to feel no mere a thier sepae- world storm. ing in upon the brain ; Tis to urowe in slumbrous Lethe all the y of its pai Tis to steep in holy slumber all the world- rves of # "Tis to feel | the cneied --e throb sink- ing into peace intense Lo, 'tis but eternal silence, endless darkness, + et Lis resl,-- Closing world-dimmed eyes in ie on earth's Wranquil mother-breas: There perchance ped ae in 'the lower sense-world taught, We may ponder undistracted in a higher thought. And 'should Nature find those lessons wor. thy there to bea »plie Then ia dark Ublivion's ocean she will ne'er our being hide. Let it be as Nature wills it,--why should unquiet kee What we yearn for must instructive at the last is only sleep. Should great Nature ever need us, with its purpose vast and deep, We shall hear her sound haat ouse us [rom our alee Weary, world-woth, we no -- crave for endless being's boon ; We but ask for peace onlcskon, let it come or late or soon Nature's weary, fretful selon, atill life's evered stir we Till the kindly meetin r t chen us, soothes us in her Dreamleas Sleep. What to us are all the shadows thrown by life's bright hopes or fears We red pes for rest unbroken, wearied in ce of y Rolling moons ana rie athless planets on our will shed their light Midnight breezes apr tes silence through night she will the mystic halls of 1 . CLARK, Listowel, Nov. 11, 1904, Excellent progress ix being made in the construction of the C, P. R. exten- siou from Gnelph to Goderich. An immense steam shovel arrived jin El- mira a few cays ago, and is being moved aloug the highway to the Wal- te palein Hill by aid of rails that are of railway property wae wade clear by their effurts to pass the Pettypieee Bill es a basis for action--efforta which failed whev the promoter of the bill abandon d it and jvined the Govern- men? in killing it. These are some of the questions ip which the people are interested, A I repeat, the first great vecessity of the situation is clean, honest aud decent government, We are all familiar with the humiliating story of the iviquities which have been perpetrated, avd by means of which a minority Premier has been enabled--and, alas, bas also beeu willing--to defy public deoency and flauut before the people hie enjoyment of a position which be notorivasly holds by virtue of such iviquities. By what the SPayecoreW es has dove i urecust whut it may attempt te do in this its last effort to avoid public condemna- D. - In face of public danger, avd in or- der to afford an opportunity to avert it, I have called this meetivg. (Signed,) J.P. Warner, Toronto, Nov. 14, i004. Drugging Won't Cure Catarrh. All the medicine in the world taken into the stomach won't cure catarrb, and it's useless to equanijer money ov tablets, bitters and liqnid remedier. Catarrh is a disease of the nasal pass- ages, throat and brunebial tabes. Stomach medicines can't reach these parts. It's only fragrant healing Cat- arrhozone which ie breathed all through the air pasdages that is sure to reach the seat of Ontarrh. No {nilure ever , known if Uatarrhozove was o Magale aud doesn't irritate; it sonthe et, Anthe @ germa and therefore cures. chogone the one certain months treatment $1,00 : laid, aud it is expected will be in 'operation iu a few daya in making a deep and lengtby cut at Wallenstein. From Engineer ©. F, Keefer it was tearued that it is iotend- edto do as much of the grading as possible through Woolwich towcebip betore winter «ets ip, and early in spriug the ljayiug of the tice and rails will be done. There is about seven- ty-five men employed in the vicinity of Liuwood. For a Stiff Neck avy soreners i the muscles of the back or sides you can't get any- thing balf so good ay Nerviline, the most pewerfal liniment made "My peek was so stiff l ceuldo't tary it a quurter of au ineh," writes Fred T. emouth.