' Black or Green ; REMENT ROE |G ie FEN FICTUBE OF UNCLE SAM'S eats aie your woolens ?. did holes wear So soon ? both ecus ily. Pure, = and Unmat chable. 'CEYLON TEA is "Supreme." nold in bulk. 25c and "40c per T Sealed lead packets only. Never ID. By all grocers. INDESTRUCTIBLE PLANT. There is a creeping moss found in amaica, in Barbados, and called the "'life tree,"' or the "'life plant." of those of any other plant. It is other 'but lon, islands of the West. Indics whichis tie deat nr the strain: vitality are said to be beyond |, ab- | ACTS ABOUT REAL RUSSIA. The war may run into next year, Russia cannot stand Internally perce "aattooral an in boiling water er | red-hot iron divided in any | . grow and form of this extraor- placed in a closed, air- "tight, dark bax, without t moisture of any sort, and still -they grow, ----_++------_ A NEW IDEA. Tonic Treatment for Indigestion-- New Strength for the Stomacb From New, Rich Red Blood. Tho Tonic Treatment--that is the Jatest. and only scientific cure for in- digestion. All the leading doctors of Iurope and Awerica are natn it with sensational success moro purgatives, no more pepsin, no more patent faoaee te ae long dict lists |, ot cat this or in fact, but a of new, e the liver and stomach sivtauth for its ne Tonic 'Treatment for Indigestion. The tonic treatment is based on weaken its powers -- The Sleeaites orguns can never their. work nincaie until they ar strong enough to do it for them- The only thing that can give the stomach and the liver new strength is good bieod- ane the only thing that can actually make new blood is Dr. Williams' Dink Pills for Pale People. ~They have long been knowa as the greatest blood-building tenic in the world, and all the oF est. medical authorities agree the one scientific cure for Sr igeetnes is the Tonic Treatment. The mar- vellous success of the treatment has . pee Rochette, va: 'I simp ly rot with a heavy pains in the stom- uch, med to be bilious as well seemed to be undermining my constitution, 1 tried several reme- dies, but without success; a doctor whom 1 consulted advised absolute rest, but is was out of the ques- tion as I had to work for-my living. Fortunately for me, one of friends advised me to liars' Pink Pills, de After taking the pills for several weeks there was.a decided imprevement in my condition. Not coursing through my ¥eins, bringing new health and strength every day. Williams' see me now 'had seen an unwell day in ed life, I owe my splendid health to these pills, and strongly advise every dyspeptic or weak person to lose: no time im-taking them." Mr. Rochette's statement is tribute to the Tonic 'Treat- Pr. Williams' Tink Tillis cured they actually made new him. strong ment. him because rich bieod for . ake carries healing health ami strength to every part of the bedy. That is the new 'Tonic Treatment, and the highest medical authorities no recommend = this reatment for all the ments-sudch - as anaemia, heatheaches, backaches, Theumatism, eciatica. neu- ralgin, nervousness, dyspepsia gener: werkness, ese are af! caused oy beg blood and therefore-ar all 'by Dr. Williams' Tink Pills. ~ahog can gét. these pills trom any medicine dealer or by = at 50c a box, or-six boxes for 82.50 by writing to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ----4--_--_ Mr. Stubbs--"Yes, that Mra, Pur |Peunm rich atterslod the missionary mevt- ing and contributed even her jew: Jery to the peor then." Stubbs (enviously)--""Well, only a heathen would wear such jewellery ts or Fullrich carries on her rs. - y success € lriel Viaud, and |§° }} [trouble that I was finally compelled {to give up all work in my store, nn eart of grace; every SRunsian acl that falls into~ tha) t hands of Japan Is one less Ryssian 'bayonet between Poland and ther long- 'cherished dream of frcedom, Russia lis propped on her bayonets; bayon- ets stand between her and rovolv- tion. Russia no more dare danaie the Reig 2a of her t . hun Ww, thie tree, beruuse above of hornets. It is Cleese for, Rus- nto ; ia. it advisable to put half that num- ber in the field, in view of the situa- tion at home and the necessity o! guarding her Buropean frontiers. a | | Savona A MOTHER'S PRECAUTION, There is no tclling when a medicine n homes where thore are young chi thic failure to have a reliable 'medicine at --_ house. This medicine acts promptly and speedily, cures such ills as stom- ach and bowel troubles, teetiiing troubles, simple fevers, colds, w axl other little ilJs.. And the seaiitee _{contain no opiate or Harmful drug 9 One wise mother, Mrs. Geo. Hardy, ¢ |Fourc says: "I have used u, N. Baby's Own Tablets and find them a blessing to children. I am not sat- isfied without a box in the jiotse at all times."' If your dealer dors not keep these Tablets in stock send cents to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and you 'will get a box by mail post paid. 25. lft PILLS ARE DOOMED. Medicine in Future to be Taken in Vegetable Diets. The attempt is being made at the troduce iron salts inte the system in an original manner. on by t consist so far in sprinkling a solution of hydrate of iron over large beds of spinach ond other vegetables. theory starts with the fact that these | salts, in order to be kept in the body must a rus they the system which would otherwise benefit by the vital energy contained in them. The experiments have been crowned with At least a large proportion of the hydrate has been introduced into the spinach without hurting its taste in any Way, and in such fash- ion as to hecome a constituent. of the body. Similar attempts are said to have been made without suecess in Pa Gab- aro posed the spinach on sale under the name of "'ferruginous" pinach in all the among the poorer classes, it would most benefit, it is being sold at substantially less than the ordin- ary vegetable. pe TILL NOON. -- Vigorous and Well Fed. When the Doctor takes his own medicine and the grocer eats the food he recommends some confidence comes to the observer A Grocer of Ossian, Ind., hada practical oo rience vwith food worth anyone's atte ile Says: SSix years ago I became, weak from stomach and bowel anc | in fact all sorts of work, for about The last year J was, confined to the bed nearly ali af the time, and much of the time uncble sed retain food of any tomach. _, My _bowels were badly md IT lost in pounds dotn tu 38 weight from 165 nfs, "When at the bottom of the tackler ZI changed 'eeatment entirely and atarted in on 43rapo-Nuts and creain Kor nourishmasrt. T used absolutely nothing but his for about -- three months. I slowly improved until i a b le | dent has led a strenuous life, A jboxer at college, a cowboy on the plains, o 2 j}ernor of his © Bieta, Vice-President and Vienna Agricultural Institute to in- n | pin pecker ecg which are dete carried he The 'there far So The Simple Dish That Keeps Ons Suipecuslon He Makes -on the Great Majority of His. Fellow- Countrymen, There is about President Roosevelt may be said in its dealings with foreign powers, The tempcr the country una cious. It would fight more quickly, probably, tian any other large na- tion in tho world. The idea that the President also would be very prompt -- violent in resenting any m- is pretty well s up in the word "strenuous" 50 qo applied to Mr;-Roosevelt. -and--to~-the which a lives. Strenuosity is ideal the present generation of anaes, From peniiant the Presi- uate Th a lover of na East a po detective in New York, Under-Secre- tary of the Navy, a rough rider in the war with oan the leader of a noted charge up San Juan Hill, Gov- pal mMouitains, an explorer, in the finally President. Tho record tells 'the story of strenuousness of o very superior order To cap it all, the President is still a young man. IN THE MAINE WOODS, That all his strenuousness would have raised iim to the position he now occupies, unless aided and abet- means and fottucagial become uth hoe was sickly, and so was te despatched to the Maine woods, there to live in the open and still-hunt for the health that had never been his. Tho President is fond of teliing of an ad in the woods, in which he played quite an unheroic part. He was, in fact, soundly thrashed by a native. It was Roose- velt's first encounter with the Le ous life. He longed to be si high and two fect thick. on the scene of his discomfiture he vowed to attain as nearly as possible to his id. ideal, so that he might not again figure as prey for a raw bu in, With this resolve burning in his breast; he returned home and re-en- tered Harvard, where he cultivated gymnastics and the note art self~<iefarce. ROOSKVELT 'THE WESTERNE:t. Sul his health did not become all that he desired, awd young Roosevelt on completing 'his course, regolved to go West and become a cattle! p. n perso al affront ia pe i on fact. All this |" Ww. Ne oo. PAINS. Well-Knowa yarepea Contraetor "Always Has a Good Word for Dodd's Kidney