--\'T hed i tobb-d with Nervilioe a few times and all the soreness avd sliffacss disappeared don't koow acother tiniment you can depend ou hke Nervilive ;ite splendid for colds, lameness and can't be beaten for cramps aud internal pain." Try Nerviline yourself. Price 26 Bowmaurills News :--R. KR. Gamey did # few things iu the campaign just Kesalt: Conservative major- ity of 270 on Manitoulin Island. He spoke in Darham--Aylesworth defeat- ed. v spoke in Peel--Blain elected. He s)oke in South York-- McLean elegted. Hon, G. H. Murray Ero : ae Beutis, has abandon: dissolving tho Sea elatens. a mere will bring oo eeven bye-elections, all of which sre expected to go Liberal by ac- olgwution, Z The Japanese in Reters).O Okn's army beqten ios = Edward's birthday, BOM yee be ae of this oi a for injuries sustained by himself on Sept. 13, the reanlt of an aocident on the Downie street crossing of the Grand Trunk across which he was driving when his wagon was struck by the Goderich train and destroyed. The plaintiff, it is said, gets $250 and costs. His Lordship charged heavily ag- ainst Moir on the charge of converting moneys to his own use. The jury re- turned a verdict of guilty, with a re- commendation to merey. Only one of the three iudictments was taken up, this indiotment charging the prisoner, a former agent of the Dominion Ex- presa Co, at St. Marys, with converting to his own use $781.33 belongiug to the company, being money received for express orders duriug last June und July. F. B. Johustov, K.O., for the Crown ; R. 8. Robertson, for the defence. The court proceeded with the charge of maoslanghter against Daniel Morrison, Sarvia ; George Mark, Chae. Frost and Michal Kiug, of Stratford These men had the misfortuoe to be trainmen in a T. R. wreck ot the quarries, St. Marya. Mr. Hugh Guthrie, K. C., ap- peared for the Crown; John Cowan, Windsor, for def feodant Morrison ; J. P. Mubee, K.C., and J. W. Graham, St Marys, for defendant King ; RB. 8.- Robertson for defendants Frost and Mark. -It will be remembered that the accident in question was ope in which Firemao John Aikene met his death on October 3let, of last year. The prosecution received somewhat cf a set-buck as to the Graud Trunk Company's rales, when His Lordship refused to let a printed copy of these go io as evidence, holding that such oe privted document might be trua or untrue. Q 8RNTENOES PASSED. Stratford, Nov. 11.--The four rail- way meu charged with manslaughter by reason of au accident near the St. Mary's quarries, whereby John Aikens met his death, were ppm rhe re-, day at the Stratford Aesizea ury. It was founod that the company shania have bad a light at the, quarry siding, when the collision oceurred. The trial of Schneider, charged with rape, being the companion of Kantze, who had already been found guilty of uttempting rape, resulted in a verdict of guilty of an attempt to commit rape. Sentence was then pronounced upon | Kuntze, giving him two years io the pepvitentiary for robbery and two years for housebreaking. These run con- carrently with the sentence of five years for attempting rape, so that the limit of imprisonment will be five years. Schneider, Kuntze's companion in crime, whom the jury had found guilty of attempted rape, was sentenced to one year in the Central prison. H. M. Moir, of St. Mary's, already found guilty of fraudulently convert- ing money to bis use as express agent of St. Mary's, was given one month in jail. WALLACE. Councm. -The Council of Wallace met in the town hall, Gowanstowp, on the 12th of November, pursuant to adjournment, the four remaining mem- bers being present, the Reeve in the chair. The minntes of last session were adopted. The Reeve made touching address to the Counoil, re- ferriog to the sad loss which not only the Conpoil, but the whole community euffers, in the death of our esteemed friend, the late Jobo Burns, and di- rectiog tuat all monicipal work ivitiat- ed by bim be curried out in a suitable mauuer. The Conneil examined the road liste, and ordered the gravel ac- counts op the same to be entered in a bvok, avd ordirs will be issue) by the Reeve ou the 3rd of December. The following accounts were consider- el: Thamas Landerkin $3.50, Bri Srigley $1, Thos, Dungey 265c., Wil- liam Willis $2, Michael Daum $2.35, P. Wiederhold $2, Thos. Stevenson $4, Heury Jacklam $2, Joo Strovg Tic., Joseph Walker $4, Adam Strong $4. R. G. Roberte $4, John Stewart, J. P., $4, Charles Brown $3 60, Wm. J. El- iott 34, C. H. McDowell $9. Jno, I Barnett 84. Peter Kioes $50c., James Barticy $1.50, Ed Hunons $21 40, Wm Donglas $18. G. W. Smith $4.70, Isaiah airns 500 Wentzel $5, Juo. Campbell $2150, Ghris Runge $2.45, H. Roeler $1.50, Harry Smith $1.65, Treasurer of Grey $3.85, Geo. Kooh and Demman, that the [oreguing ac- counts be paid--Oarried. ove Smith and Koch, that this Council ad- journs to meet on Saturday, the 3rd day of December, to traneact general business--Carried R. G. Roper7m™ Olerk, MORNINGTON. Covnoin.--The OCounoil met at Don- vais A 's hotel on Monday, 7th Nov., ao- cording to adjournment, Members all present ; minutes of last meeting read seagided ' 0. 'outs tes this Couneil ties without the case alee to tee" % Adum McIntosh $1, D. 1 ¢ and signed, The Poot laid nh eveneg ue (ex Council agreemen he marital Ze ibe be Goelgh Tasstlon Railwa: Burnett, The Ree: re was ; il son $3, A. Beliar $10, e, MoLellan 75c, W. J. Dowd 38, J. Wateon 34, W. Aik- in $12. Moved by 8. Baruett, sesond- ed by J, G. Hamilton, that the tenders be opened for the Poole bri ried. Moved by J. G> Hamilton, sec- onded by ©. Yost, that this Connvil ac- cept the tender of the Mituhel!l Bridge Co. for $1,459 for new steel bridge at Poole--UVarried. Council adjourned to meet on the first Monday in December. J. Watson, Olerk. e--Oar- Sein gt00 dB a oe Thay cone Ppa: bax | winin ; tir ' Bek te $116.45, Gea 00, Mr cap ree Soe by the j : and this day of- Baird $47.85, B, poet eg Bick. fendet." "Is it by Asea D! Jin $11.25, J. H. Obalmers $5.75, J J: | he asked. "We quarreled today, and # Rasalor' $5, Snes Brot. $17.87, B. | shout you. He would have bought | Hill $7.50, M: Soott $57, M.Whitoey)-yon"""Oh, my master," exclaimed 966, J. O'Grady $34, J. Carson $5, ra Salome, "to save thee I must have Hoffman $1, D. Brennenian $2.68, some object upon which he has looked Mueller #1 oe ome ¥, & Fresbora today, then I can avert this evil and $6.30, W. Peffers $5, J. K -» T,| make his arms useless against thee." Connell $9.12, A. Qoerin' $7.15, D | "what You can do this?' exclaimed Kerr $31, D. Chalmers $47.50, H. |. pyatar incredulously. ners certainly. | Smith $3.50, W.Turnball $2, HB.) Give me your dagger." He drew it and | Kerr-$18 50, J. tiackey $6,'J- David- handed - to her. She held it up and, home, and she fell at his feet, exclaim- ing,."O God, receive my soul!" Then she lay dead. Iron Making Im Early History. Iron. wis used before er was edicines Loade . Alcohol- Think of;it ? The Danger You Run--Drink Habit is Easily Acquired, but Hard to Cure, Ith Careful analysia shows' that many so called' tonics contain little alse but whis key--the rankest, poorest kind of whis- ey. You may unconsciously be using an alcoholic liqaid remedy, Some mem- er of your family may be doing so. Your duty is plaiu ; stop it at once. The test of a tonic is the permanency of its cure. o become strong, you must build up the blood--alcobo! weak- ens it. You must iucrease your nerve force--aleohol steadily devoure it. Give up the liquid tonic before you become its slave. * true medicine for the run-down depressed and ner- vous is Ferrozone, It is nothing but concenvtrated cure in tablet form. It stimulates the appetite, aids digestion, fills the blood with iron, builds up in oature's way. Never known to fail. Whether weak from worry, overwork, thin blood or ill-nourished nerves, Fer- rozone