Pills. Horweet. Vig Nov. 21--(Special) kin, 'the wage! en Me laid ith "For. two Ange was laid up wi Lumbago Disease. wonderful oo. by me ry thom," _ I can say I have as tiad an, since ¥ used th It just took three boxes to cure me completely." Lumfbago is one of tho results of Disease. Cure your Kidneys Dodd's Kidney Fille and you will cure your Lumbago. Picture Which the Tron Wanted Landseer to Paint. Sir George Hayter, the court pain- ter to the lafe Queen Victoria, Was at one time invited to Strathfield Saye, the home of the Duke of : Wel- lington. The duke had le 4 him sittings for his portrai fol- lowing extracts from he painter's diary, printed in the London Chron- icle, give an-amusing glimpse of the duke's ideas on art e to Sir George that there was one subject for a painting which he me like to see done well, because he consid- ered ee it would be a great lesson. He sa We a informed that all the ani- to reduce some of them to obedience: the lion, the royal tiger, aad hyena, and others; but Van Amburg has effected this. What I want Tenducce to paint for me is Van~ Amburgh,-- he is a fine, athletic man, nin d by the animals he has so well how to render obe- burgh standing upright, a fine figure of a man, - these animals lying und him, and the lamb at his feet, for he places 3 the lamb between the lion and the tiger, and they dare not to "That is you see. In an adjoining cage sheds ferocious beasts tog attempt to save himecif. and hardship he courted. became fortune. ownership of vast herds would he be re and more ter and less and less a cow-pu red the time went by. cone " ana, Wyoming and Dakot oa. gathering prairie -- increasing vigor w ' He became a Wester ny spirit, and till this day he has remained one. AS POLICE COMMISSIONER. Ith he so Roosevelt's immedi- Having acquired the hea earnestly sought, ate business in the West was at an em?, gnd he returned to the East. Soon after bis arrival we fi him active in New York politics. Hi; rough sojourn among men "with the bark on" had developed in him a de cided gift as a manager, and this, backe! by energy, ambition and fam- ily influences, made Kim a leader in State politics. So it came about that et the age of 26 he was clected delegate to a Hepublican ee . -- became one of sponsors for Benjamin Harrison. "furnished' repidiy, and in two years was a erndidate for the New York Magoralty. His defeat was re- warded im two vears -by an appoint- ment as Civii Service Commissioner, which he held for some years, all the time strengthening himself poiitical- ly. It was his work as Police Com- missicncr in New York in 1895 that first brought him prominently before J {the people who, nine yeaes later, lwere to elect him President. of the {United Stat Theodore Roosevelt iwas bore Lest oMcial of that sort 'New Vork ever fad, and what any jone man could de to reform the in- leorrigible foree he did. A NATIONAL HERO. | Ifis next step was that to Under- | Secretary the Navy, under Me- Kinley, a position he promptly re signed when the Spanish-American War troke out, in order that he might be free to organize a force of Trough riders. At the head of this hss a unit" he saw honorable service Cuhu, and had the yood sein to figure in ene or two sen- t ge eg each thy: mucsyion; this is the om at Seg erg cvnED { pe * WELLINGTON'S VIEWS ON ART. vor. used soap. bene FIND THE BLIND SPOT. know that there is one-tenth of an inch nearer than the centre. To discover this spot take, for cxamplo, two rubber- tipped -pencils and hold them tog at arm's length, directly in front of you, one in each hand, close ae t credits soarate them until about 6 inches apart, when you will find you have lost sight of rubber on the right-hand pencil. While this is a natural condition in all perfect eyes, atifl the fact will be doubted by many until it is tri Lever's Y-Z% (Wise Head) Disinfec- ant Ssap Powder dusted in Duke bath, softens the water and disin- fec Many a man who imagines he could run the earth can't even manage 4 small garden successfully. Bod-ridden 15 Years. -- 'If anybody wants a writ guarantee from me cured completely.' have no higher court your own judgment. of appeals than ne vce Sixty V Mn NuSreur has been aed 9» pins at mob ra or tha: + ocildren while uae hing. the: hild, softens t the gutta, als says p pains cy sio9 col s Mibelpemee ic Dianbun, Twety-Sre cents a Suse Hold Ladivg crits chruughout ths world. Me sure a shetur' Ma. WiNaLOw'n dourainude mie." be "My ¢ sister can play the plano beau- tifully!" "Oh, 'but you ought o hear my sister play the pandemon- jum!' Winard's Lintment Cures Blstemrer. "Yes: submarine-boats are very popular of late years. Soon the = of the world will be uncer "Yes, r and I reci:on Russia will be the first!' C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs,--A few days ago I was ' tuke, (first adi ation, taken with a severe pain and con- «traction of the cords of my leg, and en'home in a rig. I he, the that - uni- (ond the pain entircly disappeared. tho to get -- us appearing quite aware of his own great popularify, 1 the same timo recognizing in a self the humble Christian wh oes to pray and who is willingly dark in an empty chapel, PECULIAR WORSUI?. . Along the sacred road of Nikko, in Japan, is an inol about which cen- ters one of the most curious wor- ships in the world. Upon the- sur- face of the statute are seen little pieces of what appear to be dried paper. If you stand by tho idol for awhilo and ,wait for a worshipper to bits of pape in front of the. 'ieee, then scribbles a prayer on a bit of paper. ig wad he then chews up into a ba and hurls at the god. If it hits the face and kticks tho prayer is sure to be granted, and the pious pilgrim goes If the ball sticks ly no hope. i deeeneenaeetenedl THIN PEOPLE Food is not all that thin people need. Maybe. they're sick. You can't make them eat by bringing them food. But Scott's Emulsion can . val frecly as best You can use my name as you like. as : conse Py the 'remedy I ha e CHRISTOPHE a GERRY. Ingersoll, Ont. "A young married corde s first quar- rel uswally -begins with an argument about how to avoid quarrels. Hingrd's Linimanl Cues CoRgel mM CoRS. It is casy reputation as an orator remember what someone said. -- enough to acquire a one can else has Bright's Disease -- Insidious 1 Dece tive! Rolentiors! has foiled hundreds of trials by medical science to stem the tide of its ravages--and not until South American Kidney Cure prove 1 t its power to tide, was there a gicam despair for the victim of this form of kidney divcase.--54, tur of Ghything but drent Se ne~-Smalt wayside station; train Ny his master): "Here' 5 or train, -- sir.' (who has his own ideas about cor- rect : 'That's not my train, but rather the train I'm going by."' Rut it happened to be a rane train didn't stop at the station, t Sa Vv To prove w you th SS a ad Wa wnene tte bce gece 'e [Sagi for erc¥ cy 3 of itching. a ps A i cpties, tre manufacturers have guarr ateed it. ten ---- ip the daity rreas and ask your nel th think of it, You can ure ee our Some back St not cured. reas, at dealers or EDMANSON, DATES Or. Ghase's Olntmeni " LITTLE-KNOWN INVENTION. Possible 2 Saw Wood With the uman Voice. The er public has but little fknowledge of the extent and variety of . inventions which bear the name of Thomas Alva Fdison, and many : man, were he asked offhand to mention some | of the wizard's POULTRY Wo can handle your "poultry eithen alive or dressed to best advantage. oa aynd et eggs, honey and THE DAWSON | COMMISSION co. Limited borne Sts, TOR the phonograph. This the inventor it Fores the w usefulness is not apparent in it-' e Phonogra While "engaged Ba his 'inventions bi Edis earing on , found that oe 8 vibrations of the hu- 'man voice were capable of develop- ing considcrable energy, and he therefore constructed an instrument, which he first of all called a vocal engine and then a phonomotor. interesting little machine, t the Minneapolis Ex- 890, consists of bli the transmit- Position in jdiaphragm to ter of 'an ordinary telephone, and the center of which is a -- a brass rod carrying a steel pa This steel pawl acts on a ratohet<wheol with very line .teeth, mounted on a shaft carrying a fly- wheel and pg - colored disc by means of a belt o vibrations "of "the voice in "g | personally us to .my wonderful cure from rheumatism by South American Rheumatic Cure I will be the gladdest woma 1 to give it,"" says John Jeemons. ar Mlora. "I had° despair red onde up to oe time of taking thie. "wond erful remedy It, | toeth of the ratchet-whee jing a rapid rotation of the 'wheel and colored plate. A _ contin- Be the critic of your own work, and |uous sound gives the fly-wheel such that force is needed to stop it. There is not the slightest difficulty in boring a hole through a = or sawing wood by mean this instrument, so that it is ol within the ~ limits practicability for a hater with a powerful