will quickly make you well. It is safe and harmless, nudoubtedly the best tonic and rebaildi ine made We recommend you pee Fy Tozove if in poor health. Ferrozone, known aa a the great age tonic, costs 500. per box, ogg six for $2.50, at all coats, poll toad O. Polson & Co.; ce) Hartford, Conm written. The stone records 0! and the brick books of finial men- tion it. Genesis (ix, 22) refers to Tu- baleain as "as instructor of every ar- tificer In brass and iron," and in Deu- teronomy (iil, 11) the bedstead of the ginnt Og was "a bedstead of iron." ae galleys of Tyre and Sidon traded fh this metal. Chinese records ascrib- ed to 2,000 B. C. refer to it. Horace speaks of it as superior to bronze, The bronze age came before the iron age ecause copper, found as a nearly pure metal, easily fuses, and with another soft metal--tiu or zinc--alloys into hard bronze, while iron, found only as on ore, must have the impurities burn- ed and hammered out by great heat and force before it can be made into a tool. Not a Favorite Breed. Lovers of good, plain dogs which have been allowed to grow naturally will appreciate the story of the Eng- i lish peddler who went to a dealer in : dogs and thus described what hej wanted: "Hi wants a kind of dog about so 'igh an' so long. Hit's a kind of gry- 'ound, an' yit it ain't a gry'ound, be cause 'is tyle is shorter nor any 0' these 'ere gry'ounds an' 'is nose is shorter an' 'e aln't so slim round the y. But still 'e's a kind o' gry'ound. Do you keep such dogs?" "No," replied the dog man, "We drowns 'em." An Awkward Compliment. Jones is nothing if not gallant. Mrs. Browg is exactly the same age as her nd, but she will not admit it. husband is forty," she said to "you husb Boo, odor and a the appearance. ' It'. pare blood thut makes ne complexions, so by producing lots of vitalizing blood, building up the debilitated system, inerensing the cir- culation Ferrozone quickly brings the glow of health to faded cheeks. It's no trouble at all to beautify your looke-- simply use Ferrozone. Try it. Price 50c. at druggists. The Russian losses at the battle of the Sha river, as revised, are placed ut 33,350. McNeil and Oke, two London ponl- try fanciers, won $2,500 at the St. Louis Exposition. Why Burn Your Fiesh With acid corn salves when 25c. buys a bottle of Putnam's Painless Oorn Extractor. It's urely § vegetable, never causes soree, and acts entirely withont pain, Use only Putoam"s-- the best A PERSIAN TRAGEDY. Qeblime Courage by Which Princess Salome Escaped Her Master, James Baker, a well known traveler and writer, tells a curious story of a war 100 years ago. The Persian shah was besieging Tiflis, and the husband of the Princess Salome had been -- camp outside the walls of Tifils to the shah. He sold her to Djafar Bek, who abut her up in a castle--a part of which still fused and begged her " ten years' difference in our ages." "Impossible, dear madam," hastily hterposed Jones, anxious to say some- ng agreeable. "I'm sure you look day as young as he does. Not Serious. Shart--My dear Miss Kate, I ve a very serious question I wish to Sk you. Miss Long--What is it, pray? fr. Short--Will you marry me? Miss ong (scornfully)--Do you call that se- ious; Mr, Short? Why, I don't think ever heard anything so ridiculous, Cynical. ynicus---The propagation of the hu- race iy ringdgs. Sillieus--How do you that' out?) Cynieus--Well, if a man waited until he was renully old enough to get married he wouldn't. Foolish men mistake transitory sem- blances for eternal fact and go astray more and more, Bore on Too Menvily. "Yhis won't go for only oue stniup," sakl the village postmesies to old Un- cle Kiah as the letter bun'ed bim a bulky and much secsied missive. "Whuf for? What's de maddah wid dat?" "Too heavy," replied the postmuster, balancing it on his hand. "Umph! [ tole dut Loy so when he was a-writin' of it. I tole him be was writin' too heaby a han', but he key on a-bearin' down an' a-bearin' down on de pen, labk a lond o° hay. Tl take it back, suh, un' mek him write wid u pencil, I ain't gwine spen' no mo"2 centsea jes' fer his pigheadedness." ' The poor people of Barbadoes subsist principally on sugar cane, sweet pota- toes and fiying fish. The hand that has a lonz time held a violet doth not soon fore.o its fr: _ - a ¢ Give nature three helps, and ; nearly every case of con- sumption will recover. Fre - air, most important of 21! Cherry | ay ORT Presently ashe appeared before him, velled in a long, pure white robe, calm and stately, her face deathly pale. She advanced, her armed jailera following The Persian waved his followers mn for ane the death of my husband and son it is my destiny; there is ng other fate for me, strange po' secrets, My mother foretold I 'ould be the wife of ouuiaae wad bee resence, Shesaw #Giye me your hand," she refand James Buird his tax--Carr res r) e laid before the Council gonmanfoton tem from the powes of Elma { fad "Let there if I' shali iness happ EE OTHING GRAY, BERNIE & CO. LISTOWEL. @eeeeed OUR NEW WINTER OVERCOATS AND SUITS are all ready for your coming. Sucha FINE LOOKING LOT you never saw, All High-class Stylish Gar- ments, the Kind Fashion- able and Economical Dressers Look for. We guarantee that $1 will do aS much for you here as $1.20 elsewhere. 0200228 GRAY, BERNIE & CO. LISTOWEL ANL OWEN SOUND. " Agents for Butterick Patterns and Delineator, also Beldiog's Art Silks. W. S. BARTLEY, JEWELER. For all reliable CLOCKS, A fine assort nent" of SIVLERWARE, STERLING SILVER. WACTHES, TRY W. S. JEWELERY. BARTLEY, Wallace Street Bridge. NORTH "PERTH Farmer's Institute Supplementary Meetings Will be Held at pp terse hE TOWN HALL, MONDAY, NOV, 21, en aftern'n & 22, 1904 evg. " " " » " » 1904 MONKTON, TOWN HALL, SATURDAY, "NOV, "26, "1904, 'iverheem ani Afternoon Session, 1.30 O'clock. 1, President's Address. 2. C. W. Nash, Toronto, subjects: Chemistry of the Boil; ow Plants Grow ; Breeding of Dom- estic Animals; The Enemies of the Pea rep, and how to deal with them 3. R. 8. stevenecn, Ancaster, sub- ject A Practical Talk _on PROGRAMME Evening Session, 7.30 O'clock. : 2. C. W. Nash, Toronto, subjects: The Value of Our Birds; Our Insect Pests; Nature About the Farm, Chairman's Address. 3. RK. 8S. Stevenson, Ancaster, sub- jects; The Cream Separator on Pectoral Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. "I Giret ased Ayer's Chorry Pec tairat 3 years ago. I have seen terriblo Cases ef low eases cured hg it. Jam ever wi lont it,' Faseny gr G. Hamitros, ats riotts, Ohio. c. Av mE CO: wm "aracpitts for cadaciic 7 ery Mos | Consumption : Haaith demands ¢-.'iy action ef tha po owels,. Ald mature with Avcr's Pil's, --_-- STRAY SHEEP. Strayed from Lot 4, 2nd concession of Maryborough, about the Ist of Augast,.a DaGITY VOws; Breeding; Selecting, etc,; Growing the Corn Crop and Handling it to the Best Advantage; The Grow- ing of Root Crops, Disoussion by the Farm; The Farm Water Supply. Local Men, Mr. Stevenson is a practical dairyman, and breeder of dairy cattle. During the large exhibitions. Mr. C. W. Nash has an international reputation on the embrace Natural History, and his tal ast two years he has acted as expert judge at many of our; jects that: 6 also deal with Plant and Insect. Life, as well as the rearing and Breeding of Domestic Animals, Let there be a large attendance to make these 8 a Success. Canada's Humorous MR. EDDIE PIGOTT, oF roronro. Vocalist Will supply the Musica LLBANK of the be. progetcs at ATWOQ)), MILVERTON, CAS EAeE, Lincoln ram, aged, black faced and black leg, ny person giving information thet will lead to his recovery will be suit- ably rewarded. W. H. ARMSTRUNG, . Tralee P, O, Admission in the evening tq. ube ee above places isc. Members oe -D a. @ President, Stratford, Viee-Pres., Sebringville, Seo. i Brene., Ree rat