voice to alk a hole through a board,' + OPERATORS WANTED. oo building of railways,all over his Dominion is opening Ene posi- tions for telegraph opera The supply is short, the ieee good. Young men should give this calling more attention. The work is o learn, and the expense of qualify- ing is small when you attend the 'Central School of 'Telegraphy in with Toronto, which is jn affiliation the well known Central Business Co aes under Mr. Sh thoroughly reliable and offer super- ior advantages Teacher--"'I suppose you know, that in keeping vou. _< yo Harry--'Yes, m"m; : that's 9 hated I don't mind it!" Baby Humors,. --lDr. Agnew's Ointment soothes, quicts, and effects quick and effective cures in all skin cruptions com- mon to baby during teething tme. It is harmless to the hair in cases of Scald lead, and cures Ecezema, Salt Rheum and ull Skin Diseases of older people, 85 cunts.--55. "Johnny," said his mother, who had him across hor knee, "this hurts me worse than it does you."" "I wa afraid,"" i Johnny, under breath, "that cardboard I put in 1g trousers might injure her delicate hand!"' --_-- The thousands of ago Soe write to me, 63 Shiloh's. Consumption Cure fe" Tonic cured them of chronic eaters camnot all be pot ig T must be some truth in ii ind bane detanak ata: 8.C. Werrs & Co. 310 25c, Sc. $1. tader. N.Y., Toronto, Can. 1 BIGGEST ELEPHANT. There has lately arrived in one of the German ports the hide and skel- eton and tusks of the largest ele- phant' on -yecord is stated to have measured 1 in height from the forefoot to shoulder, which is no less than over 3{t. more than the tallest elephant hitherto known. Up = ng the re- cord has been held b onald- son Smith, the elo explorer, who, during his first trip to ake Rudolph, shot an elephant which stood 13ft. 4in. in height. SHIRT Made big enough for a big man to work in with comfort. Has more material in it than any other brand of shirt in Canada. Made on the H.B.K. scale it requires 3934 to 42 yards per dozen, whereas common shirts have only 32 to 33 yards. That's the reason why the H.BK. « Big" Shirt never chafes the armpits, is never tight at the neck or wrist- bands, is always loose, full and comfortable and wears well. ach shirt bears a tiny book that tells the whole his of the "Big" Shirt, and also contains a notarial declaration that the H.B.K. "Big" Shirt contains 39% to 42 yards of material per dozen, Sold at all dealers but only with this brand:-- --~-- : 4 Phillippi, HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Montreal Winnipeg Dawson 1 LONG -ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, When a "long-estabiis shed business" is spoken @, fifty or one hundred ¥ is consider ry - ble continuity in England. In Btras- burg. though, they ave ju set about repairing a buikling, '"The Sign of the Stag," a h cl eer thoygh not, of cine, by same firm, ever since before 1068, in which year a document still in ex- istence testifies to the fect that an apothetary, car- his busi sation restorations, has yielded up a treas- ure oO! coins, dating, however, only see far back as the reign of Louis --_+--------_ 1 jMinerd's Liniment Cores Colds, etc, Friend--"Why do you allow your daughter io bang the piabo so hard?" Father--"I'm hoping she'll either sprain her wrist or break the | instrument!" Control of Bronchitis got out of bed and began to move |ecatfonal encaunters. so that he came 7 : most euitatiia me ae . inks home a es hero. He became make them eat. That Emul- would probably namg the phono- <A Dhaioa 10On. i re ree 'J £2. 7 4 = rs ograph Sse) 4 5 1 amt. > > 7 * - a @overnnr is -State--hrit greedy SToqy yes a mar 2 & ie Amp a Ea and now in the past two years have/ty accent the "nomination for View 5°": . or. and there pause. He would doubt- g Leen avorking about Gfteen hours alpresident. The supreme office be.| and feeds him both. It brings | less he astonished were he told that doses that contain injurious drug: day in the store and never felt' bet- ome McKinley's death Mr. Edison has by long 'ean Tur; aT is sy ja specific narcotics--they are the pure vegetahic : . came his on Mchiniey # death. His back lost flesh h lific ( i Popsin--the medicinal extract frem this " Durlon yes I ha me s Tresident have been his | - . : scr dis 3 = Inventor vi aol me eee -- ; 'Durf~e these two years ve | anti-trust legislation, his intervent * . en oO is or any other age, hav- . 7 ' Auscious fruit, 1 the tablets are pre- - _ a or te e difficulty has been in the ad-| pared in i palaces cee 8 'a mever missed « breakfast of ere in the creat anthracite coal strike of}. No trouble anae ages ed in Kihe i = mye ned sidclatvation of encpeastiie so as to fruit itself. They cure indigestion. 60 Nuts and cream, and often trave it!y902, and his really Uiscreditable | tion, The weakest stomach | tions !n-- America alone, for which : . a fw oa box, 35 cents.-- two meats a day, but the entire |¢ourse with Panama. The Wasiling- P ver 700 patents have so far m}reach the irritated and ~inflamed aerators fe always made of Grape |ton postofMes scandal was an incident can digest Seeatiotn tac loon ta parts and not be disagreeable to the ; its and eream alone. . dministration f hi a i shez; ' Medesty is a great virtue, but ®/] Since. commencing the usc of soi pele repeals "Dresidecs 5 : 2 most of the countries of the world, | Patient. man 2 gets His salary raised 01 |Grape-Nuts Y Hate never used NY-| Roosevelt has shown courage, au-[ r, Edison's work as an inventor, Not only hus the trouble been the etren,th of it. thing to stimulate the action of the dacity and Honesty. It remains for | too, extends over a.most varied Held | overcome by Dr. Chase in his Syrup ee Pm od --_ yoy tl | ole -- pad nd -- It tas , od, t S tt': _ ted Pig iy Bd tha ae of Linseed and Turpentine, but he years, but 5 fo eeps me regu t : "9 " 1 Minard's Liniment Cures filphtherla, 4 Be, 8 PS from kis illustrious p eRsor any tes go 00 COUtS | velopment of the electric lafip, the two or three ingredients of almost * His ignorance he will never be in Unloss a man is willing to confess a position to learn. --_-- Cne Short Puff Cloars the Head. --Does you head ache? Have you pains over your eyes'? the breath offer sive? _Theso ae certain symptoms of Catarrh. gne¥"s Caturrhal Pow- of fifty years' standing it's just as ef- 'fective. 50 cents.--ST s ing stronger and heavier every day. "My~ customers, naturally, 'have been interested and I am co to answer ao erent many questions about Grape-Nuts "Some people would think that a simple dish of Grape-Nuts and cr would not carry one through to the noonday meal, but it will and in the most vigorous fashion.' Name given by Postum Co., Battle Cree, Me package for the fam- "The RKoud to Well- Look ous little book, Wille,"* ation which made William McKinley pne of the grent figures of his day. a Sane THE TALLEST MEN. -- The British professional classes are in the. world. =] a ow behii them come mates of all British class- ea. ost Burorean natives average for the adult male'5 ft. 6 in., but the Austrians, and Por ane toguse just fall Atort of this stan- dard, : Emulsion paves the way for other food. When wasted and weakened by long illness it gives strength and appe- tite that ordinary 'food can-- not give. Not only-food-- medicine too--Scott's Emul- sion of pure ¢od-liver oil. We'll send youn little to try if you like. telephone, ore-milling' machinery and storage batteries, his inventions include vote recorders, typewriters, electric pens, vocal engines, address- fruit, cast-iron drawing, electric locomotives, plate-glass, mpressed-nir appara- 'tus, peng in any otnies rs. Among these humerous inventions is one which ss }perimenting with the telephone 9 SCOTT & BOWNE, Torcato, Ont, ISSUE NO. 47-04 F * pF a ar rseeiac the making of 1s Undoubtedly Possessed by That Well- Known Family Medicine » fequal isi 7 fence and healing the disca ts and overcoming bronchitis "cl peted dangerous ail- ments: of the Grondtial tubes and of re and Turpéntine so as be pleasant to the taste and suitable for children and aduits alike remarkablo success of (Dr. of Linseed and Tur- pentine asa cure for bronchitis. agthmu, croup and Whooping cough is sufficient evidence that it is effec~ tive in onlinary coughs and cold MRS. RICHMOND WITELROW, Shu- rites:-- S3 ase's S of Linseed and Turpentine ith sou success. 3 second daughter was troubled with bronchitis from of thr is now permanent, Dr. Chase's Syrup of catag and Turpentine hag saved us doctor's bills, and I would not be. without it in tho house for many times its cost."* r. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and) > 0 Turpentine, 25 cents a bottle, at all ~ dealers or Edmanson, Bates & 'Toronto '. ture of Dr. the fi receipt book 'euthor, are on "every, bottle. come . back from time to time, but the cure ~ 'o protect you against ~~ imitations the reerrait and a < HS . W. Chase, ous '